Two tons of comfort. Plus “six hundred square meters” under the keel. Is it possible to make a floating house by occupying the entire pontoon area? What is the maximum size of a reinforced concrete pontoon for a houseboat you recommend?

The project of this floating dacha on the basis of a 9.5-meter water-jet boat with simplified contours, it was developed by Y. Kobachevsky. He also built a high-quality hull with double diagonal skin made of pine boards, lined on the outside with 3-mm sheets of AMg-3 alloy. Finish building floating house I happened to. This task was complicated by the fact that after the death of the designer, all the sketches and diagrams he made were lost.

To some extent, the vessel is similar to the Beryozka, the design of which was published in the third issue of Boats and Yachts (1964), but, as it turned out, the hull was designed long before the publication of the collection, but during the completion and equipment of the Yanta Information from “KiYa” and all available materials were widely used.

An anchor chain 20 m long and two are stored in the forepeak. In the bow there is a “veranda” with two sofa-lockers on the sides, covered with a light duralumin awning of two halves connected on a piano hinge.

The superstructure has dimensions in plan of 5.0X3.0 m. Its walls and roof are made of bakelized plywood 10 mm thick; The roof is covered with epoxy resin. Wall height 1100 mm. Since the horizontal flooring (floor) is lowered below the deck (300 mm from the OL), the height of the premises is equal to 1800 mm. For thermal insulation, a layer of foam plastic is laid along the walls and ceiling. The internal lining is made of decorative mahogany plywood and plastic with layouts along the beams. The side windows of the cabin are made like trolleybus windows with roll-down windows, the front observation windows are made of plexiglass.

The aft cabin, separated from the salon by a sliding metal door, is equipped with built-in wardrobes for various purposes, hangers and shelves. There is also a kitchen table with shelves, a gas stove and a sink into which hot and cold water. Nearby there is a combined bathroom - shower and latrine.

In the stern - in the engine compartment - there is a 45-horsepower Skoda 1201 automobile engine with an additional casing on the exhaust manifold for heating water. Two gas tanks with a capacity of 80 liters are suspended below the deck; Canisters and an inflatable boat - tuzik - are also placed here. The Yanta deck is covered with corrugated rubber mats on glyphthalic varnish.

The driver's position is located on the left side in the bow cabin, near the front window. A light lantern made of plexiglass is made above the driver's head.

For two years, in winter and summer, our whole family worked with great enthusiasm on the completion and equipment of the floating dacha. And now the long-awaited moment has come for the Yanta to set sail for the first time. What can we say in general about our ship? This is a reliable and comfortable houseboat. Due to the high cabin, the Yanta has a large windage, so the speed is directly dependent on the strength and direction of the wind and ranges from 15 to 20 km/h. Large weight causes significant inertia. We also had to get used to the peculiarities of controlling the ship due to the reaction of the water cannon jet.

"Never do anything that others can do better or at least as well as you.".

(John D. Rockefeller)

Where can you put a floating house or cottage?

In accordance with the Water Code of the Russian Federation, surface water bodies that are in state or municipal ownership are water bodies of public use, that is, publicly accessible water bodies. Every citizen has the right to have access to public water bodies and use them free of charge for personal and domestic needs. and every citizen has the right to use (without the use of mechanical vehicles) the shoreline of public water bodies for movement and stay near them, including for recreational and sport fishing and mooring of floating craft.
Thus, a private floating house (dacha, bathhouse) can moor on any body of water (reservoir) and in almost any place, if the reservoir does not belong to the inland waterways (inland waterways). On inland waterways, the parking of small vessels (as well as any other vessels and floating objects) is regulated by the rules of navigation and established navigational signs. In accordance with Article 3 of the Code of Inland Water Transport of the Russian Federation (KVVT), the list of inland waterways is approved by the Government of the Russian Federation. The current List of inland waterways is approved by Order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 19, 2002 N 1800-r.

How is a floating house or cottage registered, how difficult is it?

