What to bring from Lake Garda. Lake Garda is the main decoration of Northern Italy. Sanctuary of Our Lady of the Crown


Grotto of Catullus

The remains of the estate of the Roman Gaius Valerius Catullus (lat. Gaius Valerius Catullus) are known to modern holidaymakers under the name Grotte Catullo. The poet who sang greatness lived in the 1st century BC. Scenic views of the mountains and lake valley fed his muse. Thanks to this, Catullus built his villa on the shores of what was then Lake Benac. The ruins of the once luxurious house were discovered again only in the 15th century. At that time they were poorly cleared and looked like water grottoes.

Adjacent to the estate big park, filled with olive trees and fragments of a large villa darkened by time. A walk in such scenery is akin to a short walk into the past.

Healing spring Boyola

The healing spring of Boyola (Italian: Fonte Boiola) is famous for its waters that heal many unpleasant diseases. Seething streams of water saturated with iodine, sulfur and bromine burst out of the bowels of the earth at a temperature of 70 0 C!

Procedures in the Boyol thermal baths help people get rid of skin diseases, relieve rheumatism and chronic ear inflammation. However, visiting the thermal spring located on the territory Hotel Fonte Boiola Travelers who are completely healthy and satisfied with life are invited. A complex of SPA treatments, as well as extremely useful activities for maintaining beauty and health, will satisfy the desires of even the most capricious client.


Another Lombardy city, Salo (Italian: Salò), is famous for its wide variety of water activities. The complex of villas in which members of the government of the Italian Social Republic, as well as personally Duce Mussolini (1942-43) were located serves as a historical landmark.

The town of Desenzano del Garda (Italian: Desenzano del Garda) enchants with its views of the lake. Walking through the streets of this city you can endlessly enjoy the smooth, mirror-like waters of Garda.

Art lovers will be interested in visiting the Cathedral of St. Mary Magdalene. Desenzano del Garda has excellent development tourism infrastructure. Activities include sailing, surfing and scuba diving. And when night falls on the city, young and energetic people will find something to do with themselves; numerous clubs and discos hospitably open their doors.

A small town with the citrus name Limone sul Garda (Italian: Limone sul Garda) also belongs to the Lemon Riviera. The western shore of Lake Garda is the most northern point, in which citrus trees bear fruit and ripen.

Residents of the city are big fans of the fruits they produce. Isn’t this where their record longevity lies? Small city not subject to fuss and anxiety, it will offer its guests delicious home-cooked meals, leisurely walks and an almost rustic pastoral setting. Limone sul Garda is an excellent holiday destination for families, especially those traveling with children.


On the eastern shore of the lake is the town of Malcesine (Italian: Malcesine). Not only is it amazingly beautiful, but it is also closely related to the life of the German poet Johann Goethe. Travelers will be able to visit the city's museums and climb to the top of Mount Baldo using the funicular. And in the evenings, from the hilly terrain of Malcesine, the beautiful view where weddings are often held.

By the way, the air currents descending along the mountain slopes provide excellent opportunities for fans of windsurfing and parachuting.

  • Recommended hotels in Malcesine
  • An example of a wedding on Lake Garda in the Scaliger Castle

Gardone Riviera (Italian: Gardone Riviera) is a kind of place for elite holiday in the valley of Lake Garda. Luxurious villas, fragrant nature, huge Botanical Garden named after Andre Heller, create an indescribable atmosphere. During the times of Tsarist Russia, rich and powerful people often visited this resort.


Another historical wonder of Lake Garda is the Arco Castle (Italian: Castello di Arco). According to some information, the castle was built somewhere around 1000 AD.

tall towers buildings rise like candles on a steep mountain slope in the Trentino region. Built by wealthy residents of the province, Arco Castle managed to be in the hands of many noble families, including the Scaliger family. The careful restoration of this ancient fort made it possible to restore numerous frescoes dating back to the Middle Ages.

Riva del Garda

The main attraction of the city (Riva del Garda) are the ducks, which can rightfully be called the real owners local beaches. The beaches themselves are a lawn with a very narrow strip of pebbles. This place is ideal for a measured, calm family vacation with kids

Excursions in Russian

Verona and the Garda coast are also connected by bus. Routes No. 162 and 163 will travel along a winding serpentine road for about 45-50 minutes. At the same time, passengers will be able to admire the views and get off at one of the stations: Bardolino, Garda, Lazise, ​​Malcesine, Riva del Garda. This ends our short walk along the shores of Lake Garda.

We hasten to assure you that this is not all the charm mountain valley. Believe me, the beauty of the Italian Alps and the gentle bliss of the Garda coast cannot be expressed in words. You have to experience all the cheerfulness of this hospitable region for yourself!



Garda, my favorite lake in northern Italy, is not easy to see. If you come in the summer, at the height of the season, you won’t see anything: the beauty will be hidden behind the monolithic crowd of vacationers. In winter, at the risk of dying from the dampness and piercing wind, you will run from bar to bar, studying the lake from lithographs covering antique holes in the walls of establishments. And only the demi-season months of April and October provide a chance not just to see, but to get a good look at the “fjord” stretching for fifty kilometers, on the shores of which great melancholics have regularly settled for the last two millennia.

