A village of sorcerers in the middle of Russia. Black Stream, Kaluga region. The mystery of a disappeared village or anomaly of the earth Video: Anomalies of the Siberian village of Okunevo

Many skeptics who do not believe in mysticism and believe that everything can be explained scientifically will certainly doubt the reliability of the information presented below. But in any case, it makes no sense to deny that in nature there are a number of inexplicable anomalies that are not just frightening, but truly terrifying.

Stories of mysterious disappearances and deaths in disastrous places that can be found in Russia chill the blood and make you truly horrified. In the continuation of the article you will find a list of the most terrible places in our country.

Devil's Cemetery (Krasnoyarsk Territory)

75 people are known to have disappeared or died over the past 30 years. In the territory Krasnoyarsk Territory, on the top low mountain, there is a strange clearing with a hole in the very center. According to some sources, it was formed in 1908. Versions have been put forward that the appearance of this place is directly related to the fact of the fall of the Tunguska meteorite, and the hole in the center is nothing more than a crater long ago extinct volcano pierced by an object when falling. People nicknamed it strange place Damn cemetery.

Over the past thirty years, at least 75 people have either disappeared or died in this area. Being in the Devil's Cemetery is destructive for all living things. Hundreds of cows died, deciding to taste the grass from the clearing. In the post-war period, all residents of these unsafe places were resettled. From the stories of old-timers it became known that great amount people died either on the territory of the clearing itself, or when they found themselves within a small radius of it.

In the 80s, researchers became interested in this anomalous zone and began to persistently search for the Devil's Cemetery. Several expeditionary forces are still considered missing. About 75 searchers also did not return from search trips.

In 1991, an eerie clearing was found. A large, serious expedition was assembled to study it. In the same year that the clearing was found, a film was made about this place, called “Devil's Cemetery.” Many publications published articles and photos about this mysterious place. Those wishing to visit the Devil's Cemetery area should know that you should not set up a camp closer than one kilometer, but it is more correct and convenient to set up a camp at the mouth of the Deshemba River. The easiest way to get to your destination is by river. Successful rafting is possible only from May to early June. Only professionals should go on this hike, as the area is very difficult.

Mountain of the Dead (Sverdlovsk region)

In 1959, a group of young enthusiasts led by Igor Dyatlov went on an expedition to the Mountain of the Dead. The ascent to the summit began on February 1st. By coincidence, it is on this day that a magical festival called Candlemas takes place. Before reaching the top, a group of nine people sets up camp for the night. It is unknown what the young people witnessed and what forced them to cut the tent from the inside and hastily leave it, going out into the cold with virtually no clothes. No traces of any third party presence were found. No signs of a struggle. No traces of the elements. All participants had horrific injuries, some had their tongues torn out, and everyone’s skin was purple or orange, unnatural even for the dead.

By decree from above, everything related to the Dyatlov expedition was kept in the strictest secrecy. The Dyatlov group is not the only one who died on the slopes scary mountain. Several expeditions never returned home after visiting her. In the 90s, the publishing house of the Gentry newspaper published a huge material dedicated to the Mountain of the Dead. At the same time, specialists from Vladivostok carried out thorough ufological studies. And today this place does not attract tourists very much because of its notoriety. Although on this moment There are no anomalous manifestations on the mountain and it is safe for visits.

Devil's Lair (Volgograd region)

IN Volgograd region, on the ridge called Medvetskaya, there is a place called the Devil’s Lair. According to the information received, spontaneous combustion of people occurs in this place. The corpses of local shepherd Yuri Mamaev and combine operator Ivan Tsukanov were discovered. But it is reliably known that Ivan burned down while saving a combine harvester and a grain field from an unexpected fire.

In the case of the shepherd, there is evidence that the cause of his death was the burning of hay. Nevertheless, this place is considered unkind, although the expedition did not reveal any anomalies. It is safe for hiking trips.

Lake Labynkyr

In the east of Yakutia, in the Oymyakonsky district, there is a reservoir overgrown with legends and amazing stories. Lake called Labynkyr. According to legend, an animal of incredible size lives in the lake; it is assumed that it is of relict origin. According to local residents, this creature swallows large animals and people. Based on rumors, the death toll is more than ten people. But all this is not reliable, there is no real evidence. The terrain is wild and difficult to navigate, which is not conducive to attracting researchers. It is precisely because of its mystery that this place is included in the list of the creepiest. There are several “valleys” that claim to be the Valley of Death. One of them is located in Valdai, in the Novgorod region. According to local beliefs, somewhere there is a mysterious “stump”, near which people and animals disappeared. In fact, no one saw this “stump”; the police were also skeptical; there were no reports of missing people.

