What is the article for stealing a fishing net? Fishing rules. Is it possible to catch with nets?

  • Prohibited fishing gear;
  • Prohibited fishing methods;

  • Any networks;
  • Any traps;
  • Self-catching hook tackle;

  • By slings;

Fishing is not allowed here:

Catch rates and fish sizes

The rule is no more than 5 kg of fish per person per day, except in cases where one specimen exceeds this norm.

Also, there are restrictions on the number of specimens of some types of fish and the minimum size of fish, less than which must be released into the water.

  • Asp - 30-40 cm
  • Pike perch - 30-40 cm
  • Bream - 24-32 cm
  • Pike - 32-37 cm
  • Carp - 30-40 cm
  • Freshwater catfish - 60-90 cm
  • White Cupid - 40-65 cm
  • Silver carp - 50-75 cm
  • Burbot - 35-40 cm
  • Chub - 20-25 cm
  • Roach, roach - 17 cm
  • Ide - 25 cm
  • Tench - 15-22 cm
  • Cancer - 9-10 cm

The rules establish catch rates and fishing periods in the so-called. "spring spawning ban."

Rules for fishing during the spring ban

The dates of spring spawning bans and fishing restrictions are determined for each region of the Russian Federation separately.

  • Fishing with nets;

Fines for violation of the Rules

Russian fishing is a national form of recreation. There are people who like to sit with a fishing rod or walk around with nonsense in every village, town, and village. Not everyone thinks that fishing can result in a monetary penalty or even a criminal sentence. What can and cannot be done by Russian fishermen?

Illegal fishing: what is it?

Fine for fishing nets

If you catch crayfish

Moscow region ban:


You can fish with a fishing rod

Important to remember

What fish is prohibited?

You cannot fish in the territory of Moscow and the region: sabrefish, white-eye, trout. Catching catfish and grayling is prohibited.

Fishing rules

You cannot catch crayfish; there is a fine for sterlet.

How to catch correctly

Rules for amateur and sport fishing

Recreational fishing in Russia

Fishing in Russia - rules, restrictions, prohibitions

Commercial fishing, recreational and sport fishing on the territory of the Russian Federation, is regulated by the law on fishing ("On fishing and conservation of aquatic biological resources" - Federal Law No. 166 - version in force from April 1, 2018) and the Rules for each of the four fishing basins:

  • Azov-Black Sea fishery basin;
  • Volga-Caspian fishery basin;
  • Western Fisheries Basin;
  • Baikal fishery basin.

For each fishery basin, fishing standards, minimum fish sizes allowed for catching and other restrictions vary and are set separately for each region.

The rules of amateur and sport fishing in the Russian Federation establish a number of restrictions on types and methods of fishing, fishing locations, restrictions on types and minimum sizes of fish, as well as periods during which fishing is prohibited.

Among the restrictions and prohibitions, there are those tied to certain areas and regions, and there are general ones that apply throughout the entire territory of the Russian Federation. These include:

  • Prohibited fishing gear;
  • Prohibited fishing methods;
  • Places where fishing is prohibited.

Prohibited fishing gear includes:

  • Any networks;
  • Traps of any design and type, with the exception of crayfish traps, which are used for catching crayfish;
  • Passive fishing gear (zakidushki, postavushka and others) on rivers in which trout live;
  • Any types of gear (spinning rod, feeder and others bottom gear, float rod) with a total number of hooks exceeding 10 pieces per fisherman;
  • Trawling and dredging fishing gear;
  • Straining fishing gear (drags, seines, drag nets, bastings, lifts, televisions, screens, spiders, grips, drills, shards, capes, scarves, sacks and others), with the exception of lifts (spiders) and scoops, no larger than 1 by 1 meter and mesh no more than 10 mm, in an amount of no more than 1 per person;
  • Any traps;
  • Self-catching hook tackle;
  • Piercing fishing gear, with the exception of special pistols and spearguns for underwater hunting;
  • Firearms and air weapons, bows and crossbows;
  • Fishing gear exposed to electric current, explosion, toxic chemicals.

Prohibited methods include fishing:

  • The method of purging, killing fish;
  • By slings;
  • For illumination in dark time days with the exception of fishing using fishing rods (including bottom ones) and spinning gear, as well as crayfish traps;
  • On the track and trolling using more than two baits per vessel;
  • For girders and mugs with a total number of hooks of more than 10 pcs per 1 angler;
  • Using devices that completely or partially block the channel (dikes, fences, barricades, dams and other types of barriers);
  • By the gill method using “fat traps”, “harvesters” with more than two hooks;
  • More than 5 shells per person, each side of which should not exceed 80 cm in length;
  • Obtaining crayfish by diving or wading;
  • Using boats or other watercraft during fish spawning;
  • Using ships and other watercraft that have not passed state registration;
  • With the installation of huts and other permanent structures on the ice, with the exception of portable tents.

Fishing is not allowed here:

  • On inland waterways used for navigation (with some exceptions);
  • In winter, in wintering pits approved by the list, within a certain period;
  • On spawning grounds during the spawning period;
  • Within the protected areas of hydraulic structures and bridges;
  • At fish farming organizations at a distance of less than 0.5 km from fish cages;
  • Within the boundaries of fish farms without agreement with their users;
  • In prohibited and closed areas during periods prohibited for fishing.

Catch rates and fish sizes

Fishing rules establish prohibitions and restrictions on the types and sizes of fish allowed to be caught, as well as general catch standards.

The rule is no more than 5 kg of fish per person per day, except in cases where one specimen exceeds this norm. Also, there are restrictions on the number of specimens of some types of fish and the minimum size of fish, less than which must be released into the water.

The minimum size of fish (“from” and “to”, different for individual regions) allowed for catch is as follows:

  • Asp - 30-40 cm
  • Pike perch - 30-40 cm
  • Bream - 24-32 cm
  • Pike - 32-37 cm
  • Carp - 30-40 cm
  • Freshwater catfish - 60-90 cm
  • White Cupid - 40-65 cm
  • Silver carp - 50-75 cm
  • Burbot - 35-40 cm
  • Chub - 20-25 cm
  • Roach, roach - 17 cm
  • Ide - 25 cm
  • Tench - 15-22 cm
  • Cancer - 9-10 cm

Size is determined for fresh fish by measuring the length from the closed mouth to the base of the middle rays of the caudal fin. Any fish caught that is shorter in length must be immediately released into natural environment habitats with the least damage.

