Hiking to the Borus ridge. Mount Borus in the Krasnoyarsk region

Borus- one of the most high mountains Western Sayan, which is located near the Sayano-Shushenskaya hydroelectric power station, near Sayanogorsk. Shushensky Bor - national park, which includes .

Those people who love to relax actively choose Borus due to mountain waterfalls, breathtaking panoramas, lakes with glacial water and because there are almost no insects here. At the foot of the mountains lie large taiga forests, the tops of which are made of stone (golyak), dominated by cedar woodlands. When winter comes, all the tops are covered with snow, which remains until August. If weather They allow it, very often the snow stays until the end of summer.

The outlines of the ridge are clear, there are several peaks on it: Bolshoy Borus and Maly, the peaks of Fools and Koshurnikov. The highest point is the summit of Borus Bolshoy, which is 2318 meters above sea level. The ridge was named in honor of the first sports conquerors of these peaks, whose last names were Borisova and Rusanov. Geographical name this mountain is “Poilova Mountain”. At the foot of the mountain there is a comfortable hotel “Borus”, built for the comfort of tourists.

If you look from the top, you can see the surrounding area nearby. In the west there is a ski resort on Mount Gladenka, in the north there are expanses of steppe, in the south there is infinity mountain peaks. In sunny weather you can see Ergaki in the west, the distance to which in a straight line is 130 km. You can also see two cities: Maina and Sayanogorsk. And of course, the Sayano-Shushenskaya hydroelectric power station and reservoir are also visible.

The ridge has alpine vegetation, which is what attracts tourists. This peak is characterized by plant species such as golden and Daurian rhododendrons, saxifrage and anemone, violets and alpine primroses.

Numerous recreation centers in the Krasnoyarsk Territory www.buzim-club.ru offer various excursions and hiking to Borus. Conquering the top of the mountain is not difficult at all. You need to follow a taiga trail with numerous stops and stops. The most populated of them are Pelekhovo and Banzai, as well as Waterfalls. From the bank of the Yenisei River, to the very first parking lot, the distance is about 9 kilometers, and to the next one - 15 kilometers. The distance between Banzai and Yenisei is approximately 17 kilometers. The length of the distance from the Yenisei River to the border is approximately 3-4 kilometers. You can get here by transport.

The path to the Waterfalls is located at approximately 1200 meters. If you go on foot, then this is one day of a leisurely, interesting walk. The Banzai and Palekhovo sites are located at an altitude of 1600 meters above sea level. As a rule, people go to the Palekhovo parking lot overnight. From here you can get to the top of Bolshoi Borus and return back in just 8 hours.

Tourist Information

How to get to Mount Borus on your own. First we get to Krasnoyarsk. From here there are several options: from the bus station by bus to the Shushensky district or by Abakan train. In this case, you should get off at Borus station. Many travel agencies provide transfers directly to the mountain.

Three day trip to natural Park Shushensky Bor with an ascent to the Borus ridge, with a tour of the Sayano-Shushenskaya hydroelectric power station, a visit to a trout farm and the Shushensky Ethnographic Museum.

Krasnoyarsk - Sayanogorsk - Sayano-Shushenskaya hydroelectric power station - Cheryomushki village - Waterfalls - Pelekhov valley - Small Borus - Bolshoy Borus (Poilova, 2318m) - and arr.

Borus is Mount Poilov on geographical maps, which is located on the northern slope of the Western Sayan, on the right bank of the Yenisei (at its exit into the Minusinsk Basin). The ridge consists of several peaks: Maly and Bolshoy Borus, peaks Koshurnikov and Durakov. The highest is Bolshoi Borus - 2318 meters above sea level. The name of the ridge was formed from the first letters of the surnames of the first sports conquerors of the mountain - Borisov and Rusanov. The length of the ridge is about 50 km, it is composed of crystalline schists, serpentinites and peridotites. On the slopes there is mountain taiga, the peaks are occupied by alpine tundra. To preserve this unique territory, the Shushensky Bor National Park was created.

