5 meter man. The ancient inhabitants of the earth were giant people. Giants of Ancient Rome

And historical chronicles of the 19th century often report finds in different parts globe skeletons of abnormally tall people.

In 1821, in the US state of Tennessee, the ruins of an ancient stone wall were found, and under it were two human skeletons 215 centimeters tall. In Wisconsin, during the construction of a granary in 1879, huge vertebrae and skull bones of “incredible thickness and size” were found, according to a newspaper article.

In 1883, several burial mounds were discovered in Utah containing the burials of very tall people - 195 centimeters, which is at least 30 centimeters higher than the average height of Aboriginal Indians. The latter did not make these burials and could not provide any information about them. In 1885, in Gasterville (Pennsylvania), a stone crypt was discovered in a large burial mound, in which there was a skeleton 215 centimeters high. Primitive images of people, birds and animals were carved on the walls of the crypt.

In 1899, miners in the Ruhr region of Germany discovered the fossilized skeletons of people ranging from 210 to 240 centimeters tall.

In 1890, in Egypt, archaeologists found a stone sarcophagus with a clay coffin inside, which contained the mummies of a two-meter red-haired woman and a baby. The facial features and build of the mummies were sharply different from the ancient Egyptians. Similar mummies of a man and a woman with red hair were discovered in 1912 in Lovelock (Nevada) in a cave carved into the rock. The height of the mummified woman during life was two meters, and the man was about three meters.

Australian finds

In 1930, near Basarst in Australia, prospectors mining jasper often found fossilized imprints of huge human legs. Anthropologists called the race of giant people, whose remains were found in Australia, Meganthropus. The height of these people ranged from 210 to 365 centimeters. Megantropus are similar to Gigantopithecus, the remains of which were discovered in China. Judging by the found fragments of jaws and many teeth, the height of the Chinese giants was 3 to 3.5 meters, and their weight was 400 kilograms. Near Basarst, in the river sediments there were stone artifacts of enormous weight and size - clubs, plows , chisels, knives and axes. Modern Homo sapiens would hardly be able to work with tools weighing from 4 to 9 kilograms.

An anthropological expedition that specifically explored this area in 1985 for the presence of remains of Meganthropus, carried out excavations at a depth of up to three meters from the surface of the earth. Australian researchers found, among other things, a fossilized molar tooth 67 millimeters high and 42 millimeters wide. The owner of the tooth had to be at least 7.5 meters tall and weigh 370 kilograms! Hydrocarbon analysis determined the age of the finds to be nine million years.

In 1971, in Queensland, farmer Stephen Walker, while plowing his field, came across a large fragment of a jaw with teeth five centimeters high. In 1979 at Megalong Valley in the Blue Mountains local residents They found a huge stone sticking out above the surface of the stream, on which could be seen the imprint of part of a huge foot with five toes. The transverse size of the fingers was 17 centimeters. If the print had been preserved in its entirety, it would have been 60 centimeters long. It follows that the imprint was left by a man six meters tall
Near Malgoa, three huge footprints were found, 60 centimeters long and 17 centimeters wide. The giant's stride length was measured at 130 centimeters. The footprints were preserved in fossilized lava for millions of years, even before Homo sapiens appeared on the Australian continent (if the theory of evolution is correct). Huge footprints are also found in the limestone bed of the Upper Macleay River. The fingerprints of these footprints are 10 centimeters long and the width of the foot is 25 centimeters. Obviously, the Aborigines of Australia were not the first inhabitants of the continent. Interestingly, their folklore contains legends about giant people who once lived in these territories.

Other evidence of giants

In one of the old books entitled History and Antiquity, now kept in the library of Oxford University, there is an account of the discovery of a gigantic skeleton made in the Middle Ages in Cumberland. “The giant is buried four yards deep in the ground and is in full military garb. His sword and battle ax rest next to him. The skeleton is 4.5 yards (4 meters) long and the teeth " big man"measures 6.5 inches (17 centimeters)"

In 1877, near Ewreka, Nevada, prospectors were panning for gold in a deserted hilly area. One of the workers accidentally noticed something sticking out over the cliff ledge. People climbed the rock and were surprised to find human bones of the foot and lower leg along with the kneecap. The bone was immured in the rock, and the miners used picks to free it from the rock. Assessing the unusualness of the find, the workers brought it to Evreka. The stone in which the rest of the leg was embedded was quartzite, and the bones themselves turned black, which indicated their considerable age. The leg was broken above the knee and consisted of the knee joint and completely preserved bones of the lower leg and foot. Several doctors examined the bones and concluded that the leg undoubtedly belonged to a person. But the most intriguing aspect of the find was the size of the leg - 97 centimeters from knee to foot. The owner of this limb during his lifetime had a height of 3 meters 60 centimeters. Even more mysterious was the age of the quartzite in which the fossil was found - 185 million years, the era of dinosaurs. Local newspapers vied with each other to report the sensation. One of the museums sent researchers to the site in hopes of finding the remaining parts of the skeleton. But, unfortunately, nothing more was discovered.

