Siberia Okunevo on the map. The mysterious history of Okunevo and its five lakes. What is he looking for in a distant land?

I live in Omsk and there is a place nearby that has been growing in popularity among pilgrims for the last 20 years as a place with special strength and energy. This is the village of Okunevo, located 250 kilometers from Omsk. Over the past two decades, representatives of various faiths have settled in the village. People come there not only from all over Russia, but from other countries.

According to legend, there was once a Hanuman temple on this site. Not far from the village there are several small lakes, the water of which is credited with healing properties. Of particular interest are the finds of elongated human skulls in these places.

All this has intrigued me for a long time. As a result, I asked psychic Kairat Kinibaev to answer questions related to Okunevo. Kairat, in a state of trance, dictated the answers. It turned out very interesting information, associated with anomalous zones and energy flows, as well as with the history of people.

On Kairat’s website there is a recording of another session dedicated to Okunevo, made earlier - These two sessions were recorded using different techniques and seem to complement each other.

Recording of the session – Okunevo Omsk region

Question. Does the village of Okunevo really have a special energy? If yes, then due to what?

Answer. Near the village there is a powerful place where cosmic energy enters the Earth. There is also a stone there, which in itself is a powerful source of a certain energy.

This place is interconnected with other sources that exist on Earth and are the entry of life-giving energy for the existence of the Earth. There is a flow in certain places, and there are also places where the Earth releases its negative energy. It all happens in one place. Direct flow from Space, from the Universe and flows from the Earth in the form of vortices. This place can either cleanse or kill. There must be a resonance with this energy. The main thing is to be able to work with it. If you stand under the cosmic flow, the body will be cleansed, all negativity will go away. It is important to remember here - too much energy can also kill. Everything in moderation. And in the place where the Earth releases negative energy, a person feels very bad there, it’s even more impossible to be there, because in this place the energy that comes out of the Earth will extinguish the remnants of your energy, so people hallucinate in these places , there are flows of information, both from our dimension and not, portals from other dimensions are open. Therefore, sometimes music is heard there, all sorts of ghosts and phantoms are seen, and unknown flying objects are often noticed. These extraterrestrial civilizations recharge there.

Plus, hallucinations also occur, because the human brain is also energy and, accordingly, when a person falls under the influence of a certain flow, he experiences both erasure and overlay of certain information. His personal energy flow seems to go crazy. This manifests itself in the form of hallucinations. There are places where a person feels bad to the point of nausea. Perhaps the illness will worsen, and even vomiting will occur. This suggests that it is in the process of releasing energy from the Earth. In the same place where cosmic energy enters, a person will feel as if inspired. He will feel his body being renewed. He will feel that he is being charged with some new force unknown to him. How energy passes through him, renewing all his cells at once. The ancient civilizations knew this, the enlightened ones know this.

Previously, one of the cities of Hyperborea stood there and there was a temple. Now it is meant as a temple of Hanuman. This is because the remnants of Hyperborean knowledge went to India and Tibet and there they mixed with the knowledge of the Atlanteans, so in ancient legends there is such a legend that the temple of Hanuman, the god of monkeys, stood in this place. In fact, the Hindu religion took a lot from the worldview of the Hyperboreans. But where the temple of Hyperborea was, there is a stone that absorbed energy and then emitted it. He's still out there somewhere.

Ancient city of Hyperborea. Red sun. The sky is red. People had dark, reddish skin, that is, the Hyperboreans. Lakes appeared there. Four lakes. They arose as a result of falling meteorites. This can be seen in photographs from space. The ancient cities of Hyperborea were destroyed by fire. The temple is destroyed. The elements destroyed. IN this moment many enlightened people know about this place. Ask further.

Question. Was there a Hanuman temple here before? What time. If yes, what details can you give about its functioning?

Answer. It was, as it were, not quite a Hanuman temple. It has already been said before that it was a temple of the Hyperboreans. There they worshiped higher beings, their creators. There they worked with energy. The enlightened ones could do a lot of things in these temples. It didn’t even have to be called a temple - rather a place where they worked with energy, distributing it for their needs. Contact with the Universe, with parallel worlds.

I see how meteorites entered this zone, how they hit the ground. Like columns of smoke and fire, fragments of the earth rose, erasing the city of Hyperborea along with the temple from its face. As mentioned before, the remnants of the Hyperboreans went underground. They lived there for a very long time. I have the figure 100,000 years before my eyes. Most likely it was a hundred thousand years ago. The Hyperborean civilization existed underground for some time, gradually falling into decline. Some of them went south, some to the west, some to the east. Remnants of this knowledge can be found in India, Iran, Russia, and the Vatican. The Hyperboreans somehow carelessly used energy, attracting meteorites to themselves, this was the reason for the destruction of the city of the Hyperboreans. It was Southern City their civilization. Ask the next question.

Question. Why does this place attract people?

Answer. Due to a certain type of energy. When people get there, they feel that somehow everything is different there. They feel that the energy works differently. The inner worldview begins to change. As was said before, due to the flow of incoming and outgoing energies. This is especially felt by those people who follow the path of enlightenment and development, since they very subtly feel the flow of energy. This place has always attracted people. Temples and buildings have always been located there. Those who knew went there. This is how energy works in a certain field of a person, as was said before, purifying it, charging it, structuring it. In this flow, if you work competently with your problems and illnesses, you can erase problems, you can erase illnesses. The human body is like a certain type of hologram, energy, matter, it is information. So this information can be erased by rebuilding it.

If you direct the flow correctly, you can lay new information. Enlightened people who are looking for a path understand this, somewhere even on an intuitive level, and therefore they are attracted to this place. Let's just say it's like standing in a strong wind. Everything superfluous can simply be blown away from you, everything unnecessary will fly away. The flows are the same here. You just need to be able to subtly feel what flow you are under, under the flow of the Universe, or under an ejection from the Earth. Well, again, caution was said here. He can destroy any flow, positive or negative. Too much of a good thing is also impossible; too much of a good thing can also kill. Any excess is harmful, so you need to be careful here, you need to be able to listen to yourself, your body, your soul. It is very good to meditate there and then you clearly understand how this flow of negative information is erased under the flow of radiation from the Universe.

But even in the negative energy that comes out of the Earth, you can work. You can enter a meditative pose. All the worst that is in you, how to pull it out of yourself, exposing it to this stream of negativity, and it will also erase it. But there is a danger here, because energy is all-pervasive, that is, it will pass through you and can destroy both bad and good, so you can’t stay there for too long. You can stay in the flow of positive energy for up to 3 days. In a flow of negative energy – preferably 20-30 minutes. This is the best option for a person. No more. Or you can enter into resonance with these energies, then you will stay there for a long time without harming yourself, but this requires a restructuring of your internal energy so that it does not enter into confrontation. Because everything that will resist there will be destroyed there. Ask further.

Question. Lakes are somehow connected with the energy of a place; what is the origin of lakes?

Answer. This was answered. Meteorites. Ask further.

Question. Is there a fifth lake? If so, why isn't it on maps and why can't everyone find it? Does it exist in another dimension?

Answer. Well, there are a lot of things that exist in another dimension. Including lakes and mountains. As for this particular place, there are four visible lakes in our dimension. Fifth is a legend. As was said before, Devil's Lake has a double bottom. In another dimension, most likely, for some reason, in place of these lakes there is the number 8, that is, there are eight lakes. It’s just that, as was said before, under these flows of energy people begin to hallucinate, and they begin to see parallel worlds, and therefore they sometimes see lakes, and perhaps this is the fifth one, which they simply cannot detect, because when flying from the air it is not there, it is not on the map and it is not on Earth. It’s just that one lake has a double bottom, and in another dimension there are several of them, that’s why it’s like that. Ask further. Wait. There are either six or eight lakes in another dimension. Number 6 and number 8.

