Types of ship mooring. Mooring of a small vessel. Mooring a vessel with a log to the pier in the wind

Or why it is necessary to erect monuments to engineers, designers and inventors.

Tanker "Governor Farkhutdinov" at the pier. Port of Foz, France.

A brief background to the issue. It’s brief, because you can write ten posts on this topic, and even then, the topic will not be fully covered. And the background is just to bring things up to date.

Mooring device, one of the most ancient devices on a ship. This device arose with the ship, and will go away with the ship. It is clear that over the centuries the device has changed, but only in technical terms, the purpose itself has remained unchanged - to keep the ship at the berth. Well, not necessarily at the pier, but to hold it.

Once upon a time, mooring lines were made from plant materials, and I can hardly imagine the nightmare of struggling with these lines. Then they invented nylon, but it didn’t make it any easier. Nylon ends too, that's awesome. The nylon gets wet, absorbs water, and sinks in the water.

There is a slight frost, and the wet nylon end bends with difficulty. And at the same time, it stretches a lot, which also does not make it safe. If it is overstretched, it bursts and flies back, along the tension line, with terrible force. If you fall under such a burst end, you won’t just get away with injury; it’s an almost guaranteed disability, or even death. I personally saw someone killed by such an end, what a spectacle. And it seems that it was after the appearance of nylon in the fleet that this safety rule appeared - do not stand on the tension line of the ends. Moreover, despite all the shortcomings of nylon, it is still found in the navy.
Nylon was replaced by another synthetic - propylene. Propylene is much lighter than nylon, it does not absorb water, does not sink, but floats. Doesn't stretch much. Propylene has made mooring much easier; even in severe frosts it remains flexible. And now most mooring ends are made of propylene.

There is also something exotic – Kevlar. In general, this is a miracle, not the ends - thin, light, not subject to strong stretching. But they also have their drawbacks - they are afraid of oil products getting on them. And the fairleads under Kevlar must be carefully polished. Therefore, Kevlar did not become widespread.

On ships of large tonnage, steel ends are used. A so-called “tail” is attached to the working end of the steel mooring end. The tail is made of synthetic material, and one of the purposes of the “tail” is to break when there is excessive load on the mooring end.
In the title photo you can clearly see both the “tails” and the steel ore itself.

Here is “Governor Farkhutdinov” (Farik)) from the stern. The same Fos, France.

Steel ore and “tails” are also visible.

But the tanker is in the same Phos with synthetic ends. Photos are mine, if so, yes.

The mooring lines on a ship have their own names. And the classic diagram of a moored ship looks like this:

There are nuances, for example, in the number of ends, but the classic looks exactly like this.

How does mooring happen?
Tugboats approach the ship and tie themselves to it (usually at the end of the superstructure at the stern, and on the forecastle).

Tugs help the vessel approach the berth, and to work towards the berth. After the tugs move the vessel into the desired position, the ends are brought from the side to the shore. The shore takes the ends, leads them to the shore cannons, after which they begin to stuff (pull) these ends.
If the ship is equipped with mooring winches, then it’s simple - just fill it to the desired tension, put the winch on the brake, and that’s the end of it.

If there are no winches, the bullseye and jig dance begins. The end is tensioned using a capstan or winch head.

Then the end is taken onto the stopper and transferred from the capstan to the bollard - in a figure eight.

That's it, briefly.
Somersaults on the mooring can last an hour, two, or three. Differently. There are enough factors.

And now a device appears that radically changes things.
Ship ends are not used at all.
The suction cup works.

Trelleborg represents, so to speak.
Mooring will now take less than a minute. Tugboats only need to move the vessel to the required position at the berth.
Unmooring will take even less time.

The suction cup is available in two types - with one working area, and with two.
Depends on the berths that serve the tonnage of ships.
The working area of ​​a single suction cup is 5.4 square meters, a double suction cup is 7.5 square meters.

Mooring complex.
Suction cups and defender.

But while the ship is moored at the berth, unloading or loading occurs, and ebbs and flows occur. Therefore, the watchmen monitor the mooring lines, periodically walk around the ship, and, if necessary, loosen, or vice versa, tighten the ends.
The control of the suction cup is computerized. There the computer already monitors changes in draft and other related phenomena.

In general, the appearance of this suction cup is the SmartPort concept from Trelleborg.

What to say? Excellent stray. Now you don’t have to get cold and wet, strain yourself, dragging the ends. Just throw the ladder and you're done. And then, in some ports, the gangway is already supplied from the shore.

All components and parts of the mooring device (bollards, bitings, cleats, etc.) must be securely fastened to the hull set. Weakness of fastening (swinging) is not allowed.