All floating structures are subject to survey, classification and registration or accounting.
Small vessels (length does not exceed 20m) for personal (non-commercial) use are subject to inspection, classification and registration with the issuance of a ship's ticket and entry into the register of the State Inspectorate for Civil Migration of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation in accordance with the Government Decree, the current Rules and Administrative Regulations.
Small boats for commercial use are surveyed and classified by the Russian Maritime Register of Shipping or the Russian River Register and are entered into the register by seaport captains and water basin Administrations. In accordance with the explanations of the Deputy Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation V.A. Olersky (letter No. OV-28/1947 dated February 25, 2013), the division of responsibility for the classification and survey of small vessels for commercial use between PC or RRR is determined depending on the remoteness of the areas where the vessels are used from places of shelter or shore:
- inland waterways - RRR;
- sea areas (with a distance from places of shelter or shore up to 12 miles inclusive) - at the choice of the shipowner PC or RRR.
Floating objects on GDP are surveyed and classified by the River Register. Accounting (not registration) of floating objects on the GDP is carried out by the Administration of water basins in the manner established by the Rules.
Inspection and registration of floating objects in water areas not related to the GDP According to the Government Decree, it remains the responsibility of GIMS.

What is the difference between a non-self-propelled small vessel and a floating object?

From a legal point of view, all small vessels (including non-self-propelled ones) are classified as real estate and are subject to state registration in the appropriate register, while floating objects are not ships, do not belong to real estate and are subject not to registration, but to accounting. The accounting of floating objects is carried out only for the purpose of generalizing information about floating objects in the interests of ensuring the safety of navigation on inland waterways and is not related to the existence of ownership and other rights to floating objects.
The delimitation of floating structures into ships or floating objects is determined not by their design features, but solely by their purposes of use.
For example: A cruise liner is a ship, but the same liner used as a floating hotel is a floating object. A non-self-propelled floating platform carrying cargo is a vessel (barge), and a floating object (pontoon) permanently installed near the shore for storing cargo.
Internal Code water transport The Russian Federation provides a list of floating structures that, according to the purpose of their use, are classified as floating objects (but the effect of the KVVP in accordance with Article 1, paragraph 2 applies exclusively to inland waterways).

Who determines the purpose of using a floating structure?

In accordance with current legislation, the purposes of using a floating structure are determined by its owner in a declarative (declaratory) manner.
Example: If the owner declares his floating dacha operated on the GDP as a small non-self-propelled vessel for fishing and recreation, it is subject to inspection, classification and registration by the GIMS division, and if he calls it a floating house, then its classification and inspection (as a floating object) is carried out by the River Register , and accounting - the Administration of the water basin. Similarly, if the owner declares a platform made of reinforced concrete modules as a towed cargo-passenger platform, it is classified, inspected and registered in the registry as a non-propelled platform vessel, and if it is declared as a berth, it is classified, inspected and subject to registration (not registration) as a floating an object.

Is it possible to “register” on a houseboat?

In theory, this is possible if it is a ship and it is registered in the prescribed manner, because in accordance with paragraph 2 of Article 15 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, residential premises are recognized isolated premises, which is real estate and suitable for permanent residence of citizens. Thus, if a floating structure meets the requirements for residential premises set out in Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 28.01.2006 No. 47, then it can be recognized as a residential premises, because The legislation does not require that residential premises must be on the ground.
In practice, there are precedents when they were “registered” on small vessels registered by GIMS. But you won’t be able to “register” on a floating object (even if you called it a “floating house”) - floating objects do not apply to real estate under current legislation :)

Are there any legal restrictions or benefits when purchasing a floating house or summer cottage (for example, tax) or vice versa?

The owner of a non-self-propelled floating dacha (bathhouse, house) registered as a ship, according to Article 361 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, pays only a minor annual transport tax (practically the same as for an ordinary rowing boat). Owners of floating objects do not pay transport tax.

How difficult is it to tow a houseboat (dacha) on concrete pontoons?

It all depends on the size houseboat(dacha), water area (reservoir) and the tugboat used.
The floating house (dacha) shown in the photo with a displacement of about 50 tons on a reinforced concrete pontoon in calm water was repeatedly towed across the lake over distances of several hundred meters by an ordinary rowing boat with two oarsmen and one pair of oars :)

In the summer, such a vessel can be easily towed by a boat for mooring near a beautiful coast, and in the winter, if desired, it can be transported to the marina of a yacht club - for the winter, the ships in the clubs are lifted out of the water, the berths are freed up, and you can almost always negotiate an inexpensive (almost free) deal. parking lot :)

What prompted the creation of such unusual floating houses and summer cottages in our country?

