Where is Chomolungma located? Mauna Kea is a mountain higher than Everest. Everest is the highest mountain in the world, how much does it cost to conquer it?

Address: China
First ascent: May 29, 1953
Height: 8848 m
Coordinates: 27°59"08.8"N 86°55"32.0"E


Nepal is known throughout the world as the birthplace of Buddha and as a mountaineering Mecca, on whose territory 8 of the 14 highest peaks in the world (“eight-thousanders”) are located in whole or in part.

View of Everest from the east

But the geographer himself was against this and called the mountain exclusively by its Tibetan name - Chomolungma. Before the mountain received its European name, it was also called Chomo-Kankar (Tib. “queen of snow whiteness”). The nature of Everest is beautiful and harsh. In the world of rocks, snow and eternal ice Frosts down to minus 60 °C prevail, and at the top of the mountain strong winds blow at speeds of up to 200 km/h. Ice collapses and snow avalanches are a common occurrence here. At an altitude of 7925 meters, the so-called “death zone” begins, where only 30% of the amount of oxygen that is present at sea level is concentrated.

Everest - the mountain of death, or to success through corpses

Conquering Everest is comparable only to flying to the moon. It only takes a few minutes to stand on the top of the mountain to go down in history. In order to look at the world from the heights of Chomolungma, people are ready to sacrifice their health and risk their lives.

Everest view

When storming Everest, the climber knows that he has a chance of not returning. Death can be caused by lack of oxygen, heart failure, frostbite, and injury. Fatal accidents (a frozen oxygen cylinder valve, etc.) and the vain indifference of neighbors lead to death. So, in 1996, a group of Japanese climbers, while climbing a mountain, met three Indian colleagues who were in a semi-fainting state. The Japanese passed by, the Indians died. As one of the participants in the Russian Himalayan expedition, Alexander Abramov, said: “At an altitude of more than 8,000 meters, you cannot afford the luxury of morality. Above 8,000 meters you are completely occupied with yourself, and in such extreme conditions you do not have extra strength to help your comrade.” The tragedy that happened on Everest in May 2006 shocked the whole world: 42 climbers passed by the slowly freezing Englishman David Sharp, but no one helped him.

One of them were television crews from the Discovery Channel, who tried to interview the dying man and, after photographing him, left him alone.

Everest climbing records

In total, about 4,000 people have conquered Everest to date. The glory of the first ascent belongs to the members of the English expedition - on May 29, 1953, Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay reached the top of Everest for the first time in human history. Here, at the high-altitude pole of the planet, the climbers spent only 15 minutes. After shaking hands, they buried chocolates in the snow as offerings to the gods and hoisted the flags of Great Britain, Nepal and India, and on top of them the UN flag. The news of the successful expedition reached Elizabeth II on the day of her coronation, and therefore a legend arose that the conquest of Everest was being prepared as a gift to the Queen of England.

View of Everest from the west

In 1978, a new record was recorded - the Italian R. Messner and the German P. Habeler reached the summit without the use of oxygen cylinders.

“Top of the World” attracts climbers of all ages: the oldest person to make the ascent was 76-year-old Nepalese Min Bahadur Sherkhan, and the youngest was 13-year-old American Jordan Romero. But Mark Inglis deserves special admiration: in 2006, for the first time in history, a person with two amputated legs was able to reach the top of Everest! Inglis lost his legs (both below the knee) after suffering severe frostbite while climbing Cook's Peak (3,754m), New Zealand's highest peak.

While climbing Everest, Inglis used prosthetics. According to him, he even had advantages over other climbers: “I definitely won’t freeze my toes.”

View of snow-capped Everest

And here is another example of the greatest strength of spirit: in 2001, blind American Eric Weihenmayer climbed to the top of Everest, who by that time had already conquered the highest mountains on all 7 continents. In his interview with reporters, Weihenmayer said: “By climbing the 7 highest peaks of 7 continents, I wanted to show people that unattainable goals are actually achievable.” In addition, to realize his dream, the blind disabled man had to earn a lot of money, since the cost of a commercial climb is up to 65 thousand US dollars, and the license alone, issued by the Nepalese authorities and giving the right to climb Everest, costs 10 thousand dollars. And taking into account the cost of equipment, provisions, accommodation in the camp and guide services, everyone who wants to conquer Everest spends at least 25 thousand dollars.