In the bulwarks, near the bollards, holes are made - mooring hawse.

If there is no bulwark, then instead of fairleads, bale strips, less often staples or cleats, are installed. Fairleads, bale strips, and brackets are used to guide mooring lines in the required directions.

All bollards, cleats, bale strips, etc. must correspond to the diameters of the cables.

Mooring ropes can be vegetable, synthetic and steel. On small vessels it is better to use vegetable and synthetic mooring ropes. Work with mooring ropes should be done without unnecessary fuss, quickly and correctly. Care must be taken to ensure that hands or feet do not get caught in the loops (pegs) of the cable.

You should know the meaning of the terms “poison” and “choose”. Loosening the mooring cable is called pickling it, and tightening the cable or stuffing it is called hauling it out. When mooring, the cable must be laid on the bollards, ducks

and other devices with a sufficient number of hoses so that, at the place where the cable is laid, it counteracts the forces that may be applied to it from the outside.

In this case, the person working with the cable must have enough strength to hold or move the cable with his hands. Whether the cable is being pickled or pulled out or it is already secured at the end of mooring, you must always be ready to instantly release or release the mooring cable, remove the last of the applied hoses or, conversely, throw on the hose to prevent the rope from being released. All this is achieved with practice.

When mooring the boat, its sides must be protected from impacts against the pier or the hull of another vessel, for which fenders are thrown from the sides of the boat.

Fenders can be soft or wooden. Soft ones are woven from cables or made from scraps of tires. A wooden fender is made from a short round log and suspended vertically on a cable to the side or superstructure of the vessel.

During movement, fenders must be retracted inside the vessel: under no circumstances should they hang over the sides. Fenders or ends hanging unnecessarily overboard are a sign of low maritime culture of the navigator.

Softening the blows and protecting the hull from damage can be achieved by tightening the side - from the stem to the stern - with a thick plant cable.

A sufficient number of mooring lines must be provided to the shore or to another vessel to ensure safe anchorage. It depends on the size of the vessel, mooring location, hydrometeorological conditions, etc.

Mooring ropes can fray and break due to the rocking of the vessel during waves, the rise and fall of water, ebb and flow of tides, and wave formation from passing ships.

An unreleased cable during a decrease in water can cause the vessel to hang or roll strongly, and when lowering due to a large decrease in water (in the locks), the vessel can capsize. A cable that is not released in a timely manner during the arrival of water causes the boat to touch the protrusions of the pier and damage to the hull from the list and trim.

Immediately after making a decision about mooring, you need to outline where to moor the boat, where to moor it (are there bollards, mooring devices, poles, eyelets, etc. on the shore). If there are other vessels near the proposed mooring site, you need to make sure that they do not intend to resume movement. Before mooring, you need to check the mooring lines and remove all foreign objects that interfere with mooring.

If the mooring place is unknown and not equipped, then mooring must be done carefully, slow down the boat when approaching the shore, and measure the depths.

It is advisable when approaching unknown place mooring with the bow, make a slight trim on the bow (for example, moving people to the spit). You should avoid mooring and parking near steep, steep banks, especially clayey, sandy and devoid of vegetation, as they are easily deformed and can suddenly collapse into the water.

Particularly dangerous are landslide areas of the banks, which can be recognized by cracks along the river edge and small, often located terraces or steps descending to the water.

When approaching the mooring, the moment of stopping the propeller operation must be selected depending on the inertia of the vessel so that the vessel approaches the mooring place by inertia.

When approaching the pier on the starboard side with a conventional starboard propeller, you need to wait until you arrive at the place, and then reverse to pull the stern to the pier due to suction.

In this case, the bow will move somewhat away from the pier (Fig. 118).

Reverse gear dampens forward movement, the rudder is set straight, the ends are brought in, and the mooring is complete.

This maneuver allows you to approach the berth broadside at an angle of up to 25° (the left pitch propeller produces the opposite effect).

When approaching the pier on the starboard side with a right-hand rotating propeller, it is necessary to go to the mooring place at low speed parallel to the pier and, not reaching the place by at least one or two lengths of the ship's hull, stop the car.

If the ship stops moving forward by inertia and stops obeying the rudder, it is necessary to resume forward engine operation for a while. If the vessel begins to pass the mooring area or level with it, you need to back up and put the rudder on the starboard side.

If it is too late to do this or it is clear that this action will not bring positive results, then you need to move forward, turn around and approach the mooring site again.

