What currency to fly to Thailand with. Exchange of traveler's checks. Is it worth choosing the euro?

How much money to take to Thailand and what currency should you take? Tourists who are going to Thailand for the first time often wonder: in what currency should they take money, and how much will they need for the trip?

  • The first question is very simple - it is better to take dollars to Thailand. This is a universal currency that can be exchanged on the spot at a favorable rate for Thai baht.

In addition, it is convenient to take dollars if you are planning a trip from Thailand to neighboring countries, for example, or Laos, where you can also exchange them for local currency if necessary.

But the second question, about how much money to take with you to Thailand, cannot be answered unequivocally.

This depends on many indicators. However, you can draw up an approximate cost chart and see approximately how much money is spent on a trip in certain cases.

As a basis, we can take the key phrase that has developed in this regard among experienced tourists in Thailand:

It is better to take less things and more money.

This always works and, in fact, this can already be used as a guide when getting ready.

After all, Thailand has almost everything you need for life.

  • All things can be purchased cheaply at every step, and there is absolutely no need to take extra things with you.
  • It is better to take money with a reserve so that you can move freely around interesting places, go on excursions, try new delicacies and buy a variety of Thai exotics, without fear of not having enough space in your luggage.

All the emotions received are priceless and will be remembered for a long time, and the souvenirs brought will remind you of a bright trip!

Now it’s worth understanding more specifically what expenses await a tourist in Thailand.

Of course, tourists themselves are different:

  • someone comes to the hotel for a couple of weeks, sunbathes and goes to parties and.
  • And some settle in rented housing for several months and travel to exotic places in order to study the culture and traditions of Thailand.

But for everyone, nevertheless, the same areas of costs can be identified:

  • rental of property;
  • transport;
  • nutrition;
  • connection;
  • excursions and trips;
  • pocket and household expenses;
  • purchases;
  • unexpected expenses such as Bangkok nightclubs.

Let's look at each item per person. And since it is designed for 30 days, we will take a period of one month as a basis.

Rental of property

  • If in the form finished tour, where the hotel reservation is already included in the price, then this item does not need to be considered.
  • If you plan to rent housing upon arrival, then you should refer to the material:.

And choose the type of housing to rent (bungalow, apartment, house, etc.). On average, tourists spend from 7 to 20 thousand baht per month on simple and comfortable accommodation, depending on its type, location and area.

The following comparisons are worth considering:

  • rent a one-room apartment in small town Russia is comparable to the price for a studio apartment or a small house in the cities of Thailand;
  • renting a one-room apartment in the central part of Moscow is comparable to renting a comfortable house with rooms and a yard in the resorts and islands of Thailand.


The most popular public transport in Thailand is the tuk-tuk. The fare is 10-20 baht per person.

  • If we assume that it will be necessary to make two tuk-tuk trips per day (there and back), then you will spend 600 baht per person per month.
  • There are also taxis that cost an average of 150-300 baht, intercity buses, minivans and water transport.

It is best - cheaper, more reliable and more convenient - to rent a scooter for the entire duration of the trip. You become independent and self-reliant. This can be done in advance online from one of the most reliable companies.

It's worth considering these travel options for independent travelers.

And for those who prefer organized excursions, you can only consider a tuk-tuk for trips around the city, since the transfer is usually included in the price of excursions.


Most hotels include breakfast when booking a room, and some even have an all-inclusive system.

But even in this case, it is definitely worth allocating an amount for food, since in Thailand it is impossible to pass by local cafes and carts with aromatic exotic and.

  • You can have a full meal in Thailand for an average of 100-200 baht per person.
  • If you take into account restaurants or additional delicacies, then 300 baht will come out with a reserve.
  • Eating three times a day for a month will cost 10-30 thousand baht per person.

Communication (telephone, internet)

On mobile communications costs are low.

