Nissi Beach is there a cold current? Nissi Beach, Cyprus: description, photos, reviews. Interesting information about Nissi beach

Nissi Beach Ayia Napa is the most popular, most popular, most crowded beach. Nissi Beach is really good, but if you look at the water and the quality of the sand, then Makronisos, for example, the beach is no worse. The only thing that distinguishes Nissi Beach (Cyprus) from all other beaches is its size coastline and beach discos.

Nissi Beach Ayia Napa: description

The sand on Nissi Beach (Cyprus) is white, fine, with fragments of shells. There are trash cans everywhere, everything is clean, you can see that they are cleaning it. The entrance to the sea is gentle, shallow everywhere, even if you go far, it will be waist-deep. Sometimes on Nissi Beach Ayia Napa brings green algae from the sea, there is not even much nice photos that are shared on social networks. But everything is quickly removed. You swim and see only rare colored seaweeds. By the way, this is exactly the seaweed from which body wraps are made in beauty salons. So you can safely do the wraps, not right on the beach, but you can take them with you to your room.

Photo Nissi Beach: island

The island can be reached on foot up to your knees. There is a small cape there, people scurry back and forth constantly, like a folk trail.

At the top of the cliff, people are jumping into the water, the height is 8 meters.

On the other side of the bay there are rocks, it is impossible to walk there barefoot, you need slippers. There are a lot of small fish in the water, people dive there with a mask. But the rocks are very sharp, there is no sand there anymore. It is immediately clear that the sand on Nissi Beach Ayia Napa was brought. And the rocks - this is the real real Cyprus.

Nissi Beach (Cyprus): water, waves

The water is incredibly clear, reflecting the sun's rays. Very very beautiful. This makes great photos. There are no waves at all, because the bay is almost closed by rocks and an island.

There is no natural shade on Nissi Beach Ayia Napa, so you have to rent a sun lounger. Shade can only be found in nearby bars. By the way, staff are needed everywhere, there are advertisements everywhere, but they really need citizens of the European Union.

On Nissi Beach (Cyprus) you can rent a sunbed and umbrella for 2.5 euros, as elsewhere. That is, 2.5 euros for a sunbed and 2.5 euros for an umbrella. Total 5 euros, for two 7.5 euros. There are practically no places during the day.

There is even nowhere to lay out a towel. Every day is just pandemonium. And not only young people, whoever is here, children, pensioners.

There is also an area of ​​sun loungers from neighboring hotels. If you find an expensive hotel nearby, it is likely that they will offer free sun loungers on the beach.

Parties on Nissi Beach

Foam parties are held at Nissi every Tuesday, Friday and Sunday on Nissi Beach Ayia Napa Bay Beach Bar. And there are beach discos here every day, with a DJ playing from 12 to 19 hours.

And there is not only a foam party, but also a shower party. This is the first time I've seen this.

The foam party itself is small and you can enter for free. To sit at a table, you need to buy a drink, but no one watches this, and some comrades refill cocktails from bottles from a supermarket bag.

Wi-fi in this bar is paid, 2 euros. This is actually the only bar where the Internet is paid, even if you buy a drink. There is a nearby free toilet, for which thank you very much. The shower is also paid, 1 euro, with an automatic coin receiver. There are storage rooms.

Cafes and bars on Nissi

There are several cafes and bars on Nissi Beach Ayia Napa. You can eat and drink here.

Tourist prices, really. For example, an energy drink costs 4 euros (in the store 0.7 euros). But there is a supermarket on the road with normal prices, if anything. In general, the entire infrastructure of Nissi Beach Ayia Napa is set up to extract the maximum amount of money from you.


Drinks on Nissi Beach.

  • Lemonade 0.3l 3 euros
  • Lemonade 0.5l 5 euros
  • Freshly squeezed SLC 4.5 euros
  • Iced tea 3.5 euros
  • Irn Bru 3.5 euro
  • Frappe 4 euros
  • Mineral water 2 euros
  • Heineken 0.33l 4 euro
  • Carlsberg 0.33l 4 euro
  • Keo 0.33l 4 euro