Question. Does lake water have any special properties?

Answer. There are special properties. Water is the same energy. Moreover, water contains information. This, let’s say, is the most suitable information vessel and therefore, under these energy flows, this water has a different structure and due to this it has special properties. It should be softer and more transparent. And it also carries certain healing properties, because by plunging into it you also plunge into the flow of energy, memory, structure that water contains. As they said, water is a flow of information embedded in it. They also tell me from there that it is cold and clean. Ask further.

Question. How were elongated skulls formed? Due to compression? Why was this done? Did people receive any special properties? How many years ago did these people live?

Answer. Many Hyperboreans had elongated skulls because they were children of the Creators. Subsequently, they began to mix with people, but certain features still appeared, which is why elongated skulls are found not only in this place. They are also found in Tibet, Egypt, Peru, and Mexico. Elongated skulls are an extraterrestrial civilization, as well as their descendants on Earth. Sometimes the skulls were pulled out on purpose, trying to imitate the descendants of these civilizations, as if the descendants of the gods. For people, these were gods with great capabilities and therefore they wanted to imitate. They thought that if they pulled out the skulls, they would have certain abilities. But it didn't always work out. It's not about the skull, it's about the inside, the structure and the instrument. That's why there are skulls there and as direct descendants extraterrestrial civilizations, and so and those who tried to pull out skulls by imitation. Those who tried to pull them out mostly did not live long. Units. Yes, they sometimes had certain properties that were not available to the common man. But that's not why it worked here. The essence and scheme are completely different. Ask the next question.

Question. Is this place really included in the Vatican's list of holy places?

Answer. Yes, the Vatican knows about this place, but prefers not to talk about it, keeping it secret. The Vatican knows of many such places. Our Earth is entangled in such places like a network, and here it is not very difficult to calculate where these places are. At each such place there was almost always either a temple, possibly a dolmen, pyramids, and other similar structures of religious worship, or simply for generating energy. These places were marked both by past civilizations and by our civilization. Residues are everywhere and can be calculated very easily. All.

Let's look at some facts. So.

Okunevo was founded in 1770. Until that time it was called Rezino. After peasants from other regions of the Russian Empire moved here, Rezino expanded, absorbing another village. The village received its modern name from the surname of the first settler.

Initially, the village of Okunevo was of no interest to the spiritual representatives of the world's religions. A turning point in the history of the village was the order of the Indian guru Shri Babaji from Haidakhan, his disciple Rasma Rosita, to find the location of the ancient temple of the god Hanuman and revive it. She was told that the temple was located somewhere in Siberia. Her research led her to the Omsk region, and then to the village of Okunevo, where she lived for several years conducting Vedic meditation. The land near the village was recognized as the site where the temple stood. Gradually, numerous fans of mysticism and meditation began to flock to the village, first from Russia, and then from all over the world.
Later, Rasma left for her homeland in Latvia, and she was replaced by followers.
The ancient temple of the monkey god is hidden underground near the Siberian village of Okunevo, says the famous Indian prophet Sai Baba. Russian researchers of anomalous phenomena are also confident that there is a “sacred place” there - a secret gateway to parallel worlds.

Okunevo looks like an ordinary village. However, it is located in picturesque place- on the steep bank of the small Tara River. What distinguishes it from neighboring villages is that for many years Omsk archaeologists have been conducting excavations here, opening ancient burial grounds, looking for all kinds of objects from ancient eras.
Okunev residents have been observing unusual phenomena here for a long time. These are mysterious glows, multi-colored rays extending into the night sky, and frequent flights of UFOs, and the mysterious origin of a pit-mine near the village of Porechye, to which, as anomaly researchers believe, aliens had a hand.
There is no doubt that near Okunev, two hundred and fifty kilometers north of Omsk, there is a powerful energy center - the EC.
I know of only two such energy centers on Russian territory. The second is in Arkaim, in the south of the Urals. ECs have also been found in other countries.
Not far from Okunev there are lakes - Linevo, Shchuchye, Danilovo, Shaitan Lake, where both water and mud are healing. Siberian clairvoyants claim that these lakes were “born of the Cosmos” - they were allegedly formed as a result of fragments of a huge meteorite falling to Earth, that there were five of them. And now we must definitely find the fifth “magic” lake, because diseases will soon appear that can only be cured with water taken from the five lakes. It is curious that the author of the fairy tale “The Little Humpbacked Horse,” Pyotr Ershov, once lived in Omsk. According to Rechkin, in the 19th century he could hear legends about horses flying in the sky, about miracle lakes, by swimming in which one by one, you can become a handsome, good fellow...
According to a hypothesis put forward by a group of Siberian historians, 300 thousand years ago, a highly developed civilization existed in Western Siberia, where many religions of the world originated.
Back in 1945, the famous Western seer Edgar Cayce predicted that as a result of a global cataclysm, most of the Northern and South America, England, Japan. The revival of civilization will begin in Western Siberia, which is intended to become " Noah's Ark"for earthlings who survived the "end of the world." The teachings of another prophet, the miracle worker and clairvoyant Sathya Sai Baba, who, according to legend, appeared in India in November 1926, echoes Casey’s predictions. Satya Baba is called upon to establish a “golden age” on Earth - to unite humanity into one fraternal family, to awaken the desire to live in love and cooperation.
As the disciples of the prophet claim, he preaches a religion that was allegedly brought to India from Siberia. Satya Baba himself said that in the center of Siberia in ancient times there was a temple of Hanuman, where he was the High Priest. In Indian mythology, Hanuman is “the divine monkey, the son of the wind god Vayu. He is able to fly through the air, change his appearance and size, and has the power to tear hills and mountains out of the ground.” Hanuman was given Eternal youth, he is revered as the greatest healer and patron of the sciences. The priests of this god allegedly owned a magic crystal sent down from Space, promoting the spiritual elevation of humanity. (One of the Siberian clairvoyants claimed that the temple was built by aliens, and the crystal was a means of cosmic communication with extraterrestrial civilizations; another claimed that the history of the disappeared Siberian civilization was recorded on the crystal.)
In 1989, a student of the Indian guru Sri Babaji, a native of Latvia, Rasma Rozitis, went in search of the place where the Hanuman temple was located. This has already been discussed.
Outside the village, on Tatarsky Uval, Rasma and members of her community built an altar of stone. Interestingly, in the 1960s, it was on these hills that local children found two stone slabs polished to a shine. Without delving into thoughts about them mysterious origin, village housewives found a use for them - breaking the slabs into pieces and using them as a weight when pickling cabbage.
Several years ago, a large wooden cross and an Orthodox chapel appeared on Tatarsky Uval, in which a priest from Omsk serves on major holidays. Old Believers who call themselves Inglids come here. They believe that 100 thousand years ago this is where the famous Belovodye was located. And in the Okunev area there was a big temple complex and... “channels of intergalactic communication.” The English even allegedly saw a large alien ship above one of the lakes.

