How to get from Yalta to Ai-Petri. Ascent along the serpentine road. Be careful: mountain road! To the top by car

As I wrote earlier, it was discussed in the last article, and today we are going to the sights of this luxurious resort. After several gloomy days on our trip across Crimea, the first sunny morning. And we will spend this wonderful day doing the same wonderful place- Mount Ai-Petri.

How to get to Mount Ai-Petri in Crimea

Having quickly had breakfast and packed our things in our backpack, we went to the bus station to take public transport to Ai-Petri.


WITH Yalta bus station the bus is coming under № 102 (he first passes by, then stops at cable car on Ai-Petri, and its final stop is at , everything you need in one kit). Flights daily from 06:45 to 21:45, interval 35-60 min 38 rub/person.

WITH bus stations " Clothing market» (not far from Yalta Embankment) there is a bus service № 132 . Flights daily from 07:00 to 21:00, interval 20-30 min, fare Yalta-Ai-Petri (lower cable car station) 34 rub/person.

It is very difficult to get to the right stop. On the bus, the bulk of passengers are occupied by visitors, who ask each other almost every 5 minutes whether they will get off soon.


Taxi Yalta-Mount Ai-Petri (upper station of the cable car) will cost from 1200 rub/car one way.

Personal or rented car

The easiest way to get there is by car, and you can see along the way Bird home And Vorontsov Palace without adjusting to the schedule public transport. If you have a license, but don’t have a car, you can easily get one via the Internet in Yalta upon arrival. Directions map below. The serpentine on the Ai-Petri plateau passes through locality Hunting. In addition, the associated attractions that are described in many excursions in the form of the Uchan-Su waterfall and the Silver Gazebo can only be seen if you drive along the serpentine road by car. It will be about 10 km on foot from the upper station, and you still need to get to the populated area where buses go.

You can also negotiate with the locals about a car from Miskhor ( 1000 rub).

Koreiz (Miskhor) trail

If the cable car is closed, and you do not have the desire/opportunity to rent a car, then you can climb to the Ai-Petri plateau on foot along the Koreiz trail.

From Yalta at the bus station we take the following buses: 107, 128, 142 and get off at the stop Koreiz ( fare approx. 35 rubles).

By the way: bus number 107 after Koreiz turns towards the lower cable car station. You can get off at the next stop after Koreiz - “Burevestnik sanatorium” and walk another 200-300 meters to the cable car.

The Koreiz trail begins immediately after the Koreiz stop, at first it goes more gently, closer to the plateau there will be a good slope.

  • You will have to cover about 4 km.
  • Wear comfortable, non-slip, closed-toe shoes
  • Have water in your backpack!
  • For the correct orientation in your smartphone, use a MapsMe map.

Excursions to Ai-Petri

Group excursions from Alushta:— up to 40 people, 6 hours

Individual excursions from Yalta:— up to 3 people, 9 hours

Cable car to Mount Ai-Petri

Before we had time to dismount from the bus, a young Caucasian man immediately ran up to us and began to eloquently tell us how to get to the top of Ai-Petri, and what else you can see on the way back, if you don’t go down by cable car. To extract more information, I made a very interested face, knowing full well that the young man was not groping himself like that in front of me for the sake of beautiful eyes. The site was almost completely empty when I realized that there was nothing more interesting to get out of the boy. We said goodbye to him and headed to a small building with ticket offices for the cable car right there.

Cost and operating hours of the cable car to Ai-Petri (2019):

Working hours cable car: from 10 to 17- rise, and from 10 to 18— descent.


  • 400 rub/adult, 250 rub/child one way.
  • the passage to the cogs from the upper station of the cable car costs separately 100 rub.
  • attractions at the battlements: walk along hanging bridges over the abyss ( 500 rub), trolls from the top to one of the slopes on the plateau ( 700 m, travel time 1 min, cost 1000 rub.).


