Porvoo: attractions and interesting places. Sights of Porvoo, Finland: description, history and interesting facts Porvoo in winter

Finland is an inexhaustible source for weekend tours, and not only from cities close to the border. If you ignore the time spent in line at the border, then some 3 hours, and you are already in Lappeenranta and Imatra - the paradise of St. Petersburg shoplifters. Another couple of hours and you are in the capital of Finland - . But if you're already bored with the noise big city and at home, and you are looking for a small, quiet Europe nearby, then I advise you to turn off the highway a little earlier and turn into Porvoo - one of the most romantic cities in Finland.

You should definitely stay in Porvoo for two days, and ideally, arrive on Friday evening and leave on Sunday evening. Because the city can be conditionally divided into two parts: actually, the center of old Porvoo, with its cozy shops, cafes and narrow streets, and Porvoo sea and forest, with yachts, embankments and country walks.

So, we wake up on Saturday morning in a cozy Finnish hostel, have a home-style breakfast, and go for a walk around the city.

Porvoo has an excellent tourist office www.porvoo.fi/matkailu, on whose website you can download a city guide, which is published annually (including in Russian), or you can get it for free in hotels in the city, in the form of a colorful magazine.

Using this map from the guidebook, step by step, house by house, you can walk around the entire center, sitting in moments of fatigue in a cafe, or simply on benches, of which there are a lot in the city.

The city, by Russian standards, is very small, only 48 thousand inhabitants, and not even half live in the old center. Well, the main attractions, if you follow the route map, are no more than 15. But the city is not named Porvoo by chance. This name comes from the Swedish Borga, meaning “a fortress on a hill with a river flowing under the fortress” (what short and meaningful words the Swedes have =)). And the fortress is no longer here, and the hill has turned into a forest park, but it remains, and not alone. And that’s why, despite the small area of ​​the city, you always have to go up and down, all on cobblestones, and it’s easy to get tired. But we came to rest! Therefore, two days is the most correct decision.

The streets of Valikatu and Jokikatu are the most crowded and touristy. This is where Porvoo's designer shops and shops are located, as well as most of the city's cafes and restaurants.

It should be noted that it is better to combine a shopping trip with a Saturday walk - they close early, and on Sunday they simply do not work. And there is something to see in them, and if not buy, then at least get the idea of ​​coming home and urgently changing something in your everyday life. The Finns seem simple and a little rustic in appearance, but they are very sincere, and their houses are always decorated with taste and love. Happiness is in the little things.

Love for home begins in childhood, and is cultivated with children’s toys like those in the shop on Valikatu Street. You won’t pass by; at the entrance there is a throne with a crown, inviting everyone, at least for a minute, to become a fairy-tale prince or princess. An unimaginable number of items for doll houses are sold here. From furniture to miniature food products. Ships with lighthouses and sailors. You can build your own fairy tale, some toys are the size of a fingernail! In addition, the store has a lot of wooden toys for development, for younger children, and wooden sabers, horses and pistols, for older boys.

Before Stockmann appeared in Helsinki, in Porvoo, the Simolin family opened a department store, which to this day operates and is the oldest in the country (also closed on Sundays).

The center of the old city has always been Town Hall Square. Nowadays the city museum is located in the town hall building. The Town Hall, like the Cathedral, are the dominant features of the city and recognizable postcard silhouettes.

In the photo: Christmas Porvoo and Products of the Porvoo confectionery factory Brunberg - marshmallows in chocolate “Negro's Kiss” (strawberry)

To this small town (historical details about it in the story "Mrs. Northern lights- Finland") the Finns themselves are coming - “for the Christmas mood. Or rather, pre-Christmas. Since it is the pre-Christmas time that is densely filled with various pleasant holiday events: the coronation of Porvovo Saint Lucia (13th), the Christmas market (Saturday and Sunday before Christmas), the Ceremony of the Proclamation of Christmas Peace before Cathedral.
Christmas historical part of Porvoo- lovely, charming, gentle, cheerful, fiery. It warms you with hot glöggi, treats you with fragrant pastries, lures you with the windows of tiny shops, pleases your eyes with lit garlands on Christmas trees and streets, smiles with arranged Yolupuks)) and is jostled by crowds of tourists. In general, it covers you with a fairy tale.

