What a bridge in Gorky Park. Berth of the Gorky Central Park of Culture and Leisure (Park of Culture and Leisure): river boat trips in Gorky Park, departure schedule of river buses, purchase of electronic tickets at a discount. Openwork fountain in the rose garden

The Pushkinsky pedestrian bridge connecting the Pushkinskaya embankment of the Neskuchny Garden with the Frunzenskaya embankment was opened in 2000.

The bridge is famous not only for its proximity to Neskuchny Garden and the Gorky Central Park of Culture and Culture, but also for its magnificent views from the open observation platforms.

However, the bridge itself has a much longer history: it was based on the construction of the Andreevsky railway bridge, built in 1905-1907. The bridge was originally designed by L.D. Proskuryakov and A.N. Pomerantsev, and is a monument of engineering art, as stated on the sign on one of its supports.

Previously, the bridge stood slightly higher up the river, and it was transported to its current location on barges. A similar technology was used during the construction; It is interesting that its “ancestor” - the Krasnoluzhsky railway bridge - was also designed by Proskuryakov and Pomerantsev.

It is noteworthy that the name of the bridge is a very unclear mystery. It is believed that the official name of the bridge is Pushkinsky, but most Muscovites (and, by the way, many maps and reference books, including Yandex and Google maps) are accustomed to calling it by its “unofficial” name - St. Andrew’s pedestrian bridge.

Preserved on one of the supports commemorative plaque with the names of the architects and the date of construction of the Andreevsky railway bridge; perhaps this is where the confusion came from.

Fortunately, this bridge is not similar in everything - there is not a single store or stall inside :)

However, I’ll move on to the purpose of the story - the views. To begin with, a panorama towards the Sparrow Hills.

Well, now - the details :)

In a small cozy "amphitheater" on the pier "Gorky Central Park of Culture and Culture" Pushkinskaya embankment a copy of the Girl with an Oar, installed in September 2011, is hiding.

Pay attention to the area lined with boards - it is popular with athletes and dancers.

Pushkinskaya Embankment and Neskuchny Garden, behind which rises the building of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences, and behind the Presidium itself - nature reserve"Sparrow Hills".

You can see Andreevsky behind the bridge monastery, founded in 1648. The monastery buildings, unfortunately, have a later date of construction.

Novoandreevsky railway and road bridges.
This place is notable for the fact that, being the Andreevsky railway, the Pushkinsky pedestrian bridge stood exactly there :) New bridges were erected after it was moved to its current location; in fact, it was moved for their construction.

Behind the bridge you can see the St. Andrew's Monastery and the Vorobyovy Gory nature reserve.

Frunzenskaya Embankment is famous for its wonderful architectural landscape. Most of the houses near the river were built in the 30s-50s of the 20th century, and this is what earned the embankment my love. If it weren’t for the billboards and obscene store signs sticking out at every step, this would be practically an exemplary Soviet street :)

The spire of the main building of Moscow State University peeks out from behind the houses.

House with a turret - Frunzenskaya embankment, 24. Built in the early 1950s according to the design of architects B.S. Mezentsev and S.P. Turgenev.

And now - a view towards the Crimean Bridge, the Gorky Central Park and the Kremlin :)
By the way, it resembles the view from, but much closer and more interesting.

This is not visible in the panorama, but if you look to the left, you can see the Moscow City International Business Center.

Frunzenskaya embankment, 22 - Main headquarters of the Russian ground forces. The building was built from 1940 to 1951 according to the design of architect L.V. Rudneva.

Hidden behind the huge building is the equally huge, but much more distant building of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

But the Ostankino TV tower failed to hide - it can be seen perfectly from here. Even the Russian flag installed on its top is visible - although not in color.

Here comes the famous one Crimean Bridge, behind which hides a number of equally well-known attractions.

Cathedral of the Nativity Holy Mother of God in the Conception Convent.

The Cathedral of Christ the Savior against the background of the State Duma of the Russian Federation (Okhotny Ryad, 1) and the Moscow Hotel (Okhotny Ryad, 2), now restored and containing a business center.

With the arrival of warm weather, the guards in Gorky Park begin to have a headache - not because the sun is hot, but because teenagers from 12 to 16 years old are storming the Andreevsky Bridge, which connects Gorky Park with Frunzenskaya Embankment.

Young people in the city are a devil... What to do with extreme teenagers

"Don't stop us from living our lives"

For several years now, Muscovites and guests of the capital have been observing the picture “sparrows on the arch.” Someone passes by indifferently, uttering the legendary phrase of Sergei Lavrov, and someone heartbreakingly: “Where are the police looking?” Children climb onto the metal semicircular structure of the bridge, hang their legs down and take a selfie. And this is the cutest option. Others start running, filming extreme videos, and throwing cigarette butts and bottles at ship passengers.