We remind you: since January 2018, new fishing rules have come into force, which determine the types, parameters, terms and restrictions on fishing in the Russian Federation.

Prohibitions during the spring spawning period

The rules establish catch rates and fishing periods in the so-called. "spring spawning ban." The dates of spring spawning bans and fishing restrictions are determined for each region of the Russian Federation separately.

Within each region and region, the ban periods are distributed according to individual reservoirs and water areas, fishing methods and types of fish. Certain fish species have specific restrictions. This also applies to crayfish.

The following types of fishing are prohibited during the spawning ban:

  • Fishing with nets;
  • Fishing from a boat (moving around a body of water on small boat prohibited during spawning ban);
  • Fishing with a spinning rod or fishing rod with more than one hook (in some waters, fishing with a spinning rod and feeder is completely prohibited, but up to 3 hooks can be placed on a fishing rod);
  • Any type of fishing in spawning grounds.

Fines for violation of the Rules

Violation of the Fishing Rules in accordance with Part 2 of Art. 8. 37 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation provides for the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of 2,000 to 5,000 rubles. At the same time, confiscation of fishing gear (gear) and vessel (boat) is possible.

You should remember about fishing restrictions during spawning, when the “spring spawning ban” is in effect. Fishing in places designated as spawning grounds or fishing during spawning with prohibited fishing gear may result in a fine of up to 300 thousand rubles.

Fishing using prohibited fishing gear (explosives, chemicals, electric current) or in prohibited places, or causing major damage (more than 100 thousand rubles) constitutes a crime under Part 1 of Art. 256 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation and is punishable by a fine of up to 500 thousand rubles, or correctional labor or imprisonment for up to 2 years.

The following is also important: it is forbidden to park the car closer than 200 meters from the cut coastline rec. Parking near the water can cost from 3,500 to 5,000 rubles.

Fishing ban 2018, terms and fines

In accordance with Art. 6 of the Water Code of the Russian Federation, surface water bodies that are in state or municipal ownership are water bodies of public use, i.e. public water bodies, unless otherwise provided by the Water Code of the Russian Federation. Every citizen has the right to have access to them and use them free of charge for personal and household needs, unless otherwise provided by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and other federal laws. Every citizen has the right to use (without the use of mechanical Vehicle) coastal strip of water bodies for movement and stay near them, including for recreational and sport fishing and mooring of floating craft. A strip of land along the coastline (border of a water body) of a public water body (shoreline) is intended for public use. The width of the shoreline of public water bodies is twenty meters, with the exception of the shoreline of canals, as well as rivers and streams, the length of which from source to mouth is no more than ten kilometers. The width of the shoreline of canals, as well as rivers and streams, the length of which from source to mouth is no more than ten kilometers, is five meters.

The provisions of Art. 24 of the Federal Law of December 20, 2004 No. 166-FZ “On Fisheries and Conservation of Aquatic Biological Resources” establishes that citizens have the right to engage in recreational and sport fishing in public water bodies freely and free of charge, unless otherwise provided by this law. Recreational and sport fishing can be carried out both with the condition of returning the obtained (caught) aquatic biological resources to their habitat, and without this condition.

Thus, you have the right to use the shoreline of public water bodies for movement and stay near them, including for fishing within the limits and standards established by the above legislation.

You also have the right to demand from the tenant an act of stocking the reservoir with fish. This act must indicate the species of fish that are his private property. Other fish species are native - not on the tenant's property - and are subject to free harvest.

In the event that the tenant interferes with your movement and stay on the shoreline of water bodies, including for the implementation of recreational fishing and mooring of floating craft, you have the right to contact the environmental prosecutor's office with a statement about the tenant's violation of the water and fishing legislation of the Russian Federation. In turn, the environmental prosecutor, after conducting an inspection based on your request, has the right to go to court with a demand to remove obstacles to the use of a public water body and its shoreline.

WITH June 3, 2018 daily production limits are introduced for amateur fishermen. This was reported by the regional state hunting supervision committee.

The department explained that these innovations are necessary to preserve the region’s aquatic biological resources. “The order of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia dated April 18, 2018 No. 164 was published, which amended the Fishery Rules for the Volga-Caspian fishery basin. The rules determine the daily fish catch rate for recreational fishing. These changes will help preserve and increase the region's fish stocks"- said the head of the regional committee of state hunting supervision Nikolai Bondarenko.

The department explained that the ratio of the volumes of industrial production and amateur fishing of aquatic biological resources in the region is approximately at the same level, for example, in the Gorky Reservoir, fishermen caught about 131 tons of fish in 2017, and amateur fishermen - 136 tons; On the Cheboksary Reservoir, 309 tons are commercial and 219 tons are for amateur fishermen.

Changes to the Fishery Rules are aimed at establishing a daily production rate for amateur fishermen, which is also one of the measures for the rational use of aquatic biological resources. Thus, for water bodies of fishery importance Nizhny Novgorod region The following standards are established:

The total daily production (catch) rate for all types of aquatic biological resources (except for freshwater catfish), including those not listed in the table, is no more than 10 kg or one specimen if its weight exceeds 10 kg. If the total daily norm is exceeded, the extraction (catch) of aquatic biological resources is stopped.

Let us recall that liability for violation of the Fishery Rules is provided for in Part 2 of Article 8.37 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, and entails the imposition of an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of two thousand to five thousand rubles with or without confiscation of the vessel and other equipment for the extraction (catch) of aquatic biological resources

It was previously reported that from April 15 to June 15, fishing rules established restrictions on amateur and sport fishing in the reservoirs of the Nizhny Novgorod region.