It’s a pity that the temperature is not winter - +2

Such sheaves are bird feeders

Streets of winter Porvoo, Christmas goat

Cheerful colors dilute the cloudiness of the day, the eyes rejoice

Miracle windows

Be sure to stop by to the historic small tea and coffee shop “Helmi”(www.cafehelmi.net). They say that Emperor Alexander I himself (the same Finnish benefactor who granted Finland the status of a state at the Diet convened in Porvoo) came here to drink tea and coffee with delicious cakes. All the walls of this cafe are covered with dynastic photographs of Russian tsars and emperors. And one more very interesting detail: On the old piano in the corner there is a photograph of the fire in the Cathedral. It happened several years ago. So, the photo is inserted into a frame that is burnt in one corner.

The famous Helmi cafe, where Alexander I drank coffee

On the walls of the cafe there is a photo history of the entire Russian dynasty

The photo shows a fire. Porvoo Cathedral is on fire. And the upper right burnt corner of the photo frame enhances the impression

In a cafe-bar right next to the road bridge “Porvoon Paahtimo” sells the best coffee beans in all of Finland (!). The house in which it is located has a very interesting facade - old dark brick with shutters on the windows. This is a former warehouse. Of course, the coffee itself can be tested, although in winter only inside (and in summer, on a barge moored nearby). As a coffee fanatic, I declare that the most delicious and aromatic coffee is not ground, but in beans. I didn't like the coffee with additives very much. (Coffee bags are on a high display case near the bar. When receiving the packs you have chosen, the barmaid may ask you something in Finnish. She's just asking if you'd like to grind it. Decide for yourself.)

In an old warehouse on the river there is a cafe that sells the most delicious coffee in all of Finland.

Leaning over the bridge I took a picture

We buy chocolate souvenirs in a shop from the famous Brunberg factory (www.brunberg.fi), founded in the early 19th century. in Porvoo. I'll be honest, I'm a fan of him. Minttu Tryffeli(mint truffles) and Mocca Tryffeli(coffee truffles). And generally speaking, Brunberg is a worthy rival to Fazer. Although you should look for his chocolates in Helsinki stores. I buy them at R-Kiosks. Very tasty marmalade. And a must buy - “Kiss of the Negro” silt and more cosmopolitan "Chocolate Kiss"- red boxes with chocolate-covered marshmallow soufflé (3 flavors: strawberry, coffee, banana).

The famous Brunberg confectionery store in Porvoo

Blackcurrant glöggi from Porvoo and strawberry marshmallows "Negro's Kiss"

You can, of course, buy souvenirs and something more substantial in Porvoo. The only thing that bothers me is cold water The price tag on the woolen blanket with deer worked. 69€. A day ago I saw exactly the same one in the Antilla grocery store for 29 €. Porvoo is a tourist business, don’t forget about it.
I repeat that one of the most beautifully unusual souvenirs is "Iris" .

The main and obligatory souvenir of the city is the “Porvoon Mitta” measuring cup. It has a tricky bottom that divides the volume into two unequal parts: large and smaller (the mug turns over on both sides). The tax collector (Mitta) was the first to measure taxes from the people, and the second to give them to the royal treasury. I kept the difference (Finnish kickback) for myself.

In winter, don’t forget to slide down the Devil’s Steps on your heels ( see the route around the city, take a booklet with a map walking can/should be Tourist Office on Rihkamakatu 4, there is a translation into Russian).

Funny figures (children's photo frames) at the entrance to a toy store

Merry Moomin Christmas! The table is set, and the Moomins go to play in the snow

Christmas and New Year are special holidays, magical not only for children, but also for adults: some are waiting for gifts, others are waiting for happy changes in the New Year. Old City Porvoo is perhaps one of the most best places to see with your own eyes the Christmas traditions of Europe and meet New Year in a fabulous atmosphere.

Christmas and New Year in fabulous Porvoo. Photo: flickr.com

Picturesquely decorated shop windows, the light of torches in the ancient streets and cobbled squares, the sounds of Christmas songs and the aroma of glög from different parts of the Old Town attract tourists from all over the world to celebrate Christmas and New Year here.

