Beaches of Novorossiysk: full review! Landscaping, camping opportunities, pros and cons of accommodation. Crimea. Camping. Pros and cons of living in tents Pros and cons of camping

The prevailing opinion is that Novorossiysk is exclusively a port and industrial city, completely far from the resort sphere, does not correspond to reality.

“VK Press” took a tour of the beaches of the hero city and shares information and impressions.

The hero city has such a resort and tourist potential that it is quite a serious competitor to the neighboring resort cities of Anapa and Gelendzhik. Suffice it to say that on the coast of Novorossiysk there are a dozen gorgeous beaches and beach areas where a million or even more people can relax at the same time.

Central city beach At all times, the central city beach has been a favorite place summer holiday

Novorossiysk residents Today the beach has many competitors, but it is still not empty even a day.

Four bridges, extending twenty meters into the sea, attract diving enthusiasts from all over Novorossiysk. Here you will meet swimmers at any time of the year. Walruses have taken a liking to the gorge beach, because from the bridge it is easier to immerse a hot body in the scorching cold of the winter sea.

The attractiveness of the beach lies in its location - the central part of the city, which is easily accessible from everywhere. Hence the crowd. It seemed that mostly only Novorossiysk residents sunbathed and swam here. But no! The characteristic Moscow accent can be heard everywhere. This means that visitors also like it here.

We are trying to find something special that distinguishes this beach from others. We don't find it right away. For example, you can rent a sunbed only here for 50 rubles. for two hours, and if longer - as everywhere else, 100 rubles. At the far end there is a recreation area for people with disabilities, and there is also a stroller for bathing the disabled. Here is a 5D mini-cinema for 100 rubles. per person per session. But all this is available on many other beaches in the city.

Yeah! Sausage in waffle batter with ketchup and sauces! And the price is very reasonable - 40 rubles. per serving. And yummy!.. From the heat of the moment, you have a dish prepared in a special machine. I have never seen or tried this on any beach before. Nearby we find another rarity - a shop with hot corn for 50 rubles. for a respectable size cob.

Well, entertainment is a dime a dozen on the relatively small area of ​​the beach. Mainly aimed at children, but adults do not shy away from fun. A small man with a beer belly, showing the age of his “prime”, with laughter and cheers from onlookers, rolled down an inflatable slide into the pool, raising a fountain of splashes in it. I did this procedure a couple more times, because I paid 100 rubles. for 15 minutes of pleasure. And he unwittingly advertised the slide, which was immediately occupied by children.

Nearby, waiting for five minutes of happiness for only 100 rubles. Inside the transparent ball, on the sea waves, a “sit-down” line of children with their parents lined up. And the main entertainment was located on the platform above the beach, near central entrance. The first thing your eye catches is a bike rental station for 150 rubles. for the first hour and 100 rubles. for each subsequent one, and if on an electric bike, then for 250 rubles. at one o'clock. Opposite there is a whole children's town with rental of automatic cars for little ones for 100 rubles. in 10 minutes, with swings in the shape of a boat, a train and a tank - 50 rubles each. in 3 minutes. And then - a shooting gallery, attractions, strength meters, inflatable trampolines - you can’t count everything!

We walk along the beach under the high parapet of the embankment along a two-meter wide concrete path. Another local feature is the shore, covered with small crushed stone. Although it has been broken in, there are sharp edges and it’s not very comfortable to walk barefoot. And the advantage is that the shore is dense, compacted, and will not be washed away by waves in stormy weather. In addition, in some places it is reinforced with concrete blocks, and on the left edge the beach is limited by a breakwater made of boulders extending several meters into the sea.

The surface of the sea is barely twitched by a light breeze. The water is clean and transparent. Through its thickness one can see light spots of small pebbles and sand and the dark outlines of rocky slabs overgrown with brown algae.

Aleksino Beach

A narrow strip of pebble land, 20-30 meters wide and less than half a kilometer long, washed by centuries-old waves, from the village of Aleksino to the bend of the Sudzhuk Spit - this is the Aleksino beach. This is the most comfortable beach in Novorossiysk today. Plus a lucky one geographical location: rare for here local surroundings sandy bottom, there is sand at the edge of the shore; "facing" the beach is facing open sea, and therefore the sea here is cleaner than in Tsemes Bay.

Even at midday there are a lot of people on the beach. And in the evening, when the townspeople return from work, there is sometimes nowhere for an apple to fall. Which, however, doesn’t bother anyone at all. Because you can always find a place not only in the sun, but also in the shade. Canopies - the sea! From year to year, the number of mini-aeraries - wooden mushrooms, equipped with one or two sun loungers (100 rubles per sun lounger for an unlimited time) is growing. From the inflatable slide in the center of the beach (30 rubles per slide), we count more than seven dozen such aeriums (free), until we lose count.

Each double catamaran (350 rubles per hour) is equipped with two life jackets, which eliminates any troubles with rescuing drowning people. By the way, there are boards with safety rules installed everywhere, with visual information about first aid medical care to the victim. This is probably why the paramedic at the beach first-aid post, bored, said that vacationers rarely come to him, except with cuts and bruises. There are labyrinths of brand new locker rooms everywhere. There are five shower rooms where you can wash yourself for only 50 rubles. Under the canopy there is a storage room with 48 cells, where for only 30 rubles. You can leave valuables for the whole day. There is an equipped playground for children with vinyl covering, with rental of horses on wheels. And I was also pleasantly pleased that in the installed stationary toilets (10 rubles) entry for children under five years old and disabled people is free.

What is the main exotic thing about Aleksino? No, not Dolce Latte ice cream for 50 rubles. for the ball. And not chicken shawarma for 100 rubles, and not the best Novorossiysk beer in the world for 70 rubles. for a cold mug, and not “Rak-hous”, and not an oxygen bar with cocktails made from wild berries and other delicacies for 80 rubles. for a half-liter glass with discounts depending on the number of these same servings, and even not sweet snow for 50 rubles. for a portion of coolness from majito, strawberry with cherry or orange. Maybe exotic - selling ointments, creams, incense and other cosmetics under an umbrella? Not again!

