Mystical Crimea: places of power. Places of power in Crimea Anomalous place in Crimea

All members of the Russian Federation more tourists trying to visit the peninsula. Warm sea, sandy beaches, famous estates and palaces - all this leaves indelible impression in mind. What else can you visit in Crimea besides the places listed? For lovers of mystical phenomena, extraordinary natural complexes can we suggest visiting the most mysterious places Crimea. The mystical places of Crimea do not like loud voices, laughter and noise. To visit such places you need an inner mood, calmness and tranquility. Local spirits do not like irritated or angry visitors.

What unusual places Can you visit Crimea to satisfy your imagination? In the southeast of the peninsula there is, perhaps, one of the most famous amazing places. This is Cape Meganom (“big house” - Greek). The bare rocks and lack of vegetation of the cape make it mysterious. They say that UFOs often visit here, and ghosts do not leave the cape alone. Here you can hear the voice of a lamb bleating on the edge of a rock, and see a boy calling you into the depths of the sea. And if you look from above, you can see burnt yellow rings on the grass. They either glow at night or dim. But then they are saturated with light again, and then people come to them for energy and strength. There is an opinion that it is from here that you can go on a journey to parallel worlds.

And in the south of the Bakhchisarai region, an entire cave city, Mangup, has been preserved in the mountains. It can also be brought into the most mysterious places of Crimea. The city was built in the 3rd century AD, and people lived here until the 15th century. Powerful energy is still present over the ruins of the city, glowing neon balls appear. Mangup also has his own legend. In 1475, the Turks invaded the city and destroyed it. Many people died then, but one boy managed to escape in the most extraordinary way. When the Turks wanted to capture the boy, he found himself on the very edge of the abyss. And the rocks opened up and swallowed the child. Since then, on quiet moonlit nights, many have seen the ghostly figure of a boy and heard the inviting cry of a child looking for his parents. They say that you cannot hold your gaze for long on a lonely figure, otherwise it will drag this image along with you into the depths of the sea. These are the places of power in Crimea.

And also, if you want to visit the most mysterious places of Crimea, you should definitely see the unusual stone flower on Mount Ilyas-Kaya. The stones, laid in an unusual way, receive the first ray of sunlight into their heart - the center of the “flower”. It is very important to find this central stone, stand on it and make a wish. It will definitely come true in the very near future.

Interesting places in Crimea and places of power are the Skel menhirs. These are tall from 1.2 to 2.8 m ancient vertical stone blocks. The energy can be felt immediately after touching. You will feel a slight tingling and warmth in your fingertips. These stones transform your energy into positive. Another powerful place of power in Crimea is Mount Karadag. This is a sleeping volcano. The compass needle behaves unpredictably here, and people settle here or come here every year to recharge their energy. Do you remember the fabulous firebird? So this is about the place Kizil-Koba (Red Cave). Four times a year, when the seasons change, a bright luminous cloud in the shape of a fairy-tale bird appears here. A water procedures at the Su-Uchkhan waterfall. located nearby, help maintain strength and eternal youth.

And, finally, the title “the most mysterious places of Crimea” is given to the dolmens on Mt. Koshka - unique portals to other worlds and Mount Demerdzhi. On its slopes a person gets lost in time. They say that it is here that energy flows intersect and the bizarre rocks paint eerie pictures that frighten the imagination.

There are many more wonderful places in Crimea. Come, find your place where you can replenish your internal energy and find peace and tranquility. Rest

Old stones will tell us myths,
How the Tauri lived here and the Scythians ruled.

Why go to Crimea? There are many options:

    for example, improve your health;

    enjoy the mountains;

    relax at sea;

    lie on the beach with a glass of wine;

    spend time at a disco;

    and so on and so forth.

However, in addition to regular tourism, there is another recreation option. Rest, let's say, spiritual, to some extent. We are now talking about esoteric tourism, or simply esotourism.

Fans of this type of tourism prefer thrills, secret paths, mysterious stories and mystical experiences. And Crimea can fully satisfy any adventure seeker: there are dozens of corners on the peninsula that, according to mystics, store ancient secret knowledge.

