The most exciting houseboats you can rent right now. You know how to smile even during freezing rain because you know that the sun will appear soon

Houseboats or houseboats are former ships that have been converted into comfortable residential homes. As a rule, such houses are moored in a certain place and do not have a motor, but there are also truly floating specimens that can make long journeys. If you like to travel and choose unusual places to stay, check out our material about the most interesting houseboats that are rented out by private owners on the online platform for short-term rental housing around the world Airbnb.


1. Floating house on the River Thames in London, UK. (Photo: Airbnb).
2. The houseboat sails under one of the most famous bridges London - Tower Bridge. (Photo: Airbnb).
3. Overwater villa in Amsterdam. Living on barges equipped for housing, from a necessity associated with the lack of funds to purchase housing on land in the post-war years, has now become fashionable. In total, about 2.5 thousand cozy residential barges are moored on the canals of Amsterdam. There's something for everyone there, and organizing a trip to Amsterdam has now become easier than ever with Universal Air Travel Agency's air ticket search engine. Taking advantage of them search engine, you can find really low prices for air tickets Kyiv - Amsterdam, as well as for other international and domestic flights. (Photo: Airbnb).
4. Amsterdam barges are usually equipped with the latest technology. There is everything necessary for the comfort of permanent and temporary residents of a floating house. (Photo: Airbnb).
5. A barge in Seattle (USA), which was converted into a comfortable house on the water. (Photo: Airbnb).
6. And this is what the barge looks like from the inside: it’s very cozy here and has everything you need for life. (Photo: Airbnb).
7. Residential barge located right next to Eiffel Tower in Paris. (Photo: Airbnb).
8. A cozy room on a residential barge near the Eiffel Tower. (Photo: Airbnb).
9. Bed&Boat apartments on a barge in Amsterdam, Holland. (Photo: Airbnb).
10. Living room with kitchen in the Bed&Boat apartment in Amsterdam. (Photo: Airbnb).
11. Houseboat(barge) in Copenhagen, Denmark. (Photo: Airbnb).
12. Living room in a residential barge in Copenhagen with beautiful view to the city. (Photo: Airbnb).
13. Interesting apartment on a barge in the center of Paris. (Photo: Airbnb).
14. Cozy cabin on a Romantic Sailboat in Palermo. (Photo: Airbnb).
15. Original interior of a sleeping cabin in a residential yacht on Canary Islands. (Photo: Airbnb).
16. Puget Sound Sailing Adventure - house on the water in the USA. (Photo: Airbnb).
17. House on the water “Berezina” in the center of Haarlem, Holland. (Photo: Airbnb).
18. The living space in the Berezina houseboat is thought out to the smallest detail. (Photo: Airbnb).

We are all desperately trying to find this illusory thing called “happiness”.

Most of the time we are overwhelmed, anxious, angry, depressed, feeling empty or have constant mood swings. (MORE SENSE)

You still remember those times when you were happy, but now they seem so far away, and your current life circumstances are very different from those before.

But what if I told you what you can choose right now? And that it is much easier than you think.

You can start living a happy life by following just a few basic principles. They are easy to apply in real life, which means happiness is right around the corner.

Are you ready to learn more about how and why happiness is a personal choice? Let's look into this.

How can you be happy, you ask, if someone treats you very badly, and circumstances are beyond your control and make you suffer every now and then.

Many people feel exactly the same way.

Every year, the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network publishes its World Happiness Report. It measures overall happiness in different countries peace.

The 2018 report shows that residents of Finland top the list, while residents of the United States are left behind at number 18.

Despite the fact that Americans have become more than twice as “happier” since 1972, they are still not even in the top ten.

Easterlin's paradox

Americans earn more and more money every year, but this has not affected their happiness. The discrepancy between income and happiness is called the Easterlin paradox.

You probably have more money now than ever before, but you still can't understand why you're still unhappy.

Resolving this dilemma is not an easy task - after all, it is a paradox. And the answer is much simpler than you might expect: .

It's simple - you need to choose happiness

Happiness is a state that can be measured. For example, take a runner filling his lungs with air. Every breath is vital, and every time it is followed by an exhalation. And if happiness is a state, then it can be argued that it is simply an impression, or a combination of them.

Arizona State University student Amanda Pinnock experienced this type of happiness without even expecting it. To obtain her medical degree, she had to complete a study abroad program.