Ufologists also did not ignore Okunevo. For most of them, local UFOs are alien probes collecting information about the inhabitants of the Earth. But some people believe that “plates” are spaceships capable of changing shape and size.
Okunevo is frequented not only by lovers of all sorts of mysteries, but also by people who simply dream of taking a break from the noise of big cities. Relaxation here is wonderful: there are fish in the rivers and lakes, mushrooms in the forests, berries in the clearings, a riot of herbs and flowers in the meadows. Swim, sunbathe, walk, heal with mud. The silence is ringing, the air is breathless (there are no industrial enterprises in the area), the landscapes, sunsets and sunrises are of unwritten beauty! Of course, they leave these places peaceful and healthier, and most importantly, convinced that they have received a powerful energy “recharge.”
A couple of years ago, several businessmen, natives of the Muromtsevo district, decided to build a health center near Okunev. And in order to better plan everything, we turned to Moscow geophysicists for help.

Last year, scientists examined the area and discovered two types of anomalous areas. As a joke, the first one was called the “darkness”, and the second – the “luminary”.
In the “dungeons” (there are few such areas around Okunev) the level of natural electromagnetic radiation is much lower than in the entire area. There is little vegetation here; the trees, twisted by an unknown force, have dried up. In such places, Muscovites felt very uncomfortable, they were overcome by some kind of oppressive state, they wanted to get away as quickly as possible.
Local residents showed geophysicists an abandoned village house. Its owners celebrated a housewarming party, but could not live in the house - they were constantly sick, everything was not going well for them. When examining the house, it turned out that the level of the electromagnetic field here is the same as in the “dark”.
In the “luminaries” the level of the natural electromagnetic field was one or two orders of magnitude higher than in the area. This field affects the human body in two ways. If its level is an order of magnitude higher (zone A), then it seems to “feed” the person - well-being improves, performance increases. It is undesirable to linger in areas with the level of electromagnetic radiation one and a half to two orders of magnitude higher (zone B). Zone B is located ten kilometers from Okunev, next to huge field. This is an oblong clearing (200x50 meters), overgrown with grass and bordered by bright wildflowers. There is quite a dense forest around the clearing. One of the pilgrims, who tagged along with the geophysicists, after hanging out in the zone for two or three hours, suddenly began to dance, as he later assured, to the music, but no one except him heard this music. But for the businessman, who had traveled a long way to Okunev after lengthy negotiations and a sleepless night, a short stay in the clearing had a beneficial effect. After lying on the grass for an hour, he stood up cheerful and full of strength.
Zone B presented geophysicists with more than one surprise. Firstly, magnetic and gravitational anomalies were noted here, as in an iron ore deposit, of which there is no trace here. Secondly, geophones recorded continuous vibrations, unusual for this area. In an urban environment, such fluctuations are caused by the operation of transport, industrial enterprises, power lines, etc. But where did they come from? deserted place?
After the seismic survey results were processed, it turned out that in zone B, in the thickness of the soil consisting of loams, sands and loose sandstones, at a depth of 8 to 15 meters there is some kind of large dense massif.
One might assume that there is some kind of underground artificial structure and it is precisely this that is the source of the recorded fluctuations, but only no one has ever built anything here... Neither scientists nor customers have decided to drill a well. And the clearing will lose its original appearance. And it is unknown what will happen to the “object”.
By the way, this summer, during the second expedition, Moscow scientists recorded the same fluctuations in two more places - on the northern shore of Shaitan Lake (where the Hanuman temple supposedly stood) and in the bend of the Tara River. It is possible that here, underground, they may also find mysterious objects. And in the very center of the bend they found a small “darkness”.

In Okunev, a woman who came here on vacation from Omsk contacted geophysicists. This is the second year her family has rented a house in the village for the summer. And in this house in the evenings, somewhere after 10 p.m., strange music began to sound. It is impossible to understand where it is coming from. At first they blamed the neighbors, but they were either already asleep or watching the news on TV.
The music didn't cause any particular concern. Perhaps, one thing was unpleasant - people involuntarily began to wait for the “musical hour”. Evening comes, but there is no music; the next day they were no longer waiting for it, but it suddenly began to sound. Quietly. But the melody could be heard. For some, it reminded them of the sounds of an organ, interspersed with the ringing of bells; for others, it reminded them of the operation of some mechanism. Unfortunately, it was not possible to record it on a voice recorder. But a UFO was seen several times near this house.
Muscovites did not immediately become acquainted with these flying objects. On their first visit, only after two weeks they began to notice orange reflections, yellow-orange fog and white balls. We tried to photograph objects using a Samsung Zoom-145C and four-layer Fuji-Color film with a sensitivity of 800 units. In Moscow they printed photographs taken at the foot of the Tatarsky Uval and in a field six kilometers from Okunev. All of them were wearing a large orange “spinning top”, its configuration reminiscent of the UFO that was observed in 1961 in the skies of Latvia.

So what is happening in Okunevo? So far, three hypotheses have been put forward to explain the existence of anomalous zones, flying objects and other things there. Disciples of Satya Baba and the English Old Believers believe that all these are traces of ancient civilizations. Ufologists believe that Okunevo is a kind of base for spaceships, messengers of extraterrestrial civilizations. According to metropolitan scientists, in the Okunev area, there may be channels for the “flow” of energy and information from parallel worlds. Then signals in the form of vibrations, UFOs having a certain spectrum, and strange music should be perceived as messages from these worlds. Messages waiting to be deciphered...

In the summer of 1963, in the very center of Okunevo, under Shkolnaya Gora, located on the steep bank of the Tara River, local children found two mirror-polished light gray slabs with dimensions of 100x60x20 centimeters each, which were apparently fragments of some kind of artificial structure. In 2000, under the same Shkolnaya Mountain, with the help of seismic instruments, some kind of artificial structure was discovered, located at a depth of 12 meters.

The mysteries begin with the name of the Tara River itself, on the banks of which all these surveys were carried out. Translated from the ancient Indian language (Sanskrit), which has been out of use for many centuries, the word Tara means savior; according to another version, it means star. The oldest underground structures discovered in the Omsk region are in some incomprehensible way connected with India. The Indian woman Rasma, who took a direct part in the archaeological excavations, claims that thousands of years ago there was a huge temple on the banks of the Tara River, the ruins of which are now deep underground, under the Tatarsky Uval (Uvals are the steep banks of the ancient Tara River, preserved to this day).

The Indian prophet Sathya Sai Baba is also convinced of this: deep underground on the banks of the northern Tara River lies the oldest Indian temple of the great healer of India, the monkey god Hanuman. The same is recorded in the ancient Aryan source Rig Veda. According to one version, in ancient times, on the vast territory of Western Siberia, there was a powerful pre-Slavic civilization with a city that stood at the confluence of the Irtysh and Om.

This hypothesis is confirmed by the oldest written monument of the Russian people, the sacred book of Veles, which talks about big city which had sanctuaries. It was located at the confluence of the Om (Om) River into the Iriy River (the ancient name of the Irtysh).

Presumably, this region was destroyed by a meteorite fall. The fragments of the collapsing meteorite formed huge depressions, which were later filled with water. This is how lakes of unearthly origin were born, the water in which differs sharply from ordinary river and lake water. Presumably, five such unearthly lakes were formed - according to the number of fragments of a fallen meteorite, of which three lakes are located in the Omsk region (Linevo, Danilovo, Potaenoye), and two in the Novosibirsk region, in the Kyshtovsky region (Urmannoe, Indovo).

Three such lakes in the Omsk region are connected by an underground river, and the water in them is considered holy. According to legends, it does not deteriorate for years and heals diseases. Not only water heals, but even photographs of these lakes, which indicates some unknown energetic, and possibly magical properties of these unearthly formations. Scientists have found that Lake Danilovo has a triple bottom, and a lot of silver was found there, so there is an excess of active ions of this metal in the water. Perhaps this is why the water of Lake Danilov relieves many diseases.

