Evening trip to Solnechnoye. Forest lake, sandy mountain and a great beach on the Gulf of Finland! Give them tsyurupas. Sanctuary "Pine forests on sand dunes." Churkin Nikolay Pavlovich Pine forests on sand dunes reserve

When we turned onto the forest road from the asphalt, we thought that the seagulls that they gave us half an hour ago in Rakovo were somehow hallucinogenic :) Well, how else can we explain that we were attracted to... cowboys? No, seriously - exactly cowboys - on horses, in characteristic hats, moving steadily towards us... in the Belarusian forest, yeah.

But the camera, which I managed to raise to the mirage, confirmed two things:
1. There were no additives in the tea, everything was as usual - hay and ink :)
2. The windshield should be washed well, otherwise the cowboys will look like they’re in a fog.

Having moved away from one cognitive dissonance, I immediately fell into another - seeing a ship’s forest on... sand dunes was incredibly strange. However, when I wrote about this on Instagram, they told me that for the west of Russia, for example. This is also quite common. Well, perhaps – but it surprised me.

Literally half an hour of a walk on the coast of the Isloch River - and the camera was replenished with several frames, but on the contrary, my head seemed to be empty - fresh air and a walk through the forest help such ease.









Nature reserves in the Moscow region are small areas of untouched nature with a variety of plants and animals. They are particularly significant areas protected by the state. The beauty and diversity of natural resources arouse the admiration of thousands of people. In such places you can hide from the bustle of the metropolis and explore the specific features of the local flora and fauna.

In the Moscow region there are several territories under state protection, including 161 reserves and 81 natural monument. There are also nature reserves and natural parks. Relaxing in such areas will help restore physical and mental strength.

Let us dwell in more detail on each of these places and consider the main nature reserves of the Moscow region.

"Elk Island"

This is a region in the northeast of Moscow lands. It extends from park area"Sokolniki" and stretches to Korolev, Shchelkovo, Balashikha in the form of a kind of corner between two highways. The reserve includes six forest parks.

Earth National Park occupy 12 thousand hectares. Here you can see coniferous trees, birch forests, marshy meadows, and swampy areas. Two rivers flow through these lands - the Yauza and Pekhorka.

You can meet moose in the reserve. This is the largest mammal in the Moscow region. Total in natural park inhabit:

  • 44 different species of mammals;
  • 170 species of birds;
  • 9 types of amphibians;
  • 5 types of reptiles;
  • 19 varieties of fish.

80% of the park's land is forest. 800 plant species grow here, including those included in the Red Book.

Prioksko-Terrasny Reserve

Another area related to state reserves Moscow region. The reserve is located on the left bank of the Oka, near the Serpukhov lands.

Here you can find 1000 species of rare plants, as well as many pine trees. Moreover, there are areas with both northern vegetation and southern steppe vegetation.

This is one of the smallest reserves in Moscow and the Moscow region, it occupies only 5 thousand hectares. 142 species of birds and 57 species of mammals live here. The pride of the park is the bison, which has recently been on the verge of extinction.

Zavidovo Reserve

This park occupies Moscow and Tver lands. UNESCO rated the park as one of the cleanest places in the world. The territory was formed in 1972. The total size of land is 126 thousand hectares.

The territory, which belongs to the type of reserves and parks of the Moscow region, is famous beautiful nature, the wealth of the animal and flora. They grow here different types forests, excellent meadows stretch, there are aquatic species plants.

The park's fauna includes 40 species of mammals. You can meet a hare, fox, roe deer, deer, wild boar, and raccoon dog. Partridge, black grouse, and wood grouse are common among birds.

In the reservoirs of this area, white bream, bream, burbot, pike live, and carp and silver carp are also bred.

"Crane Homeland"

The name of the lands was given by the writer Mikhail Prishvin. They are located in the northeast of the Moscow region. This is a large swampy depression measuring more than 300 square meters.

Not too long ago, the territory was classified as a nature reserve in the Moscow region. The size of the areas protected by the authorities is more than 36 thousand hectares. The rarest species of animals live here and unique plantings grow. Cranes fly here, and the complex is an ornithological area. It is no coincidence that the Crane Festival is held here every year. There is also a Crane Museum, where you can get acquainted with the history of this natural area and learn many interesting facts from the life of cranes.

