Cool names for ask. Nicknames for girls for ICQ are beautiful. English nicknames with translation

Kovshov disappeared, but the shovels were soon brought to us on carts. Bread and terry were also delivered on a handcar, but there was no need to try hot food that night.
The Ural soil that we had to dig that night was stony, and our trenches were not very deep. But the early sun, rising from behind the red pines, found us already in the trenches. The red sun and red trunks of pine trees at dawn - it was all familiar from childhood... We ate bread, snacking on sugar. Suddenly, our platoon commander ran through the trenches, bending down:
- Get ready, the Czechs are coming, the Czechs... the Czechs...
Ahead everything was quiet, at the foot of the gloomy green hills everything was motionless, and no matter how we stared, we still saw nothing. Suddenly shooting rang out and bullets flew. Hiding behind the mounds built in front of the trenches, we responded without sparing cartridges, fortunately there were enough of them. We shot without seeing anything in front of us. And this shooting, although discordant, but fierce, led to the goal - the White Czechs retreated, and soon there was an order to stop shooting.
On this day, the White Czechs retreated from Zlatoust and went to Miass.
Is it a coincidence that the White Czechs, having captured the entire railway line from Simbirsk to Vladivostok, were unable to capture Zlatoust and other factories located between Zlatoust and Ufa? Looking back, I think it couldn't have been an accident. Despite some petty-bourgeois vacillations to which the Zlatoust workers were subject at that time, when they saw that power could return to the bourgeoisie, class reason prevailed, and they helped the Bolsheviks, with arms in hand, defend Soviet power in their city.
When you now read the numerous speeches of the Ural Red Guards and partisans, it is clear that in other workers' centers of the Urals the situation was approximately the same as in Zlatoust. The situation in the country was difficult, but the working masses generally correctly understood where friends were and where enemies were. In places like Minyar, Asha and the Epiphany Plant, and throughout the working-class Urals, the White Czechs encountered resistance and the desire of the workers to defend their power.
It was a difficult time. Chrysostom found himself in a state of siege. Fronts from two sides - from Chelyabinsk, and then from Ufa. Communication with Yekaterinburg, which was then correctly called the capital of the proletarian Urals, was maintained through the Western Ural railway line. Through Zlatoust, communication was carried out with units of the South Ural Front, commanded by Blucher. Fulfilling a military assignment, our old comrade Mikhail Golubykh left there, to Blucher, some time after the start of the uprising.
Every day the situation became more and more difficult. White Guard gangs roamed the remote wooded mountains of the Zlatoust district and sometimes seized power in the volost villages, and even in some factories. It happened more than once when I was on duty at the telegraph office, the machine suddenly began to knock, and the telegraph operator received a telegram with approximately the following content:
“Bolshevik rapists! Leave Chrysostom on good terms, otherwise we will drive you away by force!” Signature: “People's Power Committee of such and such a volost.”
This meant that the kulak-SR gang had captured the village. The next morning a platoon of a communist company went there, and shortest time The bandits were kicked out of the village.
After night duty or a company commander’s campaign, we returned to the newspaper’s editorial office and published the next issue. Sometimes during work, when for some reason the hum of voices died down in the editorial office and carts did not rattle on the pavement past the windows, you could hear artillery fire coming from the front.
The front, which until June 18 took place in Turgoyak and Miass, in the dear places of my childhood, has now moved twelve to fifteen miles to Zlatoust. Now it passed somewhere near Topoz and Urzhumka, along the Greater Urals, where geographical boundary between Europe and Asia. And it became creepy, my heart beat faster. But at such moments, curses were written with particular fervor against international imperialism and bloodthirsty capital.

Today we cannot imagine life without the Internet. Some spend their working hours here, some relax, some are not offline at all for days. Regardless of who does what, we are all connected in one way or another with the Internet, and more than half of humanity occupy themselves by sitting in in social networks. It doesn’t matter which ones, now they simply exist great amount. Young people are disappearing on VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, ICQ and many other similar portals. But what connects them all is that they need a nickname or login everywhere.

Which login is better to choose?

Each of us does not like to be like the others, so we are constantly trying to stand out in some way. On social media networks or media, this can be done perfectly using your nickname or login. We will tell you how to name yourself in the world in order to be different from others.

In any case, it should be a name that is close to you, so that it does not hurt your ears and irritate you. Your nickname should make you happy when people use it to contact you.

It must be remembered that a pseudonym or nickname performs a certain function of a mask on the Internet. That’s why you’re wondering how you can call yourself VKontakte, because even on a subconscious level you don’t want to offend yourself. By the way, the attitude of your interlocutors towards you also depends on the choice of your nickname.

