Aloha! Hawaiian Islands, AUTO WEEK! Aloha Island by Bally Technologies (Slot machines)

Wondering why the Aloha Islands are often called the home of treasures found nowhere else on earth? Then head to Hawaii and see with your own eyes the spectacular cliffs on the Napali coast of Kauai, the picturesque shores of Waikiki Beach on the island of Oahu, miles white sand beaches of Papohaku on Molokai, see dolphins in the waters of Hulopoe Bay on Lanai, visit the Haleakala volcano on Maui and appreciate the power of primal energy in national park « Hawaiian volcanoes"in Hawaii. Choosing just one island for your first visit to Hawaii is very difficult, and there is no single correct answer to the question of where to go first.

You'll most likely begin your trip to Hawaii from Honolulu International Airport (HNL) on the island of Oahu. This is the largest air gateway to the Hawaiian Islands, receiving most of the tourists. All local and many international airlines operate flights to Oahu, so you can get to the island from anywhere. There are also direct flights from the continental US to Maui, Kauai and the island of Hawaii, but the best option is to fly to Oahu, from where you can get to any island in the archipelago, including Lanai and Molokai.

When you arrive in Hawaii, breathe deeply and you will notice the scent of plumeria wafting through the air. Visit the islands' historical sites and learn about the rich Aloha culture. Explore the off-the-beaten-path, like the beaches of small towns you won't find on postcards. Learn to stand on a surfboard, snorkel, kayak and get a Hawaiian tan. And don't forget to attend a traditional Hawaiian luau party, where you can get a taste of the local culture and enjoy the art of hula dancing.

Hawaii's itineraries are endless, endless: romantic evenings, family fun, whale watching, volcano climbing. Regardless of whether you spend your time actively or sit back, you will get the most vivid impressions of the trip. First, visit the six unique islands of the Hawaiian archipelago. You will understand that your first trip here will not be your last. The best option for Russian travelers this is an option. When going to Hawaii, it will be useful to know the history of these amazing islands.

Hawaii or the “Aloha State” was annexed by the United States in 1959 and became the 50th state of the country, but the history of the archipelago does not begin from this moment, but goes back centuries. About 1,500 years ago, the inhabitants of the Marquesas Islands first landed on Hawaiian soil. They sailed here in fragile canoes, guided by the stars, and this despite the fact that the Merkiz Islands are at a distance of 2000 nautical miles.

500 years later, settlers from the island of Tahiti brought their beliefs in gods and demigods to Hawaii, introduced a strict social hierarchy and founded a system of kapu (taboo). Hawaiian culture flourished for several centuries, giving humanity the art of hula dancing and the super popular sport of surfing today. But not everything was as smooth as it seems. The ruling chiefs were constantly feuding over land holdings, and bloody conflicts were the norm on the islands.

In 1778, Captain James Cook landed on the island of Kauai in Waimea Bay and named the archipelago Sandwich Islands after the Earl of Sandwich. Cook's merit was that he opened the route to the west, but a year later the captain died here, in Kileikkua Bay on the island of Hawaii. In 1791, Kamehameha, a native of North Kohala Island, began to unite all the warring clans of the islands and in 1810 created the Kingdom of Hawaii. In 1819, less than a year after the death of King Kamehameha I, his son Liholiho abolished ancient system taboo. In 1820, the first missionaries arrived on the islands to fill the void left by the abolition of kapu, and Hawaii gradually became sea ​​port for whaling, trading and fishing vessels. While the whaling industry flourished in the port of Lahaina Harbor on the island of Maui, diseases brought by Europeans were killing local residents.

Western influence was constantly growing, and in 1893, American colonists, who controlled the entire economy of Hawaii, destroyed the Hawaiian Kingdom through a bloodless coup. In 1898, Hawaii became part of the United States. In the 20th century, the sugar and pineapple plantations that fueled the Hawaiian economy began to attract Japanese, Chinese, Filipino, and Portuguese immigrants to the islands, influencing the ethnic composition of the modern population of the Aloha Islands. So the island of Lanai, thanks to James Dole, became the world's leading exporter of pineapples and was nicknamed “Pineapple Island.”