By 2020, it is planned to create a Natural Park here.

Cherustinsky forest

This is a forested area in the east of the Moscow region, which is part of the famous Meshchera - a forested and swampy region. Oak groves give way to swampy pine, black alder and many other types of forests. The scale of forests is 21.7 thousand hectares.

The rarest species of animals live here, and isolated plants grow, including those included in the Red Book.

This territory, considered one of the reserves of the Moscow region, was created with the aim of protecting the ecological system and rare representatives of the animal and plant world. The authorities protect the Cherustinsky forest.

What is prohibited?

These are the main nature reserves of the Moscow region, the names and descriptions of which we reviewed. It would be interesting to know what restrictions are imposed on citizens while staying on such lands.

Any human activity that contradicts the purposes of creating the territory is not permitted in nature reserves.

Any types of hunting and other types of use of wildlife are not allowed. Sometimes amateurs are allowed fishing without the right to sell. Citizens who do not work there are allowed to stay in the reserve only with special documents.

Other protected areas

We examined the main nature reserves of the Moscow region, the list of names of which is presented in the article. But there are also nature reserves. They differ in that on their territory some species of plants and animals are protected, and not the complex as a whole.

Among the reserves we can name the following:

  • Teryaevskie Ponds is a nature reserve in the Volokolamsk region, home to rare animals and birds. The Joseph-Volotsky Monastery, which is an architectural monument, is also located here.
  • Kuzminsky complex reserve - also located in the Volokolamsk region, occupies more than 4 thousand hectares. Created with the aim of preserving nature in its natural state, as well as protecting unique varieties of plants, mushrooms, and animals.
  • Pine forests on sand dunes is an area in the Voskresensky district of the Moscow region with an area of ​​738 hectares. It is an area of ​​outwash landscape with sand dunes. Rare plant species are protected. There is a colony of gray herons.
  • The Ramenskoye bog is a nature reserve in the Dmitrovsky district of the Moscow region with an area of ​​578 hectares. Created to preserve endangered flora and fauna.
  • The high-grade pine forests of the Rogachevsky forestry are a reserve in the Dmitrovsky district, in which rare forest areas, as well as plants, lichens and animals, are protected.
  • The Klinsky reserve is a spruce forest in the Klinsky district, in which there is a large colony of gray herons.

In nature reserves, unlike nature reserves, temporary bans on the use of natural resources are introduced. As a rule, each reserve is created to preserve a single species of plant or animal. Most often, they prohibit actions that destroy the integrity of the ecosystem. To ensure integrity, specific types of activities are not allowed in the reserves. Entry Vehicle is also not allowed without special permission from the authorities.

Violations of any established rules will result in a fine. For entering protected areas, the car owner may be deprived of his car.

The village of Solnechnoye is the most popular place recreation for residents of St. Petersburg. This is a village in the Kurortny district, famous for its wonderful beaches on the shores of the Gulf of Finland, which are the envy of most Russian cities. Most people go from the station directly to the Laskovy beach, which limits their acquaintance with the village. We decided to take a walk to less known places. And they turned out just great! So, below is a description of our next Friday hike, one of those that we do in the evening after work.

So, August 4, evening. We board the train at 17.41, 35 minutes later we get off at Solnechnoye station. It takes about half an hour to get to the beach in a straight line, but we turn left, walk along small streets through the village, exit onto Primorskoye Highway, and then turn right onto the Customs Road. The name reminds of the times when there was Finnish village Ollila, located near the Soviet-Finnish border, which had a customs office. Paths constantly branch off from the road to the left. Along one of them, which is larger, we turn into the forest, and after five minutes we find ourselves near a forest lake. By the way, on the maps it is officially called Lake Lesnoye.

An interesting, even unique, feature of these places is that in the forest there are sand hills (dunes) everywhere, overgrown with pine forests.

The lake is very quiet and beautiful.

Its banks are mostly swampy, although in some places there are small approaches to the water.

Good people have made a large platform from which you can dive straight into the depths. Very comfortably!

On the platform there are benches with backs. Full service for tourists!) We took advantage of the facilities and had dinner.

And then - we swam! The water is warm and pleasant. As in all similar lakes, it is black and peaty. The walkways are very deep, I couldn’t reach the bottom. Fish splashed in the distance from us. In general, the lake is pleasant in all respects!