When the operating mode of the right-pitch propeller changes from forward to reverse and the rudder in the centerline plane of the vessel, the stern sharply deviates to the left (to the right with a left-pitch propeller). Knowledge of this property of the vessel is necessary in the event of an unexpected stop or retreat to avoid collisions.

If the mooring site is located in an area with a strong current, mooring, if possible, should be done by approaching the mooring site against the current. For example, moving downstream of a river, the boat must land on a concave bank (ditch) in a strong current. The boat must pass by the mooring site, turn back and land, going against the current. Turning back, as a rule, needs to be done from the concave to the convex bank.

Rice. 120

Approach of a motor boat with its bow to the shore If there is a headwind, you need to approach at an angle of 10-20° to the pier. immediately approach the pier and moor. To do this, you need to approach the pier at an acute angle until the ship touches it with the bow. You just need to ensure quick supply and fastening of the moorings. In case of strong wind, premature termination of the propeller operation will cause the wind to blow the vessel away from the mooring site.

In a downwind, it is much more difficult for a slow-moving boat with a shallow draft and high freeboard to dock, especially in rough seas, than in a bad wind. Mooring on such a boat with significant waves and downwind is carried out using an anchor released from the bow or stern of the boat, previously deployed against the wind and waves (see § 56).

The place where the anchor is released must correspond to the place where the vessel is moored, and the length of the main rope being released must allow it to be approached to the pier. After approaching the pier, the boat unmoors if it is not hit by a wave against the wall. Mooring a boat with a superstructure that has a large windage area is especially difficult.

If there is one person on board such a boat, combining work at the helm and the engine, then it is difficult, and sometimes impossible, for him to simultaneously perform mooring and steering the boat. Even a short-term leaving of the steering position by the helmsman in order to apply mooring lines in a strong off-wind wind ends in failure, because the boat is thrown away from the pier by the wind.

It is better to approach ships at anchor from the leeward side, having previously specified the location of the anchor and anchor rope.

Motor boats and boats approach the shore with their bows or, as they say, with their bows to the shore (Fig. 120). With this approach, you should turn off the engine in advance, taking into account the inertia of the vessel, so that the vessel easily crashes into the sandy soil of the shore. If the boat approaches the shore in a certain place, then you can create a trim to the stern, then the bow of the vessel will come out of the water onto the shore more.

When approaching an unknown section of the coast, it is necessary to check the depth with a meter rod, which makes it possible to know both the depth and the nature of the soil. It is difficult to do this from a small boat, but when a boat approaches, it is necessary to do this.

The person measuring the depth must be aware that if the vessel suddenly stops from contact with an underwater obstacle, it may fall.

When approaching an unknown place, it is necessary to trim the bow.

After approaching the shore, you need to secure the mooring line on the shore, and if this is impossible due to the lack of mooring devices - bollards, eyelets or other suitable objects, then you need to take the anchor ashore. Rice. 121.

Vessel mooring

Approaching with the bow to the shore can be practiced in a weak current; in a strong current, the ship will turn parallel to the shore so that the stern is downstream. Approaching the shore during waves is carried out in compliance with special rules (see § 56).

Mooring operations can be very varied and depend on many factors. The ability to moor correctly and quickly depends on the experience of the amateur and characterizes his navigational skills.

However, when mooring, you should not approach the pier at high speed in order to avoid damage to the vessel (in case of engine failure or unexpected delays in changing the operating mode necessary to perform the maneuver). Unnecessary recklessness often leads not only to damage to one's own vessel, but also to damage to the pier, other vessels, injuries and loss of life.

When mooring, the boatmaster requires a lot of attention, ingenuity and experience. Mooring using a template is unacceptable, especially for a boat with great maneuverability. The external conditions in which a ship must be moored are very diverse and it is impossible to foresee all of them in advance.

Mooring should be considered completed when the navigator checks the fastening of the moorings on the ship and on the shore, the depth under the bottom, makes sure that the mooring corresponds to changes in the water horizon and that passing and mooring ships will not damage the boat.

The best position for a vessel during long-term parking is the generally accepted parking of small vessels in boxes. If there are no boxes and the shore is flat, then you can lay the vessel with its bow facing the shore at an anchor from the stern, and with the bow painter placed on the shore, walkway or pier.

When moored in this way, the deep-draft parts of the vessel and the propeller are farthest from the shore and the movement of the boat by wind and current is excluded. The ship performs best on the wave. Rice. 122.

Mooring of ships at anchor near the shore To park near a deep shore or near a pier, the vessel can be positioned with its stern towards the shore. Then permanent parking can be organized as shown in the figure (Fig. 120,

At a distance greater than the length of the ship's hull from the pier or a suitable shore, a pile is driven in, to which an eye, a block is attached, or a groove is made on the pile. The cable from the bow of the vessel is fed to the shore, first passed through an eye or through a groove on a pile.

