Tourist routes of the Krasnoyarsk region. Tourist animation Presentation on the topic of developing a tourist route

The presentation contains interesting information about the countries of Foreign Europe.

"Presentation Germany - Munich"

Munich. Germany.


  • Munich - city on the river Izare on South Germany, in the federal state Bavaria . Extra-district city, which is also capital Bavaria and administrative district Upper Bavaria .
  • The name of the city comes from Old High German Munichen - "with the monks."
  • Munich population - 1,542,886 people (October 31, 2016) . Thus, it is the largest city in Bavaria and the third, after Berlin And Hamburg, city in Germany. The government of Bavaria, the government of the Upper Bavaria district, and the government of Munich city district .

Munich is an integral part of the motorway network in southern Germany. Autobahns from Stuttgart(W), Nuremberg, Frankfurt and Berlin (N), Deggendorf And Passau(E), Salzburg And Innsbruck(SE), Garmisch-Partenkirchen(S) and Lindau(SW) end in Munich. From the city there are highways to various parts of Germany, Austria and Italy. However, traffic in Munich is complicated by frequent traffic jams. Traffic jams have become commonplace during rush hour and at the beginning and end of major holidays Germany .

"Streets and museums of Munich"

The excursion “Streets and Museums of Munich” is dedicated to the original life of the Old Town of Munich. Slowly, at your own pace, tuned to your tastes and preferences, my excursion to the museums and streets of Munich for those who like to walk around European cities, listen to their rustles, smells and ancient aura. IN summer time We visit the oldest patrician garden.

Not far from Marienplatz, away from the traditional excursion routes lies a part of the Old Town, which for a long time was called “Hackenviertel”.

We will go to its main street. The name has nothing to do with the Hackerbräu brewery; it comes from an old German word defining a square piece of land.

In Munich, the sign “a dog’s paw print surrounded by a circle” was used to mark houses for the poor and charitable monastery buildings.

Old houses from the 12th century to the 19th did not have numbers, but a picture or sign. These traces of the fantasies of old residents remained on the corner houses for a long time, until our time! From here, opposite, in the depths of the courtyard of an ancient house, is the oldest patrician garden in the city, known since the 15th century. A neglected path leads to an old fountain, almost 300 years ago it was just brought from the workshop of A. Boos and delighted the surrounding lush greenery with its cheerful streams.

Tour of the Allianz Arena stadium

We will meet at the entrance to the stadium. The tour will begin with access to the stands and full review of this amazing building from the fan seats. Then we will visit the locker rooms of the FC Bayern team, the press center of the Allianz Arena Munich and enter the football field through a special tunnel to the Champions League anthem! This excursion will appeal to true fans of world football.

Excursion to the BMW car plant

The BMW concern has long become one of the symbols of the city of Munich, and a visit to the BMW Museum and presentation complex is an integral part of the program of everyone who comes to Munich. In the museum we will see unique exhibits of past years, hear complicated story the ups and downs of the concern, and futuristic concepts will transport viewers to other space-time dimensions. The play of light and sound, unusual installations will allow you to feel the spirit of the BMW concern, which seems to want to get ahead of its time and is always aimed at the “stars”.

The BMW World complex, which opened in 2007, was built

completely in accordance with environmental values

concern. This is both an exhibition pavilion and

sales center, and impressive

an attraction where you can create your own car.

Excursion to the German Technical Museum Munich

The German Technical Museum Munich is the largest technical museum in the world! Here you can touch almost everything with your hands! Twist, touch, try! People are delighted with what they see! After all, it’s not every day that you get the opportunity to visit the cockpit of a submarine, sit at the helm of an airplane, or stand on the captain’s bridge!

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  • Poland
  • Germany
  • France
  • Czech

  • We depart from Moscow to Poland , whose capital is Warsaw . Our tour begins with a leisurely but fascinating walk through the historical center of Warsaw. You will learn what the city was like before than it is today. During the tour you will visit the Old Town of Warsaw, protected by UNESCO, walk along the Royal Route, find yourself on Castle Square, explore St. John's Cathedral and, of course, hear many stories and legends from Warsaw's rich past. In the evening we leave for Germany.

