Rural tourism as a business. Agritourism in Russia and Europe. Business ideas from scratch in rural areas. What to offer a tourist for the New Year How to make a good offer for tourists

What to offer to tourists who want to bask in the sun and swim in the sea on the May holidays, without bothering themselves with a long flight? There are undoubtedly many options, but we will try to talk about the most attractive and affordable of them.

Resort No. 1 in popularity, both in summer and in May! After all, in the resorts of Turkey, in the month of May, it is already quite warm and there is an opportunity to swim and sunbathe. It’s already warm, but not too hot yet, so there’s nothing stopping you from enjoying the sun and sea to the fullest, or going on an exciting excursion or shopping.
The cost of a holiday in Turkey in May compares favorably with prices in the summer. During this period, some hotels offer good discounts to attract tourists.

An ideal place to spend the May holidays, because at the beginning of May, the weather in Egypt is simply fabulous. If not for one BUT! Our holidays coincide with the Arab holidays. Due to high demand, problems arise with places in hotels and, as a result, almost the most high prices in the year, sometimes even higher than on New Year. And of course, there can be no question of any last-minute tours; all hotels must be booked in advance.

During the May holidays, you can safely invite tourists to go to Cyprus. Nightclubs and discos, an abundance of fruit, mild, warm weather will bring pleasure to everyone. There are not as many vacationers at this time as in the season and, of course, the resorts are not as lively and cheerful as in the summer, but the air is fresh, everything is blooming and fragrant. For example, the air temperature in Limassol and Larnaca is from 23°C, and the water temperature is about 20°C.
Prices during this period are quite low, and the choice of hotels is quite wide.


In May, the Mediterranean coast of Spain is ready to give suffering tourists generous sunshine and an excellent tan. Best beaches at the very beginning of the season you will be pleased with cleanliness and tranquility, and the weather in Spain in May will give you a cozy +25°C and cloudless skies. An ideal option for those who like warmth, but not heat. The water in the sea warms up to 20°C.
The islands are just as excellent as the Mediterranean coast for a holiday in early May. The ideal option is the island of Tenerife. The air temperature is more than comfortable, Atlantic Ocean by this time it has already warmed up, and another compelling argument for choosing this destination will be the lush vegetation growing throughout the island, as well as many exquisite hotels with excellent service.

In May, the weather in Greece is excellent. Beach season is on Greek resorts opens just at the beginning of May. average temperature air during the day - +27°C. And sea water warms up to +19°C. At the same time, there is no scorching heat yet, which will allow tourists to relax more actively. During the May holidays beach holiday At Greek resorts, you can very well combine it with an active excursion program, sightseeing and monuments of ancient Greece.
On greek islands the season opens even earlier - in April. And, if tourists want to go somewhere warmer, then we can offer to go to the islands that are located in the south of the country. The most popular holidays are on the following Greek islands: Crete, Rhodes, Corfu, Kos, as well as on the peninsulas of Chalkidiki and Peloponnese.
However, one should take into account the fact that since the May holidays coincide with the opening tourist season in Greece, tours to Greece in early May are enjoyed in great demand, and their cost can increase significantly.

United Arab Emirates in May - it's wonderful blue waters Persian Gulf, luxury VIP hotels, colorful flowering gardens in the desert, as well as an abundance of goods in boutiques and shops. It should be noted that the United Arab Emirates is famous bright sun throughout the year, however, the best months For holidays in the UAE, the period is considered to be from October to May. It is in the month of May that the air temperature becomes the most favorable, which allows every tourist to comfortably enjoy their vacation. The average air temperature in May in the UAE is +35°C, and at night it can drop to + 24°C. This month the water warms up to +27°C, which creates ideal conditions for swimming and activities aquatic species sports.
Speaking about the cost of a holiday in the UAE in May, do not forget that the peak of tourist activity falls from October to May. Consequently, prices may increase in May, but only slightly.


Mid-May is one of the best times of the year in Israel. It's not so swelteringly hot yet, but beach season is already open. In Israel, travelers have a unique chance to visit three seas in one trip - the Mediterranean, the Red and the Dead. At the beginning of May, the sea water is already quite warm, and therapeutic procedures at the Dead Sea have a noticeable effect even after a short time. Excellent service and hotels, pilgrimage to the Western Wall, numerous ancient churches and places associated with the events described in the Bible, the shining dome of the Omar Mosque - all this is Israel!
April and May are the most popular times to travel to this country. And although our tourists do not require visas to travel to Israel, book May tours to Israel should be done in advance.