New fishing rules for the Azov-Black Sea basin

Also at this time there is a ban on industrial fishing of aquatic biological resources. Only recreational fishing with a fishing rod from the shore is allowed. OUTSIDE THE SPAWNING AREAS. The number of hooks is no more than two.

Let us remind you that for the convenience of citizens, the State Hunting Supervision Committee of the Nizhny Novgorod Region was developed on the basis of the Fishery Rules and materials of scientific research work of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "GosNIORKHA" schematic map of spawning areas, that is, spawning places. Acquainted with Map-scheme can be found on the department’s website in the “Spawning course” section https://ohotnadzor.government-nnov.ru/?id=96015

Rybnadzor fine table: for fishing nets, catching crayfish, etc.

Russian fishing is a national form of recreation. There are people who like to sit with a fishing rod or walk around with nonsense in every village, town, and village.

The Law on Fishing and what’s new in the Fisheries Rules 2018

Not everyone thinks that fishing can result in a monetary penalty or even a criminal sentence. What can and cannot be done by Russian fishermen?

Illegal fishing: what is it?

The main document regulating fishing in our country is the Federal Law “On Fisheries and Conservation of Aquatic Biological Resources”. There are registered general rules, but there are no uniform rules for all areas. Each region sets its own restrictions on the size of fish, its quantity, the use of gear, etc.

There are general restrictions: you can catch with nets only with special permission. It is prohibited to do this during spawning, on spawning grounds, or on the paths to it. For example, the table of fines of the Rybnadzor in 2018 states that for the illegal extraction of aquatic biological resources on a large scale, a citizen can pay in money from 300,000 to 500,000 rubles (Article 256 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). For officials, the amounts and terms are much larger.

What applies to large sizes?

According to the definition of Article 256 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, damage of more than 100,000 rubles is considered large-scale. If the amount exceeds 250,000, the conversation will begin to talk about especially large sizes.

The same fines for fish poaching in 2018 are provided for illegal fishing at spawning sites and on the routes to it, and for the use of self-propelled boats during prohibited fishing. Art. 256 of the Criminal Code: “Illegal extraction (catch) of aquatic biological resources, if this act is committed:

    causing major damage;

    using a self-propelled floating vehicle or explosives and chemicals, electric current or other prohibited weapons and methods of mass destruction of aquatic biological resources;

    in spawning areas or on migration routes to them;

    in specially protected natural areas or in a zone of environmental disaster or in a zone of environmental emergency, -

shall be punishable by a fine in the amount of three hundred thousand to five hundred thousand rubles or in the amount wages or other income of the convicted person for a period of two to three years, or correctional labor for a term of up to two years, or imprisonment for the same term.”

Administrative responsibility

For non-compliance with the rules in smaller amounts, citizens can be fined 2000 - 5000 rubles. These fines for illegal fishing are provided for in Article 8.37 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. The amount seems small, but if you add to this the confiscation of the vessel, gear, and caught prey, you get quite a decent figure.

Fine for fishing nets

Is it possible to catch with nets? It is possible if the owner of such equipment has the appropriate permission.

What else to consider when using networks:

  1. Length of all installations. The numbers are different and depend on the region. The average figure is from 30 meters to 80.
  2. Minimum cell size. The average value is 50 mm, the numbers vary by region.
  3. Dates when fishing is allowed. Depends on the region.
  4. Prohibitions in special areas of the reservoir.
  5. Permitted number of fish caught.
  6. Acceptable minimum sizes of each fish.
  7. What is the fine for fishing with nets in 2018 and for other violations.

More information about the restrictions can be found on the website of the Fisheries Inspectorate of the area in which the citizen will be applying for a fishing permit.

If you catch crayfish

Violations of the Law include not only fishing with nets. If a citizen catches other aquatic inhabitants (for example, crayfish), the procedure for sanctions is the same. The only difference is how much you will have to pay for each head caught if the capture was carried out illegally.

This is where the Government of the Russian Federation Resolution No. 724 begins its work, which sets out in detail the amount of compensation for each water resident. Illegally caught chum salmon are valued by the state at 580 rubles, roach - 25. The fine for catching crayfish will increase by 250 rubles for each mantis crayfish caught.

In the reservoirs of the Moscow region, catching crayfish is prohibited all year round; in other areas there is a ban on certain days. For example, the rules of the Vologda region prohibit catching crayfish from June 15 to July 31; Kaliningradskaya - from October 1 to June 30; Novgorodskaya - from May 25 to June 10. Sizes are established by region; crayfish smaller than which must be released back into the reservoir. The approximate average size is 9-10 cm.

Penalty for fishing during the fishing ban period

Every fisherman knows that during the spawning period any fishing is prohibited. The ban period depends on the region.

Moscow region ban:

  • at the cooling reservoirs of the Shaturskaya and Elektrogorskaya power plants, fishing is prohibited from March 22 to June 1;
  • other areas: prohibited from April 1 to June 10.

For violating the ban, you will have to pay a fine for fishing during spawning, and also hand over your gear and boat to the state. If the volume of catch is large, then fishing while prohibited will be punishable under a criminal article.

Important: There are weight restrictions! They are different in each region and depend on the breed and value of the fish. Average value: approximately 5 kg. for one person.

You can fish with a fishing rod

Fishing bans apply to absolutely everyone: from seasoned professionals to novice amateurs. From May to June, fishing from the shore is allowed only if the citizen has one fishing rod and one hook. During the spawning period, installing two or more fishing rods is punishable by law. The fine for fishing with a spinning rod during the spawning period can amount to up to half a million rubles, and if a citizen cannot pay the amount, then he will face correctional labor or a real sentence of two years.

Important to remember, which cannot be caught in nature reserves, near bridges, locks, or in special nurseries.

What fish is prohibited?

Not all fish can be used to make fish soup. Each region has a list of species that are prohibited from being caught.

You cannot fish in the territory of Moscow and the region: sabrefish, white-eye, trout. Catching catfish and grayling is prohibited. You cannot catch crayfish; there is a fine for sterlet.

Sterlet is prohibited from catching in the Kama region. Also, you cannot catch sturgeon or taimen there. More detailed lists of prohibited species can be found in the Fisheries Department of each district.