For its bays sandwiched by mountains, Garda is compared to the Norwegian fjords

The word “fjord” has to be put in quotation marks when applied to Garda, because it is a lake, not sea ​​bay. But bring any connoisseur here blindfolded to the music of Grieg, and anyone, seeing a narrow strip of water sandwiched between the rocks, will believe that he is in Norway. This is how you have to come to Garda, “blindfolded” - under the cover of darkness. And start the journey not from the wide southern tip, but from the corner in the north of the lake in the town of Riva del Garda, where the lake pretends to be a Norwegian fjord. Run to the embankment in the morning and gasp at the grandiose view: soft folds of gray mountains, white clouds clinging to rocks, water covered with a giant shadow eastern shore. By noon, the sun hangs directly above the lake, and the theatrical effect disappears, but at sunset in the Gardesan theater under open air give the second act: the wind subsides, the ripples pass, and the mountains, painted pink, are reflected in the mirror of pink water. And tears, even without Grieg, flow from my eyes.

Day one: Rovereto, Pantheon of Contemporary Art

After enjoying the morning views of the lake from the window of my room, I drove... away from Garda - up into the mountains, towards Rovereto. Strange? Not at all. There are several points along the road from which Garda appears in all its glory. In addition, in Rovereto, which has a population of forty thousand people, there is a Mart, the Museum of Contemporary Art of Trento and Rovereto, and this museum was strongly recommended to me by my Italian comrades.

Serpentine followed serpentine, one postcard view followed by another, until beyond the pass the lake disappeared from view. And another Italy began. Actually, there are three different Italys. The first consists of Florence, Garda, Rome, the island of Capri, the vineyards of Tuscany, Vesuvius, the canals of Venice, Juliet's balcony and other beauties that are recognizable and protected by the world community. The second Italy is a country of motorways. You rush along it at a speed of 150 kilometers per hour, barely noticing mountains, gorges, rivers and stopping only to refuel at Autogrill stations. The Third Italy is a gigantic industrial zone, filling all the space between the first and second. As soon as you leave the historic center of the city or leave the highway, rows of warehouses, piles of factory buildings and giant farms begin. All this stretches to the next historical center or highway entrance. Some people see only the first Italy, others go straight from the highway to large shops and villages selling goods at discounts, the third one is something only a few want to see and are noticed by only a few.

Lake Garda, like everything large, is visible only from a distance and only from above

So, the Garda disappeared over the pass, and before entering the historical center of Rovereto I found myself in Italy number three with all its warehouses and canneries. There was no way to bypass it, and there was no need: the Italy of the industrial zone is just as beautiful as postcard Italy. It’s just beautiful in other ways: you see how passionately and tirelessly the Italians work, how everything we love is created - from Gucci bags to mortadella, how cheese matures and wine ages, how cars and motorcycles are assembled. Moreover, in this Italy the food is much better than in the first (not to mention the second).

Thanks to the Almighty for the navigator, I reached Rovereto, found the museum and its parking lot, and soon found myself in a square covered with a dome of expired steel. The forty-meter dome, designed by architect Mario Botta, turns out to be the same size as the roof of the Roman Pantheon. Like the Pantheon, in the center of the dome there is a hole through which precipitation can get inside.

Portraits of Gardezans different years at the Mart Museum in Rovereto

The museum itself is located around a square covered with a dome, all the halls are looped. Convenient: architecture leaves no choice, you go and go, move from room to room, without being able to leave the orbit of contemporary art. Architecture is perhaps the most interesting thing that can be found in Mart. No, all art is interesting, all the exhibitions in the museum are made inventively and with compassion for the visitor, and if you are drawn to see local artists of the last and the century before last, Mart is just the place to go, but if there are more important things to do, you can safely not go to Rovereto. Moreover, in Riva del Garda there is also a museum and it also has paintings.

Returning to Riva, I spent the evening in the company of fish and whites from Trentino at the restaurant Il Re della Busa, right in the Lido Palace. Chef Giuseppe prepared pasta with lake perch (I'm willing to order perch just because of the name: perch is called "peach" in Italian) and grilled Gardesan eel. For dessert I decided to explore the hotel. The original Lido Palace, built in 1899 (its guests included Archduke Franz Ferdinand, Grand Duchess Olga Alexandrovna, and King Victor Emmanuel III) was reconstructed several years ago. Another floor (fortunately airy, made of glass) was added to the belle époque style building, and a rusty metal structure appeared in front of the façade facing the lake. A restaurant and a swimming pool were hidden under the structure. Interestingly, the luxurious hundred-year-old park was not damaged during the reconstruction.

