Opening of the fishing season in Udmurtia. Ministry of Natural Resources ur. Western fishery basin

Due to spring spawning of fish from April 1 to June 10, 2015 in the Smolensk region It is prohibited to use all mining tools, with the exception of one float rod from the shore with a total number of hooks of no more than two (for one fisherman), and outside the spawning grounds.

Also it is forbidden to catch sterlet, bitterling, carp, whitefish, Russian bystryanka, Ukrainian lamprey, Dnieper longhorned beetle and common sculpin.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs warns Smolensk residents that if during the spawning period of fish (from April 1 to June 10) in spawning areas or on migration routes If fishing is carried out with a rod, then the fishermen will face administrative liability, and if using illegal fishing gear, then they will even face criminal liability.

Spawning 2015 in Udmurtia and new fishing rules

New fishing regulations have come into force in Udmurtia. Now the republic has officially established two spawning areas, the protection of which will be given special attention. Both of these sites are located on the Kama River: in Sarapulsky(its border is located 500 meters below railway bridge across the Kama River and to settlement Mezhnaya) and Karakulinsky districts, since it comes to these areas to spawn sterlet.

During the spawning period, which will last from April 25 to June 10, 2015, all fishing is prohibited in designated spawning areas. Travel on pleasure craft and watercraft, including rowing boats, is also prohibited. The coastal protective strip that adjoins these spawning areas is 200 meters. This means that any fishing is prohibited in this coastal strip in these areas.

In Udmurtia, European grayling will also be included in the Red Book. If a fisherman catches this type of fish, he is obliged to release it back into the reservoir.

Head of the Federal Fisheries Department for Udmurtia Andrey Fefilov noted that there is no more fishing area on the Nizhnekamsk reservoir. All nets that will be installed there will be considered poacher’s nets.

Spawning 2015 in the Lipetsk region began earlier

Almost all rivers Lipetsk region opened from the ice, and on the Matyr Reservoir the ice had no more than a week left to live. Pike spawning has begun in some places on the rivers, reports the Azov-Black Sea Territorial Administration Federal agency on fisheries. At this rate, by April 20, 2015, when the restrictions in the Fishing Rules related to the spawning period, some species of fish have already spawned. The inspectors of the Lipetsk department have to adjust their work based on weather conditions. Round-the-clock fish protection raids have been organized along migration routes and in spawning areas of aquatic biological resources, public relations have been established, and joint raids are being planned with police officers of the Lipetsk region. Despite the calendar deadlines, the protection of spring-spawning fish species on migration routes to spawning grounds in the Lipetsk region has already begun.

Due to the 2015 spawning ban, the movement of motorized boats is prohibited in the Pskov region

This order was signed by the Pskov environmental interdistrict prosecutor's office. From April 1, 2015, it will be prohibited on reservoirs of the Pskov region movement of all types of motorized watercraft. This will affect boats with outboard motors, jet skis, and vehicles with electric motors. The ban will last until June 15, 2015. Its purpose is to protect fish during spring spawning.

Violators will have to answer under Part 2 of Article 8.37 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. The prescribed fine is from 2 to 5 thousand rubles, which also includes confiscation of the vessel. The fine for officials is higher - from 20 to 30 thousand, and for legal entities - from 100,000 to 200,000 rubles.

Previously off topic: Spawning ban 2015:

The duration of the fishing ban was announced in Udmurtia. Amateur fishing will be limited from April 25 to June 10, industrial fishing from April 15 to June 15, the press service of the regional Ministry of Natural Resources reports.

“During the period of the spawning ban, it is prohibited to fish with all fishing gear, with the exception of one float or bottom fishing rod from the shore with a total number of hooks of no more than 2 pieces on fishing gear for one citizen outside the spawning grounds, and it is also prohibited, when fishing, to move along rivers, lakes, reservoirs and their channels on all types of small and pleasure boats using motors,” the department said in a statement.