Our company began to develop this area due to the fact that we could not find a Russian contractor to realize our own dream - to have modern floating houses for year-round use :)

Who buys houseboats and floating cottages?

Those who love to live and relax near the water and on the water, but do not have the desire (or opportunity) to spend all their free time for the care and maintenance of the land. And several flower beds or even a small greenhouse will fit perfectly on the deck - in Holland, floating houses are often called “floating gardens” :)

Is it possible to get a loan to purchase and insure a floating house or cottage?

Houses on the water are classified, inspected and registered in GIMS with the issuance of a ship's ticket as a small "non-propelled platform vessel". If it is necessary to obtain a loan, it can be pledged with registration of the pledge with the registration authority (GIMS EMERCOM of the Russian Federation), which provides the bank with an even greater volume of guarantees than a pledge vehicle(with a comparable loan amount), and many insurance companies have special programs for insuring small vessels against various types of risks.

If I rent out my floating dacha, registered in the GIMS as a small vessel, will I have to re-register it in the River Register?

If you continue to use the floating dacha yourself for personal purposes, and rent it out only when you don’t need it, then re-registration is not required.

What is the difference between a houseboat and a houseboat?

In our terminology:
A floating house is intended for long-term (and possibly even permanent) residence and, as a rule, has a significantly larger area (sometimes consisting of several modules), and is better insulated to save energy (heat loss is significantly less than that established by current building regulations for individual houses).
Floating cottage(like an ordinary dacha) is intended, although for year-round, but short-term (periodic) residence. Accordingly, the floating cottage has a slightly smaller area (usually up to 25-30 sq.m.) and a lower degree of insulation, but it costs significantly less.

Why are a houseboat or a summer cottage more expensive than a “regular” one?

A significant cost of a house, cottage or bathhouse on the water is the cost of a floating foundation - a concrete pontoon (floating platform). If you add to the cost of an “ordinary” house (cottage or bathhouse) the cost of the foundation and land (the first line at the water’s edge) - at least 1-2 acres of land plus the costs of water supply and sewerage (sewage), improvement of the land plot and the construction of a large comfortable terrace, then a floating house or cottage is much cheaper. And it’s almost impossible to buy just 1-2 acres of land right next to the water :)

Are there any peculiarities in the operation of floating houses and summer cottages? Does the future buyer need shipping skills?

A floating house (dacha) is no different from any other small vessels. To move a non-self-propelled vessel, the future buyer does not need navigation skills - a tug is used. But if you plan to travel on water with outboard motors, you must obtain a license (as for any boat, motor boat or jet ski). Registration and obtaining a license are not required only for boats weighing up to 200 kg and with an outboard motor up to 8 kW/10 hp. (it is only advisable to install a cargo propeller if such a boat is used for towing).
Thus, on “still water” in a closed body of water in calm weather, you can tow a houseboat or cottage with a boat, even with a small outboard motor, without obtaining a boatmaster’s license :)

How does such a floating structure behave in strong winds or waves? How dangerous is ice?

Taking into account the fact that a floating house (dacha) on a concrete pontoon weighs several tens of tons and is held in place by “dead” anchors or anchor piles, waves and wind do not have a dangerous effect on it. All of our floating houses and summer cottages on concrete pontoons tolerate freezing of the reservoir without restrictions on the thickness of the ice.

Does the company provide guarantees for its products?

Yes, we provide a guarantee on all our own designs.

What is the service life of your floating houses and summer cottages?

The service life of reinforced concrete pontoons is many decades. Now you can find for sale concrete pontoons built in the 60s in good condition and the hulls have not undergone major repairs!

Is the floating foundation of a house (dacha) one solid reinforced concrete pontoon?

No, the floating base (pontoon, platform, platform) consists of several reinforced concrete buoyancy modules. The number and size of buoyancy modules depends on the selected project. Using a modular approach allows you to assemble a platform (platform) of any required size.