In 1936, German paleontologist and anthropologist Larson Kohl found the skeletons of giant people on the shores of Lake Elizi in Central Africa. The 12 men buried in the mass grave had heights from 350 to 375 centimeters during their lifetime. It is curious that their skulls had sloping chins and two rows of upper and lower teeth.

There is evidence that during the Second World War in Poland, during the burial of those executed, a fossilized skull 55 centimeters high was found, that is, almost three times larger than that of a modern adult. The giant to whom the skull belonged had very proportional features and a height of at least 3.5 meters

Giant Skulls

Ivan T. Sanderson, a famous zoologist and frequent guest on the popular American show “Tonight” in the 60s, once shared with the public an interesting story about a letter he received from a certain Alan McShir. The author of the letter in 1950 worked as a bulldozer operator on the construction of a road in Alaska. He reported that workers discovered two huge fossilized skulls, vertebrae and leg bones in one of the burial mounds. The height of the skulls reached 58 cm and the width 30 centimeters. The ancient giants had a double row of teeth and disproportionately flat heads. Each skull had a neat round hole in the upper part. It should be noted that the custom of deforming the skulls of infants in order to force their heads to acquire an elongated shape as they grew, existed among some Indian tribes of North America. The vertebrae, as well as the skulls, were three times larger in size than those of modern humans. The length of the shin bones ranged from 150 to 180 centimeters.

IN South Africa During diamond mining in 1950, a fragment of a huge skull 45 centimeters high was discovered. Above the brow ridges were two strange protrusions that resembled small horns. Anthropologists who came into possession of the find determined the age of the skull - about nine million years.

There is not entirely reliable evidence of the finds of huge skulls in South-East Asia and on the islands of Oceania.

At different periods, gigantic remains were discovered all over the world, each of which was immediately credited with the title of the largest human skeleton in the world. Dozens of photographs of the largest skeletons are circulating online, but there is fierce debate about their authenticity. Nevertheless, there are several finds of the largest human skeletons in the world, the origin of which is beyond doubt.

Top 10 largest human skeletons in the world

There are many legends about giants, whose remains are supposedly discovered in different parts of the world. However, most of these messages are fake and do not reflect the real state of affairs.

Big skull

The top 10 giant remains include:

  1. The Castelnau giant is the largest bone in the world.
  2. 18 skeletons in Wisconsin - mysterious story archaeologists.
  3. Giant skull from Peru - there are alternative versions.
  4. Five-meter skeleton from Australia - find recent years.
  5. The Roman giant is simply tall by today's standards.
  6. Cemetery of Giants in China - considered giants in the Medieval world.
  7. The giantess from Poland is an unusual woman of the Middle Ages.
  8. The giant from Kentucky is not the tallest, but he is famous.
  9. Robert Wadlow is a giant of our time.
  10. The Irish giant - against his last wishes, in the museum.

The Giant of Castelnau is one of the giants of France

The expression "Giant of Castelnau" refers to three parts of the incredibly large human skeleton: the humerus, the tibia, and the femur. According to scientists, the finds were located in a Bronze Age mound, possibly dating back to the Neolithic era. According to archaeologists working on the excavation, the skeleton found may belong to one of the largest people in the world ever known to exist. Based on the size of the skeletal bones of this large man, scientists estimate that he could have been about 3.5 meters tall.

Photo of the remains of the giant from Castelnau

One of the largest human skeletons in the world was discovered by anthropologist Georges Vache de Lapouge in the Bronze Age cemetery at Castelnau-les-Lezes in France in the winter of 1890. The volumes of the bones were more than twice the size of normal skeletal parts. Judging by the usual spacing of anatomical points, they were also nearly twice the length of a normal skeleton.

The bones of the giant from Castelnau were studied at the University of Montpellier and examined by professor of zoology M. Sabatier and professor of paleontology M. Delage, as well as other anatomists. In 1892, the bones were carefully studied by Dr. Paul Louis André Kiener, professor of pathological anatomy at the Montpellier Medical School, who recognized that they represented "a very high race." However, he called them abnormal in size and hypothesized that such a large size of the human skeleton was caused by disease.

It is of interest that in 1894 press reports mentioned a further discovery of bones of human giants discovered in a prehistoric cemetery in Montpellier. Skulls "28, 31 and 32 inches in circumference" were discovered along with other bones gigantic size, which indicated that they belonged to a race of people with a height of 305 to 457 cm, but there is no real evidence of this.

18 skeletons in Wisconsin - number is in doubt

In 1912, the New York Times reported the discovery of 18 of the world's largest human skeletons in an archaeological dig near Lake Delavan in Wisconsin. Their heights ranged from 231 to 304 cm, and their skulls were much larger than those of any race inhabiting America today. They had a double row of teeth, 6 fingers and toes.

Pictured are skeletons of giants from Wisconsin.

Many reports say that the largest human skeletons were sent to the Smithsonian Institution, but officials at the institution deny these claims.

Giant skull from Peru - a dark story with DNA

In one of the Peruvian forests, scientist Renato Davila Riquelm found one of the largest skeletons known to the world. The bones of the giant are still kept in the Privado Ritos Andinos Museum in Peru: every visitor to the exhibition can see them.

Large skeleton found in Peru considered alien

Scientists around the world have conducted DNA tests based on materials from this skeleton, but reliable data on their results has never been made public. This raises a number of theories about the alien origin of the largest skeleton.