View of the summit of Everest

A typical expedition reaches the summit of Chomolungma in 2 months: it takes two weeks to climb to the base camp at an altitude of 5360 meters, acclimatization takes a month, and only after a person adapts to difficult mountain conditions can the ascent begin. But climbing a mountain 8848 meters high is not the finish line; what follows is an equally difficult descent.

Mount Everest - Mount Everest is 8848 meters high!

Mount Everest, is the most high mountain on the ground. Mountain height Everest 8,848 meters above sea level. The mountain is part of the Himalayan range in Asia and is located on the border of the countries: Nepal, Tibet and China. It is called Sagarmatha, Chomolungma. And in Nepal it is called Sagamantha, which means “goddess of the sky” and in Tibet - Chomolungma, which means “mother goddess of the Universe”.

In 1856, when the Great Trigonometric Study was carried out, the height of Mount Everest was determined to be 8,840 meters, the mountain was known as Peak XV. And in 1865, on the recommendation of the British topographer Andrei Waugh, it was assigned, official name"Everest". He could not come up with a suitable name for the mountain that would suit both the Nepalese and the Tibetans, so it was decided to call it "Everest"

Mount Everest attracts climbers of all levels, experienced and inexperienced. These climbers come with money and are ready to pay mountain guides (guides) well for a successful ascent to the peak of the mountain. In the mountains, a climber always faces various dangers, such as low temperature, altitude sickness, oxygen deprivation and wind. Despite this height, its peak was climbed by 2,436 people until 2007, and 3,679 ascents were made. This suggests that mountaineering is very popular view sports And for Nepalese it is a significant source of income. The Nepal government requires that you pay $25,000 per person for a climbing permit. Mount Everest has already killed 210 people, including 8 people during a snow storm in 1996.

History of Mount Everest

The British first began exploring Mount Everest in 1808. This was during the period of the great Trigonometric Survey of India. To determine the location and height of the mountain, they used giant theodolites, weighing up to 500 kg. They reached the foothills of the Himalayas in 1830. But conditions were difficult due to weather conditions and diseases. The season of heavy rains and malaria began, but despite this they were forced to continue observations. Three officers died of malaria, and two others had to retire due to deteriorating health.

It was only in 1856 that Andrei Vaugh measured the height of Mount Everest. According to his data, the height of the mountain was 8840 meters. They came to the conclusion that the mountain is the highest point in the world.

Their next task was to decide on the name of the peak, but they wanted to somehow preserve the local names: Kanchenjung or Dhaulagiri. But Waugh claimed that he was unable to find any commonly used local name that would appeal to both Nepalese and Tibetans. The most famous name of the mountain, which existed for several centuries, was Chomolungma. But Waugh argued that it would be difficult to find a consensus in favor of one specific name, and he proposed naming the peak XV George Everest. But George Everest himself was opposed to such a name for the peak. And another problem arose with the name George Everest. This name was translated in Hindi as “a native of India.” However, this name still prevailed, despite all the objections. And in 1865 the royal geographical society the name was officially adopted as “Everest”, the most high mountain in the world.

There are two main climbing routes: to the southeast ridge from Nepal and to the northeast ridge from Tibet. There were also many other routes; due to the enormous height of Mount Everest and the difficulty of climbing, they are rarely used. In 1953, Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay were the first to recognize fifteen routes to the summit of Mount Everest.

History of the ascent of Mount Everest

In 1885, Clinton Thomas Dent, who was the president of the Alpine Club, wrote in his book a description of the ascent of Mount Everest.

In 1921, the expedition was led by George Mallory. His first expedition was an exploratory one, not equipped for serious ascents. They were forced to descend the mountain due to their lack of preparation for the ascent.

In 1922, George Finch climbed using active oxygen, which showed the first excellent ascent speed of Everest, 290 meters per hour. Next, Mallory and Col-Felix-Nordon made a second attempt to conquer the height. But on this expedition, seven people died; they were left under an avalanche.

In 1924, George Mallory and Andrew Irvine attempted to climb the Northeast Ridge to the summit; they never returned. In 1999, Mallory's body was discovered by a research expedition. This expedition achieved its goal, they conquered the heights and climbed to the top of Everest.

In 1953, the ninth British expedition led by John Hunt began its ascent to the peak. They had to return back to Nepal. They made two passes. Tom Bourdillon and Charles Evans were the first pair to reach 100 meters and had to turn back. Next came the second run, two days later, by the pair of Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay. They reached the summit and conquered the height of Everest on May 29, 1953 at 11:30 am, through Southern route, stopped to unfurl the British flag and take photos at the top of the peak, were buried in the snow before descending from Everest,

In 1980, Reinhold Messner climbed to a height of three days completely alone, from the base camp at 6500 meters, He reached mountain peak Mount Everest, for the first time without supplemental oxygen.