Next we go through the forest. Sand hills continue in the forest. Nowhere else is there such a landscape, similar only near the village of Shapki, in the Tosnensky district - there are many hills of glacial origin, but here everything is more pronounced, and there is even more sand.

Tourists rushed to pick blueberries. It is here, although not as much as in the ordinary forest of the Karelian Isthmus.

There weren't very many mushrooms, mostly russula.

Finally we reached a very beautiful place - a large sandy mountain.

The view from it is beautiful!

There is a similar mountain in Serovo, called “Mountain of Death,” but there it represents the shore of the ancient Littorina Sea, and how such a huge hill ended up here is a mystery. It is too big for simple dunes.

A pine tree grows on the mountain, standing on bare two-meter roots.

Just some kind of fairytale tree.

You can make fantastic films here...

There are three springs under the mountain. All contain water with a strong iron taste. The rivers here are also rusty in color; apparently all the waters contain ferrous compounds.

Special mention must be made about the Rusty Ditch. This is a former branch of the Sestra River, which connects with Malaya Sestra near the Gulf of Finland. So, it was along it that the border between the USSR and Finland ran until 1939. There were border posts and border crossing points here. North of the Rusty Ditch, where it ends, the border already followed the Sestra River.

Here the Rusty Ditch (pictured on the left) connects with Malaya Sestra, which in Sestroretsk is also called the Factory Canal. Malaya Sestra is the former Sestra River, which, after the construction of dams and the appearance of Lake Sestroretsky Razliv, was divided into two parts. The one that flows before it flows into Lake Razliv remains the Sister, and the section that flows from the Razliv and flows into the sea began to be called the Little Sister.

Malaya Sistra is very picturesque. And sometimes you can go fishing there very well.

Here you can see the Little Sister just before it flows into the Gulf of Finland.

And here is the Dunes beach. It's deserted here. The bulk of vacationers go to "Laskovy", which is closer to the station. And on Friday evening there is not a soul here, although there are always people at Laskovoy. The two beaches are different from each other. “Tender” is more cultivated - it’s a chic, civilized beach, but there are a lot of people on it, and you can hardly see nature, since many booths, trash cans, concrete paths create the feeling that you are in the city. "Dunes" more wild beach, there are more trees, less creations of human hands. Finally, the sand here is smooth and flat, while on “Laskovoy” it is hilly and sticky, so in “Dunes” it is more convenient to play sports and walk, but on “Laskovoy” you can hide behind the hills from the wind and prying eyes.

It’s nice to walk along such a flat beach, you can even ride a bike.

A lonely sail is white.

Or it doesn’t turn white, but turns yellow... In the distance you can see the building of a sanatorium in the village of Repino.

The setting sun draws a sunny path on the water.

Of course, I ran to take a swim. It's especially nice on the waves! Water in Gulf of Finland It turned out to be cooler than in Lake Lesnoe. But it is clean and transparent. And the sea space, the feeling of freedom - nothing can replace it...

Clouds over the bay. Beauty!

On the other side of the beach you can see the Sestroretsky Resort. A wide rainbow formed above him.

There is a pier on the beach. You can walk along it, admiring the bay. Or you can go fishing.

Residents of St. Petersburg - happy people, because our sunsets over the sea are the most beautiful!

Waves in the rays of the setting sun....

Sand at sunset...

Before leaving the horizon, the sun came out from behind the clouds, as if it had decided to show itself goodbye.

All. Sunset. And the sky began to resemble smoldering corners. It is time. We didn’t have time to catch the train, but we boarded bus 211, and it took us to Chernaya Rechka in 50 minutes.

And along the way, we captured all sorts of beautiful things!

We walked and ran past a beach-platform on the rocks (), and found a lot of activity there - November is just around the corner, but swimming season Antalya is not closed to everyone! And this despite the fact that it’s cool to swim here even in summer; somewhere under the water there are cold springs.
Under the first cut there are 8 more shots of the sea with swimmers and us reclining on the grass in the same park. And below - we dive into the sand dunes of a pine forest!