Is the five-meter skeleton from Australia a fake?

A giant human skeleton, reaching 5.3 meters in height, has been discovered near the ancient ruins of the only megalithic civilization discovered in Australia, making the discovery twice as surprising. “Theoretically, a five-meter hominid cannot exist. But how then is this possible? While this discovery is exciting, we are left with more questions than answers,” admits Professor Hans Zimmer from the University of Adelaide.

The world's largest skeleton may be a fake

Some experts have hypothesized that who lived in ancient world the person could suffer from an extreme case of gigantism: a condition caused by the overproduction of growth hormones. Another part of researchers and ordinary Internet users are inclined to believe that this news is fake, so the photo of the giant is carefully studied.

Roman giant - records of the past

At 202 centimeters tall, the man was considered a giant in third-century AD Rome, where men averaged about 167 centimeters tall. However, today such growth characteristics are not surprising, because in modern world the tallest person is 251 centimeters tall.

Nevertheless, such skeletons are discovered extremely rarely, because the fact of gigantism itself is rare: today only about three people per million worldwide suffer from this disease. Changes begin in childhood when malfunctioning pituitary gland causes abnormal growth.

Skeletal bones of a Roman giant

The unusual skeleton was found in 1991 during excavations in the necropolis of Fidenae, an area administered by Rome. Even at the time of the initial excavations, the archaeological department of Rome, which led the project, noted that the discovered human tomb was abnormally long. However, it was only during a later anthropological examination that the bones were also recognized as unusual. Soon after, they were sent for further analysis to the team of Simon Minozzi, who led this archaeological research. To find out whether the skeleton had gigantism, the team examined the bones and found evidence of skull changes that were consistent with a pituitary tumor. It destroys the organ by causing an excess of human growth hormone.

Cemetery of Giants in China - large for the period

In 2016, archaeologists began excavating a late Neolithic settlement at Jiaojia in China, a village in the Shandong province of China. They discovered many interesting finds there - including the ruins of 104 houses, 205 graves and 20 sacrificial pits - but latest discovery took experts by surprise. According to scientist Mark Molloy, the bodies of several men ranging in height from 152 to 190 centimeters were discovered in a cemetery in Jiaojia. At first glance, even the minimum numbers may not seem like much, but in fact men would have been exceptionally tall during the period in which they lived.

5,000-year-old human skeletons from China

The remains, dating back to around 5,000 years ago, were buried in large graves. One of the people found in the cemetery was even taller than his leggy peers: based on the size of the large skeleton, scientists concluded that this person was about 1.9 meters tall. The people at Jiaojia Cemetery would have seemed giants to the average person 5,000 years ago. In Europe, by comparison, the average height of the Neolithic population was about 1.67 meters.

A giantess from Poland - the difficult fate of an unknown giantess

In 2016, archaeologists discovered a large skeleton of a medieval giantess - a woman 219 cm tall. Mysterious remains 12th-century ones were discovered buried next to a church on the island of Ostrów Lednicki in Poland. This large skeleton also had one of the largest human skulls ever found.

The largest female skeleton found in Poland

Researchers analyzing what remains of the woman's skeleton say she lived a short life filled with trauma and illness:

  • the giantess suffered from acromegaly, a rare condition associated with the overproduction of growth hormone from the pituitary gland, which makes the bones of the head especially large;
  • her spine also showed signs of degenerative joint disease, likely as a result of her enormous height and weight.

The location of her burial in the cemetery is also curious. While the heads of all other bodies were buried facing west, her head was located towards the east. Both of her arms were bent rather than fully extended.

Kentucky Giant - Museum Exhibit

The Mütter Museum in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, founded in 1858 thanks to the generous donation of Thomas Dent Mütter, has an astounding display of human body parts and medical equipment. The collection was originally intended to be used as a teaching tool for surgical students, which is why it is so unusual. Since its founding, the museum has opened its doors to the public so that those interested can view various bones, organs and unusual creatures, as well as ancient medical equipment.

In the photo, Queen Elizabeth examines a large skeleton from Kentucky.

Undoubtedly, one of the most impressive objects is the largest human skeleton on display in North America. The skeleton, nicknamed the "American Giant" or "Kentucky Giant", measures an impressive 232 cm and is displayed alongside another skeleton of normal height, as well as the skeleton of a dwarf named Mary Ashberry.

Robert Wadlow - a devastating disease

The largest human skeleton in the world, the authenticity of which is certainly not in doubt, was “found” inside a man named Robert Wadlow, the tallest recorded person in history. His height reached a height of 2.72 m, and his weight was more than 200 kg at the time of death: the numerous photographs of this man are truly impressive. He had a problem with his pituitary gland, which caused his skeleton to become so large.

In the photo, the largest man in the world is 2.72 m tall

Surely many people believe that giants are extremely strong, but most of them are actually quite fragile: the large height and weight of a person does not correspond to the normal load-bearing properties of the human skeleton. So the man with the largest skeleton, Wadlow, died at the age of 22.