The special aura of the Middle Ages, which the residents of Porvoo managed to preserve, the 14th-century architecture, squares and narrow winding streets already take us into a fairy tale. And the Christmas decorations add a special flavor to a New Year's trip to this city: this holiday in Porvoo will be different from all previous and subsequent ones.

In Finland, as throughout Europe, the main holiday is Christmas, not New Year. Christmas is usually celebrated with family, at home. Therefore, on the night of December 24-25, you will not see mass celebrations on the streets of Porvoo. But, as you know, the main thing in the holiday is not even the holiday itself, but its anticipation: all the townspeople are involved in preparing for Christmas, and the Christmas atmosphere on the streets of the city can be felt already in November.

According to tradition, in November, the city, as well as throughout Finland, solemnly opens the Christmas season: Christmas lights are lit on the streets, Joulupukki arrives, with whom everyone sings Christmas carols, and cheerful, active trading at fairs begins. The city will announce a competition for the best window display design. Shopping centers, like hundreds of small shops, will turn on the holiday lights and the city will “put on” its festive “outfit.”

The tradition of opening Christmas is observed in all cities. But it is in Porvoo that the season opens twice: in the city center and in the Old Town.

Opening of the season in the city center

The Christmas season in Porvoo will open on November 19th. On this day, you definitely need to get out with your children to the city center - to Lundinaukio Square. The first meeting with Finnish Grandfather Frost - Joulupukki. And not only with him, but also with his wife! The fairy-tale couple will arrive at the square surrounded cheerful gnomes who will play with the guests of the holiday. The festival program on Lundinaukio Square (in front of the Lundi department store) will look like this:

  • From 10.00 there will be Christmas music, children will ride a pony (2 euros) and meet cute animals that you can pet. While waiting for Joulupukki, the audience will be entertained by cheerful gnomes.
  • At 11.00 Joulupukki arrives with his wife and assistants. Everyone will sing Christmas songs and play together. The program is prepared by the City and Children's Theaters of Porvoo.
  • From 12 to 13.30 you can chat with Joulupukki in the lobby of the Lundi department store, after which grandfather will go to the Art Factory, where he will stay until 16.00. You can follow him to Läntinen Aleksanterinkatu 1.

At the Art Factory (Läntinen Aleksanterinkatu 1):

  • From 12.00 to 15.00, festive balloons will be distributed to everyone in the shopping arcade.
  • From 13.00 to 16.00 magician Timo Taikuri will perform tricks.
  • From 14.30 to 16.00 – you can chat with Joulupukki and take a selfie in the Art Factory lobby.

On the same day, from 10.00 to 14.00, a Christmas market will be held in the Old Fire Station building at Kirkkokatu 2, where you can buy holiday souvenirs, treats, and hand-made crafts that will become a stylish home decoration or a gift for friends.

During the Christmas season in Porvoo, additional parking lots are opened for motorists on Rauhankatu Square. They will be open from November 19 to December 31 on weekdays from 8 to 21.00, on Saturdays and Sundays from 8 to 18.00. Parking is paid, 2 euros.

Free parking will be available on Saturdays – November 19, November 26, December 3, December 10, December 17, December 24, December 31.

Year-round free parking you will find it in the square near the old cathedral, on Kaivokatu, Kokonniementie and Papinkatu streets.

Opening of the season in the old town

The second opening ceremony of the Christmas season will take place exactly a week later - November 26th. This time the events will take place on Town Hall Square.

The residents of Porvoo themselves call the event on Town Hall Square “the hit of the season.” Joulupukki and the gnomes arrive at the ancient square illuminated by torches. Here, Christmas songs and hymns, round dances and dances await holiday guests.

The festive program starts at 15.00.

Christmas is getting closer: fairs, excursions and music

The closer this holiday, beloved by Europeans, comes, the more active life is in Porvoo. In December, Christmas markets open in different areas of the city. So, for pleasant shopping and souvenirs, you can visit the same Art Factory (Läntinen Aleksanterinkatu 1) - here the fair will last from December 9 to 11.