The spawning grounds (where any fishing is prohibited) in the republic are two areas on the Kama - one in the Karakulinsky district from the mouth of the Butorikha River to the village of Partizany, the second in the Sarapulsky district from a place located 500 m below the railway bridge to the settlement of Mezhnaya.

Violators of fishing rules face administrative or criminal penalties. The fine for citizens is provided in the amount of two to five thousand rubles, for officials - from twenty to thirty thousand rubles, for legal entities - from one hundred to two hundred thousand rubles. Confiscation of the vessel and fishing gear is also possible.

Criminal punishment is possible when causing major damage when using a self-propelled vehicle or explosives or chemicals, electric current or other methods of mass extermination of animals and plants. Also, a criminal case can be initiated for fishing in spawning areas or on migration routes to them and in specially protected natural areas, or in an area of ​​environmental disaster or environmental emergency. All this is provided for in Article 256 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“Illegal extraction (catch) of aquatic biological resources”).

Latest news from the Udmurt Republic on the topic:
The timing of the spawning ban was announced in Udmurtia

The timing of the spawning ban was announced in Udmurtia- Kambarka

The duration of the fishing ban was announced in Udmurtia. Amateur fishing will be limited from April 25 to June 10, industrial fishing from April 15 to June 15, the press service of the regional Ministry of Natural Resources reports.
14:28 13.04.2016

30.9. Water bodies of fishery importance in the Republic of Tatarstan:

At the dam of the Nizhnekamsk hydroelectric power station - below the dam at a distance of less than 3 km and above the dam at a distance of less than 0.5 km.

From April 25 to June 5 - all types of aquatic biological resources of the Kuibyshev and Nizhnekamsk reservoirs with the rivers flowing into them using all production (catch) gear, with the exception of one float or bottom fishing rod from the shore with a total number of hooks of no more than 2 pieces on the production (catch) gear one citizen outside the spawning grounds specified in Appendix No. 6 to the Fishery Rules “List of spawning areas located on water bodies of fishery significance in the Volga-Caspian fishery basin.”

Sturgeon fish species, grayling, taimen, brown trout (freshwater resident form), podust, bitterling.

30.9.4. Minimum size of extracted (caught) aquatic biological resources (commercial size):

When carrying out fishing, it is prohibited to produce (catch), accept, process, transship, transport, store and unload aquatic biological resources that have a fresh length (in cm) less than that specified in Table 11.

Table 11
Table 11

Fishing size, cm
Freshwater catfish

Extracted (caught) aquatic biological resources having a length less than specified in Table 11 are subject to immediate release into natural environment habitats with the least damage.

30.9.5. The daily rate of production (catch) of aquatic biological resources (except for the case where a permanent or temporary ban on production (catch) is established for such aquatic biological resources when carrying out recreational fishing) for each citizen when carrying out recreational fishing is indicated in table 11.1:

Table 11.1
Name of aquatic biological resources

5 kg
5 kg
5 kg
5 kg
20 copies

The total daily production (catch) rate for all types of aquatic biological resources, including those not listed in Table 11.1, is no more than 5 kg or one specimen if its weight exceeds 5 kg.

30.10. Water bodies of fishery importance of the Udmurt Republic:

From April 25 to June 5 - all types of aquatic biological resources of the Nizhnekamsk reservoir with the rivers flowing into it using all production (catch) gear, with the exception of one float or bottom fishing rod from the shore with a total number of hooks of no more than 2 pieces on the production (catch) gear of one a citizen outside the spawning grounds specified in Appendix No. 6 to the Fishery Rules “List of spawning areas located on water bodies of fishery significance in the Volga-Caspian fishery basin.”
(Paragraph as amended, put into effect on September 3, 2017 by order of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia dated July 27, 2017 N 371.

Sturgeon species of fish, brown trout (freshwater residential form), taimen.