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Design Museum in Helsinki

The collections of the Design Museum in Helsinki are extremely rich: hundreds of thousands of unique drawings, photographs and drawings are stored within the walls of the institution, and over a thousand designers from all over the world are registered in the museum’s archives

Popular Science Center "Eureka"

“Eureka” is not just a museum, it is an entire scientific and entertainment complex located in the suburbs of Helsinki. Hundreds of thousands of tourists visit it every year

Church in the rock

Churches usually attract the attention of tourists due to their antiquity, impressive size or ornate architectural style. Temppeliaukio Church in Helsinki is strikingly different from its counterparts. Built in the late 60s of the last century, it contains many other advantages.


Globe Arena

The Globe Arena is a favorite attraction in Stockholm. And not so much, because it is one of the world's largest spherical structures, where prestigious competitions in different types sports, and also give concerts by world-famous stars

Nobel Museum

The Nobel Museum is dedicated to the Nobel Prize and its founder, Alfred Nobel, as well as to the prize winners and their achievements. The museum opened in 2001, on the 100th anniversary of the establishment of the prize, and has since gained wide popularity - after all, everything here is worthy of admiration!

Vasa Museum

The collection of the Vasa Museum is represented by the only one in the world that has survived to this day. sailing ship 17th century, as well as nine exhibitions related to it. The Vasa ship is one of the most popular attractions in Stockholm and represents a unique artistic value.


Kon-tiki Museum

6980 kilometers, 101 days of travel, a raft of balsa logs and the Humboldt Current - these are the dry facts of how Thor Heyerdahl and five team members managed to cross Pacific Ocean on the legendary ship "Kon-Tiki". Today, the honorary wooden “traveler” is exhibited in the museum of the same name in the Norwegian capital, visiting which first of all you wonder about the boundaries of the possible

Old city Oslo

Like every self-respecting more or less ancient European capital Oslo can boast of its own Old Town - the place “where it came from”, if not the Norwegian land as a whole, then at least its capital, founded, let us remember, in 1049. The dwellings of that distant time, of course, have not survived to this day, and the oldest buildings that can be seen today in Oslo date back to the 18th century - they are the ones that make up the Old Town of the Norwegian capital

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Project tourist route Zemlyansk – Zatsepnoye – Semidubravnoye – Kazinka Topic of work – project of a tourist route along native land(using maps, diagrams and photos) Type of work - project in the form of a presentation Head: teacher of geography of the highest category of the MKOU Kazinsky secondary school Kanaev Alexander Vladimirovich Telephone: 89038524874

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Hiking trip along the route: Zemlyansk – Zatsepnoye – Novaya Pokrovka – Kirillov Forest – Kazinka – Fetisovka – Kalinnik tract – Novosilskoye.

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Zemlyansk Zemlyansk was founded in 1657. At the request of the residents, governor Gavrila Ostrovsky cut down the city in 1661, that is, a wooden fortress was built with towers, an underground passage, hiding places, a moat and a rampart. In 1779 Zemlyansk became county town, existing in this status until 1928. At that time, about 4 thousand people lived here, there were 448 houses. The storyteller grandmother Kuprianikha (A.K. Baryshnikova (1868 – 1954)) lived in Zemlyansk. A native of Zemlyansk, the writer V.M. Bakhmetyev (1885 - 1963), the Zemlyansk secondary school now proudly bears his name. The author of the waltz “On the Hills of Manchuria” I.A. Shatrov (1887 – 1952) was born in Zemlyansk. A native of Zemlyansk and artist, student of I.E. Repin, Alexander Nikolaevich Novoskoltsev (1853 - 1916). The writer A.V. Ivanov comes from Zemlyansk. The Prosecutor General of the USSR A.Ya. Sukharev and the Minister of Health of the RSFSR A.A. Potapov lived in Zemlyansk. The tourist route starts from the village of Zemlyansk where the excursion is held. You can get to Zemlyansk from Voronezh by regular bus routes from the central bus station.