Lake Shaitan
Lake Shaitan in last years surrounded by an aura of mystery and mysticism. There are rumors about it that the lake is difficult to find, even if you know where it is, that it is, as it were, hiding. And as if its water is healing. If you wash your face with it, any illness will go away, and if you swim in the lake, then... They also say that something happens to people who find themselves here: either dizziness, or hallucinations.
Every summer, Lake Shaitan is visited by people, mainly tourists. Judging by the condition of the shores and roads leading to the lake, the number of people staying here is not very large. You can get to the lake along the road through the village of Inciss. Also available on foot a tourist route to the lake from the village of Okunevo with a crossing over the Tara River.
Lake Shaitan is quite large (area about 50 hectares), but shallow (average depth - 1.5 m), so aquatic vegetation occupies not only a wide coastal strip, but is also distributed in some areas throughout the lake.

The shores of Lake Shaitan are low-lying and heavily swampy. The marsh vegetation decomposing along the banks and at the bottom of the reservoir emits marsh gas, which accumulates in calm weather and can cause poisoning in people. Such poisoning is accompanied by dizziness, weakness, and even fainting.
In addition, marsh rosemary is common among the vegetation on the shores of the lake. This plant is poisonous and all its above-ground organs emit a specific, intoxicating odor, but the flowers are especially strong. In people with heightened sensitivity, wild rosemary causes allergies, nausea, headaches, and weakness.

The healing properties of water most likely come from substances that have a detrimental effect on bacteria. These substances are contained in sphagnum mosses, which grow in large quantities around Lake Shaitan. The disinfecting effect is primarily exerted by humic acids, and moss, as is known, previously successfully replaced cotton wool or gauze in the treatment of open wounds.

Shaitan Lake is located at the intersection of two faults in the earth's crust, and four lakes: Shchuchye, Linevo, Danilovo and Urmannoe - along the line of a deep fault, stretching along the right bank of the Tara for tens of kilometers. Between Shaitan Lake and the four lakes mentioned above, the faults form an isosceles triangle. This area sometimes hosts the rarest a natural phenomenon- the glow of silvery clouds in the depths of the sky.

At the bottom of the lake, according to legend, there is a temple of the Hindu deity Hanuman, built many thousands of years ago. Hanuman, a giant who helped Rama fight evil forces, is mentioned in the epic Ramayana. Tradition says that after the victory, Rama granted his comrade Siberia, where Hanuman built a beautiful city with many temples. This city is supposedly located in the lake, hidden in the thickness of sand and bottom silt.

According to legends, the main attraction of the Hanuman temple is the Thinking Crystal - a magical talisman shaped like an octagon 1.2 meters high. While in the temple, he maintained constant communication between earthlings and space, from where he was delivered from the planet Sirius. The Thinking Crystal is the keeper of the knowledge of aliens from this planet. It contains saving information for all humanity, which has reached a dead end in its development, since it is the greatest energy carrier, capable of completely changing not only the current energy supply system of earthlings, but also their way of thinking, and most importantly, their way of life.

Every year dozens of expeditions come to Okunevo, pilgrims gather from all over the world. Many people are attracted by the amazing lake water. It can stand without deterioration for years. At the same time, it retains such a fresh taste and smell, as if it had been collected quite recently.

But not all people who want to verify the unique properties of water from Lake Shaitan get to these mysterious places. They say that the Okunev zone does not accept everyone. Often on the way to Okunevo, people following the compass begin to get lost. Circumstances are such that the trip is postponed or cannot take place at all. As in any anomalous zone, in the Okunev area, space-time curvatures occur. Once a group of pilgrims went to Shaitan Lake, strictly checking the compass. It took no more than an hour to walk to the lake. When, after three hours, the pilgrims still did not see the surface of the water in front of them, they became slightly worried. With each new hour of travel, their anxiety intensified, especially since the places around them became completely wild. In the end, after seven hours of wandering, the pilgrims decided to return. They went back the same way and after 20 minutes they found themselves in the place where they started.

Local residents are no longer surprised by such miracles. They know that there are days when it is better not to go to the surrounding forests at all - you may not return. If contrasting dark purple clouds creep into the sky in the morning, hunters stay at home. Otherwise, they risk disappearing without a trace in the taiga thicket.

There are several religious communities on the territory of Okunevo, the main ones are:

In 1991, the Omkar Shiva Dham ashram was unofficially founded. At the request of the Indian guru Sri Babaji from Haidakhan, a native of Latvia, Rasma Rozitis, his student, went in 1989 in search of the place where the temple of God Hanuman was located. Her mission was unusual: to find and revive the Hanuman Temple, lost somewhere in the Siberian expanses. According to Rajni (her spiritual name), the choice fell on Omsk because the name of this city is consonant with the sacred syllable “Om”, which, according to Indian mystical teachings, has colossal divine energy, the purest vibrations that permeate the Universe. Search sacred place brought Rajni to the village of Okunevo, Muromtsevo district. The surrounding area of ​​the settlement was recognized as the area where the Hanuman Temple was located. Rajni lived in Okunevo for several years, performing Vedic rituals daily. People began to gather for these rituals local residents. Fans of various mystical teachings and meditative practices came to Okunevo not only from Omsk, but also from other cities of Russia and from abroad.
The activity of the new cult caused serious concern to the Omsk-Tara diocese. In 1993, Archbishop (now Metropolitan) Theodosius personally came to Okunevo to repel the “Babajists”.
After five years, Rasma left for Latvia, and the business she started in Siberia is being developed by her like-minded people. The ashram, registered as the religious community “Omkar Shiva Dham” in 1995, continues its life. Ashram "Omkar Shiva Dham" is the Russian center of the international organization of Babaji's followers "Haidakhan Samaj". The purpose of this organization is to spread the Teachings of Shri Babaji.


In 2000, the Vedoruses or (pagans) came to Okunevo. They say that these places have a special energy and attract. The very concept of “vedorus” is interpreted as “knowledge of Ra.” "Knowledge" means "knowledge" and "Ra" means "light". “May there be more Ra in you,” these strange Okunev residents, kind and very friendly, wish their guests. Here they have several houses painted in bright colors. There is a joyful house called “Cloud”, and there is “Elephants”.
They live by making dishes (plates, vases) from local clay, painting them and selling them in the summer. The Vedorussians have their own workshop, pottery, their own magic tree, have a headquarters and even logbook, where they talk about their lives. There is also a house for meditation - a Vedic temple. (The material is compiled according to data open internet sources)

This is the short story about Okunev, mysterious land Omsk region. I visit it annually, sometimes twice a year, to relax and gain strength. I didn’t notice any special mysterious phenomena there, only on certain days when you went deep into the pine forest It was somehow uncomfortable to be alone while shopping for berries and mushrooms. And the forest itself is mysterious and disturbing. I didn’t see a UFO, didn’t hear music or sounds, but the first time we were going to Lake Shaitan, we got lost and turned onto the wrong road. We wandered around for two hours until we realized that we were going the wrong way, we returned the same way, and found the lake. If you know the road, it’s difficult to avoid it.
Okunev’s huge plus is really pure nature, air not yet polluted by man. Beautiful places, where you can breathe freely and have a good rest - you should hurry up before multi-hull hotels are built on this heel of the earth, and you can still relax near the fire. next to Mother Earth, forest and flowing water. The places are really tempting to come back. they pull no less than Altai, it’s also wonderful and very beautiful there. For some reason, Lake Linevo or Danilovo do not have such energy, maybe because these bases have been there for a long time and people do not “rest” there, but have a blast? There is still peace and quiet in the Okunev area... So hurry up before such places are trampled by tourists.....