In all regions it is prohibited to catch inhabitants of reservoirs listed in the Red Book.

How to catch correctly

To have both fun and a delicious meal for dinner, you must follow the laws. You can get acquainted with them in Rybnadzor of the region where the fishing will take place. There you can also get information about prohibited areas and fish species.

No special permit is required for fishing with a rod, but compliance with the laws is necessary. When fishing with nets, a citizen must fill out the appropriate paperwork, and when installing nets, provide them with badges with his name and permit number.

The State Duma recently adopted a law banning fishing with drift nets. The purpose of this resolution is to preserve the population of fish coming from the sea to rivers to spawn. Catching fish with such nets is quite effective. Just one touch of the fish against the mesh wall is enough for it to become entangled in it. At the same time, the catch is often carried out using nets with walls measuring thirty by fifteen meters, which is why the scale of the catch is colossal.

In addition, as a rule, about a hundred nets are installed at once to catch fish, which poses a danger of complete devastation of the spawning area. To prevent this, the law provides for a fine for fishing in violation of the norms and permissible scale.

However, fishing with nets is allowed only in some regions of Russia. These include Siberia, Far East, as well as the northern regions of the country. At the same time, enterprises engaged in fishing must have a license obtained by the fisheries of the Russian Federation. To obtain such permission, specialists record and mark each network used, indicating the owner’s data.

The document granting the right to fish cannot be transferred to third parties. In the absence of a license, the owner of the networks must pay a fine, the amount of which depends on a number of determining factors. In addition, you will need to pay an additional 300 rubles for catching each salmon, 200 rubles for catching crab, and 35 rubles for catching each pink salmon.

Penalties in 2018-2019

According to the new law, a fine is expected for fishing with nets, the amount of which ranges from 100 thousand to 300 thousand rubles. In this case, some features are taken into account.

  1. If it is impossible to pay, the fine is replaced by six months of imprisonment for the fisherman.
  2. If the fish was caught during spawning, the amount of sanctions will be 300 thousand rubles.
  3. For catching fish species such as pike or carp (during spawning), a fine will be issued, the amount of which will be 250 rubles for each fish.
  4. When catching crayfish, the fine will be 42 rubles for each.
  5. For each bream caught you will need to pay 25 rubles.
  6. If the caught fish is a female, the size of the sanctions is doubled.

The main focus in drafting this law was on preserving the salmon population. After all, the level of development of coastal infrastructure largely depends on his approach. A ban on fishing with drift nets will increase the income received by coastal enterprises through an additional catch of up to seventeen thousand tons each year. If fishing with drift nets continues at the same level at which it is carried out now, the amount of lost financial benefits in five years will amount to more than eight billion rubles.

There are many known cases where heavy fines were imposed on poachers involved in illegal net fishing. For example, recently in Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug two local fishermen were detained who were using a net two hundred and fifty meters long. During the arrest, the entire catch found in the boat was confiscated and sent for examination to ichthyologists. Based on the results of the analysis of the confiscated fish, it will be determined what fine the offenders will have to pay.

Features of the new rules

Starting from January 1, 2019, new rules will come into force, according to which the driftnet method of fishing with nets will be prohibited for both local and foreign fishermen. At the same time, the fine for illegal fishing will increase to eight percent. In some cases, fines will amount to approximately the fisherman's total earnings for eighteen months.

In extremely difficult situations, as today, it will be possible to open a criminal case. In this case, the term of imprisonment is determined by the court and can be a maximum of two years. In situations where a fine is issued for fishing, it should be paid not at the fishing spot, but at a bank branch. Moreover, in case of violations of the rules established by the legislation of the Russian Federation when fishing with nets, the following may be confiscated:

  • boat (ship, drifter);
  • nets (if proof of their use for fishing);
  • the catch itself.

The specific amount of penalties is determined based on several factors. Based on this, the limit is not 300 thousand rubles. In some cases, taking into account the additional payment for each fish caught and other violations, a fine may be issued in the amount of 500 thousand rubles or more. Moreover, if the violator of the law is an official performing his duties, the penalties will be even higher.

According to calculations, additional financial revenues to the budget due to the law will range from 2.3 to 3.15 billion rubles. Plus, such a law will create more than three thousand jobs in the country. The shortcomings of the innovation in the code are seen by many drifter entrepreneurs who received a fishing quota for ten years, paying from 300 thousand to 2.5 million rubles.

In total, 13 domestic companies spent more than 250 million rubles to obtain the quota. It is not surprising that the abolition of quotas starting next year has caused indignation among drifters. Indeed, in addition to the permit, companies also spent considerable sums on equipping the fleet, purchasing all the necessary equipment, and so on.

Representatives of the Russian state fishery claim that the business of large-scale net fishing made it possible to reduce the burden on processing catch from the coastal zone. However, at the moment, according to the specialist, all caught fish can be processed on the shore. At the same time, government employees guarantee that there is no personal interest in changing the rules fishing.

An example of net fishing in America

Unlike Russia, America carries out much larger-scale fish catches during and in spawning areas. In a year, American drifters can catch up to 100 thousand tons of various species of fish. However, US citizens bring all their catch ashore, so they do not, unlike Russian fishermen, drag along trails of birds that are attracted by discarded fish. In addition, US drifters use nets with much shorter wall lengths. Their activities are easy to control. Fishing in America must be supported by an eco-standard certificate.

According to experts, if the same catch rates are maintained in subsequent years in Russia, it will soon be possible to observe a significant restriction of fishing in the coastal zone, up to an absolute cessation of fishing during the spawning period.

When going fishing, few people think about the legislation, prohibitions and fines that threaten for improper use. water resources countries. But there are such restrictions, so before packing your things, you should familiarize yourself with the list of gear allowed for use, and whether there is a spawning ban during this period. It is better to find out the information in advance to avoid an unpleasant meeting with fish inspectors.

Fishing is illegal: restrictions and responsibility

Any law-abiding fisherman knows that spawning is not a death sentence, and fish can only be caught using strictly defined methods. So, it is not allowed to fish with the following fishing gear:

  • nets, meshes and other traps - because this method is poaching and is prohibited all year round;
  • float rod with three or more hooks;
  • spinning;
  • fishing from a motor boat.