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Zemlyansk From 1928 to 1963, Zemlyansk was a regional center. Before the war in Zemlyansk there were 8 cooperative enterprises, a printing house, a 20 kW power station, MTS (since 1934), two primary schools, junior high school and pedagogical college, House of Culture, cinema, library, hospital, Collective Farmer's House, bathhouse, hairdresser, canteen, 9 shops, automatic telephone exchange, radio center, the newspaper "Zemlyanskaya Pravda" was published. Zemlyanskaya School 344 residents did not return from the war; in memory of them, a monument was erected in the village. A resident of Zemlyansk, Hero of the Soviet Union A.I. Lezhenin (191 - 1943), also fell at the front. Deputy commander of the 1339th Mountain Rifle Regiment, died during the assault on Novorossiysk on September 16, 1943. There is a memorial plaque on his house.

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Zemlyansk Sights of the village: Place of the fortress. House of the Polyakovs The tour approaches the building of the city school. Place of the Transfiguration Cathedral. Estate of the Rostovtsevs. Building of the district congress of zemstvo inmates. Residential building. School. Estate of the Mokrotovarovs. Hospital. Monument to V.I. Lenin. House of the priest Nikitin. House of the merchant Mokrotovarov. House of the Andrianovs. House of Govorov. In our time, Zemlyansk has lost the status of a city, but this a large village in which there is a secondary school, a House of Culture, a museum, a bank branch, a hospital, a post office and many other institutions located at the school. Zemlyansk is gasified, there is a centralized water supply.

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Zemlyansk - Zatsepnoye Behind the dam, you should pay attention to the intersection; here you should turn right (west) towards Razino (the highway to Novosilsk). The distance to the intersection is 0.5 km. A small asphalt road from the highway to Zatsepnoye. Beyond Razino the highway turns northwest. The distance from the intersection to the turn for Razino is 2 km. Movement is carried out along the side of the road, to the forest belt, where further movement can be continued along dirt roads laid parallel to the highway behind the forest belt along the field. Unfortunately, dirt roads are not laid every year; in some years they are plowed up. One kilometer after turning north-west, a small asphalt road to Zatsepnoye branches off to the left from the road.

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Zemlyansk - Zatsepnoye The asphalt soon ends and the road becomes dirt. Another kilometer after leaving the main road and after crossing the ravine, the village of Zatsepnoye begins. Thus, after walking 3.5 kilometers along the route and having an excursion in Zemlyansk in the area of ​​the ravine, you can make a stop (you have your own water, or you need to go to Zatsepnoye for water, parallel to the ravine there is a forest belt in which you can collect firewood), during the ripening period of strawberries, here You can have fun picking berries, lots of flowers. Behind the ravine begins the small, endangered village of Zatsepnoye. The road goes in the same direction, but through the village.

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Zatsepnoe - Novaya Pokrovka (Semidubravnoe) After one kilometer through the village, the road enters the fields and soon approaches the large Melovaya gully (below the river valley of the Melovaya River). If you plan to spend the night or make another stop, then you should deviate from the road to the north and reach the Melovoe tract (Melovoye forest). You should stock up on water in Zatsepnoye or earlier. There will be no problems with firewood in the forest. There is little local population. You can move towards the forest either off-road or along sometimes weak tracks left by vehicles. Beam Chalk

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Zatsepnoye – Novaya Pokrovka (Semidubravnoye) Road through the Chalk Log Road to Semidubravnoye

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Zatsepnoe – Novaya Pokrovka (Semidubravnoe) In the area of ​​the ravine it is interesting to examine the local chalk workings. According to the stories of local old-timers, there were previously chalk catacombs here, now the entrances to them are filled in and do not pose a danger, and finding the entrances is problematic. Strawberries grow in abundance in the ravine, and there are rare plants and plants from the Red Book. Lately this place has become very wild. After a rest or overnight stay, you should return to the dirt road and continue driving. Thus, the departure from the main branch of the route will be 2 - 3 kilometers. Road to the Chalk Forest

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Zatsepnoye – Novaya Pokrovka (Semidubravnoye) After crossing the Chalk ravine, a dirt road stretches through the fields, a field road departs from the road to the right, which is not worth turning off (however, you can take an excursion to the Osinovyi Kust tract (witchcraft forest) with which there are many legends associated with witches, and recently with aliens, in general, there are a lot of mysteries), we should continue to move in the same direction.

