Population of Svalyava. Restaurants in the city of Svalyava. Blue Lake. Exposed rocks


Resort Svalyava- the city of Dracula, witches and magical water. On the pages of our portal you can easily find out what you can see in Svaliava, where to go in Svaliava and where you can have a good rest in Svaliava. Learn about interesting places and sights of Svalyava. Holidays in Transcarpathia embodies famous resort Svalyava. The balneological resort of Svalyava is known for its mineral waters, which immediately come out of the ground carbonated. Svalyava resort is the center resort area in Transcarpathia, near Svalyava, there are the Polyana resort and the no less famous Solochyn resort, on the territory of which there are many sanatoriums and recreation centers.

In the west of Ukraine, somewhere between Uzhgorod and Ivano-Frankivsk, on the picturesque slopes of the Carpathians and on the river Latoritsa stands small town Svalyava. The area of ​​Svalyava has been inhabited for 2 thousand years - the remains of a Venedian mound (Vendeds - Proto-Slavs) were found here. And the first chronicle mention of Svalyava dates back to 1264. The name of the city comes from the word “salt” from the very time when Svalyava was the center of salt production in the Maramosh region (did everyone read the last word correctly the first time?)). Over its almost 800 years of history, Svalyava was ruled by Lithuanians, Poles, Russians and Ukrainians, which of course brought some compote to local customs. And at the beginning of the twentieth century, the largest wood chemical plant in Europe was built in Svaliava. Despite the fact that Svalyava was the industrial center of Transcarpathia for about 2 centuries, it was only in 1957 that it received the status of a city.

Now Svalyava, like Mirgorod, Morshyn and Truskavets, it is known throughout Ukraine, and even Europe, balneological resort. You shouldn’t be afraid of such a terrible word, it just means that they are being treated there mineral water.

Well, this is understandable, - you tell me, where are Dracula and the witches? - you ask.

And to see the homeland of the future Count Drakke and the last refuge of witches Western Europe, let's go to Svalyava, it's worth a look! Therefore, we pack our things, take some money, and head to the station - the vampires have been waiting for us for too long. By the way, you should not forget, just in case, to take a couple of aspen stakes with you - you never know. Why do we need “suddenly a vampire, and we are without stakes”?

You can get to Svalyava from Uzhgorod, Ivano-Frankivsk or Mukachevo by minibus or train. Or you can take the train directly to the Svalyava station - that’s up to you.

Sanatoriums boarding houses Svalyava

Svalyava greets us with the rays of the morning sun, and fresh and clean, crystal-like mountain air. Building railway station Svalyava is not large, very neat, miniature and cute. The attraction of this building is the red tile roof, add to this the miniature size and we get a very unusual station. It immediately becomes clear that the trip to Svalyava will be unusual and exciting. However, we need to move on - in sanatorium or boarding house Svalyava. But immediately two problems arise before us: one is pleasant, the other is not so good. The nice thing is that from the station square of the city of Svalyava there is a view of the magnificent sight Transcarpathian region, I’m sure you already guessed what I mean, from here you can clearly see the Carpathian mountain passes covered with snow caps. In a couple of days, this swollen look will no longer attract the eye so much, but now it’s very difficult to tear your eyes away and gather your thoughts. But this is not even a problem, since no one is driving us anywhere in Svalyava. But the second problem is more serious, it turns out that all sanatoriums are boarding houses Svalyava, are not located in Svalyava itself, but outside the city. That is, we find ourselves in a situation where we have to choose a “pig in a poke” because the distance between them is not so small. But this is not as fatal as it seems, we take out the laptop, connect the Internet, go here and figure it out.

Sights of Svalyava
Got it? That's great, now we need to get to our habitat. To do this, we get into a taxi and go. Along the way, it’s worth looking out the window - the landscape of Svalyava is very beautiful and magnificent. On the one hand, these are small private houses, with bizarre shapes and architectural decorations, and on the other, the already familiar Svalyava landmark, the magnificent Carpathians, it seems you can admire them forever, especially in autumn... When the mountain slopes shimmer in all shades from soft yellow to dark red, this beauty cannot be conveyed in words - you need to see it! And here is our boarding house. We settle in, unpack our things, and head to the doctor.