Irish giant - controversy surrounding remains

Born in Northern Ireland In the 18th century, a boy named Byrne began to develop rapidly physically during his teenage years. He soon reached a fairly high height of 235 cm, which made him famous all over the world and provided numerous mentions in the media. After gaining fame, he set off with a friend across the Irish Sea in search of fame and fortune, discovering his remarkable human curiosity.

The largest skeleton comes from the 18th century

According to the memoirs of Dr. Thomas Muinzer, who researched Byrne's life, there were many remarkable reports in the newspapers of that time about how he lit his pipe from lamps in the streets in Edinburgh because he was so tall. He arrived in London in his early 20s and continued to show himself off in public, collecting a tidy income as crowds flocked to witness his gigantic stature for themselves. Lifetime images of the giant have been preserved, but in the photo you can only see his skeleton.

Documents from the time reported that he told friends he wanted to be buried at sea out of fear that surgeons might locate his body if he was buried in the cemetery. However, despite this, after his death his remains were taken to the Royal College of Surgeons Museum in London, where they were reduced to bare bones. Despite calls from scientists and human rights activists to honor Byrne's last wishes, his large skeleton remains on public display.


In the modern world there are many people with enormous growth who are also considered giants.

Giants were first mentioned in the Bible.

It happened in the Old Testament - there were giants on earth, and in their eyes the common people were like locusts to us. The Bible calls giants strong, glorious people of old, and compares them to the sons of God.

The legendary Philistine giant Goliath is known as a mythical hero who was three meters tall and had enormous physical strength. According to ancient legends, he fought his enemies by throwing huge boulders at them, which reached the size of a head of cabbage. However, according to legend, despite his superhuman strength, Goliath was defeated by the brave shepherd David, who was quite standard in size and not distinguished by gigantic physical strength.

The victory of brave David over the mighty giant today is an example for many young men whose physical nature is far from heroic standards. Subsequently, David, the winner of Goliath, became king and ruled in the Kingdom of Israel from 1005 BC. to 965 BC

Giant people were also mentioned in ancient Greek sources. One of these were the Titans - the children of the Earth goddess Gaia, who were monstrous giants. It was mentioned that they were born from drops of the blood of Uranus, the ancient Greek God of Heaven. According to legend, huge titans fought against the Olympian gods, but were overthrown into Tartarus, deep within the earth, after Hercules defeated them.

Another representative of the giants was the patron god of Babylon. According to ancient legend, he had immeasurable strength and was so tall that he overshadowed all other gods. The Babylonian creation epic names him "marduk" ("son of pure sky") as the supreme deity of Babylonia.

Giants in the Middle Ages

The Middle Ages are also characterized by the presence of giants of their time. According to the legends of that time, the Slavic hero Svyatogor, being a comrade in arms of Mikula Selyaninovich and Ilya Muromets, had superhuman strength and was very tall. According to ancient Slavic writings, Svyatogor was taller than trees and so heavy that the Earth could not bear his weight and collapsed under his feet.

One Russian writer, studying and creating writing for the peoples of the North, outlined the legend of this people in his work “Chukchi”. According to this legend, a tribe of incredibly tall people lived in the snow-covered tundra. This was about two thousand years ago, however, even today modern times Northern hunters on their way meet incredibly tall, muscular men.

The Hutsul people once sang a song about giants. Residents of Ukrainian villages and villages still know and sing it in their circles. In this song they described ancient people of enormous stature living in the mountain valley of the Carpathians. They were called giants, walking a mile and reaching the sky. Later, this Hutsul folk song was used by director Sergei Parajanov in his outstanding creation “Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors.”

Giants of Ancient Rome

Posio and Scundila

The famous “Gardens of Salustius” in Rome, which belonged to a historian who lived in the 1st century BC, were guarded by the giants Posio and Scundila. They were widely known throughout the city due to their enormous height, reaching three meters. In addition, the giants had a formidable character, which scared petty thieves and hooligans away from the luxurious Salustiya estate.

Another giant, whose height almost reached 3.5 meters, was one of the hostages sent to Rome by the Persian king. According to the writings of Josephus, an ancient Jewish historian, the giant did not possess any supernatural power, but was known for his gluttony, and in “eating competitions” he was always ahead of his rivals.

Giants in the eyes of travelers

Great travelers also managed to see giants. Spaniard Ferdinand Magellan - famous navigator, wintered in Argentina in 1520. On his expedition in modern Patagonia, he met a giant whose height exceeded two meters, and Magellan himself was waist-deep. Later, two more natives were captured by Magellan's people, who were intended to be delivered as a gift to King Charles I. But the natives died on the way across the ocean, unable to withstand the difficult transition, and were thrown overboard. According to some sources, Patagonia gets its name from the word patagón, which Magellan used to call the giants he met.

Another English navigator Francis Drake in 1578, making trip around the world, met on the shores of Patagonia people more than 2.8 meters tall, which he wrote down in his logbook.

Giants of the past century

Robert Pershing Wadlow

Giants also met in the last century. Among us lived a number of people of enormous stature. One of these people, Robert Pershing Wadlow, is called “the tallest man in history.” Robert Wadlow lived from 1918 to 1940 in Alton, Illinois. Throughout his short life he continued to grow, and at the time of Robert Wadlow’s death his height was 2 m 72 centimeters, his foot was 49 cm, and he weighed 199 kg.