In this article we will list the places of power in Crimea, the list is large, but these are not all the amazing and exciting parts of the peninsula, only some of the most famous, for example:

  1. Valley of Ghosts,
  2. Temples of the Moon and Sun,
  3. Ai-Petri.

We will also show these places of power on the map.

Crimea: places of power

In the Crimean places of power you can recharge, cleanse your chakras and, in general, become inspired. In general, esotericists divide places of power into several categories:

  1. energy - where you can put your physical strength in order and recharge with energy;
  2. astral - there they “sort out” thoughts and clear the mind;
  3. spiritual - usually these are places of worship, ruins of temples, remains of ancient settlements, places where spiritual uplift and enlightenment are most strongly felt.

The Crimean mountains are a special place; they hide many secrets. One of the most important attractions of the peninsula is the Ak-kaya rock, the name translates as “white rock”.

This place is familiar to many:

    climbers - only the bravest of them dare to conquer White Rock);

    archaeologists - several dozen sites were discovered at this site ancient man, bones of extinct animals and much more;

    esotericists - many legends are associated with this place, and it is considered one of the most famous places of power in Crimea.

This mountain is remarkable and popular among ufologists, first of all, because it looks like a flying saucer. And esotericists believe that at its top there is the Temple of the Moon and the Lunar Portal.

One of the most mysterious places in Crimea: those who saw the menhirs of the Temple of the Sun will never forget them. Again, this corner of the peninsula is considered a Holy Place by some, a place of power by others, a thread for communication with the Universe by others, and a gateway to the other world by others.

The Temple of the Sun in Crimea was created by nature in the period 160-130 million years ago. This is a long time, but not everyone believes that these rock formations are a creation of nature; there are adherents of the theory that the stones were placed there with meaning by representatives of ancient civilizations.

The place is surrounded by many legends and is definitely worth visiting.

Translated from Turkic, “tekie” means “house, dwelling,” that is, Tekie of the dervishes is the dwelling of the dervishes. A dervish is a beggar or a poor man. But in this case, we must consider the religious context; dervishes are very revered among Muslims, like ascetic monks among Christians.

The most picturesque and famous place in Crimea - Valley of Ghosts. This is a foggy valley filled with stone sculptures that look like various animals, birds, people, and mysterious idols. According to legend, at dusk they come to life.

Thirteen strong in Crimea - in search of harmony

Text: Anna Zimina
Photo: Alexey Chugui

Fall in love at first sight!
Into the sky - piercing and deep.
IN wild beaches- where you are absolutely happy.
IN architectural monuments- unimaginable beauty.
At sunsets it’s like coming from another dimension.
To the mountains - unconquered and great.
To castles and temples - dazzling and dear.
Into the air - piercing and tasty, like New World champagne.
To the kitchen - with pasties and mussels on the beach.

Crimea is love!

We have compiled the top 13 most famous and popular places of power on the peninsula among esoteric tourists.

There is another Crimea. No stereotypes. Crimea - where there are only deserted steppes scorched by the sun and for kilometers - not a soul. Where the piercing wind blows,
burning face. Crimea is a holiday, and Crimea is loneliness.

Crowded, resort-like reckless - and lonely, abandoned.

Everyone who has been here at least once has their own: unconditional or with reproaches, forever or by calculation.

Crimea also has unique energy.

We have so-called places of power, where people come for mysticism, harmony, and a charge of cosmic energy.

1. Cape Meganom

One of the most favorite places for occultists and esotericists. Located in the southeast of Crimea. The name of the cape is translated from Greek as “big house”, but no ancient settlements have been found here. Desert rocks with a minimum of vegetation are not particularly conducive to this. But they say that UFOs like to visit Meganom. Ghosts have also taken a liking to this place: they say that at night you can see a boy here who calls for him and can lure the gullible into the sea. Another ghostly inhabitant of Meganom is a lamb bleating on the edge of a cliff. (By the way, real pets avoid these places.) Another oddity of Meganom is the yellowish rings on the grass, visible from a height. From time to time they dim, and then people within their radius feel bad. But then the rings gain color again (sometimes they even glow at night) and at this time they become accessible again, people go to them for strength and energy. Meditation practitioners claim that it is on Meganome that one can make transitions to the past or future, and travel to parallel worlds.