Yes, yes, in Svalyava, as they do in Morshyn and Truskavets, I will treat us. First of all, they will prescribe the necessary baths and certain mineral water - everything is strict here. Have you figured out the procedures? You will have to visit them every day and not miss them, otherwise there will be no effect. In the meantime, let's go for a walk around Svalyava, the main thing is not to forget the aspen colas - they weren't brought in vain.

The first place you should go in Svalyava is the local sight- Town Hall. It is located almost in the very center of the city - we can easily find the road, or we can drive up. In any case, it is worth paying attention to the houses of Svalyava, here you can find anything, from palace houses that compete with each other in the number of turrets, to the ghosts of the Soviet era - an eerie appearance of gray buildings that evoke despondency and sadness. Svalyava is a small town, so our road is quickly coming to an end.

The Town Hall building is a classic example of architecture from the second half of the 18th century, the beginning of the 19th century. Just about the time when the magistrate's buildings ceased to resemble medieval fortresses, however, they could not yet abandon thick walls and half-towers. Svalyava Town Hall is very neat and well maintained, you would never think that the building is more than a hundred years old - the condition is simply perfect.

Right there, in the center of Svalyava, there is another sight of this wonderful city, the Church of the Nativity of the Virgin. The church building is made in beige and sky blue tones and is a prominent representative of Ukrainian Baroque. The temple is crowned with four onion domes with golden crosses on top. An atmosphere of faith and spirituality reigns inside this spiritual heart of Svalyava. Numerous faces of saints, piercing your soul, look straight into your heart. And if faith glimmers there, they will warm you and this warmth will remain with you forever.

The legend of the village of Dragovo
Well, have you received the blessing? It's time to turn to Dracula and the witches. Let's start with the first one. Close to Svalyava, near Khust there is the village of Dragovo; according to legend, it was there that the great-great-great-grandfather of the famous bloodsucker was born. There is still a legend in Svalyava that on the top of Mount Stand there lived a ruler who drank the blood of people. Yes, I just took it and just drank it, like we drink tea. It’s interesting that this is the whole legend, that is, it doesn’t say whether they killed him or not, whether it was Dracula’s ancestor or not? He simply took and simply drank blood - the harsh everyday life of Svalyava. Continuing the theme of Dracula, one cannot help but recall the establishment of the same name in the center of Svalyava - Count Dracula. It’s like a youth center (that’s what it says on the sign) of Svalyava. It's very stylish inside - gloomy walls, skeletons on the ceiling, flying witches and the like. Overall, just great! Witches affected?

As promised, I’ll tell you why Svalyava is called the last refuge of Western witches. The fact is that when the famous “witch hunt” began in Europe, many of these lovely ladies fled to the east and settled in the Carpathians, just near Svalyava. The residents were not against it. How is it with witches? As you are with them, so they are with you. And the residents of Svalyava received them with warmth and care, apparently from innate hospitality (you will experience this hospitality with interest!). Witches turned out to be a very useful thing on the farm - they treated livestock, improved the weather there and other little things, what should I tell you? So, in Svalyava there is a legend that the witches were so touched by the kindness of the local residents that they gave them their magical springs - now mineral water. And there’s no need to look at it like that, yes, that’s exactly what we just drank, nothing bad will happen to us, it will only be beneficial.

This is so wonderful city ​​of Svalyava, is located in the west of our mother Ukraine. You will fall in love with him at first sight, and he will love you back, because even witches are loved here. And the magical water of Svalyava will cure you of all ailments and make you feel like a witch or a witcher.

Svalyava - decoration of Marmaroschina, the historical region of the Carpathians, divided between Ukraine and Romania. The name of the city probably comes from the Slavic word for "salt"- once the Transcarpathian lands actively supplied to the west important "salty" resource. But “Svalyava” is so similar to the Gothic word for “swallow” that it is impossible to resist the comparison.

