Composition. Favorite places in my native land. My favorite place in the city is our Temu favorite place in the city

Summary of GCD for drawing in senior group

Theme "My favorite place in the city"

Target: Continue to introduce children to their small homeland.


Expand children's understanding of hometown Severomorsk;

To evoke in children a feeling of admiration for the beauty of their hometown;

Learn to convey the image of a city in a drawing at any time of the year;

- develop creative imagination, sense of composition, color.

Preliminary work: city ​​tour, looking at a photo album with views of the city, conversations about the city of Severomorsk.

Material for the lesson: Sheets of paper, colored pencils.

Progress of the lesson:

Educator: Guys, let's stand in a circle. Show your palms. Rub them together. What do you feel? (Warm). This is the warmth of kind hands and kind souls.

Educator:: Now let's stand in a circle and say hello to each other.

(Communication game)

Let's stand side by side, in a circle,

Let's say “Hello! " each other.

We are too lazy to say hello:

Hi all! " and "Good afternoon! ";

If everyone smiles -

Good morning will begin.


Surprise moment.

(Knock on the door) The teacher opens the door, and Luntik comes in with her.

Educator: Guys, look, it's Luntik. He flew to visit us from the Moon. Let's get to know him (children take turns saying their last name, first name, patronymic).

Educator: Guys, Luntik lives on another planet and doesn’t know anything about our city. Let's introduce him to our city.

First, please answer me the following questions:

1. What does the word Motherland mean? (Homeland is the country in which we live.)

2. What does the word mean? small Motherland? (small Motherland is the place where a person was born and raised.)

3. Our Motherland is called... (Russia)

4. Residents of Russia are called... (Russians).

5. President of Russia... (V.V. Putin)

Guys, pay attention to the photographs. (photos with views of the city)

Look carefully at the photographs and say what they show. (Children's answers).

Educator: Guys, what is the name of the city we live in?

Educator: There are a lot of big and small cities in the world. And today we will talk about our city Severomorsk, about our most beloved, about the most beautiful.

Educator: Please tell me what you like about our city? (children's answers).

Educator: There are many streets in our city. And each street has its own name. Tell me what street do you live on? (children's answers). I live on the street…..

Educator: Guys, you walk along familiar streets every day. What buildings can you see on the streets of our city? (Shops, post office, pharmacy, hospital, school, library, kindergarten).

Educator: Now let's rest a little.


We get up early in the morning,

We see the city outside the window.

(point with hands to the window)

He woke up, he lives,

He's calling us to the street.

(walking in place)

There are different types of houses:

High and low

(raise your hands up and down)

Far and near,

(extend your arms and bring them closer to you)

Wooden, panel, brick,

(move with one hand as if counting)

They seem to be ordinary.

(spread hands)

We live, we grow

In our hometown.

(gradually rise on your toes with your arms raised and take the i.p.)

For some - small, -

(show a small object with your hands)

And for us it’s huge.

(raise your arms up and down to your sides)

Let it grow

Let it bloom

(hands on the belt, springs in both directions)

Our town is modest.

(spread your arms straight to the sides)

Problematic situation.

Educator: Guys, our Luntik is crying. What's happened? He told me that he was crying because there were no such beautiful places in his city. In the city where he lives with his friends, he is bored. Do you think we can help him? (children's answers).

Look at the city of Luntik. (image of the Moon). What do you think is missing here to make our guest happy? (Children's answers).

Educator: And riddles will help us with this.

Guess what, guys?

You are talking about a city of riddles.

You'll have to carry on

Trains are noisy everywhere,

And people go in all directions.

From all sides, from all ends,

Who is waiting for the trains to arrive,

We invite him to the hall,

What is called... (Railway station)

You can leave a letter here,

Send a telegram

Call by phone

On a business trip for mom.

You can buy an envelope here

Send a parcel urgently,

Saying hello to everyone,

After all, this building is... (Mail)

People in white don't get bored

Don't sit idle

The course of treatment is prescribed

These people are in white.

If someone gets sick,

Everyone goes to get treatment

To our nursery... (Hospital)

What kind of wonderful house is this?

A hundred children in that house

The kids are very happy at home!

What is this? ... (Kindergarten)

If the refrigerator is empty,

If you have nothing to eat,

There is no bread, no cabbage,

There is no butter or buckwheat,

Come here quickly

And take the basket

Buy what tastes better

In our (store)

It contains amazing paintings,

The paintings are rare and delightful,

But they won't be allowed to buy them.