Spaghetti with lake perch ragu ("peach") - a specialty of the restaurant Il Re della Busa at the Lido Palace Hotel

Day two: Gargnano, “lemon riviera” and “bad villa”

The next morning along Gardesana Occidentale, a road along west coast Guards, I went to Gargnano, the center of the Lemon Riviera. “Lemon” because excellent lemons are grown on the local terraces. I once stayed at the Riviera dei Limoni in one of best hotels in the world, in Grand Hotel a Villa Feltrinelli. The villa is famous not so much for its incredible park, lemon terraces, architecture, but even more for one of the owners and one of the guests.

The last owner of the villa from the Feltrinelli family was Giangiacomo Feltrinelli, the founder of the Feltrinelli publishing house, which first published Doctor Zhivago, a friend of Che Guevara and Fidel. And the most famous guest is Benito Mussolini, who in 1943–1945 led the Italian Social Republic, known as the Republic of Salò, from the villa. The villa preserves Mussolini's marble bath, the apartments of his confidential Clara Petacci, and a bomb shelter. The bathroom can be used by any guest who has rented the Duce’s room, and the bomb shelter now has a wine cellar. Thick walls to maintain temperature and humidity finally came in handy.

Another site in Gargnano that does not have plaques is the Feltrinelli Palace, the former building of the Duce's government, now a branch of the University of Milan. Right behind the palace is the embankment. I spent the day there, exposing my face to the sun and only at dusk moving to La Tortuga di Orietta, the best restaurant in Gargnano with a Michelin star. Since there was no need to inspect the hotel, I gave the spaghetti with lake fish ragu and the Gardesan whitefish everything in full.

Palazzo Feltrinelli in Gargnano is a mute witness to the most turbulent years of recent Italian history

Clara Petacci, Mussolini's friend, fell asleep on this bed and under this chandelier in Villa Fiordaliso.

Day three: Gardone Riviera, home of the main Italian dandy

On the third morning, still following the same Gardesana Occidentale, I reached Gardone Riviera, a town in which another Italian troublemaker and megalomaniac, Gabriele d’Annunzio, erected a memorial for himself during his lifetime. With the modest name Vittoriale degli Italiani (roughly - “Sanctuary of Italian victories”). Writer, playwright, author of decadent poems, including the romance “Dawn separates light from darkness,” which was immortalized by Enrico Caruso, dandy, military man and even dictator (in 1920, for 130 days, he ruled the Republic of Fiume, which he also proclaimed), d' Annunzio was generally a master of apt words. For example, it was he who in 1918 came up with the name for the huge Milan department store - La Rinascente, “reborn”, meaning, of course, his beloved Italy. So the memorial, which the poet began to build in 1921, when the “rebirth” of the country was in full swing, he named it so that everyone would immediately understand who the true Italian was here.

On the most high point a mausoleum of the writer and his friends was built on the estate of Gabriele d'Annunzio

​Having settled in a 16th-century villa confiscated from a German historian after the First World War, D’Annunzio was finally able to carry out his imperialist plans. Mussolini preferred to keep the eccentric writer in a golden cage far from Rome and gave him hectares of land in the area (a couple of thousand years earlier, a similar thing happened with another poet, Valerius Catullus, who also settled on Garda, or on Lake Benac, as it was called then) . The government created state funds to finance the purchase of plots for D’Annunzio, the army gave him gifts like an airplane, on which the poet flew to “bomb” Vienna with proclamations, and the military frigate “Puglia” (it was brought to the estate and installed on a hill). On D'Annunzio's estate they built an amphitheater (performances are still performed today), a museum and a library, then they designed a mausoleum for the owner and his associates (construction was completed only in the 1950s, twenty years after D'Annunzio's sudden death from a heart attack, and although the Duce gave the poet a state funeral; the ashes were transferred to the mausoleum only in 1963).

The main curiosity of Garda is the house of the poet D'Annunzio: the Italian branch of both the Lenin Library and the Museum of Decorative Arts

Even today, dignitaries can be received in D’Annunzio’s house. The table is already set

But the main curiosity of the estate-sanctuary remains D’Annunzio’s house. It is gloomy: the owner’s eyes, damaged by a flash from a bomb explosion during the war, could not stand the bright light. The rooms are filled with books (about ten thousand volumes in total) and various collections of tortoiseshell combs, bottles, images of deities, porcelain figurines, paper knives (more than thirty thousand items). Two offices: one next to the bedroom - in case inspiration strikes on the bed, the other under the roof. There is even a separate room with medicines (the poet, of course, was a hypochondriac).

I started to feel unwell myself and went down to the lake to Villa Fiordaliso, a small hotel with a Michelin star restaurant. I knocked on the door, they opened it for me, took me through all five rooms (Clara Petacci lived in one, who, in addition to the apartments at Villa Feltrinelli, wanted to have her own place at a distance), showed ancient tower, standing in the Garda water, was brought into a restaurant and seated at a table. If I had entered the villa in the summer, there would definitely not have been a place for me, but, out of season, they treated me like an exposed Michelin inspector. And yes, the nasturtium pesto and dove with figs were excellent.