30.10.3. Minimum size of extracted (caught) aquatic biological resources (commercial size):

When carrying out fishing, it is prohibited to produce (catch), accept, process, transship, transport, store and unload aquatic biological resources having a fresh length (in cm) less than that specified in Table 12.

Table 12
Table 12
Name of aquatic biological resources
Fishing size, cm
Freshwater catfish

The commercial size of aquatic biological resources is determined in fresh form:

In fish - by measuring the length from the top of the snout (with the mouth closed) to the base of the middle rays of the caudal fin;

In crustaceans, by measuring the body from a line connecting the middle of the eyes to the end of the tail plates.

Extracted (caught) aquatic biological resources having a length less than that specified in Table 12 are subject to immediate release into the natural habitat with the least damage.

30.10.4. The daily rate of production (catch) of aquatic biological resources (except for the case where such aquatic biological resources are subject to a permanent or temporary ban on production (catch) during recreational fishing) for each citizen during recreational fishing is indicated in Table 12.1:

Table 12.1
Name of water
Daily production (catch) rate
biological resources
The Nizhne-Kama reservoir and the section of the Kama River to the Botkinskaya hydroelectric station within the administrative boundaries of the Udmurt Republic
Other water bodies of fishery importance in the Udmurt Republic
5 kg
5 kg
5 kg
5 kg
5 kg
50 copies

The total daily production (catch) rate for all types of aquatic biological resources, including those not listed in Table 12.1, is no more than 5 kg or one specimen if its weight exceeds 5 kg.

If the total daily norm is exceeded, the extraction (catch) of aquatic biological resources is stopped.
(The item was additionally included from June 3, 2018 by order of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia dated April 18, 2018 N 164)


And it’s good that such amendments were adopted. It remains to establish control, and then, perhaps, they will restore order in the industry (but this will not happen soon). And now we need to at least demonstrably punish the violators. To be afraid!!!

I completely agree with you Max.


Let go without question, all the same.


Here’s a question: did you pick up a 30 cm pike perch from a depth of 17 meters. Well, the stump is clear, its bubble is already out, letting go will only extinguish or feed the fish. Those. in fact, I still lost the fish. So what's the best thing to do?

Here everyone decides for himself: either send the fish back to be fish food, or take it for himself (consoling himself that “it will die anyway”) and receive a fine of several thousand rubles.
But in fact, catch the permitted size)))


We once worked on a very bad schedule (Mon-Fri) and the weekends were only Sat and Sun. There are too many people on the pond. Oleg and I swam into a channel known to everyone, opposite Almalov. There were about 10 boats there. And everyone was catching pike perch, soooo small size(cm 20-25, and it is pike perch, not bersh), and put it in bags.
At the same time, we observed condemning/incomprehensible looks on ourselves when we sent all the caught pike perch back into the water.
And how many fishermen are there on reservoirs who fill bags with small specimens? Thousands!!! If everyone takes at least 10 pieces, how many fish will disappear?


I'll give you one more example.


I'll give you one more example.
A friend and I went from work, a couple of years ago, to ZK. My friend knows how to fish, but he had one problem: he took all the fish he caught. To my question “why does he need so much”? He answered: friends, neighbors, etc. And when I let him go, he reproachfully told me, tomorrow he won’t bite, and you’ll be happy with this size. To which I answered him: he won’t bite, well, screw him. 2-3 pike perch is enough for me.
But time passes, and a person’s views change. Right now he has already started to let go)))

Damn Max, come on already tell me who it is, otherwise half of the forum is sitting on nails, they think that you are talking about them...


A little more information.

NETWORKS. Completely illegal.

THEY WORK BADLY. IN this moment There are 7 fisheries inspectors working throughout Udmurtia, the financing of whose activities is very poor. It's no secret that the inspector's salary is meager. Most drive their own vehicles. But every caring person can become a non-staff fish conservation employee (receive a special certificate). Such an employee has few powers, but when a violation is recorded


Found it on the Internet
Fishing rules in Udmurtia.