The vessel must be moved away from the shore by this bow moving cable to a sufficiently large distance so that its hull or any part does not rub against the pier.

The depth must also be sufficient to guarantee safety when the water horizon fluctuates from drying out and impacts on the ground by the underwater part and, in particular, the rudder. From the stern of the vessel, mooring lines must be supplied to the pier and secured after securing the bow mooring line, which also goes through the pile to the pier.

For long-term mooring, the boat can be placed in the corner of the pier behind the bow and stern moorings, supplied to the pier (Fig. 121, d).

Lagoon parking of small vessels is used as a temporary or even short-term berth for boarding or disembarking people at the pier or on another vessel.

If it is necessary to become a lag to the pier, the bow and stern mooring lines are strengthened respectively on the pier at an angle forward and backward.

In case of strong wind or waves, one or two additional cables are supplied from the sides of motor yachts. Methods of fastening the cable on the pier (pier) when setting a log are shown in Fig. 121, a. Parking side by side, especially during rough weather, should be avoided.

When moored at the pier, you must constantly monitor the boat, changes in its draft, fluctuations in water horizons, and accordingly adjust or select mooring lines. Parking can also be organized in cases where there is no specially equipped berth or a larger number of vessels need to be accommodated in the berth water area. Schemes of such a vessel arrangement are shown in Fig. 122. Position A

ensures that the vessel moves on the wave and prevents it from hitting the shore. Metal ballast on the anchor rope (position b) acts as a shock absorber for the vessel to bounce back on the wave and, in addition, brings the rope into a vertical position, which is necessary in places of large traffic and congestion of ships. To position V 122,6, the vessel is driven in a manner similar to that shown in Fig.

those. a moving cable attached not to the pile, but to the anchor.

Small wooden, metal and plastic boats for long-term and sometimes temporary parking should be taken far enough to the shore so that the surf cannot turn them over and break them. It is recommended to cover boats and motorboats with a tarpaulin so that water from the tarpaulin flows overboard and not into the vessel.

Rice. 123. Fastening mooring ropes on shore

Departure of a boat from the pier, as a rule, does not present any particular difficulty. In any case, leaving the pier is easier than approaching it. When leaving the pier, when ready or when the engine is turned on, the mooring lines are released and the boat moves forward.

Controlling a large-capacity vessel while berthing and leaving the berth requires high skill and well-thought-out maneuvering techniques. Mooring maneuver in conditions of limited areas (in most ports), free maneuvering and large inertial forces for large-tonnage vessels is a complex navigation task associated with the risk of an accident, and thus the risk of large material losses. Based on the nature of the maneuvers performed, the mooring process can be divided into two stages: approaching the berth and approaching the berth.

A navigator operating a large-capacity vessel, when approaching a berth, needs to know the speed reduction scheme and have a very good understanding of the possibilities of changing forward motion, taking into account a variety of factors acting on the vessel. To ensure the safe mooring of large-capacity vessels, the use and availability of information on the longitudinal and transverse components of movement speeds is required.

A study of the experience of mooring large-capacity tankers and oil ore carriers in our country and abroad showed that from the point of view of ensuring the safety of mooring maneuvers, the most appropriate is the use of four tugs equipped with wing propulsors or two adjustable pitch propellers and towing winches installed in the bow of the vessel with remote control from the towing cabin. The use of such towing vehicles makes it possible to abandon the more dangerous towing of a large-capacity vessel on a cable both to the berth location and when approaching the berth and to switch to pushing (when working “on the prick” and “under the side”), in which the towing vehicles have direct contact with the hull of the vessel and are able to quickly change the direction and magnitude of the thrust force both in forward and reverse motion. As is known, towing vehicles with winged propulsors or with two engines with adjustable pitch propellers have the highest maneuverability, and when moving in reverse they have the same thrust force as in forward motion.

Container ship Cape Charles

Tugboats with the following characteristics are widely used to provide mooring in the ports of Japan, Canada, Brazil, Italy and other countries:

  • gross registered tonnage 200 tons, main measurements;
  • L x H x T=27 x 8.6 x 2.6 m;
  • main engines 883 kW x 2 with a total forward traction force of 36 tons;
  • in reverse 33 t;
  • propellers - adjustable pitch propellers.

In our country, tugboats with a power of 1693 kW and 3680 kW are used to ensure mooring of large-tonnage tankers.

In many ports, modern berths specially designed for handling large-tonnage vessels have straight sections of fairway on the approach to them, this facilitates and speeds up the process of mooring large-tonnage vessels.