2. Mangup

The largest cave city in Crimea. Located in the south of the Bakhchisarai region. People lived here from the 3rd to the 15th centuries. Now there are only stones left here, and also the powerful energy of this place, which for so long served as a haven for generation after generation. They say that in winter you can see glowing neon balls on Mangup. They hover in the air at a height of one and a half meters for about ten minutes, and then simply dissolve and disappear. Mangup also has its own ghosts. Legend says that the day before Turkish invasion in 1475 a boy lived on Mangup. His family died defending the city. The boy himself, fleeing from his enemies, found himself on the edge of an abyss. The Turks rushed towards him, but the rock parted and swallowed the child. And now, on quiet moonlit nights, you can hear a child’s cry and see a white figure among the trees: this is a boy wandering through the ruins hometown and is looking for parents. They say that if you hold your gaze on him, you won’t be able to look away - you’ll follow him and step into the abyss.

3. Temple of the Sun

This is the name of an unusual stone ensemble on Mount Ilyas-Kaya (not far from Laspi Bay), reminiscent of a giant open flower. The stones are positioned so that the first ray of the sun falls exactly at the core of the “flower”. At first glance, it seems that the Temple is not in such an inaccessible place, but only those who are really ready to visit it and who will be allowed to get here can get there higher power. If you are one of these lucky ones, find the central stone of the “flower” - this is the main place of power. After climbing on it, mentally ask a question or make a wish. They say the answer will come right away, and your wish will come true very quickly. In gratitude, you can leave some kind of souvenir or small gift in the Sun Temple.

4. Skel menhirs

The village of Rodnikovskoye (Sevastopol), near which they are located, used to bear the name Skelya, hence the name. These are vertically standing stone blocks, covered with moss and centuries-old cracks. At their feet, people performed rituals two to three thousand years ago. Now there are two menhirs: 2.8 m and 1.2 m high. It is believed that these stones have healing powers: they stand at points of accumulation of negative energy and transform it into positive. This energy can literally be felt with your hands: if you touch the menhir, you will feel a slight tingling in your fingers, and a wave of warmth will pass through your body.

5. Karadag (Black Mountain)

This mountain range near Feodosia is considered a powerful place of power. A sleeping volcano releases waves of both positive and negative energy into space. People have long settled at the foot of Karadag, and its mysterious soul, century after century, attracts artists, poets, and musicians who have a keen sense of the world. Strong magnetic anomalies are observed on Karadag - there are places where the compass needle begins to jump like crazy. One of the ridges mountain range That's what it's called - Magnetic. This has a healing effect on some people, and from year to year they come to Karadag to “recharge their batteries.”

6. Kizil-Koba (Red Cave)

The only cave in Crimea through which an underground river flows. Located in the Simferopol region. The valley near the Red Cave is considered an energetically very strong place. At night you can see lights glowing in the air. And four times a year, when one season gives way to another, near the cave some manage to notice a “firebird” - a cloud of luminous energy, shaped like a winged beauty. Not far from the cave, the Su-Uchkhan waterfall gurgles - swimming in its icy water helps preserve youth and strength. Above the waterfall there is a clearing with such a view of the mountains that it will take your breath away. This is a place of special harmony, suitable for meditation.

7. Dolmens on Mount Cat

Dolmens are ancient structures composed, as a rule, of four stone slabs, placed on edge and covered with a fifth slab. Our ancestors built dolmens in places where positive energy exits and concentrates. In Crimea, such structures are found near cave cities, but most of them are on Mount Koshka, near Simeiz. They say that dolmens are a kind of gateway to other worlds. Next to these huge stone cubes (average 1.5 x 2.0 x 2.0 m). a person feels calm, receives answers to questions that torment him, and can even finally understand his purpose in life.