CATCH RATE. The daily norm per fisherman is 5 kg of fish of the permitted size.

ALLOWED SIZES. Asp from 40 cm, Pike perch from 40 cm, Bream from 25 cm, Carp from 40 cm, Pike from 32 cm, Crayfish from 10 cm (you can catch up to 50 pieces per day).

WHAT ABOUT THE REST OF THE FISH? The rest of the fish is allowed to be caught without size restrictions (including bersh), but not more than 5 kg.

FEES FOR DAMAGE CAUSED TO WATER BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES. Sterlet - 4572 rubles per piece \\ Pike perch - 3305 rubles per piece \\ Trout, asp, carp, carp, pike, grass carp, silver carp, freshwater catfish - 925 rubles per piece \\ Burbot, bersh, sabrefish, silverfish, tench, ide , bream, silver bream, blue salmon - 500 rubles per piece \\ Perch - 250 rubles per piece \\ Chub, subdust - 100 rubles per piece \\ Other types of freshwater fish - 100 rubles per piece \\ Crayfish - 115 rubles per piece

Important! If the offense occurred in a spawning area or during the spawning period, then the fees increase by 2 times!

HOW TO DEAL WITH FISH THAT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO RELEASE WITHOUT INJURY. There are ongoing discussions on this issue. Agree that it is difficult to prove the opposite if the fish is already in the fisherman’s cage. Inspectors are also people and understand everything, so they advise you to put such fish aside. Even if you don’t take it, nature will do whatever it needs with it.

WHAT IF THE CATCHED FISH IS TURNED INTO MINDING? :) Yes, then minced meat is not subject to weighing as a biological resource.

IF I CALL ANOTHER NAME. If the inspector suspects that the offender is hiding reliable information about himself, then he has the right to call the police.

WHO GIVES THE FINE? Only the court. The inspector and/or the police compile only the material and submit it for consideration.

AT WHAT AGE CAN A PERSON BE CONSIDERED A “FISHERMAN”? The law does not directly establish a person's age. If the fisherman is under 18 years of age, the parents will be responsible for him. Those. Children are also fishermen and fish according to the same rules as adults.

THE JERKS. The norm of fishing gear per fisherman is 10 pieces. If there were 4 of you, and only 2 came to check the girders, then the inspector will compile the material and submit it to the court. In court, if you prove that there were 4 of you, they will issue a verdict to suspend the case. The fine for exceeding passive fishing gear (nets) is from 2 to 5 thousand rubles.


PONDS. They are divided into 2 types - state-owned, and the usual fishing regime applies to them. On lands leased from the state there are so-called private ponds. On such ponds, catch rates and terms are not regulated. BUT! If you fish on a private pond without the owner’s permission, then he has the right to call an inspector or the police and compile a material with all the consequences.

TRANSPORT AT THE RESERVOIR. Today, the protective coastal strip along the Kama River is 200 meters from the water's edge. At this distance, parking of motor vehicles (except for boats with a motor) is prohibited, except when coastline There is an artificially created road with a hard surface (asphalt, concrete, crushed stone).

THEY CHARGE A FEE FOR THE TRAVEL. This is possible if the site belongs to a private person or organization on the basis of ownership or lease. The owner of the site is obliged not only to take money, but to build a road and completely remove all garbage and clean the shore.

SNOWMOBILES AND MOTORBOATS. These are questions for the State Technical Inspectorate and GIMS. If we have enough questions, we’ll go and talk to them too.

NETWORKS. Completely illegal.

FISHING. Allowed. There are several allocated plots and auctions are held for them.

STATISTICS 2018. Total for last year 529 administrative cases of violation and 16 criminal cases were filed.

FISHING TICKET. Not planned.


A little more information.

CATCH RATE. The daily norm per fisherman is 5 kg of fish of the permitted size.