But there are still ways to unwind your soul while fishing, and you can fish like this:

  • from the shore;
  • within the city, village, town, etc.;
  • for a fishing rod with one hook, but not more than 3 kg at a time;
  • on permitted commercial waters.

Note! Illegal fishing is punishable by the Federal Law “On Fisheries and Conservation of Aquatic Biological Resources”, adopted by the State Duma on November 26, 2004. Subjects of the Russian Federation took part in agreeing on a law according to which they themselves determine the terms and rules for fishing, based on the climate and the availability of fish breeds in a particular region.

For example, in Moscow, the Moscow region and the Moscow region, the restriction on fish production in the spring-summer period is in effect from April 10 to June 10, during this time fishing is allowed only with a line from the shore and the fish inspector can easily fine violators. In other regions, the climate is different, and accordingly, the time frame is also different, but on average from the first half of March to mid-July.

Fine for fishing during the ban 2018

There may be several penalties depending on the type of fishing for which the offender was caught.

Important! Criminal Code Russian Federation provides for a maximum penalty of imprisonment. This is stated in article 256 of the code. The 2018 Rybnadzor fines table is quite extensive, but only a few of them are discussed here. How much fine will you have to pay for violating fishing rules?

  1. The fine for fishing during spawning in 2018 can be up to 300,000 rubles.
  2. The fine for fishing nets in 2018 varies from 100,000 to 300,000 rubles or restriction of freedom for up to 6 months.
  3. The fine for fish poaching in 2018 in the new version of the law ranges from 200,000 to 500,000 rubles or restriction of freedom for up to 2 years.
  4. The fine for violating the rules of catching and fishing ranges from 2,000 to 5,000 rubles and confiscation of the watercraft along with gear.
  5. For catching carp or pike during spawning, you will have to fork out up to 200 rubles per individual, and if the fish turns out to be a female, then the fine is doubled.
  6. The fine for catching rare species ranges from 1,000 to 2,000 rubles with confiscation of fishing equipment.

Fines for drift-net fishermen have recently increased by 8 percent. Unofficially, the fisheries protection says that if a wobbler has three hooks, then it can be counted as one, but you shouldn’t take the risk, because inaccuracies and loopholes in the law can work against the unlucky fisherman.

Nets are prohibited gear in almost all regions of the country. The fine for networks is one of the most severe. They are allowed to fish only to enterprises that have a license for this type of gear. Fishing agency employees mark the nets with the data of the enterprise to which they belong. Whether such gear is allowed in a particular region must be clarified separately with the Federal Fisheries Agency.

What is a personalized permit and fishing card?

But not everything is as sad as it seems, and avid fishermen have the opportunity to do what they love even during the ban. There are two documents that allow you to circumvent the ban, and this became possible thanks to the fishing rules changed in 2018. Such a document, for example, is:

  1. Named permission. The document is issued to a specific person, its transfer to third parties is prohibited. Thanks to the permit, it is possible to catch rare fish or use nets. It costs only about 200 rubles, but for each fish you will have to pay from 35 to 200 rubles additionally, the amount depends on the breed and rarity of the caught individual. The permit is issued by the federal fishing authority or by the owner of a private area where fish farming is practiced.
  2. Angler's card. All citizens of non-retirement age have the right to obtain a fishing card, which allows fishing throughout the state. The advantage over a registered permit is the ability to catch rare and valuable species. The catch cannot be sold and can only be used for personal consumption. Rosrybolovstvo issues cards for a fee. An annual card costs 500 rubles, and a monthly card costs 100 rubles.

Note! It should be understood that bans and fines are not a means of getting fish out of a fisherman’s pocket. more money. This is a desire to protect the ecosystem, to protect rare fish species from extinction, in order to leave at least something good for our descendants.

How are fines issued for violating fishing rules?

So, what should you remember if you have an unpleasant meeting with a fishery inspector? First, he presents documents certifying his position. Then the procedure for drawing up a protocol for the offense begins. At this stage, the presumption of innocence still works, that is, the inspector describes a violation of the law, but this violation still needs to be proven.

There is a space on the protocol form where you can independently describe the situation, exactly what the situation looks like through the eyes of the fisherman. There is enough space, but if necessary, you can ask the inspector for an additional sheet. Honesty, openness and admission of guilt, if any, will become mitigating circumstances in court, where the protocol, together with the collected materials, is subsequently sent.

On a note. If fishing was carried out with gear, then it is subject to mandatory confiscation.

The inspector describes in detail in a separate form their name, quantity, external features and degree of wear. When innocence is proven in court, all confiscated property will be returned to in full force in accordance with the description. Otherwise, you will have to pay a rather large fine and say goodbye to your fishing gear forever. The fine for fishing with nets in 2018 is one of the most severe.

Important! Lawyers advise that you must attend court hearings and protect your interests, otherwise the court can easily make a decision not in favor of the fisherman and fine him on all charges.

Changes in the legislative framework

Soon the legislative framework will undergo significant changes. The federal fisheries law changed back in 2016, but will go into effect by the end of 2018. Here are a few amendments:

  1. Created innovative fishing quota for investment purposes. It is planned that this step will encourage entrepreneurs to create new fish processing companies. Against this background, it is planned to develop the fishing fleet of the Russian Federation and build modern vessels. The shares will be distributed by the executive body that controls the field of fisheries and conservation natural resources. It is planned to conclude about 7 thousand contracts for a period of 15 years with owners investment objects, which will meet the requirements of a specially created commission. The procedure will be supervised by the Federal Fisheries Agency.
  2. Will be updated and coastal fishing rules. Freezing fish directly on the vessel and reloading the catch will be prohibited. In addition, previously it was allowed to harvest not only fish that fell under the concept of “total allowable catch”, but also other biological organisms that did not fall under the TAC, but under the new law, the harvest of everything except fish that corresponds to the TAC is prohibited. Violation is punishable by deprivation of fishing rights.
  3. Resolution No. 486 required from ships operating in the northwest Pacific Ocean , provide border service catch and products made from it. Control points were created at which ships underwent forced inspection. Thanks to the abolition of this norm, fishermen will be able to save a lot of time.
  4. Order of the Ministry of Agriculture No. 294, issued in 2016, defines technical means control of fishing vessels. Now the ship should be equipped with Inmarsat and Gonets satellite communications equipment, equipped with an automatic identification system. If the vessel does not sail further than 75 degrees south and north latitude, and has a draft of up to 300 tons, then fitting out must occur before June 1, 2018. But experts from the monitoring center took the initiative to delay this replacement until the beginning of 2019.
  5. The order of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 764 is ratified list of caught biological species, in relation to which investment shares are opened.