With them my cultural and historical weekend ended. I once again promised myself that on my next trip I would stay for a week, get to Salo, the Roman ruins in Sirmione, and the fishing town of Peschiera del Garda. That, instead of the monument to the madness of Gabriele d’Annunzio, I will certainly move to the monument to human love - Verona, which is half an hour away. That in the north of Garda, where the paths are laid along the shore, I will see a couple more sunrises. And then he went to watch the sunset. Once again I didn’t need Grieg.

You just want to jump from the bathing bridges into the clear lake water. True, swimming in it even in summer is a feat

Where to stay, eat and experience around Lake Garda


Lido Palace Hotel

The building, built in 1899, was rebuilt and a restaurant and swimming pool were opened in the park.

Restaurant Il Re Della Busa

Try capelloti with pike and spaghetti with perch ragu. Through panoramic windows you can view the park.

Viale Giosuè Carducci, 10, lido-palace.it, dinner from €65.

Spiaggia Degli Olivi

A former beach pavilion built in the 1930s. Risotto with lake tench and grilled Gardesan whitefish are good, but the place may be closed on sailing regatta days.

Via Giardini di Porta Orientale, dinner from €40.

Museo Alto Garda (Mag)

The museum is located in the coastal castle of Rocca, rebuilt by the Austrians into garrison barracks. Climb Mastio Tower for a bird's eye view of Riva.

Piazza C. Battisti, 3/A, museoaltogarda.it, from 10:00 to 18:00, except Mon (daily in summer), ticket €3, child €1.50.


Mart Rovereto

The museum contains contemporary art, with late XIX century to the present day, in a building - a masterpiece of modern architecture.

Corso Bettini, 43, mart.trento.it, Tue - Thu from 10:00 to 18:00, Fri - from 10:00 to 21:00, Sat - Sun from 10:00 to 20:00, ticket €13, children's €9.


Grand Hotel A Villa Feltrinelli

The Feltrinelli family villa was purchased from the Italian Republic by the legendary American hotelier Bob Burns and installed 13 rooms in the main building and 7 more in the garden. Best views from the octagonal tower suite.

Via Rimembranza, 38–40, villafeltrinelli.com, rooms from €1,050, including breakfast, drinks in the bar, aperitif and laundry.

Restaurant La Tortuga Di Orietta

Order spaghetti with ragu of lake fish and Gardesan whitefish with local capers, lemons and tomatoes - the restaurant was awarded a Michelin star largely for them.

Via Ventiquattro Maggio, 5, dinner from €65, tasting menu “Aromas and Flavors of Garda” (starter, pasta, main course and dessert) - €85.


Hotel Villa Fiordaliso

Historic Gardesan villa on the water. The hotel has only five rooms, so it is better to book a room a month or two in advance. Please note - the hotel does not have an elevator.

Corso Zanardelli, villafiordaliso.it, rooms from €250.

Restaurant Villa Fiordaliso

Another Michelin star in the Garda area. Choose between linguine with nasturtium pesto and sea truffle, grilled lake eel with caramelized garlic and pigeon with wild mushrooms and figs, with foie gras sauce.

Corso Zanardelli, villafiordaliso.it, dinner from €80, 6-course tasting menu €120.

Vittoriale Degli Italiani

The museum-memorial of the dandy, eccentric and enfant terrible Gabriele D'Annunzio makes it possible to understand that genius and madness are very often things that go together.

Beach holiday on Lake Garda is not only a great chance to bask in the rays of the friendly sun and swim in warm water, but also an opportunity to improve your health and enjoy beautiful nature and visit the best places. Why do we use the concept " best places"? Because relaxation often means the opportunity to sunbathe in the sun and swim in cool and clean waters. Swimming season opens in June and lasts until August; some areas await tourists as early as early May. During tourist season the air temperature rarely drops below +25°C, the water warms up to +26°C, which is an ideal indicator for increasing immunity and preventing many diseases, as well as preserving beauty and youth.

Depending on the location of the beach, the entrance to the lake may be sandy or pebble, and algae may be found in the water. In some places where the entrance to the beach is pebbly, it is not very convenient to enter the water, because it is very slippery, or there are large stones at the bottom, which make entering the water difficult. Usually there, a few meters from the beach, you can buy special rubber slippers. Therefore, before diving and frolicking in the water, first explore the area a little.

All public beaches offer special equipment for active water recreation, as well as roller skates and bicycles. In hotels near the tourist area, you can visit the SPA. Thanks to this, many beaches have been created around the lake, which attract vacationers not only from Italy, but also from other countries of the world.

Features of a beach holiday in Desenzano

Photo http://www.ilcorrieredelgarda.info

There are several options for holidays depending on the needs and capabilities of vacationers. For lovers of more secluded and elite rest is suitable Lonato del Garda beach Coco Beach. Visitors have the opportunity to use comfortable sun loungers and dance at the party. There are kiosks selling drinks and food on the beach, and the entrance to the lake is partly sandy. Opening hours are from 10 am to 7 pm; on weekends the beach opens to visitors an hour earlier.