  • There are also different mobile operators in Thailand with a variety of tariffs that you can choose for yourself.
  • If we take into account daily short calls within the country and periodic calls to Russia throughout the month, the average cost will be about 200-300 baht.
  • The Internet in Thailand is common in the form of free Wi-Fi in most restaurants, cafes and shops.
  • Hotels sometimes offer a subscription fee for it, and in the case of rental housing, the Internet is usually included in the price.

Excursions, trips, events

There are a great variety of excursions offered in Thailand. Their programs and prices vary, so it is impossible to calculate how much money they will require.

In a separate material you can find a list of excursions in Thailand.

  • Their average cost, depending on the duration and intensity of the program, ranges from 500 to 5000 baht per person.
  • They often include transfers and meals. This point also remains open for independent travelers, since the variety of routes involves taking into account transport, food on the road and much more.

One thing is certain - it’s better not to skimp here in order to be able to see as many interesting things as possible.

Pocket and household expenses

Here you can take into account expenses such as water, hygiene products, cosmetics, necessary clothing or shoes, fast food, donations to monasteries and other small expenses.

They are possible, but difficult to predict. Let's take the average cost of 100-200 baht per day and it will be 3-6 thousand baht per month.


Another point where you probably shouldn’t save. Thailand is a country of talented craftsmen, unique products, exotics and the most unusual souvenirs.

  • Here you can at least roughly orient yourself in future purchases and allocate the necessary amount of money for this, as well as a place with a reserve in your luggage.

Unexpected expenses

There may be different cases, here are the most common ones:

  • tourists are late for their return plane and are forced to take an exorbitantly expensive taxi from Pattaya to Bangkok airport;
  • tourists on a rented bike get into a minor accident and are required to pay for vehicle repairs;
  • a street robbery of tourists was committed;
  • there is a desire to make an expensive purchase or trip.

You definitely need to have some stock.

The numbers and situations indicated in the listed paragraphs are designed for the average Russian tourist.

It happens when travelers manage to have a wonderful vacation for almost pennies, and remain satisfied with many new emotions.

People living in Thailand for several months or years spend approximately 2 times less money than during the same period of life in Russia.

  • At the same time, many tourists have a false belief: the more expensive, the better.
  • And people begin to spend money where they can do without it. It’s not for nothing that Thais consider Russian tourists the most generous and wasteful, even in comparison with their European brothers.

Therefore, it is important to approach the distribution of finances wisely when traveling: save, while not denying yourself new opportunities and experiences.

After thinking about the main cost items, as well as studying all other aspects of the trip, you can calculate how much money to take with you to Thailand and feel free to go on a trip!

What kind of money to take to Thailand is always a concern for vacationers, especially those who decided to go to this country for the first time. Before leaving, carefully approach solving this problem and think about how and where you will change money in Thailand, whether you will take cash or bank card and many other little things.

Cash in Thailand

Most often, travelers carry with them a thick wallet with cash bills that they plan to spend during the trip. This option is not the most suitable, only because in Thai hotels and banks there is nothing suitable for storing money, except for safes in the room and lockers at the reception. There are cases that even when storing currency in the room safe, it disappeared. Not all hotel employees in Thailand are honest and conscientious.

It is better to take some cash, leave the rest on the card and withdraw it as needed.

Which currency is more convenient?

What to take to Thailand: dollars or euros is not so important, but whether to take rubles to Thailand worries the majority of Russian vacationers.

It will be better if you exchange Russian money for traditional dollars or euros, in which case it will take much less time. Regarding the exchange rate of money, 50 and 100 dollar bills have a higher exchange rate, so it is more profitable to change them than small ones.

Upon arrival, you can exchange some money at the airport so that you have Thai baht at your disposal for travel and other small items until you get to the exchange office with a favorable rate. This option is more suitable for independent travelers.

Most often, money exchange in Thailand takes place in banks. If you don’t have time to get to the bank to avoid being deceived and exchange funds profitably, do it at specialized points marked Exchange. It is not worth changing money at a hotel or guesthouse, as the exchange rate leaves much to be desired.

