Where is the glass panoramic platform located? Glass bridges in China. Glass observation decks and trails

In the south of China, another creepy glass bridge has opened over a cliff, along which only the bravest and bravest tourists walk along the cliff to the mountainside rugged with caves.

The bridge, called "Writhing Dragon", which leads to Tianmen Mountain, opened to the public on August 1. The length of the glass path is 100 meters, the width is just over one and a half meters. Tourists can see a truly dizzying view of the valley on the other side of the mountain range. The bridge hangs at an altitude of 1500 meters above the ground. This is the third such bridge on the same mountain. More recently, it was an ordinary wooden path.

This mountainous area is very popular among tourists due to its incredible natural scenery, as well as a relatively new attraction - glass bridges.

The photographs show how the first visitors to the opened bridge carefully walk along the mountain, holding on to the wall, some trying not to look down through the transparent floor and over the railings.

The first glass bridge in the mountains of Zhangjiajie National Forest Park opened in November 2011 and has since attracted tourists who want to experience what it's like to walk on the very edge of the abyss. The glass floor was then only 2.5 inches (6 cm) thick, and visitors were visibly nervous when they stepped on it.

Second glass bridge across the canyon in national park opened in May of this year. It reportedly cost approximately $3.5 million to construct.

For those who want a more intense sensation, here you can bungee jump into the abyss.

Glass bridges are now a popular trend in China. Usually local authorities perceive them as an opportunity to increase the influx of tourists. These ambitious projects typically involve bridges, bluff paths, or observation decks.

Below are the five most popular glass bottom designs in China.

The observation deck with a glass floor is located on the territory of the famous Shilin stone forest, 70 kilometers from Beijing. Its height is 400 meters above the ground, and its area is 415 square meters. It opened in May 2016.

The glass bridge, 300 meters above Zhangjiajie Canyon in Hunan Province, was scheduled to open in July 2016. Its length is 430 meters, height is about 300 meters.

"Hero's Bridge" lies 180 meters above the ground and is located in Shinyuzhai National Park in Hunan Province. It opened last fall.

The 260-meter-long Yuntai Mountain Trail passes at an altitude of more than 1,000 meters above the ground. It was also opened in September 2015.

Glass Observation deck Yunduan is located at an altitude of more than 700 meters above the ground. It opened in the summer of 2015.

Here is a short video about how tourists manage to walk across such bridges. Spoiler alert: they're a little worried.

In May 2016, the world's largest glass observation deck was opened 70 km from Beijing. total area The Pingu platform is 415 m2 and is located at an altitude of 400 m. Moreover, all parts, including the floor and side rails, are made of glass. However, you should not be afraid of such an engineering solution. The platform is built of high strength glass with the addition of titanium alloy. The developers are completely confident in the absolute safety of this attraction.


The glass platform is located on a 400-meter mountain peak and retreats 33 meters from the edge of the cliff. Right under the feet of tourists there is a breathtaking view of the famous Shilin Stone Forest and the Jidong Gorge. The place is truly picturesque: majestic mountains, a fast river, waterfalls. The many steep limestone cliffs resemble a real stone forest. Shilin is even called a wonder of the world. It's hard to believe that this was done by nature.

Thanks to its glass structure and incredible views, Pingu has even been compared to the Skywalk over the Grand Canyon in the United States. The “Heavenly Path” is located at an altitude of 1.2 km, but is extended from the edge by only 20 m and has a smaller area.


The Pingu observation deck is shaped like a closed circle and resembles a UFO. Everyone can walk along the platform and take a closer look local beauties. However, for tourists, the glass floor becomes a test of courage and, in a sense, a cure:

  1. At first, guests experience an adrenaline rush. It’s not easy to see the abyss under your feet. The brain refuses to believe that it is possible to hold on and not fall down. The sensations are compared to a parachute jump.
  2. Then absolute relaxation sets in. A person begins to feel as if he is floating in the air or in zero gravity. The effect relieves stress and nervous tension, which is especially useful for residents of big cities. Even yogis come to the site in search of nirvana. And some visitors simply lie down on the transparent floor for maximum relaxation.

The glass observation deck is never empty. Crowds of tourists walk along it in search of beautiful views, enlightenment or a good angle for a photo. After all, what could be more original than a shot over an abyss.

Acrophobia is the fear of heights. When at altitude, a person suffering from acrophobia experiences nausea and dizziness. Do you feel familiar? If yes, then forget about this attraction. China already has several glass suspension bridges over the abyss and glass walkways along the cliffs. And recently, another transparent glass observation deck appeared, protruding from the edge of the mountain at an altitude of 768 meters above sea level. An extreme terrace near Beijing rises 400 meters above a picturesque valley.

However, crowds of adrenaline junkies know no fear, and the observation deck is already breaking all attendance records. This is the largest platform of this type in the world, which has already become famous throughout the world. Tourists from all over China and beyond come here to admire the unique view and test their willpower.

The Glass Platform is located in the tourist spot of Shilinxia in the Pinggu district near Beijing. Width suspension bridge is 32.8 meters. The length is 11 meters longer than that of a similar structure in the USA - the SkyWalk observation deck in Grand Canyon. On this moment it is the longest observation platform in the world.