8. Valley of Ghosts on Mount Demerdzhi

It is believed that here (10 km from Alushta) there is an intersection of energy flows. It is better for unprepared people not to go here - you can see frightening pictures. True, skeptics claim that these are just bizarre rocks that take on strange shapes in the fog. Another feature of Demerdzhi is that on its slopes the sense of time is lost: it seems to a person that he has only been here for five to ten minutes, but in fact half an hour has already passed.

9. Ak-Kaya Rock (White Rock)

Rising above the valley of the Biyuk-Karasu River in the Belogorsk region, reaching in its highest point 325 meters. The centuries-old history of Crimea is concentrated in these places, and, of course, they have a special energy. People settled here back when their prey was mammoths, cave bears, primitive bulls and hunters drove them to a high cliff. The Sarmatians lived at the foot of the White Rock, and on the plateau there are many Scythian burial mounds. There is a legend that once there was a sea nearby, and Ak-Kaya was a steep shore where ships moored, and iron rings for mooring were supposedly even preserved in the vertical walls of the rock. There are also ancient legends associated with the Altyn-Teshik cave (translated as “golden hole”) located in the White Rock. According to one of them, the cave was the lair of a werewolf snake, who brought here the beauties he had kidnapped in the area.

10. Mount Chatyrdag

Located in the Big Alushta region. Although it is the second highest (after Roman-Kosh), it is still considered the main one for Crimea - it was not without reason that before the revolution it was depicted on the coat of arms of the capital of the peninsula. At the highest point of Chatyrdag, the peak of Eklizi-Burun (height 1527 m), until the 18th century there was a Greek temple of Panagia, dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary. Orthodox Christians from the surrounding villages still come here year after year on the eve of Easter and serve a prayer service. In this place people feel peace and are filled with strength. And some claim that here he was Holy Mother of God. They also say that you can make a wish on Eklizi: if it is material, then mentally you should turn to the Mother of God; if the desire concerns the spiritual sphere, then to God.

11. Mount Ai-Petri

Protects South coast Crimea from cold northern and western winds. Ai-Petri also separates the energy zones of the South Coast and the Bakhchisarai region, so there are an abundance of anomalous areas here. For example, in the gorge near the Wuchang-Su waterfall, many people feel severe dizziness. And the so-called Drunken Grove (the trees here are intricately curved) is actually a geopathogenic zone; it is advised not to go here. But at the very top of Ai-Petri you can stand longer and, turning your face to the sea, make a wish.

12. Stone mushrooms of the Sotera Valley

These are huge, bizarre boulders ranging from three to seven meters high. If ordinary tourists come here to photograph stone sculptures, then fans of esoteric teachings visit this place to recharge their energy and find inner harmony.

13. Bakla

The northernmost of the cave cities of Crimea. Located near the village of Skalistoy, Bakhchisaray district. Exact time its creation is still unknown, but no later than the 4th century. Bakla is a place of silence and solitude. Man-made caves and natural grottoes this ancient city perfect for prayer and meditation. Previously, Baklu was guarded by a stone sphinx (a rock that closely resembled this mythical creature), but at the end of the twentieth century it collapsed, and now the peace of this place is guarded only by the Snake Rock - its huge stone head towers over the surrounding area.

Sacred rules

Places of power cannot be visited in an angry or irritated state - they subtly sense the mood, and such a visit will do more harm than good. And in places of power, you should not raise your voice, you should not joke or laugh - it is better to remain silent and maintain calm, both external and internal.

In Crimea you can not only soak up the warm sand or walk along famous palaces, but also to visit the so-called places of power, where people come for mysticism, harmony and a charge of cosmic energy.

According to esotericists, such places should not be visited in an angry or irritated state - they subtly sense the mood, and such a visit will do more harm than good. Also, in the mystical places of the peninsula, you are not supposed to raise your voice, joke or laugh - it is better to remain silent and maintain calm, both external and internal.