How to bring money to Thailand

Once you have decided what kind of money to take to Thailand (dollar bills or euros), you should think about how to transport them. You can carry money in the form of cash, but there are safer ways.

The most universal option is traveler's checks. Thomas Cook and American Express checks can be easily exchanged for Thai baht at any banking institution, be it the bank itself or a branch. They charge a commission of about 30 baht per check, but their exchange rate is much higher. When you buy such checks from a Russian bank, you will also be charged a small commission, which varies depending on the bank’s tariffs. Before buying checks, read the rules on how to transfer money to Thailand.

If traveler's checks exceed $10,000, you must declare the details, otherwise there are no import restrictions.

Bank cards

Russian tourists can use debit and credit cards VISA and Mastercard. But it is better to check with your bank representative in advance whether it is possible to use their card in this country. When making ATM withdrawals upon arrival, it is better to calculate the costs in advance and cash out a large amount to avoid paying a fee of at least 150 baht each time.

Also in Thailand you can pay by card without any problems - this applies to large stores. Of course, it is unlikely that the owner of a small store will provide the opportunity to pay by card, and pay for purchases with a card in shopping centers or chain grocery stores - no problem.

Shopping in Thailand

As for that, you decide for yourself. Firstly, this is personal, and secondly, the amount of money depends on the resort you are going to and the holiday season. Pattaya is considered the cheapest resort in Thailand - if we talk about beach holiday. Here you can relax both on a budget and on a grand scale - whatever you want. The farther you go from mass gatherings of tourists, deeper into the country, the cheaper it is.

In general, on average, regardless of the resort, if you don’t deprive yourself too much, but also don’t go to great lengths, 1,500-2,000 baht per person per day will be enough, subject to breakfast at the hotel.

When counting on a certain amount, put part of it on the card, and take part with you in the form of large bills, preferably euros or dollars.


Shopping is considered the main entertainment in the country. Therefore, you shouldn’t buy in advance and take a lot of things with you, but taking a couple of empty suitcases won’t hurt. And then, you can buy a suitcase in Thailand at a ridiculous price.

Shopping centers in Thailand are considered one of the best in all of Asia, because of the richest assortment and high quality makes products a tasty morsel for shopaholics from all over the world.

The most interesting thing while shopping will be visiting the night and floating markets, where you can not only make good purchases, bargain and treat yourself to new things, but also try local delicacies, chat with Thais and just have fun.

Budget shopping

What money to take to Thailand 2016 and how much is entirely up to you. The main thing is to correctly calculate the budget (some vacation in Thailand for a few dollars a day). If you want to buy more and spend less, you just need to visit the "outlet town" called Premium Outlet in Phuket or Outlet Mall in Pattaya. Large resort towns allow tourists to purchase branded items at incredibly low prices with a discount of 30 to 70%.

Despite the fact that prices are very low and can “fit” any wallet, Thailand is not considered one of the cheapest countries. In shopping centers you can expect low prices on goods such as fruits, flowers, etc. Especially those tourists who visit markets for foreigners overpay. As a rule, there are no signs with prices and it is different for each buyer, which is why many overpay 2 or even three times more than the market value.

Where is the best place to “shop”

The most profitable places for this are the already mentioned markets. In every city and resort village there are a great many of them. Prices are lower towards the end of the market, so don’t rush to buy everything just after entering the “tent city”.

Look around, get used to the surroundings, choose. Also, local markets allow things that may cause indignation in the shopping center. You can safely bargain and earn a discount of up to 50% at an already low price.

What to buy

Thailand is a country of contrasts, so each place has its own traditions. However, there are things that unite the state and make it whole. Elephants, in all their manifestations, and thai cosmetics- things that you should definitely buy in Thailand. Such gifts for loved ones and small trinkets for yourself will remind you for a long time fabulous trip to the Land of Smiles and warm you with the warmth of Thailand throughout the year.