  • take warm clothes and a raincoat with you regardless of the weather, mountains are mountains
  • It is better to wear comfortable, non-slip, closed-toe shoes on your feet. Even if you don’t plan to walk along forest paths, there are also rocks and roots on the plateau, and after the rain it’s also slippery
  • the upper station of the cable car is full of cafes and shops, you don’t have to bring food and water with you, but the prices are tourist prices, you understand
  • V winter period The cable car is sometimes closed, you can take the serpentine road by car or negotiate with the locals ( 1000 rub/car)

There is no way to get through here as a stowaway, because somewhere in the middle of the yellow booth's route, passengers are transferred, and at the same time, purchased tickets are checked. The same thing happens on the way back. In principle, those who have a car can probably climb the mountain for free along the road. However, I can’t guarantee that some kind of toll barrier hasn’t been installed there now.

We drove the first half calmly, only about a couple of tens of meters above the ground. Moreover, I was pushed into the very center of the crowd so that even through the windows it was difficult to see anything. But this gave me the chance to almost be the first to get into the second cabin during a transfer and take advantageous positions by the window in front.

The second part is more exciting with beautiful views of the sea and a visible rock ahead. During the trip, I heard intriguing stories that the cable car is made in such a way that before the top the cabin rises almost vertically for several meters and hangs for a couple of seconds at the very edge.

I was waiting for this moment with great excitement. I will say that what I heard is partly true. The cabin at the end of the path really goes at a very large angle, rising high above the surface of the earth, but before the top it does not hang, but simply jerks it a little, which is why it is no longer breathtaking, but somehow feels uneasy.

Mount Ai-Petri

The views at the top are amazing. At this height they cannot be different. The wind here is only strong.

There are also plenty of shopping stalls upstairs, you want barbecue, you want Uzbek cuisine, you want sweets, trinkets and so on. While you walk from one observation deck to another, you only have time to brush aside the intrusive offers.

A little to the left there is another observation deck, previously fenced with a fence, in which there was now a gaping hole made by tourists. It is apparently useless to close the hole, because tourists still “rush” to the edge.

Here you really feel uneasy from the realization that there are no life-saving railings, and beyond the edge there is a sharp cliff of several tens of meters.

I don’t know though... I haven’t checked.

Where we left is not the very top yet. To the very top you still need to walk 700 m to the battlements. It goes along a rocky slope, slippery and muddy after rain. Separate entrance and fee - as much as 100 rubles. In fact, you can see the same thing (according to local traders) if you go a little to the left of the pay-for-passage booth. But curiosity is such a persistent thing, I gave these 100 rubles. and went higher. My traveling companion was stuck at the ticket office, as he already had enough dizzying views.

That day, after the rains, so that tourists would not break their necks and legs, they shifted their path a little through the forest along drier paths to the top.

Having got out into the open space, I first looked around the surroundings to see if it was possible to bypass this cash register at all (sorry, hitchhiking habit). Below in the photo, if you look to the right, then from the parking lot with cars there is a wide road to the left. I think if you walk along it for 300 meters, and then turn into a forest to the place where I was standing now, you can get here for free. Anyone who wants can try this on personal experience. But be careful, locals say that there are karst wells in the form of inconspicuous holes.

The first attraction is already visible from below: suspended bridges going from the main rock to a small peak with a cross. For those for whom the adrenaline at the top is not enough, you can walk in equipment under the guidance of an instructor, back and forth 90 meters in total.

It looks harmless in the photo, but quite dizzying up close.

I climbed to the very top and sadly discovered another limiting railing and some kind of iron stump, all hung with ribbons.

I didn’t intend to climb over the fence, so I just walked to the place where it ended. There were plenty of breathtaking views here too.

By that time she had come to me excursion group. The guide publicly announced that since he understood the curiosity of tourists who strive to climb over the fence, he did so in order to maintain safety and his job. It will still allow everyone to take photos almost at the very top. But only on his terms.

After hearing this, I decided to join the group; I couldn’t miss such an opportunity. We stopped right at the place where the iron thing was sticking out. Here the guide climbed over the fence and allowed only two people from the group to go with him to take a photo. Naturally, I squeezed into one of the next couples. Here's proof of that.

And while all this was happening, someone from the crowd asked about the very iron thing that the guide was leaning on at that moment. He said that this was another attraction. From this iron pillar down (naturally, in the opposite direction from the cliff) there is a troll, along which in just 1 minute you can “descend” everyone.

I received my portion of photographs and set off on the way back.

The day was in full swing and I still wanted to have time to see the Vorontsov Palace. Therefore, we rejected the idea of ​​going down on foot along forest paths.