Scheme of reducing the speed of the vessel when approaching the berth. When maneuvering a vessel at the entrance to the port and when approaching the berth, the navigator, as a rule, is guided by accumulated experience and intuition, however, when maneuvering large-tonnage vessels, it is impossible to ensure safe control of the vessel in this way; it is necessary to make calculations even before maneuvering.

If the fairway on the approach to the berth is straight, then the basis for maneuvering calculations should be the determination of the vessel's speed reduction scheme. During the approach to the berth, the speed usually decreases from 9-10 knots to zero. When reducing speed, the vessel must not lose control and reduce speed in a position where the center plane of the vessel (course line) is parallel to the berth line (wall or pier). The stop is made abeam the pier at a distance from it of about one length of the vessel (200-300 m). When using ship engines, their maneuverable operating modes are as follows: medium forward speed (10 kts), low forward speed, smallest forward speed, stop, and then, when approaching at a distance of (1-1.5) L, to the point where the engine stops reverse gear is given to dampen the inertia of the vessel.

Container ship Celia
Source: www.shipspotting.com

While the vessel is moving at the slowest speed or after stopping the engine, tugboats (edge ​​operators) usually approach the side of the vessel, who at the final stage of the stop provide assistance both in dampening inertia and in ensuring controllability, as well as ensuring the safe approach of the large-tonnage vessel to the berth .

For conditions when there is no current and wind, the equation for the motion of a vessel in forward motion is expressed by the formula (), and the magnitude of the change in speed and distance traveled after reducing the propulsion speed can be determined by the formulas () and (). When navigating inside the port, we will consider the speed at full speed to be 10 knots, at medium speed 8 knots, at low speed 6 knots, at the slowest speed 5 knots.

In Fig. 1 shows graphs for calculating a scheme for reducing the speed of ships with a displacement of 125 thousand tons from a speed of 11 knots to 5 knots by reducing engine speed to low forward speed. When reducing speed in the case under consideration, the command “slowest forward speed” and “stop” should be given after increasing the speed set by the previous command by 0.5 knots:

  • in other words, when a speed of 8.5 knots is reached, the “small forward” command is given; at a speed of 6.5 knots, the “slowest forward speed” is given;
  • speed 5.5 knots - “stop”.

The graph shows curved lines calculated using formulas () and (), showing the change in speed and travel distance for a vessel with a displacement of 125 thousand tons after the “stop” command.

Rice. 1 Dependences of changes in speed and distance traveled for a vessel with a displacement of 125 thousand tons on a decrease in the speed of the engine shaft: 1, 2—reduction in speed when the number of revolutions decreases from full and average maneuvering speed to the smallest, 1′, 2—corresponding change in the distance traveled , 3′, 4′, 5′ - decrease in speed when stopping the engine 3, 4, 5 - corresponding change in the distance traveled, 6 - decrease in speed when braking at low reverse speed, 6′ - corresponding change in the distance traveled

When the vessel stops before approaching the beam of the berth, the mover is given reverse gear, and the path traversed by the vessel, expressed in vessel length L, can be determined by the formula

s t = 0, 40 v 1. 6, (1)

  • where v 0 is the speed at which braking begins, m/s.

Braking time can be determined when driving at low speeds using the approximate formula

t T = s T L 0 , 5 u 0 , (2)

  • where t T is braking time, s;
  • S T - braking distance in vessel lengths [according to formula (1)]
  • v 0 is the speed of the vessel at which braking by the propulsion system begins in low reverse gear, m/s.

To study the actual pattern of speed reduction when approaching the berth of various vessels, operated by various navigators, in-situ measurements were made in various ports of K. Khar, in which the positions of the vessels were determined using the Coastal radar station(Radar) after 1 min and using VCRs after 15 s. By integrating the expression for the resulting speed, you can determine the distance to pier D.

In 1982, we studied the speeds of ships with a displacement of 125 thousand tons approaching the Sheskharis berth of the port of Novorossiysk. The measurements were made using a ship's radar. It is known that the reduction in speed is influenced by the conditions of the port topography, the class of the vessel, its displacement, and the influence of external forces. Dimensionless speed (v/v e) was taken as comparison criteria - the ratio of the speed of approach to the berth to the operational speed v e and the ratio of the distance to the berth D to the length of the vessel (D/L).

Rice. 2 Graphs for reducing the speed of ships approaching the berths of the ports of Kobe and Novorossiysk (1 - range of v/vе changes during observations)

In Fig. Figure 2 graphically shows a diagram of the speed reduction when approaching the berths in the ports of Kobe and Novorossiysk. The gross tonnage of ships in the port of Kobe ranged from 3 thousand to 12 thousand: reg. t, in the port of Novorossiysk - 125 thousand tons. On average, speed reduction schemes are close to each other.