The city is built around the confluence of the Svalyavka River and Latoritsa. The history of the first settlements is lost in the darkness of centuries - archaeological finds testify that people lived on the banks of Latoritsa back in those ancient times, when humanity was just learning to make fire, and th A modern and revolutionary invention was the wheel. Coins from the time of Emperor Nero were found on the territory of the city.- they hinted to scientists that the Romans had visited this land. In written sources, Svalyava was first mentioned in the 12th century, but we advise you to remember the first owner of the settlement only if you decide to become a specialist in the history of Marmaroshchina. Svalyava changed owners so often! Eventually, the lands became part of the Kingdom of Hungary, and with it became part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

Live in Svaliava from the 17th to early 18th centuries. it wasn't easy at all. First, the Polish magnate Lyubomirsky appeared on the horizon with his army, which devastated this region. Many people died, and those who did not die were forced to flee. The power of the Habsburgs did not bring peace - The liberation struggle began, in which the residents of Svalyava and the surrounding area took direct part. More You can learn about the liberation struggle of 1703-1711 by visiting the Mukachevo “Palanok” castle on an excursion not so much to Svalyava itself.- Exciting details can be found here. And now a spoiler: victory remained with the Habsburgs, who subsequently donated the Transcarpathian lands along with Svalyava to the Schönborns loyal to the crown. Residents were expected to face reprisals- and again many people died. The Schönborn dynasty ruled Svalyava for another two hundred years- and the city finally began to develop as an economic center.

Mineral water

Svalyava mineral waters were known back in the Middle Ages. Due to Hungarian rule they were sent to Muscovy, where waters were highly valued. Later, Messrs. Schönborn did not show much interest in the springs, but since they were economic, they rented out the Svalyavka springs, and when the railway passed through the city - mineral water began to travel throughout Europe, bottled. There is a funny incident connected with water. The cheerful company had a good walk on the banks of Latoritsa s - and ended up pouring the wine directly into the hollow with a mineral spring. But the wine mixed with mineral water turned out to be so tasty that a new drink was born- "frich". That is, wine diluted with mineral water. You can taste good fritsch in Transcarpathia today.

After the war, a factory was built in the city mineral waters, and today in the vicinity of Svalyava there are a lot of springs like “Borjomi”, near which there are many sanatoriums. Coming here for water treatment is useful if you complain of gastritis, pancreatitis, irritable bowel syndrome or even diabetes.

What to see and what to do?

No matter how ancient the city was, wars, uprisings and other disasters did not contribute to the preservation of ancient monuments. But still, Svalyava boasts several interesting buildings that are worth visiting. Firstly, this is the wooden St. Michael's Church - a wonderful example of Lemko architecture dating back to the 16th century. You need to look for her on Bystryanskaya Street, near the cemetery. Once upon a time there was a village called Bystry, but the city swallowed it up. The church still preserves century-old registration books with information about births, baptisms and weddings.

Secondly, there is a Greek Catholic Church of the Nativity Holy Mother of God - V Soviet time it was used as a utility room and art gallery, but with Ukraine gaining independence, the temple was returned to its status.

Let's say you are indifferent to sacred buildings, and you are not interested in viewing temples. What then is there to have fun in Svalyava? Guests of the city are offered excursions to suit every taste. For example, a tour of Transcarpathia by jeep or bicycle - you can arrange either a one-day walk or a long trip. Another extreme entertainment option- rafting on catamarans on a mountain river. A more relaxed entertainment program will consist, for example, of excursions to Transcarpathian cities.

How to get there?

Remember when we said that a railway track was built through the city, which sent Svalyava water to Vienna? The railway will easily take you to Svalyava today. Direct trains depart from Kyiv, Kharkov, Vinnitsa, Lvov, Mukachevo, Uzhgorod - even from Odessa there is one direct train to Svalyava! If the soul does not lie to railway, take one of the buses that will take you to the Carpathian resort from Uzhgorod, Mukachevo, Rakhiv or Ivano-Frankivsk.