Those who wish can go down faster paths directly from the plateau to Miskhor, for example (see MapsMe maps). But apart from the sources and views, there is nothing special there. We didn’t waste time and returned the same way – by cable car.

As I said above, Vorontsov Palace is the final 102 bus. Therefore, we went to the stop at the cable car and, after waiting for the required bus, we went to, which I will tell you about next time. Good weather on Ai-Petri!

It is very difficult to describe Mount Ai-Petri in two sentences. Legends are made about this mountain. To learn about this mountain range, you need to talk to mountaineers, rock climbers, speleologists or tourists. But even if their story is put together, it will not be possible to get an idea of ​​Ai-Petri. The surest way is to visit her.

Having reached the top, you can see the sea horizon at a distance of 135 kilometers. WITH panoramic platform you can see Cape Ai-Todor, and with.

Description and characteristics of the mountain: where is Ai-Petri located?

Mount Ai-Petri is a peak and a mountain range. Its area is about 300 square meters. km. The top is a table mass, which is stretched along South Coast Crimea, and forms the main mountain range.

Ai-Petri is a popular attraction on the peninsula. The height of Ai-Petri is 1234 meters above sea level. The massif is covered with snow from the beginning of December and remains until the onset of spring. This place in Crimea is the windiest. In this place there is a wind power plant, which this moment does not function.

Ai-Petri is famous for its rocks, which are called “white teeth”. They bring the line of the massif from Cape Ai-Todor to the sea. Ai-Petri teeth represent peaks different heights. They were created by nature over many years, blowing the wind across reef limestones.

Weather on Ai-Petri. The climate on the mountain range is characterized by sharp contrast. During the long winter season, the temperature ranges from -20 to 11.5 degrees. The warmest month on Ai-Petri is July, when the thermometer rises to 15 degrees.

At the foot of the majestic Ai-Petri mountain there is a sanatorium of the same name, which is a unique healing place due to its climate, protected by mountains on one side and washed by the sea on the other. We talk about the Ai-Petri sanatorium in Crimea in our.

What is remarkable about the place

Since the mountain has an unusual shape, its teeth have become a real landmark of the massif. In summer they can be reached via the Ai-Petri suspension bridges to admire the southern panorama. In addition to its famous battlements, Mount Ai-Petri may be of interest to tourists for other attractions. The most famous among them are:

Caves. There are more than 300 of them. Of the total number, only three are equipped - Geofizicheskaya, Yalta and Trekhglazka. The Last Cave known for the fact that there is always a snowdrift inside, which turns into ice cover. Caves tours are only available in summer;

Rocks Taraktash. These rocks are formed by weathering. You can get to them along the Taraktash trail, starting from the eastern slopes of the mountain and ending at , which originates on the southern slope of the massif;

Gorno ski slopes. They are located on the northern slopes of the mountain, distinguished by their flatness;

Ropeway. It is considered the longest in Europe.

There are many legends about this majestic mountain. The most popular of them is the legend telling about a young couple in love.

In the old days, two families lived near the mountain. One family had a daughter, and the other had a son. The young people fell in love with each other, with such a bright and strong love that a person can experience only once in a lifetime.

But the parents of the boy and girl were against the union. A rich groom has already been chosen for the girl, and an enviable bride has been selected for the young man. When the parents learned about the feelings of the children, they gave them an ultimatum: either the children remain under the roof of their father’s house, in prosperity and wealth, or they will face poverty and shame.

The young people despaired and made, in their opinion, the most correct decision - not to give in to their parents’ will, but not to renounce it either. The young people decided to commit suicide. So they wanted to stay together, even in the next world. The lovers held hands, overcame the climb to Ai-Petri and approached the edge of the cliff. There they swore their love to each other for the last time.

However, the rocky cliff was narrow enough for both of them to jump off. The guy decided to do it first, and the love of his life promised to follow him. Peter, that was the guy’s name, looked into the heavens and took his last step. He crashed against the rocks, and the depths of the sea carried his body to the bottom.