1996 turned out to be the deadliest year in the history of Mount Everest. Where, trying to descend from the top, fifteen people died as a result of conquering the height.

In 2005, French pilot Didier Delsalle landed a helicopter on the top of Mount Everest.

In 2008, China laid 130 km of asphalt concrete pavement along a dirt road from Tingri County to Everest Base Camp. It has become the most expensive road surface in the world. The China Telecom company, near the base camp, has built a high cell tower that provides telephone coverage along the entire route to top of Mount Everest.

Everest is the European name for a mountain that has been called since ancient times local residents, Tibetans, Chomolungma. This name translates as "Divine Mother of Life". The Nepalese, who observed the mountain from the southern side, called it “Mother of the Gods,” which sounds like “Sagarmatha.” The name “Everest” was given to the mountain after the English surveyor George Everest.

Until the mid-19th century, there was no exact data on the height of the mountain, so its title as the highest peak was unofficial. In 1852, an Indian mathematician carried out a series of calculations and determined that Everest is the tallest mountain on Earth.

Everest was formed by the collision of two plates - Hindustan and Eurasia. The Indian plate went under the crust in Tibet, and the mantle was lifted up, resulting in a large mountain range that is still growing due to the slow movement of tectonic plates.

Everest location

The Himalayan Mountains cover a vast area in the Tibetan and Indo-Ghana plains, dividing the desert and mountainous regions of Central Asia and the tropical regions of South Asia. The mountains stretch for almost 3 thousand kilometers in length and are 350 kilometers wide. The area of ​​the Himalayas is about 650 thousand kilometers, and the average height of the peaks is about 6 thousand meters above sea level.

Everest - the highest Himalayan mountains. The mountain in the shape of a triangular pyramid has two peaks: the northern one with a height of 8848 meters is located on the territory of China, or rather, the Tibet Autonomous Region, and the southern one with a height of 8760 meters runs right along the border of China with Nepal.

The peak is surrounded on all sides by mountains and smaller ranges: in the south, Chomolungma connects with the eight-thousander Lhotse, between them lies the South Col pass; to the north is the North Col, which leads to Mount Changze. On the eastern side of Everest is a steep, impassable wall called Kangashung.

Not far from the mountain are the peaks of Nuptse, Makalu, Chomo Lonzo. The mountain is also surrounded by glaciers located at an altitude of five thousand meters: Rongbuk, East Rongbuk. The Rong River gorge stretches from the north of Everest.

The mountain is partly located on the territory of the Nepalese national park Sagarmatha, which consists of gorges, mountain ranges and difficult areas in the Upper Himalayas.

The largest cities closest to Everest are:

Anyone who has studied even a little geography has a rough idea of ​​where Mount Everest is located. This is one of the most famous peaks of our planet, also known by the Tibetan name Chomolungma and the Nepalese name Sagarmatha.

Translated from Tibetan, Chomolungma means “Divine Mother, Giver of Life Energy.” In the Bon religious tradition, the patroness of the mountain is the goddess Sherab Jhamma, symbolizing the maternal principle. Among the people of Tibet, she is also known as "Jomo Gang Kar" - "The Most Holy Mother, White as Snow". This name is explained by the mountains in which Everest is located: the Himalayas are known for their harsh winters and frequent snowfalls.

The peak received its European name in honor of Sir George Everest. In the first half of the 19th century, he was appointed head of a geodetic expedition in areas of India occupied by British troops.


Any schoolchild knows exactly what continent Chomolungma is located on. It is part of the Himalayan mountain range and is part of the region known as the Khumbu Himal. There are two peaks in the mountain: North and South. The southern peak, 8760 m high, is located on the border of Tibet and Nepal, and its northern counterpart is located on the territory of China. People's Republic. In the case of the Northern Peak, the absolute height of the mountain is 8848 m.

The shape of Chomolungma resembles a triangular pyramid. The steepness of the southern slope is significantly greater, as a result of which the snow cover does not remain on it and it remains constantly bare. Everest is closely surrounded by mountains on all sides: it is connected to Lhotse by the South Col pass. A similar pass in the north connects the peak with Mount Changze. In the east is the insurmountable mountain wall of Kangashung. Melted glacial waters flow down all the slopes of Chomolungma, not reaching its foot about 5 km.