Cape Meganom

One of the most favorite places for occultists and esotericists. Located in the southeast of Crimea. The name of the cape is translated from Greek as “big house”, but no ancient settlements have been found here. Desert rocks with a minimum of vegetation are not particularly conducive to this. But they say that UFOs like to visit Meganom. Ghosts have also taken a liking to this place: they say that at night you can see a boy here who calls for him and can lure the gullible into the sea. Another ghostly inhabitant of Meganom is a lamb bleating on the edge of a cliff. (By the way, real pets avoid these places.) Another oddity of Meganom is the yellowish rings on the grass, visible from a height. From time to time they dim, and then people within their radius feel bad. But then the rings gain color again (sometimes they even glow at night) and at this time they become accessible again, people go to them for strength and energy. Meditation practitioners claim that it is on Meganome that one can make transitions to the past or future, and travel to parallel worlds.


The largest cave city in Crimea. Located in the south of the Bakhchisarai region. People lived here from the 3rd to the 15th centuries. Now there are only stones left here, and also the powerful energy of this place, which for so long served as a haven for generation after generation. They say that in winter you can see glowing neon balls on Mangup. They hover in the air at a height of one and a half meters for about ten minutes, and then simply dissolve and disappear. Mangup also has its own ghosts. Legend has it that on the eve of the Turkish invasion in 1475, a boy lived on Mangup. His family died defending the city. The boy himself, fleeing from his enemies, found himself on the edge of an abyss. The Turks rushed towards him, but the rock parted and swallowed the child. And now, on quiet moonlit nights, you can hear a child’s cry and see a white figure among the trees: this is a boy wandering through the ruins of his hometown and looking for his parents. They say that if you hold your gaze on him, you won’t be able to look away - you’ll follow him and step into the abyss.

Temple of the Sun

This is the name of an unusual stone ensemble on Mount Ilyas-Kaya (not far from Laspi Bay), reminiscent of a giant open flower. The stones are positioned so that the first ray of the sun falls exactly at the core of the “flower”. At first glance, it seems that the Temple is not in such an inaccessible place, but only those who are really ready to visit it and who are allowed by higher powers can get here. If you are one of these lucky ones, find the central stone of the “flower” - this is the main place of power. After climbing on it, mentally ask a question or make a wish. They say the answer will come right away, and your wish will come true very quickly. In gratitude, you can leave some kind of souvenir, a small gift in the Temple of the Sun, reports Crimean Journal.

Skel menhirs

The village of Rodnikovskoye (Sevastopol), near which they are located, used to bear the name Skelya, hence the name. These are vertically standing stone blocks, covered with moss and centuries-old cracks. At their feet, people performed rituals two to three thousand years ago. Now there are two menhirs: 2.8 m and 1.2 m high. It is believed that these stones have healing powers: they stand at points of accumulation of negative energy and transform it into positive. This energy can literally be felt with your hands: if you touch the menhir, you will feel a slight tingling in your fingers, and a wave of warmth will pass through your body.

Karadag (Black Mountain)

This mountain range near Feodosia is considered a powerful place of power. A sleeping volcano releases waves of both positive and negative energy into space. People have long settled at the foot of Karadag, and its mysterious soul, century after century, attracts artists, poets, and musicians who have a keen sense of the world. Strong magnetic anomalies are observed on Karadag - there are places where the compass needle begins to jump like crazy. One of the ridges of the mountain range is called Magnetic. This has a healing effect on some people, and from year to year they come to Karadag to “recharge their batteries.”

Kizil-Koba (Red Cave)

The only cave in Crimea through which an underground river flows. Located in the Simferopol region. The valley near the Red Cave is considered an energetically very strong place. At night you can see lights glowing in the air. And four times a year, when one season gives way to another, near the cave some manage to notice a “firebird” - a cloud of luminous energy, shaped like a winged beauty. Not far from the cave, the Su-Uchkhan waterfall gurgles - swimming in its icy water helps preserve youth and strength. Above the waterfall there is a clearing with such a view of the mountains that it will take your breath away. This is a place of special harmony, suitable for meditation.

Dolmens on Mount Cat

Dolmens are ancient structures made, as a rule, of four stone slabs placed on edge and covered with a fifth slab. Our ancestors built dolmens in places where positive energy exits and concentrates. In Crimea, such structures are found near cave cities, but most of them are on Mount Koshka, near Simeiz. They say that dolmens are a kind of gateway to other worlds. Next to these huge stone cubes (average 1.5 x 2.0 x 2.0 m). a person feels calm, receives answers to questions that torment him, and can even finally understand his purpose in life.