So it’s exotic, even, one might say, exclusive to Aleksino: a spa salon. Since last year, they have been offering unique wellness services. Well, massage, of course, suits all tastes and needs. And in the depths of the salon, an elderly woman lowered her feet into an aquarium with fish, and the fry clung to her feet like leeches. Let's find out what this procedure is called fish peeling. Garra Rufa, or “doctor goldfish,” is used in Eastern medicine not only for medicinal but also for cosmetic purposes. The fish is not biting, but the prices, admittedly, are biting: hand peeling - 150 rubles. in 5 minutes, legs - 200-250 rubles. for the same time. But, honestly, I wanted to try it!

It is impossible not to mention one more, if not attraction, then feature of the Aleksino beach. Here the number of grocery, souvenir and clothing shops is literally off scale. In orderly rows they stretch along the shore of the Sudzhuk Lagoon, washing the beach with hot waters from its “rear” side. Pirozhki, shish kebab, coffee and tea shops eliminate any opportunity for suspicious grandmothers to sell home-made food that is dubious and unsafe for vacationers on the beach.

Beach "Sudzhuk Spit"

According to the results of the competition " Resort Olympus-2012" Sudzhuk Spit beach was recognized best beach Krasnodar region.

Landscaping and cleanliness give any beach big bonuses. Noteworthy is the unprecedentedly large number of trash cans, which are located every 20 meters along the road separating the beach from the Sudzhuk Lagoon, as well as in the middle of the beach itself, ten meters from the shore. There are also garbage containers every hundred meters. And the staff constantly monitors the cleanliness. And holidaymakers cannot afford to litter: with so many trash cans, it’s simply embarrassing.

Safety stands attract attention with bright colors and force you to read carefully: rules of behavior on water attractions, on catamarans, measures to ensure the safety of children on the water. Approximately every 20-30 meters along the entire shore of the beach there are lifebuoys with the inscription “Throw to the drowning person!” It is impossible not to notice several towers with well-stocked equipment and a staff of professional rescue posts.

Special attention is paid to children's recreation on the spit. There is a special beach for children, the water area is fenced with buoys, there is a spacious canopy on the shore, and wooden paths to the locker room. By the way, there are a great many changing rooms on the beach, you don’t have to look for them. As well as shady canopies, aerariums and solariums, of which there are more and more every year.

If we continue the list of criteria for evaluating the winner of the “Resort Olympus” competition, then on the spit, equipped sports grounds with horizontal bars and exercise equipment, a basketball concrete court, as well as a sand court for playing beach volleyball, which are not empty all season, also played a role. The presence of a specialized beach for people with disabilities added a lot of competitive points to the Sudzhuk Spit. After all, by the 2012 holiday season it was fully equipped, and last summer a unique new product appeared here - strollers for bathing the disabled.

The Sudzhuk Spit also has its own highlights, distinctive features from others. They catch your eye right at the entrance. This is the only beach where there are just the right amount of stalls with resort paraphernalia, souvenirs and grocery stores. Not a whole lot more than a dozen. That is why trade is going quite briskly for each seller.

Among the rarities that you won’t find on many beaches, we find a “Trolley with sweets” stylized as an oriental cart. For only 50 rubles. You can taste a package of sweet hazelnuts, almonds, and cashews. Another rarity is the presence of a kiosk with periodicals. In fact, why don’t other beaches have something like this? Where else can you calmly read a newspaper or flip through a magazine, if not on the beach while on vacation? Opposite there is a stall with freshly boiled crayfish from 450 rubles. per kilo. It's also not available everywhere. And for Novoross beer on tap, which costs 60-70 rubles here. It's plenty for a mug, this is the most wonderful snack.

Nearby is the Bubble Tea kiosk, which, as it turns out, is the only one of its kind in the entire Black Sea coast the edges. Even in the neighboring resorts of Gelendzhik and Anapa such goods have not been seen. Here you can for only 140 rubles. try an exotic cocktail, the secrets of which were brought from Taiwan. It is prepared using one of three types of tea of ​​your choice: black, green or jasmine. Juice is added, the viscosity is almost syrup, again to choose from 10 types (passion fruit, pineapple, lemon, mango and other sweets). Added to this is a generally unique contraption - balls, inside of which there is also juice from the same fruits or citrus fruits, and their shell is made of tasteless, but very healthy algae. The balls burst under the tongue and melt in the mouth, washed with tea syrup. The feeling you experience is indescribable! As the cocktail seller said, there are more than 30 thousand such outlets in Taiwan, and the technology was brought to Russia only a couple of years ago. Novorossiysk residents and city guests were the first to successfully try it in the region.

Of course, the main distinguishing feature of the Sudzhuk Spit beach was the dolphinarium. Daily performances of smart marine mammals attract not only children, but also adults. Tickets - 500 rub. per performance, and for children under 4 years old - free.

And one more important point - medium-sized pebbles on the shore and at the bottom. Not slippery, no boulders, no risk of injury. And the clearest water, which is a little cooler than on other beaches, since the current is quite noticeable. And the water, if one can say so about the sea, is flowing and constantly renewed.

Yes! We completely forgot about the attraction of the spit! After all, a bronze Gesha Kozodoev, the immortal hero of “The Diamond Arm”, brilliantly performed by Andrei Mironov, is installed here. Everyone who has visited the spit considers it their duty to take a photo near this figure.

Neptune Beach

One of the most popular summer holiday destinations among Novorossiysk residents is Neptune Beach, named after the cinema of the same name located nearby. However, this place on the city embankment equipped for swimming is considered a beach. Officially, a recreational area is located here, since the planned commissioning of wastewater treatment plants in the Neptune area has been postponed indefinitely.
This beach area, let's call it such an ambiguous concept, is limited on both sides by construction sites. On the side of Chernyakhovsky Boulevard on the embankment, construction is underway of a unique object that will not only decorate Novorossiysk, but, apparently, will become its symbol.

The temple in honor of the Holy Blessed Prince Peter and Princess Fevronia of Murom miracle workers, according to the architects' plans, will also serve as a lighthouse. Located on a specially created site near the sea, the snow-white temple is crowned with a hollow dome, the onion of which is marked by figured metal structures covered with gold, and between them there is a red flashing lantern of the lighthouse itself. Construction began early last summer and should be completed by the end of this year.

From the side of the boat station and the former fish factory, the beach abuts a rounded concrete parapet, from here the third and final stage of improvement of the Admiral Serebryakov embankment starts. Let us note that none of these construction projects in any way affects the peace and bliss of vacationers. Sunbathe for your health and swim.

The aromas of carefully tended flower beds and flower beds, which the tenant has laid out in large quantities near the shore, compete with the salty taste of the sea wave.