👁 The best search engine on the Runet - Yandex ❤ has started selling air tickets! 🤷

We have one magical thing near Omsk and mysterious place, which many who know a lot about miracles call the “navel of the earth.” This is the small village of Okunevo in the north of the region, surrounded by the winding Tara River, swamps and taiga. The village is like a village, at first glance unremarkable. But only at first glance…

Okunevo... Now there will be a thunderstorm!

Started misterious story Omsk Okunevo in 1993, when the head of an archaeological scientific expedition from Moscow, Alexander Sergeevich Zaitsev, visited there. He was the first to become interested in the “magical” water of the “cosmic” lakes located around the village, and, as they say, he was even able to recover from tuberculosis.
In 2006, the doctor technical sciences Zaitsev was interviewed by correspondents from the newspaper Itogi. He said that the Okunev events can largely be explained from the point of view of geophysics: “The fact is that in these places there is a very strong electromagnetic field. It was formed due to natural reasons, tectonic faults and other factors contributed to this. But there really are two energy centers- Tara ridge and the Tara river. When I reported on the Okunev phenomenon at one of the conferences and said that instruments in the Okunev area registered an electrical frequency of 127 Hz, many of those present commented on it this way: a similar frequency of the electromagnetic field was recorded during the rituals of Indian magicians, when they fell into ecstasy.” . According to Alexander Zaitsev, such a field activates a person’s vitality, promotes faster recovery and sharpening of abilities. At one time, Alexander Zaitsev defended his doctoral dissertation on geovitagenic and geopathogenic zones, and Okunevo is precisely a geovitagenic zone.
In the summer of 1963, in the center of Okunevo, near Shkolnaya Gora, children found two very strange light gray slabs, polished to a mirror shine. Even then it was assumed that these slabs were the fragments of some kind of structure, perhaps an ancient temple, built using a special, hitherto unknown technology. Then they did not attach any importance to this mysterious find and forgot about it for a while - those were not the times...


A whole 30 years passed, and already in 1993, builders laying a heating main discovered a large necropolis. Archaeologists who began excavating this religious building were very puzzled by its age, which contradicted both traditional ideas about the history of this area and the history of all mankind in general. Archaeologists who examined the Okunev excavations concluded that the structures found did not belong to any of the local cultures. Based on specific facts, Siberian scientists suggested that on the territory of Western Siberia 300 thousand years ago there was a highly developed civilization, which served as the source of many religions of the world.

In the same 1993, clairvoyant Olga Gurbanovich “saw” underground, at a depth of 8 to 15 meters ancient temple, which is now called the Hanuman Temple. And 7 years later, under the same School Mountain where the strange mirror slabs were found, some kind of artificial structure was discovered with the help of seismic instruments. And this despite the fact that there are no rock masses in these places.

If you believe the famous Indian clairvoyant Sathya Sai Baba, then on the banks of the Tara River, many millennia ago, the oldest Indian temple of the great healer of India, the monkey god Hanuman, was built. By the way, this is also written in the ancient Indian source “Rigveda”. Satya Baba himself was a priest in this temple, and now he is called upon to establish a “golden age” on Earth - to unite humanity into one fraternal family, to awaken the desire to live in love and cooperation. The disciples of the great prophet claim that he preaches a religion that was allegedly brought to India from Siberia.


The main attraction of the Hanuman temple was the Thinking Crystal - a magical talisman in the shape of an octahedron (according to another version, the crystal had 72 sides) 1.2 meters high. While in the temple, he maintained a constant connection between the Earth and space and was brought from the planet Satra, whose representatives, according to one version, built an observatory temple for communication with space.


The Thinking Crystal is the keeper of the knowledge of aliens from this planet. It, like the most advanced computer, contained information: where the human race comes from, all the events taking place on Earth since the creation of the world were recorded. It contains saving information for all humanity, which has reached a dead end in its “development”, since it is the greatest energy carrier, capable of completely changing not only the current energy supply system of earthlings, but also their way of thinking, and most importantly, their way of life.
During such communication sessions, the dome of the temple opened, and a greenish column of light rushed into the sky. Local residents have seen this phenomenon more than once. Eyewitnesses tell how a greenish column of light slowly rises from the lake into the sky, as if a searchlight is looking for something in the sky, or the sky itself suddenly begins to glow. Scientists believe that this is “the result of the outflow of plasma from the depths of fractures in the earth’s crust.”

Where is the Thinking Crystal now? Does it lie in a temple at the bottom of one of the healing lakes near the village of Okunevo or deep underground? Three clairvoyants, independently of each other, “saw” that currently there is only a temple underground, and the Crystal has been moved to another dimension and is actually inaccessible to earthlings. Only its energy projection is located here.

Around Okunevo there are five very unusual lakes in shape and origin - Linevo, Urmannoye, Danilovo, Shaitan Lake and Secret. In all lakes, both the water and the mud are healing. There is an assumption that these lakes were formed as a result of the fall of some cosmic body - a meteorite or something even more interesting and beyond our imagination. The most interesting thing about these “cosmic” lakes is their water, which has extraordinary properties.
Until recently, only four lakes were known. They were indicated by Olga Gurbanovich, a clairvoyant from Nizhnevartovsk. She said that all the lakes were formed by a huge meteorite that fell to the ground and there are five such lakes. The latter is in full view of everyone, however, no one notices it - this is the Hidden Lake.

Other Siberian clairvoyants also claim that these lakes were “born” by the Cosmos. This is indicated by the results of research and eyewitness accounts. Firstly, the depth of the lake is from 16 to 18 meters, although, as echolocator studies have shown, in its left part there is a depression as much as 67 meters. Geologists believe that such a depth absolutely indicates its meteorite origin. Secondly, this is also indicated by the elongated, butterfly-like shape of the reservoir, and this shape is characteristic of meteorite craters, formed when heavenly stones fall. When the group arrived at the site, drilled holes and conducted a thorough examination of the shores of the lake, it turned out that it was indeed very similar to a meteorite crater. According to scientists, the meteorite that fell in Okunevo was more than thirty meters in diameter and weighed about thirty tons.


This is also proven by an amazing find - two stones of unearthly origin that were found at the bottom of Danilovo. The first was about a meter in diameter and weighed almost half a ton. The second stone was discovered by geophysicists at a depth of three meters; this stone in the waters of Danilovo is about four meters in diameter and weighs approximately 30 tons. That is, the hypothesis about the cosmic origin of the lake is supported by the very fact of the existence of a stone, the formation of which is not typical of the Siberian lands.

According to the version, the meteorite split into five parts. The fragments of the meteorite that hit the earth formed huge depressions, which were later filled with water.

Three such lakes in the Omsk region are connected by an underground river, and the water in them is said to be holy. It does not spoil, does not bloom and cures many diseases. Moreover, not only water heals, but even photographs of these lakes, which indicates some unknown energetic, and possibly magical properties of these “unearthly” formations.

But specialists from the regional Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance Center did not find any substances in the waters of lakes Danilovo and Linevo that would treat people. The only thing that surprises is the impeccably clean water in the open reservoir of Lake Linevo.

Shaitan Lake is considered the most mysterious and most effective in terms of healing power. The water in it is so healing that it allows you to get rid of psoriasis, eczema and other ailments. But it is believed that the lake does not allow everyone to come to it, and it is difficult to find it, because the big Shaitan is not indicated on the map of the area. This lake has two bottoms. The first bottom is at a depth of about three meters. And underneath there is again a layer of water. And no one knows how far it actually is until the second bottom.