Advice for those who plan to pay with a card in Thailand - be sure to call the bank and warn them that during a certain period you will be in Thailand and pay for various goods and services with a card. Otherwise, the card may be blocked after the first transaction, regardless of the amount. If you are lazy and do not call, the bank may block the card in order to prevent fraud.

This post will be dedicated to money and tourists. Namely, we will answer the popular question of how much money to take to Thailand for 10 days, give recommendations on what currency is best to bring, where it is profitable to exchange it for Thai baht, how to withdraw money from local ATMs with the greatest benefit and what is the Thai baht exchange rate for today.

We live in Pattaya, so everything stated below in this article applies specifically to this city.

Thai baht exchange rate for today

Let's start with the Thai baht exchange rate for today (updated daily). In the most profitable exchange offices in Pattaya (yellow and red), the baht exchange rate to the ruble and dollar today is as follows:

  • 1 rub = 0.543 baht.
  • 1 dollar = 32.36 baht.

First, let’s talk about where you definitely shouldn’t change money:

  1. At the airport (the most unfavorable rate). That is why it is worth ordering and paying for a taxi from Bangkok to Pattaya while still in Russia. In terms of money, it will cost even less than if you take a taxi on the spot.
  2. At local bank branches;
  3. In exchange offices at shopping centers.

The most favorable rate for exchanging rubles and dollars into Thai baht can be found in red and yellow exchange offices, located on the first line of Jomtien and in the Center of Pattaya. They look like this:

How to withdraw money from ATMs?

Withdraw money from debit cards(including ruble ones) you can at any Thai ATMs. The maximum amount for one transaction is 20,000 baht. Cash withdrawal fee - 200-220 baht. To minimize the loss of money due to paying commissions, it is better to immediately withdraw the maximum amount. The best place to do this is at the yellow ATMs of Krungsri Bank.

What currency should I take to Thailand?

Definitely dollars, if you have them. If not, then buy it. It makes no sense to go to Thailand with rubles at all.

Let's calculate together how much more profitable it is to buy dollars in Russia and then exchange them for Thai baht. All figures in the calculation are accurate, taken as of October 22, 2017.

You can buy dollars in Novosibirsk today for 58 rubles. You can exchange them in Pattaya for baht at the rate of 1 dollar = 33.07 baht. Let's say you bought 1,000 dollars (58,000 rubles) and exchanged them in Pattaya for baht. As a result, we received 33,070 baht.

If you immediately exchange the same 58,000 rubles for baht (without buying dollars), then you will receive 32,248 baht in your hands (at the rate of 0.556). So it’s definitely more profitable to travel to Thailand with dollars.

How much money should I take?

To calculate how much money you need to go to Thailand for 10 days, two weeks or any other period, you just need to navigate the prices and have some idea of ​​what you plan to do here. WITH current prices for 2017-2018 we will help you, otherwise everything is in your hands.

Prices in Pattaya:

  • Bike rental: for a day 150 baht, for 3 days 450 baht, for a week 750 baht;
  • Car rental: for a day 650 baht, for three days 2500 baht, for a month - 12,000 baht.
  • Food in street cafes: 40-60 baht per dish, in tourist places: 80-120 baht per dish, at food courts in shopping centers: 40-80 baht;
  • Coconut - 20 baht;
  • Fruit cocktail - 25 baht;
  • Ferry to Koh Larn: 30 baht;
  • Travel by tuk-tuk: 10 baht;
  • Massage: 150-200 baht for 1 hour;
  • Minimum prices for excursions;

On average, to have a good holiday in Pattaya, for 10 days you will need $300-500 per person. This includes visiting excursions, including quite expensive ones. If you don’t go too fancy, then $500 is enough for two. It all depends on your preferences. If you have breakfast at the hotel and hang out with the bass all day, then you practically don’t need money at all.