Situated just below the embankment, the beach area is enclosed by its parapet, where stalls are displayed. And the beach itself consists of two parts almost equal in width - a 15-meter path along the entire shore made of concrete slabs near the parapet and approximately the same pebble strip where vacationers sunbathe (on sunbeds - only 70 rubles for the whole day).

On the “border” of these two halves, every 15-20 meters there are benches and trash cans, and here and there from the concrete platform to the sea there are convenient paths made of the same pebbles, but embedded in mortar. There are three trash containers in the far corner. We have three dry closets (10 rubles), locker rooms next to each other, several gazebos and one large shady canopy. The area is constantly cleaned, and the vacationers themselves, seeing such concern for cleanliness, do not litter.

No less attention is paid here to providing for vacationers. There are rescue and medical stations, where specialists stand watch from 8.00 to 20.00 - the official operating hours of this recreational recreation area.

To taste all the delights of a local holiday, it is not at all necessary to come here for sea and sunbathing. By the way, as it turned out, many Novorossiysk residents do just that.

Parents specifically bring us to entertain their children,” said the controller of the 5D mini-cinema. “And our attendance is probably the largest in the city.”

“Skyscrapers”, “Bundsiwan Coaster”, “Snowmobile”, “Mine” - a total of 31 videos lasting from 3.30 to 7 minutes immerse viewers in the almost real sensations of speed, flight, Antarctic cold or tropical heat. It captures the spirit not only of children, but also of adults. That's why there are queues at this cinema. And the cost is only 100 rubles. per person per view.

The young man at the children's entertainment rental shop turned out to be talkative. He will offer your children an inflatable slide with a pool for 100 rubles. for 15 minutes of pleasure, children's trampoline for 50 rubles. in 10 minutes and an inflatable town with a trampoline for 100 rubles. no time limit.

Write that instructor Dmitry is very kind and not married. “And also write that I am always happy to welcome young single mothers,” he asked.

The children's playground is complemented by free swings with rope ladders and a sandbox, where the little ones love to play between sea baths. A little further away I find another inflatable children's trampoline - 50 rubles each. in 15 minutes.

Next to children's entertainment there are sports grounds. You rarely see a beach volleyball court strewn with soft yellow sand empty - two full-fledged teams are always recruited, and reserve players languidly wait for their turn. The area with horizontal bars and exercise equipment is also not empty, where guys love to show off their muscles to the girls and charm the fairer sex with all sorts of strength tricks. Spontaneous competitions in endurance and agility are often held here. And the bronze torsos of the guys attract the attention of Novorossiysk residents walking along the embankment and city guests who stop for a long time to gaze at the beautiful bodies.

Beach on Volochaevskaya

Novorossiysk people are unpretentious people when it comes to summer holidays. Wherever it’s closer to home, okay, there’s a beach. That is why there is no place on the shore of Tsemes Bay, with the exception of port areas, where the aborigines would not swim and sunbathe.

If someday in Novorossiysk the idea arises of erecting a monument or a symbolic sign to the birth of civil society in Russia, then the best place for it would be on the beach in the area of ​​Volochaevskaya Street, near Sheskharis. An attempt to take away this tiny, no more than one and a half hundred meters, piece of the coastal zone for the economic needs of one construction company met with strong opposition from residents of the Eastern inner-city district, who managed to defend their favorite summer vacation spot.

A small, barely noticeable gate in the iron fence that encircles the shore along the Sukhumi highway opens a narrow descent to the beach area. The steps smoothly turn into a concrete path. Halfway to the beach, a stationary toilet has been preserved from time immemorial, quite well maintained. There are no garbage dumps around, as there used to be. The cleanliness of the territory, as told by specialists from the resorts and tourism department of the municipality, is monitored by the relevant services of the district administration.

The cleanliness is striking even on the shore itself. A wide, 30 meters, strip of the coast is limited on the left by a metal grate with the eloquent inscription “Border and customs control zone. Passage and swimming into the water area is prohibited,” and on the right is the breakwater of the cargo terminal, strewn with breakwater cubes. There are no beach paraphernalia on Volochaevskaya. No changing rooms, no entertainment, no tents, no stalls. Only a rocky cliff hangs over the shore, overgrown with bushes and sparse trees, in the shade of which vacationers make fires for barbecue. Let the dandelion grandmother wander along the shore, offering homemade cakes to vacationers.

Mostly locals swim and sunbathe here, and also relatives of Novorossiysk residents who came to visit. Moreover, this beach attracts residents from various outskirts of the city. Why? Yes, because the shore is small pebbles, almost like sand, and the bottom is flat, without boulders. And the sea is so clean that entering it is like plunging into emerald jelly. It envelops you in coolness, shaking with underwater waves from light movements of the body.

Still, this beach area has one significant drawback. It is unlikely to ever become an officially recognized beach. Rospotrebnadzor does not have the right to issue permission for the exploitation by tenants of the coast located in the port area.

Dolphin Beach

Taking into account the constantly growing demand for beach holidays, the city administration has determined the boundaries of two new beach areas, the development of which began last year. The first of them is from the Western Pier to the border of the central beach, which Novorossiysk residents call the “dog beach”, because in the past the townspeople brought their pets there to bathe. However, they still bring it today. But the beach will be called "Dolphin". This name was given to it by a sculptural composition in a park alley on the embankment, depicting a family of dolphins jumping over a wave. The beach originates from this sculpture.

Last summer, a high wooden locker room and trash cans were installed here. There is a wonderful training area with seven equipment installed on a concrete base with a vinyl covering. The kids are frolicking with all their might on the exercise machines, and in the early mornings and evenings there are always a lot of older strongmen here.

The attraction of the “dog beach” has always been a fairly high bridge, but now it is destroyed, the central span is missing, so the structure poses a potential danger to swimmers, especially those who like to dive from heights. The bottom of the bridge is shallow, you can hurt yourself if you don’t crash. In general, the bottom, it should be noted, is cleared of all sorts of things. Just a few years ago, metal fittings stuck out here and there from under the water; broken glass littered both the coast and the nearest meters of the bottom. Today you can walk without fear.

But not everyone can walk barefoot along the shore: the shore is filled with small, prickly rubble. Over time, it will probably break in and get used to it. In the meantime, it’s better to take off your shoes just before going into the sea. Let's take a dip. Under water, your hands automatically grab onto the brown algae that is abundantly clinging to the bottom stones and rocks. But the water is clear, you can see fish flashing, crabs hiding in the cracks. Beauty!