There are some instructions that will tell you how to name yourself beautifully so that your nickname reflects some of your essence.

  • You need to choose the trait in yourself that you value most (it can be anything - eye color, hair, height, chest size, legs, ears, eyelashes, as well as kindness, hard work, love of flowers, technology, or everything else, whatever comes to mind), form an adjective from this word.
  • Translate it into any language. If you don’t know the translation, then find the one you like in the dictionary or on the Internet (English, Japanese, Chinese, Arabic, etc.) Then write this word in Latin or in the original language.
  • Instead of a character trait or appearance, you can use the name of a fish, animal or plant, as well as the name of a planet or star (cat, catfish, Venus, flower, tree, mongoose, etc.). Find the translation of this word.
  • Check the uniqueness of the nickname, if everything is in order, then leave it. If there are problems, try searching again.

How to call yourself in ask

In the ask, diminutive names always predominate, such as kisyulichka, manyunichka, garnyusik, etc. There are also those who like to simply interpret their names. From Marina - Marinusik, from Christina - Kristisha, from Anya - Nyuta, from Tamara - Tomik. You can carry out exactly the same interpretation with your name, just think carefully so that it sounds beautiful and does not have any hint of ridicule.

How to name yourself on Twitter

On Twitter, many people refer to themselves simply by their first and last names to make it easier for mutual friends to find them. But, of course, if you want to be original, then you can dream up. You can take several letters from your first name, last name or patronymic, and connect them in a chaotic order (For example: Maksinishina Ekaterina Valerievna - MaxiKet. Marchenko Irina Eduardovna - Marietta, Kuzmenko Stanislav Leonidovich - KUZSTALEO or something like that, depending on your data).

Now you know how to name yourself on social networks in order to be original and unique. This will allow you to be remembered by your friends when communicating and playing games. In addition, a special nickname attracts the attention of the opposite sex or cheers everyone up! We wish you good luck, don’t be afraid to imagine and be original!

Nicknames and logins for similar categories:

Nicknames for Skype (506 pcs.)
Nicknames for tweeter (689 pcs.)

How to come up with a nickname for Aska

Unlike a passport name, we usually choose our nickname ourselves and can very easily change it if we don’t like something about it. A nickname says much more about its owner than the name your parents gave you. This business card internaut - the more interesting the nickname in ICQ, the more a person will be liked in the virtual space.

There are several basic ways to come up with a nickname on ICQ. Firstly, you can use your real name and make a creative abbreviation out of it. For example, Ivanov Sidor can turn into the romantic Ivsidor. You can use only initials, or you can split your full name into parts in every possible way and arrange them at your discretion.

Secondly, your nickname can reflect your interests and hobbies. Name of a character from a book, movie, or computer game, taken as a virtual nickname, will immediately help you find like-minded people. Just be original and add some epithet to the name of your favorite character - it’s better to be the only Legolas the Wise than the hundred thousandth Legolas.

Thirdly, you can use your school nickname or a diminutive form of the real name that your family and friends call you.

And finally, fourthly, a nickname can reflect some feature of your personality that you want to highlight: Naive, Cynic, Brave - all this can become a nickname in ICQ.

The main thing to remember is a sense of proportion - after all, a creative, self-explanatory nickname for ICQ can say too much about its owner and make a different impression than you expected.