On December 7, 1941, the Japanese unexpectedly attacked Pearl Harbor on the island of Oahu, and four years later, on board the American battleship Missouri, which is now located in Pearl Harbor, Japan signed an act of unconditional surrender. In 1959, Hawaii became the 50th American state. Hawaiian Islands- this is not only one of the most popular tourist destinations, but a place where you can feel the spirit of Aloha, so try not only to sunbathe and swim, but also get acquainted with the history and culture of Hawaii, which will make your trip here even more impressive and memorable.

What is the time difference between Hawaii and the continental US? The Hawaiian Islands are located in the 10 hour GMT (Greenwich Mean Time) time zone, which is 5 hours behind Eastern Time and 2 hours behind Pacific Time. Hawaii is not switching to summer time, so between March and November, add another hour to this time difference.

What are the largest airports on the islands? international Airport Honolulu (HNL) on Oahu is largest airport The Hawaiian Islands receive the main flow of tourists. All local and many international airlines fly to the island of Oahu, and from here you can get to any other island in the archipelago. From the continental US there are flights to the islands of Maui, Kauai and Hawaii.

Do you need a car to travel around the islands? Between the islands there is excellent sea and air service, but if you rent a car, you can see the most interesting corners Hawaii. Many island guests prefer to order Bus tours, which is also very convenient. If you don't know how to drive, you can get by public transport, which is available on most islands, or take a taxi.

What should you take with you? It's always warm in Hawaii, so it's not necessary to take warm clothes with you. But if you plan to climb volcanoes such as Haleakala on Maui, be sure to bring a sweater and jacket, which can come in handy in the evening. Suits and ties are rarely worn in Hawaii, so you may not want to bring them with you. Even if you want to visit a respectable restaurant or night club, casual clothes are suitable for this. You can buy traditional Hawaiian shirts and flip-flops at the first store you come across. The American dollar is used in Hawaii. Traveler's checks are not needed, since everywhere you can pay with a credit card or withdraw cash from an ATM. Don't worry if you forgot something at home—Hawaii's retail stores and shopping centers have everything you need.

What is the best time to go to Hawaii? Any season is suitable for a trip to the Hawaiian Islands. IN summer period It's warm and dry here, and average temperature varies between +23-29°C. From December to March it gets cooler, but thanks to the trade winds, Hawaii is always comfortable. Whale watching season runs from late December to early May in Hawaii, and surfing conditions are ideal on the north coast from November to February.

How to call Hawaii? The state code for Hawaii is 808.

Second in number are the ubiquitous Chinese. Here I will remain silent and will only say that it would be better if they were Japanese...

By the way, there are not so many Americans! For them, Hawaii is a very expensive resort, and they dream of a vacation on these islands just like the rest of the world.

The rest of the nations are represented in more or less equal proportions, and it must be said that our people do not lag behind everyone else.

Holidays in Hawaii are not cheap, alas! In addition to the well-known American tips, the payment system of which does not fit into my own idea of ​​​​a voluntary reward for conscientious work, there are also some nuances called state taxes. In general, prices for everything are the only unpleasant aspect of a Hawaiian vacation.

Hotels in Honolulu usually do not include breakfast. But hotel restaurants offer this service. You pay an entrance fee and walk around the table, taking advantage of all the variety on offer at the hotel's buffet. There is a second option. You can go to the restaurant you like for breakfast, choosing the most pleasant price and table variety option for you. And the third option. Buy something for breakfast from the options offered in the ABC chain stores. The stores of this chain have a lot of different sandwiches, sliced ​​fruits, salad packages, baked goods, yogurts, juices, cheese and cold cuts. There are many options and everyone will find a breakfast to their liking. We tried all the options. Hotels have coffee machines and refrigerators, so you can have breakfast in your room. There is only one point. The time of breakfast - lunch - dinner is sacred. And there are long queues in front of eating establishments. If you have the strength and desire to stand in line, which moves quickly enough, then this option is very good.

There are a lot of restaurants in the city. The best ones always have queues of people waiting. The lack of a queue should alert you. The portions will be huge, which partly justifies the price. The service is fast and almost always with a smile. Bread, butter, ice water - free and as much as you want. The degree of meat roasting is regulated only by your desire. The food is high quality, freshly prepared, beautifully served. Personally, I could fit either a salad or a main course into it. Well, if sweets were expected, then everything else was excluded - the portions of sweets were simply catastrophically huge!