It’s good and free to relax on the beaches Desenzanino, it is located near the city center, the entrance to this beach is sandy. Also not far from the center, towards the city of Sirmione, you can relax on a small beach. There are not many tourists there; mostly only locals know about its existence.

Beach Porto di Rivoltella And SpiaggiaD'oro are not so close to the city center. But don’t let this bother you, because there is the opportunity to take a sunbed and an umbrella and relax all day, there is also a kiosk with food and drinks, a convenient toilet, in addition, there is a large parking lot next to the beach, and a trampoline park has recently been opened for children. Spiaggia d'Oro beach is ideal for families with children, because the entrance to the beach is sandy and at the beginning it is not at all deep. To the beach La Zattera Dogs allowed. The access to the water is sandy. A beach holiday is suitable for vacationers of any age and social status.

Beach holiday in Peschiera del Garda

Photo from the site http://www.nauticapioppi.it/images/gallery/spiaggia/spi16.jpg

An excellent holiday option for those who love variety and picturesque nature. There is a campsite here Ai pioppi, which welcomes high-class guests and gives its name to one of the beaches. Depending on your preferences, you can choose a sandy, rocky or grassy access to the water. There are free showers and toilets everywhere.

The credit goes to her water slide, equipped specifically for disabled people. In addition to the above advantages, it is equipped small areas relax with drinks and delicious food.

The beach is also beautiful Lido Cappucini with its comfortable sun loungers and umbrellas. For tourists who come by their own transport, there is the possibility of parking next to the beach. For children there is a small playground with slides, swings and trampolines. Not far from this place is the BAU recreation area. Here you can spend the whole day with your dog. Guests can enjoy 30 sun loungers and a free toilet.

Beach holiday in Sirmione

Local beaches are among the most visited. All of them are divided into three types: pebble-sand, calcareous and plant. Regardless of the type, all recreation areas are equipped in first class and have everything you need for a quality vacation.

The most big beach in and in the northeast of the country is the Lido delle Bionde. It is located in a romantic bay, surrounded by ancient Roman villas and ancient trees. The recreation area is completely sheltered from the winds, which ensures maximum comfort for vacationers.

Comfortable sun loungers are provided for use, there is a toilet and showers. For those hungry on site Lido delle Bionde There are cafes and bars offering snacks and drinks at affordable prices. There is a parking lot.

Among the free beaches of Sirmione, the most interesting are: Grotte diCatullo And Santa Maria di Lugana. The first one can only be reached by boat. The secluded location and convenient access to the lake attracts tourists who just love to lie on the warm sand.

Tourist area Santa Maria Di Lugana located near the center of Lugana di Sirmione and is famous for its picturesque meadows and playgrounds. In addition to a cafe and toilet, there is an opportunity to rent a catamaran and swimming equipment on the beach. The entrance to the beach is pebbly and sometimes there are small algae.

Beach Spiaggia Brema located 3 km from the historic center, towards the city of Desenzano. The beach is free, but if you wish, you can rent a sun lounger or a catamaran, play volleyball, or have a snack in local restaurant. The entrance to the beach is pebbly.

Pebble beach Spiaggia PortoGaleazzi, located near the historical center of the city. This beach is also free, but if you wish, you can rent a sun lounger, catamaran, canoe, motor boat, windsurfing equipment, or take several lessons in this sport. Children can jump on the trampoline. Tourists have several restaurants, cafes and pizzerias at their disposal.

Beach Spiaggia Punta Grò located between Sirmione and Peschiera. This beach is free, the entrance to the beach is pebbly, but sometimes there is small algae. The beach is equipped with showers, changing rooms, and there is a rental of catamarans and sun loungers. There is free parking near the beach.

Beach holidays in Riva del Garda

The most famous recreation area in this area is Pine Beach, located at the end of the forest. Tourists have the opportunity not only to bask in the rays of the hot sun, but also to hide in the shade and coolness of pine branches.

Most of the vacationers here are young people. Especially for them, annual beach volleyball and football competitions are organized on Sosnovy Beach. The access to the lake is rocky.

Beach Sabbioni is one of the most comfortable and well-equipped. The exit to the lake is covered with gravel. Next to the recreation area there is a hotel where you can rent sun loungers, umbrellas and outdoor equipment.

There is also an indoor pool, basketball court, gym, showers, toilets and parking. There is a park near the tourist area, there are play areas for children with a trampoline and attractions. In cozy cafes and restaurants you can try local and European cuisine.

Pebble beach Miralago, located near Sabbioni, is more suitable for a passive and relaxing holiday. It is surrounded by beautiful meadows and picturesque nature.

Charming Punta San Virgilio in the Bay of Sirens

One of the most beautiful and most picturesque places throughout Italy. A wonderful park, a well-maintained beach, and excellent service attract tourists from all over the world. In the territory Punta San Virgilio There are safe attractions for children, restaurants and disco bars. You can rent surfing and diving equipment, as well as boats and catamarans.