The girl got scared after her lover's jump. She changed her mind about jumping and shouted: “Ay, Peter.” The girl was depressed, her eyes went blank, she sat down on a stone, mourning her lover. With dawn, the girl stopped crying, the cliff no longer seemed scary to her, and the sea no longer seemed so ominous. The birds sang, the leaves rustled, the sun shone, and the young girl realized that she shouldn’t cry so much for her departed lover. She is young and attractive, and she will have many more fans, and she will meet her love. So she returned home.

From then on, the mountain began to be called Ai-Petri or St. Peter. Now, according to tradition, all the men let the women go first, and the picturesque view from the mountain reminds people of the bitter love story.

Look at all the photos of Mount Ai-Petri in Crimea:

The cable car to Ai-Petri can be called a miracle of engineering. It is one of the ten most impressive ski lifts in the world. The uniqueness of the “cable car” lies in the length of the unsupported span, which is 1670 meters. The elevation angle near the mountain itself is 46 degrees.

The Ai-Petri cable car consists of three stations:

  1. Bottom - ;
  2. Middle - Sosnovy Bor;
  3. The top one is Ai-Petri.

Passengers are transported using four passenger cabins. A transfer is made at the middle station. During the entire ascent, passengers are accompanied by service personnel.

The road is designed according to the pendulum principle - the cabins rise and descend towards each other. The cabins are quite spacious and can accommodate up to thirty people. You can transport both bicycles and heavy tourist backpacks in the cabins.

The cable car was built back in Soviet times. The cable car operates almost all year round, and only in February is it stopped for technical repairs.

During the entire period of operation of the road, an accident occurred only once, in 2013. There were no injuries, and the cause of the accident was a power outage to the structure. For some time, tourists had to stay in stationary cabins, stuck at a decent height. Crimean rescuers evacuated them safely.

Cost of visit

The cable car is a real symbol of the peninsula, as it takes just 17 minutes to reach the panoramic plateau.

Cost of the Ai-Petri cable car one way:

  • For adults - 300 rubles
  • For children - 200 rubles

Children under 6 years old are transported free of charge. An additional fee applies when transporting bicycles and backpacks. The length of the cable car is 2980 meters.

How to get to Ai-Petri

You can get to Mount Ai-Petri in different ways:

  • First— get to Miskhora station, where the lower cable car station is located, which will take you to the plateau;
  • Second The way to get to Ai-Petri is by car. Serpentine starts in the area. The duration of the journey is 18 km;
  • Third- on foot or by bike. It is quite difficult to get to the top of Ai-Petri in this way, and an unprepared person should not do this. The journey is long, with long and steep climbs. For lovers hiking pedestrian paths have been laid - Botkinskaya, Taraktashskaya, Miskhorskaya.

Before visiting Mount Ai-Petri, pay attention to the following recommendations:

  • The air temperature on the plateau is 5-10 degrees lower than at the foot. In addition, the mountain is the windiest place on the peninsula, so you need to have warm clothes with you;
  • It is not recommended to take photographs on the edge of a cliff, as you may step on slippery stones. And since this place is considered the windiest, there is a chance of breaking on the rocks from a strong gust of wind;
  • Bring enough money with you for the excursion. Even independent walk on the observation deck - paid;
  • At the lower station there are wild queues during the season. Be patient, as you can wait for your turn for hours;
  • There is no drinking tap water on Ai-Petri, think about this before you order lunch at the restaurant;
  • You can get to the cable car from the Yalta bus station by minibuses No. 27 or 32. They will take you directly to the lower station;
  • You can go back from the mountain using an alternative method - a minibus;
  • For lovers of hiking and bike tours It is recommended to climb the mountain by cable car. Since the cabins can carry bicycles and backpacks, you can make the return descent yourself. The descent will be much more pleasant than the ascent.

We also invite you to watch the video of the Ai-Petri cable car:

Mount Ai-Petri, one of the most visited and famous attractions Crimean peninsula. The beauty of these mountain landscapes It's hard to describe in words. Is it possible for an artist with a brush in his hands to do this? Well, at worst, a good photographer. Better yet, come here and experience all the charm and breathtaking views for yourself.
The name of Mount Ai-Petri is translated as Saint Peter. Before the conquest of Crimea by the Tatars, it was located on the mountain christian temple St. Peter, the mountain and plateau were named after him.