Legislation is constantly changing and improving, and avid fishermen should study it periodically to avoid unpleasant encounters with fishery inspectors.


The ban on fishing during the ban should not be ignored, because it is at this time that the future population of fish and other inhabitants of water bodies is laid. If you interfere with fish spawning, then in a few years you may completely lose some species of fish, and you can forget about fishing. Therefore, the fine for fishing in the 2018 ban was not introduced in vain and, when going fishing, you need to ask if there is a given time fishing restrictions. This information is widely covered in periodicals.

Fishermen who violate fishing rules face serious fines; poachers even risk going to jail. Therefore, before uncovering fishing rods and taking out hooks, it is recommended to thoroughly study Federal Law No. 166 “On Fisheries”. In 2019, this law is considered the main legislative regulator of fishing.

What fishing is illegal?

Fishermen should remember: what is not prohibited is permitted. They have the right to cast fishing rods completely free of charge, if this does not contradict the postulates of Federal Law No. 166 and the rules of recreational fishing of 2019. However, such freedom is only a fiction; in fact, the laws establish so many restrictions for the fisherman that he will almost always be found guilty.

The law calls illegal fishing that:

    It is carried out in areas where fishing is prohibited.

    Occurs at a time when fishing is prohibited.

    Involves the use of prohibited devices and structures.

There is a limit on the catch of one fisherman. If a person takes home too many fish, this is also against the law. You need to know when to stop.

Where can't you fish?

The 2019 Fishing Regulations prohibit fishing in the following areas.

    Near dams and hydraulic structures.

    In nature reserves and fish hatcheries.

    On water bodies of spawning farms and in spawning grounds.

    Near fish hatcheries during periods of release of young fish.

Fishing for free from private reservoirs is, of course, also prohibited. However, in this case, you can agree with the owner of the site on a symbolic payment “for the place” - the legislation will not be against it.

When is fishing prohibited?

Fishing regulations prohibit casting fishing rods during the spring spawning season. A law establishing such a restriction was passed Federal agency on fisheries in 2010. The exact timing of the ban period does not appear in the legislation, and this is completely logical - the fish will not reproduce as planned.

A citizen who wants to clarify exactly when he is not allowed to fish should turn to regional laws - each of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation has its own ban periods. In Moscow and Moscow Region, for example, the ban comes into force on April 10 and ends in mid-June.

How can you not fish?

The new fishing rules of 2019 include a huge list of prohibited fishing methods. In particular, you cannot fish:

    Using networks. Networks are allowed to be installed only by legal entities and individual entrepreneurs who have permission to extract aquatic biological resources, as well as holders of registered permits.

    By installing barriers that prevent the free movement of fish.

    Using scuba gear.

    Using a stun gun, electric fishing rod or firearm.

    Using explosives and toxic agents.

    With the help of girders.

    “Gill” method – that is, using “floss traps” and combines.

    From ships and other watercraft that have not been properly registered.

There is also a limit on catching crayfish. You cannot use crayfish with a diameter of more than 80 cm. In addition, there is a quantitative limit per person - the fisherman does not have the right to place more than 3 crayfish at the same time.

In a word, use traditional fishing rods, feeders, spinners - and there will be no problems with the law.

What is the catch rate per fisherman?

The catch rate per person per day is 5 kg; If you catch more, be so kind as to send some of the fish “home.” The exception is the case when the weight of one fish exceeds 5 kg - in such a situation the fisherman will not be punished. It is worth noting that the restriction does not apply to low-value fish species

. You can catch as many ruffs and minnows as you like.

The norm for catching crayfish is set not in units of weight, but in pieces - a fisherman does not have the right to catch more than 20 crayfish per day.

    In many regions there is a limit on the length of fish caught. If the length is less than acceptable, the fish should be released back into the reservoir with a minimum of damage. Each breed has its own limit - for example:

    For ramming - 18 cm.

    For catfish – 70 cm.

    For pike – 35 cm.

For silver carp – 40 cm.

Catching crayfish whose body length from the end of the tail plates to the eye line is less than 9 cm is also prohibited.

Length restrictions are set at the federal level.

What fish should you not catch?

Amateur fishermen are prohibited from catching salmon (salmon, chum salmon, pink salmon), whitefish (whitefish, valka), Kamchatka crab, pearl shells, and algae on which herring eggs are deposited. It is also prohibited to destroy fish that belong to rare species (including those included in the Red Book) - Atlantic sturgeon, large pseudoshovel, Aral salmon. If a fish of one of the listed species is caught on a hook, the fisherman must immediately release it into its natural habitat alive.

How are violators punished?

The Administrative Code also mentions other penalties for fishing offenses.

    For fishing during spawning. The fine for fishing during the ban in 2019 can reach 300 thousand rubles.

    For using prohibited fishing tools. The fine for fishing with nets or using explosives will range from 100 to 300 thousand rubles. A fisherman who gets away with a fine can consider himself lucky - an alternative form of punishment is administrative arrest for up to 6 months.

    For fishing in prohibited places, the punishment is the same as for using nets.

    For the destruction of fish belonging to rare species. Fines for fishing in this case will range from 1 - 2 thousand rubles. Confiscation of fishing gear will also follow.

    For parking a car in close proximity to a body of water. The distance from the water's edge to the car must be at least 200 meters - otherwise the fisherman can "get" 3.5 - 4 thousand rubles.