As for restaurants, I can recommend Duke. Not very expensive and tasty. You order the main menu from the waiter, and you get salads, appetizers, and bread for yourself at the buffet, the number of times you can go to it is not limited. Tables must be booked in advance, queues are inevitable. There are always a lot of people, especially on weekends. The restaurant is named after the famous and most famous surfer in Hawaii, Duke. The restaurant contains a collection of his photos, awards, his surf is stored, and there is a sculpture of him.

Wondering why the Aloha Islands are often called the home of treasures found nowhere else on earth? Then head to Hawaii and see for yourself the dramatic cliffs of the Napali Coast of Kauai, the picturesque shores of Waikiki Beach on Oahu, the miles of white sand of Papohaku Beach on Molokai, the dolphins in the waters of Hulopoe Bay on Lanai, the Haleakala volcano on Maui and appreciate the power primordial energy in Hawaiian Volcanoes National Park in Hawaii. It is very difficult to choose just one island for your first visit to Hawaii, and there is no single correct answer to the question of where to go first...

You'll most likely begin your trip to Hawaii from Honolulu International Airport (HNL) on the island of Oahu. This is the largest air gateway to the Hawaiian Islands, receiving most of the tourists. All local and many international airlines fly to Oahu, so you can get to the island from anywhere. There are also direct flights from the continental US to Maui, Kauai and the island of Hawaii, but the best option is to fly to Oahu, from where you can get to any island in the archipelago, including Lanai and Molokai.

When you arrive in Hawaii, breathe deeply and you will notice the scent of plumeria wafting through the air. Visit the islands' historical sites and learn about the rich Aloha culture. Explore the off-the-beaten-path, like the beaches of small towns you won't find on postcards. Learn to stand on a surfboard, snorkel, kayak and get a Hawaiian tan. And don't forget to attend a traditional Hawaiian luau party, where you can get a taste of the local culture and enjoy the art of hula dancing.

Hawaii's itineraries are endless, endless: romantic evenings, family fun, whale watching, volcano climbing. Regardless of whether you spend your time actively or sit back, you will get the most vivid impressions of the trip. First, visit the six unique islands of the Hawaiian archipelago. You will understand that your first trip here will not be your last. The best option for Russian travelers is the Los Angeles-Hawaii Islands option. When going to Hawaii, it will be useful to know the history of these amazing islands.

Hawaii or the “Aloha State” was annexed by the United States in 1959 and became the 50th state of the country, but the history of the archipelago does not begin from this moment, but goes back centuries. About 1,500 years ago, the inhabitants of the Marquesas Islands first landed on Hawaiian soil. They sailed here in fragile canoes, guided by the stars, and this despite the fact that the Merkiz Islands are at a distance of 2000 nautical miles.

500 years later, settlers from the island of Tahiti brought their beliefs in gods and demigods to Hawaii, introduced a strict social hierarchy and founded a system of kapu (taboo). Hawaiian culture flourished for several centuries, giving humanity the art of hula dancing and the super popular sport of surfing today. But not everything was as smooth as it seems. The ruling chiefs were constantly feuding over land holdings, and bloody conflicts were the norm on the islands.

In 1778, Captain James Cook landed on the island of Kauai in Waimea Bay and named the archipelago Sandwich Islands after the Earl of Sandwich. Cook's merit was that he opened the route to the west, but a year later the captain died here, in Kileikkua Bay on the island of Hawaii. In 1791, Kamehameha, a native of North Kohala Island, began to unite all the warring clans of the islands and in 1810 created the Kingdom of Hawaii. In 1819, less than a year after the death of King Kamehameha I, his son Liholiho abolished the ancient taboo system. In 1820, the first missionaries arrived to fill the void left by the abolition of kapu, and Hawaii gradually became a seaport for whaling, trading, and fishing ships. While the whaling industry flourished in the port of Lahaina Harbor on the island of Maui, diseases brought by Europeans killed the local inhabitants.

Western influence was constantly growing, and in 1893, American colonists, who controlled the entire economy of Hawaii, destroyed the Hawaiian Kingdom through a bloodless coup. In 1898, Hawaii became part of the United States. In the 20th century, the sugar and pineapple plantations that fueled the Hawaiian economy began to attract Japanese, Chinese, Filipino, and Portuguese immigrants to the islands, influencing the ethnic composition of the modern population of the Aloha Islands. So the island of Lanai, thanks to James Dole, became the world's leading exporter of pineapples and was nicknamed “Pineapple Island.”

