The design of the railway approach will have to be adjusted due to the soil conditions. The railway approaches to the Kerch Bridge will be built by Stroygazmontazh - Ministry of Transport of Russia Railway access roads to the Kerch Bridge

Five transport interchanges will be built on the access road to the bridge across the Kerch Strait in the territory Krasnodar region. Together with the new highway, they will significantly relieve congestion. road network Taman Peninsula and divert transit traffic from populated areas.

The transport corridor will become fully operational after the Kerch Bridge is put into operation. From now on, the route to the Crimean Federal District through the Taman Peninsula and the Kerch Strait can be covered in less than one hour.

1st traffic interchange will connect the new highway with the existing M-25 highway, which will change the main direction of traffic towards Crimea. Thus, it is the new highway that will become federal, and the road in the direction of the Kavkaz port will go through interchange ramps.

2nd junction with the regional highway Sennaya - Vyshesteblievskaya on the sixth kilometer of the access road will ensure continuous traffic movement over the existing railway tracks.

3rd junction at the intersection with the Taman - Veselovka road at 27 kilometers - the designed road will pass under an overpass, where 2 spaced exits will allow traffic flows to move in all directions.

4th junction will be erected at kilometer 34, where the Taman-Volna highway will cross at the upper level, and 2 exits to populated areas will be built for motorists.

5th traffic interchange with a promising area seaport“Taman” at 39 kilometers will be the largest and most complex. Its configuration will be determined by the proximity of the projected railway - the railway part of the Kerch Bridge, as well as the need to provide road transport between the village of Taman and Rybkolkhoz.

Comfortable and safe traffic along the entire length of the new access route will be ensured by barrier fences and modern road lighting. On both sides of the road there will be landscaped rest areas for drivers and passengers, as well as automatic systems for weight and dimensional control. Variable information boards will notify drivers about traffic conditions in advance.

Kerch crossing: instructions for tourists >>

An important factor influencing the construction of the route to the bridge across the Kerch Strait is the preservation of the unique archaeological monuments with which the Taman Peninsula is so rich. For this purpose, the designers changed the planned position of the route, which will make it possible to bypass most of the historically important areas. Will be complied with without fail full complex security and rescue excavations, the discovered artifacts will replenish the largest museums in the country.

Let us remind you that the 21st international exhibition on cargo transportation, transport and logistics TransRussia was held in Moscow. At the exhibition, which took place from April 19 to 22 in Moscow, the Ministry of Transport of Crimea, with the participation of Lenpromtransproject CJSC, presented a video on the construction of railway approaches to the transport crossing through the Kerch Strait from the Crimea.

Where and how the Sevastopol section of the Tavrida highway will pass >>

JSC Lenpromtransproekt carries out engineering surveys and development of design estimates for the construction of railway approaches on the territory of the Republic of Crimea to the transport crossing through the Kerch Strait . The purpose of the design is to ensure the connection of the existing railway network of the Crimean Peninsula with the bridge across the Kerch Strait. A section of the new railway line will run along the northeastern part of the peninsula, from the Kerch Strait to Bagerovo station. The designed approaches are double-track railway line with a length of 17 kilometers with the possibility of subsequent electrification.

Help from the 24RosInfo portal:

The new 4-lane highway of category 1B will run from the existing highway A-290 (M-25) Novorossiysk - Kerch Strait through the entire peninsula to Tuzla Spit. Its length will be forty kilometers, and the estimated speed will be 120 km/h. In the future, by 2034, traffic intensity in both directions on this road will be at least 36,000 vehicles per day. At the moment, the main route along which the ferry carries transport connection between Crimean peninsula and mainland Russian Federation, is a 2-lane section of the M-25 road.


Construction of approaches to the bridge across the Kerch Strait February 2017:

junction at A-290 0:00;

finished section of highway A-290 - Sennoy-Vyshesteblievskaya 1:20;

overpass over the Sennaya-Vyshesteblievskaya railway road 2:06;

interchange at the intersection of the highway and the Sennaya-Vyshesteblievskaya road 2:20;

construction of approaches in the area of ​​the station. Taman 6:55.

Construction of an auto approach to the bridge across the Kerch Strait in the area of ​​the Tuzla Spit, October 2017:

Construction of an auto approach to the bridge across the Kerch Strait in the Tuzla Spit area, December 2017:

Construction of an auto approach to the bridge across the Kerch Strait in the area of ​​the Tuzla Spit, April 2018::

