A common name for hotels and restaurants. Interesting names of luxury hotels. How to give a successful hotel name

IN major cities a very large number of hotels and other places of stopping and rest for visitors. The competition is off the charts! And one of the effective ways to look decent in this market is to give your establishment a bright and memorable name! To do this, you can either hire a naming specialist or try it yourself.

Basic rules to consider.

The name of a hotel can greatly influence the liquidity of its room stock. When choosing a place to stay on sites for viewing and booking hotels, bright and original names attract attention. Those that stand out from the general flow. Of course, you are not limited in your choices, but some basic rules should still be applied to avoid common mistakes.

Initially, of course, you need to study your competitors. There is no need to even think about such typical names as “Comfort” or “Comfort”. The main goal is to stand out from the crowd and create a unique name.

Brevity, simplicity and euphony are the basis for quick memorization. A complex phrase or name will not be remembered immediately. When choosing options, think about how this or that name will sound, look, how difficult it will be to enter it into a search engine on the Internet. Ideally, you should not use more than 2-3 words in the title.

The name of the hotel, first of all, should be focused on its target audience. An “economy class” hotel may well have a name in Russian. A hotel in a higher price category can already rely on a wealthy clientele and foreigners. Therefore, the name of such a hotel should sound good both in Russian and in English (“Hotel Astoria”), for example.

If your hotel is a brand hotel, you need to express this status through its name, using the terms used in such cases. Such as: “Grand” or “Royal”. This will immediately add prestige to the name. But keep in mind that the name of the hotel, of course, must correspond to the service provided to its guests.

For a small hotel, simple but sincere names are more suitable. "Bedtime Story" or simply "Satchel".

When choosing a hotel name, it is often a good idea to use its existing features. This could be a location, such as “Inside the Courtyard,” or a design feature of a hotel building, such as “Cozy Pentagon.” Hotels that have the name of a famous literary or cartoon character in their name are well remembered. "Hotel Onegin", "Papa Carlo's House".

In general, your imagination when it comes to naming a hotel can be limitless! And if you choose correctly, guess it, then later it will definitely have a positive impact on the image of your hotel and on the demand for its rooms.

What to call a hotel, hotel, hostel? 11/21/2014

To develop an original name, contact RA Lemon. 8-903-603-91-14

Coming up with a name for the hotel is both easy and simple. On the one hand, you need to stand out, because in every big city there are several hundred establishments of this type. On the other hand, it is necessary to reference the location. If there is a famous historical site nearby: a temple, a tower, a monastery, a park, then the name of the hotel can be tied to this attraction. For example, “Alexandrovskaya Sloboda”

Hotel classification
Hospitality establishments can be divided into several categories. They are as follows:
World brands: Hayat, Hiltom, Marriott, Radisson..
Cheap hotels for different categories of travelers: BB, Ibis, Formula, where you can eat and sleep.
City hotel with 1-2 star service level.
Luxury business and conference hotels.
Hotels for one night or apartment for a day
Departmental sanatorium
Resort hotel or country club by the sea, river, lake
Model near the track
Hostel for students
Camping for drivers

Soviet names gosnets
Central, Oktyabrskaya, Space, Avtozavodskaya, Mayak, East, Zarechnaya, Dream, Romantic, Peasant's House

Resort names
Sun Set Beach, Sun Sun View, Princess of the East, Panorama, Helios

Titles country clubs and holiday homes, camp sites
Estate, Water area, Lagoon, Raznezhye

Names of departmental sanatoriums
Teacher, All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions, Red Star, Sormovich, House of Actors, Red Dawns, Roslesprom, Trade Union

Modern names of the hotel Nikola House, Sparrow, Domino, Eurasia, Hermitage, Expo, Nanotel, Rushotel, Novotel
Names of large business hotels Space, Triumph, Grand, Pallas, Bristol, Moscow

If you decide to open your own hostel, but cannot find a suitable name, the examples below, as well as a classification of the main naming strategies will help you choose the best option. Thus, this article outlines the basic principles of creating bright and memorable brands for hostels, and also provides many examples of names of mini-hotels throughout Russia.