Small old town Svalyava– another Ukrainian pearl, lost among mountain peaks and sheltered by dense ancient forests. This is a cozy, quiet and unusually beautiful city, rich in attractions, which has gained great fame thanks to its numerous mineral springs, which give health and beauty to all residents and guests of Svalyava.

The valley formed by the confluence of the mountain rivers Latoritsa and Svalyavka has been known to man since time immemorial. Settlements existed here back in the 1st millennium BC. Throughout its existence, the picturesque, fertile region has given prosperity and longevity to the people who inhabited it. Two thousand years ago these were the ancestors of the Slavs, the Veneds, about a thousand years ago - the Hungarians, who in those days found their homeland. The history of Svalyava, going back centuries, could not help but leave traces. Archaeological sites discovered in the vicinity of the city are several interesting, mysterious and precious finds: Bronze Age monuments and gold jewelry on the northern outskirts, a Wendish burial with weapons, an ancient Hungarian mound - a warrior’s grave, fragments of ancient vessels on the Niva field.

The new history of the then village of Svalyava began in 1236. At first it was part of the Galicia-Volyn principality, then in the Maramorosh župa, from the 13th century it began to belong to the Hungarian kings, and from the 16th century to the princes of Transylvania. After 1711, Svalyava passed to the Polish crown. Such a turbulent fate could not but affect the appearance and culture of a small Transcarpathian town. The legacy of the Hungarians, Poles and other states that owned the city remains forever imprinted in its original cozy streets, small palace houses, and small private houses. Today, not only Ukrainians and Russians live here, but also Slovaks, Hungarians, and Rusyns. Orthodox, Roman Catholic and Greek Catholic denominations are represented in Svaliava. Thanks to this, the town with a population of less than 20 thousand people has several iconic attractions.

Temples and churches of Svalyava are a separate chapter in the history of this amazing city. The most famous among the religious attractions is the ancient wooden St. Michael's Church, built in 1588. This is a monument of wooden architecture, which all residents of the city are proud of, representing a real architectural masterpiece that delights everyone with its originality. Another similar monument can be seen in the vicinity of Svalyava in the village of Uklin - this is the Church of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul of the late 18th century. The Roman Catholic Church also attracts attention late XIX century and the Greek Catholic Church of the Exaltation of the Virgin Mary, built in the 30s of the last century.

Rich in ancient sights, Svalyava has even preserved for curious tourists the remains of an ancient castle of the 9th-14th centuries on the right bank of Latoritsa in the Veretsky Pass area. But all the advantages of a small town do not end there.
One of the most valuable treasures of Svalyava is its mineral springs. According to legend, they were presented to the city in the Middle Ages by witches who fled from Europe during the “witch hunt” and were peacefully accepted local residents. In total, in the vicinity of Svalyava there are more than 100 springs, which make up a third of all sources in Transcarpathia. Mineral waters made holidays in Svalyava popular several centuries ago, and today modern sanatoriums have opened their doors here, which successfully treat a wide range of various diseases. Svalyava is a well-known balneological resort even in Europe, about this

If you want to have a wonderful rest and improve your health, go to Svalyava! The popular balneological resort of Transcarpathia is famous for its healing springs of mineral waters, fabulously beautiful nature and excellent ecology! The site has prepared a guide that will become a kind of guide for tourists. From it you can learn about the sights of Svalyava, the best establishments and hotels of the resort.

A few words about Svalyava

Photo taken from the website: fr.wikipedia.org

Svalyava is a famous balneological resort located on the Latoritsa River in the Transcarpathian region. The small village is comfortably located in a picturesque valley. Svalyava is bordered on all sides by the majestic Carpathian mountains, covered coniferous forests. Svalyava is famous for its mineral springs. There are over a hundred of them in this area.