Personal permit and fishing card - what are these documents and what privileges do they provide?

Thanks to changes in fishing regulations in 2019, fishermen were able to issue personalized permits. A personal permit is a strictly accountable document containing information about the fisherman (full name and passport details). A personal permit makes it possible to overcome a number of restrictions established by law. In particular, the document allows you to organize fishing using nets and catch fish belonging to rare species. There are 14 such breeds in total - here are some of them:

    Atlantic salmon.

Personal permission is paid. Its cost is trivial - about 200 rubles, but the fisherman will have other expenses. For each fish caught, he will have to pay a kind of tax in the amount of 35 to 200 rubles - depending on what type of water resource object belongs to.

The issuance of personalized permits is carried out by the federal executive body in the field of fisheries or the organization providing the fishing area for use - if this area is privately owned.

Transferring the personal permit to a third party is strictly prohibited!

A fisherman’s card allows a citizen who has not reached retirement age to fish throughout Russia, but unlike a personal permit, it does not give the right to catch fish belonging to particularly valuable species. It is also worth noting that the catch of the owner of the fishing card cannot be sold on the market - it is intended exclusively for personal consumption. You can get a fishing card from Rosrybolovstvo. It is paid: for a document with a validity period of 1 year you will have to pay 500 rubles. A card valid for 1 month will cost 100 rubles.

Fishing in Russia is now strictly regulated at the legislative level. Fines for violations of fishing rules in 2019 are quite impressive - and this is causing outrage among many fishermen. However, you need to understand that legislative restrictions are not determined by the state’s desire to make money on the favorite hobby of Russians, but by the desire to protect the environment. If everyone catches fish with nets, what will be left of the aquatic ecosystem?

Few people think about legislation when going fishing. But, as you know, ignorance of the law does not exempt you from responsibility. Therefore, before putting away hooks, uncovering spinning rods and digging for worms, you should study where, how, what and when it is allowed to fish. So that later there will be no excruciating pain for a thinner wallet and a ruined vacation.

Let's study the laws for fishermen together!

What fishing is considered illegal in the Russian Federation, and where you can’t fish?

You can learn more about prohibited fishing from the relevant laws. For example, from Federal Law No. 166 (note “On fishing ...”). According to this law, you can fish freely and freely if you do it on water bodies for which no special use regime has been established. But even under these conditions, you may be subject to restrictions approved by law.

The main list of restrictions is regulated by the federal body - Rosrybolovstvo.

These include…

  1. Fishing bans in certain areas and prohibitions on catching certain types of fish.
  2. A certain weight and size of the fish caught.
  3. Number, type, size and design of fishing devices and fishing methods.
  4. Permitted/prohibited periods for fishing.
  5. Sizes, number and types of fishing vessels.
  6. Catch volume per 1 private person or 1 vessel.

And other restrictions.

As for the specific permitted places for fishing in Russia, they are determined by each region independently.

The places that are prohibited everywhere are the following...

  1. Near bridges, locks, near dams and hydraulic structures, near fish/factories and cages for raising young animals.
  2. On water bodies of spawning farms.
  3. On the fairway from a boat.
  4. In nature reserves.
  5. In fish hatcheries.
  6. In pond/fish farms.
  7. In spawning grounds during spawning.
  8. At fish hatchery facilities during the release of young fish.

Prohibited fishing gear - what is prohibited from fishing?

  1. Networks of any type/kind.
  2. Traps of any design/type (with the exception of crayfish traps).
  3. Passive fishing gear (approx. - hooks, pokes, etc.) on those rivers that are known for their habitats of salmon species.
  4. Pneumatic weapons (except for devices intended for underwater hunting).
  5. Fishing rods/spinning rods of any type, system, design with a total number of hooks - over 10 pcs per person.
  6. Trawls, bottom seines.
  7. Hook hoist devices.
  8. Network devices/devices (seines and televisions, drills and capes, scarves, etc.).
  9. Lifters/scoops with dimensions over 1x1 m and mesh pitch over 10 mm.
  10. Traps and catfish traps.
  11. Spears and other piercing tools for fishing.

Prohibited fishing methods - how can you not fish?

  1. For undercutting and lighting.
  2. Stunning fish.
  3. Trolling using a sail and motor with more than 2 baits.
  4. By means of barriers that become an obstacle to the free movement of fish (dams, etc.).
  5. With the help of circles/grinds with the number of hooks - over 10 pcs per person.
  6. Using crayfish traps when their quantity is more than 3 pieces per person, with a mesh size of less than 22 mm and a device diameter of more than 80 cm.
  7. By means of nets with a total number of hooks – over 10 pieces per person.
  8. Using the diving method or manually wading when catching crayfish.
  9. On the close.
  10. Combines and oilseed traps.
  11. Descent of reservoirs.
  12. With the installation of huts on ice.
  13. From ships and other watercraft that have not been properly registered and do not have legal identification marks on board.
  14. Electric shock and firearms.
  15. Electric fishing rods.
  16. Using watercraft during spawning.
  17. Scuba diving, underwater.

Prohibited fishing periods – when is it forbidden to fish?

As for the timing of the fishing ban, they are set by regions individually and change every year, depending on the situation. For example, pike spawning is the end of winter, the beginning of spring +/- 2 weeks. And perch spawning begins after the water warms up to +7.

Be careful! Fishing during spawning is strictly prohibited!

Prohibition on fishing by its length - permissible values

It is worth noting that the measurement of fish length is carried out from highest point snout (approx. with the mouth closed) and to the base of the middle rays of the caudal fin. For crustaceans, this value will be equal to the length of the body from the end of the tail plates to the line that connects the middle of the eyes.

If the length of the caught fish is less than acceptable, it must be released “home” with a minimum of damage.