The Crimean Bridge became part of the transport system of Crimea and Kuban. August 2018 WITH transport system mainland Russia via Vyshesteblievskaya station. The double-track approach from the Taman Peninsula is formed from factory-produced sleeper-rail lashes up to 800 m long. They are laid in a line on a prepared elastic surface (a ballast layer of sand and crushed stone) and connected to each other. This was reported by the Information Center "". “The railway route to Crimea is being built using a continuous method. This is the so-called velvet track made of rail lashes. They are many times longer than the length of a standard 25-meter rail. The longer the rails, the fewer joints between them, the wheels of the trains passing through them characteristically knock. Along the velvet track, trains run smoothly and with almost no noise. Such a road is more reliable, more durable and more convenient to use,” said Vitaly BESHLIU, head of the project department of the Rostransmodernization Federal Institution. Modern railway infrastructure project for Taman Peninsula - this is a steel highway with a linear length of almost 40 km - is being implemented as part of the development of transport and logistics capacities of the Azov-Black Sea basin and the creation of a new deep-water port. In 2014, the project also included a branch to Crimean bridge . Read: Construction and installation work is being carried out simultaneously along the entire length of the route. On this moment Along the main track, the construction of the roadbed and embankment has been completed in full, and the construction of the upper track structure is being completed. 130 turnouts were assembled, over 2,200 reinforced concrete supports and metal racks of the overhead contact network were installed. Readiness degree, including bridges and overpasses - from 60 to 100%. The site employs more than 1,000 engineers and workers and 110 pieces of equipment. “Simultaneously with the road, the Taman-Pasazhirskaya station is being built, through which short-range and short-distance trains will pass long distance both towards Crimea and towards the Krasnodar Territory and other regions. Residents of villages and villages on the Taman Peninsula will have more convenient way go anywhere in the country. For this purpose, a complex of buildings is being erected, including a station for 50 people, passenger and baggage platforms, receiving and departure tracks and other facilities,” said Anatoly VERESCHAKA, deputy head of the department, project manager of the Rostransmodernization Federal Public Institution. On the other side, from the Crimea side, railway workers are leading a two-track approach road 18 km long to the bridge across the Kerch Strait. It includes 27 artificial structures, including a bridge and 5 overpasses. In conjunction with the route, 38 new buildings and the Yuzhnaya station are being built. The approach will connect the bridge with the railways on the peninsula, which connect Dzhankoy, Feodosia, Simferopol and other cities by rail. Read: “Approaches from the Crimea and Kuban will be put into operation together with the railway part of the Crimean Bridge in 2019. Its capacity will be 47 pairs of passenger and freight trains per day in both directions,” said Leonid RYZHENKIN, Deputy General Director for Infrastructure Projects at STROYGAZMONTAZH. Enterprise "Crimean Railway", which will put the bridge into operation in December 2019, has already prepared a preliminary train schedule for 2020. It is expected that in the first year of operation, 29 pairs of trains per day will run between the Crimean peninsula and mainland Russia, including 15 passenger, 10 freight and 4 commuter trains.

The upper structure of the railway track to the Crimean Bridge from the Taman side is 80% ready. This was reported by the Crimean Bridge information center.

“More than 80% of the upper structure of the railway track is ready, which will connect the Crimean Bridge with the transport system of mainland Russia through the Vyshesteblievskaya station. The double-track approach from the Taman Peninsula is formed from factory-produced sleeper-rail lashes up to 800 m long,” the information center reported.

Railway workers lay sleepers and rails in a line on a prepared elastic surface (a ballast layer of sand and crushed stone) and connect them together. “The railway route to Crimea is being built using a continuous method. This is the so-called velvet track made of rail lashes. They are many times longer than the length of a standard 25-meter rail. The longer the rails, the fewer joints between them, over which the wheels of the trains make a characteristic knocking noise. Along the velvet track, trains run smoothly and with almost no noise. Such a road is more reliable, more durable and easier to use,” said Vitaly Beshliu, head of the project department of the Rostransmodernization Federal Institution.

The modern railway infrastructure project on the Taman Peninsula is a steel highway with a linear length of almost 40 km. Construction and installation work is carried out simultaneously along the entire length of the route. At the moment, the construction of the roadbed and embankment along the main track has been completed in full, and the installation of the upper structure of the track is being completed. 130 turnouts were assembled, over 2,200 reinforced concrete supports and metal racks of the overhead contact network were installed. The degree of readiness of artificial structures, including bridges and overpasses, ranges from 60 to 100%. The site employs more than 1,000 engineers and workers and 110 pieces of equipment.

“Simultaneously with the road, the Taman-Passenger station is being built, through which short- and long-distance trains will pass both towards Crimea, and towards the Krasnodar Territory and other regions. Residents of villages and villages on the Taman Peninsula will have a more convenient way to travel anywhere in the country. For this purpose, a complex of buildings is being erected, including a station for 50 people, passenger and baggage platforms, receiving and departure tracks and other facilities,” added Anatoly Vereshchaka, deputy head of the department, project manager of the Rostransmodernizatsiya Federal Public Institution.

On the other side, from the Crimea side, railway workers are leading a two-track approach road 18 km long to the bridge across the Kerch Strait. It includes 27 artificial structures, including a bridge and 5 overpasses. In conjunction with the highway, 38 new buildings and the Kerch-Yuzhnaya station are being built. The approach will connect the bridge with the railways on the peninsula, which connect Kerch, Dzhankoy, Feodosia, Simferopol and other cities by rail.

“The approaches from Crimea and Kuban will be put into operation together with the railway part of the Crimean Bridge in 2019. Its capacity will be 47 pairs of passenger and freight trains per day in both directions,” said Leonid Ryzhenkin, Deputy General Director for Infrastructure Projects at Stroygazmontazh.

The Crimean Railway enterprise, which will put the bridge into operation in December 2019, has already prepared a preliminary train schedule for 2020. It is expected that in the first year of operation, 29 pairs of trains per day will run between the Crimean peninsula and mainland Russia, including 15 passenger, 10 freight and 4 commuter trains.


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