In the Old Town, from December 10 to 11, from 10.00 to 16.00, festive trade will also unfold - come to Town Hall Square.

And on December 18, you can find yourself at a fair on the Pellinki archipelago. The tradition of the fair in the archipelago, 30 km from Porvoo, is not so long - it began to be organized here in 2010. However, it’s worth going here to get not only gifts for the New Year, local delicacies and products for the holiday table, but also vivid impressions: trade and fun take place surrounded by the sea.

The sea has always been the main breadwinner for the inhabitants of the archipelago: for many centuries they have lived by fishing and building boats. Also, these places have become a source of inspiration for artists and writers. In the fall of 2010, the administration of the archipelago and the trade association came up with the idea of ​​organizing annual Christmas markets called Skärgårdsjul according to ancient traditions. The holiday has a family character - both adults and children are welcome here.

In addition to fairs, music will, of course, contribute to the Christmas mood. The Cathedral (Kirkkotori, 1) will host free concerts performed by Finnish musicians and singers. Thus, on November 27 there will be a concert by the Finnish Baroque Orchestra, on December 15 you can hear Bach cantatas, on December 16 and 21 – Christmas concerts by the orchestra from Oulu. Christmas notes will lift the spirits of guests to the vaults of the majestic Cathedral - and what is a holiday without a special mood?

The coming Christmas can also be celebrated at the Porvoo City Museum, where holidays There will be Christmas exhibitions. From December 14 to January 8, admission to the exhibitions is free. For example, in the Merchant's House of the Hill (Välikatu 11) you can find yourself in the atmosphere of Christmas in the 18th century. The house will be decorated in the traditions of the wealthy family of the merchant Holm: guests are greeted by a Christmas tree, antique dishes on the festive table, elegant decoration of rooms and halls. The exhibition will tell about the traditions of celebrating Christmas in the Holm family.

December 13 in countries Northern Europe celebrate Saint Lucia's Day. Finland is no exception. Back in November, the search for a suitable Lucia begins, and on December 13, the coronation takes place: the girl chosen for the role of Lucia is dressed in a white dress (a symbol of innocence) with a red belt (a symbol of martyrdom), in the main cathedral of Helsinki, a wreath with burning candles is placed on her, and the a procession with mummers through the streets of Helsinki.

Christian tradition connects the essence of the holiday with the story of the martyr from Syracuse - Saint Lucia, blinded and killed for her faith in Christ. But there is a legend that in medieval times there lived Lucia, the wife of a Swedish fisherman. One day her husband went to sea, but a storm broke out. The evil spirit that walked the Earth that night extinguished the lighthouse, and then Lucia came to high rock with a lantern to light the way to the pier. The devils got angry, attacked the girl and cut off her head. But even after death, her ghost stood on the rock with a lantern.

Porvoo has adopted this tradition in miniature: in November the townspeople vote for a suitable candidate for the role of Lucia, and on December 13 you can watch the ceremonial coronation of Lucia on the porch of the Old Town Hall. This event will take place in the evening at 18.00. Address of the Old Town Hall: Raatihuoneentori square.

Christmas Eve. Proclamation of Christmas Peace

Proclamation of Christmas Peace - old tradition, originating in the Middle Ages and surviving in Finland to this day. According to Porvoo guide Anna Vasilyeva, the main proclamation ceremony takes place in Turku, and in Porvoo it takes on a local scale. A representative of the Porvoo City Administration from the porch of the Old Town Hall in two languages ​​- Swedish and Finnish - officially declares Christmas peace so that the holidays can be calm and blissful. The text that will be read is ancient, preserved from the Middle Ages. Here is its content:

Tomorrow, God willing, will come the blessed birth of our Lord and Savior; and we hereby declare universal Christmas peace, calling on everyone to spend this holiday with due reverence, quietly and peacefully, for whoever disturbs this peace and disturbs the Christmas holiday by any lawless or inappropriate behavior, with aggravating circumstances, will be subject to the punishment that the law and decrees for each crime and violation are specifically decreed.