6. And we admired this tree, exhausted after a run and breakfast (also not an easy task:), lying on the grass:)

7. Some are on the chair, some are on the rug, but everyone seems to be happy :)

8. A giant soccer ball was placed on the road to Kunda to advertise the turf (or whatever it's called). However, it didn’t work out to photograph him so that he was visually “lying on the grass” :)

We stopped opposite this intersection - Onur decided to finally show me the unusual forest, which occupies a fairly large area between the road and the Lara beaches.

Sand dunes and picturesquely gnarled pine trees on them, stretching for almost 4 km along the road - this sight caught my eye from the very first days after moving to Kunda.

The territory of this forest, surrounded by a city, beach infrastructure, highway and resort area, is now used for horseback riding tours and ATV safaris, and in some places there are attempts local residents, grabbing flat plots for their vegetable gardens... smoothly flowing into greenhouses... until the next government, in order to attract voters, is generous with permission to develop the once inviolable forest zone. Recently, a fire “suddenly” broke out across the road next to someone’s greenhouses, spread to the forest area, many trees died... the greenhouses “miraculously” survived. It is very likely that this was a targeted arson - a not uncommon case with forest areas that someone would really like to turn into their own source of profit.
Residents of nearby neighborhoods come here for picnics, but they don’t have the habit of picking up trash, damn it. What kind of forest park could be created here! Equipped, but preserving this beautiful “wildness” and even some otherworldliness.

I suggest we take a walk together along the dunes among the bizarre curves of southern pines, forgetting for a while about the bustling city surrounding us on all sides.
Photos in the album “Kundu ormanı” M eladan on Yandex.Photos. +36 frames under the cut.

11. Traces of jeeps and ATVs are found here and there, and from somewhere far away you can hear the noise of engines, but they drive far away, and the sounds coming seem unreal :)

13. We came across a whole clearing of wild blooming beauty;)

15. The city and the greenhouse invaders burst into the forest world...

17. On our way we met two dry stream beds. No pipes are visible from the side of the road; perhaps these streams are forever buried by man? Why then should we be surprised at the annual floods during rainstorms, when mountain streams overflow and, together with rainwater, flood entire streets and fields?

26. Another stream, view towards the road.

28. Traces of unknown animals... a whole pack of dogs lives in the forest, but you won’t see them during the day, so the walk is quite safe.

After a trip to Yaropolets, where our attention was attracted by a number of cars with Picnic stickers on the side of the road, we began to wonder what it was. I already had some information from the geocaching.su website forum. After my wife bombarded me with questions, it was decided to familiarize myself with the format of the competition in more detail, and when I remembered this, it so happened that the registration procedure for the next stage, which was supposed to take place in Voskresensky, Orekhovo, was just beginning on the website orientirov.net -Zuevsky and Yegoryevsky districts. The application was sent immediately and the wait for the action itself began. I was very curious about what was there...
And then November 14 came. Rise at 5.45, quick preparations and forced march to Naro-Fominsk for our back-navigator Nastya. We met and moved to the accompaniment of rain and good music towards Voskresensk along my favorite concrete road. We got to the Khimik base camp without any special incidents, although I successfully missed the entrance and had to turn around. There were a lot of cars in the camp, although I realized that there were so many closer to the start, when there were a lot of them.
A short search for the registration place and then waiting for the briefing and start in a rather cold dining room, but before that it was necessary to bring the car in accordance with the competition format, namely, stick on the issued numbers.

And now all organizational issues are settled and we go to the starting point, where the organizers give us a map of the competition area, with the indicated control points, carnet, control point location diagram and short description some CP. While we were waiting for the start, we managed to familiarize ourselves with the map and calculate the approximate route.

And so the start was given and at 10:25 we turned around and moved towards the first point, located in Zolotovo, some stupidity of the navigator led to the fact that we approached the abandoned hospital from the other side, immediately saw the checkpoint marked on the post, but it appeared we are not faithful, after all, it didn’t really fit the scheme (this turned out to be the case in reality), having gone a little deeper, we found the necessary control point and now the first photo is ready, but the most important thing is that we received a dose of positivity, that the point was found so successfully and quickly:

I enter the next point into the PDA and we move on, stopping along the way to take another photo. It was Nastya who spotted the gate of the former factory we needed.