How to move a house to another closed body of water?

All of our floating houses and summer cottages have a prefabricated structure - if desired, you can always remove the modular superstructure, disassemble the floating platform (pontoon) into modules and transport it by road to a new location.

What size pontoon is needed to build a floating house (cottage, bathhouse)?

For a small floating cottage or bathhouse, two buoyancy modules of 2.4 * 6 m are quite enough. For a more spacious and comfortable cottage, you will need four buoyancy modules of 2.4 * 6 m - from them you can assemble a floating platform of 4.8 * 12 m or 6 * 9.6 m, and for a “full-fledged” floating house you already need six or even seven buoyancy modules - platform 4.8*18m (6*14.4m) or 6*16.8m.

Is it possible to install a modular house from our local manufacturer (a cheaper analogue of DublDom) on your pontoons?

On our pontoons (floating platforms) you can install any frame/modular houses, incl. houses from the DublDom company and their numerous analogues.

Which floating platform is better for building a houseboat, “long narrow” or “square”?

With the same number of buoyancy modules, the weight of the platform and the deck area will be the same, but they will “behave” significantly differently.
Narrow platform:
- easier to tow
- protrudes less from the shore (essentially on rivers and canals)
- less resistance to flow on the river (which means a simpler anchor system) and less likelihood of breakaway during ice drift
- it is possible to make large “view” windows overlooking the water in all residential premises
- if there is a second floor, the motion is stronger.
Square platform:
- you can make large “view” windows on different sides
- less swaying when excited
- it’s more comfortable on the second floor (if available), because the pitching amplitude is smaller.

What is the maximum size of a reinforced concrete pontoon for a houseboat that you recommend?

In our opinion, a platform measuring 9 * 19.4 m (which is an area of ​​175 sq. m) is more than enough for any wildest desires, while remaining within the confines of a small vessel :)
Although in the overwhelming majority of cases a 6*17m platform (out of 7 buoyancy modules 6m long) is quite sufficient.

Is it possible to make a floating house by occupying the entire pontoon area?

Yes you can. The main thing is to control the weight of the superstructure and not go beyond the calculated weight.

What is the disadvantage of having a second floor on a houseboat?

- The stairs “eat up” the usable area
- The higher the walls, the greater their windage and the higher the center of gravity of the structure, which means more motion in the wind and waves.

Is a steel pontoon always bad?

No not always. It all depends on its use: if a floating structure needs to be repeatedly lifted out of the water during the season and transported by road to another body of water, then a steel pontoon has a clear advantage (due to its lower weight), because At the same time, inspecting it and painting the body is not a problem. But you shouldn’t build a warm winter house on such a pontoon - lifting it out of the water along with the house for mandatory periodic inspection and painting will be very problematic, and the center of gravity of a house on a concrete pontoon is significantly lower, and stability is much higher.

How much humidity is there in a houseboat and does it harm its structures?

If we take for comparison the humidity level in a floating house or floating cottage, it is similar to an area 20-50 meters from the water, and often even significantly lower (since it is well ventilated)! Thus, you should not be afraid that the microclimate of your cottage will worsen due to its location on the water, and with the help of environmentally friendly materials and modern ventilation systems we will create the microclimate to which you are accustomed.

I did NOT like the photo published on the site...

We don't like everything either. But the houses in the photographs were built for specific Customers, and the Customer is always right :)
We try to satisfy any “whims” of the Customers, if this does not affect the safe operation of the floating house and its service life.

They offer me an opportunity to buy a used steel pontoon inexpensively. Can you install your modular home on it?

Send us your pontoon drawings and we'll take a look.
However, you need to take into account that buying any steel pontoon for building a floating house or cottage is not the best idea:
1. In shipbuilding, a welder is the most scarce and very highly paid profession. All welders are subject to mandatory certification (attestation) by the maritime or river register, because The safety of the vessel depends on the quality of the seams. Are you sure that the pontoon was welded by a certified specialist?
2. A steel pontoon requires regular inspection (including inside) and regular painting (especially used ones), which means you will have to periodically call a heavy-duty crane and lift the houseboat out of the water. As a result, the costs will be higher and the service life will be shorter:(
3. Most steel pontoons are not designed for use in winter (ice) conditions (especially under load).