Not because they cost a lot,

After all, this is the treasure of my country.

Not a store here, but museum.

Educator: Guys , can we help him? (Children's answers).

Come on, we'll paint our city and give it .

Summary of the lesson.

Educator: Well done guys, what wonderful drawings you have made. Who will tell us about their drawings? (several children share their vision of the drawing). Was it difficult for you to do this job? (children's answers). I hope that when you grow up and become adults, you will definitely build your own beautiful and cozy homes.

Luntik thanks the children and promises to build cozy and beautiful houses, yards, etc.

Educator: Guys, what did you like most today?

The universal law of attraction works properly at all times. We are always surrounded by what we broadcast from our hearts. The match is always one hundred percent. Only we may not like our condition, and no one around, and even the trees seem crooked, and the puddles are dirty and deep. And, of course, we experience tender feelings for the warm, gentle sun, and then our hearts are light. But isn’t it within our power to create such conditions to constantly and happily be in balance with the Universe?

It is not at all necessary to go where it is good. It is much more useful to create a beautiful environment where we are. Now.

There are places where everything works out by itself. Somehow, these parts of the Earth resonate with my heart so much that there is no need to make an effort: everything is fine as is. Perhaps I match the energy of these places by default. It has been noticed that this is where I write easily and with inspiration. And that’s not all, these are the cities that make their way onto the pages of my stories and stories, they live there. And I live in them.

Pai, Mae Hong Son, Thailand

Pai is a very special place. Anyone who comes here will agree with this - even for three days, even for a month. And those who have lived here for years know this for sure. I think it has to do with the mountains or the fault (we have a canyon!), but rather a combination of these and some other mysterious factors. However, it turns out that Pie is working as a ruthless karma machine. If you have debts, then when you get to nice, cozy Pai, you will have to go through trials and cleanse your life. To the fact that "in ordinary life“It would take years, but a couple of months is enough here. This does not mean that Pie grinds everyone down with particular cruelty. If there is no desire to change, Pai will let you go, you will simply leave.

Many people say that wishes come true in Pai. So be careful with your wording. Everything happens quickly here. But in timelessness.

People with an inner thirst for change come here. And while the fire burns, turning into ashes, they do not leave. With the birth of the Phoenix, a person is ready to enter a renewed world.

Pie from the heights of your hills

Magic happens in Pai. That's what they say too.

Tha Ton, Chiang Mai, Thailand

Thaton is a very small town. So much so that they say about such people: “There’s nothing to do here!” He's even smaller than Pie. And there are fewer tourists here. And what exactly should you watch? Nine-level temple on a mountain? And then? That's it, it's time to get on the bus and leave.

The most interesting thing begins precisely then. When everything has already been done, the whole mountain has been ridden, then you just need to close your eyes and feel. Nothing will change around. The hills will still rise beautifully, the river will slowly flow its waters, and the sun will also warm everyone, and then, winking, hide behind all the same hills. Every day, always.

This is not stability. This is perfection.

Ella, Uva, Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka has many faces: playful, stern, lazy and relaxed, indignant and mischievous. In the heart of the mountainous province of Uva, I found another face: Ella seemed to me a jewel, calmly and with dignity aware of her uniqueness. Ella does not need to lure tourists to its place; they come here themselves, buying into the opportunity to arrange trekking in the surrounding hills. To those who consider slowness and slowness an expensive luxury, do not stay here. And why? Ahead of them are conquests of peaks, photographs of the best sunrise on the planet and other achievements.

But personally, I’m ready to return to Sri Lanka just for Ella’s sake and live there for a month or two, drink tea and tap on the laptop keys, inspired by the silence and wonderful air. Small towns are unique in that there you can learn not to rush anywhere and do nothing. Nothing that makes your chest overflow with excessive importance. The biggest thing to do in Ella might be a walk to the roadside shrine. Place flowers there and say a kind word for the travelers who circle around mountain serpentine somewhere below.

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Hawaii, USA

A very common phrase is that Hawaii (or any other tropical island) is heaven on earth unexpectedly, in fact, turns out to be true. Banal, predictable and brutally honest. This truth hits you like powerful ocean waves and envelops you like warm water that floods your feet at high tide and playfully moves away, leaving your feet to sink into the soft sand.