Dogs are allowed here, but they must be walked strictly on a leash. Entrance to the beach is paid, and good parking spaces are available for visitors. Tourists are expected in this wonderful place in mid-May. There is a free beach within walking distance from here. Il Corno, famous for its gentle entrance to the lake and crystal clear water.

As you can see, it is no coincidence that Lake Garda is compared to heaven on earth. Once you get here, you will never want to leave. Tender sun and friendly people will not let your vacation go in vain, and you will be left with pleasant emotions and memories, as well as a desire to return here

Having traveled up and down all 4 of the most famous northern Italian lakes (Garda, Como, Lugano and Maggiore), I made an unequivocal conclusion for myself - for a long summer holiday The lake is best. You can argue which lake is more beautiful, which is more secluded, where better hotels and beaches. Here everyone has their own opinion, but this article is not about that, but about where vacations are more interesting and varied.

On the lake Maggiorebest place to live in Stresa (Stresa) or in Verbania (Verbania), these are the most Beautiful places, from which you can take a boat to visit the amazing Borromean islands of Pescatore, Bella and Madre with two magnificent castles, you can climb the mountain Mottarone (Mottarone) http://www.stresa-mottarone.it/ and ride down from there on a mountain bike or ride the luge-rail track up there. Near Stresa there is beautiful park around the villa Pallavicino ( Parco della Villa Pallavicino) http://www.parcozoopallavicino.it/ , and boats depart from the pier to Swiss Ascona. A circular railway-water route is also proposed, but I’m not sure that this is interesting - I drove by car through the places where it runs and didn’t see anything outstanding. So, I think it’s worth staying on Lago Maggiore for 2-3 days, no more.

Lake ComoMost often we perceive it as the place where George Clooney lived in his villa in the recent past. He sold the villa, but many famous people They still own property here to this day. The lake is remote from the main tourist routes, the banks are steep, the roads are narrow. All this makes it a little less accessible than other lakes, which is what attracts high society here. The main local entertainment is boat trips and visiting public parks and villas. This is for us tourists, but the mighty of the world This, apparently, is where they simply find peace and solitude.

Lake Lugano and is not remarkable at all, except for the very Swiss Lugano- a solid, calm, but not very outstanding city. There is also a miniature park “Switzerland in Miniature” (Swissminiatur), but it clearly does not live up to the Klagenfurt “Minimundus” (Minimundus), not until “Mini Italy” (Italy in miniature) in Rimini.

And finally, the lake. Main tourist centers Three coastal towns can be considered: Sirmione, Riva del Garda, Malcesine in conjunction with Limone sul Garda. You can stay in them, but if you want more peace and quiet, then any place from Malcesine before Torri del Benaco. This coast, in my opinion, is the best for living, both in terms of beauty, location relative to all attractions, and price-quality ratio. The water in the lake is clean and warms up to 24 degrees in summer, so swimming is quite possible, only the beaches are rocky, there are no sandy ones.So, what can you visit, how to have fun on Lake Garda, where to go and what to see.

1. Limone sul Garda

Strictly speaking, from any point on the lake you can swim to Limone Sul Garda to the country of “limonia”, where, indeed, lemons grow and limoncello, a sickly sweet lemon liqueur, is sold at every turn.

2. Mount Monte Baldo

The climb up the mountain is memorable for its gorgeous panoramas and llamas grazing in the high-mountain meadows. It costs 20 euros, you need to come early, there may be a long queue by mid-day. For extreme sports enthusiasts, there is another form of entertainment - going down on a mountain bike; you can rent a bike right there at the lower station of the funicular. And don't forget that it can be cold and windy at the top.

3. Sirmione

The main city of the lake is definitely Sirmione(Sirmione). Himself geographical position very unusual. A long peninsula, several kilometers wide at the base and several hundred meters wide at the end, is separated from Sirmione by a channel and the powerful walls of the Scaliger fortress. In fact, it is an island, and a very beautiful one at that.

My favorite route starts with climbing the fortress and then walking along the right bank to the public beach. The path runs along the shore and in one place there are pipes for discharging excess thermal water directly into the lake, as evidenced by the obvious smell of hydrogen sulfide. Take a photo on the pier and then climb up through the olive grove with comfortable benches for relaxation. On the road turn right towards the villa Catullo. There is little left of the villa of the ancient Roman poet, and the need to visit the ruins for a fee always makes me doubtful, but from the entrance there will be a beautiful panorama, so the walk makes sense. On your way back, turn right in the direction of the ancient church Chiesa di San Pietro in Mavino.

Then, continuing forward, you will go to the Baths of Catullo and further to the shopping and entertainment part of the city. The Baths of Catullo are small and purely therapeutic and relaxing. Hot hydrogen sulfide water is supplied to small outdoor swimming pools, in which you just need to soak. They have no other entertainment. The town itself is untouched by modern urban planning and is distinguished by its cleanliness, abundance of flowers, shops, restaurants and other tourist delights. And, of course, crowds of vacationers during the high season.