Tourists flocked here en masse at the end of the 19th century, after the section of the road connecting the village of Sokolinoe and Yalta, through Mount Ai-Petri, was completed. The road was completed in 1894 and connected southern and central Crimea. As a consequence - two major cities Yalta and Bakhchisaray received direct message. Construction stone road practically took about 30 years, and is still one of the most complex engineering projects in Crimea.

Sights of Mount Ai-Petri:

How to get to Ai-Petri by car

If you decide to get to Mount Ai-Petri by car, you should get to the Ai-Petri plateau, and from there to the Ai-Petri cable station. It is from here that the ascent to the very peak of the mountain begins - to its teeth.
A pedestrian road leads to the Ai-Petri battlements from the cable station. The duration of the route is about 30 minutes, without large differences in altitude. The cost of walking up to the battlements is 100 rubles. Payment is at the entrance to the trail.

Peak of Ai-Petri

The top of Mount Ai-Petri It is the Prongs that are considered, their height from base to top is 1234 meters. In addition to the Zubtsov beautiful views, there are two extreme entertainments that can tickle your nerves, but are absolutely safe. All safety rules are followed and almost every element of extreme entertainment has two levels of insurance.

The most interesting, to my taste, is the suspended road between the battlements. Walking through it really tickles your nerves; under your feet, through the cracks, you can see a huge gap, with sharp rocks and tree tops. After passing the cable car to Ai-Petri, you can safely add yourself to the category of extreme sports enthusiasts. The price of the walk is 500 rubles. The average duration of the transition is 10-15 minutes.
If you decide to go for a walk, it is best to do it in pairs, one walks along the path, the other takes photos and videos from the end point of the route, and then switches. This is how you will get more successful pictures as a keepsake.
Although this is a little longer in terms of time than going one after another, you can save a little time by taking the queue for the first person and immediately taking the queue for the second. In order for the first one to pass, and the second one to take a photo and get back in line in time, you should leave a gap of 6-7 people between people.

The second extreme route is a descent to the cable car station, on a suspended cable. The descent is very fast and fun, the cost of the descent is 1000 rubles. The safety of the route is also at the highest level. Both extreme attraction open from April to September inclusive.

Having descended from the battlements, you find yourself on the busiest part of the plateau, the market and a large number of cafes, canteens and restaurants. The food on the plateau is mainly Tatar: pilaf, pasties, lagman, lamb shashlik, etc. Also, if you want, you can find European cuisine. Prices in establishments Catering really different. Therefore, if you take a walk and look around a little, you can choose a menu and price tag that is acceptable to you. Due to the large number of tourists, the food is almost always fresh and tasty, but quite greasy, although the choice of dishes is quite large and everyone can find something acceptable for themselves. Almost all cafes and restaurants offer wine tasting. Almost all wine is either homemade or purchased at Crimean wineries. In most establishments the wine is of rather low quality, with big amount dyes. Therefore, if you want a high-quality drink, ask that they bring you wine bottled at the factory, with an excise stamp. This option will be the best for your body.

A little below the gazebo of the winds is the Uchan-Su Waterfall, it is the highest Crimean waterfall and one of the most high waterfalls on the territory of Europe. Literally translated from Turkic, the name translates as “Flying water”. The height of Uchan-Su is about 99 meters, the maximum peak activity of the waterfall occurs in the spring, from early March to mid-April. In summer, Wuchang-Su turns into a relatively small stream, but this does not prevent it from looking graceful and attractive. More details

In addition to all the attractions of Ai-Petri described above, I should also mention one of the most beautiful mountain roads, the Shtangeevsky trail. The trail originates just below the Uchan-Su waterfall, but the most convenient way is to go up to the waterfall, from there walk 120 meters up the road and you will see a large sign - the Shtangeevskaya trail, with a description of the route. The route of the Shtangeevskaya trail passes over the Uchan-Su waterfall (you can approach the waterfall) along the picturesque valleys of Ai-Petri and gradually the Shtangeevskaya trail turns into the Botkinskaya trail and smoothly descends through coniferous forests to Yalta, namely to the Fairy Tale Zoo. The average walking time along the Shtangeevskaya and Botkin trails is 4-6 hours. The entire route is marked with colored markers, making it very difficult to lose your way. You will meet people along the entire route; the trails are very popular and well-trodden by thousands of tourists.