But this is not an isolated case when the growth of a modern person reached non-standard sizes. In total, in the history of medicine of the last century, 17 giant people were recorded, taller than 2.44 m. John William Rogan, whose height was 2 m 64 cm, was the second in the number of tall people in history after Robert Pershing Wadlow. John F. Carroll was 2 m 63 cm tall, another giant, Finn Välno Myllyrinne, was 2 m 51 cm tall, and Bernard Coyen was 2 m 48 cm tall. Another person with a non-standard height of 2 m 49 cm was Don Kohler.

Giant woman

Among the representatives of female giants, the tallest woman in the world was recognized and still remains a Chinese woman from Hunan province - Zeng Jinlian, who lived in 1964-1982. Her height began to actively develop as early as 4 months and by the age of four it reached 156 cm, and by the time of her death at the age of 18 her height was 2 m 48 cm.

Giants Hugo

Hugo's twin brothers were known to residents late XIX century. Baptiste and Antoine Hugo, twin brothers called "Alpine giants" performed in Europe and America.

The eldest of the brothers, Baptist Hugo, was photographed with residents North Africa, and called himself “the tallest man on all the Earth.” The height of Antoine, the youngest of the brothers, was 225 cm.

The Russian hero Fyodor Makhnov, a popular giant of the last century, became famous due to his impressive height of 2 m 68 cm. As St. Petersburg newspapers described him in 1906, he was “a Russian giant of a height never before seen in any part of the globe.” .

Fyodor Makhnov was born in the northeast of Belarus, near the village of Kostyuki in 1878. From the age of fourteen, Fedor traveled around the world with his performances and aroused surprised glances from the public and universal admiration.

At the age of sixteen, according to the contract, Makhnov’s height was “3 arshins 9 inches,” which in today’s terms is 253 centimeters. According to the Warsaw anthropologist Lushan, the height of Fyodor Makhnov continued to increase and reached a maximum of 285 cm. As Lushan noted in 1903 in the journal “Nature and People”, in order to at least slightly introduce this extraordinary person in society, the boots of the giant Fyodor to a person of standard height was chest-deep, and a boy of about 12 could fit in his full-length boot.

Makhnov was distinguished not only by his enormous height, but also by his superhuman physical strength. At his performances, he raised the orchestra platform, bent horseshoes and twisted spirals from iron rods. Being so famous, Fedor, of course, aroused interest among the common people in his personal life. Newspapers of that time published information that Fyodor Makhnov had a wife and five children. However, the father’s enormous height did not affect his offspring in any way, and all of Fedor’s children were of normal height.

Over time, Fyodor Makhnov got tired of being fun for the public, he quit his performances and moved to live in his native land, where he built a new farm with the proceeds from his performances. According to official data, Fyodor Makhnov died at the age of 34 from pneumonia. However, some suggested that the “Russian Gulliver” was poisoned by competitors - circus strongmen and giants.

Makhnov’s grave is still preserved in the cemetery of the village of Kostyuki. It says “The Tallest Man in the World.” He was 3 arshins 9 inches tall.” However, Fedor’s grave is a place without a burial, and the remains of the giant are no longer there. The skeleton of the Russian hero was exhumed in 1939 and was sent for study to the Medical Institute in Minsk. However, the skeleton remained lost after the destruction of the war, and has not been found to this day.

Sultan Kösen

According to Guinness World Records, the man currently living and the tallest is Turkish farmer Sultan Kösen. This man was born in December 1982 and now lives in Turkey. He is currently 2.51 m tall

Leonid Stadnik

Another contemporary giant who was voluntarily removed from the Guinness Book of Records is Leonid Stadnik. It no longer appears in the book of records because... refused the next control weighing. Currently, Leonid lives in the Zhytomyr region of Ukraine, in the village of Podolyantsy. Today, Leonid’s height is 2 m 53 cm, and he weighs 200 kg, and this, apparently, is not the limit, because he continues to grow.

Alexander Sizonenko

Alexander Sizonenko (1959 - 2012), another tall man of our time. He was born in the Kherson region of Ukraine, the village of Zaporozhye. Alexander was a famous basketball player who was the tallest in the history of the sport. Sizonenko was brought up in a sports boarding school in St. Petersburg, and played for the Leningrad team “Spartak” and the Kuibyshev “Stroitel”. The height of the tallest basketball player was 243 cm. Unfortunately, in January 2012 in the city of St. Petersburg, Alexander died.

Many legends of the world tell about giants, giants, titans in all ancient written sources. We are often informed about the discovery of skeletons of people of abnormal height in different parts of the globe. So maybe our ancestors were giants?

Stone Age burials have been discovered in the Sahara Desert. The age of the remains is approximately 5000 years. In 2005-2006, about 200 burials were found. All of them were tall, more than two meters

Giant fossils were found in Turkey. The human leg bone is 120 cm long. Based on this, the person’s height should have been 5 meters.

In China, people were found who were 3-3.5 meters tall and weighed 300 kg.