I saw a lot of photos of sunken houseboats on the Internet....

Yes, this happens if there are no (or broken) sealed bulkheads, and the ship’s hull has a traditional U shape. ALL of our reinforced concrete buildings are U-shaped and COMPLETELY filled inside with special foam - it’s not cheap, but the safety and reliability are worth it! Even if such a hull is damaged (and this is very, very difficult to do), the ship will not only not lose buoyancy, but will not even receive the slightest list!

I want a large floating house (dacha) with utility rooms (sauna + guest house), but how can I not go beyond the requirements (length no more than 20m) established for registration in the State Inspection Service?

It's very simple - you can design a house from several small boats and place them side by side!
This option also has a number of advantages:
1. The “flotilla” can be completed gradually, as necessary and as funds are available.
2. Significantly greater liquidity - you can sell not only the entire “flotilla” at once, but also its individual parts.

Which pontoons for floating dachas are better - plastic or concrete?

Both have their pros and cons. Fiberglass pontoons have less weight and draft (30-40cm) - this allows you to approach the shore even in shallow water, and when installing outboard motors (preferably two), you can travel independently across the pond. However, at a comparable price, their load-carrying capacity is less than that of concrete ones, which means that the superstructures mounted on them must be much lighter and stiffer. Only seasonal (summer) floating dachas are built on such pontoons. Concrete pontoons are heavier and have a greater draft (up to 50-60cm), but are much more stable and allow the construction of energy-efficient, warm (even two-story) houses and cottages for permanent (year-round) residence.

What's wrong with imported self-propelled floating dachas?

They are not bad, they are simply not designed for year-round use in our climatic conditions:
- require mandatory lifting from the water to winter moorings

They have insufficient insulation (the thickness of the insulation of the residential superstructure does not exceed 40, maximum 75 mm).

Why are there very few floating houses and dachas in Russia?

Much is determined by “national” characteristics. For example, Finland has many rivers and lakes, a lot of free land along the banks, a small population and liberal legislation allowing construction directly on the shore. As a result, floating houses and summer cottages are practically absent and floating saunas, beloved by Finns, are widespread. In neighboring Sweden, the situation is significantly different - there is much less free land along the banks, and environmental legislation very seriously limits any construction on the coastal strip. As a result, there are already significantly more floating houses and summer cottages than in Finland. In the countries of Central Europe, there is even less free land along the banks for dacha development and, as a result, significantly more quantity floating houses. Floating houses and summer cottages are used consistently in great demand and buying a modern floating house for “reasonable” money is very, very difficult.

Why are there practically no self-propelled floating dachas in Russia?

1. Probably for the same reason that we generally have very, very few boats and boats - there is no necessary infrastructure (we have practically no specially equipped boat parking areas with car parking and shore power supply). In Finland, with a population of 5.5 million, there is one boat for every 5-6 inhabitants. Not all families have their own boat, but many, on the contrary, have several. The most often quoted figure is 800,000 (about a third of them are rowing boats), but it is very approximate - only motorboats and speedboats that are at least 5.5 meters long and have an engine of more than 20 hp are subject to registration. Rowing and non-motorized boats and pontoons are not registered in Finland and are difficult to account for.
2. There are very few “private” self-propelled floating dachas abroad - almost all self-propelled dachas are “commercial” and are used for rental (usually short-term), because “travelling” through a limited water area gets boring very quickly, and traditional yachts are better suited for long-distance travel. In most European countries there are no problems with renting a self-propelled floating dacha, because... for engines less than 20 hp. no boatmaster's license is required, and such a motor is quite sufficient for leisurely movement of a summer floating summer cottage in a closed body of water (and in many European countries the legislation is even more liberal - with a motor power of up to 25 kW, a small boat driver’s license is not required if the water vehicle operates during daylight hours with good visibility at a distance of up to 5 nautical miles from the coast at sea and at a distance of 9 kilometers from the coast in inland waters). We require a boatmaster's license if the engine power is more than 10 hp. - such a motor is insufficient for the comfortable operation of a floating dacha and does not ensure safe navigation in strong winds, even in a shallow closed reservoir (at least 2-3 times more is required).