In the vicinity of the city there are sources of alkaline carbon dioxide waters, reminiscent of Borjomi in their chemical composition. If you climb to the top of Mount Double Head, you can see amazing, stunningly beautiful panoramas. In this area, except for Latoritsa, there are crystal clear waters. mountain rivers Borzhava, Svalyavka, Penya. The healing, sodium bicarbonate waters of Svalyava are prescribed to patients with increased stomach acidity, liver dysfunction and mineral metabolism disorders. They are also recommended for heartburn, a feeling of heaviness in the stomach, obesity and diabetes.

How to get to Svalyava?

Photo taken from the website: andy-travel.com.ua

You can get to Svalyava by train long distance, so commuter trains. IN resort town, possibly without transfers, to get from Kyiv, Odessa, Uzhgorod, Moscow. It is convenient to get there by train: Kharkov-Mukachevo, Kharkov-Uzhgorod, Kyiv-Svalyava, Kyiv-Uzhgorod, Kyiv-Solotvino, Kyiv-Chop, Lvov-Svalyava, Lisichansk-Uzhgorod. Schedule railway transport should be specified in help desk station. From Kyiv to Svalyava the distance is approximately seven hundred and ten kilometers.

You can get to Svalyava by bus or your own car along the Kyiv-Chop highway (E 50, M 06). If you follow from the capital of Ukraine, you will have to pass through the following cities - Zhitomir and Rivne, Lviv and Stryi. A shorter route to Svalyava “lies” through Ternopil. However, the surface of the Ternopil-Stryi road is not of the best quality.

What to see in Svaliava?

St. Michael's Church, Roman Catholic Church of the late 19th century, Greek Catholic Church of the Exaltation of the Virgin Mary, Church of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul, fragments of an ancient castle from the 9th-14th centuries

In Svalyava there is the main religious attraction, an example of Lemko folk architecture - the ancient, original St. Michael's Church, built in 1588 from wood without a single nail. Despite its venerable age, the shrine remains beautiful. The church is currently active. It stores:

  • Church Slavonic literature;
  • books of registration of births, deaths, marriages of local residents.

An architectural masterpiece was erected in the southern part of the village, in a small cemetery. Initially, the temple stood on a hill. But in 1630 it was moved to the place where it is now. The shrine was reconstructed in the 18th century. Decorates the church high tower with elements in Baroque style. The church has an open gallery with columns covered with carvings. The temple gates are characterized by openwork, refined carvings. You can see gilded and painted details on them.

In addition to St. Michael's Church, in Svaliava you can see the Roman Catholic Church of the late 19th century and the Greek Catholic Church of the Exaltation of the Virgin Mary. In the vicinity of Svalyava, in the village of Uklin, there is another masterpiece of wooden architecture - the Church of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul. In the area of ​​the Veretsky Pass you can see fragments of an ancient castle from the 9th-14th centuries (right bank of Latoritsa)

Photo taken from the website: www.logoslovo.ru

At the foot of the mighty, Carpathian mountains, where there was previously a swampy wasteland, there is the Holy Trinity-Cyril and Methodius Convent. In summer, near the shrine you can see well-groomed, blooming flower beds and green lawns. There are also artificial ponds lined with natural stone. The cathedral church, erected in honor of the Holy Trinity, is a cross-domed, single-domed, four-pillar building. It was built in the style of ancient Russian architecture.

IN convent Twenty sisters currently live and work. Its abbess is Abbess Nina (Mizun). Tourists will be able to visit the Church of the Holy Trinity, venerate the shrines of the monastery - the reliquary with the relics of St. John of Shanghai (Maximovich), and pray to the Fedorov Icon of the Mother of God.

Blue Lake. Exposed rocks

Photo taken from the website: tt.org.ua

Not far from the village of Sinyak, in the tract of the same name, on one of the slopes mountain range, there is a picturesque Blue Lake, characterized by an area of ​​​​thirty hectares. Its waters are attributed healing properties. This miracle of nature flaunts at an altitude of six hundred meters above sea level. Scientists suggest that the lake's funnels are volcanic craters.