In Australia, anthropologists found a fossilized tooth 67 mm high and 42 mm wide. According to estimates, the owner of the tooth should have been 7.5 meters tall and weighed 370 kg. Analyzes determined the age of the find - 9 million years

A jaw was found in one of the caves. But despite the resemblance to a human one, the size of the found bone seems abnormally large

It is assumed that all the main monuments of antiquity (Egyptian pyramids, Stonehenge, Sphinx) were built by these giants. According to scientists, giants are the race that preceded us (not to be confused with the current concept that characterizes belonging to a particular nationality). They mastered psychic energy and “life force” that were unusual for us.

The Aryan race appeared in the depths of the Atlantic civilization about 1 million years ago. All modern earthlings are called Aryans. The early Aryans were 3-4 meters tall, then their height decreased

Anthropologists have even found drawings on Incan stones. They were discovered in Peru. And these drawings show that people lived with dinosaurs. By comparing these drawings, scientists discovered amazing fact: Humans and dinosaurs have roughly similar proportions! Perhaps the era of dinosaurs was inhabited by giant people. And a man is in the mouth of a dinosaur, and a dinosaur with a cut off head...

Evidence of the discovery of the remains of giants is found in almost every part of the world: this is Mexico, and Peru, and Pennsylvania, and Tunisia, and Texas, and the Philippines, and Syria, and Morocco, and Australia, and Spain, and Georgia... It’s worth thinking about as much about the plausibility of their existence as about the reasons for the disappearance of such a more diverse and powerful civilization than you and me...

In the tales and legends of almost all peoples of the Earth there are references to people of enormous stature - giants. The fact that there used to be people on Earth whose height was much higher than that of modern humans is indicated by many archaeological finds found all over the world.

The remains of giant people have been found in almost every part of the world:Mexico, Peru, Tunisia, Pennsylvania, Texas, Philippines, Syria, Morocco, Australia, Spain, Georgia, Southeast Asia, the islands of Oceania.

In 2008, near the city Borjomi, V Kharagauli reserve, Georgian archaeologists found a skeleton three-meter giant. Skull found in 3 times more ordinary human skull.

The remains of giant people were found in Australia, where anthropologists found a fossilized indigenous tooth 67 mm high and 42 mm wide. The owner of the tooth must have been about 7.5 meters and weight 370 kilograms. Hydrocarbon analysis determined the age of the find - 9 million years.

IN China fragments of jaws of people whose height ranged from 3 before 3,5 meters, and weight 300 kilograms.

IN South Africa, at diamond mines, a fragment of a huge skull as tall as 45 centimeters. Anthropologists have determined the age of the skull - about 9 million years.

Many remains of giants were found in the last century on Caucasus. In 2000, archaeologists discovered the skeletons of four-meter giants in a mountain cave in Eastern Georgia.

In 2001, on July 23, Marvin Rainwater, owner of a farm in Iowa (USA), while digging a well, a tomb with mummified giant people 3 meters tall was discovered.

IN Sahara near Gobero Stone Age burials have been discovered. The age of the remains is approximately 5000 years. In 2005 - 2006, about 200 burials of two cultures were found in the region - Kifian And Tenerian. The Kifians lived in this territory 8 - 10 thousand years back. They were tall, exceeding 2 meters.

Many giant fossilized bones were discovered in one of the mountain valleys Turkey. Fossilized human leg bone is long 120 centimeters, judging by this size, the person's height was about 5 meters. The Giant Race existed!

The end of the twentieth century was marked by a sensational discovery by an Anglo-French paleontological expedition that conducted research in remote parts of Southern Mongolia, in the Gobi Desert, which has long been considered a hive of secrets. There is a place there called Uulakh, about which a legend about a giant devil who lived in a stone gorge has been passed down from generation to generation. He was so huge that the earth could hardly bear him.

A group of paleontologists, led by Professor Higley, decided to check the authenticity of this legend. Persistent excavations in strata rock, which is about 45 million years old, were crowned with success: a well-preserved skeleton of a humanoid creature was discovered. Moreover, scientists were amazed by its growth - about 15-17 meters. It turns out that the legend was true? But how did local residents know about the “gigantic shaitan” if he lived millions of years ago? There is only one plausible explanation: they have already seen his bones. The rock could have been washed away by water, which allowed the Mongols to see the remains, the legend of which has been passed down from generation to generation for hundreds of years.

So it’s already been 45 million years human civilization- Race of Giants!?

Independent experts pointed to another important factor: a fake of this scale cannot be manufactured and delivered to the required location in secret.

Noteworthy is the version put forward by Canadian scientist Roger Wingley, who noted that it is necessary to take into account the data of recent studies. It follows from them that for billions of years the Earth rotated around the Sun and around its axis much faster than at present. Calculations show that at that time a day lasted about 10 hours, and in one year there were almost 400 days. According to Wingley, such conditions made it possible for the existence of giants - dinosaurs, lizards and even humanoids. It is likely that this is the answer to the mysterious gorge.

Articles appeared in a number of British newspapers that called for a new look at the history of human development. The famous British scientist Dr. Tones expressed his view on the problem.

He believes that his colleagues made a unique find that does not belong to earthly civilization. The professor hypothesized that the creature discovered in the Gobi Desert developed and lived according to laws that are very far from earthly evolution. Therefore, this is not a representative of an extinct race from our planet, not a hoax, but a creature from outer space.