Each of Hawaiian Islands unusual in its own way, each has its own and common rich story. No wonder the most famous Hawaiian, the gentle giant Israel Kamakawiwoole, treated his country with undisguised awe. He sang of its beauty and struggle for independence, recalled the glorious past and convinced people to be worthy of their great ancestors.

But when mountains and ocean meet, only passionate softness can be born from this love. Such as the Hawaiian hula dance. How the girls' hips float on the waves, their necks and hair are decorated with bright flowers, and their hands tell amazing stories.

And on a short strip of sand, between the waters of the ocean and high cliffs, there is a place for a person to watch the play of nature and realize that he is part of the Universe.

Safed, Mehoz Hatzafon, Israel

In the Northern District of Israel, among the fluffy hills, lies the small town of Safed. Despite its proximity to the border with Lebanon, where deadly missiles fly from and to, the city lives as if it does not notice the wars waged by the state. He stays away. More precisely at an altitude (900 meters above sea level). In the very center of the city, on the highest hill, there is already an obelisk dedicated to those who defended their right to live among this beauty. Safed accomplished its task in establishing the state, and is humbly and calmly proud of it. And he stays where he is most comfortable. In the 16th century.

Mysticism and the mysteries of the Caballa are all that interests this city. When the ancestors of modern inhabitants had to flee the Iberian Peninsula in search of better life, they found this life. Right here. And time stood still. Yes, many people now have iPhones, but they are still only interested in righteousness and keeping the laws. Studying, reflecting and putting into practice what the rabbis themselves once wrote here in Safed (Shulchan Aruch and commentaries on the Torah, for example!) - this is the life of the city.

From the main hill you can see everything - the sea, hostile Lebanon and the miserable Mount Hermon. But no one is interested in this. This is real zen!

Jericho, West bank, Palestine

In the Bible, Jericho is referred to as the city of palm trees. And from the Canaanite language (to which the Hebrew language belongs) the name is translated as “fragrant” or “moon”. The Arabic language also insists on “flavor”. But for the Canaanite-speaking people, that is, the Phoenicians, this land has always been a place of moon worship. Of course, this is the fragrant city of palm trees and the city of the moon. The most ancient city in the world according to stingy scientists who gave it 11 thousand years. And so far this is truly the most ancient city officially recognized.

Jericho is located near the Mount of Temptation, where Jesus spent 40 days testing himself. And just under the mountain lie the ruins ancient Jericho. Of course, the most ancient layer is inaccessible to the eye. And, frankly speaking, there is no ancient city. And there are not even ruins. Only historical mounds with small stonework. Probably, after the trumpets of Joshua destroyed the walls of Jericho, nothing could be built on this site for a long time.

But you can still see it. In your heart.

Sicily, Italy

The Phoenicians, as we know, were seafaring Vikings of their time (or the Vikings became the Phoenicians of the Middle Ages). And now we call those whose ancestors (Canaanites, Hittites, Amorites) remained in the Middle East Jews and Arabs, and the Phoenicians left and settled several more countries in both the west and the east. They went so far that modern man does not even see the kinship between peoples. The Phoenicians spread their writing system all over the world, and we still use it today.

They also reached Sicily. Main city Palermo in ancient times was called Sis, "flower" in Phoenician. Then the Greeks came here and brought their culture, brought poetic orderliness, replacing the wild passion of the Phoenicians. The Romans subjected everyone to their strict laws. Sicily was the last to receive Europeans from the north: the Vandals, Ostrogoths and Normans. But despite this, the relaxation of the Greeks and the permissiveness of the Phoenicians made the Sicilians one of the unique nations in modern Italy.

Crossroads of the sea, Sicily, like a delicious layer cake, flavored with sweet cream. And now it is only really good in its unity, and not separated into ingredients.

Indianapolis, Indiana, USA

Indianapolis, located right in the center of Indiana, was truly the city of dreams for 19th century Americans. Its precise layout (the architect Alexander Ralston, together with Pierre Lefant, also built Washington) is amazing. Precision and streamlining are the main features. Like Moscow, Indianapolis radiates from the central Monument to Soldiers and Sailors (The Circle Monument). It is a circle that attracts energy from all over the state. In the USA, the city is known as the “Crossroads of America”; all important roads converge here. One square mile is how Indianapolis was envisioned by its creator. But I think there was always a thought about development. And the city grows naturally without disturbing the layout. An ideal place to live.