The mountain is more than 60 million years old. It arose as a result of a noticeable movement of the Indian tectonic plate in relation to the Asian one. Because the region is seismically active, Everest's height increases by about a quarter of an inch each year.

The mountain is predominantly composed of sedimentary rocks. Strong hurricanes blow at its top: wind speeds sometimes exceed 200 km/h. Climbing Everest without special thermal clothing is simply impossible, because even at the height of summer average temperature air temperature here is no more than 0 °C. In winter, the thermometer often drops to -40 °C (at night the temperature can drop to -50 -60 °C).

For a long time there has been debate about in which country Mount Everest is located. Since 1959, it has been generally accepted that the mountain giant divides the territories of Nepal and China and is equally considered the national heritage of both states. The coordinates of Mount Chomolungma are 27°59′17″ N. w. 86°55′31″ E d.

Everest tragedies

Conquering Chomolungma remains the ultimate dream of most professional climbers. However, the highest mountain in the world does not always yield to the attempts of climbers to reach its peak. It is estimated that from the 1920s to the present time, at least 300 athletes with different levels of training and financial capabilities tried to do this. Only a few daredevils succeeded.

Conquering Everest where your life is at stake

Most extreme sports enthusiasts died during the ascent or descent from oxygen starvation, avalanches, snow avalanches, rockfalls and altitude sickness. At the same time, the circumstances of their death were sometimes simply terrifying: the mountain of death does not forgive the slightest mistake.

Even with the vast capabilities of modern civilization and almost perfect technology, it is not always possible to save climbers and even lower their corpses to the foot of the mountain. After all, helicopters cannot fly at such a height, and few people dare to carry bodies manually and risk their own lives. Therefore, in our time, modern climbers have to literally climb to the top over the corpses of their comrades, many of whom remain on the slopes for decades.

The most creepy and unusual stories The following are considered to be associated with climbing Chomolungma:

  • On the mountainside lie the remains of Irving and Mallory, the first climbers who, despite the natural elements, conquered inaccessible mountain back in 1924. However, on the way back they were overtaken by an inexorable death, caused either by oxygen starvation or frostbite. It is not possible to accurately determine this over the years, but athletes confirm that Mallory’s body can still be seen on southern slope Everest is a little off the trail. The action of wind and other natural conditions easily turned the corpse into almost a skeleton without flesh, producing a terrifying impression.
  • If you plan to ever climb Chomolungma, rely only on your strength and finances. The best equipment and reliable Sherpa guides are the guarantee that you will be able to return unharmed. After all, on the mountainside, everyone can only rely on themselves. This is well illustrated by the story of climbers from India who suffered from a snow storm while climbing. Their Japanese colleagues, who were rising at almost the same time, calmly walked past people begging for help, only to find them already dead on the way back.
  • Mystical story associated with the death of English climber David Sharp. He did not have enough money to buy spare equipment or pay for guides. Therefore, when his oxygen tank failed at an altitude of more than 8000 m, the unfortunate athlete simply lost consciousness and was left to die on the slope. Expeditions passed by him, absolutely indifferent to the spectacle of a dying man, hurrying to check in at the top of Everest. One of them was a detachment of well-equipped tourists from the mountaineering of Hall and Weber. They stepped over the corpse of Sharpe, who had been dying painfully for several days, with disgust, but were punished by some mystical powers. Just 100 meters before the summit, Weber’s vision failed and he was forced to turn back, after which he suddenly fell into the hands of a guide and died. His comrade Hall, an experienced rock climber, also felt unwell. Sherpas were sent to help him, but they were never able to bring him to his senses. Only a couple of days later, through the combined efforts of several expeditions, Hall was able to be rescued. He got off quite easily - with just frostbitten hands.
  • Chomolungma also became the last refuge for couples in love, the most famous of which are Russian climber Sergei Arsentiev and his American-born wife. Having climbed to the top of the mountain without oxygen, they practically set a new record. However, on the way back natural conditions They separated husband and wife, after which the exhausted Frances lay on the southern slope for another couple of days before her death. Attempts to save her were in vain, as they threatened the rescuers themselves with death. Sergei tried to save his beloved, but fell into the abyss. His body was later found in an unusual bowing position, as if he was praying to the mountain.