On the banks of a natural reservoir you can see rock fragments fancy shapes. The natural attractions of Svalyava include pre-glacial blue rocks located under the peak of Mount Bus. They cover an area of ​​thirty hectares.

Photo taken from: commons.wikimedia.org

Martha Margaret Island is located on the Latoritsa River, in the northeast of the city. This place was chosen by fishermen. Here, in the warm season, you can swim and generally have a good time!

Photo taken from the website: nashkray.kiev.ua

In Svaliava there is another unique natural attraction - the Obava Stone - a volcanic crater. He is already twenty million years old! Herbs, shrubs, and blueberries grow in this area.

Photo taken from the website: www.youtube.com

Tourists come here to sit on the edge of the cliff and admire the stunning beautiful scenery, barbecue, enjoy the peace and quiet, and go mountain biking.

Historical, regional museum of Svalyava

Photo taken from the website: ua.igotoworld.com

In 1998, it was opened in Svalyava historical Museum. Currently, it houses one thousand eight hundred and sixty-one exhibits of scientific, educational, exhibition, search, and economic areas. Most of the museum collection was collected by A.F. Yantso. In the museum you can see ancient household items, tools that were used for Agriculture and production of linen (homespun), folk clothing of the late 19th - mid-20th centuries, photographs and publications concerning the history of Svalyava and others settlements Svalyavsky district, interior of a house in the village of Chernik from the second half of the 19th - mid-20th centuries. In the museum you can get acquainted with the history of the region, its spiritual and public figures of the 19th-20th centuries, as well as wooden, religious architecture.

Schedule: from 9:00 to 16:00 from Monday to Friday, lunch break - from 12:00 to 13:00. Saturday - from 9:00 to 12:00, Sunday - closed

Address: Svalyava city, Main street, building 33

Where to eat in Svaliava?

The cozy Bohemiya restaurant offers visitors to taste traditional, Transcarpathian, Hungarian and Czech cuisine. In the establishment you can order coffee to go and try pizza. There is a food delivery service. The restaurant has access to Wi-Fi, and during the season you can have a pleasant time on the summer veranda.

Schedule: from Monday to Sunday from 10:00 to 23:00

Address: Svalyava, Starolubovnyanskaya street, building 4

In Svalyava there is a wonderful, cozy cafe-snack - Fruhstuck by BenSweets Cafe, which is famous for its incredibly delicious desserts and pastries! In the establishment you can order coffee, smoothies, lemonade, all kinds of cakes, pies, parfaits, muffins, tender, apricot tarts, donuts, Laurent pie, pickles, sponge cake with vanilla cream, marshmallows and other goodies.

Schedule: Monday to Saturday - from 9:00 to 19:00

Address: Svalyava, Main street, building 80

You can have a delicious meal in a comfortable environment at the Cameo restaurant. The establishment offers guests to taste delicious dishes of Transcarpathian and European cuisine, which are prepared according to traditional recipes. Visitors can be accommodated in the main hall, which seats sixty people, and a small banquet hall for ten people. The interior of the main hall of the restaurant is characterized by a classic style.

Decorative elements are made of natural dark wood and leather. Guests will enjoy delicate desserts - “the king’s whim”, “fantasy”, “fitness” and wide choose Ukrainian, Georgian, Italian, Spanish wines. In the restaurant you can taste Transcarpathian krucheniki and dumplings, banosh, fruit salad, order stuffed carp and trout, specialties called “cameo”, “Monaco steak”, “royal trout”.

Schedule: from 11:00 to 23:00

Address: Svalyava, Grushevskogo street, building 38

In Svalyava you can have a delicious meal at the Family Cafe. The establishment has a homely atmosphere and friendly staff. Guests can enjoy coffee, ginger-strawberry tea, mojitos, milkshakes, brownies and more.