By the way, scientists examined the soil, took water for samples, and dived with scuba gear - there is no high silver content there and the lake water does not differ in quality from the Irtysh.
According to legend: correct, consistent treatment is necessary, that is, you need to swim or drink water consistently from all five lakes. Then the properties of the living water of all lakes, different in their mode of influence, will overlap and enhance each other’s actions.

The book “Okunevsky Ark” was written about this unusual place. Wrote it famous explorer Omsk region, writer Mikhail Rechkin. Why the ark? Yes, because according to many predictions, it is from here, from this place that humanity will be reborn after the “end of the world.” That's it...








To the general public, especially the Russian one, the name Okunevo means nothing. Not widely - to several thousand Russians and the same number of non-Russians - it says a lot, almost everything.

These thousands of initiates know exactly where they can be saved during the inevitable end of the world (no, not according to the Mayan calendar, but at the end of the Great Cycle, the end of Kali Yuga and the change of the earth’s poles) and how they can be saved. The address is shocking - the remote village of Okunevo in the Omsk region, in Siberia.

From India - with love and destiny

And the “news” came from Germany. Apparently, this state is karmically destined to work off its evil before Russia, so Germany gave us an amazing gift.

Rasma Rositis, a Latvian by nationality, but a resident of Germany, saw in a dream Shri Babaji, a Hindu guru, the earthly incarnation of the god Shiva. He (in a dream) invited her to the Himalayas, where Rasma went to become a disciple of Shri Babaji for several years. In the Ashram (Hindu temple) she received the name Rajni, by which she was recognized in a Siberian village cosmically distant from India.

And Rajni got into such unusual places according to the last wish of Shri Babaji. Dying, he ordered her to find in Siberia the place of residence of the ancient Aryans - there, hidden until time, there is an underground temple in honor of the god Hanuman and a huge magic crystal, a keeper of information and energy, with which the future salvation and revival of humanity is connected.

Arriving in Omsk, Rajni (not knowing a word of Russian!) found archaeologists, learned from them about ancient human sites, and, with the help of meditation and God's providence, a place of power was revealed to her - the Tatarsky Uval - not far from Okunev and almost 300 -x km from the city, among centuries-old forests and such snow that, it seems, even the sun cannot melt...

Who is on the field, who is to Thunya

How does a summer morning begin in a modern village? Yes, just like a hundred years ago. Here, raising sun-baked dust, rides a horse-drawn mower - the dew has dried, it’s time to mow the grass for hay; chickens raking piles near the cattle pen; Here a woman with a yoke and full buckets stopped and stood for an hour, talking through the fence with her neighbor; but a motley, “crazy” dressed procession of Hindus, singing, set off to perform the ritual...

Stop. Some kind of not quite Siberian and not ordinary village. If you walk further along the street, then doubts will increase: the inscriptions on the gates “guide”, “Ashram”, or even completely unknown native signs will seem strange to the guest, to say the least.

And if he lived here in the guest yard for at least a week, he would see flocks of Hare Krishnas, always offering something and joyful; and the fiery night rituals of the pagans - this year the holiday of Perun gathered about 2 thousand guests from all over Russia in Okunev; and Buddhists, coloring the austere Siberian forests with bright ribbons, bells, and especially themselves; and gloomy Old Believers-Yinglists, who keep faith in the great Belovodye; and Satanists (well, where would God be without Satan), during the decade of their stay here, they only encroached on the village chickens...

And there are countless tourists of all stripes and languages, on foot, on horseback, in groups and individually.

Babylon or Ark?

The symbol of the Okunevsky ark (as there is an ark: every creature - in pairs) has become a cult place on the Tatarsky Uval, where 30 sq. m and a Buddhist wishing tree, and a pagan solstice, and an Orthodox chapel, and a Hindu Thunya.

Why is everyone here? Place of power. Are they fighting? No, they live peacefully and mostly kindheartedly. When, after the ritual, Hindus take a meal (sitting on the ground, with their hands and only vegetarian), the Orthodox priest comes out after the service and asks permission (!) to bless them.

Yes please! They are glad to all goodness and peace, because there is only one God and He is Love...

What is he looking for in a distant country?..

But it’s not just the variety of spiritual practices that amazes these unusual places – it’s the people.
Here is Seva Pogrebnyak, a permanent servant and caretaker of the Ashram. Only he lives at the temple permanently, the rest are guests. Seva is originally from Moscow. Graduated from a prestigious Moscow technical university. The parents went for permanent residence in the United States, and Seva fled to Okunevo...

Seva has the face of a very happy and wise person, despite her somewhat youthful years. At first he kept a vow of celibacy, but now he has a wife and a little daughter. And the Temple.

He still, for several years now, every day decorates, repairs, takes care of the Ashram, conducts rituals and kindly welcomes everyone who comes to this place of power for the purpose of self-knowledge, the search for meaning or peace of mind.

Alya Pugach is the program director of a radio station in Magnitogorsk. An amazingly versatile, educated and talented girl. Alya comes to Okunevo 4 times a year, evenly dividing her modest vacation. She remembers how her parents lost her when, having arrived in Okunevo for the first time, she was “stuck” here for a long time - she didn’t have the strength to leave! Now she has a family, but her husband has nothing against traveling: from Siberian village Alya returns as a happy, light and new person, with whom she feels good and calm.

Tara is from Ireland. Her name completely coincides with the name of the river on the banks of which Okunevo stands and on the banks of which a temple is hidden ancient goddess Tara. Tara the Irish comes here for energy, just like the others.
The Italian musician has been coming to unusual Siberian places for 10 years in a row. Each visit brings new and universal harmony. And recently Mikhail Zadornov visited the village - he looked at everything, visited the magical lakes, and promised to give money for the Museum of Ancient (?) History.

The noisiest and most surprised by every moth and dung beetle are Americans. They are interested in everything, they don’t really understand where they came and why, but the life of an abandoned Russian village (and nothing has changed in the village itself) is almost more surprising to them than unknown temples and crystals underground.

Places of power know how to keep secrets - “Everything will reveal itself when the time comes” (words of a gray-bearded guest from St. Petersburg)

Unusual places in Okunev are friends with enthusiastic tourists and guests thirsting for miracles. Either “heavenly performances” are arranged for them in the form of luminous balls and temples, or they will be shown a huge dog, which, having swam across the river, becomes a huge man - you can’t even remember all the miracles. It’s hard to say whether this is true or not, because it’s stupid to deny something without knowing it for sure.

But relations with scientists at the place of power are difficult. The Tatarsky Uval was developed by Omsk archaeologists a long time ago: people settled here for 8 thousand years in a row, traces of which were found by expeditions assembled from Omsk scientists and students. One of the permanent researchers and leaders was Professor Vladimir Ivanovich Matyushchenko, well-known far beyond the borders of our country.

The wonderful scientist, naturally, was an atheist. Local warnings about the curse of the burial grounds, in the depths of which, according to legend, the treasures of Khan Kuchum, only amused him. He didn’t even believe in signs or warnings. And one day his wife left the camp (she accompanied him on expeditions). They searched for her for 4 days and found her sitting under a tree - dead. Doctors did not find any signs of violent or sudden death. An absurd idea was put forward about starvation - in 4 days in the forest, where there are as many berries, edible grass and drinking water as you want?..