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Zatsepnoe – Novaya Pokrovka (Semidubravnoe) Fork to Semidubravnoe and Bykovka Three kilometers along the route the road approaches the river valley of the Potapovskaya River, on the slope of which grows the Semidubravnoe tract (a natural, historical and cultural monument, the Oreshnik forest). Field roads branch off to the left and right, but the route descends into the valley through the Semidubravnoe tract. Approaching the valley of the Potapovskaya River, still on the interfluve (hillock) from the road there is a fork to the right towards Bykovka to the dam at the Bykovsky pond, here you should choose the right road.

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Semidubravnoye Descent to Semidubravnoye Almost already at the dam, to the right, parallel to the slope, a dirt road goes off through the forest. Turning onto it and passing by the Square Glade, after two hundred meters the road comes out into a clearing (near a birch tree) open to the Semidubravensky pond. Here you can take a break or spend the night. If you want more privacy, then you should make a halt or spend the night in the eastern part of the forest, that is, when you approach the Semidubravnoe tract, move to the right and set up a bivouac at the edge of the forest. Water can be collected in the village of Novaya Pokrovka from pumps or wells.

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Semidubravnoe There is a shop in the village. The Semidubravensky Pond dam is equipped with a good sand beach, you can swim. From the bivouac, the group can take excursions around Semidubravny, seeing the sights of this historical, cultural and natural monument associated with the life and work of Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov, Ivan Savvich Nikitin and other famous figures. One more thing can be done interesting excursion in the witchcraft Aspen bush. The Aspen Bush tract has a rounded shape and is located in the fields two kilometers north of the Semidubravnoe tract.

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Monument of nature, history and culture - Semidubravnoye. The village was visited by M.Yu. Lermontov (1840), I.S. Nikitin (1858). In the village there was an estate of the Potapov landowners. M.Yu. dedicated one of his poems to Potapov. Lermontov - “You are a hussar asking for a receipt.” Many of the Potapovs were generals - heroes of battles. The village has preserved the Church of the Intercession (without a dome and bell tower), an outbuilding in which M.Yu. spent the night. Lermontov, barn, outpatient clinic, ancient pond, park, Priest's garden, Oreshnik forest.

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Monument of nature, history and culture - Semidubravnoe. Church of the Intercession (18th century) Natural monument Semidubravnogo pond Near the oak tree in the old park

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Semidubravnoe Walks to Semidubravnoe (New Pokrovka) regular bus from Voronezh and, if desired, after an overnight stay, the hike can be completed. The bus arrives at 6.30 – 7.15 am. You will be in Voronezh by 9.30.

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Novaya Pokrovka (Semidubravnoye) – Sukhoi Log – Kirillov Forest – Kazinka Road at the eastern outskirts of Kirillov Forest After visiting Semidubravnoye, continue east along the dirt road passing by the store and the Intercession Church from the south. The road runs along the cemetery and forest belt, crossing the watershed between the Potapovskaya and Olshanka rivers. After half a kilometer the road comes out to Sukhoi Log. It is better to continue the movement along the eastern slope, on which the Kirillov forest grows. Along the eastern edge of the forest there is a dirt road along which you should continue the hike. In the southern part of the forest, on its eastern edge, the road is sometimes plowed or poorly traced. In this case, it is better to go along the eastern edge of the forest.

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Welcome to Krasnoyarsk region! Dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the Krasnoyarsk Territory Welcome to Krasnoyarsk territory! KGBOU NPO "PU No. 14" Lesosibirsk

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The Krasnoyarsk Territory is located in Eastern and Western Siberia, in the Yenisei River basin. Its territory is 2,339.7 thousand square meters. km (13.8% of the entire territory of Russia). The population is about 2.9 million people. The climate is sharply continental, when the temperature difference during the day can be more than 20°C.