There are no treats or round dances on this day. But the coronation scene beautiful girl with a wreath of candles, the ancient tradition and Christmas carols that will be played during the ceremony are worth a look.

New Year

New Year, like Christmas, is not usually celebrated in Finland on a grand scale and with folk festivities. However, a great way to spend the old year in an unconventional way and welcome the new one would be a walk through old Porvoo, which resembles a fairy tale: the red barns on the banks of Porvonjoki against the backdrop of white snow look brighter than usual, and the cobbled streets flashing with multi-colored illumination create a festive mood in themselves. Almost every cafe prepares glög during the Christmas season - a hot aromatic alcoholic drink, a Scandinavian version of mulled wine. In the Old Town you will find kiosks specially set up for the holiday, where glög is poured.

Glög (Finnish Glögi, Swedish Glögg) is a hot drink made from red wine with spices, common during the Christmas period in Finland, Sweden and Estonia. The drink appeared in Sweden and Finland during the late Middle Ages, when cinnamon, cardamom, cloves and orange peels began to be added to low-quality wine. In the 16th-17th centuries, wine flavored with honey and spices was heated and used as a warming drink during the cold season. The original name of the drink was “hippokras”, and the drink received the name “glög” in Sweden at the end of the 18th century. Since 1933 in Finland, ready-made glög began to be sold in Alko stores.

Shopping in Porvoo is pleasant: interesting shops are concentrated in the picturesque Old Town on Jokikatu and Välikatu streets, and while admiring its festive decorations, you can do some shopping at the same time. Within a few blocks there are dozens of boutiques selling products self made, local design, chocolate from local producers, as well as a large selection of souvenirs, clothing, interior items and home decorations.

However, it is worth remembering that during the Christmas holidays, stores operate under special hours. Despite the fact that Finnish President Sauli Niinistö issued a decree allowing stores to open on holidays, not everyone is in a hurry to follow it. Please note the holiday store opening hours:

  • 12/06/2016 (Tuesday) Finnish Independence Day (Itsenäisyyspäivä) STORES CLOSED;
  • 12/24/2016 (Saturday) Christmas Eve (Jouluaatto) Shops are open until 12:00;
  • 12/25/2016 (Sunday) Christmas (Joulu) STORES CLOSED;
  • 12/26/2016 (Monday) Second Day of Christmas (Toinen joulupäivä) STORES CLOSED;
  • 12/31/2016 (Saturday) New Year's Eve (Uudenvuodenaatto) Shops are open until 18:00;
  • 01/01/2017 (Sunday) New Year (Uudenvuodenpäivä) STORES CLOSED;
  • 01/06/2017 (Friday) Epiphany (Loppiainen) STORES CLOSED.

Don't forget that on December 27, after Christmas, Christmas sales officially begin in Finnish stores! Discounts can reach 50-70%, so don’t waste time combining business with pleasure. Enjoy the winter holidays in fabulous Porvoo!

The climate varies greatly from season to season and you need to choose your travel time. The weather in Porvoo varies from month to month, because... it is very far from the equator. Cool average annual temperature ambient temperature during the day is +8.8°C, and at night +5.4°C. This is a city in Finland. Below is the climate and weather in Porvoo in winter, spring, summer and autumn.

The best months to travel

High season in Porvoo in July, August, June with excellent weather +16.2°C...+21.4°C. During this period, the city receives the least amount of rain, approximately 2 days per month, with 44.1 to 53.3 mm of precipitation falling. The number of clear days is from 16 to 20 days. The monthly climate and temperature in Porvoo are calculated based on recent years.

Air temperature in Porvoo by month

The warmest weather in Porvoo by month and in Finland in general is in June, August, July up to 21.4°C. At the same time, the lowest ambient temperatures are observed in January, December, February down to -2.8°C. For lovers of night walks, the indicators range from -4.5°C to 16.8°C.

Number of rainy days and precipitation

The rainiest periods are October, September, August when there is bad weather for 5 days, up to 53.3 mm of precipitation falls. For those who do not like humidity, we recommend May, November, December during this period, the average monthly rainfall is only 2 days and the monthly precipitation rate is 28.3mm.