I want to buy reinforced concrete pontoons from you and make a floating summer house myself exclusively for seasonal (from spring to autumn) use. What do you advise???

Best the enemy of the good! Everything was invented long ago before us :)
If we are talking exclusively about a seasonal (summer) floating cottage or bathhouse, then to save money you can make a superstructure from thin profiled timber 70mm thick, chamber-dried and insulated 100-150mm floor/ceiling.
It is strictly forbidden to use thicker timber, because... no matter what the sellers say, it will not be dry, but only “dried” and will certainly shrink and crack (it is very, very unprofitable for manufacturers to dry timber thicker than 70-75mm - properly dried timber with a thickness of more than 75mm turns out to be significantly more expensive than glued timber of the same thickness, but it will significantly inferior to it in quality).
Such a floating boat can be used in spring-autumn and even in winter with slight frosts (if there is a stove-fireplace with a good power reserve). Such a residential superstructure can be easily assembled in a few days from ready-made house kits.
Later (if desired), it can always be additionally insulated for short-term winter operation of the cottage with soft fiberboard 50 mm thick (in terms of thermal insulation, 25 mm of soft fiberboard is equal to 90 mm of wood) and sheathed with tongue and groove boards (lining, timber simulator, etc.). An example is the Europeans, they mass produce floating country houses and bathhouses from 70mm timber.

I want to build a floating cottage for year-round weekend visits! What do you advise???

In this case, the best option is a frame floating dacha (wall insulation - from 100mm, floor/ceiling - from 150mm).

PS: If you haven’t found the answer to your question, look at the sections

For a long time river tourism and rides on pleasure boats were the lot of wealthy people. The situation changed for the better with the advent of Penichets - floating houses, which are actually both boats and yachts at the same time. The embodiment of the floating house idea made exciting river tourism accessible to everyone.


The evolution of floating dachas, or houseboats, as they are also called in English, began with the advent of the French group of the company Locaboat Plaisance, whose specialists developed the concept of a boat suitable for long-term living - a floating house.

By that time, in France itself, river tourism as a separate direction and walks on the water had existed for more than 10 years. However, for the most part, boats and boats were not comfortable, and those that were suitable for travel were simply not affordable for many.

The first floating dacha, Penichette 960, was launched in 1978: the name of the floating dacha brand is a diminutive form of the French word peniche, which can be translated as “living barge.” Thus, officially only a floating summer house on the water produced by Locaboat Plaisance can be called a Penichet.


It is worth noting that an ordinary river vessel, often of domestic production, is also called a floating dacha. It is a large, comfortable boat that has a cabin, but not enough amenities for an overnight stay or long-term comfortable stay. Many Russian shipbuilding enterprises and shipyards are engaged in the production of such floating dachas. There are similar options, called “floating mansions” - these are more luxurious vessels intended for living within the city, the production, purchase and maintenance of which will cost significantly more.

French Penichets are vessels aimed at country river trips, so they are perfect for Russian conditions when the goal is comfortable stay on the water from a day to a week or longer. Their Russian analogues are such models as the floating dacha “Delta”, “Beryozka”, “Don” and “Robinson”. Their market value ranges from 300,000 to 500,000 rubles, and the comfort and convenience are hardly comparable to their French counterparts.


Over the years, French houseboats have changed significantly; designers have relied on ergonomics and technical equipment. A dacha on the water, depending on passenger capacity, can have a length from 9.3 to 18 meters. It may seem that the cabin of a houseboat is too small to comfortably accommodate the number of passengers specified by the manufacturer. In fact, the floating dacha is spacious, and the comfort of living is not inferior to a real house.

The floating dacha is equipped with a special tank for drinking water and heaters, thanks to which the crew of the floating dacha on the water can take a shower. Heated passenger cabins have comfortable beds and all the furniture necessary for a comfortable stay; passengers can use sockets. Finally, the floating cottage is equipped with a full kitchen with a spacious refrigerator and gas stove.