Yakutia also has its own “Valley of Death” - Elyuyu Cherkechekh. Its supernatural nature has not been confirmed; none of the researchers have seen any hemispheres emitting heat, copper cauldrons or other anomalous formations. We studied data about this area for ten years, invited about 2,000 specialists during this time, and this does not take into account the help of people who responded to our advertisements in newspapers. And, summing up, we came to the conclusion that the supernatural nature of this zone is just a fiction, based on local legends.

Another Death Valley is located on the Kamchatka Peninsula, not far from the Valley of Geysers. This time its existence is confirmed. There is a large number of animal deaths there, and there have also been unconfirmed reports of human deaths in the area. As a result of our research, it was revealed that mortality among animals is explained by gas poisoning; the causes and frequency have not been identified. For a person, being in this zone does not pose a danger, since he will be able to independently leave the zone if gas escapes. It is not recommended to spend the night in this area.

There is one section on the Kolyma Highway, running between two rocks, where a fairly large number of accidents and incidents, including fatalities, have been recorded. No anomalies were detected in this segment. There was no point in organizing an expedition; there are similar sections on almost any route. According to legend, not far from Belozersk, Volgograd region, there is a burial mound of the Varangian king Sineus, brother of Rurik. During Soviet times, the upper part of the mound was dismantled for construction needs, and in the remaining part a cellar was dug for a large potato storage facility. But all the potatoes, like the logs of the inner lining, rotted, and in this place a pit filled with a fetid mess formed. Many cases of falling into it were recorded; local residents repeatedly pulled out corpses. According to legend, it is the embittered Sineus who lures people into the pit. The expedition was not organized and the location of the mound could not be established. In the Novgorod region, in one of the forests there is a swamp. During the Great Patriotic War, it took the lives of many soldiers, whose remains are still swallowed up in the swamp.

The exact number of deceased is unknown; according to preliminary estimates, we are talking about tens of thousands. The sad history of this area creates an atmosphere of fear.

Near Cape Ryty, Baikal, many different anomalies are observed - compasses and navigators begin to go crazy, sometimes an increase in background radiation is observed, which is why there are currently no settlements near the cape. The nature of these anomalies could not be determined; usually the background radiation is within normal limits. Staying near the cape does not promise any danger; you just have to be careful of the very aggressive earth bees living there, whose stings are painful. Devil's ravine near the village of Lyady, Pskov region. It was said that several people disappeared there before the war. Also, several cases have been reported after 1974. Some people still came back and told amazing stories. The expeditions did not reveal any anomalies in the area; the disappearances were attributed to the difficult terrain, so it is not recommended to go there alone without equipment and appropriate knowledge of the area.

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Dear readers, some names, dates and places of action in our material have been changed, because much information on this topic has not yet been declassified. A number of inaccuracies in the coverage of events were intentionally made.

At the end of the 18th century, the famous French sinologist (sinologist) Joseph de Guigne discovered a recording of the story in ancient Chinese chronicles Buddhist monk named Huishan, which surprised him greatly.

This April marks the 140th anniversary of the birth of a well-known man whose bones are still washed out to this day - Vladimir Ilyich Lenin.

What makes historians carefully read documents from 90 years ago? First of all, probably, interest in those events that have not yet been sufficiently studied by specialists and covered in the press for the general public. But people have the right to know what happened to their compatriots on this same territory almost a century ago. Novosibirsk historian Vladimir Poznansky, using recently discovered archival sources, traced the development of the Siberian Holodomor. Lenin’s call - “to save the proletarian center at any cost” - then provoked the death of many people from hunger not only in the Ukrainian granary, in the Kuban, in the Stavropol region, but also in such a relatively prosperous area as Siberia.

Not all crazy people are talented, but it is believed that the vast majority of talented people are usually a little “hello.” And some are not even slightly, but quite thoroughly mournful, one might even say they had very serious psychiatric diagnoses. Another thing is that the madness of these geniuses not only did not harm anyone, but rather, on the contrary, enriched our world amazing creations, which we, simple mortals not examined by psychiatrists, never cease to rejoice and be amazed at.