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Krasnoyarsk is the administrative center of the Krasnoyarsk Territory (the second largest subject of Russia by area). The surroundings of Krasnoyarsk are bright and picturesque. Krasnoyarsk is the largest cultural, industrial, economic and educational center Eastern Siberia. Founded in 1628, it is one of the ancient cities of Siberia. The city is located on both banks of the Yenisei in a basin formed by the northernmost spurs of the Eastern Sayan. Population - 1,035,528 people. (2014).

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Diversity of types of tourism in the Krasnoyarsk Territory Coat of arms and flag of the Krasnoyarsk Territory Ecological Ethnographic Historical Sports

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Ecological tourism in the Krasnoyarsk Territory Krasnoyarsk Territory - amazing place for ecological recreation. Here every lover of travel and tourism will find a holiday to their liking! The Sayan ranges with snowy peaks and fantastic ridges, the gloomy black forests of the Buibinsky gorges, and the majestic expanse of the Angara stretch for almost a thousand kilometers. Sayan Ridge

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Erga ki (Irgaki) - unique natural Park, tourist centre Ergak-Targak-Taiga ridge in Western Sayan. Located at the sources of the Bolshoi Kebezh rivers, Big Key, Taigish, Upper Buiba, Middle Buiba and Lower Buiba. Zvezdny Peak (2265 m). Ergaki, Western Sayan Hanging stone in the western part of the park

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State nature reserve“Pillars” - located on the northwestern spurs of the Eastern Sayan Mountains, from the northeast the territory borders on the city of Krasnoyarsk. Founded in 1925 on the initiative of city residents to preserve natural complexes around the picturesque syenite outcrops - “pillars”. Currently, its area is 47,219 hectares. Submitted to the UNESCO World Heritage List. Rock "Grandfather" Rock Manskaya Baba

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The lakes of the Sharypovsky and Abansky districts are picturesque and environmentally friendly sources of mineral water (Lake Tagarskoye) and medicinal light gray silt mud (Lake Ingol). Lake Uchum Lake Holy Lake Ingol Lake Tagarskoye

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Monastery Lake Yenisei region - since 2007 - a natural monument of regional significance, created specifically to preserve the unique natural complex, harmoniously combining medicinal properties lakes with a variety of flora and fauna. According to legend, the lake was discovered by monks and they built the first temple on the shore, as evidenced by the ruins of cells found by archaeologists. Locals They even say that there is a place in the lake where, in clear weather, a dome with a cross is clearly visible under the water. Church on Monastyrskoe Lake

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The Yenisei is a mighty and deep river, the main artery of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. Extreme enthusiasts will find river rapids and fast currents here, and lovers river travel comfortable ships and river excursions. The Yenisei stretches for thousands of kilometers, its sources are in the Sayan Mountains, and its mouth enters the Arctic Ocean. The most big city on the river - Krasnoyarsk. Many tourists prefer to go on an interesting cruise from Krasnoyarsk down the river. They contemplate sunsets and sunrises over the Yenisei and breathe clean taiga air. Fishermen prefer to relax on the Yenisei with a fishing rod; the banks of the Yenisei are rich in birds, the forests are rich in mushrooms and berries, so many come here and stay in numerous recreation centers.

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Park of flora and fauna “Roev Ruchey” (founded in 2000) is a zoo in Krasnoyarsk, one of the largest zoos in Russia. Total - 728 species, 6,888 specimens of animals "Roev Ruchey" works in European program on the maintenance and breeding of rare species of the Amur tiger, snow leopard, Far Eastern leopard, Steller's sea eagle, Siberian crane, white-naped crane. The park presents more than 600 species, 400 varieties and 140 thousand specimens of woody, floral, ornamental and decorative foliage plants

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Ethnographic tourism in the Krasnoyarsk Territory Ethnographic tourism as a type of ecological tourism involves visiting the Taimyr Nature Reserve, as well as the settlements of the indigenous people of Eastern Taimyr, which include the Dolgans and Nganasans.