There is enough space on the deck for dining, sunbathing and fishing. In addition, there is special parking for bicycles, thanks to which a leisurely journey can be supplemented with elements of active recreation.

The floating cottage floats perfectly on the water and is equipped with an economical diesel engine capable of reaching speeds of up to 10-15 kilometers per hour. The capacious tank of the floating house ensures continuous movement for three days. The floating dacha is controlled from the captain's cabin or from the upper deck. The low speed of movement and ease of control allow each holder of a navigation license to feel like a real captain, while no additional personnel are required to service the floating dacha.


Plavdacha is an accessible and interesting approach to family vacation. Unhurried river walk, biking, excursions around historical places, exciting fishing and natural beauty - all this will remain in your photo album.

The floating dacha will appeal to both groups of friends and couples in love. Renting pleasure yachts in Moscow will allow you to get to know each other even better and look at existing relationships from a different angle. It is enough to take part in a trip along the rivers of Penichet once to become a fan of boat trips once and for all.


With the right desire and construction skills, you can build a floating summer house yourself. Of course, not as comfortable and convenient as the French Penichets, but quite suitable for sailing on small rivers with weak currents.

To do this, you will first need to select a ready-made standard design for a floating boat or develop your own. The main building material is wood. The process of building a floating dacha differs little from building the hull of a regular ship: a frame is built, which is sheathed with sheets of plywood, then engines, glazing, navigation lights, etc. are installed. It’s entirely possible to build a floating boat yourself, so many try their hand at building it with their own hands, although a full-fledged trip on it still requires a navigational license and registration with the State Inspectorate for Medical Information.

Remember that using the Penichet rental service from our company is much more convenient and safer.

Hello everyone, I was thinking about something (and the topics of the comrade ar were inspired by) and decided to come up with an idea and draw a floating dacha))))
These are just my dreams for now, but this is exactly the kind of modification I would gladly make for myself.
I designed the dacha for 4 people, so that it would be quite comfortable to travel in such a house on the water. As for the pontoon, of course, I’m still thinking about whether to use large-diameter pipes or plastic tanks, so for now I’ve settled on pipes with a diameter of 800 mm. The size of the platform itself is width 4000 mm, length 10000 mm. I want a big one, because I want to walk around the mobile building (casting a fishing rod), which stands in the center of the platform. The size of the mobile building is 2400*7000*2500 mm. Make a platform for sunbathing and dancing on the roof of the mobile building)))

dimensions side view

Dimensions front view

Well, now the most pleasant part, the interior arrangement of the building.

The building itself is divided into two parts. One has sleeping places, the other has a mini kitchen and a looooong dining table. In the bedroom, make a couple of 2-tier beds + a chest of drawers + a wardrobe, so that there would be a supply of clothes just in case of an unexpected event. (I liked this arrangement of beds, this summer I vacationed on the Japanese sea and on the beach we lived in a similar cubicle measuring 2 * 2 m with this arrangement of beds + table + mini refrigerator, 4 people feel quite comfortable in such a room)
Now for the rest of my imagined buildings. I definitely think there should be a mini kitchen set for convenient preparation of fish soup and storage of kitchen utensils. Small gas stove. I think there should still be a refrigerator, since in such a building you can go out on the water for several days and the food still needs to be stored somewhere. And the “cookies” also need to be cooled somewhere)))). There is also a washbasin with heated water and a tank for clean water, and I think this is quite enough. On the other side of the building, I decided to install a soft corner and a large dining table, so that 4-6 people could quite freely eat cookies with fish soup and conduct their conversations on the topic of the biggest fish caught. Install a motor control panel in the same part of the buildings. Windows on 3 sides for greater visibility of the captain.

A couple of pictures of the interior of the building in color.

Exterior view in 3D

For heating, you can put a stove in the building, but I thought since there is a diesel generator, then a couple of 0.7 kW heating units can be used. and it’s quite enough to heat such a small room.
Of course, there is still a lot to think through; for example, I still haven’t decided where to install the dry closet.
And a couple of photos of how it might look in real life in a mobile version.

Almost like my kitchen))

Two bunk beds

And what the glazing might look like in my imagined mobile building

Photos taken from the archives of the company where I work. I do not indicate the phone number or company name, so that my article will not be considered advertising.
Someday I will turn this project into reality and write an article with step-by-step construction.