On December 7, 1941, the Japanese unexpectedly attacked Pearl Harbor on the island of Oahu, and four years later, on board the American battleship Missouri, which is now located in Pearl Harbor, Japan signed an act of unconditional surrender. In 1959, Hawaii became the 50th American state. The Hawaiian Islands are not only one of the most popular tourist destinations, but also a place where you can experience the spirit of Aloha, so try not only to sunbathe and swim, but also to get acquainted with the history and culture of Hawaii, which will make your trip here even more impressive and memorable.

What is the time difference between Hawaii and the continental US? The Hawaiian Islands are located in the 10 hour GMT (Greenwich Mean Time) time zone, which is 5 hours behind Eastern Time and 2 hours behind Pacific Time. Hawaii does not observe daylight saving time, so add an extra hour to this time difference between March and November.

What are the largest airports on the islands? Honolulu International Airport (HNL) on Oahu is the largest airport in the Hawaiian Islands and receives the bulk of tourists. All local and many international airlines fly to the island of Oahu, and from here you can get to any other island in the archipelago. From the continental US there are flights to the islands of Maui, Kauai and Hawaii.

Do you need a car to travel around the islands? There are excellent sea and air connections between the islands, but if you rent a car, you can see the most interesting corners of Hawaii. Many guests of the islands prefer to book bus tours, which is also very convenient. If you don't know how to drive, you can use public transport, which is available on most islands, or take a taxi.

What should you take with you? It's always warm in Hawaii, so it's not necessary to take warm clothes with you. But if you plan to climb volcanoes such as Haleakala on Maui, be sure to bring a sweater and jacket, which can come in handy in the evening. Suits and ties are rarely worn in Hawaii, so you may not want to bring them with you. Even if you want to go to a respectable restaurant or nightclub, casual clothes are suitable for this. You can buy traditional Hawaiian shirts and flip-flops at the first store you come across. The American dollar is used in Hawaii. Traveler's checks are not needed, as you can pay with a credit card or withdraw cash from an ATM everywhere. Don't worry if you forgot something at home—Hawaii's retail stores and shopping centers have everything you need.

What is the best time to go to Hawaii? Any season is suitable for a trip to the Hawaiian Islands. In summer it is warm and dry here, and the average temperature varies between +23-29°C. From December to March it gets cooler, but thanks to the trade winds, Hawaii is always comfortable. Whale watching season runs from late December to early May in Hawaii, and surfing conditions are ideal on the north coast from November to February.

How to call Hawaii? The state code for Hawaii is 808.

Natural beauty and warm hospitality are an integral part of these places that are worth considering when thinking about a Hawaiian vacation. What makes Hawaii a perfect destination is that it combines eight main islands with related different cultures communities that welcome all visitors with great joy and the spirit of Aloha.

Situated in the heart of the Pacific Ocean, the Hawaiian Islands have something for everyone, with sandy beaches and breathtaking forests. These are just some of the attractions that Hawaii has to offer, along with lush wildlife and untouched natural resources. Developed tourism infrastructure includes hotels, condominiums and private homes, shopping centers and shops for all tastes, well-kept beaches, what more could a tourist want?

The island of Hawaii, also called Big Island, covers the largest area with extensive tropical vegetation. Home to countless natural wonders, from rainforests to volcanic deserts, golden beaches and towering mountains mountain peaks Mauna Kea and Mauna Loa and Volcanoes National Park.

The Hawaiian island of Maui, which is called Valley Island, is famous for its beautiful beaches, art and culture. The main attractions of Maui are the Haa Coast, Iao Valley, Makena and Mount Haleakala.

The island of Lanai, which is called Pineapple Island, is famous for its cuisine and golf courses. It is also considered ideal for honeymoons and couples in love.

The island of Molokai, which is called the Friendly Island, represents the traditional Hawaiian way of life. With buildings no taller than a tree, Molokai keeps its natural landscape intact and remains completely natural, unspoiled and tranquil.

The island of Oahu, which is called the Gathering Place, is the most popular among the islands with famous city Honolulu, Waikiki Beach and Pearl Harbor.

Natural beauty and unrivaled hospitality make Hawaii a great destination for any traveler who has never been to the newest of the 50 American states.

What is Hawaii? This cleanest beaches, clear ocean, warm weather all year round... And, of course, cocktails in all the colors of the rainbow, necklaces of flowers on the necks, rose petals on the floor, a giant lambada, incredible limbo and much more! Let's go?! :)


On this day, our group flies to Hawaii, namely to the most famous Hawaiian island, to the city with the alluring name of Honolulu...