The day of September 11, 2001 became a certain milestone in the public consciousness - the date that international terrorism reached a qualitative level new level opposition to socio-political institutions, which are the so-called free world declares as the only correct ones. But the circumstances of this tragedy involuntarily suggest some “wrong” thoughts.

Traveling through the south or west of Ukraine, you will certainly see a castle around almost every turn of the road. Shrouded in morning haze, well preserved or even dilapidated, it will make your heart beat faster, reminding you of the chivalric novels you once read.

On that day, July 16, 1676, all of Paris was buzzing like an alarmed beehive. Of course, it’s not every day that such a dangerous criminal, and besides, a woman, is executed. And not just any woman, but one of the first beauties of the French kingdom.

Middle XIX century In the forests of Shilovsky district between lakes Kuzhikha and Chudino, the village of Mokeevka appeared.
It was not noted for anything special, except that the people living in it were savvy and hardworking, which is why the village was prosperous. The villagers did not think or guess that in the coming century they would become heroes of legends passed on in whispers from mouth to mouth.
Mokeevka disappeared after the October Revolution. Absolutely... Together with the population, houses, livestock. And it would be fine if she simply disappeared. In those heady times, this was not the case. The strange thing was that the village was seen periodically.
Residents of neighboring Nadezhdino will go fishing - there is Mokeevka, women will go to the swamp for cranberries - there is Mokeevka. And a food appropriation detachment came - there was no village. Like a cow licked it with its tongue. In the place where it should be there is an impassable thicket.
Once they sent a CHON detachment (a special purpose unit intended to fight the enemies of Soviet power) with a hundred sabers to deal with this ideologically harmful village. The Reds, according to all the rules of military science, surrounded the enemy’s location. They sent out reconnaissance. They wait for half an hour, an hour - there are no sentries. The commander with a dozen soldiers went on a sortie. And he also disappeared...
In general, when the main detachment approached, the Chonovites saw an absolutely incredible picture. The village stands where it should be. Laundry is drying in the courtyards, samovars are still warm in the huts.
But there is not a single living creature - neither man, nor cattle, nor cats, nor dogs. Only the scouts and their commander wander around the courtyards in complete confusion. The authorities have made several attempts to clarify the situation. And all with the same success.
After which they spat and announced: there was no trace of Mokeevka. And everything that is said about the ghost village is ideological sabotage and undermining the authority of the Soviet government by the kulaks and subkulak operatives.

The country is on lock

TO mystical history We will definitely return to the village of Mokeevka. But first, let us remember that 200 years ago the Shilovsky region attracted the close attention of scientists as the possible location of the semi-mythical Artania - the city-state of the ancient Russians.
Here is a quote from the Big Encyclopedic Dictionary: “Artania, Arsania, Arta, along with Kuyavia and Slavia, is one of the three centers Ancient Rus', which existed in the 9th century and was mentioned by Arab and Persian geographers (al-Balkhi, al-Istakhri, Ibn Haukal, etc.). Some researchers identify A. with the territory of the Antes, others with Tmutarakan, and still others with the city of Ryazan. According to one version, its name came from here – Arta – Arzya – Eruzyan – Ryazan.”
The main oddity is that not a single source left us a description ancient city, its streets, buildings, household utensils. In general, no specific data. The conclusion suggests itself: either strangers were not allowed into Artania (one of the translations is “a country on lock”), or all this is a myth and legend that has no factual evidence.
According to some modern ethnographers, Artania was carefully protected from prying eyes, and they did it so skillfully that the idea of ​​attracting some esoteric forces suggests itself.

In the intricacies of the “labyrinth”