- Look how many of them there are. Is this allowed?- I’ll ask my friend Zhenya.

Definitely not, he will say.

Let's get closer. Entrance to St. Andrew's Bridge, official sign. Inside there is a small hall, an open door to the basement. And an elevator with contact numbers for the State Budgetary Institution Gormost. I'm calling.

Is it possible to climb onto the bridge? I mean, for a semicircular structure, I’ll ask the dispatcher.

Are you crazy? How did these... the police already went for them - they called them,” the employee is indignant.

- Are they often there?

They are not there only in winter and during the rains, and spring-summer is the season, they come as if they were on an attraction.

The guards of St. Andrew's Bridge also talk about frequent guests. They say that they do not have the authority to pull them out of there. But they don’t understand the warnings.

We tell them that this is dangerous. We give examples that for some these show-offs end tragically. A month ago the guy fell,” says security guard Andrei Muravyov.

- What are they?- I ask.

But they still climb. They drink there at night, and then the syringes are lying around.

The metal arches have convex details for teenagers to climb. And migrant workers climb for spectacular photos. The height is about eight meters, and the width of the arch is slightly less than a meter - two people can’t separate. It is necessary to fence them off and block the passages to them. I wasn't the only one thinking about this. They even made a metal fence, only it is so low that any schoolchild can jump over it.

“Why bother getting up here, I’ve already sat here a thousand times,” Masha, about 14 years old, will say with pride.

Then there was profanity during her conversation with her friends. The teenagers were not embarrassed by the comments of passers-by. It's not that I haven't seen girls with green hair, shorts with fringe on their butts, tattoos and bottles of beer. With them were guys in hoods and rolled up jeans. But you tell them: “Children, be careful,” and they: “Don’t stop us from living our lives.” And worse - a mother of about 20 is walking, and with her a son of about five. He tells her: “I want to go upstairs,” and she tells him: “Just be careful.” Takes photographs. Then, as it seemed to us, she calmed down and said to him: “Vladik, stop. Do not move. Now I’ll come up to you.” We've taken a lot of breath here, how will she take it off? And the mother sat down next to him and began taking a selfie with her son. There, nearby, teenagers kiss passionately as if they were alone here. The movement is crazy, everyone is in some kind of euphoria.

The police still didn't come. As the guards say, they now come every other time or only when drunk people and adults climb onto the roof. They say, catch the kids, yes, and you can’t even issue a ridiculous fine of 100 rubles - you need the names of the parents, but they don’t give them. I called Gormost again to ask when the police would arrive.

They must come. We call the squad several times a day. But everything is the same: the police arrived - the children ran away, only the police left - they climbed onto the bridge again, they say at the Gormost State Budgetary Institution.

Death Race

Modern youth like to be extreme. Another bridge in Gorky Park is the Crimean Bridge. It would seem that you cannot climb it. But there are attempts. And with fatalities. Usually, they come to rescue teenagers with a fire escape. So in the winter of 2016, after persuasion from the Ministry of Emergency Situations employees, the extreme sportsman descended from the bridge on his own.

Older audiences like to sit on the Patriarchal Bridge - in the part where the drainage canal is. People sit directly on the wide granite parapets, without fear, cross their legs, feeling weightless. Some have dates there, others eat pizza. From the outside it looks like a pursuit better life. Someone below is sailing on a boat, ordering an expensive dinner, and they are no less cool - they look at life from a different angle.

What motivates you? Young people want to be special, to be taller than others, and are picking up fashion in the style of Urbex (Urban Exploration - English urban reconnaissance) - photographs in this format are increasingly being taken by bloggers. On the edge, so to speak. And then someone climbs onto the roof of the Kudrinskaya high-rise building or GUM, and goes to abandoned factories such as ZIL. An important object conquests are the Moscow City towers. It’s more difficult to get there because of the multi-level security system, but this makes it even more of that same drive.

Some people like to jump with a parachute, climbing onto the roofs of high-rise buildings, while others like to climb onto the cabins and roofs of electric trains. Although warnings from the metro and Moscow Railways appear repeatedly. “With anyone, but not with me,” the hookers usually say. The other day, doctors were unable to save an 18-year-old boy. The body of a young man was found at Solnechnaya station Kyiv direction MZD. The guy climbed onto the roof of the train with the message “Moscow - Maloyaroslavets”, where he received an electric shock. And this is not the first case; this year 11 children have already died and 5 more were injured.

On the eve of summer school holidays We will carry out extensive outreach work with children aimed at creating a culture safe behavior and reducing the level of non-occupational injuries. Special emphasis will be placed on “hooks” and “roofers”, who, in pursuit of thrills, climb onto the roofs and automatic couplers of trains, railway bridges, which, unfortunately, leads to tragic consequences, says the press service of the Moscow Railways.