Principles for constructing hostel names

The brands under which mini-hotels so popular among tourists usually operate are difficult to classify. However, this does not mean that hostel names are formed chaotically, without any strategies. The basic principles for forming the names of such institutions are described in detail below.

  1. Names with direct occurrence of the word “hostel”. First of all, it is worth noting that the owners of mini-hotels use both Russian names, for example “My Hostel” and “Hostels-Rus”, and variants in Latin, for example, “Arena Hostel” and “Interhostel”. Moreover, the latter do not necessarily have to be of foreign origin; some of them are simply transliterations of Russian words. This method allows you to generate interesting options, such as, for example, “Yes! Hostel", "Hostel Bolshoi", etc. However, the name does not necessarily have to be associated with rental housing. Owners of mini-hotels can combine any vocabulary, getting very original options, such as “Oh So Indie Hostel” or “Star Wars hostel”.
  2. Names that include the words “house”, “house”, “hotel”, “room”, etc.. This category of names is also very common. As in the previous case, it all depends on the imagination of the owner - by combining the above words with other vocabulary, you can get bright and interesting names, such as, for example, “AntiObschaga”, “Uprav-dom.com”, or more laconic names, for example, “Academic dormitory” or “Economy class hotel.” As a rule, the latter are descriptive in nature and attract a certain category of clients seeking, first of all, to save on overnight accommodation.
  3. Other, original titles. This category unites the largest number of items. They can be completely different - either related to the activities of mini-hotels or have nothing to do with it. Names such as “Come & Sleep”, “Come & Go” or “Mr. Guest” evoke in potential clients direct associations with the type of services provided in the mini-hotel, while the names “Anchor”, “Phoenix”, “Indigo”, etc. .d. are in no way related to the activities of hostels. However, due to their brightness, the latter can also become recognizable brands and attract tourists from different countries peace.

Examples of hostel names

Names with direct occurrence of the word “hostel”

Fabrika Hostel & Gallery

Good News Hostel

Ideal Mini Hotel

Oh So Indie Hostel

Spusnik hostel & personal space

Star Wars hostel

Weekend Rooms & Hostel

BM Hostel







Our Hostel

First Arbat Hostel

Uyut Hostel


Names containing the words “house”, “house”, “hotel”, “room”

Other, original titles

1000 and one night

3 penguins

IG Help

I slept!


Alexander Ostrovsky Academy







Big family






Meetings on Arbat



Mr. Guest


Good offices

Good cat



Apartment on Tverskaya

Clover Arbat


Kremlin lights









Mila Energy

Mister Zephyr

Moscow 2000

Moscow star

Moscow friends

Moscow courtyard

My grandmother



On Butlerov

Nika City

New town



Paveletskaya Square

Pamir Alliance

Pair of Slippers




North Star





Capital Express

Three stars

At three stations

Corner on Chistye Prudy



Formula Behind the Wheel


Sixth Sense


Expo on Kutuzovsky

Behind short time The number of hotels and mini-hotels has increased and competition, of course, is high. A good way to stand out from the crowd is to give your creation a memorable name!

How to give a successful name to a hotel?

Before you begin this creative process, study the selection of competitors. An original name is a great opportunity to attract new clientele. Such names generate more interest when booking rooms.

Put yourself in the shoes of customers who hear about your hotel for the first time, and you will understand that complex names you won't remember. According to statistics, it is desirable use short phrases, for example, “Hotel Favorite”, “Hotel Hermitage”, “President Hotel”.

What should you name your hotel to attract guests?

First and foremost, you need to target the audience you want to reach. For example, an “economy class” hotel would have a name in Russian. A higher-level hotel can be named in any language, in particular English, to attract foreigners.