Other digger leaders did not go unpunished either. Their children got sick, they themselves got sick, someone started drinking, another went to prison quite unexpectedly and committed suicide there.

In addition to archaeologists, other diverse researchers also come to places of power. But since they don’t dig graves, but are mainly interested in energy flows and magical lakes (there are 5 of them - Lenevo, Shchuchye, Urmannoye, Danilovo and the most mysterious - Shaitan-Devi, for the locals - just Shaitan), then no one punishes them - so, the shaitan leads you through the forest, but he still lets you go...

Alexander Zaitsev, head of the geophysics department of the Physical Exploration of Moscow Objects JSC, and his group tried 3 times to get to Shaitan Lake, under the bottom of which there is supposedly an ancient temple with a crystal. But either there is bad weather, then they go somewhere wrong and the instruments do not help them, then what a sadness...

Three cauldron lakes from the fairy tale about the little humpbacked horse

But other lakes attract thousands of ordinary vacationers. People come here from Moscow, and from St. Petersburg, and from Far East– despite the unsettlement and “the most downshifting.” They go to swim in 3 lakes and be healed of all illnesses and misfortunes.

Remember Ershov’s fairy tale “The Little Humpbacked Horse” and the 3 cauldrons in which Ivan the Fool bathed? Ershov most likely heard this motif, unusual for Russian fairy tales, in Tobolsk, where he graduated from school, and 3 cauldrons are connected with 3 healing lakes, according to a legend that existed in Siberia, after bathing in them in a certain sequence, a person seemed to be reborn. It’s true – the fairy tale is a lie, but there’s a hint in it...

And strength appears

A fairy tale is not a fairy tale? Maybe people themselves created it, exhausted in this world, where something is always needed from you, where you always have to?..

Okunevo is truly a place of power. Here you return to yourself, to your soul. It is not necessary to swim in lakes or perform rituals serving numerous gods.

You can just sit on a bench under the pine trees on the shore and look at the dark water of cold Tara, at the red sun going to rest behind the dark forest - warm, quiet, affectionate... And the heart itself prays to something unknown and eternal, dear and deep.

And strength appears.