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You can take part in the traditional festival of reindeer herders in April in one of the national villages. The culture, way of life, methods of obtaining food and the cuisine of ancient peoples will appear before the guests of the villages, who will also be able to ride in one of the reindeer or dog sleds. Life and national clothing of the Nganasans

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Historical and ethnographic museum-reserve "Shushenskoye" (formerly "Siberian exile of V.I. Lenin") (founded in 1930) is a unique complex under open air. The territory contains monuments of rural architecture - peasant estates, a volost government building with a prison, a village shop, a tavern, and a blacksmith shop. Theatrical excursions with demonstrations of ancient crafts and tasting of Russian cuisine are offered. The museum has pottery and sewing workshops, as well as a wood carving workshop. Tourist routes presented " Siberian village at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries.”250 thousand visitors from all over the world per year. Street view

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Annual festival of ethnic music and crafts in the village of Shushenskoye. The festival marked the beginning of the interaction between the folklore of the nomadic peoples of Siberia, as well as the peoples of the North and Far East, with modern music Festival emblem At the concert venue

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Historical expedition tourism of the Krasnoyarsk Territory Yeniseisk – the father of Siberian cities Monument to the heroes civil war. Lesosibirsk Rock painting of Mount Karatag Monument to V.I. Surikov Krasnoyarsk Visiting ancient cities of the region (Yeniseisk, Krasnoyarsk); archaeological excavations (Uzhur, Sharypovo); local history museums and monuments (Memorial House-Museum of V.P. Astafiev, Surikov House-Estate) (Krasnoyarsk, Lesosibirsk, Yeniseisk, Norilsk)

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Archaeological excavations in the future territory railway Kyzyl-Kuragino, the Russian Geographical Society and the Khakassky Nature Reserve are recruiting volunteers. Not only Russian, but also foreign students - from the CIS, Western Europe, USA and Latin America. The first expeditions have already discovered artifacts of the Early Scythian period. These include iron knives and axes, bronze pendants and elements of clothing decoration, and ceramics from various eras. A quiver hook in the shape of a griffin and a sword belt buckle were unique finds. The ornament on the buckle resembles the image of the Chinese Tao-te mask, which indicates the Chinese influence on the Scythian culture. Scythian artifact Excavation site (Sharypovsky district)

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Yeniseisk (founded in 1619) is an open-air museum city. One of the ancient cities of the region. Main economic activity- fur mining, fishing, gold mining. In 1645-1646. The turnover of the Yenisei market exceeded 60 thousand rubles. Listed World Heritage UNESCO Spaso-Preobrazhensky Monastery. 1642 Yeniseisk House of the merchant Gryaznov (late 18th century) Yeniseisk Researcher F. Nansen in the men's gymnasium of Yeniseisk 1913 The grave of the exiled Decembrist A.I. Yakubovich 1845 Yeniseisk

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The village of Turukhansk (1607) was founded by governor D. Zherebtsov. From 1923 to 1925, Valentin Feliksovich Voino-Yasenetsky, an outstanding surgeon and doctor of medicine, laureate of the Stalin Prize, theologian, and later Bishop of Krasnoyarsk and Yenisei, canonized by the Orthodox Church, served his exile here. Monument to Archbishop Luke Voino-Yasenetsky, Krasnoyarsk Winter in Turukhansk Frosts reach -57 Icon of Basil of Mangazeya, the Siberian first martyr, saint of the Russian Orthodox Church, buried in the monastery of the village.

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Krasnoyarsk regional local history museum It is one of the first museums in Siberia and the Far East (established in 1889). Today it is an educational and information center for the entire Krasnoyarsk Territory. Member of the Union of Museums of Russia since 2002. Steamship "St. Nicholas", a monument of history and technology, (1886), returning from a trip to the East, Tsarevich Nicholas, the future Emperor of Russia (1897) Nicholas II, made a short trip. V.I. Ulyanov (Lenin) and his comrades went on this ship to Minusinsk, to the place of exile. Exhibit of the local history museum