Think about what makes your city unique? To do this, make a list of all the events and attractions that are in your city. Tourists are more interested in the things they can do and see in a city rather than where it is located. First of all, tourists find out what entertainment is available in the city, and only then where it is located. Examples: observing white nights in St. Petersburg or rock climbing in Krasnoyarsk.

  • Focus on events and attractions unique to the city. Even a small or strange attraction can attract visitors and attention to a city (from the world's largest paper clip to artificial waves on a river). Ask yourself: “What makes this city worth visiting? What is there that tourists can’t get or see somewhere else?”
  • Work with the tourism development committee and focus on the three most interesting things that your city has to offer. How more facts you provide, the more interesting the city will become for tourists.
  • Conduct a survey among city residents. A survey is an important tool in assessing tourism attractiveness. It can be used to gather information about the city and ensure that the public agrees with the city's tourism vision. Talk to people face to face or conduct a survey over the phone. Ask the following questions:

    • What do you think attracts visitors to the city?
    • What kind of visitors might be interested in the city?
    • What can be done to make the time spent by tourists in the city more colorful?
  • Conduct a survey among tourists. You can chat with tourists face to face at the local supermarket. Tourists can also be asked to subscribe to a newsletter and a survey sent to them via email. Ask the following questions:

    • Where are you from?
    • What interested you in our city?
    • How did you hear about this attraction?
    • What institutions have you visited?
    • What amenities or services does the city need?
    • Words from previous tourists or current visitors to a city can provide insight into how to improve future tourist experiences.
  • Create a marketing plan. To do this, target marketing segments must be defined. Identify target places that will attract greatest number tourists. This may be well known hiking trail, an important cultural-historical monument or museum. Then categorize those locations by travel length and determine the customer base that might be interested in the city. Draw a diagram and break it down into the following categories:

    • Geographic locations with a section for day trips, overnight trips and long visits.
    • Relaxation in the lap of nature, such as living in tents, hiking, fishing and a picnic.
    • Entertainment - historical monuments, fairs and festivals, shopping and local food.
    • Other travel purposes, such as business trips and family trips.
  • – this is a rather complicated question. And if there is no developed transport infrastructure, then practically unsolvable. The same products grown on the ground cannot be sold, since they cannot be delivered to the consumer. Rural tourism is a different matter! This idea is interesting in every way. Let's take a closer look.

    What is the meaning of the idea for a vacationer

    What is rural tourism? This expression refers to a certain type of recreation for residents of megacities, during which they take part in agricultural work. That is, city dwellers go to the countryside to breathe air, eat fresh natural products, and at the same time try to live a completely different life - rural. It must be said that this idea, on the one hand, is simple, since many people buy dachas for this very purpose, on the other hand, it expands the possibilities of “vacationers”.

    This means that rural tourism is not just a trip to a suburban area, but an opportunity to visit other countries, get acquainted with the way of life and way of life of other peoples. What distinguishes this from other types of recreation is the opportunity to fully immerse yourself in a way of life that is inaccessible to a city dweller, to feel like a full-fledged resident of the village.

    Benefits for the host

    Here it must be said that the idea gives rural residents literally unlimited opportunities! Develop own business It's very difficult in rural areas. Not because there is a lack of hard work or resources. Rather, due to the lack of a consumer. For a successful business, you need a constant influx of people willing to buy its results, otherwise the idea will not pay off.

    Thus, rural tourism becomes a “lifesaver” for those who are actively involved in building their own business. But that is not all! Who would refuse extra labor! Only a peasant who has a lot to do and time is running out can understand this. And if these “hands” also pay for their accommodation... Such a rural business becomes not only profitable, but also enjoyable! The peasant (owner) receives the following benefits: profit from tourists, help with the farm, an influx of new communication and information. This is a great example of a business idea from scratch in a rural area.

    A little history

    Rural tourism originated in Europe. This was due to the desire of people with little money to relax in nature. At the same time, they wanted to get all the “delights” expensive hotels together with the pleasure of feeling like the “owner” of the land.

    To satisfy the demand, those who wish were offered accommodation with villagers' families for a reasonable fee. I liked the service. Clients now include not only families with low incomes, but also young people, especially students, people seeking solitude and a natural life. Demand for rural holidays has not fallen for many years, bringing up to twenty percent of gross tourism income in some European countries.