What was stored in ancient Artania? There is a version that it was here that the most revered relics of the ancient Orthodox world were preserved: the first consecrated icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, the legendary sword of Ares and even.
To be fair, it should be noted that not everyone agrees that the mysterious city was located on Ryazan soil. And here, in the Ryazan region, other places of possible location of the “closed country” are given.
For example, Pitelinsky district. This is what the famous Ryazan amateur local historian Vladimir Gribov said about his search for Artania. Residents of one of the villages not far from the sources of the Pet River pointed him to a field with which many mysterious phenomena have long been associated.
At the beginning, Vladimir Vasilyevich did not see anything unusual in this place. A field is like a field. I walked up and down - nothing interesting. I was just about to leave and suddenly, absolutely by accident, I came across a hefty stone on the very outskirts of this place.
In appearance, it exactly coincided with the famous menhirs, repeatedly described in historical documents. Turned into a strict tetrahedron, the top is pointed. Since pagan times, these stones have been placed in the belief that they accumulate the energy of the sun. And if you have certain knowledge, this energy can be used, among other things, to create impenetrable protection from prying eyes. Further - more... Behind the stone there was a whole chain of small ravines in which boulders were scattered, at first glance chaotically. Not a single path, not a single road nearby.
After only a hundred steps, Vladimir Gribov began to feel slightly dizzy, and a moment later he realized that he was in a huge “labyrinth” - the stones and ravines were located in such a way that they twisted into a spiral! He decided to reach its center, but that was not the case - he walked through two ravines and realized that he was again standing a few steps from the menhir. Another try - the same result. Maybe somewhere here there was an entrance to the “secret city” forever hidden from prying eyes?
There is one more fact that confirms Vladimir Gribov’s version. Old-timers tell the story of Ataman Antonov, whose vanguard, during the suppression of a peasant rebellion, violently broke through from the Tambov region to the Pitelin region. With fighting, sweeping away the cordons of the Red Army, they still managed to break through. But the Reds nevertheless surrounded the Antonovites in the area of ​​the Pitelin forests. The most desperate ones made their way to the ravines and disappeared into the water...

Nettle didn't help

But let's return to modern Shilovo. Sergei Ivanovich Nikanov is one of the few who saw the legendary Mokeevka with his own eyes. “I wasn’t the only one who saw her,” he said. – In Nadezhdino, many people have been to Mokeevka, and more than once.
In the early 30s of the 20th century, when collectivization was in full swing, the authorities again became interested in Mokeevka. They began dragging men and women from surrounding villages for interrogation. We were still just kids... My friend and I saw the village three times when we went fishing on Lake Chudino. True, they didn’t go into the huts - they were afraid. And when they told us at home, our parents hit us with nettles so much that they then went around these places on the tenth road.” Parental nettle did not help. The mysterious Mokeevka sank into the soul of Sergei Nikanov.

You never dreamed of it!

“For 20 years there was not a word or breath about the village,” says Sergei Ivanovich. – They have already begun to forget about this story.
But in the mid-60s, tourists stumbled upon it again. We went to Chudino - there was a village, and on the way back, when we wanted to get water from a well, we saw an impassable thicket.
I myself went searching several times. And I saw Mokeevka three more times. But if I take my camera with me, I’ll end up wandering through the forest in vain. I’m already back in Shilovo and have stopped talking about it. They laugh at me - they think my grandfather lied in his old age. But I still have old photographs from the 20s. They show exactly the same Mokeevka. Then ethnographers managed to photograph the village and its inhabitants for the only time. Of course, this should be done seriously, but I’m not the same age anymore, and my health doesn’t allow me to run through forests and swamps.”
Unfortunately, the format of a newspaper publication does not allow us to talk about many more mysterious places in the Ryazan region. There are their own in Shatsk, in Old Ryazan, on the Zhokin settlement in the Zakharovsky district. And I advise skeptics to remember the words of Shakespeare’s Hamlet: “There are many things in the world, friend Horatio, that your wise men never dreamed of.”

Russia has surpassed many countries in the number of terrible and mystical places. Fear lovers have a lot to fear; quite often there are places that can be truly terrifying.

The doomed and the damned

The most famous anomalous place on the planet is, perhaps, Bermuda Triangle. It is located in the North Atlantic, within the borders South Coast USA, Greater Antilles and Bermuda. Over the course of a century and a half, about a thousand people, as well as 20 planes and 55 ships, disappeared in this place under very mysterious circumstances. Which ones are the most scary places in Russia?

Moleb triangle

The village of Molebka in the Urals is a bearish corner at the junction Sverdlovsk region And Perm region. The famous geoanomalous zone, which is known as the Moleb Triangle (also known as the Perm Anomalous Zone), is located on the left bank of the Sylva River, opposite the village. Once this place was holy for the Mansi; there was a prayer stone for sacrifices.

In the 80s of the last century, the settlement became famous throughout the country. During a winter hunt, geologist Emil Bachurin found a round footprint with a diameter of 62 meters in the snow. Since then, this place has been exciting people's minds. Many people say that they saw Bigfoot, a UFO, and various bodies here, in particular, luminous balls with intelligent behavior. Researchers claim that this zone has strong dowsing anomalies.