Historical chronicles of the 19th century often report the discovery of skeletons of abnormally tall people in different parts of the globe.

In 1821 in USA in Tennessee found the ruins of an ancient stone wall, and under it two human skeletons 215 centimeters tall. In Wisconsin, during the construction of a granary in 1879, huge vertebrae and skull bones of “incredible thickness and size” were found, according to a newspaper article.

In 1883 in Utah Several burial mounds were discovered containing the burials of very tall people - 195 centimeters, which is at least 30 centimeters higher than the average height of the Aboriginal Indians. The latter did not make these burials and could not provide any information about them. In 1885, in Gasterville (Pennsylvania), a stone crypt was discovered in a large burial mound, in which there was a skeleton 215 centimeters high. Primitive images of people, birds and animals were carved on the walls of the crypt.

In 1890 Egypt archaeologists found a stone sarcophagus with a clay coffin inside, which contained the mummies of a two-meter red-haired woman and a baby. The facial features and build of the mummies were sharply different from the ancient Egyptians. Similar mummies of a man and a woman with red hair were discovered in 1912 in Lovelock (Nevada) in a cave carved into the rock. The height of the mummified woman during life was two meters, and the man - about three meters.

In 1930 near Basarsta in Australia Miners mining jasper often found fossilized imprints of huge human feet. Anthropologists called the race of giant people, whose remains were found in Australia, Meganthropus. The height of these people ranged from 210 to 365 centimeters. Megantropus are similar to Gigantopithecus, the remains of which were discovered in China. Judging by the found fragments of jaws and many teeth, the height of the Chinese giants was 3 to 3.5 meters, and their weight was 400 kilograms. Near Basarst, in the river sediments, there were stone artifacts of enormous weight and size - clubs, plows, chisels, knives and axes. Modern Homo sapiens would hardly be able to work with tools weighing from 4 to 9 kilograms.

An anthropological expedition that specifically explored this area in 1985 for the presence of remains of Meganthropus, carried out excavations at a depth of up to three meters from the surface of the earth. Australian researchers found, among other things, a fossilized molar tooth 67 millimeters high and 42 millimeters wide. The owner of the tooth had to be at least 7.5 meters tall and weigh 370 kilograms! Hydrocarbon analysis determined the age of the finds to be nine million years.

In 1971 in Queensland farmer Stephen Walker, plowing his field, came across a large fragment of a jaw with teeth five centimeters high. In 1979 in Megalong Valley In the Blue Mountains, local residents found a huge stone sticking out above the surface of a stream, on which could be seen the imprint of part of a huge foot with five toes. The transverse size of the fingers was 17 centimeters. If the print had been preserved in its entirety, it would have been 60 centimeters long. It follows that the imprint was left by a man six meters tall

Up close Malgoa Three huge footprints were found, 60 centimeters long and 17 centimeters wide. The giant's stride length was measured at 130 centimeters. The footprints were preserved in fossilized lava for millions of years, even before Homo sapiens appeared on the Australian continent (if the theory of evolution is correct). Huge footprints are also found in the limestone bed of the Upper Macleay River. The fingerprints of these footprints are 10 centimeters long and the width of the foot is 25 centimeters. Obviously, the Aborigines of Australia were not the first inhabitants of the continent. It is interesting that in their folklore there are legends about giant people who once lived in these territories .

In one of the old books entitled History and Antiquity, now kept in the library of Oxford University, there is an account of the discovery of a gigantic skeleton made in the Middle Ages in Cumberland. “The giant is buried four yards deep in the ground and is in full military garb. His sword and battle ax rest next to him. The skeleton is 4.5 yards (4 meters) long, and the "big man's" teeth measure 6.5 inches (17 centimeters)."

In 1877, near Jews in Nevada prospectors were panning for gold in a deserted hilly area. One of the workers accidentally noticed something sticking out over the cliff ledge. People climbed the rock and were surprised to find human bones of the foot and lower leg along with the kneecap. The bone was immured in the rock, and the miners used picks to free it from the rock. Assessing the unusualness of the find, the workers brought it to Evreka. The stone in which the rest of the leg was embedded was quartzite, and the bones themselves turned black, which indicated their considerable age. The leg was broken above the knee and consisted of the knee joint and completely preserved bones of the lower leg and foot. Several doctors examined the bones and concluded that the leg undoubtedly belonged to a person. But the most intriguing aspect of the find was the size of the foot - 97 centimeters from knee to foot. During life, the owner of this limb had a height of 3 meters 60 centimeters.

Even more mysterious was the age of the quartzite in which the fossil was found - 185 million years, the era of dinosaurs. Local newspapers vied with each other to report the sensation. One of the museums sent researchers to the site in hopes of finding the remaining parts of the skeleton. But, unfortunately, nothing more was found

In 1936, German paleontologist and anthropologist Larson Kohl found the skeletons of giant people on the shore Lake Elizi in Central Africa. The 12 men buried in the mass grave had heights from 350 to 375 centimeters during their lifetime. It is curious that their skulls had sloping chins and two rows of upper and lower teeth.