If you have decided to visit exotic Thailand for the first time, then before the trip you need to resolve many issues. The easiest way is to buy a ticket from a tour operator and enjoy your holiday in a first-class hotel, but you can also go on a self-organized vacation. In the second case, you will need to solve the problem of finding housing, transport and organizing leisure time on your own. In any case, you will have to decide one of the main questions: what currency to take to Thailand? We will answer it in this article.

What currency is in circulation at Thai resorts

In this exotic country Baht are accepted everywhere. If you go to a market or a small store, they will not accept any other currency. Thais are wary of dollars or euros. Therefore, the first thing you will need to do when you find yourself in a new place is to find an exchange office. Beginning tourists need to know the following facts about the national currency of Thailand:

  • one baht is divided into one hundred satangs;
  • the exchange rate today fluctuates around two rubles per baht;
  • There are both metal coins and banknotes in circulation.

Wean yourself in advance from the habit of crumpling bills. It is best to purchase a comfortable wallet specifically for travel, in which the money will not be greatly deformed. The fact is that all banknotes depict the King of Thailand, whom the local population considers a demigod. If you want to connect with the local population, try to be respectful and careful with this currency.

What should you take - cash or card?

Experienced Travelers They advise you to take part of the money in cash, and in case of an emergency, keep the card with you. Card payments have several advantages:

  • money can be kept in any currency;
  • you will not lose part of your funds due to exchange rate differences;
  • You can pay by card in any large shopping center;
  • many ATMs in walking distance from hotels and popular places;
  • through an ATM you will receive cash immediately in baht.

One significant drawback is that in Thailand there are very few payment terminals in small and inexpensive stores. You will not be able to pay with a plastic card in cafes or souvenir shops. Travelers are advised to take most of their money in cash.

Another problem for vacationers may be the unfavorable exchange rate at an ATM and a commission of 150 baht. Notify the bank in advance that you are going to Thailand, as unpleasant situations often occur with account blocking due to financial transactions in this country. This is another reason why you need to carry enough cash with you.

Is it possible to exchange rubles

A few years ago, in resorts popular with Russians such as Phuket or Pattaya, it was easy to exchange Russian rubles for the national currency. Now it is more profitable to take dollars or euros with you for the following reasons:

  • the current economic crisis has reduced confidence in the ruble;
  • few exchange offices accept Russian banknotes;
  • double exchange is more beneficial for travelers.

If you buy dollars or euros in advance, you will be able to make a more profitable exchange. With the current political and economic problems, it is not worth using rubles as a universal currency. They can be found less and less often at foreign exchange offices.

Is it worth choosing the euro?

The large number of tourists from Germany in Thailand helped spread the euro almost as much as the dollar. If you keep your savings in European currency, you can take it with you on your trip. You will not have any problems with the exchange; all points will easily convert euros into baht.

However, travelers are not advised to carry this currency due to its floating rate. Over the past two years, the euro exchange rate has experienced rapid ups and downs. It will be difficult for you to calculate the amount of money you will need to have with you during your vacation. There is currently a downward trend in euro quotations relative to other national currencies, including bahtam. In Thailand, you will not be offered the most favorable exchange rate - it is most often the same as the dollar.

Why is the dollar more convenient?

Almost all travel agencies in the world recommend carrying dollars with you in Thailand. Exchange offices that accept American currency are more common in this exotic country. In addition, you will be offered quite favorable conditions.

One feature worth noting: purchase large 50 or 100 dollar bills in Russia in advance. You can exchange them at the most favorable rate. With the lowest commission percentage. There are three exchange schemes in Thailand:

  • beneficial for large banknotes;
  • medium for $20 bills;
  • with high interest for small money from 1 to 10 dollars.

Change a large amount at once, because only in this case you will not lose a single baht or satang during conversion. A passport is required to visit the exchange office. Without it, they won’t exchange money for you or even answer your questions. If you are afraid for the safety of the document, then you should prepare a copy of your passport in advance.