Despite the name, there are no Indians here anymore. Miami (not to be confused with modern) and Delawares were evicted by 1820 just before construction of the city began. But now the city is considered the most tolerant in the States. And even a little proud of his good qualities. What one of the most famous “big guys” (yes, that’s what the residents of Indiana are called, and they are actually ALL tall!), writer Kurt Vonnegut, loved to laugh at. Mischievous at the excessive seriousness of his fellow citizens, Vonnegut nevertheless describes Indy better than anyone else in his books.

Indianapolis also lives on my pages, like a secret place where you are always welcome. The city is a circle, it reveals all the problems in full view or hides them, turning your head. Every circle will eventually turn into a spiral. It's all about personal choice.

California, USA

Everyone dreams of California - of beaches and warm sun, oh beautiful life and about a career in Hollywood. To be born in California is a great success, even for Americans. But if this does not work out, then US residents are moving in droves to the southwest, trying to fill their voids.

I also dream of California. ABOUT Pacific Ocean and about beautiful nature: about the mysterious desert and bright colors. It seems to me that it is in such a place that you can see the contrasts of our lives. It’s not for nothing that there are so many earthquakes in California – nature argues with man. A person wants to be brighter and plays roles on films. And the earth instantly demonstrates who is in charge here actor. Neither Shakespeare's tragedies nor 20th Century Fox will ever compare to what nature can show.

I dream of California, oh mysterious world, hidden in daylight. I see the mysterious treasures of the far west, the tartar of our civilization (“tar” for the Greeks was the west, and “tartar” was a place where it is impossible to reach). There are no tourists on those paths, there are no stars there, there are only Stars.

But in California there is not only beautiful cities And famous beaches. California is so diverse that there is room for landscapes that are not similar to each other. If you drive along its hilly roads, you will find giant sequoia trees just beyond San Francisco. Most tourists ride in the appropriate national park or in and looks at the most voluminous sequoia, but I liked the coastal sequoias, the tallest ones. These are majestic and immense trees.

And in Southern California, the unique and amazingly diverse Joshua tree grows. And sometimes it seems that it is such a blessing that in the States there are still so many beauties where there is no imprint of human activity. There is no need to understand historical vicissitudes. Trees just exist. And their eternity and tranquility in the middle of desert landscapes gives them the most powerful weapon - the freedom to be themselves.

And the same can be said about two other wonders located on opposite sides of the Sierra Nevada. Kings Canyon National Park and Death Valley. All of this somehow miraculously fits into one state. Endless wild trails - possible encounters with nature, bears or heat - who will survive after this? California checks even now, even though the days of the Gold Rush are over. Test of gold, copper pipes in Hollywood. What remains is the test of self-preservation. Why not?

Arizona, USA

According to the bold remark of Emir Kusturica, in Arizona it is common to dream. Arizona is different. These are the huge and unusual canyons of the north, these are the pine greens and mountains of the center and the Sonoran desert in the south. And somewhere in the midst of all this diversity you can find a place to sit down and fly your dream skyward like kites.

Once upon a time a guest from outer space came to Arizona - the famous Arizona crater attracts many from afar. And the traces of those who came remain for millions of years. Sometimes it seems to me that all the dreamers crawled out of the crater and scattered across the state, devoting their lives to building their plans. Will it be fragile houses in Wupatki or built in depressions high mountain dwellings, whether dinosaurs or fossilized trees are buried, there is enough space for everyone. Is not it so?

Those that did not leave in mysterious ways keep the canyons and collect fees from the newcomers, believing that this is fair and will compensate for the damage that the white people caused them. Now the Indians play by the whites' rules. I believe that almost everyone in the world is American now. Or the new Romans. And yet in Arizona you can find a place to hide from civilization.

Washington, USA

The evergreen state, so similar in its landscapes to the northern latitudes of Russia, captivated me instantly. Everything is clear and close here. There is no room for surprise when you see something unusual and unusual. Everything here is private and cozy.

We did several treks to the mountains and volcanoes of Washington and still remember how free it was to walk around Rainier or along Hurricane Ridge.

Don't think that the state is simply covered with evergreen trees, and that's its specialty. This is a surprisingly diverse area. There is a rain forest in the Olympic Park, lakes with breathtakingly colored water, and mountain peaks with amazing shapes. Washington can be studied for a long time and is worth devoting a lot of time to it. Traveling leisurely along the roads of Washington with an eternal smile and stopping for the night with a tent - isn’t this a traveler’s dream?