A message from the ancestors.
“At the beginning, did you want to call it “Desperation”?” - as you read you will understand why.
I am sick, temperature is about forty, runny nose, slight cough. This is my second day in bed. Perhaps - influenza - sheep's runny nose, just flu, or maybe chicken flu - "Bush's legs - snot in the shower." It’s good that it’s chicken and not rooster, otherwise it would have crowed.
I’m lying with a fever, my eyes are on the ceiling, somehow all divided: my body is in bed, and I’m running around feverishly, trying to find out: who, where, when, and why gave me an energy-informational defeat - gave me a kick, so to speak. I don’t know in what form I am running, whether in the etheric body, or in the astral body, or in the mental body, or in what other form, I don’t know, but I am clearly aware and, I think, I react adequately to what I see. I feel something malicious in myself, today, I run with it on the day of acquisition, I call the author, I ask you to take your creation with my love. Empty back. Again I look for the bad thing in myself - I found it - again to the author, I return his creation with love and back. The temperature is still under forty, apparently there is something to burn. There is gunpowder in the flasks, that is, sins, ballast, garbage in the body.
Somehow he jumped out empty, but not here and now, but some day after tomorrow, and where it’s not clear. I hear the radio say: “Sensation! Sensation! An ancient palace was discovered in the N district - a contemporary of the pyramids of Egypt. The palace and all its contents have been preserved in perfect condition."
“And how can this be?” — I think to myself, “In trampled Ukraine, the palace, although underground, is the same age as the pyramids? Well, a dozen Janissary mummies, no matter what, otherwise the palace is in perfect condition. And no one took it: neither the Tatars, nor the Swedes, nor Mazepa, nor the Poles, nor Lazarenko. This is a miracle. This is worth watching." So I went.
I see a palace on the mountain, like a mirage, in the astral and mental planes, and the material one is lower, under the rocks. I understand that this is all nonsense, but I’m drawn to look, it’s so tempting, I can’t save it. I came closer - a stone slab without traces of processing. On the other side there is the same stone slab, on the third there is loose soil, on the fourth there is a stone slab. A sort of stone hut, about a hundred meters high, with a covered entrance.
This is a paragraph of information for you, reader, but I spent the day climbing. Tired, he sat down to rest at the back of the stone hut. I'm thirsty. I hear the frog croak. I parted the bushes - at the base of the slab there was a pool, about ten square meters. It’s deep, the water is clear, but the bottom is not visible. Got drunk and lay down on the grass. Sun at sunset. Silence. The forest is intoxicating with smells. With the thought of how this happened, and how to get into the hut and see this miracle, I fell asleep.
I see - I’m in the same place, the palace is on the top of the mountain. The walls of the palace are made of stone blocks, decorated with carvings, and there are large stained glass windows in the windows. The palace is crowned with five turrets: four smaller ones in the corners, and the fifth large one in the center. The building is completely unsuited for defense; apparently, this is the housing of hospitable, happy, peaceful, kind people who do not know war.
Suddenly a young woman appeared, gracefully sitting on a horse. She looked at me, smiled, took out something in the shape of a round pencil case, pointed it at the palace and began to look intently at the same place.
A cloud appeared over the palace and heavy rain began to pour down. Residents entered the palace. And the rain kept pouring and pouring, eroding the loose soil. Suddenly the palace began to slowly sink, disappearing behind the ridges of stone slabs washed away from the earth.
The woman telepathically asked me to move away for safety. It smelled like something. I walked away. The palace sank, the stone slabs closed at the tops, forming a hut.
To my silent questions, the woman answered telepathically: “You are our descendants on Earth. This is our gift to help you. There are no people in the palace. These are biorobots, clones - a material copy of us, but without a Soul. They fell asleep from the gas that breathed into the Earth. When you reach the required height in your evolution, the palace with all its contents will open so that you can jump to our level. We are waiting for you and will be glad to meet you. This is our creation. It is turned on by love, happiness, desire, thirst for creation in the name of good. Goodbye, see you later."
The horse turned away from me, carrying away its owner.
And what happened next, has it really been that no one discovered the gift of their ancestors after so much time? - this question excited me, which allowed me to see the following: I am in the same place. I see a guy running in homespun pants and a shirt, fleeing either the Tatars or the Mongols. The boy reached the rock, and there was nowhere else to go, only into the pool. He dove into it. The pursuers waited a long time for him to emerge, but left with nothing. The boy surfaced about three hours later, when he saw me, he wanted to hide under the water again, but changed his mind.
“How could you be underwater for so long?” – I asked him.
“When I dived, I thought it was all over, and there was a cave. There is a large house in the cave. “I was waiting on the shore,” he answered.
“Why didn’t you go into the house?” – I asked.
“It is not customary for us to enter someone else’s house without an invitation. But no one called me. “Go into the house yourself and lead these people, I’m not some kind of villain,” he answered and left.
I'm in the same place. I see a guy with a machine gun, in a sweatshirt, trousers and boots, running towards the pool and diving into it. The pursuers, either policemen or bandits, also waited for a long time by the pool. They shot into the water, even threw a grenade and left with nothing. The boy surfaced a few hours later, when he saw me, he wanted to go back into the water, but changed his mind.
“How could you be underwater for so long?” – I asked.
“Yes, there is a cave,” he answered.
“And what’s in the cave?” – I asked.
“It’s a big house, beautiful, like a museum is full of antiques, it’s somehow wonderful there,” he answered.
“Did you take anything as a souvenir?” – I asked.
“No, no, you can’t take or take anything away there. It will be bad,” he answered and left.
I walked up to the pool. Entered the water. The water is cold and especially clean, I think holy. Dive. He opened his eyes. There was a hole under the lower edge of the stone slab that floated into it. After about five meters the stove ran out. I surfaced in a cave. Got out of the water. Twilight. Light breaks through the cracks here and there. I approach the palace. In front of me is a double-leaf oak door decorated with carvings. In its center are carved figures of a man and a woman, bowing with a gesture of their hands, inviting them to enter the house. The door opened easily. I entered Big hall and stopped amazed by the purity, fine tuning of the harmony of light, smell, freshness, peace and love. Harmony exudes everything around, it permeates everything, every cell. I feel the goodness of creation resounding within me. The thought is born as if someone from within is telling me: “Everything that is here has no material value. This is only for the spiritual growth of everyone who enters. This is an elevator for an evolutionary transition to a higher level of spiritual development. This is a resonator of a person’s potential qualities, a catalyst for rapid, explosive improvement. Stuffing it in your pockets, hiding something in your bosom is blasphemy against your own Soul. Just look, feel, realize and enjoy what you see. This is a vestibule, an entrance hall, a passageway to Paradise.”
Someone says, but every cell of mine agrees with this, and especially I - one. Realizing this, I thought with delight: “This is instruction, this is programming through the needs of the Soul.” The resulting state became the background of everything I saw, which I try to convey to you and preserve in myself.
Having gotten used to the new atmosphere a little, I look around the room. To the left of the center of the huge hall is a wooden table, oval in shape. People are sitting at the table, on carved chairs: men, women and children of different ages. Their clothes are different in shape, color, and quality of fabric, but they have one thing in common - love and respect for themselves and others, based on the deepest knowledge of the laws of harmony. There everyone is equal and complements each other, like flowers in a flower bed, they do not boast of themselves, but everyone makes their contribution to the overall harmony.
The right wall of the hall is filled with books, from floor to ceiling. These thick, eternal tomes. To the silent question: “What is collected in the library?” The answer was born in me: “Everything, about everything.” I wanted to see how many books there were - the wall of books began to move, showing new and new volumes. I wanted to see one of them. One came out and hung in front of me in the air, at a convenient distance and at a convenient angle. Opened on the first page. I see some strange symbols. As soon as I realized that I did not understand what was written, a hologram of the image appeared, which is denoted by this symbol.
So the book was open, but I did not “read”, in our understanding of this verb, but looked at three-dimensional, colorful, active images, and what I saw gave birth to in me, I felt, was read by They - those who sent the gift.
There was a moment when I realized that I didn’t understand the image; every detail was revealed to me, also through images, only simpler ones. Like a file in a file on a computer, a new file is in the details of an open file. Move the cursor with the mouse, click and you will see what you want to know, only the mouse here is the desire to realize what you see.
“Lord, if I were here as a child, and other children too, we would have long been at a new stage of evolution,” I thought. And inside, as if in response, the thought was born that we, who lived after the “conservation” of the palace, have added a lot to the knowledge of Good and Evil in all variants and future people will no longer get lost. We have trodden the road through the jungle of passions and polarities to Paradise. This is our task, so that in the future humanity, even after “eating the fruit of the tree of knowledge,” does not leave Paradise.”
You can go on and on about how every detail of the palace was made with love. You take a thing in your hands and feel that an unknown master knows, loves you, and created it just for you, and you are happy because he guessed your taste, color, material, shape, size and purpose of the thing. Of course, I examined all the details of the hall. Everything there is beautiful, simple, practical. Gold, silver, diamonds, agates: where they are harmoniously needed. Wealth there is not in gold and luxury, but in an atmosphere of love to create. There is everything there for everyone’s life to be rich and enjoyable, to give themselves in their creations and accept gifts, to play, to reflect, to be aware of themselves, others and the world as a whole, to rejoice and be happy. Everything bright in me is in demand there, everything that is bright in me is activated, they believe me, there I want and can create, create. I feel like a creator, a creator of a bright life.
Thoughtfully, I left the palace, entered the water, swam through the hole, and emerged. Morning. Warm. I undressed, put my clothes to dry, and thought: “When will they decide to open the palace?”
I lay down on the grass with this thought and saw excavators and bulldozers driving towards the mountain. They stopped, waiting for something. A man came forward and signaled to move away to a safe distance. Everyone left. The man began to look intently at the rocks. The intention to open the palace grew and grew within him, even the air vibrated around him. The others supported him, increasing the power of vibration. The atmosphere was filled with love, happiness, and a thirst for creation in the name of life.
The stone slabs, as if realizing that the worthy ones had come, began to move, spread apart and lay on the ground like the petals of a flower. A palace opened before our eyes - a wonderful gift from our ancestors, passed down through the centuries. Everyone stood and admired the palace.
Those who came washed, cleaned themselves up after the journey, and calmly and with dignity entered the palace. Those leaving were given a book I knew. They differed from those who entered in that the silent strings of their Soul began to sound at full power - so that the deaf would hear, and the blind would see the divine light and melody of a free, renewed soul.
And I entered the palace. A charming stranger with a smile, like an old friend, gave the book. I held her to my chest as if it were my most precious possession.
I never found out when it came on the radio: “Sensation! Sensation!" but I think soon, I will definitely live.
I returned, I looked at my body, it was resting, the temperature was normal, I merged with it, gain strength, live in a new way.
And I have the book with me, I “read” it in every meditation. In principle, I know everything, but this is no longer a point of view, but the space of vision and the depth of knowledge are limitless, it takes your breath away from the awareness of your possibilities of creation. This, it turns out, is what freedom is for - the freedom to create, to create for good, to build Paradise in yourself, in a house, a neighborhood, a country, a planet.
In meditation, I realize that someone doubted the genius of creation, man’s ability to recreate himself, to know himself and to endlessly improve. Doubters have created the most severe conditions for man: separation and polarization of everything possible, to the thinnest edge of collapse into chaos, into nothingness. The results of the experiment should dispel doubts forever. Only those willing and worthy were subjected to the experiment, in the opinion of the Council of Doubters,
This group, you and me, stepped into matter. I was accompanied by a beautiful stranger - my daughter Lyubavushka - by our standards - a Goddess.
“Father, did you recognize me, remember me?” – asked Lyubava.
“The main thing came to mind - you are my daughter, Lyubava, and I’ll remember the rest of the details,” I said.
“How many times have I been afraid for you when you were on the edge. I sought permission to intervene, to help, but the Council and your Soul did not allow it, for the purity of the experiment. We are grateful for the feelings, knowledge of Good and Evil, about the depth and importance of Unity and Harmony that you experienced, learned and passed on to us.
The Council calculated that you will not take the path of degradation and will reach our level of development on your own. But it takes a long time. The Council changed its name and now it is the Council of Love and Mercy, which creates conditions for the speedy rehabilitation and restoration of all willing participants in the experiment. There is a desire to switch to new level– sort out the negative programs within yourself, we will help you with this; there is no desire - live them in your reality and you will still be with us, since there are no new negative programs from the outside, and there will not be. We called you Lyubomir, this is the code for your purpose of life in matter, your purpose,” Lyubava whispered to me, and I whispered to you.
Lyubava was radiant and fragrant with love. She began any action, word, thought with a smile, and this made her dear, close, and understandable. The smile was intended for me, for who I am now, and this is not special, not the only one, but to everyone and addressed to me - and she cannot do it any other way, she lives this way, breathes this way.
I would like to learn this.


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