Hurray, two checkpoints have already made an excellent start, but then the PDA and our impression let us down. The road led straight to the gates of the monastery being restored, which is located in Faustovo, and only after about thirty minutes did it dawn on me that we had arrived in the wrong place and we needed to go exactly to the place where the checkpoint was indicated on the map. This was our first mistake. What was also confusing was that other participants in the competition came to pick us up. Although the place near the monastery is very, very impressive.

We get into the car and are already driving exactly where we tried to get the first time, and at the same time I turn off the PDA’s ability to plot a route through dirt roads. It's better to drive on asphalt. We arrive at the right place and there it is, the next checkpoint has been taken and there is an excellent view of the Solovetsky Monastery.

Next we go to the distant checkpoint 01, through villages and hamlets we finally get to it and begin to run through the ruins of the former estate until Olya points in the right direction, and that’s how it is.

The trees grow in a row and exactly where the control point is indicated on the diagram and the prism flaunts. We take a photo in front of other participants who stood aside and, because of the grass, did not see the desired picture.

Hurray, let's move on. I put points on the map that are not there and notice that in Vinogradovo we need a destroyed church and a photo of the altar. We find the right church, and then there’s a stupor... because... We don’t know what the altar part is, but a kind grandmother helps, who tells everything in detail. We take a photo and move on...

This time we are waiting for KP17, at the site of the possible location of the ancient Nikolo-Nersky monastery. We approached the point, and they were just taking a photo there, so we didn’t even have to look for the prism, but just take a photo with it.

And again on the road, to the village named after. Tsyurupa. We needed it there old palace culture, which is now in a very sad state. The local kids quickly realized where all the most interesting things were in their village and had as much fun as they could. And we took another photo and went looking next photo, three kilometers from Tsyurupa, located in the village. Levychino, where the object we need is located.

Questioning the local population clearly brought us to the right point. The tongue will take you to Kyiv - a very accurate saying. As it turned out, we needed a gazebo on the grounds of a local church.

Further on our way was the Pine Forests on Sand Dunes reserve, formed in the 80s of the last century. A beautiful pine forest, with a magical smell and, unfortunately, quite dirty. There we also met for the first time the NTV+ film crew who were preparing a story about this game

After KP04, we set off to look for the year the extension was founded in the village of Mishino (I think I didn’t mix up the name), the PDA brought us exactly to the right place:

There are still many checkpoints ahead, and time is running out. We go further to look for the alarm pole, which, I admit, disappointed me. I expected to see something massive and big, but it turned out to be this:

The next KP27, one of the most beautiful places. Red brick monastery, not far from Kurovsky.

All the farthest points have been passed and you can move on to take the remaining checkpoints. CP20 - we again lost a lot of time on it, we just couldn’t find our bearings. My head was already having difficulty thinking, it was starting to feel tired. Only after about twenty minutes did they figure out where to move and almost immediately a prism was found.

Not far from CP31, there was CP30 with a tricky task in the carnet, but again, I didn’t immediately understand what they were talking about. It said a metal number, but for some reason I thought about a metal prism. The number on the post was clearly visible, and the prism was clearly visible, which seemed to be a trick.

Then the mistakes came one after another, and fatigue began to take its toll. Now I understand that we shouldn’t have stopped in Yegoryevsk, but should have turned around and moved to the village of Baranovskoye, but experience is the son of difficult mistakes. We stopped in Yegoryevsk and noted for ourselves that it is a very nice and cozy town with an amazing Gothic building, which now houses a branch of the STANKIN Institute.
On the way to the Lopatinsky phosphorite quarry, we took pictures with the next object we needed. Interesting name Fosforitny village:

Not far from the Lopatinsky quarry there was a huge depository of phosphorogypsum, and there was also a control point, which again we could not find for a long time and lost valuable time:

And then we decided to stop at one more checkpoint before the finish, which was our last mistake, not only did we drive there on a rather bad road, but we also spent a long time looking for it, and then turned the wrong way, deciding to save time, we just lost. Because The puddles on the short route were very large and we did not dare to climb into them.

We arrived at the finish line 17 minutes late and received a 10-point penalty for this. The result of our trip was 20, taken from 24 possible checkpoints, a lot of positive things and experience.
We would like to know the result now, but we decided for ourselves that we will continue to participate in these competitions and are setting ourselves up for victory in the next stage of the Tourism standings. And I would like to say a huge thank you to the organizers for an interesting pastime.


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