Beach "Cape of Love"

The longest beach in the future stretches from the water station to the Neptune beach area. It was given the name “Cape of Love” - it’s clear why. Once romantic place for meetings of loving couples, it turned into a spontaneous bathing area for townspeople and guests of the nearby Novorossiysk hotel.

The first section - from the water station to Cape Love, the widest (30-40 meters from the water's edge to the embankment parapet), caused conflicting feelings. The sea, judging by the transparency of the waves, is clean, although the bottom is unattractive due to the boulders visible at depth. The shore has been filled and compacted. The sewer that once came out here has been removed. But the amber comes from somewhere. There are apparently two reasons. Firstly, rainwater stagnated in alumina, under the rays of the sultry August sun, gradually turning from puddles into swamps. Secondly, mounds of storm-washed brown algae, already dried to whiteness. All this gives off a smell.

Behind the cape begins a rather long but very narrow coast, in some places reinforced with boulders and block slabs. There are not very many vacationers and it is clear that few people here care about the lack of beach suits. Older men and women are especially distinguished by showing off in their underwear without embarrassment. Next is an empty space with a single drunkard who fell asleep in the fatigue of a degree by the splashing wave. Next to him, an emboldened seagull is extracting some rotten meat from under a stone. Empty plastic beer bottles thrown into the sea are hitting the shore. A line from Joseph Brodsky’s “Sketch” involuntarily comes to mind: “Behold the view of the Fatherland, popular print.”

It is difficult to say how large the extent of this territory is, but according to the sensations and taking into account all the bizarre curves of the coast, it is at least a kilometer, if not more. And throughout this entire period, future tenants still have to make a lot of effort to turn the beach area into a real comfortable beach.

Wide beam

Of the suburban beaches, the most popular is in the resort tract Shirokaya Balka. You can get there either by taxi (300 rubles), or by minibus No. 108 from the bus station (30 rubles per person). The road to the entrance to Shirokaya Balka takes only 15 minutes. It will take another 12 minutes to reach the final stop near the children's boarding house "Mountain Spring", despite the very low speed caused by half-naked holidaymakers scurrying across the highway, many speed bumps and constant stops on demand. If you decide to go here with your own vehicle, then secure parking will cost you 100 rubles. per day or 200 rub. per day.

Now we’ll try to figure out where we can rent a room or a house if we’re staying overnight. We find a suitable option almost immediately. Near the final stop there is the Ocean recreation center. The staff of the base, calling with local humor the wooden double houses located in a row “sausage row”, explain that the cost of living in them is only 300 rubles. per day. You can place several more people on the floor if you come in a group. From the comfort of civilization - a TV and a refrigerator. Other amenities are outside. No meals provided. The same “comfort”, but by the sea at this base will cost 450 rubles.

And they come to us mostly with one overnight stay for a barbecue,” conclude the local workers.

We understand quite quickly that the first base would be most suitable for a poor family, having visited several more boarding houses and recreation centers.

“Forest Fairy Tale” is almost completely filled with vacationers, but there are still a few empty seats left. They offer us a double luxury house for 2 thousand rubles. per day. Three full meals a day - in neighboring cafes, from 450 to 520 rubles. - for a fee. A little further on, in the Lesnaya Gavan sanatorium there are no places available for a long time, but in general, as they explained, acceptable rooms there will cost 1.5 thousand rubles. for two, but meals are not provided there either. As in one of the most comfortable boarding houses “Aist”, where prices in the VIP complex seem, if not exorbitant, then foreign: the cheapest for 3.5 thousand rubles. per day - one-room Double Room, the most expensive at 6 thousand rubles. - three-room “suite”. Regular rooms are a little cheaper: in June 1.4 thousand rubles. per day for two, in July - 1.9 thousand rubles.

We visit many more recreation centers and boarding houses. We find two that are most suitable for a family with a small income. "Topolek" offers a double room for 1200 rubles. per day without meals and with amenities on the floor. Chaika is a little more expensive, but the three meals a day offered are worth it. There are also rooms without amenities from 850 rubles. per day. The advantage of these bases is that they are located in the very center of Shirokaya Balka, where retail outlets and most of the local entertainment are located.

Since in most cases food is the work of the vacationers themselves, we are interested in where we can have a snack. In one of the cafes we find a fairly wide range of dishes. But prices here for even the simplest dishes are higher than in the city. Sandwich with red caviar - 60 rubles, solyanka - 170 rubles, okroshka - 150 rubles, pork kebab - 95 rubles. for 100 gr.

We walk along a very long beach. Sun lounger and umbrella rental - 100 rubles each. We come across a pub with billiards at a quite reasonable price - 200 rubles. per hour, billed by time (if completed in less than an hour, you will be charged by the minute). We find several tattoo points, a trailer of diving organizers (prices are negotiated separately there). What struck me most was the cost of renting a jet ski - 1 thousand rubles for 5 minutes. In comparison with rental of a catamaran, pedal boat, 500 rubles each. per hour and 300 rubles. in half an hour, a jet ski is something unreal. Although the guy on duty at the rental office, worn out by the hot midday sun, may have gotten the price wrong out of sleep.

We complete the tour of Shiroka Balka without disappointment. Still, the resort tract of Novorossiysk is a very attractive place not only for visiting holidaymakers, but also for local residents. The sea here is clean and the beaches are well-equipped, and this is the main thing.

South Ozereevka

The path to South Ozereevka, of course, is not close. Even on own car the journey will take at least half an hour. On commuter bus or a minibus - a little longer, but on schedule. But the time spent is worth it: a beach secluded from the bustle of the city, the sea far from the sewage of the port, and at the same time the proximity of the civilization of the village.

In general, the beach in South Ozereevka, apparently, is designed for people to come here for at least an overnight stay. At the gate of the fenced beach area there is a barrier and a parking lot. Parking will cost 50 rubles. per day and 200 rub. per day. Therefore, if you are staying overnight, it is better to immediately park the car on a fairly wide camping area, where the daily fee for the car will be the same 200 rubles. and the same amount for setting up a tent. If you want to rent a wooden gazebo with a table and benches, you will have to shell out another 500 rubles. But this is for those who cannot do without amenities.