4. Gardaland

6. Safari Park and Zoo

A very green place, a good place to spend time with children, take a walk, and look at the animals. For example, the enclosure where rhinos and hippos live together is very funny, because in the wild they are not neighbors. If you arrive by car, then drive straight to the gate. They will sell you a ticket from the window, and you will be able to drive your car through the safari park. That is, you will slowly drive through an area where animals roam freely, and only then, after parking your car, you can visit a classic zoo.

7. Sigurta Park

A very large private park, worth at least half a day to explore. You can explore it on foot or rent a bicycle or an electric car, similar to those used on golf courses.

8. Trip to Verona

From almost any city you can get to Verona by regular bus. The city is famous and undoubtedly interesting. The history, dating back to the times of the Celts and Romans, is forever imprinted on the marble pavements. The city of Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, rulers from the Scaliger dynasty and the great Dante, has only one significant drawback - it is too touristy. The stream of people wanting to rub Juliet’s bronze breasts never dries up for a minute, neither in winter nor in summer, nor on weekdays, nor on weekends. In addition to historical monuments, tourists are attracted by the boutique street Via Giuseppe Mazzini, where the best brands of almost all fashion houses in the world are presented. Come to Verona, but be prepared for human noise, hustle and bustle. There are many restaurants in the center, but almost all of them are aimed at tourists. The best place, where I had lunch is http://www.listonristorantepizzeria.it/, and their best dish is “Spaghetti allo Scoglio” (spaghetti with shellfish and fruits of the sea).

9. Varone Waterfall

The Varone Waterfall is located near Riva del Garda, but you can’t get there on foot. The waterfall is interesting because the water falls in a cave, and not in the open air. The spectacle is interesting and pleasant, especially when it’s +30º outside in the shade.

10. Thermae Aquardence

Modern baths halfway from Verona to Lake Garda http://www.aquardens.it/. Getting to them other than by car is problematic. The water is thermal, but without a pronounced smell or taste. Large spaces of water indoors and outdoors make swimming comfortable, even with a large number of visitors.

11. Baths of Catullo

Located in the historical part of Sirmione, they are the most famous and popular. The smell of hydrogen sulfide water is not very pleasant, but its beneficial properties and the view of the lake compensate for this drawback. The thermal baths are small, the number of visitors is limited, there is nowhere to swim, you can only lie in the outdoor pools and relax.

12. Thermal Villa Cedri

The pools are located directly in the park in the shade of large trees. This is the main attractive side of this hydrotherapy complex http://www.villadeicedri.it/.

13. Outlets

There are two outlets located approximately at the same distance from Sirmione. One near Mantua http://www.mantovaoutlet.it/. The other one is near Brescia http://www.franciacortaoutlet.it/. Both feature not very well-known brands of clothing and shoes of average quality. There are not many expensive shops. For luxury brands, you should go to Verona or to the outlet http://www.mcarthurglen.com/, located 30 km from Venice.

14. On a boat through coastal towns

15. On foot and by bike

It’s great that starting from Riva ( Riva del Garda) and to the town of Garda there is a cycling and walking trail along the coast. In other places there are also long lakeside promenades, with the exception of the western rocky shore, where, in principle, there is little life. This sets Garda apart from many other lakes. Even if somewhere the path is blocked by a private villa or hotel grounds, the path will go around them and again go out to the water. You can walk along the beautiful coast for several hours and return home by bus or boat.

Result: Garda is one of the most beautiful and interesting lakes Northern Italy. Tropical nature against the backdrop of the snow-capped Alps, clear water, chic and elegance of a fashionable resort combined with excellent cuisine and local wine will not leave anyone indifferent. Great holiday You are guaranteed!

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Dmitry Sokolov

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Rome, Florence, Milan, Venice and others popular cities Italy is overcrowded with tourists from all over the world and their number does not decrease from year to year. But in this country, in addition to the rich architectural and historical heritage, there is still something to see - there are many incredibly beautiful and amazing places and in this article we will talk about one of them.

Lake Garda

Photo: Shutterstock.com

Garda is the largest and most picturesque lake in Italy, located at the foot of Alpine mountains. The lake shore is a favorite vacation spot for Italians and is becoming more and more popular among tourists.

There are many towns and villages around the lake. The most famous: Sirmione, Gardone Riviera, Limone, Riva del Garda, Torbole, Malcesine, Bardolino. There is a very short distance between the cities, sometimes up to several hundred meters, so if you stop in one place, you can easily explore the neighboring ones.

The easiest way to get here is from Verona; the distance between the city and the lake is only 44 kilometers, and the journey takes half an hour.



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IN small town Riva del Garda, where geese, ducks and swans walk freely through the streets and are not at all afraid of people, windsurfing is extremely popular. And this is where you should go for boarding and sailing. Rental companies provide all sports equipment. A set of equipment will cost approximately 100 euros per day, and classes with instructors will add another 40 euros to the cost.