Climbing the Ai-Petri plateau on a cable car, you have a choice of how to go back down. You can go down the same way you went up, but in the summer, the queues are very long and you can stand in them for several hours. Therefore, the options are to go down by bus or minibus. But it should be taken into account that the driver is directly interested in getting down quickly and getting up quickly. Their earnings directly depend on this. In general, this is also a kind of extreme walk. But despite this, all drivers make sure to stop at the Silver Arbor and the Wuchang-Su waterfall.

How to plan a visit to Ai-Petri

Planning a route to visit Ai-Petri by car - in my opinion, it is better to start with a visit to the Grand Canyon, the entrance fee is 100 rubles. You can also be offered a guide - from 1000 rubles. The guys are very funny, but essentially they are practically useless. It is very difficult to lose your way. There are only two trails along which people ply all the time, even in winter. The walk takes about 2-3 hours along with a swim in the Bath of Youth.

The Grand Canyon of Crimea is located at the very beginning of the ascent to Mount Ai-Petri, from the side of the city of Bakhchisarai. If you are eating with South Bank Crimea - you have several options: go around Ai-Petri, through Sevastopol, then turn onto Bakhchisarai, and before it go to Ai-Petri. Or climb through the Ai-Petri plateau to the top of Ai-Petri, cross the entire plateau and go down to the foot from Bakhchisarai. From Yalta to the Grand Canyon it takes about 2 hours, if you go around it it will be about the same

Next, after visiting the Grand Canyon, you need to climb the plateau again, walk to the battlements, and go down to eat in a cafe. After the cafe, you can choose a horseback ride or visit the Three-Eyes Cave. On average, a horse ride costs from 800 rubles. at one o'clock. You will also be offered an ATV ride and other entertainment; the cost is approximately the same everywhere.

Descending from Ai-Petri towards Yalta. The first stop on your way will be the Silver Gazebo. Visit - 100 rubles. Then the waterfall is a little lower about 15-17 km, the Uchan-Su waterfall. Also 100 rubles.
The entire walk is designed with departure from Yalta at 9:00 for the whole day; if you follow the proposed route, then by 20:00-21:00 you will be back in Yalta again.

If you are planning to visit Ai-Petri, then you need to pay attention to comfortable shoes, sneakers or sneakers, take warm clothes, because the temperature difference between Yalta and Ai-Petri can be up to 10 -15 C and be sure to take water with you. If you get motion sickness along serpentine roads, you can take anti-motion sickness pills at the pharmacy. Their cost is very low, and the effect is quite good.

Winter on Ai-Petri life doesn't stop. IN winter time The Ai-Petri cap is usually covered with snow from January to February. And on this basis they were born winter views sports: skiing, boarding and sledding. Almost all winter trails in Crimea are located on the Ai-Petrensky plateau. The most popular routes are 25,26, 27 kilometers, laboratory. All routes are located almost in the middle of the plateau; you can reach them along the Yalta-Bakhchisarai road. There is only one road and it is impossible to miss. Only in winter it is cleared of snow. In winter, the climb up the mountain is generally only open to vehicles with all-wheel drive and wearing winter tires. During snowfalls, the passage to Ai-Petri is partially closed for a short time from Yalta and Bakhchisarai.
If you are planning a vacation to Crimea, no matter what time of year, be sure to visit Mount Ai-Petri, it is one of the most beautiful.

Ai-Petri and its attractions on the map of Crimea

Ai-Petri is the most popular mountain in Crimea and is considered one of business cards Crimea.

If you climb to the top of Ai-Petri, you will see a view of the Greater Yalta and endless sea expanses. For those who don't want to climb mountains, there is good offer: relaxation in boarding houses and sanatoriums of Crimea with a view of the majestic Ai-Petri battlements.

Photo by Ai-Petri:

This is interesting:
  • 1234 meters - height of the massif;
  • 1052 mm of precipitation falls on the plateau per year. This is one and a half times more than in Yalta;
  • 50 m/s - the winds blow with such force on the plateau;
  • 40-50 m - the height of each of the four large teeth.