Valley of Ghosts on Mount Demerdzhi

It is believed that here (10 km from Alushta) there is an intersection of energy flows. It is better for unprepared people not to go here - you can see frightening pictures. True, skeptics claim that these are just bizarre rocks that take on strange shapes in the fog. Another feature of Demerdzhi is that on its slopes the sense of time is lost: it seems to a person that he has only been here for five to ten minutes, but in fact half an hour has already passed.

Ak-Kaya Rock (White Rock)

It rises above the valley of the Biyuk-Karasu River in the Belogorsk region, reaching 325 meters at its highest point. The centuries-old history of Crimea is concentrated in these places, and, of course, they have a special energy. People settled here back when their prey was mammoths, cave bears, primitive bulls and hunters drove them to a high cliff. The Sarmatians lived at the foot of the White Rock, and on the plateau there are many Scythian burial mounds. There is a legend that once there was a sea nearby, and Ak-Kaya was a steep shore where ships moored, and iron rings for mooring were supposedly even preserved in the vertical walls of the rock. There are also ancient legends associated with the Altyn-Teshik cave (translated as “golden hole”) located in the White Rock. According to one of them, the cave was the lair of a werewolf snake, who brought here the beauties he had kidnapped in the area.

Mount Chatyrdag

Located in the Big Alushta region. Although it is the second highest (after Roman-Kosh), it is still considered the main one for Crimea - it was not without reason that before the revolution it was depicted on the coat of arms of the capital of the peninsula. At the highest point of Chatyrdag, the peak of Eklizi-Burun (height 1527 m), until the 18th century there was a Greek temple of Panagia, dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary. Orthodox Christians from the surrounding villages still come here year after year on the eve of Easter and serve a prayer service. In this place people feel peace and are filled with strength. And some claim that the Most Holy Theotokos appeared to them here. They also say that you can make a wish on Eklizi: if it is material, then mentally you should turn to the Mother of God; if the desire concerns the spiritual sphere, then to God.

Mount Ai-Petri

Protects the southern coast of Crimea from cold northern and western winds. Ai-Petri also separates the energy zones of the South Coast and the Bakhchisarai region, so there are an abundance of anomalous areas here. For example, in the gorge near the Wuchang-Su waterfall, many people feel severe dizziness. And the so-called Drunken Grove (the trees here are intricately curved) is actually a geopathogenic zone; it is advised not to go here. But at the very top of Ai-Petri you can stand longer and, turning your face to the sea, make a wish.

Stone mushrooms of the Sotera Valley

These are huge, bizarre boulders ranging from three to seven meters high. If ordinary tourists come here to photograph stone sculptures, then fans of esoteric teachings visit this place to recharge their energy and find inner harmony.


The northernmost of the cave cities of Crimea. Located near the village of Skalistoy, Bakhchisaray district. The exact time of its creation is still unknown, but no later than the 4th century. Bakla is a place of silence and solitude. The man-made caves and natural grottoes of this ancient city are ideal for prayer and meditation. Previously, Baklu was guarded by a stone sphinx (a rock very reminiscent of this mythical creature), but at the end of the twentieth century it collapsed, and now the peace of this place is guarded only by the Snake Rock - its huge stone head rises above the surroundings.