The futuristic design fits well into the picturesque gorge - as if a flying saucer had landed here. Stunning views of the mountains and forest are open to brave tourists, but not everyone dares to set foot here. Move around glass floor is not a test for the faint of heart. The glass platform is absolutely safe - it is made of titanium, steel and bulletproof glass that has passed all the necessary tests.

It really can be called a crime if you come here without a camera. Therefore, tourists use every second to take stunning pictures above the abyss. The glass floor and fence give the feeling of flying in the air. It’s worth overcoming yourself and your fears and walking along the circular bridge across the valley, admiring the villages, mountains and forest, and feeling like a part of nature.

Recently in China there has appeared new trend– construction of glass bridges and platforms. These creepy places attract thousands of tourists who want to tickle their nerves.

Just imagine, all-round views of the picturesque landscape open under your feet. It seems as if you are floating above the ground. However, few will feel such euphoria.

Transparent bridge over an abyss or glass platform will cause panic attacks in impressionable people. And although the Chinese consider walking in such places the best cure against acrophobia, experts still recommend refraining from such radical methods of combating the disease. Here, an obsessive fear of heights can develop into an insurmountable panic attack and provoke heart problems.

Do you not suffer from acrophobia and does the transparent bridge over the abyss not cause you fear? Don't flatter yourself! You never know how the brain will react in a given situation. The instinct of self-preservation is very strong, and your eyes see danger. In the photo you can see how people get on all fours, press themselves against the rock, and some are even afraid to walk, so they are dragged by their legs or arms.

However, if you are a fearless extreme sports enthusiast looking for new experiences, the transparent bridge in China is exactly what you need. This type of entertainment is much safer than high-speed racing and skydiving. No risk. But there are a lot of impressions!

3 glass bridges over the cliff of the sheer Tianmen Mountain

The first glass bridge was built here in the fall of 2011. The thickness of the glass is only 6 cm. The second one opened to visitors in May 2016. For particularly daring tourists, bungee jumping into the abyss is offered.

The third transparent bridge on Tianmen Mountain, called “Writhing Dragon,” was built in 2017. The height above the abyss is 1500 meters! The glass path leads to the top of the mountain, meandering around the hill and offering tourists breathtaking views.

Is the transparent bridge in China cracked or not?

Just recently, news spread all over the world that a transparent bridge in China was cracking. One fine day, a crunch of glass was heard under the feet of frightened tourists, and many cracks formed. Videos of the incident immediately appeared online. In fact, the attraction's management planned a similar show.

Special panels were built into the glass bridge, which created a “crackling” effect. Many visitors condemned the park management for this. And rightly so! This should be warned in advance. After all, severe fear can cause a heart attack!

The longest glass bridge in the world made in China

In 1.5 years, the longest transparent bridge in the world was erected over two cliffs in Hebei province, which was included in the Book of Records. A transparent bridge 488 meters long hung over the abyss at an altitude of 250 meters (approximately the level of the 66th floor of the building).

Not only is the glass only 4 cm thick, but this bridge is also slightly wobbly! It should be said that the structure has been tested for strength and meets all safety standards, but the realization that only a few centimeters of glass separates you from the abyss will provide a decent adrenaline rush.

Glass bridge demonstration test

Glass observation decks in China

Not far from Beijing, in the Shilin stone forest, at an altitude of 400 meters, there is an observation deck with a transparent bottom. Another Yunduan glass platform opened in 2015 at an altitude of 750 meters above the ground.

China already has several glass suspension bridges over the abyss and glass walkways along the cliffs. And recently, another transparent glass observation deck appeared, protruding from the edge of the mountain at an altitude of 768 meters above sea level. An extreme terrace near Beijing rises 400 meters above a picturesque valley.

However, crowds of adrenaline junkies know no fear, and the observation deck is already breaking all attendance records. This is the largest platform of this type in the world, which has already become famous throughout the world. Tourists from all over China and beyond come here to admire the unique view and test their willpower.

The Glass Platform is located in the tourist spot of Shilinxia in the Pinggu district near Beijing. The width of the suspension bridge is 32.8 meters. The length is 11 meters longer than a similar design in the USA. It is currently the longest observation platform in the world.

The futuristic design fits well into the picturesque gorge - as if a flying saucer had landed here. Stunning views of the mountains and forest are open to brave tourists, but not everyone dares to set foot here. Navigating a glass floor is not for the faint of heart. The glass platform is absolutely safe - it is made of titanium, steel and bulletproof glass that has passed all the necessary tests.

It really can be called a crime if you come here without a camera. Therefore, tourists use every second to take stunning pictures above the abyss. The glass floor and fence give the feeling of flying in the air. It’s worth overcoming yourself and your fears and walking along the circular bridge across the valley, admiring the villages, mountains and forest, and feeling like a part of nature.

By the way, Acrophobia is the fear of heights. When at altitude, a person suffering from acrophobia experiences nausea and dizziness.


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