The people of Fiji, the country Amanda chose to study, truly lived with the understanding that happiness lies in choice.

Thus, Amanda wrote: “The people of Fiji are probably the happiest and most humble in the world. These people welcomed us with open arms, fed us and provided us with all the necessary amenities.

And until I spoke with the group leader and the tourist guide, I had no idea that they were giving us so much more than they themselves were using every day.”

Many people in the country don't have access to running water, but Amanda noticed that they look like they don't need anything.

She writes: “They live off the land and help each other in everything...They may not have as much money as the average American, but they live rich lives in their own way, and it seems to me that Americans have something to offer . They put family, loved ones and the environment first.”

Amanda was faced with the fact that for the people of Fiji, happiness is an action, not a concept, namely mutual support for each other. Happiness lies in the joy of daily communication with other people.

And the happiest are those communities of people who help each other and share their generosity and love - one that does not require anything in return.

That's why, according to the World Happiness Report, generosity and social support are two key factors for happiness.

Every minute of our conscious life we ​​must make certain choices.

Amanda Pinnock chose to study a foreign culture despite her fear of being an outcast. She happily shared her experience with other students and their Fijian hosts.

Every day of our adult life we ​​can choose the help and support of others, accept help from them and do things that bring us pleasure.

All this makes us happy. You can trust other people and make them trust you, build a society around you and become part of it.

Sisu's art can change you

The famine of the 1860s in Finland killed almost 9% of the country's population.

Such an event is unlikely to generate happiness, but the Finns managed to survive this tragedy with the help of the Sisu philosophy - a combination of endurance, determination and rational action even in those moments when life brings only suffering.

Sisu also consists of charging a person with energy through difficult and unpleasant activities like swimming in icy river, running a marathon or cycling to work in rainy weather.

Given that we are talking about Finland, “Sisu is incredible courage and determination in the face of adversity... Sisu is embodied in those people who defy fate and continue to believe, even when it seems that there is no hope.”

In Sisu it is simple: live life to the fullest, do it with courage and be brave in the face of obstacles.

Take the initiative

You can become happy if you take the initiative. People who want to get rid of addiction take an active position aimed at recovery.

Think of choosing to be happy as choosing to get rid of depression. It turns out that exercise helps a lot with this. In particular, they:

1. They imitate the effect of drugs on the brain (or rather, drugs imitate the effect of physical activity) through the production of endorphins.

2. Helps improve sleep and improve overall well-being.

3. Help you cope with stress, plan your day and improve your physical fitness.

The above fits perfectly into the concept of sisu, although this philosophy requires that these activities be taken to absolute new level and challenge yourself outside of your comfort zone.

Even if you don't, start small - just do the exercises on a regular basis, and then move on to more difficult tasks.

At the same time, work on establishing contacts with people related to your daily physical activity.

What do Buddhists say about this?

Buddhism focuses on achieving happiness through constant practice.

First, Buddhists recognize that existence itself is associated with pain and mental illness. These are everyday worries associated with desires and expectations of what we do not have.

Buddhists follow a certain order of actions, the ultimate goal of which is enlightenment:

1. Clear your mind of negative thoughts: Recognize negative thoughts, channel them in a positive direction and act based on the positive.

2. Practice mindfulness: do not judge, observe the state of the body and watch your breathing; pay attention to your thoughts and to the “phenomenon” - the world around you.

3. Meditate and Focus: Let go of all random thoughts while you sit and focus on one thing (the sound of water, your breathing, or the buzzing of insects).

4. Compassion: Personal happiness depends on the happiness of others. Observing other people and their suffering leads you to compassion, and compassion for your neighbor is the simplest path to happiness.

Buddhists live somewhere between the past and the future. Thoughts about the past lead to thoughtfulness and depression, and thoughts about the future lead to anxiety.

Contemplation of the present and compassion for others can eliminate depression and anxiety, freeing your thoughts to explore happiness.

In their search for happiness, people choose different life creeds, philosophies and religions. But you can always focus on what makes you happy.

Take even the most painful trials as an opportunity to become better and achieve your happiness.

Make Wise Choices for Happiness

Happiness is the ability to find joy in every day. When you decide to share your happiness with the people around you, a community is created, connected by a common social network and shared experiences.

Happiness is a wise choice because it is what your nature strives for and what every human being craves.

When we decide to be happy together, take care of each other, and the whole world opens up to us with its limitless possibilities.