Starting our acquaintance with Hawaii from the capital, we will take our breath away from the majestic rocky mountains, but most importantly from the contrast of nature and the rapid rhythms of a large American city! We get used to saying “Aloha” at every step! Here, everywhere we will be reminded of American films, unhurried people, necklaces of flowers, street musicians with their Ukuleles - small stringed instruments will immediately set us up for the right wave of relaxation and tropical paradise)

Upon arrival, we will immediately rent our jeeps at the airport and go to the hotel to check in!

Today we will rest after a tiring flight.

The island of Oahu is a volcanic island in Pacific Ocean, and its capital Honolulu (by the way, the capital of the entire state of Hawaii) is some kind of incredible cocktail of magnificent sandy beaches, modern skyscraper palaces, stunning ocean, business suits and bikinis.

After waking up and having breakfast, we will waste no time and go exploring. best beaches Waikiki and Kahala! We will travel among tropical gardens, pineapple plantations and picturesque hills where luxury hotels are located, many of which are world famous, thanks to high quality service and hospitality.

The main part of the island is occupied by 2 mountain ranges with extinct volcanoes. They surround the island on the eastern and western sides. Between them lies a valley, South part which turns into a rugged bay coastline. Here is the famous US Navy base Pearl Harbor, which was attacked by Japan on December 7, 1941, starting the war in the Pacific. This is where we will go first, we will go to the memorial battleship Missouri! This is part of history - the agreement on the surrender of Japan was signed on it and it is simply an interesting object from a technical point of view. It stands in Pearl Harbor, near Ford Island - everything around there is interesting from a historical point of view. It's also home to the Pacific Aviation Museum, the Arizona Memorial, and even a real submarine, the Bowfin!

After visiting Pearl Harbor, we will go for lunch at one of the Honolulu restaurants, where you should definitely try the local island seafood!

Overall, this island is home to 80% of the total population of the Hawaiian Islands. It can safely be called the most populated and economically developed island of the archipelago. The island is famous for its rich nightlife with many clubs, restaurants, bars – we’ll explore this part in the evening!

Overnight at the hotel

In the morning, after breakfast, we will go straight to the airport, where we will return our rental cars and at 11:20 we will fly to the largest island of the Hawaiian archipelago, which is called Hawaii! Or Big Island!

And we will deservedly spend the most time here, 5 whole days!

The flight will take about 30 minutes, and we will arrive in Hilo, the capital of the island of Hawaii.

This is the largest and at the same time the youngest island of the archipelago. Its area is 62% of total area islands. At the base there are 5 volcanoes, including the most active volcano in the world - Kilauea, whose activity has not stopped since 1983. As usual - right at the airport we rent our jeeps and move to the place of the first night, a hotel located on the coast! The hotel is located near the airport, so the journey will take no more than 10 minutes!

After checking into the hotel and a short break, we will move to scenic road on West Coast islands where you will want to stop literally every 100 meters and photograph this beauty!

In the evening we enjoy tropical fruit cocktails!

Today we will not wake up early, we will have a good rest, have breakfast, swim in the warm ocean and only after that we will go on a deeper exploration of the island!

And one of the must-do adventures that you need to try is kayaking in the ocean! Below you are absolutely transparent turquoise, reefs and fish!

All this action takes place in one of the most colorful lagoons of the island, exactly in the place where, according to legend, the aborigines ate the discoverer of the island - James Cook!

Tired and happy, we return to our hotel, share photos, and play our signature expeditionary ONE LIFE Mafia!

Today is waterfall day! Let's go to the western part of the island and visit Akaka State Falls Park! It is approximately 18 km from the capital of the island, Hilo,

Let's take a tropical walk to the very beautiful waterfall Akaka, whose height is more than 130 m. Then we will walk along the right edge of the deep gorge and go to the Kahuna waterfall! Next is our hiking for the trained - because the next waterfall is the highest of all - 442 m and is called Hiilawe. To explore it, we will first go down to the Vaipio valley, and back up a steep slope!

The day will be full of impressions and a lot of fun!

For lunch we'll head to an American steakhouse! Vegetarians don’t have to worry, there is always a choice of seafood and salads, with the usual giant American portions

The Hawaiian Islands are crowned by an underwater volcanic ridge and are the highest on earth active volcanoes. Volcanic activity is actually big island archipelago, the island of Hawaii, continues to this day. Here is located National Park Hawaiian volcanoes, where we are heading today!