So, the valid values ​​are:

  1. For carp– 30 cm.
  2. For crayfish– 9 cm.
  3. For zander– 38 cm.
  4. For burbot– 40 cm.
  5. For pike– 32 cm.
  6. For the asp– 35 cm.
  7. For catfish– 40 cm.
  8. For chub– 20 cm.
  9. For carp– 24 cm.
  10. For vimba– 22 cm.
  11. For ramming– 16 cm.
  12. For grass carp– 45 cm.
  13. For bream– 17-28 cm (depending on the region).
  14. For trout– 15 cm.
  15. For subust– 15 cm.
  16. For bersha– 25 cm.
  17. For the barbel– 20 cm.
  18. For herring– 15 cm.
  19. For silver carp– 50 cm.

Ban on fishing based on quantity - acceptable values

In terms of the amount of catch, the law determines the following:

  1. Catch rate per person/day– 5 kg of fish. In this case, there is only one exception - in the case when the weight of the first fish is higher than the catch norm.
  2. Fish export rate– no more than double the norm for 2 days of stay (export in any form – salted or dried, smoked and raw).
  3. No restrictions: to catch bleak, minnows and ruff.
  4. Crayfish catch rate– no more than 30 pieces per person/day.
  5. Strictly prohibited industrial fishing without a license.
  6. Fishing for bait– no more than 30 live bait per person/day.

Prohibited fish species - which ones should you not catch?

Lists of prohibited fish are determined individually in each region.

  1. For example, for Moscow, Moscow region– trout and sterlet, crayfish with lampreys, bersh and catfish, podust and sabrefish, white-eye, grayling.
  2. And in the Kama region It is prohibited to catch trout, taimen, Russian sturgeon and sterlet.
  3. For the entire territory of the Russian Federation There are restrictions on the size of pike and burbot, bream, and pike perch caught.
  4. Strict ban on fishing for pike, pike perch, asp and bream– if they are used as bait.
  5. There is a categorical ban on catching the following fish: Atlantic sturgeon (listed in the Red Book, fine for catching is about 40,000 rubles), large false sturgeon, Aral salmon (rare species, 1st category of protection), etc.

All punishments and fines for illegal fishing in 2019 in the Russian Federation

For violation of the law on the use of aquatic biological resources, the following penalties and fines:

  1. For violation of fishing rules and other rules on fishing (Administrative Code Article 8.37 Part 2). Punishment: fine equal to 2000-5000 rubles. for citizens + confiscation of the vessel and fishing devices.
  2. For catching fish during spawning. Punishment: fine - up to 300,000 rubles.
  3. For catching carp, carp or pike during spawning. Punishment: fine of 250 rubles. for each individual. For bream – 25 rubles, for crayfish – 42 rubles. If the caught individual is a female, then the amount of the fine increases by 2 times. For each individual of sturgeon species - an additional 100% of the fine amount (for fishing), for each individual of whitefish or salmon - an additional 200% of the fine amount.
  4. For illegal fishing through the use of prohibited fishing gear, causing damage on a large scale, during (and in places) spawning, in prohibited fishing areas (Article 256 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). Punishment: fine of 100,000-300,000 rubles. for citizens, or arrest for 6 months.
  5. For destruction/damage of special signs, which define the boundaries of specially protected objects, protected areas of water bodies, etc. Punishment: fine equal to 300-500 rubles. for citizens.
  6. For fishing without a license (if necessary) or in violation of the conditions provided for by the license (Administrative Code Art. 7.11). Punishment: fine equal to 500-1000 rubles. for citizens.
  7. For the destruction of rare fish species (from the Red Book). Punishment: fine equal to 1000-2000 rubles. for citizens + confiscation of the catch itself and fishing gear.
  8. For violation of the rules of relocation, acclimatization or hybridization objects of aquatic biological resources (Administrative Code Art. 8.36). Punishment: fine equal to 1000-1500 rubles. for citizens.
  9. For violation of navigation rules for ships. Punishment: fine equal to 500-1000 rubles. or deprivation of the right to operate a vessel for up to 1 year.
  10. For parking a car near a pond. Punishment: fine equal to 3500-4000 rubles. (note: there must be at least 200 m from the water's edge to the car).
  11. For violation of water use rules during fishing (Administrative Code Art. 8.14 Part 2). Punishment: fine equal to 1500-2000 rubles. for citizens.

How to fish according to the Law - instructions for law-abiding fishermen

Of course, for a real fisherman there are no such “fishy” nuances that he is not aware of. But given that our aquatic biological resources are becoming scarcer year after year, we risk one day simply not finding fish in our rivers and lakes. Therefore, the rules for law-abiding fishermen will not be superfluous for anyone.

Note: specific places for legal fishing and clear deadlines for prohibitions on it should be found directly in the region where they are established (they are different everywhere!).

Where can you fish?

Fishing is allowed everywhere (during those periods) where it is not prohibited. That is, in public water bodies that are not nature reserves, private facilities, fish breeding enterprises or other places included in the above list. More specific information can be obtained from the regional/district inspectorate.

When can you fish?

At any time, except for seasons in which fishing is prohibited by law (during spawning). Usually, each fish has its own spawning time, but from May to June fishing is allowed only with 1 fishing rod (and 1 hook).

Traveling on watercraft for the purpose of fishing is also prohibited at this time.

What can you fish with (we are talking about recreational fishing)?

Spinning rods and float rods, feeders, girders and circles, bottom fishing rods. But no more than 5 pieces per person at a time.

Other gear is allowed if the number of hooks on it does not exceed 10 pieces.

Underwater fishing (harpoons) is also allowed, but without scuba gear.

How much can you catch?

The catch limit depends on the region and the fish. The standard figure is 5 kg per person.

There are no restrictions on low-value breeds (ruffs, bleaks, minnows).

The number of crayfish in the catch is no more than 30 pieces and no more than 9 cm in length.

Is it possible to catch with nets?

Only in certain regions of the country (Far East, Siberia, North) and only if there is a license. It is issued by Rosrybolovstvo after registration and individual marking of the nets with all the owner’s data.

Personalized permission

It is obtained, again, from Rosrybolovstvo, if the purpose of fishing is one of the 14 species of fish that are prohibited from being caught without a license. This permit stipulates both the validity period, the quantity/weight of fish, and the fishing location. The document is paid (200 rubles).


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