Many of us live in constant anticipation of some problems and troubles. When you are lucky in something, you get tensed and think that it was an accident and the streak of luck is bound to disappear soon. You don’t believe that everything can go really well, and you’re always expecting some kind of catch. This is why you cannot become happy.

But why are we doing this?

Why can't we just accept the fact that we are truly happy right now? And that this happiness is a normal, natural state, and not a fleeting moment?

Being happy is your birthright, whether you realize it or not. You should live a life in which you feel good and enjoy every moment.

Every person should have a goal to become happy. Even when he goes through a streak of failure or even just stagnation. Notice or remember all the things that make life worth living: you fell in love, you got impressions from travel, you learned to love yourself, you woke up and inhaled the smell or fell asleep contemplating the beauty of the night sky.

You know how to smile even during freezing rain because you know that the sun will appear soon

And if it’s incredibly difficult for you, pull yourself together! Be strong enough to find at least one good moment in your day. In the end, you will definitely be able to find it and become happy!

So, if you feel very happy today and then feel happy again tomorrow, don't doubt it and don't be afraid of these. Don't tell yourself, “Hey, maybe I'm living in a dream world because happiness ends with childhood. And then tough adult life sets in.”

Just know that you are allowed to be happy today and for the rest of your life. Don't deny that you feel good.

And just be happy, now, right at this moment.

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Who among us hasn’t dreamed of getting rich quickly? It turns out that sometimes all you need to do is do some general cleaning. Thanks to the development of online auctions and social networks You can sell once ordinary things at exorbitant prices.

website gives some of the most impressive examples.

Vintage products

Foodies and collectors often shell out substantial sums for limited-edition products or memorabilia items. In the United States, old cereal boxes are very popular, and the story of the sale of Szechuan sauce, interest in which arose after the attention of social networks, spread throughout the world's media. Pictured are limited edition energy drinks from Michael Jordan, priced at $16,999 by the seller.

First and rare editions of the book

Okay, find in the attics or basements a rare lifetime edition of A.S. Pushkin is an unrealistic task. Maybe there is something more down to earth? Eat. For example, the first edition of J. K. Rowling's hit "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone" was published in only 500 copies and with a typo in the writer's name. Today it is a bibliographic rarity - it went at auction for 43.5 thousand pounds.

Unique mobile phones

If you were once a fan of technological innovations, then you must have a couple of unnecessary phones. For example, first-generation iPhones or bulky cell phones from the 80s and 90s are listed for sale for several thousand dollars. In this case, the appearance and performance of the phone are valued. For example, 2 unopened iPhone 2Gs are listed for sale at $12,999.

Old gaming gadgets

The first entertainments of the digital age can be sold very profitably today. Of course, provided that they work properly, and better if they have never been used. The price includes a Tamagotchi (up to $2,000), a portable Game boy (up to $6,500) and, of course, the star of the auctions - the Nintendo NES console and cartridges for it. In Russia, you can often come across offers for the sale of portable games from the Electronics series.

Rare toys

  • Did you like Kinder surprises or Legos? Then it's worth looking, in case you have something unique. In fact, there are few truly expensive toys. For example, interactive Ferby toys (up to $1,000) and unique soft Peanut elephants in blue. On the Lego side, a prototype Darth Vader figure sold for almost $9,999. The Kinder Surprise toys aren't an auction item yet, but who knows?
  • Among the heritage of the Soviet era, rare Christmas tree decorations and metal car models, which were in short supply at one time, are valued.

Traditional Collectibles

  • When we hear the word “collection,” we often associate coins, stamps, or cards. In this case, the value of a particular specimen is determined by the state of preservation and the number of surviving copies.
  • For example, the most valuable Soviet stamps are valued at $15–25 thousand. Among collectible cards, one of the most valuable is the Pikachu Illustrator card. There are only 6 of these in the world, and the price of one of them reaches $150 thousand. As for coins, there are dozens of resources that help determine the value of a particular specimen.

Very rare records

Let's make a reservation right away: the records that each of us saw, that is, released in Soviet time in millions of copies, they are worth nothing. The price is not always affected by what's inside; sometimes the cover is important. For example, a copy of The Beatles album “Yesterday and Today” with a scandalous cover is considered rare. The Beatles were depicted in white butcher coats holding headless children's dolls and pieces of raw meat, leading to it being nicknamed "The Butcher Cover". The perfect record with such a cover was


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