Alexander Karabanov, lawyer:

If children are under 16 years of age, then only relatives can be held administratively liable. So far there is only Article 5.35 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation “Failure of parents or other legal representatives of minors to fulfill obligations for the maintenance and upbringing of minors.” What threatens parents? A warning or an administrative fine in the amount of 100 to 500 rubles. From practice, adult roofers are charged with “petty hooliganism”, for which a fine of 500 rubles is imposed, and the parents of the roofers are fined 100 rubles.

St. Andrew's Bridge (Russia) - description, history, location. The exact address, phone, website. Tourist reviews, photos and videos.

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The pedestrian bridge connecting the Frunzenskaya and Pushkinskaya embankments of Moscow was put into operation in 1999. Officially it is called Pushkinsky, but everywhere, including on maps, it is called Andreevsky. There is a reason for this confusion - at the entrance there is a cast sign attached to it, notifying that the steel structure of the old St. Andrew's Bridge has been moved here from the Small Ring highway railway. The Novoandreevsky Bridge with a significantly greater capacity was built at the same location. There are fewer traffic jams, and Moscow has been enriched with beautiful sights.

St. Andrew's Bridge today

The height of the bridge above the water level is 24 m, plus the height of the arch is 8.5 m. The steel structure and towers are more than a century old, but the supports were built in our time. Pedestrian paths have been preserved on both sides along the wrought iron railings. The middle part, where the rails used to run, is covered by a transparent tunnel with several doors along its entire length. It’s convenient to hide inside in bad weather, but people walk more in the open space, where the fresh river breeze blows.

The main feature of the St. Andrew's Bridge is its arched spans at the height of a 10-story building. The width of the supporting structure is almost 2 m, it is studded with many rivets, so the risk of slipping is insignificant for extreme sports enthusiasts. In the summer, young people constantly sit at the very top, dangle their legs in the empty space, listen to music and admire the surrounding panorama. During rush hours, there is even a queue of people wanting to get adrenaline at the bottom. They say that the most difficult thing is to miss those coming towards you.

The amateur attraction on St. Andrew's Bridge is very dangerous. Between the arch and the tunnel there is a fairly wide gap, if you fall through it you will have to fly all the way to the water. But falling on a parapet is no better; at a minimum, it will end in many months of treatment for fractures and subsequent disability. It’s surprising that most of the “arch walkers” are girls, even in heels.

In the evening the lights turn on, and St. Andrew's Bridge shines like a jewel. Even at this time, there is always someone hanging out on the arch. You shouldn’t be like an adrenaline junkie, it’s better to just enjoy the warm summer evening and the magnificent spectacle without endangering your life and health.

Practical information

How to get there: to the station. metro station “Oktyabrskaya”, “Park Kultury” or “Leninsky Prospekt”, from there it’s a 1 km walk. From the side of Frunzenskaya embankment. by bus No. T79 to the stop. "1st Frunzenskaya Street".

St. Andrew's Bridge near Gorky Park in last years became one of the most popular places among Moscow youth and guests of the capital, however, in addition to fans of spectacular views of the city, this place also attracts those who like to drink strong drinks, as well as aggressive young people from the regions. Locals complain that the complete lack of control over this bridge has led to the problem spreading throughout the entire area.

As noted "MBH Media", Muscovites have already accumulated many stories that suggest that the situation on St. Andrew’s Bridge is unhealthy. At the same time, the management of Gorky Park does nothing about this, and the Moscow authorities turn a blind eye to what is happening.

The bridge is a glass “greenhouse” 130 meters long. Inside the “greenhouse” there are three dirty yellow security booths. The covered part of the bridge is not crowded: most people climb over the fence and climb onto the arch. No one pays attention to the numerous prohibitory signs.

The journalist witnessed how a bridge guard jumped onto the arch and began to climb towards the violators, approached the young girls and asked them for a cigarette. Having lit a cigarette, the security officer sat down next to them, dangling his legs carefree. The second guard, of retirement age, was drinking vodka with a friend right at the booth.

According to one of the guards at St. Andrew's Bridge, they periodically call the police. Law enforcement officers come once or twice a day, take one person away for order, and leave the rest alone. If something serious happened, law enforcement officers are still in no hurry to get to the Andreevsky Bridge: by the time they arrive, all the hooligans have already fled. Security admitted that fights happen there regularly, but “you can’t keep track of everyone.”

The State Budgetary Institution "Gormost" is responsible for hiring private security officers, but they could not promptly comment on what was happening. The Gorky Park administration first emphasized that they were not responsible for the events on the bridge.

Local residents complain Facebook that this problem has already spread to the entire surrounding area. “Now it’s not only unpleasant to walk around (swearing, screaming), but also really scary. I don’t risk letting my 16-year-old girl out alone at 8 pm,” said the Muscovite. One of the townspeople noted that all this began after the reconstruction of Gorky Park: “Before that, they were drinking inside. Now they are drinking on the bridge and nearby squares. The bridge should be transferred to the jurisdiction of the Park of Culture so that their private security company could stand there.”