    Agritourism in Russia

    The idea, despite its promise, has not yet found mass development in the country. It should be noted that the first to practice it was Kaliningrad region(invite foreigners). Due to its sufficient popularity among esotericists, Altai joined it. It is believed that this particular area of ​​the country will become the most promising in terms of the development of rural tourism.

    This is due to the fact that many people from all over the world want to live in this modern Mecca. And in general, Siberia now seems to be one of best places to implement business ideas in rural areas. This territory is sparsely populated, but there are a lot of people all over the world who want to settle here (at least temporarily).

    Signs of rural tourism

    This is considered a type of recreation outside the city, completely environmentally friendly and beneficial local residents. That is, there are three signs: in the village, without harm to nature, useful for the economy. It is necessary to create conditions for the tourist so that he can comfortably enjoy the chosen type of recreation. That is, in the area where this type of service is developed, a special infrastructure is created.

    It includes places of residence, transport, places of “work”, shops, cafes and so on. Tourists are called “guests” here. They try to create completely home conditions for them. In addition, psychological comfort is an integral part (if not the main one) of this type of recreation. Often people travel not so much for impressions and physical activity, but for “rest of the soul.” It is known that in rural areas communication is more open and sincere, which has a beneficial effect on the nervous system of guests.

    Features of rural tourism

    This type of business is quite profitable for municipal authorities. It does not require government investment, and the return, if properly organized, will be decent. The only thing that may be required from the budget is the construction (repair) of roads. But this is already their responsibility. The rest of the infrastructure is created by business owners. There are some risks.

    Thus, an excessive influx of tourists can contribute to the pollution of the area (cars, garbage, etc.). This problem can be solved. The construction of transport service enterprises, as well as paid parking lots, may be another idea for villagers or municipal authorities. True, such a business in rural areas will only pay off if there is a large influx of guests.

    What can we offer tourists?

    It must be said that guests come most often in the summer. At this time, they are offered a number of pleasures that they are deprived of due to their urban lifestyle. Among them:

    • the regularity and silence of village life;
    • vegetables, berries, herbs straight from the garden;
    • walks in the open air;
    • the opportunity to drink water from natural sources;
    • swimming in natural reservoirs;
    • work on the ground;
    • animal care;
    • fresh milk and meat;
    • individual approach to each guest;
    • the opportunity to relax with your pets;
    • participation in folk festivals and entertainment;
    • homely atmosphere and much more that nature generously gives.

    In the fall, there are people who want to learn how to harvest and make homemade preparations, dry herbs and berries. And all the townspeople simply dream about mushrooms! Thus, rural tourism can become the most popular type of recreation in the world. It lacks stronger advertising. But this is a matter of time.

    Where to start (required conditions)

    For rural people who have no other source of income, rural tourism is becoming increasingly attractive. The business plan for the development of such a business is not too complicated (at least at the first stage). But it still has some mandatory conditions.

    It is necessary not only to be passionate about the idea, but to have some “start-up” capital. Fixed assets: land plot, a house suitable for receiving guests, transport (car, boat, etc.), pets, vegetable garden or garden. For the first time, you will be able to allocate part of your own living space. It must be equipped with a separate entrance. You need to take care of the dining room, the place where guests will eat. It should be comfortable, spacious and cozy. You will have to prepare food in a separate, specially equipped room. Please note that special services are monitoring this issue.

    It is advisable to have a pond, forest, and meadows nearby. That is, the area that would be attractive to tourists. Mandatory conditions also include the desire and ability to work, communicate, and learn new skills (even professions). It is necessary to take into account that guests will need to be taken care of as family members, cooked, cleaned, and entertained. This is serious and hard work.

    Desirable conditions

    Once you decide that this type of activity is right for you, consider the following. Business ideas from scratch in rural areas have not only mandatory conditions for implementation. There are also intangible resources that you need to have in order to make your tourist area competitive. What is meant? Guests will have to not only be received, but also entertained.

    This requires skills in organizing folk festivals, knowledge of local traditions and rituals, mastery of crafts (any task that is done by hand from natural materials), and so on. Guests will be grateful if you sometimes tell them about the history of the area and cultural features.