When choosing a loud name “President”, “Royal” or “Plaza”, you need to take into account that it must correspond to your level of service. Names that emphasize the atmosphere and evoke associations (“Tsar’s Capital”, “Katyusha”) are suitable for a mini-hotel.

Using "INN" in a hotel name?

"INN" means inn. These hotels have a restaurant, and the furnishings and service have a homely atmosphere, for example, “ Apart Hotel Well In", "Park Inn Sadu".

Use hotel features when choosing a name

If in the immediate vicinity of the hotel there are famous places, streets, then this can be used in the name to indicate the location of the hotel (“Hotel Garden Ring road", "Hilton Moscow Leningradskaya").

Using the name you can highlight interior solutions or a general idea of ​​the hotel (“Crimean Breeze”, “Hotel Indigo”). Names are also suitable literary characters or famous personalities (“Armani Hotel”, “Hotel Onegin”).

What does “Resort” mean in the name?

Large resort hotels with comprehensive developed infrastructure use the word “Resort” in the name. Such hotels are equipped with a restaurant, gym, sauna and even golf courses, tennis courts and clubs. Examples: “The Venetian Resort-Hotel-Casino”, “Sani Resort”.

Great names of the best hotels in the world

Let's analyze the most original hotel names.

Giraffe Manor ( Giraffe Manor) located in picturesque place Kenya, surrounded by park and forest. On the hotel premises, the owners breed a rare species of giraffes, which are regular guests and promote unity with nature.

Marmara Antalya is the only hotel in the world with a rotating building design and stunning panoramic views.

Hotel Sun Cruise is cruise ship, located high above the shore, on the coastal cliffs tourist city Jeongdongjin. They say that's where they open best views at sunrise.

The King Pacific Hotel is the only hotel in the world where guests can swim in the water while relaxing in their room. His route goes through the most picturesque nature reserve in the world near Princess Royal Island, in a place with rich flora and fauna.

When should you change the name of a hotel?

The decision to change the name of the hotel must be made for good reason, for example, a small number of clients throughout long period. Potential clients may simply not see your hotel in the list of hotels in the city, or it may seem completely inappropriate to them. That is, you can change the name of the hotel only on the condition that this will only improve your customer base and in no case will turn the situation in the opposite direction.

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If you are in the process of opening a hotel or are starting to sell a hotel that will open its doors in a few months, then perhaps one of the issues that needs to be addressed is the name. I never thought that this question was difficult until I was asked to recommend a name for a hotel. Because the name greatly influences further loading, I had to think and put together all the possible advantages and disadvantages, risks and prepare some theoretical justification for searching for the hotel name.

So, the requirements for the hotel name as a marketing element:

  • 1.The name of the hotel must be unique, i.e. avoid confusion with other accommodation bases in the region. Therefore, make a list of all the hotels in your destination and do not repeat yourself. Also, the uniqueness of the name will simplify the procedure for registering an enterprise and a trademark. In Sevastopol, for example, there is the Sevastopol Hotel and the Sevastopol Boarding House (in Omega). There was some confusion in the names before the Sevastopol Hotel became Best Western Hotel Sevastopol.
  • 2. It must be harmonious for 100% of the current and future target audience. There are many funny examples of how a name in a foreign language sounds stupid or abusive in Russian and vice versa.
  • 3. If the target audience is 80% homogeneous, then you can play on the feelings, affections or preferences of this target audience. For example, a name can appeal to national feelings, be pleasant and familiar, like the name of the capital of their homeland...
  • 4.The name of the hotel should attract attention. It should not be lost in the information flow and should not occupy a person’s attention at least for a moment. This will make it memorable and arouse interest. Agree, the name of the hotel is “Happy Pushkin” in St. Petersburg intriguing. If the name is remembered, then this already gives a significant chance of attracting a guest.
  • 5. It should sound proud and status-bearing. A person should not feel ashamed when naming the hotel in which he is staying. Names such as “Dubki”, “Anna”, “Teremok”, “Katyusha”, “U Yasha” initially complicate their promotion. How to answer the question “Where are you staying?” - “In Dubki” or “In Anna”, I would prefer to say that I don’t remember. But at the same time, it should not sound arrogant, raising the expectations of guests. If the guest was traveling to the Prestige Hotel Royal Marine Club, which turned out to be an ordinary renamed building of a Soviet tourist complex, then this contrast will not be to the benefit of the hotel. In terms of the image component of the name, it is better to understate than to promise more than what is there.
  • 6.Because the name of the hotel will then be applied to various media in the form of a logo; it must initially carry the prerequisites for the development of the original logo. It is difficult to formulate what requirements in this case should be put forward for the name, but you must definitely check all the options that arise to see if it is possible to create an original logo.
  • 7. It is advisable that the name sound the same in national language and on English languages. Then, for example, it will be possible to have one logo for all languages, without having to think about whether to translate or transliterate the name.
  • 8.The name can be part of the positioning if it reveals the theme of the hotel. Those. if the hotel has a theme and it can be displayed in the name, then it is better to do so than to reveal the positioning in further communication. For example, the hotel “Black and White” by its name speaks of the specifics of the interior design - black and white tones.
  • 9. Also, the positioning of the hotel is well revealed by generally accepted interpretations of typical hotels, such as Resort, Palace, SPA, Garden Hotel, Beach Hotel, Aparthotel, Boutique Hotel. If your hotel carries such an identifier in addition to its name, then your product is understandable to an international audience. Only the hotel must really correspond to the international concept. For example, Aparthotel Americano in Odessa, in my opinion, perfectly and harmoniously conveys both the spirit and the type of hotel. In addition to generally accepted international classifications, local types appear: Congress-Park, Royal Hotel, Hostel and Gallery... Maybe someday they will become generally accepted, but until this happens, I cannot recommend that my readers use unofficial transcripts or come up with their own.
  • 10.The name should be the brainchild of the person who will be responsible for the operation of the hotel in the long term. Those. There must be a personal connection between the manager (owner) and the name of the hotel so that he loves the hotel and its name like his own child. This is very important because... This is the person who will invest his energy in business development. Therefore, do not impose your opinion on the owner, even if you have the authority to do so. But it is not enough to give birth and love the name of your hotel; you also need to fully understand the meaning and meaning of this name, know the historical stories and semantic associations associated with it. This will prevent unpleasant misunderstandings. It is even better that the name be chosen from the cultural layer in which its author lives, otherwise the guests whom the name will attract may be disappointed by the discrepancy between the spirit of the name and the spirit of the hotel. And one more thing: this point of the recommendation is appropriate only if other recommendations are used. Otherwise, it may turn out that the owner will name the hotel after himself.
  • 11.Location is very important for a hotel. If the place is the pride of the hotel, or, on the contrary, it is difficult to find, if there are already hundreds of small hotels around, or, on the contrary, your hotel is one of the few, then you can stand out by choosing a name that identifies the hotel with the city, street, landmark, metro station. Hotels in St. Petersburg are replete with such names or additions to the names: Vasilyevsky, Nevsky, Moscow Gate.
  • 12. There is an opinion that you should look for names starting with “a” in order to get ahead of lists formed alphabetically. I don’t know of a single modern resource for selling rooms for which this would be important, but just in case, you can give this recommendation... you never know, some project will decide to quote its partners and will not find anything more original than to do it according to alphabet.
  • 13. If there is an opportunity to operate for some time without a name or with the name "No Name", then the ideal would be to ask guests about the name or choose it yourself by paying close attention to the guests' reactions to different aspects of the hotel. This approach allows you to relax about the task of finding a name and come up with it one evening while drinking a cocktail with your guests.

In conclusion, it must be said: the right name is not a guarantee of success, but it can shorten the road to it. Create holistic concepts that weave together design, service, location, owner values, the needs of the target audience and give them concise, unique names that create a favorable image. Better yet, don’t risk choosing a name yourself, hire specialists :) And good luck!


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