One of the most high-profile incidents on this bridge was the recent case of a young native of Dagestan, a medical student Amir Abumuslimov, who fell into a coma after meeting a group of quarrelsome and aggressive youth. The hooligans hit the young man on the head, and by the time law enforcement officers arrived, they had fled. The police, however, were in no hurry to pursue the attackers, and a criminal case was opened only after the victim’s parents arrived in Moscow from Dagestan.

Every capital resident knows this bridge. This bridge is one of the most important attractions of Gorky Park. The bridge connects the noisy Frunzenskaya embankment from the most romantic Pushkinskaya embankment in Gorky Park.

The architects of the bridge Lavr Dmitrievich Proskuryakov and Alexander Nikanorovich Pomerantsev back in 1905-1907 did not even realize that many years later their brainchild would undergo serious changes - their bridge would turn into a pedestrian bridge, it would be renamed Pushkinsky and young people from the capital would hang out on its massive load-bearing arches extreme sports enthusiasts and guests of the capital with their legs dangling.

The bridge is located in the noisy and lively Gorky Park of Culture and Leisure and even if you don’t find free space, climb onto the Pushkin Bridge, unless of course you’re afraid. Find a place on the massive arch of the bridge, there are two arches - there is enough space for everyone. Sit back comfortably, put your legs together and sunbathe to your heart’s content - the bridge’s security has long since stopped removing amateurs from it thrills.

Each arch of the Pushkin Bridge weighs about 1.5 thousand tons and will withstand any extreme sportsman. Every summer these bridge arches turn into dangerous attraction for young people who consider it their duty to climb to the very top and sit there, dangling their legs comfortably. Oddly enough, in the covered part there are two security booths and only one security officer. The guard watches indifferently as the youth rest on massive beams about 8.5 meters high from the level of the bridge, putting themselves at risk of falling and injuring themselves to death.

Pushkinsky Bridge - a free attraction in Gorky Park

Work on the construction of the bridge lasted two years and only by the end of 1907 the bridge was built. Year of creation - 1907. The architects of the bridge are Lavr Dmitrievich Proskuryakov and Alexander Nikanorovich Pomerantsev

Bridge support overlooking Gorky Park.

Young people hang out on the bridge arches, which are as tall as a three-story building.

Today it is sunny and you can sunbathe on the arches.

Pushkinsky Bridge is a free bench in Gorky Park.

Young people hang out on both arches of the bridge.


The height of the bridge is about 24 meters + 8.5 meters height of the arch. If you don't get hurt, you'll crash.

But apparently the younger generation is not worried about the danger. However, the bridge guard is not worried either.

It is easy to get to the arch and climb onto it - there are no serious obstacles. Anyone can test their courage, except maybe rollerblade. As a result, there is already a line at the top for a place in the sun.

It’s difficult to call the climb, which is gentle at first glance, safe. From the walking area to the top of the arch is at least eight meters, that is, the height of approximately a three-story building. You can not only get hurt, but also crash. However, this stops few people. Even girls in heels and miniskirts climb up. They all say that they climbed there just for fun.

It’s easy to climb onto the bridge, but it’s more difficult to get off it and separate from those coming towards you.

As evening approaches, the bridge fills with people partying. Here they drink beer, read books, listen to music.

Why walk along the Pushkin Bridge when there is a high arch for this?

The path to the next world looks exactly like this.

Oh, what a beautiful bridge in Gorky Park - a real attraction for producing testosterone.

Both old and young are happy about this bridge!

The queue for the bridge arch forms during rush hour. You can stand waiting cozy place hour.

There are a lot of girls hanging out on the bridge arch. It seems that only girls in Moscow are romantic.

If you want to meet a romantic girl, climb to the top, there are tons of them.

The guys went to pick up the girls. Well, the flag is in their hands!

Under the arch there are impressively sized cracks into which you can accidentally fall straight into the Moscow River.

But no one cares about this danger. Young people storm the bridge.

Go ahead, girl! Be bolder. If you accidentally fall down, it means your day will be wasted.

Hooray! I'm on Pushkinsky Bridge!

There are many of us here!

More and more thrill-seekers are rushing to try themselves on the new attraction of Gorky Park - on the Pushkin Bridge.

Entrance to Pushkinsky Bridge from Leninsky Prospekt.

At night in the summer there are no less people on Pushkinsky Bridge. Look how many people hang out there. The guard is sleeping. young people hang out on the bridge.

And there are also several people on this bridge arch.

Let's hope that the management of Gorky Park, the police and security officers, on whose territory this beautiful piece of architecture is located, will pay attention to the most dangerous free attraction in Gorky Park - the Pushkin Bridge. Take care of yourself and your children.


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