16 MYSTICAL AND MYSTERIOUS PLACES OF CRIMEA. In Crimea, you can not only soak up the warm sand or stroll through famous palaces, but also visit the so-called places of power, where people come for mysticism, harmony and a charge of cosmic energy. According to esotericists, such places should not be visited in an angry or irritated state - they subtly sense the mood, and such a visit will do more harm than good. Also, in the mystical places of the peninsula, you are not supposed to raise your voice, joke or laugh - it is better to remain silent and maintain calm, both external and internal. ● Cape Meganom One of the most favorite places for occultists and esotericists. Located in the southeast of Crimea. The name of the cape is translated from Greek as “big house”, but no ancient settlements have been found here. Desert rocks with a minimum of vegetation are not particularly conducive to this. But they say that UFOs like to visit Meganom. Ghosts have also taken a liking to this place: they say that at night you can see a boy here who calls for him and can lure the gullible into the sea. Another ghostly inhabitant of Meganom is a lamb bleating on the edge of a cliff. (By the way, real pets avoid these places.) Another oddity of Meganom is the yellowish rings on the grass, visible from a height. From time to time they dim, and then people within their radius feel bad. But then the rings gain color again (sometimes they even glow at night) and at this time they become accessible again, people go to them for strength and energy. Meditation practitioners claim that it is on Meganome that one can make transitions to the past or future, and travel to parallel worlds.

● Mangup The largest cave city in Crimea. Located in the south of the Bakhchisarai region. People lived here from the 3rd to the 15th centuries. Now there are only stones left here, and also the powerful energy of this place, which for so long served as a haven for generation after generation. They say that in winter you can see glowing neon balls on Mangup. They hover in the air at a height of one and a half meters for about ten minutes, and then simply dissolve and disappear. Mangup also has its own ghosts. Legend has it that on the eve of the Turkish invasion in 1475, a boy lived on Mangup. His family died defending the city. The boy himself, fleeing from his enemies, found himself on the edge of an abyss. The Turks rushed towards him, but the rock parted and swallowed the child. And now, on quiet moonlit nights, you can hear a child’s cry and see a white figure among the trees: this is a boy wandering through the ruins of his hometown and looking for his parents. They say that if you hold your gaze on him, you won’t be able to look away - you’ll follow him and step into the abyss.

● Temple of the Sun This is the name of an unusual stone ensemble on Mount Ilyas-Kaya (not far from Laspi Bay), reminiscent of a giant open flower. The stones are positioned so that the first ray of the sun falls exactly at the core of the “flower”. At first glance, it seems that the Temple is not in such an inaccessible place, but only those who are really ready to visit it and who are allowed by higher powers can get here. If you are one of these lucky ones, find the central stone of the “flower” - this is the main place of power. After climbing on it, mentally ask a question or make a wish. They say the answer will come right away, and your wish will come true very quickly.

● Skel menhirs The village of Rodnikovskoye (Sevastopol), near which they are located, used to bear the name Skel, hence the name. These are vertically standing stone blocks, covered with moss and centuries-old cracks. At their feet, people performed rituals two to three thousand years ago. Now there are two menhirs: 2.8 m and 1.2 m high. It is believed that these stones have healing powers: they stand at points of accumulation of negative energy and transform it into positive. This energy can literally be felt with your hands: if you touch the menhir, you will feel a slight tingling in your fingers, and a wave of warmth will pass through your body.

● Kara-Dag (Black Mountain) This mountain range near Feodosia is considered a powerful place of power. A sleeping volcano releases waves of both positive and negative energy into space. People have long settled at the foot of Karadag, and its mysterious soul, century after century, attracts artists, poets, and musicians who have a keen sense of the world. Strong magnetic anomalies are observed on Karadag - there are places where the compass needle begins to jump like crazy. One of the ridges of the mountain range is called Magnetic. This has a healing effect on some people, and from year to year they come to Karadag to “recharge their batteries.”

● Kizil-Koba (Red Cave) The only cave in Crimea through which an underground river flows. Located in the Simferopol region. The valley near the Red Cave is considered an energetically very strong place. At night you can see lights glowing in the air. And four times a year, when one season gives way to another, near the cave some manage to notice a “firebird” - a cloud of luminous energy, shaped like a winged beauty. Not far from the cave, the Su-Uchkhan waterfall gurgles - swimming in its icy water helps preserve youth and strength. Above the waterfall there is a clearing with such a view of the mountains that it will take your breath away. This is a place of special harmony, suitable for meditation.