Devils Tower, Wyoming, USA

There are so many wonders in Wyoming - there are many, but I want to highlight Devils Tower. Alone standing mountain, around which unimaginable legends have developed, and the emergence of which scientists cannot really explain, cannot fail to attract attention. Although, on the other hand, what’s wrong with it? Stands, rises. That's all. You can drive past, marvel and rush on, forgetting about the tower in a couple of seconds!

However, we made a special detour for this wonderful mountain, although we are not climbers who like to challenge ourselves by climbing to the top of a mountain. And we were right: it was worth coming here! The place, sacred to the Indians, appeared to be the guardian of all the beauty of Wyoming. Here and beautiful views, And nice walks around the Devil's Tower itself, and attempts to unravel what made the ground part and release a unique mountain out. And you know, I want to come back again and walk around the Devil’s Tower again.

Isla de Pascua, Chile

Imagining a place inhabited by people far, far away in the middle of the ocean is only possible in romantic dreams. However, there are such islands on the planet, perhaps left over from sunken land, or perhaps surfacing in their uncontrollable passion to live. Dead volcano islands stick out in the middle of all the oceans. But not every one of these islands is inhabited. But people live on Easter Island. And they lived there, as they say, for a long time.

Polynesia and all of Oceania - mysterious territory. On the one hand, on islands distant from each other there live people who speak languages ​​close to each other. For example, in Hawaii they will understand you if you speak Tahitian or Tongan. On the other hand, on each of the islands there is a culture that is alien to the rest of the world, and surprisingly similar to those buildings that were erected in South America. Rapa Nui was once a crossroads in the troubled Pacific Ocean.

And there, on this far, far away piece of land in the endless ocean, I found peace and tranquility, sitting on the edge of the Rano Kau volcano. I think I'm still sitting there.

The small town of Salento was built for gold. Gold was mined in Colombia and Peru, transported across the entire continent and taken to Europe. And Salento was the same town that was built on the route of the golden caravan. To relax along the way among the local magical hills.

The gold has already been taken away from Colombia, but the town remains. The road that passed here is also no longer relevant. And the isolated Salento now attracts eco-tourists and coffee lovers, another gold of Colombia. It is interesting that despite all this history, Salento remains fresh and somewhat naive. This is the very place where you can come with a pure heart (and preferably with a tent!) and be alone with nature. Even a large number of tourists may not bother you if you make a plan wisely. While they are all running to make it before the jeeps leave, you can wander along different paths where there are no hummingbirds or palm trees, but it is still breathtakingly beautiful!

It’s also interesting to cover several climate zones at once! Rise from mountain rivers and waterfalls and plains to the rain forest, and then a rush to the snowy peaks of volcanoes - why not?

The high mountain plateaus in the Andes in Bolivia are capable of capturing the imagination of even the most callous people. I have already written more than once that the landscapes of Bolivia seem to be lands of unearthly origin. And it always seems that this is a real ahistorical country. If anything happens here, it is only on a planetary scale. Wasting money on little things is not the Bolivian way. There is no historical time here, only universal time.

Therefore, you can simply observe, since you are so lucky to be among these landscapes, where only extremophile microorganisms live and flamingos fly to the delight of tourists.

But despite its extremes - the heights and the cold - Bolivia remains in the heart. I remember her faded, but colorful landscape. And you always think about how to return to the streets of La Paz with its unprepossessing houses, how to freeze again in the Salvador Dali valley or spend the night in a salt hotel.

Trek through the Andes ancient city Choquequirao is truly the most unforgettable adventure for me. And how many tears were shed during the ascent and promises that I would think for a long time about embarking on such a journey again. And almost a year passed, and unnoticed by myself, I realized that I again want to walk this path to the fabulous Choquequirao!

And this trip to one of the last refuges of the Inca aristocracy is quite difficult. It can be assumed that mountain crossings were not difficult for the Incas; they rushed throughout the empire without any particular problems. Now we, modern people, call heroes those who went down the canyon of the Apurimac River and climbed to a height of 1700 meters, and then wandered through the labyrinth of one of the Andean lost cities.