Schedule: Monday to Friday from 8:00 to 18:00, Saturday - from 8:00 to 16:00, closed on Sunday

Address: Svalyava, Suvorov street, building 41

You can taste original dishes of homemade, Ukrainian and Transcarpathian cuisine in the Elite restaurant, located in the historical and cultural center of Svalyava. The establishment includes a main, spacious hall and two banquet halls. It employs attentive and qualified staff, the best chefs who prepare dishes from natural, environmentally friendly products. The interior of the establishment is decorated in a European, classic style, in soothing colors. In the restaurant you can try real draft beer. Elite offers a wide range of alcoholic drinks. In the restaurant, guests are offered to enjoy signature dishes - a salad called “Elite”, order chowlent, banosh with cheese. During the season there is a summer playground with a fountain and gazebos. Visitors will be able to leave their car in the parking lot.

Address: Svalyava, Main street, building 10

Where to stay in Svaliava?

In Svaliava it is possible to find housing in various price categories - a private estate, a guest house and an apartment. You can choose a recreation center or book a room in a hotel and restaurant complex. We present to your attention the five best options.


The hotel and restaurant complex "Zatyshok" includes six rooms of categories - "double double", "junior suite" and "suite". The hotel price includes breakfast and access to free Wi-Fi. All rooms are decorated in wood, equipped with double beds, wardrobes, mini-refrigerators, safes, plasma TVs and private bathrooms with showers.

Guests will be able to use laundry services, visit a restaurant that serves Ukrainian and Transcarpathian cuisine, a bathhouse, and play billiards. Provided for children playground. Tourists will be able to leave their cars in a parking lot under video surveillance. There are cozy gazebos on the territory of the hotel and restaurant complex. The hotel is four kilometers away from Svalyava. The distance from the hotel and restaurant complex to the city of Mukachevo is thirty-one kilometers, and to Uzhgorod - seventy-one kilometers.

Address: Svalyava, Nelipyno village, Zatyshna street, building 7


In the village of Solochin, which is famous for its mineral water springs, not far from Svalyava, there is a cozy private estate “U Neli”. It has ten rooms. Tourists can stay in a double room, an attic triple room, or book a quadruple or two-room “suite”. On the ground floor of the house there is a kitchen-dining room.

There is a gazebo and parking lot on site. Guests will be able to use free Wi-Fi. You can rent ski equipment at the hotel. The distance from the private estate to the nearest ski lift is four hundred meters.

Address: Svalyava, village Solochin, house 4b


In the village of Solochin, Svalyavsky district, there is a private, three-story estate “U Alina”, which has ten double rooms (five on the second and five on the third floor) with TVs that broadcast cable channels.

The rooms are equipped with individual bathrooms with shower and toilet. Guests will be able to use the kitchens provided on each floor. The hotel has a barbecue free parking for cars. There is access to Wi-Fi. If necessary, you can order a transfer and use the laundry service. The distance from the private estate to the nearest ski lift is three hundred meters.

Address: Svalyava, Solochin, building 250


Rent double rooms with all amenities available in a two-story house or cottage “U Gali”. The private estate was built on the river bank, at the entrance to the picturesque village of Solochin. It has eight rooms. On the ground floor of the houses there are kitchens equipped with all the necessary appliances for cooking.

Guests will be able to relax in the gazebos located on the estate, use the barbecue, and visit the sauna. It is possible to order a transfer to the ski lifts. The nearest one is three hundred meters away. Guests will be able to leave their own cars in the parking lot.

Address: Svalyava, village Solochin, house 3b


At a distance of twelve kilometers from Svalyava, in the village of Pavlovo, there is a guest house “Wild Honey”, which has two floors and is built of natural wood. Twenty people can comfortably live in it.

The hotel has four cozy rooms - two-room and three-room “suites” with free access to Wi-Fi. IN guest house there is a dining room. Guests will be able to visit the Finnish sauna, have a good time in the gazebo, use the barbecue and parking, and play billiards. The distance from the house to the nearest ski lift in the village of Solochin is five kilometers.

Address: Svalyava, Pavlovo village

If you want to have a great time surrounded by amazing beautiful nature and improve your health, go to the resort town of Svalyava! And before your trip, don’t forget to book a good hotel!

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