After all, I was wandering along the border of a sparkling area of ​​​​water, stretching to the distant dark blue mountains of the opposite shore rising to the sky. They were not the shore of the lake, they existed on their own - the black-green wall of the Sokoliny Ridge, on which, unlike Ilmensky, not a single arable land, not a single mowing area is visible. And even further, behind it, behind those rocky towers that adorned the rocky ridge, the blue knots of the Greater Urals gleamed.
Seven miles away, a strip of surf is visible on the other side; the air is so transparent, as if it were not there at all. The lake sparkled under the sun, it changed its color. Sometimes the far half of it was suddenly covered with white ridges - the wind was blowing from the gorge there, but here it was quiet. Then the excitement came to us...
Every morning we went to the lake. Along the very shore of it, adjacent to the village, stretched that half-verst-long dune covered with small smooth pebbles, formed by the constant surf, from which I first saw the lake. Maybe here the lake once jutted out into a deep bay that reached all the way to the Ilmensky ridge? That's what I thought. After all, only here the lake was not enclosed in a ring of mountains, only here it was separated by this dune from the swamp, from the pond, from the village located behind the pond, from the entire valley beyond which the Ilmensky ridge is visible. Here the only place, where a village could be located, a place as if created for it...
This is how our acquaintance with the lake began. After some time, I noticed that some areas of the opposite bank were visible more clearly, they seemed to be better drawn. These were peninsulas jutting into the lake. Pressed against the other bank and standing out on it as a dark mass, a gloomy grove with pointed tops of fir trees could be seen. They called it the Island of Faith, the Island of Holy Old Faith. It was separated from the opposite shore only by a shallow strait. Not far from Vera Island there was another, nameless island, similar to a green whirlwind sticking out of the water - this is the top of an underwater mountain. There was another island on the lake, light rocky and bright green, all overgrown with raspberries - it was called Seagull Island.
Turgoyak is full of water. The pond was formed from its excess water, which quietly flows along a narrow channel towards the village. Having passed under the dam where the mill stands, this channel turns into a stream that flows into the Miass River, which flows at the foot of the Ilmensky Vrebt. It is also good there, but we are reluctant to go in that direction, and that side is of little interest to us. Both the swamp and whose , and the Miass River with its backwaters, and the plank bridge across the river - all this looks like what I have seen and will see many times...
And the lake, although I saw it every day, each time suddenly surprised me, suddenly opening up in front of me. A precise feeling told me that I would never see such a miracle, an outright miracle, anywhere else, not only every day, but every hour something new!”
And there was a moment when, having come out onto the coastal ridge, I again saw the lake through the red trunks of pine trees, and admiration for it overwhelmed me with such force that I could not stand it and started dancing... Probably, if you look from the outside, it was very My figure in short pants and sandals on bare feet was funny, now jumping up with arms outstretched, now crouching, and now flinging up to the right and left.
One night I was woken up by my sister's scream. There was a thunderstorm, thunder roared, and lightning flashed in all the windows at once. My sister was very afraid of thunderstorms; she closed her eyes, crawled under the blanket, under the mattress and claimed that she still saw lightning. Mother and nanny were busy with her, they had no time for me.
“What about the lake?” - I thought.
From a distance you could hear it roaring. And so, putting on sandals and throwing on a coat, I ran to the lake.
Such thunderstorms probably only happen in the Urals. Thunder rumbled incessantly, lightning pierced the forest, illuminated brighter than during the day. I knew every stump, every root here. But the wind drove streams of water along the paths, and it was difficult to reach the lake. And yet I ran to the lake - it roared, still invisible, roared louder, the wind from there became stronger. When I ran to the place where the swamp ended, I suddenly felt that the rain began to pour in buckets.


How to see subscribers on ask

We are already accustomed to the fact that in almost all social networks we can see lists of those who have subscribed to us. Many people are looking for ways to hide these lists, for reasons such as security or privacy. But users still have one question: “How to see subscribers on ask fm ? Unfortunately, this site does not allow you to see the list of subscribers that is available in other resources. Therefore, in this article we will try to consider this issue in more detail.

How to add: photos, videos and music to ask?

On one's own find out subscribers on ask fm you can only do one thing - look at them in the “Friends” section of the service. Unfortunately, this list shows not only your followers, but also those you follow. Therefore, a complete picture of those who impress you will be available if you rarely follow anyone yourself, or if you remember all your favorite accounts. So tofind out subscribers on ask fm You need:

    Go to the website or application

    Go to the "Friends" section at the top of the screen or, in case you logged in with mobile application by clicking on the icon at the bottom right

    In the presented list, exclude those you follow

    The rest will be those who follow you

How to find a person on ask?

In addition to the method described above,how to find out subscribers in ask , there are a couple more. The only disadvantage of these options is their low efficiency in one case and possible fall into the hands of fraudsters in another. Nevertheless, these methods are quite popular, in the absence of others.

So, the first method is a “trap” for subscribers. Let's consider the essence of its application

    Go to yours and add the “ ” application. Let's launch it

    Copy the generated link that appears

    Opening the servicegoo. gland paste the link into the empty field. Press the button "Shortenurl».

    Select the “Settings” section and go to the “Website” line - paste the last copied link there

    After the user follows this link, his account will be displayed in the VKontakte application.

How to promote your ask quickly?

Now let's move on to the second option to see the subscribers to the ask. To do this you need:

    Download the utility from

    Launch it. In the window that appears, you insert a link to your account in the “Link to profile” line.

    Select report criteria

    Click the “Create report” button

    After this, a report will be generated inhtml- a file containing information about your subscribers

So, we have listed all the wayshow to find out subscribers in ask . Do not forget that when downloading any programs, you risk running into scammers.


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