A bored housekeeper of toilets (10 rubles) and showers (50 rubles) near the camping site said that usually in the middle of summer there is already an influx of vacationers. However, this year for some reason there is no previous excitement. Either the Russians are stuck with a mortgage, or they moved to Crimea.

We’re waiting,” she summed up her thoughts with hope.

If you face the sea, then to the left of the beach there is a dead end with a border post located there. But on the right is a small resort avenue with accommodation for vacationers. Let's go there and find out.

As they told local residents, a bed in some temporary shelter without basic amenities costs from 350 to 500 rubles. per day or per night. You can compensate for monetary losses by purchasing homemade wine: they will fill a 5-liter container with dry or fortified wine for only 300-500 rubles.

We don’t go to the village - it’s too far away. And on the avenue we go to the Sashenka hotel-cafe with double rooms for 1,600 rubles. per day and 3-bed - 1800 rubles each, but without meals. If you want to eat, go to the local cafe. I liked it very much private hotel“Reef”, or as it is indicated on the sign, “relaxation area”. A cozy courtyard with verandas on the very shore, a bridge leading to the sea, rooms with sea views and a very affordable price of 1,200 rubles. for a double room and 2000 rubles. for a 4-seater, but also without meals.
In the very center of the beach there is a whole area for adults. Mini-hotel "Sea Breeze" (from 1,300 rubles for a 2-room room to 3,000 rubles for a 2-room room per night with all amenities, but also without meals) - a stone's throw from the gentle waves of the Black Sea.

Adjacent to the hotel is a beer cafe of the same name, where prices, frankly speaking, are outrageous. There is a billiard room under the same canopy as the cafe. Play pool at a small table - 100 rubles. per hour, in Russian billiards for a large one - 250 rubles. at one o'clock.

What really pleased me was the hydromassage for 100 rubles. 5 minutes of wellness invigorating treatments under the pressure of cool water.

What there is plenty of on the South Ozereevka beach is entertainment for children. The sea - of course. And also children's attractions. The two burly guys serving them are so bored with idleness that they gladly give a tour of this children's corner of the beach.

Look how we set up the race track! - one of them sincerely admires the work done. - The area was laid with tiles, and old tires were laid around the perimeter for safety. And this entertainment costs only one hundred rubles for ten minutes.

Lined up in a row are a trampoline (100 rubles for 10 minutes), an inflatable town (100 rubles for 20 minutes), a 5-meter slide with a descent directly into an inflatable pool with running sea water (100 rubles for 3 descents), a children's room with all kinds of toys (100 rubles for 20 minutes), a prize shooting range (100 rubles for 10 shots with the opportunity to “knock out” a toy as a gift). And here is a children's cafe, where the prices will make parents count money: Gold Standard ice cream, for example, costs 60 rubles. (in city stores - a third cheaper). However, you can treat your child to cotton candy for 50 rubles. per serving.

And in general, if you come here to relax for the whole day, you will not remain hungry. Quite acceptable prices- in a pie shop located at the entrance to the beach. Pork shashlik in lavash - 100 rubles, shawarma and kurnik - 80 rubles each, khachapuri and samsa - 60 rubles each, cheburek, belyash, khychin with cheese or sausage in dough - all for 40 rubles, and pies with cabbage or potatoes - so those generally cost 25 rubles. Coffee - 30 rubles, tea - 20 rubles.

We get to the sunbed in the shade of the original fungi made from twigs. You can lie down in comfort for only 100 rubles. at least until dark.

Durso Beach

Durso, like Abrau, are two pearls of the resort Novorossiysk. Durso's only drawback is its distance from the city, but its advantage over Abrau is the sea beach. Anyone who has been here on vacation has felt all the charm of the pure waves and the air filled with the aromas of the surrounding forests. And also on the Durso beach good bottom, almost the same as in Shiroka Balka, that is, mostly small pebbles without large boulders.

Getting to Durso, as Novorossiysk residents say, is a low light. You can’t do it in less than an hour, even with your own car. And by minibus, you first need to get from the bus station to the village of Abrau and then change to another minibus - to Durso. Between these two villages public transport runs from 9.00 to 19.30. So choose whichever way is most convenient for you to get there.

In a word, after a rather long journey under the scorching rays of the summer sun, you want to go to the coolness of a cafe with cold drinks and light snacks. Apparently, the organizers of the local beach understand this well, because right at the entrance to the beach you will see the “4 Waters” cafe on a hillock in the shade of trees. In appearance, the cafe is not cheap. We don't even go into it.

Moreover, at the barrier separating the highway from the beach area, a cheburek cafe welcomes you. The prices are pleasing to the eye: cheburek with meat and cheese - 50 rubles, lagman - 120 rubles. for 350 gr., okroshka - 120 rub. for the same portion of 350 g, pilaf - 120 rubles. for 300 gr., manti - 150 rub. for three pieces, pork shish kebab - 100 rubles. for 100 grams, tea and coffee - 20-25 rubles, juice and lemonade - 20 rubles. for a 200 gram glass.

“We make everything from natural products,” the owner of the cheburek shop invites you to sit at the table with a friendly smile. - Our supplier is an agricultural producer from Slavyansk.
An inquisitive cafe visitor learns that in the village you can buy good homemade wine from local grandmothers at a price of 250 to 500 rubles. for a 5 liter bottle. If you try, you can find fresh milk, cow or goat, or even homemade sour cream. What about the prices? “You make a deal!” - they will answer you confidently.

By the way, you can also rent housing in the village from grandmothers. If you are in a temporary shelter without amenities, and far from the sea, then a bed will cost 300 rubles per day or 500 rubles. with some amenities. The closer to the beach, the more expensive.

Along the coast there are many private mini-hotels and very decent-looking cottages. It is clear that over the years of “promotion” of this cozy resort corner, local residents have become rich. And the cost in these hotels reaches 4 thousand rubles. per day for a 2-room luxury suite with all the amenities imaginable in our area.

But that's for the rich. For a simpler person, there is a tourist camping site with the same name “Durso”. If you stay here for a day without an overnight stay, you will have to pay 100 rubles for parking. If you are going to spend the night, and even brought a tent, then you will have to pay 200 rubles per day. for a car and the same for a tent. I was pleased with the announcement: “Creating fires is strictly prohibited! Fine - 1000 rubles.” Where can you cook your own food at this campsite? “So,” the beach workers answer, “there are barbecues everywhere.”