Food on Nissi Beach

  • Sandwich with ham, cheese, bacon, halloumi 5.5 euros
  • Ham and cheese sandwich 4 euros
  • Ciabatta with tuna 5.5 euros
  • Baguette with chicken fillet 5.5 euros
  • Bacon sandwich 5 euros
  • Hotdog 4 euros
  • Set (sandwich, potatoes and drink) 10.5 euros
  • Hamburger 4.5 euros
  • Double hamburger 6 euros
  • Cheeseburger 5 euros
  • Double cheeseburger 6.5 euros
  • Fish burger with cod fillet 4.5 euro
  • Salmon burger 5 euros
  • French fries 4 euros
  • Donner kebab 7 euro
  • Shawarma 7 euros
  • Chicken kebab 7 euros
  • Pork kebab 7 euros
  • Greek salad 6 euros
  • Tuna salad 6.5 euro
  • Chicken salad 6.5 euros
  • Grilled salmon 11 euros
  • Squid 8.5 euro
  • Pizza (4 pieces) 13 euros
  • Pizza (8 pieces) 24 euros

By the way, you can eat on Nissi Avenue, there are many offers with ready-made sets for 10-12 euros. Not bad when compared to restaurant prices.

Flyers to clubs

At the exit from the beach bars, there are promoters standing right next to the gates, handing out flyers to the clubs. All flyers are in Russian, that is, they are designed for Russian girls. Flyers give you the right to enter night club and a cocktail. If the company is 5 or more girls, then you can get a flyer for a bottle of champagne. Flyers are handed out every day, at least in Castle Rock and Soho. And even the transfer to the club is free, just come. If you are going to a club, be sure to take these flyers, you can drink with them and hang out on the bar street for free. 🙂

In the evening, Nissi Beach Ayia Napa is quiet, everyone moves towards the bar street. We arrived at the beach at 8, 9, 10 pm, it was always quiet. You can sit quietly on the beach, we always do that.

Hotels near Nissi Beach

Near Nissi Beach (Cyprus), hotels are growing and growing. Of course, the place is popular, there is demand. And here are both luxurious “fives” and budget “threes”. The most famous , . The most expensive tour to Nissi Beach Ayia Napa in the presidential suite is sold for 600,000 rubles. Not weak, however. Although you can buy a last-minute tour for 30,000 rubles if you try. But no matter what the hotel, the beach is public and the same for everyone. The sea and the sun are also the same for everyone.


Nissi Beach Ayia Napa is located a little far from the center. Walk along Nissi Avenue for 3.5 km in a straight line. Bar Street is 4 km away. But buses 101 and 102 go to the center, even at night. During the day, travel costs 1.5 euros, and at night 2.5 euros.

The only thing is that the buses do not run from 4.30 to 7 am. We once had such a spree in Protaras that there were no more buses. I had to take a taxi for 18 euros (the ride was 6 km!). And we were still bargaining. At first they said 25 euros. There are large taxis from Nissi Beach (Cyprus) offering to take you to Ayia Napa for 2 euros per person if there are 4 passengers. That is 8 euros per car. There are generally large taxis, minivans and limousine taxis everywhere to transport large groups.

If you have a car or an ATV, you can drive from the center of Ayia Napa in 5-7 minutes. There are free parking spaces in the morning, but later it is more difficult to find a space. By the way, parking is free. Our rented Nissan Note is in the middle.

Nissi Beach on the map

Nissi Beach on the map in Russian.

What's nearby

From Nissi Beach Ayia Napa you can walk to the left, looking at the sea, to Sandy Bay Beach, and in the other direction to Latchi. There are fewer people there, but along the path from one beach to the other a snake crawled across my path. The impressions are somehow not very good, but what can you do, it’s nature. It's good that there are no snakes in the sea.

In general, if you walk along the sea, you can walk along the beach to the center to the Ayia Napa pier. A leisurely walk will take an hour. There are walking paths everywhere and you can walk all the beaches. And I see people walking, walking, not everyone takes taxis and cars, like I usually do. 🙂

Nissi Beach: reviews

In my opinion, Nissi Beach (Ayia Napa) is good, but these crowds of people are just like the Vykhino metro station at rush hour. You can hear Russian speech all around, you feel like you are in Gelendzhik. The water and the color of the water are super! It’s worth coming here, but I definitely wouldn’t be able to hang out every day.

Nissi Beach (NissiBeach) located at the very beginning of the Cypriot resort of Ayia Napa, 2 km from the city center.

Tour operators most often offer hotels near Nissi Beach to young people and companies who love noisy parties.

We visited Nissi Beach in different time of the year: in season - August and off-season - November.

Our review of the beach. Is it worth going?

Entering the water, depth and waves

Nissi Beach is medium in size, 600 m long and about 30 m wide.

There are almost never waves here, because... the beach is located in a bay, and the waves are blocked by an island, which at low tide can be reached along a sandbank (at high tide you can also walk to the island, but the water will already be above your waist).