● Dolmens on Mount Cat Dolmens are ancient structures made, as a rule, of four stone slabs placed on edge and covered with a fifth slab. Our ancestors built dolmens in places where positive energy exits and concentrates. In Crimea, such structures are found near cave cities, but most of them are on Mount Koshka, near Simeiz. They say that dolmens are a kind of gateway to other worlds. Next to these huge stone cubes (average 1.5 x 2.0 x 2.0 m). a person feels calm, receives answers to questions that torment him, and can even finally understand his purpose in life.

● Valley of Ghosts on Mount Demerdzhi It is believed that here (10 km from Alushta) there is an intersection of energy flows. It is better for unprepared people not to go here - you can see frightening pictures. True, skeptics claim that these are just bizarre rocks that take on strange shapes in the fog. Another feature of Demerdzhi is that on its slopes the sense of time is lost: it seems to a person that he has only been here for five to ten minutes, but in fact half an hour has already passed.

● Ak-Kaya Rock (White Rock) Rising above the valley of the Biyuk-Karasu River in the Belogorsk region, reaching 325 meters at its highest point. The centuries-old history of Crimea is concentrated in these places, and, of course, they have a special energy. People settled here back when their prey was mammoths, cave bears, primitive bulls and hunters drove them to a high cliff. The Sarmatians lived at the foot of the White Rock, and on the plateau there are many Scythian burial mounds. There is a legend that once there was a sea nearby, and Ak-Kaya was a steep shore where ships moored, and iron rings for mooring were supposedly even preserved in the vertical walls of the rock. There are also ancient legends associated with the Altyn-Teshik cave (translated as “golden hole”) located in the White Rock. According to one of them, the cave was the lair of a werewolf snake, who brought here the beauties he had kidnapped in the area.

● Mount Chatyrdag Located in the Big Alushta region. Although it is the second highest (after Roman-Kosh), it is still considered the main one for Crimea - it was not without reason that before the revolution it was depicted on the coat of arms of the capital of the peninsula. At the highest point of Chatyrdag, the peak of Eklizi-Burun (height 1527 m), until the 18th century there was a Greek temple of Panagia, dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary. Orthodox Christians from the surrounding villages still come here year after year on the eve of Easter and serve a prayer service. In this place people feel peace and are filled with strength. And some claim that the Most Holy Theotokos appeared to them here. They also say that you can make a wish on Eklizi: if it is material, then mentally you should turn to the Mother of God; if the desire concerns the spiritual sphere, then to God.

● Mount Ai-Petri Protects the southern coast of Crimea from cold northern and western winds. Ai-Petri also separates the energy zones of the South Coast and the Bakhchisarai region, so there are an abundance of anomalous areas here. For example, in the gorge near the Wuchang-Su waterfall, many people feel severe dizziness. And the so-called Drunken Grove (the trees here are intricately curved) is actually a geopathogenic zone; it is advised not to go here. But at the very top of Ai-Petri you can stand longer and, turning your face to the sea, make a wish.

● Stone mushrooms of the Sotera Valley These are huge, bizarre boulders ranging from three to seven meters high. If ordinary tourists come here to photograph stone sculptures, then fans of esoteric teachings visit this place to recharge their energy and find inner harmony.

● Bakla The northernmost of the cave cities of Crimea. Located near the village of Skalistoy, Bakhchisaray district. The exact time of its creation is still unknown, but no later than the 4th century. Bakla is a place of silence and solitude. The man-made caves and natural grottoes of this ancient city are ideal for prayer and meditation. Previously, Baklu was guarded by a stone sphinx (a rock very reminiscent of this mythical creature), but at the end of the twentieth century it collapsed, and now the peace of this place is guarded only by the Snake Rock - its huge stone head rises above the surroundings.

● Ene-Sala In the place where a Tatar settlement was located a long time ago, which was later destroyed by the Nazis, you can see mysterious caves. Tourists are allowed to visit only one of them, since descending into the others requires special equipment and some skills. So, lovers thrills can go to the Ene Sala 2 cave, discovered by two unknown boys in 1965. Scientists have established the fact of a sacrifice on the territory of the cave. The ancient Taurians worshiped the gods and thus atone for their atrocities, and also expressed their respect. Many tourists who have visited the cave claim that it is full of ghosts.


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