Rest comfort rating

The rating of climate and weather in Porvoo is calculated by month taking into account average temperature air, amount of rain and other indicators. Over the course of a year in Porvoo, the score ranges from 1.7 in February to 5.0 in July, out of five possible.

Climate summary

Month Temperature
air during the day
air at night
Rainy days
January -2.8°C -4.5°C 3 3 days (42.3mm)
February -0.7°C -3.8°C 3 2 days (34.3mm)
March +2.2°C -1°C 7 2 days (28.3mm)
April +8.4°C +3.2°C 8 3 days (37.3mm)
May +14.2°C +9.5°C 14 2 days (29.7mm)
June +16.2°C +11°C 16 3 days (45.4mm)
July +21.4°C +16.8°C 20 2 days (44.1mm)
August +21.2°C +16.2°C 18 5 days (53.3mm)
September +13.2°C +9.8°C 13 5 days (49.1mm)
October +7.8°C +5.2°C 9 4 days (36.1mm)
November +5.6°C +4.5°C 5 2 days (45.3mm)
December -1.3°C -2°C 5 2 days (48.8mm)

Number of sunny days

The greatest number of sunny days is observed in June, August, July when there are 20 clear days. These months have excellent weather in Porvoo for walks and excursions. The least sun is in January, February, November when the minimum number of clear days is: 3.

Finland is truly a unique region to visit. Everything here breathes comfort and harmony. To experience the subtle charm of these places, an inexperienced tourist should definitely visit Porvoo - one of the most welcoming corners of the country of Suomi, as the Finns themselves call it.

Founded almost 800 years ago, Porvoo is conveniently located 50 kilometers east of Helsinki, on the banks of the Porvoonjoki River. Its proximity to the capital makes it, on the one hand, modern and dynamic, and its centuries-old history, on the other hand, gives the city landscape a measured and unique atmosphere.

Being the second oldest cultural center in Finland after Turku, Porvoo has inspired many famous Finns: poets and artists lived and worked here, the most famous of whom is Johan Ludwig Runeberg, author of the Finnish anthem.

This article will introduce the reader to a list of attractions recommended for visiting during a trip to Porvoo, the main of which are:

Even from a distance you can see the cityscape of Porvoo with its signature red houses, which were once port barns. They are an integral part of the national city park, which stretches tens of kilometers south of the city - right to the point where Porvoonjoki flows into the Gulf of Finland.

Be sure to take a walk along the protected paths of the park and enjoy the picturesque views of Finnish nature. The park is good at any time of the year: in winter you can ski and fish here, and in summer you can go cycling and trekking.

The Old Town is a real museum under open air in the center of Porvoo. Walking along the cobblestone streets, visitors to the city can admire the architecture of the residential areas of Old Porvoo, which appeared here back in the 18th century.

Almost every building in the Old Town is historical monument And cultural site– there are many museums, memorial apartments, old shops.

Once in Old Porvoo, be sure to look into the town hall building and the house - museum of the merchant Holm, located nearby. The museum's exhibition recreates the life of a Finnish merchant family, which formed the basis of Finnish society in the past.

Along with the red buildings of former trading warehouses located along the shore of Porvoonjoki, business card the city is the Cathedral, located in the very center of the Old Town. This is one of the most famous and oldest buildings in Porvoo.

The cathedral was built in the 15th century in honor of the Virgin Mary and since then has witnessed a considerable number of significant historical events. It was here that in 1809 the Borgo Diet was held with the participation of the Russian Emperor Alexander I, at which the autonomy of the Grand Duchy of Finland was proclaimed.

The original cathedral was made of wood, in the classical gothic style, however, it was repeatedly subjected to fires and was soon rebuilt from stone. The last time the cathedral burned under mysterious circumstances was in 2006, after which it was restored and reopened to the public.

The cathedral is currently a functioning Lutheran church, but anyone can appreciate its decoration. The sounds of organ music will completely and irrevocably immerse you in the atmosphere of medieval Europe.

Location: Kirkkotori - 1.

It is symbolic that next to the Cathedral there is the Devil's Staircase - one of the attractions of Porvoo, created by nature itself. It features rock formations characteristic of Finland, similar to stairs, connecting parts of the Old Town. According to legend, the Devil himself built the Staircase, which formed the basis of its name.