On the promenade of Riva del Garda there are a large number of bars and cafes where windsurfers and young people relax. Therefore, for drive and party, come here.


Photo: unsplash.com / @barchpou

For amateurs hiking in the mountains there is an excellent opportunity to trek through the Alps. laid in the mountains great amount routes, from one-day to multi-day, from simple to very difficult. The route map can be downloaded in advance on the Internet (for example,), or purchased at the reception of any hotel located on the lake shore.

A large number of trekking routes begin in the village of Musaga, located a few kilometers from the shore of the lake. All routes are marked with signs, so it will be extremely difficult to get lost. The routes go through chestnut groves, where you can pick delicious chestnuts, and lead to alpine meadows, where cows that look like they came straight out of a Milka advertisement graze. And in mountain villages you can buy real Alpine milk and honey.


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Trips to mountain biking They are very popular among tourists here. Depending on your level of physical fitness, you can go to the mountains, putting a fair amount of strain on your legs, or take a leisurely ride along the coast, driving around medieval cities and small villages with cypress and olive groves.

As with trekking routes, there are a huge number of cycling routes, a map of which can be purchased at any hotel.

The cost of renting a bicycle is: for an hour - 3 euros, for half a day - 10 euros, and for the whole day - 15 euros.

What to visit

Sanctuary of Our Lady of the Crown

Photo: Shutterstock.com

20 kilometers from Garda in the village of Spiazzi, in the recess of Mount Baldo on sheer cliff there is a temple - the Sanctuary of Our Lady of the Crown. The temple was built in the 15th century on the site where a monastic hermitage was previously located. Pilgrims from all over the world come here and it is believed that here, in exchange for a promise or vow, the saints will help fulfill your desire. But if you break the vow, then misfortunes will haunt the violator all his life.

Inside the sanctuary, an exact copy of the Holy Staircase was built, along which Jesus ascended to his trial in the palace of Pontius Pilate, and on the path leading to the temple there are 14 halts, symbolizing the stops of Christ on the Way of the Cross.

Under the temple there is a corridor covered with millions of photographs of people who have passed on to another world. There is a belief that the Mother of God herself grieves over the souls of these people.

Scaliger Castle

Photo: Shutterstock.com

The Scaliger Castle is one of the best preserved castles in Italy, built by the Scaliger dynasty, who ruled Verona from 1260 to 1387. During the years of their reign, more than 40 castles were erected to protect their possessions, but to this day no more than ten have survived.

The Scaliger Castle is surrounded by a moat with water and high walls with battlements. 47-meter medieval tower inside - favorite place tourists, also serves as an excellent observation deck. The fortress was the most important strategic point - the Scaligers kept their fleet on the lake, the base of which was in this castle. Now ships and boats also come here, fortunately, not military ones, but those on which tourists take cruises on the lake.

Gardaland Park

The fairytale country of Gardaland - the most famous park in Italy - was built by Italian millionaire Livio Farini after he visited American Disneyland in 1975 and was so impressed that he decided to build something similar in Italy.

The Garda coast was chosen as the site for construction, and just six months later the park received its first visitors. Over time, the park became larger, modernized, and now there are 40 attractions in six thematic areas: Sunken Atlantis, Ancient Egypt, Knightly Middle Ages, Hawaiian Islands, Outer space, Cartoon land.

Thermal springs

Photo: pointbreak / Shutterstock.com

There are several thermal springs on Lake Garda, which greatly adds to the attractiveness of this place. The most famous are in Sirmione and Lazise.

The first, in Sirmione, was accidentally discovered at a depth of 20 meters in 1889 by a Venetian diver. Ten years later, the Aquaria thermal center was built on this site, which is still in operation and is popular among tourists. Later, several more thermal centers appeared in the city, most of which operate at hotels. A full day adult ticket costs 53 euros.

The second, in Lazise, ​​on the territory of the luxurious Villa Cedri, was discovered in 1989, when the owners of the mansion decided to dig a well. At a depth of 160 meters, hot thermal springs, after which the owners of the villa decided to turn this place into thermal resort. Now on the territory of the park with an area of ​​16 hectares, surrounded by centuries-old cedars, palm trees and flowers, there are 2 swimming pools with thermal water, a grotto has been built and fountains are working. Water from the springs can be drunk. A full day adult ticket costs 22 euros.

Olive Oil Museum

Photo: Shutterstock.com

Oddly enough, the first olive oil museum appeared relatively recently - in 1988. It was opened by the owners of a small olive processing plant in the town of Bardolino, which stands on the shores of Lake Garda.

Oil has been extracted on the coast of the lake for 2000 years: people began to cultivate olive trees among the first. The museum, in 9 halls, presents the entire process of extracting oil from olives from antiquity to the present day. But what tourists like most is that in the museum they can finally understand the intricacies of the taste of different varieties of olive oil - there is a tasting room here, and they also sell cosmetics with the addition of olive oil.

And we also have


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