Interesting mountain hike, amazing mountain waterfalls, lakes with glacial water, the absence of insects make the route to the Borus ridge attractive for lovers active rest both in winter and in summer. From the top there is a panoramic view of all the surrounding areas: in the west - ski resort Krasnoyarsk Territory– Mount Gladenkaya, the infinity of the Sayan Mountains in the south, steppe expanses in the north, in the west in good weather you can even seeErgaki, it’s only 130 km from here, and right at the foot of the ridge is, of course, the Sayano-Shushenskaya hydroelectric power station.
The climb to the top is not difficult; it is a hike along a taiga trail, where there are well-equipped stopping places, the most famous and inhabited ones being “At the Waterfalls”, “Pelekhovo” and “Banzai”. From the bank of the Yenisei to Vodopady is about 9 kilometers, to Pelekhovo - 15, and Banzai is 17 km from the Yenisei. The road to the Waterfalls, located at an altitude of about 1200 meters, will take only one day of leisurely walking. The height of the Pelekhovo and Banzai sites is about 1600 meters above sea level.

We invite you to take a trip to Borus for 3 days, a busy program includes a hike to the Shushensky Bor national park with climbing the Borus ridge, a tour of the Sayano-Shushenskaya hydroelectric power station, a visit to a trout farm, the Church of St. Evdokia in the village of Sizaya, built on funds from the family and friends of Ivan Yarygin, the historical and ethnographic museum-reserve "Shushenskoye".

Climb Borus and you will understand why the poet wrote: “BETTER THAN MOUNTAINS, THERE CAN BE ONLY MOUNTAINS!”

Travel program, 3 days.

The first day
9.00 – Departure from Krasnoyarsk, purchase of groceries;
18.00 – arrival in the village of Cheryomushki (about 500 km from Krasnoyarsk), inspection of the Sayano-Shushenskaya hydroelectric power station;
19.00 - Transfer to the cordon of the Shushensky Bor park, registration, parking;
20.00 – Walk about 3 km to the “Waterfalls” parking lot, set up a camp (“Winter” tent with a stove), prepare firewood, prepare dinner, rest;*
*It is possible to spend the night in houses on the cordon.

Second day
9.00 Breakfast.
10.00 – 19.00 Climbing: trekking about 8 km with a height gain of about 1500 meters;
19.00 - Return to camp, dinner. Rest.

Day three
9.00 Breakfast. Descent to the cordon.
11.00. Transfer to the Mainskaya hydroelectric station, visit to the Trout Farm. Purchase of trout, salting.
12.00 Transfer to the village of Sizaya, inspection of the Church of St. Evdokia, built at the expense of the family and friends of Ivan Yarygin;
12.30 – 13.30 Transfer to the village of Shushenskoye. Visit to the ethnographic museum-reserve. Dinner.
15.00 – 23.00. Moving to Krasnoyarsk.

Krasnoyarsk-Abakan-Sayanogorsk-SS HPP-village Cheryomushki-Cordon-ascension
Cheryomushki village - Maina village - Sizaya village - Shushenskoye village - Minusinsk - Abakan - Krasnoyarsk

Example with interactive map

Tour price per person, for a group:

Included in cost:
Instructor's work
Accommodation in houses on the cordon
Rental: first aid kit, helmets, pots, camping gas

The price does not include:
Products: 200 rubles per day if prepared independently (total about 600 rubles);
Recreational fee for being on the territory natural park(100 rubles)
Tickets for an excursion to Shushensky ethnographical museum(200 rubles)
Rental of sleeping bags and tourist rugs (300 rubles).

What to take with you

1. Backpack 60-100l necessary when hiking on the mountain, you can put spare warm clothes, a raincoat, a bottle of water, a snack and other necessary little things in it. And if you plan to stay in a tent, then carry a tent and a sleeping bag, sleeping mats and food... And for the climb with a thermos, a windbreaker and a snack!

2. Shoes:

· For walking and hiking you need comfortable trekking boots with water-repellent impregnation; in summer it can be sneakers/sneakers with non-slip soles.

· Will come in handy slate slippers. An open foot in a wool sock and slate breathes happily after a hard day of hiking.

3. Raincoat in summer.

4. Warm clothes for a hike (depending on the time of year) - down jacket, sweater or fleece, warm pants, hat, thermal underwear, warm socks, windproof jacket, wool and cotton socks (2 pairs each).