    This is not as paramount as material resources, but it greatly affects competitiveness. It is advisable to create your own corporate style. These could be ethnic adventures or fun holidays. Choose the activity that you like. Then it will be much easier to interest guests in it.

    How to organize a reception

    To organize your stay, you will need a separate room (or building). Typically a house (or part of it) with a separate entrance is used. The room should be equipped taking into account the comfort of the guests. That is, you will need to take care of beds, bedding, and dishes.

    A necessary condition is the presence of a TV, computer (with Internet), telephone connection. Do not forget that rural tourism focuses not only on locals, but also on foreigners. Therefore, you will need conversational skills (minimum English). In addition, you will need to feed your guests. To do this, you will have to master the dishes of not only the local, but also some other cuisines (not everyone will agree to a “country” table).

    In this regard, there is a need to have a supply of food. It must be selected in such a way that guests do not feel inconvenienced. It is advisable to inquire about their wishes in advance. Please note that unfavorable reviews (there are plenty of people who like to write them on the Internet) can ruin all your efforts.

    The main condition is to respect the interests of the guests

    For a business to succeed, you need to be able to attract a client. All marketing textbooks talk about this. Since rural tourism puts home coziness and comfort at the core, creating an atmosphere of benevolence and good nature becomes the first condition for success.

    Guests should feel welcome and loved. You need to be able to accept essentially strangers so that they feel not just “buyers” of services, but members of your family. To do this, you need to learn behavioral flexibility, the ability to prevent the development of conflicts in the bud, and develop the ability to understand what your interlocutors want.

    Some guests will need additional furniture (maybe toys for the children). Others will want a lot of excursions. In any case, all guests will walk around the village and communicate with the local population.

    And in order for this not to turn into a problem, you will have to come to an agreement with your neighbors, maybe involve them in providing additional services(fishing, holidays, excursions). Since rural tourism involves not only relaxation, but also work, you need to plan in advance what you will offer your guests.

    There is no need to put them on heavy and dirty work without prior agreement. And it is not customary to demand the “norm” from guests. It is best to give them the opportunity to try themselves in the types of work that they choose for themselves. But this requires patience and the ability to teach.

    Rural tourism is a promising direction. Its development does not require huge capital investments at the first stage. You can start with existing resources, and only then build up momentum. At the same time, state registration of such activities is mandatory. It will be necessary to comply with all legal requirements regulating the reception of guests and their stay in the local territory.

    Possibilities of modern travel companies truly limitless. Even at the most extreme short time they are able to send a tourist on a full-fledged trip to anywhere in the world, and by choosing tour according to a person’s personal preferences regarding his own recreation.

    By duration tours can start from several days, most often these are weekend tours, up to a week/two or even longer. Of course, if the client wishes, you can send him on a trip either by plane or by other means of transport, everything again depends on the preferences and requirements of the customer.

    To date the most interesting direction in tourism, these are last-minute trips in October, that is, the sale of full-fledged tourist packages, but at a greatly reduced price. The quality of such a trip is in no way reduced, so there is nothing to fear. It’s just that travel companies and operators don’t have time to sell out all the tickets by date, so they offer tempting offers, looking for a response. As a result, travel package is for sale, and the person is glad for such an affordable vacation.

    Regardless sell out fastest depending on the time of year tours to Europe. This part of the world is simply created for travel, so travel companies vie with each other to offer a variety of excursion, ski and other tours. Based on the season, individual programs and excursions are developed so that the vacationer receives maximum positive emotions. You can see with your own eyes old light, visit countries with unique story and culture, see with your own eyes the sights famous throughout the world. Travel agencies provide full service to their clients; they are aware of all the nuances for obtaining required visas. Professional companies will protect you from possible pitfalls.

    Germany, Croatia, Spain, Italy, Poland, Sweden, Greece, England– in each of these countries there are a large number of amazing corners that impress the imagination. Any state is, first of all, an original way of life that is worthy of being experienced by tourists.

    Almost every Travel Company offers a selection of tours online on its website. Perfect services in a few clicks make it possible to study all the intricacies of this or that tour, showing the pricing policy of a particular travel agency. This visibility allows you to choose the country yourself, without a tedious trip to the office. Many companies also offer registration tours remotely, which makes it even easier to want to relax.

    Your precious time I want to spend it as useful and eventful as possible. That is why it is worth contacting professionals in the world of tourism, whose duty is to ensure best conditions for the trip.


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