On the island there is a path along which you can climb to the very top. Daredevils jump from there into the water. When going to the island, take flip-flops with you, because even though there is a well-trodden path there, there are pebbles and thorns.

The bottom near the beach is very shallow, so the water here is the warmest compared to all the beaches of Cyprus. The sea here warms up very quickly and cools down slowly.

Bathe You can visit Nissi Beach from May to November. Although seasoned holidaymakers swim in Cyprus all year round, because... the water cools down to a maximum of +16 degrees.

Panorama of the beach and a view of the island that everyone walks to

The island is close, along the path you can climb to the very top

Vegetation on the beach

There are practically no trees on the beach; grass grows only in the private area of ​​the bungalows of the Nissi Hotel Beach Resort.

Therefore, if you like to sunbathe in the shade of trees, then this will not happen here, only under an umbrella.

There are small bushes on the wild, unequipped part of the beach (on the right side of the beach, when looking at the sea).

Fun on the beach

On the beach there is a volleyball court, a diving center, aquatic species sports.

Well, of course, the main difference between Nissi Beach and other beaches in Ayia Napa is the constantly loud music, discos and foam parties. Discos and competitions are held only during the season from mid-May to October.

Foam parties are held every week: on Tuesdays, Fridays and Sundays.

Beach congestion

During the season (from May to October) there are a lot of people, so it’s better to arrive early in the morning.

In the off-season (from November to April) there are vacationers, but not many. You can come with children, the music still plays, but not so loud.

There were so many vacationers on Nissi Beach at the end of August (about 11 a.m. in the morning)

Same August, only after lunch

And this is Nissi Beach in mid-November (feel the difference)


Nissi Beach is well equipped and has:

  • several cafes, bars and a restaurant,
  • large parking (free),
  • sunbeds and umbrellas,
  • alterations,
  • toilets (free),
  • shower (1 euro),
  • foot taps,
  • rescuers,
  • honey. paragraph,
  • diving center,
  • rental of water activities (catamarans, kayaks, bananas).

Cost of sunbeds

1 sunbed – 2.5 euros

1 umbrella – 2.5 euros.

Cost of food in a cafe on the beach

Cafes here are more expensive than in the central part of Ayia Napa.

Prices for food and drinks at the beginning of 2018:

  • Burger – from 10 euros
  • French fries – 3 euros
  • Ice cream – 1.50 euros (for 1 scoop)
  • Seafood – from 12 euros
  • Greek salad – 10 euros
  • Pizza – from 9 euros
  • Pasta – from 12 euros
  • Beer – from 3.50 euros
  • Cappuccino – 3.50 euros
  • A glass of wine – from 4 euros
  • Freshly squeezed juices – from 4 euros
  • Water – 1.50 euros

But there is also a more budget option: not far from the beach there is a Vassos supermarket with food and drinks.

How to get to Nissi Beach?

Let us immediately note that Nissi Beach is located a little out of the way from the center of Ayia Napa.

On foot:

You can get from the city center to the beach on foot, but it will take time. For example:

if you follow the path along the sea, from the port of Ayia Napa, it will take 50 minutes,

past the road and through vacant lots - 30 minutes.

By bus:

By bus the journey takes only 10 minutes, but during the season, public transport is very overloaded. Buses make many stops, at which new passengers constantly board.

Bus numbers:

No. 102 (if you are coming from Protaras or the center of Ayia Napa),

No. 101 (going in the opposite direction).

These buses run quite often, every 15 minutes.

Buses No. 501, No. 502, No. 704, No. 705, No. 709, No. 710, No. 711 will also take you to the beach, but they run much less frequently, every 30 minutes.

Fare: 1.50 euros during the day and 2.50 euros after 20 hours.

Bus schedule No. 101

From Larnaca:

They also go to Nissi Beach intercity flights from neighboring Larnaca.

Buses stop at the Fenikudes stop on the central promenade. There is a large booth with a bus schedule, you can’t pass by it. There will be a Larnaca - Ayia Napa sign on the windshield of the bus.

Travel time: 50 minutes.

Fare: 4 euros one way.

By taxi:

From the center of Ayia Napa to the beach the fare is approximately 15-20 euros, depending on the greed of the driver.

By the way, despite the fact that Cypriots are friendly and decent, taxi drivers are a caste of people who can deceive in any way, even the most calm city. So be careful and keep an eye on the meter.