5. Repellent from blood-sucking insects.

6. Individual first aid kit if specific medications are needed.

7. Flashlight– take it, it will be more convenient with a headlamp.

8. Toiletries, bath towel, soap, toothbrush and paste, shampoo, personal hygiene items.

9. Thermos and/or a liter plastic water bottle.

10. Khoba(seat).

Hoba is a small polyurethane seat with elastic. A very useful thing when hiking, where you use it every day. By attaching such a useful item to your butt, you won’t feel discomfort on cold stones or wet ground. In addition to the main one, it has 1001 ways of using it, for example, fanning a fire, using it as a table, etc. When purchasing, keep in mind the rule: the thicker the hoba (multilayer), the more convenient and durable it is.

11. Camera, video camera, games.

13. Money in small bills (souvenirs, wood carving master class, rental, etc.).

12. Sleeping bag, karemat.

13. Swimsuit, shorts, T-shirts in summer.

14. Cap with a visor, bandana with a visor and a back skirt that covers the neck (in summer). At altitude, the layer of atmosphere is thinner, so more ultraviolet radiation passes through, and a tan forms faster. The nose and neck suffer the most from the sun, which should be covered during the hike.

15. Sunscreen in summer.

16. Trekking poles.

17. Flashlights for shoes.

18. EKLMN – mug, spoon, bowl, knife

19. Matches (lighter).


Photo gallery

The beginning of the eco-trail of the Shushensky Bor park

I think many residents of the Krasnoyarsk Territory and Khakassia have long known what Borus is. For others, I'll tell you briefly. Borus is the Western Sayan Ridge, located in the vicinity of Sayanogorsk, not far from the Sayano-Shushenskaya hydroelectric power station. The ridge itself is clearly defined and has several peaks: Maly and Bolshoi Borus, Koshurnikov Peak and Fools Peak. The highest point of the ridge, the peak of Big Borus, is 2,318 meters above sea level. So, to my great shame, I had never been to Brus before, something kept getting in the way. And only now the circumstances have turned out well thanks to Dima dmitry_yurlagin , who gathered friends for a long weekend (November 4-6) to climb Borus.

From home to the foot of the mountain it is about 600 km. Nonsense, by our standards. The road passes through my beloved Khakassian steppes.
We left early in the morning and slowly, with stops for snacks and photos, we got to the starting point.

I see that modern collective farmers have mastered new technology collecting hay. Now you can’t see the classic haystacks in the fields, only some kind of briquettes, like the bourgeoisie in the movies.

Here Roma and Lena reminded me famous story about a beetle pushing a big lump in front of it :) We all push it, as I see it.

Moving through Khakassia, it begins to seem that there can’t be mountains here. Continuous steppes all around.
And then, almost unexpectedly, a ridge appears on the horizon, like a mirage. On the left you can even see the peak of Big Borus.

From here the mountain doesn't seem big at all. And in general, throughout the entire way to the top, it seemed to me that there was nothing to do here. This was a very erroneous opinion, as it turned out.

In the evening of the first day we settled at a base not far from the Sayano-Shushenskaya hydroelectric power station. I managed to find a good spot and admire Borus at sunset. Wow, we should go there tomorrow.

And a little later I stopped by to look at the hydroelectric station. To my shame, I have never been here before.

We got up early. Already at seven in the morning, after dark, we were plopping up with our backpacks. We met the dawn when there was something to see around..

This is Andrey kamensky24 and Tanya.

Slightly ahead of events, I’ll say: I liked the climb to Borus, it was great, but at the same time, I wouldn’t go there more than once a year.
Overall, I had a completely calm impression of the mountain itself. Without much emotion, so to speak.

Lesya and Mikhasya.

At the pass. From here it also seems that the top is just a stone's throw away. And again, this is just a temptation for beginners :)

Those who were smarter rushed to the foot of the mountain in the evening. From here it is much easier to go to the top of Borlshy Borus and return back in a day.
Now, from my own experience, I recommend doing exactly this if anyone is planning to go to Borus.

Here, as I suspect, Katya and Andrey are acting in concert... :)))

Initially, I thought that going to Borus would be like taking a walk to the Krasnoyarsk Pillars. It turned out that everything was wrong. Everything here is very similar to real mountains :))

We reached the top of Maly Borus only around two o’clock in the afternoon. The view was certainly amazing. From Borus there is a panoramic view of the entire surrounding area.
In the north there are steppes, in the west there is Mount Gladenkaya - a ski resort, in the south there is an endless panorama of the Sayan mountains. In the west, in good weather, you can see Ergaki. It is 130 km in a straight line from Borus.