K. Hara proposed the following mathematical model of reducing speed when approaching the pier:

v / v E = 0.109 ln (D / L) + 0.15. (3)

On the section of the route where D/L = 20, the values ​​of the proposed formula and actual measurements coincide well for ships with a displacement of up to 12 thousand tons. As can be seen from Fig. 2, for ships with a displacement of 125 thousand tons, K. Har’s formula gives significantly overestimated speeds, which at a distance from the 10L berth are about 25%. Therefore, the logarithmic law of speed reduction becomes unacceptable.

In Fig. Figure 3 shows graphs of the speed reduction of a vessel with a displacement of 125 thousand tons when approaching the Sheskharis berth of the port of Novorossiysk without the use of tugs in calm weather. The moments in time of changes in the engine operating mode correspond to the actual ones, and the changes in speed are determined by the formulas (), () and (), i.e., in time, the full-scale process exactly corresponds to the actual one. The speeds at the points where the engine was reversed also coincide.

The motor ship was moving through the port waters at a speed of 9 knots. At a distance of 39 kb from the berth (D/L = 30), the engine speed was reduced to low speed for 5 minutes, and then 4 minutes until the slowest speed (40 min -1), and the vessel traveled a distance of 14 kb. The engine was then stopped when the ship's speed was 6.3 knots and the ship was 21 kb from the pier (D/L=15.8). For 25 minutes, the ship moved with the engine stopped and during this time covered a distance of 22 kb, reducing the speed to 3 knots. Then, at a distance of 3 kb from the pier, the engine was periodically turned on several times at the lowest and slowest speed, and after 9 minutes the ship stopped abeam the pier at a distance of 100 m from it.

Rice. 3 Graphs of speed reduction (1) and distance change (2) when approaching the berths of a vessel with a displacement of 125 thousand tons

The above speed reduction scheme can be used to monitor the progress of the approach maneuver of vessels of this type to the berth, since it allows the planned speed to be determined from the distance to the berth (stopping point) measured using radar and, by comparing it with the actual one, to determine the degree of discrepancy and take measures to eliminate it. In addition, the diagram allows you to set the distance to the berth at which you need to start reducing the engine speed, stopping it or reversing it. For example, the radar determined that the distance to the pier (stopping point) was 28 kb. From the figure 28 kb on the left half of the graph we restore the perpendicular and, by drawing a parallel line from point A to the intersection with the ordinate axis, we establish that the planned speed should be 7.1 knots. Comparing it with the lag indicators, we are convinced that if the engine is running at full speed, then the approach process is going normally and after 3 minutes you need to stop the engine. It should be noted that in a real situation, hydrometeorological conditions and vessel loading, etc., change, so the speed reduction schedules should be considered as indicative. At the same time, it should be noted that in the proposed speed reduction scheme, at any time the navigator has at his disposal a significant reserve of engine power, which can be used to adjust the speed when approaching the stopping place.

To develop a speed reduction scheme, you can use graphs similar to those shown in Fig. 3. As can be seen from the above speed reduction diagram, about 50% of the time when approaching the berth, a large-capacity tanker is forced to move with the engines stopped. Moreover, it has either very poor or zero agility at the beginning of the period. Therefore, in case of crosswinds of 4-5 points or more or in the presence of currents directed at an angle to the axis of the approach fairway, or if the approach fairway at a distance of less than 1.5 miles from the berth has a curved outline requiring a change in the course of the vessel, the approach to the berth It becomes almost impossible to navigate such a vessel without outside help. Therefore, as a rule, the approach to the berth is made with the help of tugboats.

At a distance of 1.5-2 miles from the berth, when the speed of the vessel is reduced to the slowest speed (5-6 knots), four similar tugboats 1, 2, 8, 4 approach the side of the vessel from the right and left edges of the fairway (Fig. 4 c), which feed the towing cable from the bow towing winch to the bow and stern bollards of a large-tonnage vessel, the engine of which is stopped. Feeding is carried out using the throwing end, which is attached to the tow rope. Thus, little time is spent on feeding and securing the tow rope. Then the tugboats, taking a position along the side and choosing tightly tow rope, upon command from the bridge, they dampen the inertia of a large-tonnage vessel by moving the thrusters into reverse.