By rented car, bike, ATV:

But the most convenient way to get to the beach is by car, since there are many parking lots near the beach and they are free. And you can rent a car or an ATV in Cyprus quite cheaply and for any period of time.

Hotels on Nissi Beach and nearby

There are not many hotels near the beach.

The closest hotels to the beach:

1. Nissi Beach Resort 4*

As noted above, the hotel, in addition to central building with the rooms there is a complex of bungalows with access to the sea and their own sun loungers on the grass.

Room rate per night in this hotel– from 12 thousand rubles.

2. Vassos Nissi Plage Hotel 4*

Room cost per day from 10 thousand rubles.

3. AdamsBeachHotel 5*

Room rate per night from 19,300 rubles.

These hotels have their own large territory, swimming pools, entertainment programs, buffets.

There are more budget options, but they are across the street.

Hotels near Nissi Beach:

1. NissianaHotel &Bungalows 3*

Cost of 1 night – 6500 rub.

2. Nissi Park Hotel 3*

Cost of 1 night – 5300 rub.

3. Not so budget-friendly: Aktea Beach Village 4*

Cost of 1 night – 9000 rub.

Beaches near Nissi Beach

If you don't like Nissi Beach, you can always go to the neighboring calmer beaches.

Latchi Adams Beach– located just 300 m from Nissi Beach on the right side when looking at the sea. Walk along the sea for 5 minutes.

Landa Beach (LandaBeach)– located behind Latchi Adams, from Nissi Beach walk 1.2 km – 15-20 minutes.

Sandy Bay Beach (SandyBayBeach)– located 1 km from Nissi Beach on the left, if you face the sea. The walk is about 15 minutes.

Pros and cons of Nissi Beach

Pros: beautiful snow-white clean sand, warm water, good infrastructure.

Minuses: a lot of people in the season, very loud music, expensive cafes. In the evenings there are a lot of drunken young people, relaxation and romantic gatherings overlooking the sunset will not be here. In spring there are waves and the water becomes cloudy. And in summer there can be a strong bloom in the water, and it takes on a greenish tint.

Beach rating: 4 out of 5.

Perhaps we were not completely delighted because of high expectations. This beach is highly praised.

Who will like Nissi Beach?

For students,

For lovers of noisy parties and loud dance music.

Is it worth going to Nissi Beach with small children?

We believe that it is better to consider quieter holidays nearby beaches, beaches of central Ayia Napa.

Nissi Beach or Nissi Beach is a beautiful sandy (white fine sand imported) beach with crystal clear water. It got its name thanks to a small rocky island located fifty meters from the coast. Νησί - Nissi - translated from Greek - island. The beach occupies 600 meters of the bay coast, sheltered from the sea by a small island. On the shore there is volleyball courts, an extensive area of ​​cafes, bars and restaurants.

East End Nissi is calmer. To the west is the Nissi Bay beach bar. Live music plays here every day from 12.00 to 19.00, and there are often foam shows. A sand spit stretches from the western edge of the beach to the island. The island itself is small and rocky. On the landward side there is small beach, near which a water entertainment base has settled.

There are also small pretty grottoes in the rocks on the eastern side of the island. Next to the grottoes there is a small rock, 6 - 8 meters, from which it is convenient to jump into the water. The modern name for this action is cliff diving.

Nissi Beach has become famous thanks to the parties and discos that have been held here since 2001. During the day, the beach lives the usual resort life. People soak up the sun and swim in the shallow bay, scuba dive and water ski.

When the sun sets, almost all local residents flock here to sit in a restaurant, enjoy the sunset, drink a glass of wine or a glass of beer, and gossip about everyday problems. At this time, young people are having a blast at various shows, dancing and having fun in discos to the music of the best DJs.

Useful information about Nissi Beach:

How to get to Nissi Beach.

Nissi Beach is located on the shore picturesque bay in the western part of Ayia Napa, 2.5 km from the center. There is a stop nearby on Nissi Avenue public transport, where buses stopping on the route Ayia Napa - Protaras and Larnaca - Ayia Napa.

Hotels located near Nissi Beach.

1 line Adams Beach 5*
Nissi Beach Resort 4*
Vassos Nissi Plage 4*
2nd line Christofinia 3*
Nissi Park 3*
Hotel-Apartments Lorentzos
Atlantica Aeneas Resort & SPA 5*
Nissiana Hotel & Bungalows 3*
Napasol boutique hotel
Even further: Stavrolia Hotel Apartments
Hotel Apartments "Nissi Golden Sands"
Private Villas Nissi Elena Court


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