Indeed, everything is provided for. There are many dry toilets, there is also a stationary one, but the cost is the same - 10 rubles. But the showers on the Durso beach are the cheapest compared to all other beaches around Novorossiysk - only 20 rubles. for washing in the cabin and 30 rubles. in stationary.

The length of the bow-shaped Durso beach, slightly concave into the land, bounded on both sides by rocky cliffs, is approximately half a kilometer. And the beach extends 200-300 meters inland. But how much has been built on such a small piece of land for vacationers!

Judge for yourself. Opposite the already familiar cheburechnaya there are five stalls with souvenir and resort items (swimsuits, umbrellas, sunglasses, fins, etc.), where prices are no different from city ones. Nearby is a children's room playground and wooden verandas with tables for a small group. Next is a shooting gallery with a bonus game: you take 10 bullets for 100 rubles. We pass by gaming tables set up under one tent canopy. Russian billiards - 200 rub. for 30 minutes of play, pool or table tennis - 150 rubles. for the same time, and table mini-football - 100 rubles. in 15 minutes.

We go to a grocery store, where, as it turns out, prices are on average 40 percent higher than in the city. Next is another cafe with prices a third more expensive than in our favorite cheburek. There is also a civilized trade in boiled corn here: 50 rubles each. even for an ear of corn, even for a glass of grains.

Another tent with resort goods, a stall with drinks and chips, and an ice cream stall. We look back and count from end to end - we get something like 60 straw fungi, casting a saving shadow from overheating of beachgoers. And also several large awnings. And above all this rises a very well-equipped rescue post.

We continue on our way. Another cafe, another prize shooting gallery, another tent of resort goods and again a cafe. Again a whole row of tents with swimming trunks, diving masks, towels, Panama hats and other related beach holiday products...

At the very end of the beach there are water attractions and entertainment for children and adults. If some prices, frankly speaking, are “biting”, then others are very pleasantly pleasing: the Bombardier jet ski - 700 rubles. for 5 minutes of pleasure, “banana” - 300 rubles. per place, catamaran “Dolphin” - 500 rubles. per hour, single “tablet” - 400 rubles. in 5 minutes, and in a 3-seater “tablet” they will charge 300 rubles from each person. in the same 5 minutes.

Let’s take a breath and continue to consider the entertainment rates: inflatable slide with a descent into the sea - 200 rubles. for three times, pleasure boat - 500 rub. per person per hour, children's trampoline - 100 rubles. Jump in 30 minutes. The prices for water skis may make you laugh: 500 rubles. for 7 minutes of riding, but this is if you manage to get up on them in three attempts, each subsequent attempt costs an additional 100 rubles. Question: what if you never manage to get on these skis?

Well, what pleased me most was the price in the children's inflatable town: 150 rubles. no time limit, let the child enjoy until he gets bored.
To summarize, let's say that Durso beach is a very attractive place to relax. There is a large selection of pleasures here. Come and see for yourself!

Beach in Myskhako

Many Russians, since Soviet times, when trips to Black Sea health resorts were in terrible short supply, prefer an unorganized holiday by the sea as “savages”. There are many places for such recreation in the vicinity of Novorossiysk. But we must warn holidaymakers: if you decide to relax on a “wild” beach, remember that no one there is responsible for your health and life itself.

The “wild” beach closest to the city and one of the favorites of townspeople and visitors is located in Myskhako. Getting there in a matter of minutes is as easy as shelling pears - by minibus. Get off at the “Explosion” monument of the Malaya Zemlya memorial complex and walk a few meters to the sea.

About ten meters from the water's edge, a high concrete parapet, taller than a man's height, was erected. It backs up the bank, on which acacias and olives used to grow in abundance, now most of them have been cut down. It was under these trees that the “savages” loved to gather, set up tents, and lit fires for barbecue. Now everything there is covered with large rubble, painfully digging into the feet through the thin rubber of the slippers. And there are noticeably fewer vacationers on this coast.

The only entertainment on local beach- beer stall. Not far from the shore there is a grocery store where you can find everything your heart desires.

From here to Shiroka Balka, walking along the shore takes no more than an hour. Here is a truly wild, without any quotes, beach. Only high cliffs behind you, large pebbles under your feet and the open sea. Vacationers are attracted here by the pristine nature, clear water and in some places very comfortable, smooth rocky paths that go far from the shore into the sea. But more often there are large boulders, which can seriously injure you even with a small wave. Another local drawback is the lack of any sources of fresh water, so you need to stock up on drinking water.

Nudists have chosen this seaside. Singles, couples in love, cheerful groups and even entire families with children sunbathe here naked. So the Puritans are barred from coming here.

The shore at "Barbarina"

In the middle of the last century, bora destroyed the Greek merchant ship Barbarina off Cape Sheskharis. The cargo ship, washed up on the rocks, had been rusting for several decades. Then they slowly sawed it into metal, and only the skeleton of the bottom remained near the shore. More than one vacationer on the local unorganized beach cut their legs on its sharp edges. The piled-up concrete breakwater cubes where teenagers like to frolic are also dangerous.

There are always a lot of people here in the summer. And no one is bothered by the fact that before the descent to the beach there is a warning sign: “Swimming is prohibited!” Why? Because on the beach, which Novorossiysk residents nicknamed after the ship that crashed on it, there is grace! Quite a lot flows down the cliff powerful waterfall a spring, and the water is so clear that the bottom can be seen at a depth of up to ten meters. And there is a lot of space for vacationers - a wide, pebble beach, even sand visible here and there.

Just a couple of decades ago, the local coast, bordering the Sheskharis oil depot, was heavily oiled - you couldn’t take a step without getting dirty. And in the sea there were a great many mussels with tiny black pearls inside. After all, it is known that mussels, like algae, grow in polluted places, purifying sea water. And the so-called pearls are formations from drops of oil and petroleum products that have fallen into shells.

In recent years, there have been no mussels in these areas. And algae near the shore is rare. But under almost every stone near the shore you can find a tiny marbled crab. And by diving deeper, you can catch larger crabs, creating an excellent snack. Just like off the coast of Myskhako, dolphins are frequent guests here. They frolic not only at the Barbarina, but even swim into the oil harbor in pursuit of schools of fish, which indicates the ecological well-being of the water area.

From here towards Kabardinka there is also a nudist beach. And in the area of ​​the 12th kilometer, where the Zubkov Battery memorial is located, you can often find vacationers in tents on the shore. There is a clean spring, comfortable clearings, and a convenient shore for swimming.