There is evidence that during the Second World War in the territory Poland During the burial of those executed, a fossilized skull 55 centimeters high was found, that is, almost three times larger than that of a modern adult. The giant to whom the skull belonged had very proportional features and a height of at least 3.5 meters.

One of the most unique specimens in Klaus Don's collection is the bones of a giant. This is a genuine artifact. IN Ecuador in 1964 he found part of the calcaneus and occipital bone of a human skeleton. Based on calculations, he found out that this bone belonged to a man 7 meters 60 centimeters tall. The age of these remains is more than 10 thousand years. But that is not all. IN Bolivia he was also able to make a discovery. Klaus discovered the burial of people 260-280 centimeters tall. But the strangest thing is that they have unusually elongated skulls.

About giant people from other sources:

Helena Blavatsky

Theosophist, writer and traveler Helena Blavatsky formed a classification of existing earthly civilizations - Indigenous Human Races:

I race - angelic people,

Race II - ghost-like people,

III race - Lemurians,

IV race - Atlanteans,

V race - Aryans (WE).

In her book The Secret Doctrine, Helena Blavatsky writes that the inhabitants of Lemuria were the “root race” of humanity.

As Blavatsky writes, “the late Lemurians had a height of 10 - 20 meters. All major achievements of earthly technology come from them. They left their knowledge on “golden plates”, hidden to this day in secret places. The Lemurian civilization existed for many millions of years and disappeared 2 - 3 million years ago.

The Atlantean race was also a highly developed race, but to a lesser extent than the Lemurians. Atlanteans were 5-6 meters tall and were similar in appearance to modern people. The bulk of the Atlanteans died during the Great Flood 850 thousand years ago, but some groups of Atlanteans survived until a period of 12 thousand years ago.

The Aryan race appeared in the depths of the Atlantic civilization about a million years ago. All modern earthlings are called Aryans. The early Aryans were 3-4 meters tall, then their height decreased.”

Nicholas Roerich

The scientist, artist, and mystic philosopher Nicholas Roerich wrote about the Bamiyan statues: “These five figures belong to the creation of the hands of the Initiates of the Fourth Race, who, after the sinking of their continent, found refuge in the strongholds and on the peaks of the Central Asian mountain range. These figures illustrate the Doctrine of the gradual evolution of Races. The largest depicts the First Race, its etheric body was imprinted in solid, indestructible stone. The second - 36 meters high - depicts the “Later-Born”. The third - at 18 meters - perpetuates the Race that fell and conceived the first physical Race, born of a father and mother, the last offspring of which are depicted in statues on Easter Island. These were only 6 and 7.5 meters tall in the era when Lemuria was flooded. The Fourth Race was still smaller in size, although gigantic in comparison with our Fifth Race, and the series ends last.”

Drunvalo Melchizedek

Scientist and esotericist, Drunvalo Melchizedek in the book "The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life" writes about aliens from parallel worlds on the land of Ancient Egypt.

He describes the growth of people of different spatial dimensions:

1.5 - 2 meters - the height of people of the third (our) dimension,

3.6 - 4.5 meters - fourth dimension,

10.6 meters - fifth dimension,

18 meters - sixth dimension,

26 - 28 meters - the seventh dimension.

Drunvalo Melchizedek writes that egyptian pharaoh Akhenaten was not an earthling, he came from the Sirius star system, his height was 4.5 meters. Akhenaten's wife, Nefertiti, was about 3.5 meters tall. They were people of the fourth dimension.

Ernst Muldashev

Professor Ernst Muldashev, during an expedition to Syria, in the town of Ain-Dara, in an ancient destroyed temple, discovered traces of a giant man. The length of the giant's footprint was 90 cm, the width at the base of the fingers was 45 cm, the length of the thumb was 20 cm, and the length of the little finger was 15 cm. According to calculations, a person with such foot sizes should have been 6.5-10 meters tall.

In the East there is very detailed description Buddha. From this description, called “60 features and 32 characteristics of the Buddha,” it is known that the Buddha had enormous height, webbing between his fingers and toes, and 40 teeth, which corresponds to the description of the people of the Atlantean civilization.


Nowadays, there are also giants, but, unfortunately, there is little fabulous in them. These are sick people suffering from increased function of the anterior pituitary gland, which produces growth hormone. Giants grow over 2 meters (the tallest man described in literature was 320 centimeters tall). As children they look like ordinary people, however, by the beginning of puberty (9-10 years), their growth accelerates sharply and lasts longer than that of ordinary people.

Matrine Van Buren Bates
(1837-1919) - “a giant from Kentucky”, a hero of the American Civil War, who fought on the side of the Confederacy (slave-owning south of the country). His height reached 243 centimeters and weight - 234 kilograms. In his youth, Martin worked as a school teacher, but after the outbreak of the Civil War he joined the army, rose to the rank of captain, became a legend among the northerners, was captured, was exchanged (according to another version, he escaped), and eventually decided to leave the service, taking a job to the circus. Despite their giant stature, such people are characterized by poor health. They rarely live to old age, sometimes have mental problems, are not sexually active, and suffer from visual impairment. Their gigantism is disproportionate - people often become freaks with excessively small heads and long limbs. However, despite this, many giants find the strength to live a normal life. They even manage to become famous.


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