By the way, the Moleb Triangle is well known to foreign ufologists and tourists. Every year thousands of “pilgrims” flock here to visit the unknown.

Dyatlov Pass (Mountain of the Dead)

In the north of the Urals, on the border of the Sverdlovsk region and Komi, inexplicable tragedies often occur. On the slopes of Mount “1079” or the Mountain of the Dead (in the Mansi language, Kholat-Syakhyl), many times people died under mysterious circumstances.

The first tragedy occurred on February 1-2, 1959. 10 tourists from Sverdlovsk climbed the mountain; Igor Dyatlov led the expedition. One tourist’s legs hurt and he stayed in the village of Vizhay, another 9 continued to climb. They did not have time to rise before darkness and stopped for the night on a slope. At night, the inexplicable happened - the entire group died.

As the investigation established, at night, half-naked tourists cut the tent from the inside and began to run down in horror. Many died from the cold, but the bodies of three ended up with broken ribs and pierced heads. One girl even had her tongue torn out. But there were no abrasions or bruises on the bodies. Moreover, the skin of all the dead was a strange reddish color, their hair was gray, and wild horror was frozen on their faces. Experts found that the background radiation on clothing was several times higher. It is noteworthy that after this, three planes crashed over the pass and groups of tourists, 9 people each, died.

Medveditskaya ridge

Crazy ball and ordinary giant lightning, UFOs, crumpled trees with burns on their trunks, soil and vegetation with harmful radiation. This is the Medveditskaya ridge, a network of hills approximately 250 meters high. It is located in the Volgograd region in the Zhirnovsky district.

Local residents in this area will no longer be surprised by unidentified objects and numerous traces of UFOs. But this is not the only thing that Medveditskaya Mountain is famous for. Another mystery is that this place attracts simply a huge amount of lightning. Researchers counted about 350 partially or completely burned trees. From some multi-meter oak trees, only charred stumps remained.

Anomalies of the Medveditskaya ridge

And under the ridge, at approximately a depth of 8-20 meters, there are tunnels with a diameter of 7-20 meters of unknown origin (this is larger than a metro tunnel). They stretch for kilometers. At the very beginning of the war, the entrances to the tunnels were blown up.

Local folklore is rich in stories about the tunnels. They say there are UFO bases there, underground city robbers who hide looted treasures, or the repository of the antediluvian race of snake-men. They were allegedly seen by local enthusiasts.

Among other things, strange springs come out of the ground. If distilled water is pouring in one place, then in another there is already a radioactive source.

Death Valley

Another bad place is located in Kamchatka. This is the Valley of Death, which has been rumored since the early 30s of the last century.

There are hot springs on the slope of the Kikhpinych volcano. Their thermal areas are quite small and cut through by ravines. Jets of acidic hot water, gases and steam appear at the bottom and on the slopes. The lowest platform was called Death Valley. She was found by hunters who had lost their dogs. The corpses of huskies were found at the foot of the volcano, and next to them on the bare ground, without a single blade of grass, lay dead animals - bears, wolves and hares. Surprisingly, after visiting this place, the hunters began to waste away before our eyes, lost weight and suffered from headaches.

More than 100 scientist-enthusiasts died while exploring the Valley of Death. Well, those who were able to return did not share their observations. It turned out that the site, 2 kilometers long and 300 meters wide, contained hydrogen sulfide and carbon dioxide. And the volcanic gases of the valley contain highly toxic cyanide compounds.

Death Valley Vilyui

This strange and scary place is located in the upper reaches of the Vilyui River. Some say that there is an entrance to the dungeons of hell, where unknown creatures live. Others claim that numerous fragments of flying saucers are buried in the permafrost. This area is called “Eluyu Cherkechek”, which is translated from Yakut as “Valley of Death”. The phenomenon is associated with the fall of the Tunguska meteorite in 1908.

Death Valley in Yakutia

They say that in this place there was a trade route of the Yakuts. And it is in this place that there is a huge copper cauldron buried in the ground (Iron House). Hunters spent the night in its premises and said that it was warm in severe frosts. But it had a negative impact on human health; supposedly, after leaving there, people became very sick, and those who spent the night died several times. That's why locals avoid this place. Eyewitnesses say that there is actually a flattened arch with numerous metal rooms in which it is very warm.