Beach near Limanchik

The most remote “wild” beach on the territory of the municipality of the hero city of Novorossiysk is considered to be Limanchik, a resort town between Durso and South Ozereyka. Both villages can be reached from here along the coast in less than an hour.

That’s probably why there are so many “savages” here in tents spread out on the slopes of wooded mountains around the Southern sports and recreation camp of the same name federal university. Since you can only get into the camp with vouchers and only as a student or teacher at one of the universities in Rostov-on-Don, among the “savages” are mainly those who did not receive such vouchers.

It is better, if you have the means, to stay not in a tent, but in the boarding house of the Federal Space Agency "Zvezdny" located in the same tract, where there are always free places. Room prices range from 700 to 2900 rubles. per day, with meals and all amenities. On the territory of the boarding house there are gyms, a cafe, banquet and conference rooms. And the surrounding area is pristine forests, where, among other things, deer, roe deer, and wild boars live. Sometimes they come right up to the fence and look at the vacationers with curiosity. In addition, the boarding house itself stands on a deposit of low-mineralized water, which was called “Black Sea”. It is mined here and used for health and domestic purposes.

The coast of the beach near Limanchik has an attractive flat and flat pebble bottom, as well as two bridges designed for mooring pleasure boats. But bridges are almost never used for their intended purpose. They were chosen by those who like to dive into the sea from above.

It’s clear that there are also a lot of nudists in sparsely populated areas of the coast. That's why it's a wild beach!

Especially for VK Press

A strange campsite where everyone sings psalms and oldest hotel countries. On this day, we climbed to a height of 1,500 meters, saw a certain unit, accidentally ended up in the museum of wooden architecture, and then walked to the glacier.

07/02/13 Day ten

Although the evening was cold but clear, it began to rain in the middle of the night. We got out of the tent at about eight in the morning - it was cloudy, but the sun was making heroic efforts to break through the clouds. We hope that it will overcome the gloom of the morning, because we need to dry out the tent at least a little. We have already written about the fact that Norway is not too hot in July either. As usual, it takes about 2 hours to get ready, and we leave around 10 o’clock. Continuing our trip to Norway, from Bergen we drive along the E 16 highway. In Voss we stop at the Rimi store. Next stop - waterfall Tvindefossen. If you go into independent travel by car, then if you drive along the E16 highway, you won’t be able to pass it, no matter how hard you try. There is a large parking lot where buses with tourists come in every now and then, and there is also a souvenir shop. But the toilet is paid - 10 CZK.

We set up a tent, prepared lunch and went for a walk around the area. The weather became good again, we said “thank you” to Norway for this, and along the fjord we reached the beginning of the Orlov road. Along the slopes we grow masses of ripe strawberries. And almost no one collects it. We corrected this omission and ate our fill of it. Very tasty.

Our report on the trip to Norway in parts (after reading it it will be easier for you to plan your trip to Norway by car):

— Start, interrogation at the border, grocery shopping in Suomi, a strange American boy, a ferry, unexpected camping expenses, Sweden with toilets and peeing statues, and the excitement of the first night in the northernmost country of Scandinavia.

— The oldest betting house in the country. Why might smoke come out of the brake pads?…. A trip to the famous pea - chains to help us, a pulpit without preachers, another bet and a double waterfall falling directly onto the route.

— Chocolate with bread, rainbow over the glacier. What do you need to sit on your tongue?…. Having driven in a circle, you can find yourself in a new place, and not return to the previous one. Bergen - lilacs, cherries and oleanders...

— How we saw the funniest bridges, ended up in the strangest church in Norway, and what will happen if you don’t listen to the navigator. And also the sudden discovery of a planned trip to Norway - the most historical hill in the country (we are talking about the legendary Norwegian ruler). What do disputes about the animal world lead to?

- Arctic - in Norway in July it is +4; end of the trip to Norway and the Swedish grader; meeting reindeer; the largest campsite, steam locomotives and sculptures in Finland

Post Views: 138

Heading to car trip around Europe and looking for budget but comfortable places to stay?

Do you like to live in nature and wake up to the singing of birds?

Traveling with children and dreaming of them breathing fresh air and running on the grass?

This way of living is still unusual for our compatriots, but it is very popular among practical Europeans who have long appreciated its advantages. So what is camping?

Camping is a fenced area in a green area, with all the necessary infrastructure and conditions for parking tents, campers and trailers.

In the majority European countries so-called “wild” camping is prohibited, that is, you can only set up a tent in specially designated places (campsites).

How to find a campsite

Search using GPS coordinates for campsites. This information is imported into the car navigator, making it easy to find campsites in the area;

Search the Internet using any of the search sites;

Search using special camping directories. They are sold in European bookstores, usually updated every year.

Search through catalogs and brochures, which can be obtained from tourist information centers;

Search on site.

Reservations, prices and payment methods

When traveling with a tent (rather than a campervan or trailer), a reservation is not required to secure a spot. Even during the high season, popular tourist destinations usually have a tent site.

However, confirmation of your accommodation reservation may be required by the embassy when obtaining a Schengen visa. In this case, you must contact the campsite directly (for example, by email) and find out if it is possible to reserve a place by prepaying with a credit card. Not all campsites reserve sites in advance and accept credit cards, so it’s better to clarify this point in advance.

The price of camping accommodation is usually formed from the following components:

Payment is per site, depending on whether it is a tent, camper or trailer. Some campsites have places of different classes - larger/smaller, with/without a view, the prices for which differ. The size of the tent can also play a role;

Payment for each adult;

Payment for children. On this point, each campsite has its own subtleties, but children under 1-2 years old, as a rule, stay for free.

Payment for electricity. Sometimes it is included in the price of the place, and sometimes it is paid separately. Can be fixed (1.5 - 3 euros per day) or metered.

Tourist tax. Most often included in the price by default, but sometimes it is allocated separately;

Payment for animals.

The cost of accommodation may include the use of hot showers (as, for example, in most campsites in Austria and Italy, but in some countries there are also paid ones), kitchens, a swimming pool, a children's playground and other delights of civilization.

For reference: a night in an Austrian or German campsite for a family of four (2 adults, 2 children) costs on average 20-25 euros if the campsite is ordinary, and 30-35 euros if it is located in a popular tourist place, or has an increased star rating. In Italy it is more expensive: if you are located on the coast or near a lake, you should aim for 40-50 euros per day.