Particularly brave tourists set up a tent right on the top :)

Only a small part of our friendly company decided to go from small to Big Borus.

Dima dmitry_yurlagin

This, as it seems, is a very short distance from Maly to Bolshoy Borus, and you have to walk about an hour.

Our squad is truncated at the top of Big Borus. The height is just over 2 km. above sea level.

In general, you can see the same thing from here as from Maly Borus :) This is for those who doubt....

Eugene. We met him on the way to the top.

The descent was long and tedious. Walking along the ridge, and even covered with snow, was mentally and physically exhausting.

By that time, the remaining water in the bottle had frozen to a non-flowing state. The last couple of hours of descent were very thirsty.

Anya sky_vasilyeva

Let me tell you briefly - it was hard (to put it mildly). My feet were about to slip and fall into the gap. I fell several times on my way down.

Roma and Lena.

The sun has already set, and I still have to saw and saw. The group on the descent was very stretched. It so happened that for the last two hours I walked alone.

Down there you can see the Sayano-Shushenskaya hydroelectric power station.

We headed home the next morning. We were also in no hurry, stopped, took pictures and simply watched the beautiful Khakass landscapes.

Here's a little story about climbing Big Borus.

From a geographical point of view, Krasnoyarsk residents are definitely lucky: forest-tundra Far North and the endless sea of ​​taiga, the laconic steppes of Khakassia, the majestic Sayan Mountains, the desert landscapes of Tyva - breathtaking landscapes for every taste can be discovered within a day's travel from the regional center. May holidays me and alexei_astr We decided to spend it usefully by going to the south of the region, to the Sayano-Shushenskaya hydroelectric station, where we climbed Borus - one of multi-headed ridges of the Western Sayan.

The name of the ridge is made up of the initial letters of the surnames of the first sports conquerors of the mountain - Borisov and Rusanov. The ridge is located on the territory of the Mountain Forestry National Park"Shushensky Bor". An area with unique, truly Siberian, untouched nature. The entire route to the top, depending on the preparation and composure of the tourist, takes 6-7 hours at a normal pace (although, for example, the winner of the skyrunning competition Borus SkyRace this year completed the route in 1 hour and 43 minutes!). In any case, allowances need to be made for photographers, because you can’t take your eyes off the scenes around you!

We were a few hours short of reaching the dominant height of 2318 meters - Poilov Peak (Bolshoi Borus), so in the course of the movement it was decided not to resist, to take the most popular route to the neighboring peak Maly Borus (2200 meters), and to conquer highest point leave the ridge for another trip.

The first part of the route passes through the real Siberian taiga. The “taiga” section of the trail is carefully maintained by employees of the Mountain Forestry:



The beginning of the way:




The forest is truly fabulous. This is one of the reasons why it’s worth coming here for a few days: to set up a camp, go to several “radial camps” and feel the majesty of the protected nature.




Nature has woken up, wild rosemary bushes are beginning to bloom:


We met a wolf in the forest :)



We climb the pass, beyond which the foot of the mountain awaits us. The taiga remains below, the entire slope is strewn with large kurumnik:


From here you can already see the SSHHPP dam:


Harsh, but exceptionally beautiful.
Spring is everywhere: as you climb the ridge, you can clearly hear how somewhere under your feet, among the stones, entire rivers of melt water rustle.


Immediately after the pass, we are faced with an unfortunate but inevitable loss of the difficult heights and a descent into the valley with the poetic name “Venice”. The ridge rises majestically above the valley. From left to right: Peak of the Cuban Revolutionaries, Poilov Peak (Big Borus), Small Borus.


Another snack on the way. We walked in one day, without spending the night, so there was no time for long stops and porridge in a pot, which is so beloved on hikes. Snickers, toffee, and two full thermoses for two - it turns out you can quite successfully live on this all day.



Venice Valley, one of the most beautiful places on the route. Koshurnikov Peak rises ahead:






The kurumnik is constantly being worn away by melt water, rain and wind, and in some places this bizarre erosion forms on the stones:



The last stop before the most difficult part of the journey. Here the solid support under your feet ends, further up to the very top there will be snow:



Poilov Peak (Bolshoi Borus) in focus:


Long-awaited views from the top. To the south there are wonderful views of mountain range Kantegir ridge:





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