Porvoo and its surroundings played a significant role in the work of the national Finnish poet Johan Ludwig Runeberg. Rightly called the “singer of Finnish nature,” Runeberg was inspired by the picturesque landscapes of Porvoo, where he spent most of his life.

Porvoo cherishes the memory of the poet. Built in the 60s of the 19th century, the poet’s house currently functions as a museum. This object is very noteworthy for tourists.

What is surprising is that everything in the interior of the house has been preserved as it was during the poet’s lifetime. Even indoor plants are in their place! Walking through the few rooms of the house, you can observe many memorial things of the poet and feel the very atmosphere of the mid-19th century.

Such intimate museums dedicated to the life and work of famous compatriots are typical of Finland. If you have been lucky enough to visit the house of Jean Sibelius in Hämeenlinna or the music museum in Turku, you will definitely appreciate the beauty of the Runeberg house.

Location: Aleksanterinkatu - 3.

The Orthodox Church is not the most accessible place to visit in Porvoo, because it is 2.5 kilometers away from the Old Town and is located next to the city cemetery, but you should not deprive it of attention.

The austere decoration of the church, its slender appearance, as well as the nearby park with majestic pine trees set you in a spiritual mood and pacify you.

The church was built relatively recently - in 1989, but has already become an important landmark of the city.

Location: Vanha Helsingintie - 2.

Town Hall Square attracts tourists with numerous fairs, city festivals, and an abundance of cafes and souvenir shops.

In the center of the square you will find old town hall Porvoo was built in 1764 and currently houses the city museum and art gallery.

Lovers of sea romance should definitely visit the Söderskär lighthouse, located on island of the same name V Gulf of Finland, where the ferry from Helsinki goes three times a week. The lighthouse is already 150 years old, but it has been preserved in its original form.

The lighthouse is located in a protected area inhabited by rare animals and birds, so landing on the island is permitted only for guided tours. Here you can not only admire the seascapes of Finland, but also have a cup of coffee in a cozy cafe, spend the night in hotel room ancient type and visit a real Finnish sauna.

Castle Hill contains echoes of the history of the ancient Porvoo Castle, built by the Swedes in the 13th century and destroyed at the beginning of the 15th century. Rising above the banks of the Porvoonjoki River, Great Castle Hill is the best preserved medieval hill in all of Finland. Archaeologists continue to find ancient artifacts here to this day, which is why the hill is protected by the state.

From the top of the hill there is a magnificent view of Porvoo, hiking walking around its territory will be a complete pleasure.

Brünberg Confectionery Factory (Brünberg)

The well-known Willy Wonka would never forgive you if, when you arrive in Porvoo, you do not visit the Brunberg confectionery factory and its company store. Situated on the outskirts of the city, Brünberg attracts visitors like a magnet with the subtle smell of gourmet chocolate.

Both at the factory and in the store, tourists will be treated to all sorts of sweets: there are all types of chocolate, truffles, pralines, toffees, nougat - there are simply too many treats to count! There is also a traditional Finnish passion for licorice – sweets with this flavor are also held in high esteem here.

For the convenience of visitors who are ready to lose their minds from such abundance, all product descriptions are compiled in six languages.

Location: Teollisuustie - 19B.

Finland is rightfully famous for its gastronomic delights local cuisine: Here they focus on natural food of natural origin. Porvoo is home to one of the largest and most famous organic farms, Bosgård. By visiting it, you can not only see with your own eyes how farming is carried out, but also taste local delicacies.

Location: Bosgaardintie - 67.

Lovers of social life will like it Cultural Center Taidetehdas, located near the Old Town. Previously an industrial building of a tractor factory, today Taidetehdas opens its doors to art lovers: exhibitions, concerts, performances, conferences and other significant events are regularly held here.

Location: Läntinen Aleksanterinkatu - 1.

The whole list of places in Porvoo, worthy of attention, truly inexhaustible. The most picturesque region of Finland is good for visiting at any time of the year and in any weather. Come and see it for yourself!


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