During the hike, you have the opportunity not only to overcome yourself and become familiar with the mysteries of history. A unique unity with nature, isolation from the usual digital world - this is the value of the track. No internet, no hotels - there is none of this in the Andes. There is only a road, a mountain and clouds. The backpack is behind your back and you are alone with yourself. Every step is like a whole journey.

Valle Sagrado, Peru

Sacred Valley The Incas are known throughout the world. Still would! Who hasn't heard of Peru? Probably everything! Besides the famous lost city there is more in the Sacred Valley great amount monuments of Inca architecture - both famous and not so famous. Some of them are very easy to get to - you can take them by bus, train or taxi. And somewhere you can only go on foot along mountain passages with a backpack on your back. And you will have to rely only on yourself.

Once upon a time, very important events for the whole world took place in Peru. After all, there is no doubt that everything ancient cities belong not just to the Incan culture, but to the entire planet. After all, construction methods and technologies were all ahead of their time. Or our technological time desperately does not keep up with the Peruvian one. Therefore, here again, as in the case of Bolivia, it can be said that historical time does not exist in this country. Because the history of Peru does not fit into the history textbook. And what fits in is bursting at the seams.

We will no longer witness what happened here during the Spanish conquest, but we can easily say that here history was rewritten more than once. But real story Peru (and therefore the entire planet) remained in stones. This is what the Sacred Valley is famous for.

Near Cajamarca, a city in Northern mountains Peru, located in tiny Otuzco. It mainly attracts its visitors with the necropolis or Otuzko windows. Tourists come to look at the wall in which burial chambers are carved and leave. And for some reason we decided to stay longer. In addition to the amazing necropolis, which became such only in the later stages of its existence, it seemed to us that Otuzko captivates with its views.

Countryside, quite alpine landscapes, cows wandering or lying down and amazing trees with soft green-silver leaves that grow only in the Andes - and tiny Otuzco forever remained in my heart. So much so that I periodically ask myself: maybe I can come here and live?

Most often we go to Kimry. Just like that - take a walk along the Volga. Summer, spring, autumn and winter too. Go to your favorite pizzeria. This is all in Kimry.

A small town with not the best reputation, but it opened up to us from a completely unexpected side. Its houses go into the ground, the facades are not repaired. Everything is gradually being destroyed. An entire era is buried in Kimry. And it’s very interesting to walk through the poetic ruins.

But the most interesting thing about Kimry is the people. They still live in that reality, which has certainly faded away in Moscow. We have met people who care about the environment for no reason. One man with the sonorous surname Repin loves to sit with friends on the embankment and drink beer. However, this typical picture is suddenly embellished by the fact that once every two weeks this man goes to sweep the embankment, making sure that his company and other vacationers take away the remnants of the feast. And whoever doesn’t take it away, well, twice a week he cleans up the embankment. On their own initiative. For free.

Kham Paeng Yark, Kammouan, Laos

For some reason, a veil of silence envelops the Wall. Many people drive by, pop in to take a few photos and leave. Obviously, they do not imagine the scale and enormity of what is in front of their eyes.

The height of the wall is 16 meters!

This is truly a cyclopean masonry, which was erected by the ancient inhabitants of Laos!

But how amazing it is to stand at the very top of this high man-made wall and look at the beauty stretching around! After all, in fact, we people are so accustomed to having to tell us everything in detail, prove it, and only after that we deign to pay attention to a certain phenomenon. We have practically forgotten how to see things in their true light. We need a shortcut. But the Wall stands before us, unarmed and innocent. This is the most striking example of megalithic masonry that I have seen to this point.

And I am so happy to tell you all about this discovery! Open your eyes too! The world deserves us to look at it without judgment. A clear view will reveal to us many more ancient wonders!

There are magical places everywhere on our planet, and I will definitely find them.

There are many beautiful places in our wonderful city of Kostroma. But my favorite place in Kostroma is Ostrovsky’s gazebo. This place has a special energy. It gives visitors a feeling of peace and tranquility. Climbing up to the gazebo, you can admire the views of magnificent Russian nature from there. You can stand here for hours and watch the beauty and grandeur of the Volga. By the way, this gazebo was filmed in a movie, it was the film “Cruel Romance”. Many guests of our city want to visit this particular attraction.

Let's look at how to correctly write a creative work describing your favorite place in the city.

Features of an essay describing a place

A descriptive essay can be devoted to various topics. So, the author can talk about the book he read, his family members, his favorite time of year, etc. If we are faced with the task of describing our favorite place in the city, it is worth mentioning the following points in the essay:

  1. What memories are associated with this place?
  2. Why does it seem special?
  3. When is the best time to visit this place?
  4. What is unusual and interesting there?