Ai-Petri: historical excursion

The mountain received its name “St. Peter” from the ancient Greeks. There was a monastery at the top. In the old days they really liked to build churches in hard-to-reach places. Scientists have proven that the Ai-Petri mountain range is a typical coral reef in origin. Millennia passed, as a result of weathering rocks the famous teeth formed. The top of one is crowned with a flagpole; on the other, after filming the film “The Children of Captain Grant,” a wooden cross remained. It gives the area a mystical look.

Near the Yalta-Alushta highway there is a weather station, one of the oldest on the Crimean Peninsula, built back in 1895. At the beginning of the twentieth century, under the leadership of K. F. Lewandowski, research activities were carried out here to study the wind rose and atmospheric electricity. In addition, the station took seriously work in the field of natural sciences: soil science, biology, astrophysics.

Options for getting to know Ai-Petri

The Ai-Petri Plateau stretches in a long strip between Yalta and Foros. mountain range It is distinguished by the unusual structure of its peaks: the sharpness of their teeth stands out among the rest of the peninsula. This place is unique and picturesque. Each vacationer can choose their own option for exploring the plateau. What do you prefer: admiring beauty Crimean mountains from the sea, go up by cable car or reach the peaks on your own? Each method finds its admirers.

  1. The peaks appear in all their glory during a trip along highway Yalta-Alushta. When staying in Miskhor or Koreiz, you can rent an apartment with a view of the mountains and admire the battlements from the window or veranda.
  2. IN picturesque village From Miskhor there begins a cable car that will take you all the way to the Ai-Petri battlements. From an altitude of just under one hundred meters above sea level, the first part of the journey upward begins in a small cabin. At an altitude of 391 meters, passengers transfer to the carriages of the upper section and overcome the longest section in Europe, 1,670 meters long. The journey takes 15 minutes. Breathtaking! The views of the coast from Gurzuf to Foros are enchanting.
  3. Real tourists climb the plateau on foot. From the village of Miskhor there are well-marked hiking trails. Independent ascent takes from 2 to 4 hours. To careless vacationers local residents They offer to go up in jeeps for a reasonable fee.
in the northeast of the battlements you can walk through a relict yew grove. The oldest tree, the berry yew, is more than 1,000 years old. A real giant!

Video review:

Operating hours of the cable car

The cable car starts operating at 10 o'clock every day. Tourists can go up until 16-00, descent is organized until 17-00. One cabin, more reminiscent of a tram car, can accommodate up to 30 people at a time. It is worth keeping in mind that it is better to arrive in the first half of the day; there are always many people who want to go up.

Ticket prices:

  • adult - 350 rubles;
  • preferential and children's - 250 rubles. During periods of large influx of tourists, prices may increase.
Advice from experienced tourists:
Even in the summer on Ai-Petri, take warm clothes, a windbreaker, pants, and sneakers. The winds at the top can be very strong.

Entertainment and relaxation

The plateau has a large number of equipped cafes and places to relax. Visitors are offered dishes of Crimean Tatar cuisine: belyashi, kebabs, shurpa, ochpochmak.

There are comfortable observation decks for photo shoots and selfies. The best shots are taken on the suspended walkway in front of one of the large battlements.

Those interested are offered horseback riding and jeep riding. Professional guides are ready to take you on a tour of the surrounding area and tell interesting stories about Ai-Petri.

There are more extreme entertainment. For adrenaline lovers, there is an attraction at the top: with the help of a safety net, walk along a suspension bridge over the abyss between the battlements!

Speleologists climb the plateau to visit the caves. There are three of them in the vicinity: Yalta, Geofizikov, Trekhglazka. The latter was named so due to its three entrance holes. Inside, tourists can expect giant calcite growths, stalactites and stalagmites, an ice skating rink and a huge snowdrift. Even on the hottest July days, the temperature in the caves remains at +4°C.

How to get to Ai-Petri in Crimea

It is convenient to get to Ai-Petri from the resort city of Yalta. You need to go to bus route No. 27 or 32 to the “Ropeway” stop.

By car you travel from Yalta in the direction of Miskhor; the cable car station is located in the center of the village. For a walk, you can park your car in a paid parking lot.

Ai-Petri on the map of Crimea

GPS Coordinates: N 44 26.831 E 34 03.107 Latitude/Longitude


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