Ghosts of Everest

When climbing Chomolungma, even seasoned sports masters can be frightened not only by the numerous bodies of brave men who risked everything for the sake of mountaineering records, but also by their restless souls. Stories about the ghosts of Everest are very numerous, and the authorship of many of them belongs to quite sensible and skeptical climbers:

  • In 1975, one of the participants in the English expedition to Mount Ascot was climbing to the top on cables at night and suddenly, out of the corner of his eye, he noticed a silently moving silhouette behind him. He did not make a sound and stopped along with the frightened athlete. Worried, Escot contacted the camp and learned that no one had left it. However, immediately after the British left, a television cameraman tragically died at the base.
  • In 2004, climber Dorje, while descending, saw more than 10 translucent silhouettes stretching out their hands to him and begging for food and warmth. Since then, those who dare to confront the natural elements on Everest scatter rice grains, burn juniper branches and pray when climbing. It is believed that this alleviates the suffering of the restless souls of dead climbers.
  • The famous Italian climber Massner climbed Chomolungma independently and without additional oxygen equipment. Having walked two-thirds of the way to the top, at the site of the death of the first conquerors of the peak in 1924, he saw two translucent figures beckoning to him and eager to eat and warm up. The frightened climber hastened to retreat, mistaking them for hallucinations.

Modern esotericists believe that the thin air and extreme environment of Everest awaken paranormal abilities in a person and provide access to another dimension.

Organization of tours to Chomolungma

The easiest way to get to Everest is to buy air tickets to Kathmandu (the capital of Nepal) for 480 USD – 550 USD. The flight duration is about 11 hours. Visa foreign tourists It is issued directly at the airport, but it is advisable to take a passport photo with you. Its cost is 15 USD for 15 days and 40 USD for 30 days.

After arrival, you can rent a car and drive to one of the base camps: North, which is located on the border with Tibet, or South, located in Nepal. average price climbing the most big mountain planet is approximately:

  • 30,000 USD if you are going to make the climb on your own or with a small organized group of climbers;
  • 60,000 USD if you decide to use the services of a tour operator;
  • 90,000 USD, if you want to make the climb as comfortable and safe as possible (the cost of wireless Internet and telephone communication is included).

This price does not include the services of Sherpa guides, with whom it is better to negotiate on the spot. However, these amounts include a fee from the Nepalese government for all climbers coming to Qomolangma. Depending on the season and the number of expedition members, this tax can be 11,000 USD – 25,000 USD.

Climbing Everest will remain one of the most vivid memories of your life, but do not forget that one wrong step can cost you your life.

You probably noticed the information that Everest is, in the full sense of the word, a mountain of death. Storming this height, the climber knows that he has a chance not to return. Death can be caused by lack of oxygen, heart failure, frostbite or injury. Fatal accidents, such as a frozen oxygen cylinder valve, also lead to death. Moreover: the path to the top is so difficult that, as one of the participants in the Russian Himalayan expedition, Alexander Abramov, said, “at an altitude of more than 8,000 meters you cannot afford the luxury of morality. Above 8,000 meters you are completely occupied with yourself, and in such extreme conditions you do not have extra strength to help your comrade.”

Chomolungma (Everest) is the highest peak on Earth (8848 m above sea level).

Geography of Everest

Located in the Himalayas, in the Mahalangur Himal range (in the part called the Khumbu Himal). The southern peak (8760 m) lies on the border of Nepal and Tibet autonomous region(China), the Northern (main) peak (8848 m) is located in China.

Everest has the shape of a triangular pyramid, the southern slope is steeper. On the southern slope and ribs, snow and firn are not retained, as a result of which they are exposed. The height of the North-East shoulder is 8393 m. The height from the foot to the top is about 3550 m. The top consists mainly of sedimentary deposits.

From the south, Everest is connected by the South Col pass (7906 m) with Lhotse (8516 m), sometimes called the South Summit. From the north, the sharply sloping North Col (7020 m) connects Everest with the Northern peak - Changze (7543 m). To the east the impassable eastern wall of Kangashung (3350 m) falls abruptly. Glaciers flow from the massif in all directions, ending at an altitude of about 5 km.

Chomolungma is partly part of the Sagarmatha National Park (Nepal).


At the top of Chomolungma there are strong winds, blowing at speeds of up to 200 km/h.

The average monthly air temperature in January is −36 °C (on some nights it can drop to −50…−60 °C), in July it is about 0 °C.

Everest as a mountaineering object

Everest, being the highest peak on Earth, attracts a lot of attention from climbers; climbing attempts are regular.

The climb to the top takes about 2 months - with acclimatization and setting up camps. Weight loss during the climb is on average 10-15 kg. Countries on whose territory there are approaches to the peak charge not only for climbing it, but also for a number of mandatory services (transport, liaison officer, translator, etc. The order of ascent of expeditions is also established. The cheapest way to conquer Qomolungma is from the side Tibet (PRC) along the classic route from the north.