Rice. 4 Mooring scheme for a large-tonnage vessel

At the same time, for the necessary small changes in course, different thrust forces of the towing vehicles are created from one side and the other. During sharper turns, the towing vehicles' propulsors on the side towards which the turn is being made stop. At sharp turn to the left, the propellers of the starboard tugs are given full forward speed, and the left side tugs operate at full rear speed. In addition, the engine of a large-tonnage vessel is also in a state of readiness at any time. If necessary, the towing vehicle can turn perpendicular to the side of the vessel. Thus, until the vessel comes to a complete stop, the agility of a large-tonnage vessel is ensured by towing vehicles.

Suggested reading:

As is known, the magnitude of the force on the steering wheel depends on the relative speed of the water flow. In this regard, the controllability of a vessel moving at a constant speed relative to the ground will be largely determined by both the speed and direction of the current. On a ship traveling at speed V relative to the ground against the current, the speed of which vT, the steering wheel will flow around the flow at speed v= V+ vT. When the ship follows the current v= V- vT, i.e., the controllability of the vessel in the first case will be better than in the second. If v= vT, then the ship following the current will generally be uncontrollable. Therefore, if a choice of maneuvering method is possible, mooring the vessel against the current is preferable to mooring along the current. The approach of the vessel to the berth must be planned in such a way that the vessel can go somewhat further downstream from the intended mooring place IN and by this time completely reduce the speed relative to the ground (Fig. 13.8), being from the berth at a distance of approximately 0.5-1.0 of the width of the vessel (position I, II, III). At this moment, the bow longitudinal is supplied and immediately secured, on which the vessel gradually descends to the mooring area (position IV). When performing the maneuver, it should be borne in mind that reducing the speed by reversing the engine into reverse is extremely undesirable, since this will lead to the stern being thrown in one direction or another, resulting in a real threat of the bow or stern collapsing onto the pier. To successfully and safely perform a maneuver, it must be planned in such a way that the speed drop from V 1 at the beginning of the maneuver until V 2 = vT in the end it happened under the influence of the current. If the flow speed is low and does not exceed the speed corresponding to the minimum number of engine revolutions, then at the point A 1 give “Stop” and then the position of the engine stopping point A 1 .

At a significant flow speed at a point A 1 the engine speed is reduced from P 1 before n 2 , at which the speed corresponding to this number of revolutions V 2 will be equal vT. In this case, the position of the point A 1 determined by: Fig. 13.8. Mooring a vessel in a countercurrent If approaching the berth has to be done at a significant angle, then mooring should be carried out with the release of the anchor, which will help keep the bow of the vessel from falling onto the pier at the moment of approaching the latter. To perform the maneuver, the vessel approaches the berth at a point located ahead of the mooring site at a distance approximately equal to the length of the longitudinal mooring line. To approach the berth, an anchor is released from the side opposite the berth, and as soon as the ship begins to turn at the anchor parallel to the berth under the influence of the current, the bow longitudinal one is applied. Pushing the anchor chain tightly, the mooring vessel descends downstream to the mooring area. After all the mooring lines are secured, the anchor chain is selected and the anchor is pulled into the fairlead.

Mooring with the current is always carried out with the release of the anchor (Fig. 13.9), which allows approaching the pier at a low speed relative to the ground, while maintaining controllability of the vessel due to the flow caused by the operation of the propeller. To perform the maneuver (see Fig. 13.9, position I), the anchor is released from the side opposite the berth and the anchor chain is pulled out so many links so that the ship can move forward, working with the machine and dragging the anchor along the ground. As soon as circumstances allow (position II), apply the stern longitudinal, stop the engine and, releasing the mooring lines and anchor chain, go downstream to the parking lot. Calculation of the maneuver comes down to, firstly, determining the propeller rotation speed at which the ship's controllability would be maintained with the least load on the anchor chain; secondly, to calculate the number of links of the etched anchor chain, at which the anchor will drift (drag), but at the same time will not allow the ship to develop a high speed of approach to the berth. Releasing the anchor in such a way that it is pulled back completely and does not drift is unacceptable due to the danger of breaking the anchor chain due to the significant speed of approach to the place where the anchor is released, which in order to maintain controllability of the vessel at this moment must be greater than the speed of the current. 13.9. Mooring a vessel in a passing current: a - maneuvering diagram; b- the forces acting on the ship, and also because the anchor must be released at a considerable distance from the berth to ensure freedom of maneuver when approaching the berth. The simplest solution to the problem with sufficient accuracy for practical calculations can be obtained from the following considerations: To maintain controllability, the propeller must have such a rotation speed P, at which the flow speed caused by its work will be greater than the flow speed, i.e. vcall>vT. The value is the lowest speed at which the ship will begin to obey the rudder, and depends on the maneuvering qualities of the ship. Then, with an acceptable approximation, it is possible to determine the lowest speed of rotation of the propeller at which the ship will be controllable. Obviously, the lowest speed of approach of the ship with the berth, provided controllability is maintained, will be if, with the anchor given and the speed of rotation of the propeller P 1 , corresponding evoked speed vcall= vT, the ship will remain in balance (Fig. 13.9,6). Then you can determine the required length of the anchor chain at which the above condition is satisfied;

The movement and parking of vessels in the port are regulated by the Rules for the navigation of vessels on canals and port waters and the Rules for the technical operation of hydraulic structures and port waters.