If something is described historical place, you can briefly talk about its significance. Always organic in such creative work personal stories associated with the object being described are looked at.

Essay on the topic “My favorite place in Kostroma”

My city Kostroma is very ancient and beautiful. There are many interesting places, where not only tourists love to go, but also local residents. It's nice to look at ancient temples, stroll around the city center or watch the sunset on the embankment. But my favorite place is Kostromskaya Sloboda.

For the first time I had the opportunity to visit the very famous museum of our city still in preschool age. My parents and I went there for the folklore festival in honor of Maslenitsa. I still remember how I was amazed by the unusual wooden churches that you can’t find anywhere else in the city. But most of all I remember old village, which was recreated right on the river bank. When I bury my eyes, I still see these peasant huts, so cozy and nice, as if they had stepped out of the pages of some fairy tale.

It’s nice to take a walk in Kostromskaya Sloboda at any time of the year. In winter, from here you can see the frozen river, the grandfather on which glistens in the sun. IN summer heat you can hide in the shade of the trees right next to the ancient churches. And how beautiful it is here during the September leaf fall and at the time of spring flowering!

I advise all guests of Kostroma and those who live in the city to visit this wonderful place to see with your own eyes all the beauty of Ancient Rus'.

My favorite place in the city is our local park. In this park I often walk with friends, celebrate holidays and just stroll through places familiar to me. This park has many attractions that you can ride on, and here you can also buy cotton candy, hot corn, a glass of popcorn and many other goodies.

My favorite place in the city is our local park. In this park I often walk with friends, celebrate holidays and just stroll through places familiar to me. This park has many attractions that you can ride on, and here you can also buy cotton candy, hot corn, a glass of popcorn and many other goodies. There is also a cinema next to the park, which we like to go to with friends on weekends.

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My favorite place in the city is our local park. In this park I often walk with friends, celebrate holidays and just stroll through places familiar to me. This park has many attractions that you can ride on, and here you can also buy cotton candy, hot corn, a glass of popcorn and many other goodies.
There is also a cinema next to the park, which we like to go to with friends on weekends.


In life, every person has favorite places to which he periodically returns, regardless of his employment and opportunity. I also have such places. Each of these places is associated with something very important in my life, which I will never dare to cross out. In my native St. Petersburg I have a favorite place - Summer garden.

St. Petersburg is always good, in any weather and at any time of the year. But every corner of it, every monument has its own favorite time, when it fully reveals itself to us. For the Summer Garden such a happy time is the golden days of autumn. Colored with its ceremonial colors, it is solemnly thoughtful and majestic.

I love walking around St. Petersburg, and the Summer Garden, in my opinion, is one of the best and most beautiful places in our city. This is the impression I got when I first visited it. The Summer Garden is at its most beautiful in autumn. The leaves of the trees echo the gilded ornaments of the fence, the spreading crowns of the trees burn hotly in the transparent air. Pale yellow, amber, purple leaves fall on the naked marble shoulders of statues, on granite pedestals, caught by the wind, dancing in the alleys, rustling pleasantly underfoot.

Also in the Summer Garden I really like the Summer House of Peter I. Peter I really loved his Summer Palace. In this cozy, comfortable house, not intended for official celebrations and receptions, the king usually lived from April to October-November. Most of the alleys of the Summer Garden are our history. The statue of the god of time Saturn standing on the main alley seems to remind those entering the garden of the passing centuries. Straight, lined alleys are fenced with dense green walls. In the squares and rectangles between the alleys there are even rows of strange trees: instead of spreading fluffy crowns, the tree trunks are crowned with balls, cubes, and pyramids. From the outside it looks very impressive and beautiful.

I walk among the shady alleys,

And the leaves fall, swirling.

In your radiant arms

Passion burns more intensely.

I love your piers so much

Cathedrals, parks and gardens,

I meet love in your eyes.

My glorious city! It's you!

It seems to me that the Summer Garden is one of the most beautiful places in the world. And I will hope that over time it will not lose its beauty and elegance. I want it to always remain as beautiful and thereby attract people from all over the world. Every time the Summer Garden leaves pleasant memories in my memory. And I think that in the future he will leave a global mark on the history of mankind.


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