Use of materials from this article only with the permission of the author or site administration

Sincerely, Ramil.

The floating cottage "Eden" is a comfortable house with an area of ​​20 m², which has: two separate cabins, a kitchen-bar, a bathroom; in the stern, under a hard awning, there is an open terrace - a platform (6.2 m²) on which a dining room can be placed. The entrance to the living space in the stern is through a sliding door on the shp. 10 and in the nose - through the sliding door-hatch on the front wall of the dacha.

Basic data of the floating boat "Edem"
Length (dimension), m 6,00(6,80)
Width (overall), m 3,48(3,64)
Height (overall), m 2,60(4,50)
Draft, m 0,40
Displacement, t:
- with a draft along the vertical line of 370 mm 1,7
- with a draft along the overhead line of 500 mm 2,9
Passenger capacity, persons 4-8
PM power, l. With. 2x(10-40)

General view, layout, body design and outline sketch
floating dacha "Eden"

Construction of a floating house

The floating cottage is built from wood. Waterproof plywood, pine slats, fiberglass, epoxy resin and fasteners must be purchased based on specifications and working drawings. The construction of buildings is no different from the traditional process, repeatedly described in “KiYa”.

Using the table of plaza ordinates, draw out all the frames in full size. Frame half-frames are made - two sets for both boats (they are the same, PB and LB are symmetrical).

Table of plaza ordinates for the construction of the hulls of the floating boat "Edem"

Line Frame
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Height, mm
Kiel - K 1000 200 2 0 0 0 0 50 102 153 205 256 300
Skula - Sk - 308 182 102 55 10 0 50 102 153 205 266 300
Board - B 1000 915 860 825 803 787 770 755 740 725 710 695 680
Tunnel - T 870 785 730 695 673 657 640 625 610 595 580 565 550
Half-latitude, mm
Board - B 0 193 290 355 385 415 430 440 440 437 430 417 405
Skula - Sk - 88 175 230 261 293 300 320 333 340 343 345 340
Note: Spacing - 500 mm; all thicknesses from the theoretical lines are to the nose.

The slipway for assembling a catamaran with the keel up consists of two trimmed beams, exposed to the horizon, at a distance from one another (along the axes) of 2600 mm. The transverse beams (item 5) are installed according to the markings at the height from the slipway indicated in the table, and are mounted on strong racks. Frames are placed on them and after checking the perpendicularity and verticality of all structural elements; they put up knights.

Longitudinal braces are cut into frames and beams; after fastening them and drying, the exposed set is reduced to small quantities. Now the hulls and bridge can be covered with plywood. The lining is done with glue using screws (along the frames) and nails in a bend (along the stiffening ribs).

The hulls and the bottom of the bridge are covered with fiberglass in several layers, and after drying and cleaning, they are painted.

Only after this can the catamaran be carefully turned over (until the deck is sewn up) to be placed on the horizon, the wane removed from the hulls and painted with waterproof paint from the inside. The bridge is filled along the entire height of the cross beams with lightweight foam.

The bridge is covered with plywood. Deck holes are cut out (350-450 mm, 8 pcs.), coamings and hatches are installed. It is better to assemble the side walls of the superstructure, bulkheads and roof into a volume - in the form of separate sections, immediately rivet the stiffeners and cut out the windows.

The front wall of the superstructure must be bent along a radius of 2060 mm and secured to a pre-glued frame made from flat slats (curved along the same radius), then the door and window trim can be installed.

The drum of the bathroom enclosure is placed at a distance from the deck to the roof. They install reinforcements under the utility unit units and sofas, which must be made folding to allow access to the hatches in the buildings.

Of course, you can assemble the superstructure in another way - set up the frame and then sew it up with separate sheets of plywood.

All that remains is to install glazing, hang doors, mount hatches and railings (pipe, stainless steel). Flat tanks with drinking and technical water can be placed on the roof, in the nose from the shp. 5.

Then the remote control of the engines and navigation lights are installed.

Yuri Zimin, master of sports, “Boats and Yachts”, 2004, No. 01(188).


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