ALLOWED SIZES. Asp from 40 cm, Pike perch from 40 cm, Bream from 25 cm, Carp from 40 cm, Pike from 32 cm, Crayfish from 10 cm (you can catch up to 50 pieces per day).

WHAT ABOUT THE REST OF THE FISH? The rest of the fish is allowed to be caught without size restrictions (including bersh), but not more than 5 kg.

FEES FOR DAMAGE CAUSED TO WATER BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES. Sterlet - 4572 rubles per piece \\ Pike perch - 3305 rubles per piece \\ Trout, asp, carp, carp, pike, grass carp, silver carp, freshwater catfish - 925 rubles per piece \\ Burbot, bersh, sabrefish, silverfish, tench, ide , bream, silver bream, blue salmon - 500 rubles per piece \\ Perch - 250 rubles per piece \\ Chub, subdust - 100 rubles per piece \\ Other types of freshwater fish - 100 rubles per piece \\ Crayfish - 115 rubles per piece

Important! If the offense occurred in a spawning area or during the spawning period, then the fees increase by 2 times!

HOW TO DEAL WITH FISH THAT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO RELEASE WITHOUT INJURY. There are ongoing discussions on this issue. Agree that it is difficult to prove the opposite if the fish is already in the fisherman’s cage. Inspectors are also people and understand everything, so they advise you to put such fish aside. Even if you don’t take it, nature will do whatever it needs with it.

WHAT IF THE CATCHED FISH IS TURNED INTO MINDING? :) Yes, then minced meat is not subject to weighing as a biological resource.

IF I CALL ANOTHER NAME. If the inspector suspects that the offender is hiding reliable information about himself, then he has the right to call the police.

WHO GIVES THE FINE? Only the court. The inspector and/or the police compile only the material and submit it for consideration.

AT WHAT AGE CAN A PERSON BE CONSIDERED A “FISHERMAN”? The law does not directly establish a person's age. If the fisherman is under 18 years of age, the parents will be responsible for him. Those. Children are also fishermen and fish according to the same rules as adults.

THE JERKS. The norm of fishing gear per fisherman is 10 pieces. If there were 4 of you, and only 2 came to check the girders, then the inspector will compile the material and submit it to the court. In court, if you prove that there were 4 of you, they will issue a verdict to suspend the case. The fine for exceeding passive fishing gear (nets) is from 2 to 5 thousand rubles.


PONDS. They are divided into 2 types - state-owned, and the usual fishing regime applies to them. On lands leased from the state there are so-called private ponds. On such ponds, catch rates and terms are not regulated. BUT! If you fish on a private pond without the owner’s permission, then he has the right to call an inspector or the police and compile a material with all the consequences.

TRANSPORT AT THE RESERVOIR. Today, the protective coastal strip along the Kama River is 200 meters from the water's edge. At this distance, parking of motor vehicles (except for boats with a motor) is prohibited, except in cases where an artificially created road with a hard surface (asphalt, concrete, crushed stone) leads to the coastline.

THEY CHARGE A FEE FOR THE TRAVEL. This is possible if the site belongs to a private person or organization on the basis of ownership or lease. The owner of the site is obliged not only to take money, but to build a road and completely remove all garbage and clean the shore.

SNOWMOBILES AND MOTORBOATS. These are questions for the State Technical Inspectorate and GIMS. If we have enough questions, we’ll go and talk to them too.

NETWORKS. Completely illegal.

FISHING. Allowed. There are several allocated plots and auctions are held for them.

STATISTICS 2018. In total, 529 administrative cases of violation and 16 criminal cases were filed last year.

FISHING TICKET. Not planned.

THEY WORK BADLY. At the moment, there are 7 fisheries inspectors working throughout Udmurtia, the financing of whose activities is very poor. It's no secret that the inspector's salary is meager. Most drive their own vehicles. But every caring person can become a non-staff fish conservation employee (receive a special certificate). Such an employee has few powers, but when a violation is recorded)


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