We are waiting for lava tunnels, not completely frozen lava under our feet, patterns created by flows and more reminiscent of art house, plants making their way through the crevices of dried magma.

Kilauela Volcano, the park's main volcano, is traditionally considered the sacred home of the volcano goddess Pele. Hawaiians visited the crater to bring gifts to the goddess. The first white people climbed that volcano only in 1823, they were the English missionary William Ellis and the American Asa Thurston. Kilauela is one of the most active volcanoes peace. He has not been able to calm down since 1983. Thomas Jagger built a museum on the edge of that caldera. The exhibits are everything related to volcanoes - scientific equipment, clothing used by volcanologists, and so on. Some museum windows offer wonderful views of the Calauela Caldera and Galemaumau Crater. The museum is named after Jagger, who was also the first director of the Hawaiian Volcano Observatory, adjacent to the museum. But the entrance to the observatory is closed for tourists. In the park you can see the results of hundreds of thousands of years volcanic activity. Which shaped the islands themselves and their ecological system.

Today we will continue our volcanic reviews and visit the HIGHEST VOLCANO ON THE PLANET!

So, stock up on warm clothes and hit the road! The Mauna Kea volcano awaits us! This dormant volcano, 4,207 m high and if you measure its height from the base located under the ocean waters, then this is the most high mountain in the world (above 10,000 m). Imagine, it is taller than Everest. The age of the volcano is more than 1 million years and this is the most sacred mountain Hawaiian mythology. Mauna Kea is not only sacred to the ancient Hawaiians, but also unique to our time. The combination of altitude, climate, cleanliness and humidity of the air made it an ideal place for an astronomical observatory, with 13 telescopes of global importance located here!

And we will drive our jeeps to the very top of this volcano! By the way, the temperature here easily drops to negative levels!

It’s not for nothing that they say that America is a country of contrasts!

Farewell party on Big Island!

Today at lunchtime we check out of our hotel, chill on the beach for a few hours and go to the airport to return the jeeps and fly to last island along our route!

Our 4:20 pm flight with a short layover in Honolulu will take us to Kauai, the oldest island in the archipelago!

The island of Kauai is truly a piece of paradise - light, fluffy Hawaiian breezes, dark black and red rocks cascading down to a foamy white coastline; crystal green waves crashing on soft sand and lush palm trees high above. Golden clouds at dawn and enchanting flowers around, tall trees creating tunnels and arches. Rushing waterfalls and sprawling resorts with stunning pools and beautiful beaches. Happy families are like peas in the sand, and playful sea ​​turtles, who dance on the waves a few steps from my feet, plunging into the wet, white sand.

Again, the usual procedure for renting a car, then we check into a hotel on the coast and, like real Hawaiians, we are in no hurry!

The day was full of flights and transfers, rest

The age of the island is about 6 million years, which is why it is the most “inactive” of all the volcanic islands of Hawaii. This is really a “Garden Island”, since its entire territory is minimally touched by civilization, and the law prohibits building buildings higher than a coconut tree. The island is blooming and lush with greenery also because it is the wettest place on the planet. There is even a record in the Guinness Book.

Today our destination will be Waimea Canyon, the most... grand canyon in the Pacific Ocean!

We will go on a several-hour trek along the island's scenic trails!

Tired but happy we will return to the hotel! Last night in Hawaii, let's have a real WHITE PARTY!

We'll wake up later, as a long day of flights awaits us, today our long journey home will begin!

But while we are in this tropical oasis, we will try to see everything that only we associate with an island lost in the ocean: beaches, mountains, plateaus, canyons, waterfalls, jungles and fertile valleys. All this: majestic mountains in the clouds, lush vegetation, interesting animal world, white beaches, turquoise ocean waters - attract people from all over the world here in search of " paradise" on the ground. Let's drive through a part of the island where there are waterfalls and ocean "geysers" - the visual effect of strong surf on the rugged coastline!

At 17:08 our flight to Honolulu, we will first rent out jeeps and pack our suitcases for the trip home!

Half an hour flight and we are back in Honolulu!

We have 2 hours to buy airport souvenirs and head off to board our international flight!

Saying goodbye to Hawaii, saying goodbye to the TEAM!

We will really become a big family during this time!


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