When you arrive at the campsite, the first thing you do is go to the reception. Here you can find out about all the conditions and cost of living, and you also need to register by filling out a special form indicating your passport details.

Reception workers usually speak at least some English, but in cases where this is not the case, it is quite possible to explain themselves using international methods.

In large campsites the reception can be open 24 hours a day, but in most it closes in the evening. If the gate is still open, then you can drive in and stand at the chosen place, and register the next day.

Most often you can choose the place yourself, but sometimes they are allocated at the reception.

The territory is organized differently everywhere: in some campsites, the pitches have a standard, identical size and motorhomes and tents are located next to each other; in others, a separate area with larger areas is allocated for trailers and campers, and smaller areas for cars and tents.

At the campsite, it is customary not to disturb each other and respect personal space. For example, you should not walk on occupied sites or stare at your neighbors.


The ability to connect to the power grid is a must in any European campsite. This is done through a special shield designed for several sites (therefore, it is very advisable to have a cable at least 25-30 meters long and extension cords).

Some campsites use regular Euro sockets, but IP44 2P+E sockets designed for campers and trailers are also widely used. In such cases, an adapter is required for connection. Sometimes you can rent it at the reception (about 1 euro per day, deposit 10 euros) or buy it in shops at campsites for the same 10 euros.

Each campsite has one or more sanitary blocks (depending on the size of the area).

The sanitary block houses toilets and showers. Opening hours are around the clock, there is always hot water.

As a rule, sanitary blocks contain all the necessary little things: liquid soap, paper towels, toilet paper. Some campsites have hairdryers.

For children, there are often separate adapted bathrooms and showers with miniature plumbing fixtures and cheerful coloring. The smallest inhabitants are not forgotten either: for their convenience, parents can use folding changing tables and small bathtubs.

Other camping facilities

All campsites have sinks for washing dishes, but kitchens with stoves for cooking are less common.

In the kitchen, it is customary to clean up after yourself, leaving everything perfectly clean. Garbage must be sorted: light and dark glass, cardboard, paper, metal, food scraps, etc.

Most campgrounds offer machine washing facilities. Usually this service is paid - from 2 to 4 euros per wash, you need your own powder.

Larger campsites usually have small grocery stores, and their own mini-bakeries are especially popular. Here you can buy basic products: bread, eggs, ham, cheese, dairy products, etc. Prices are usually a little more expensive than in supermarkets.


For children, camping is a place of freedom - it’s easy to find company and new friends with whom you can run around all day long in the wild, in the fresh air.

To prevent the younger inhabitants from getting bored, almost every campsite has at least a small children's playground with swings, ladders and a sandbox. A wonderful invention, the trampoline, is very popular among both kids and teenagers. And in mini-zoos, children happily feed rabbits and kids.

Pros/cons of staying at a campsite

This a budget option, but providing all the basic amenities;

Fresh air, nature, grass, birds;

Convenient for families traveling with children;

Allows you to cook yourself, which provides significant savings on food;

The number of necessary things and equipment is quite large;

Significant time spent on setting up/disassembling the camp (moving every day is impractical and tiring);

In bad weather it can be quite uncomfortable.

Text and photos © Yulia Yulkina, 2008 (especially for the site)

Camping is a type of recreation and tourism chosen by amateurs active rest and autotourists. For such travelers, there are specially set up camps, where there are places for tents or ready-made tents, special houses. In such places there must be a sanitary area (toilet) and parking for cars. Depending on the location, the campsite may include a car wash, service station, and shops. With a minimum number of conditions, you can have a good break from cities, problems and daily bustle. Often tent cities are located near a forest, lake, sea or other picturesque area.

Pros of camping

Those who often travel with tents near wild nature note a lot positive aspects such rest:

  • Saving money. If you wish, you can relax in nature; this is a worthy option, since paying for parking and the location of a tent will be much cheaper than renting a room in a hotel or hostel. Plus, the rules for settling and living in a tent camp are not very strict. Don’t forget about communication and unity with nature;
  • There is no need to reserve a campsite in advance (although this can be done). The tourist does not depend on the place and time of arrival at the place. You can come to the campsite at any time. As a last resort, you can pitch a tent for several days near a lake or in the forest;
  • Often camping is a vacation with amenities. Don’t think that these are simple territories without access to civilization. Most quality campsites are fenced and have security (safety comes first here), you can take firewood and use the shower. You can cook your own food (conditions are provided for this) or use the services of local cafes;
  • Some tent cities can offer elite infrastructure. For those who do not want or cannot say goodbye to amenities, they offer houses with TVs, comfortable furniture, and air conditioning;
  • Clean air and unification with nature, quiet, calm, spiritual relaxation. All this is possible due to the remoteness of the campsites from big cities and noisy highways. Although there are options closer;
  • There is a choice of leisure activities for different ages: playgrounds, fishing, walks in wildlife, the opportunity to ride a bike, boat, sunbathe. The local administration will definitely suggest opportunities for recreation and entertainment on their territory;
  • Such a vacation will appeal to people of any age and will be affordable for almost everyone. Pets are not allowed on the premises.

But there are also factors that may discourage you from such a vacation:

  • Many people do not like the noise and sounds of nature. Especially at night when you want to have a good rest. In addition, in the warm season, many are at risk of allergies to insect bites;
  • Possible close proximity of other vacationers. Sometimes these are new friends and acquaintances, and sometimes they are noisy companies that cannot calm down until the morning;
  • Despite the fact that the point does not need to be booked, vacation spots need to be studied in advance in order to find out all the features and not spoil your vacation;
  • For such a pastime, you should definitely consider weather and territorial placement of tents. When it rains, first of all, places near water bodies and low-lying areas will be flooded;
  • The cleanliness of a trailer or tent often needs to be improved. It all depends on the conscience and cleanliness of vacationers. Basically, all things (from food to hygiene products) need to be taken with you.

The list of things you need to take for such a vacation is individual. But there are things that should be in every traveler's bag:

  1. Everyone’s personal belongings: documents, money, camera;
  2. Personal hygiene products, cosmetic bag and individual necessary products in it;
  3. Things for a tent city: tent, blanket, sleeping bag, sleeping mat, tarpaulin, flashlight, clothesline, candles, axe, dishes and other kitchen utensils. Sometimes the campsite management can provide them;
  4. First aid kit;
  5. Clothes for any weather.


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