The movement of ships through artificial canals is possible only with a sufficient supply of water under the keel and permission from the port captain. The speed of movement on canals and water areas is established by order of the port manager, depending on the technical and natural state of hydraulic structures and soil in the port.

Mooring a ship is a complex and responsible process. On the ship, mooring lines, windlass, winches, throwing lines, fenders, ship communications and other means and devices are prepared in advance. The deck crew is called on deck at an emergency, and each crew member takes his place according to the schedule.

At the port, the berths are also prepared in advance to receive the vessel. The berth is cleared to allow for work related to mooring. The berth should not have any protruding or other parts that could lead to difficulties during mooring and even an accident of the vessel or berth. The berth must have a fender frame and other protective devices. The fenders must be solid along their entire length.

The following mooring lines are supplied from the vessel (Fig. 185, a): longitudinal (bow and stern), clamping springs (bow and stern), coming from the stern, bow or through the side hawse perpendicular to the centerline plane of the vessel.

Rice. 185.

The number of mooring lines required to secure the vessel at the berth depends on the anchorage conditions and hydrometeorological conditions. When the wind increases, additional ends are wound. Fastening the mooring ends to the shore bollard, shown in Fig. 185, b, allows you to remove the ends in any order. The fire of the subsequent end 2 is threaded from the bottom up through the fires of the previous 1 and after that it is thrown onto the pole from above. The mooring line is fed to the shore using a light line with a small heavy “pear” at the end, which serves to throw it ashore. Such a line with a pear is called a throwing end, or lightness.

After mooring is completed, special shields are installed on the mooring ends to prevent rats from running from the shore to the ship and back.

When the vessel's draft (loading, unloading) or water level (high tides, low tides) changes, the tension of the mooring lines changes, so they are picked up or poisoned. Increasing squeezing wind requires the supply of additional ends. If the weather worsens in a poorly protected port, the ship must be ready to go to sea.

When moored at the berth, mooring tests of the vessel related to the operation of the propellers cannot be carried out. Jets of water from propellers can damage hydraulic structures. A tilt towards the sea when approaching pile embankments threatens to damage them or the vessel itself.

Mooring ships to each other on the high seas or in an open roadstead to a ship at anchor is a complex and responsible operation. All protruding parts (booms, ladders, boats, chandeliers, etc.) must be removed; all portholes are battened down, especially on the side on which the ship is moored; shields are hung on the ebb scuppers; fenders (inflatable or made from car tires) are hung along the side - two or three in the bow and aft the vessel, and especially at the protruding parts.

In offshore conditions and on the open sea, it is better to use synthetic or steel cables with nylon shock absorbers for mooring.

Most often, they are moored to the starboard side of a vessel at anchor, since during the astern move the bow of the moored vessel moves away from the vessel to which they are moored.

When mooring ships to each other on the open sea, fenders are of particular importance. For this purpose, fenders made from packages of tires, inflatable rubber fenders, and additional fenders made of soft wood logs 2 m long, braided with 8-10-inch plant rope, are used.

When mooring tankers to whaling bases and whaling ships to tankers, harvested whales are used as fenders. Three or four fenders along the hull and inflatable rubber fenders in the stern deck and stern area ensure safe mooring in wind force up to 6-7 force and sea state up to force 4. Sometimes a pair arrangement of whale fenders is practiced.

Mooring of whaling ships to a tanker lying in a drift, with a wind force of up to 5 points and a sea state of 2-3 points, is carried out on both sides. Soft fenders are hung on the tanker. A whaling vessel moored on the leeward side must have at least one whale fender, and on the windward side - at least two. A whaling ship approaches a tanker from the stern on a parallel course. Mooring ropes are placed at a distance of 4-5 m, starting from the bow. Departure is carried out in the usual manner. When there is a fresh wind, they move away from the windward side at low speed of the tanker against the wind and swell. On a whaling ship, only one bow end is left and the speed is given, gradually increasing it. When the mooring cable weakens, it is released and the stroke is increased.


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