History and modernity: the island of Sark is the last stronghold of feudalism in Europe. See what "Sark" is in other dictionaries Medici Fortress Prison - Italy

An ideal option for travelers who are tired of the bustle of the city, the noise of cars and the smog traditional for megacities is the island of Sark. This small island, home to only 600 people, is one of the rare corners of the planet that is completely free of cars.

There are only seven such places on Earth, so don’t miss the opportunity to see an island whose inhabitants travel exclusively by horse-drawn carriages and bicycles!

To get to the Island of Sark you will first have to go to the island of Guernsey, which is part of the Channel Islands and is located in the English Channel. From here you can take a ferry to Sark. There is no airport on this island; moreover, even flights over the island are strictly prohibited!

If you still doubt that Sark is worthy of your attention, consider that it is the smallest member of the European Union, as, although under British jurisdiction, it remains part of the Crown Dependency of Guernsey. Very interesting fact- until 2008, a feudal system of government operated on the island. This is the last stronghold of feudalism on the planet, and the inhabitants abandoned it only under pressure from the European Union.

What is there to do on the Island of Sark? Of course, take a ride on a horse-drawn carriage, walk along the picturesque coastline, which is 60 kilometers long, and walk along the bridge, only two meters wide, connecting the Little and Great Sark. In addition, the island is famous for its fishing, local products chocolate factory, caves, excellent diving and unique rural flavor.

Sark Island - PHOTO

Sark is small island, located in the southwestern part of the English Channel. This is one of the Channel Islands, part of Guernsey. Therefore, Sark is subject to Great Britain.

Cars are prohibited on the island, but bicycles and horse-drawn carriages are allowed. The island's population is allowed to use tractors.

Pensioners and disabled people have the exclusive right to use motorized vehicles. The island consists of 2 parts. These are Greater and Lesser Sark. Both islands are connected by a narrow rocky isthmus.

Sark belongs to the customs territory of the EU.

Sark does not have an official capital.

The local currency is the Guernsey pound, pound sterling.

Official languages: English, French.

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Accreditation system for radiation monitoring laboratories, nuclear industry, energy. Source: http://base.consultant.ru/cons/cgi/online.cgi?req=doc;base=EXP;n=419934 SARK automated radiation monitoring system nuclear industry ... Dictionary of abbreviations and abbreviations

Exist., number of synonyms: 3 growth (47) tumor (336) sarcoma (14) ASIS Dictionary of synonyms ... Synonym dictionary

sarkub- [سرکوب] 1. shikast, maglub; sarkub cardan shikast dodan, maglub sokhtan 2. tar. ҷoi balandi istekomyoftae, ki az on ҷo dushmanro tirboron yo sangboron mekardaand 3. maҷ. sarzanish, malomat, tana 4. tayoki makhsuse, ki bo on poyai ҷuvori yo sholiro back… …

- (sarko; Greek sarx, sarkos meat, flesh) component compound words meaning: 1) meat, fleshy; 2) related to striated muscle fibers; 3) related to sarcoma... Large medical dictionary

- (sarko; Greek sarx, sarkos meat, flesh) a component of compound words, meaning: 1) “meat”, “fleshy”; 2) “relating to striated muscle fibers”; 3) “related to sarcoma” ... Medical encyclopedia

- (Sark) one of the Norman Islands, UK owned, is part of the district of Guernsey. Use UK stamps, and since 1969 Guernsey stamps. Until 1969, there was a private post office on the island, no. own brands... Large philatelic dictionary

sarkyyik- zat. bot. Tau betkeylerinde osetin alasa zhumyr shop… Kazakh publications encyclopedia of creation

Sarkis- (Sam.: Urzh., Mak., Ayag.) tүsi sargylt tyshkan turi. S a r k і s degen thousand bar, asa ziyandy emes (Sem., Urzh.) ... Kazak tilinin aimaktyk sozdigi

sarkubi- [سرکوبي] 1. quftani ghalladona 2. pai ham ba sar given 3. tana, malomat, sarzanish; tanbeh... Farhangi tafsiriya zaboni tokiki

Sark: Sark Island in the Channel Islands archipelago. Sark (from Latin sarc meat) in medical jargon is a growth, tumor. For example, sarcoma. See also Cutty Sark... Wikipedia


  • 9009 P/Clipper "Cutty Sark", . A set of parts for assembling a model, glue, a brush and four paints are NOT recommended for children under 3 years old. Be careful of small parts! For children under 10 years of age, parental assistance is recommended. To work in…
  • Prefabricated model "Clipper" Cutty Sark" (9009), . The sailing ship was launched on November 23, 1869. The clipper "Cutty Sark" was sheathed below the waterline with copper sheets and carried 3350 cubic meters of sails, made 17 knots per hour. Installed many records...


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Description of the place

Sark is one of the Channel Islands, the fourth largest. Its area is approximately 5.4 square kilometers and its inhabitants are about 600 people.

The island consists of two parts - the Greater and the Lesser Sark, connected by the rocky isthmus of La Coupe. Highest point The island reaches 114 meters in height. Until the 16th century, Sark was virtually uninhabited, with the exception of small monastic communities. It later became known as a haven for pirates, who were later dispersed by the king's soldiers.

Nowadays, Sark is a unique territory, which is largely due to local laws. For example, there is a ban on cars on the island. Residents are only allowed to use bicycles and horse-drawn carriages; farmers also use tractors. Another feature is the last active feudal system of government in Europe.

The second most attractive feature of Sark for tourists is its amazing natural beauty, which has preserved its appearance for thousands of years. The most popular sites on the island are the bridge crossing the aforementioned La Coupete isthmus and the 15th-century mill.


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