Another object that is there is a smooth red metal hemisphere with a smooth edge. It protrudes from the permafrost and you can ride into it on the back of a deer. Various researchers claim that they saw several cauldrons there, and in one of them there was half a perfect ball made of an unknown metal that cuts glass like butter. Ufologists believe that this is a kind of cemetery of unidentified flying objects that were involved in a massive accident.

Mysteries of the Devil's Cemetery

It is located near the place of Ust-Kova in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, at the confluence of the Kova River and the Angara. The Devil's Cemetery appeared in 1908 after the fall of the Tunguska meteorite. Its epicenter is located 400 kilometers north of this place. In this place, at first there was a hole in the ground, which was later filled with animal corpses.

This place became famous in 1983, after an article appeared in the magazine “Technology for Youth”. It was written there: “In the 30s, collective farmers drove their herds not far from the Angara, from Bratsk to Kova. When checking, they were missing two cows. Two drivers with guns went in search of animals. On the way people came to a roundabout clear clearing, with a diameter of 100 meters, completely without vegetation. The dogs ran onto this land and immediately tucked their tails between their legs and began to run back. At a distance lay the corpses of missing animals, and next to them were dead birds and taiga animals with a pile of bones.”

By the way, the dogs that ran out into the area soon died.

It is worth noting that about a hundred enthusiasts who tried to unravel the mystery of this place died in this place.
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16.05.2018 - admin

IN Omsk region there is the Muromtsevo district, in which the village is located, which has beautiful name- Okunevo. It has become widely known due to the fact that it is the center of an anomalous zone in which it is not clear what is happening.

Local residents say that the first anomalous phenomenon in their village was noticed after the Great Patriotic War ended. In 1945, village boys were playing on the banks of a river flowing near the village. Suddenly, three women, whose height was truly enormous, “grew” right out of the water. The boys got scared and ran away to the village. There they talked about what they saw. But the adults didn't believe them.

And in 1947, a local teacher thought she heard bells ringing in the sky. She raised her eyes and froze in amazement because she saw flying horses of unprecedented beauty in the air.

In subsequent years, residents of the village of Okunevo began to notice anomalous phenomena very often. For example, villagers were so accustomed to the flight of multi-colored balls and UFOs in the sky that they no longer began to pay attention to them. True, at this time the livestock begins to get very agitated and run away.

Is it possible that the anomalous phenomena arise from the mysterious lakes that surround the village? A legend arose about these four lakes. If you believe her, then in a parallel reality there is a fifth lake. And if you mix the liquids of all five lakes, you get real fabulous “living” water that cures ailments and relieves you of any misfortune.

No one has yet been able to find the fifth mythical lake, so it is believed that the most mysterious lake Shaitan has water that has medicinal properties. Pilgrims from all over Russia and from abroad, especially from India, come to Lake Shaitan to collect healing water.

Local residents are convinced that the lake water actually cures many diseases. In addition, it is believed that, while in anomalous zone, a person brings his energy into harmony, which is why he is healed and spiritually enlightened. Therefore, it is surprising that the villagers, although they have good health, are not long-livers, and they do not have any spirituality.

The anomalies that are noticed on Lake Shaitan may not be associated with this body of water, but pilgrims go to it, collect water and mud. By existing legend Under the Siberian lake lies the city where the giant Hanuman lives, who once helped the god Rama when he wanted to defeat evil forces.

The following happened here relatively recently. Indians arrived in the village of Okunevo. In the morning they took a compass and went to Lake Shaitan. It was no more than an hour away. But the pilgrims walked for an hour or two, and the lake was not visible. The forest became denser and more impenetrable. The Indians walked for seven hours, but did not reach the lake. They got scared and decided to go back according to the compass. It’s incredible, but after 20 minutes they found themselves in the village of Okunevo.

But the local residents did not find the pilgrims’ adventure surprising, since, according to them, there is a time when it is not advisable to leave the village. Most often this happens when strange purple clouds appear in the sky early in the morning. The Hindus turned out to be the lucky ones, because not everyone returns from such a campaign.

Hunters from local residents are convinced that there is a passage to the river near their village, and it is for this reason that anomalous phenomena occur here. That's why people disappear in these places. In addition, from the parallel world they also come to ours uninvited guests: hunters have more than once noticed footprints in the snow that belong to Bigfoot - they are about a meter long. Traces can stretch like a chain and suddenly break, as if the one who left them disappeared into thin air.


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