Some exchange offices work without documents, but you should be wary of them, as in this case you may receive a smaller amount. In a number of stores resort area They will gladly accept dollars, but most still accept baht.

Travel checks: what were they good for?

Once you have found out what currency to take to Thailand, it is worth considering alternative ways receiving cash. Now in Russia, traveler's checks have become a rarity, but if you travel a lot, then you have the opportunity to purchase them. Travel checks are issued by American Express. They have several advantages:

  • better exchange rate (better than cash);
  • security, since these checks are personal.

Unfortunately, since 2013 it has become almost impossible to purchase checks in Russia. However, if you are lucky enough to become the owner of this security, take your passport with you to convert it into cash.

How much amount should you have with you?

Each of us has different needs when it comes to spending money on vacation. For some, it’s enough to eat fruit from the local market and meditate on the coast instead of excursions, while others need to go on a massive shopping spree and buy as many different souvenirs as possible. You've probably heard that Thailand is a country with low prices, but is this really so? Experienced travelers gave the following advice to those who have never vacationed on the beaches of Thailand:

  1. The average amount for one day is $50. This is enough for food, accommodation and movement around the country or locality. If you are traveling from a tour operator, the amount can be reduced slightly.
  2. Always have an emergency supply on hand for emergencies. If there is money left, you can bring it home and exchange it back for rubles. It is best to keep the reserve on a card or simply separately from other money.
  3. If you are going for 2 weeks, then take about $700 with you. This amount will be enough for entertainment and comfortable accommodation, as well as for memorable souvenirs for loved ones.

Before your trip, be sure to decide what you want to see on vacation, where you will eat and what you will use to get around. settlements. For those who prefer simple Thai food, it is enough to save from 150 to 450 baht per day for three meals a day.

Excursions cost about 80 baht for two. You can sign up for them at the hotel. Brochures with a map of the resort town are also distributed free of charge. From them you can find out the location shopping districts. It is best to shop in small shops, as shopping centers greatly increase the cost of goods.

The cheapest way to get around Thailand is by public transport, especially on ferries and buses. However, in this country you can rent a car, but in this case you will need to spend much more. Travelers do not recommend traveling in passenger vehicles because of the special driving style of Thais; it is strikingly different from Russians.

Money, Thai currency - where to exchange: in official exchange offices or “around the corner”? What currency to take on a trip? Is it safe to use plastic cards in Thailand? Current exchange rate and all about tips. Details in the article!

The national currency of Thailand is the Thai baht, which according to international standards is designated as TVN. The country uses paper banknotes in the following denominations: 20, 50, 100, 500 and 1000, as well as coins of 10, 5, 2 and 1 baht.

One baht is equal to 100 satang. Satangs (in our opinion - pennies) come in only three denominations - 50, 25 and 10. In the kingdom, this type of coin has practically gone out of circulation.

Currency of Thailand - exchange rate of baht to rubles

  • Russian ruble VS Thai baht

Just recently, Russian tourists in Thailand attracted not only unforgettable vacation, but also the convenience of monetary calculations. Before the crisis events, the Thai baht exchange rate was equal to the Russian ruble exchange rate, in a 1:1 ratio. Behind last years the situation has worsened somewhat, and now, in order to understand how much this or that item/service costs in rubles, the Thai amount needs to be multiplied by about 1.6.

How to calculate the cost of an item or service in Russian rubles (2018)

1 TBH = 1.6 rubles*
* Approximate calculation of Thai baht to ruble

The ruble to baht exchange rate periodically changes up or down. According to data for the first quarter of 2018, 1 Thai baht costs 1.6 Russian rubles.

Thai money - which currency is best to bring to Thailand? Can I use bank cards?

Despite high tourist activity, dollars and euros are practically not used in the country. Street vendors, of course, will sell you souvenirs or provide services in exchange for American money, but they will do this at an incredibly inflated rate. The kingdom only recognizes local currency, so when coming to Thailand on vacation, it is best to take dollars or euros with you for exchange.