The main season for climbing to the top is spring and autumn, as there are no monsoons at this time. The most suitable season for climbing the southern and northern slopes is spring. In autumn you can only climb from the south.

A significant part of ascents are organized by specialized companies and performed as part of commercial groups. Clients of these companies pay for the services of guides who provide the necessary training, provide equipment and, as far as possible, ensure safety along the entire route. The cost of climbing is up to 85 thousand US dollars, and the climbing permit alone, issued by the Nepalese government, costs 10 thousand dollars.

In the 21st century, thanks to the development tourism infrastructure There has been a significant increase in annual ascents, for example, if in 1983 8 people reached the summit, in 1990 about forty, then in 2012 234 people climbed Everest in just one day. During the ascent, many hours of traffic jams and even fights between climbers were noted.

According to experts, the success of the expedition directly depends on the weather and equipment of travelers. Climbing Chomolungma continues to be a serious challenge for everyone, regardless of their level of preparation. Acclimatization plays an essential role before climbing Everest. A typical south facing expedition spends up to two weeks climbing from Kathmandu to base camp at 5,364m, and another month or so acclimatizing to the altitude before the first summit attempt is made.

The most difficult section of the Everest climb is the last 300 m, nicknamed by mountain climbers “the longest mile on Earth.” To successfully complete this section you need to overcome a steep, smooth rock slope covered with powdery snow.


Climbing Everest with the goal of reaching highest point the mountains are characterized by exceptional difficulty and sometimes end in the death of both the climbers and the Sherpa porters accompanying them. This difficulty is due to the particularly unfavorable climatic conditions of the apical zone of the mountain due to its significant altitude. Among these climatic factors unfavorable for the human body: high rarefaction of the atmosphere and, as a consequence, extremely low oxygen content in it, bordering on a fatally low value; low temperatures down to minus 50-60 degrees, which, in combination with periodic hurricane winds, is subjectively felt by the human body as a temperature down to minus 100-120 degrees and can lead to extremely quickly occurring thermal injury; Intense solar radiation at such altitudes is of considerable importance. These features are complemented by the “standard” dangers of mountaineering, inherent and much less high peaks: avalanches, cliffs from steep slopes, falling into relief crevices.

Air temperature at the top and at the bottom

Climate and temperature regime Everest is harsh and unpredictable, and at times even extreme. Temperature values ​​at the foot and at the top differ sharply from each other. At the foot, as a rule, the temperature is above zero, which decreases by 6.5 degrees with every thousand meters.

The temperature depends on seasonality, but is never above 0 degrees. The most favorable climatic conditions During the summer months of the year, the average temperature in July is minus 19 degrees. IN winter period The temperature decreases, so the average temperature in January-February is -36 degrees, and at night it can reach up to 55-60 degrees below zero.

In the winter and spring periods of the year, westerly winds “walk”, and in winter – southwestern winds, the speed of which can reach 280 kilometers per hour. During the summer and autumn months, monsoons blow Indian Ocean, with the arrival of which a large amount of precipitation falls.

Sudden temperature changes on Everest are not uncommon. Even during the most favorable period for conquest (from May to October), sudden storms and snowfalls are also common. But in each season there are 3-4 days of stable weather, they are called “windows”, which climbers use to conquer mountain peaks.

How and who conquered Everest

  • The first to achieve the feat and conquer the world's highest peak, 8848 meters high, were climber Edmund Hillary and Nepalese Sherpa Tenzing Norgay. Almost 65 years have passed since then (1953). And during this period of time, hundreds of thousands of brave people tried to conquer this mountain.
  • The second ascent of Chomolungma was 3 years later in 1956 by a Swiss expedition group led by Ernst Reiss and Fritz Luxinger.
  • In 1963, the first American expedition to Everest was organized, and Jim Whittaker became the conqueror. The American was accompanied by Sherpa Nawang Gombu, who later in 1965 climbed the peak for the second time as part of an Indian expedition and became the first person lucky enough to conquer the peak twice.
  • In 1975, the first conqueror of Everest among the fair half of humanity was the Japanese woman Junko Tabei.
  • In 1982, the first Soviet expedition took place to reach the top of the world. It consisted of 25 people, the leaders of the group were Vladimir Balyberdin and Eduard Myslovsky.

Since then, many ascents of Everest have been made by humanity, including people of different generations and nationalities. At the end of 2017, the total number of people peaked at 8,306.


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