Also in Thailand, you can easily exchange several other world currencies, including Russian rubles. However, unlike dollars and euros, the exchange rate of these currencies is unfavorable for tourists.

Please note that the exchange rate in the kingdom depends on the denomination monetary units. For example, it is more profitable to exchange large dollar bills (in denominations of $100 or $50) rather than small ones ($20, $10, $5). In some exchange offices, the difference between rates (Small and large banknotes) can reach 2-3%. In addition, please note that dollars issued in 1996 and earlier are not accepted by all banks in the country. This restriction is due to the fact that a large batch of counterfeit banknotes was issued this year. And the banknotes themselves have a very shabby appearance.

If we talk about what is more profitable to use in Thailand – dollars or euros, then there is not much difference in the final amount. Therefore, take with you the currency that you have available.

Where to exchange money in Thailand?

Currency exchange services in Thailand are provided by banks and private exchange offices. Exchange offices in this country are indicated by the generally accepted inscription Exchange. Upon delivery Thai baht ov in banks, as well as official exchange offices, you may be asked for a passport.

It is most convenient for tourists to change money at the airport. However, as in other countries, airport exchange offices do not offer the most favorable rates. As a rule, the difference is not critical, but noticeable - optimal for exchanging a small amount for initial needs.
Exchange branches are located on every corner: in large stores and shopping centers, on tourist streets, in hotels and inns. Exchangers can even be found on the beach!
National banks of Thailand are open exclusively on weekdays from 8:30-9:00 to 22:00. Opening hours of small banks and private exchange offices are usually reduced to 15:00-15:30. Some exchangers operate around the clock.

Plastic cards and ATMs

Many tourists do not use cash at all in Thailand, because... In this country, you can pay with a plastic card almost everywhere: from shopping centers to small souvenir shops. In this case, your bank itself will convert currencies at the current rate.

Helpful Hint: Thailand's banking system is classified as increased risk! For security reasons, when using a plastic card, your bank may block it. To prevent this from happening, notify the bank about your trip in advance. As a rule, this can be done by phone or through online banking services.

As for withdrawing cash from plastic cards, there are no significant difficulties here either. ATMs can be found almost everywhere: in shopping centers, hotels, supermarkets, on the street, etc. Since when withdrawing funds, the exchange is carried out not by a Thai bank, but by a Russian bank, there is no difference which ATM of a Thai bank to choose. Some ATMs offer to convert funds at local bank rates. You should refuse this service by selecting the “without conversion!” option, because The exchange rate of Thai banks is absolutely unfavorable.

ATMs charge a fixed fee of THB 200. The amount of the commission does not depend on the amount of withdrawal, therefore, it is more profitable to cash out money from Thailand to the maximum.
Almost all ATMs in Thailand have a maximum withdrawal limit of 30,000 baht. The limit at ATMs of small banks can be 20,000 baht. ATMs in Thailand are designated ATM.

Exchange of traveler's checks

If you have the opportunity to purchase traveler's checks, take them with you to Thailand, because... exchanging traveler's checks is more profitable than purchasing cash. Traveler's checks can only be cashed at banks and bank exchange offices. Please note that for this service there is a fee of 30 baht and 3 baht per stamp. Accordingly, you can only experience the benefits when using large denomination traveler's checks (from $100 and above).

Tipping in Thailand

As in others tourist countries, it is customary to leave a tip for services provided. Of course, if the service of these services satisfied you.

For example, it is customary to leave a small monetary “compliment” (in the amount of 20-50 baht) to porters and taxi drivers. You can leave about 30-50 baht as a “tip” for guides and hotel workers.
Regarding establishments Catering, then, as a rule, tips are already included in the price. This is indicated on the menu and receipts on a separate line– “service charge”. If this line is not available, you can leave the generally accepted 10% of the order value.


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