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Memorial Complex V.P. Astafiev in the village of Ovsyanka (opened 2002). Astafiev’s books, for their living literary language and realistic depiction of military and rural life, were extremely popular in the USSR and abroad, and therefore they were translated into many languages ​​of the world and published in multi-million copies. The unusual monument to Viktor Astafiev is located near the highway leading from Krasnoyarsk to Divnogorsk. The monument represents a huge sturgeon tearing the nets of fish, to which one of the most famous stories of the writer “Tsar Fish” is dedicated. Around the monument there is a small area for recreation and Observation deck, from which you can admire the Yenisei flowing below. The author of the project for this sculptural composition is Krasnoyarsk entrepreneur Evgeny Pashchenko. V.P. Astafiev. House-museum in the village of Ovsyanka. Monument to the “Tsar Fish”

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The museum-estate of V.I. Surikov (Krasnoyarsk) (founded in 1930) carefully preserves the traditions of Cossack life and a unique collection of works by the Russian painter. The museum stores original letters and photographs of the artist, his personal belongings and the belongings of his family. The museum is actively developing, its employees conduct scientific, cultural and educational work, hold exhibitions, holidays, lectures, quests, Mind games, master classes. View of the street Workshop V.I.Surikov

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Sports tourism of the Krasnoyarsk Territory This is an exciting multi-day race along stunning mountain ranges national park Ergaki in Siberia. The race consists of 3 stages, each 15-30 km long, with an altitude gain of up to 1000 meters. Competition participants will have to run through some of the most scenic spots Ergaki National Park - Hanging Stone, Lake Svetloe, Jerboa Pass, and many other fascinating places. Siberian Skyrunning Festival 2014 (Skyfest 2014) is a unique opportunity to meet athletes from different parts of Russia and foreign countries. Siberian Skyrunning Festival 2014 (Skyfest 2014) 25 Mountaineering in the Krasnoyarsk Territory has been cultivated since 1949, when the section of mountaineering, tourism and rock climbing was formed. Rock climbing on Stolby is a favorite leisure activity for young people. On an area of ​​12 sq km, there is a tourist and excursion zone. Approximately a thousand hectares remain at the complete disposal of the stolbists. Due to the fact that the aesthetic area of ​​the reserve is relatively easily accessible (only 7 km from the city), Krasnoyarsk residents traditionally spend a lot of time here, walking, admiring nature and practicing rock climbing. Families, groups, classes and alone go to Stolby - in autumn, the most popular time, the well-trodden road to the rocks resembles a busy city street. View from Mount Takmak (Stolby Nature Reserve)

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Fan park "Bobrovy Log" (sports and recreation park of European level) - Siberian Courchevel, located near the Stolby Nature Reserve, and this speaks of good location surrounded by picturesque hills and the clean air that you can enjoy while relaxing in this place. This wonderful place recreation for Krasnoyarsk residents and guests of our region. It is famous for its winter activities - alpine skiing and snowboards, and in the summer you can have a great time here on numerous attractions, in hospitable cafes, on the beach near the pool, or simply walking around the vast territory and admiring the beauty of the surrounding nature. Types of the park 28 Olimpiada gold deposit in the North Yenisei region of the region. The factory will process 5 million tons of ore annually and will become the largest in the world in terms of capacity. Lesosibirsk LDK No. 1 is largest complex wood processing. It consists of logging enterprises, sawmills, production and finishing of fibreboards, furniture made of natural wood - solid Angara pine, as well as thermal energy generation.

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Educational material The concept of animation. Tourist animation is a tourist service, in the provision of which the tourist is involved in active action. It is based on the personal contacts of the animator with tourists, on their joint participation in the entertainment offered by the animation program of the tourist complex. Animation is a type of tourist activity carried out in tourist complexes, hotels, cruise ship, a train that involves tourists in a variety of activities through participation in specially designed leisure programs. M(.4.

Slide 4 from the presentation “Animation Technologies”

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“Animation” - The simplest animation using MS PowerPoint. Then you specify a DOWN move. To the drawing. For example, the first move is LEFT-UP. Motion paths can be added several times in succession. Creating a simple Gif animation. First you need to insert a background into the presentation. The easiest way is to fly out. “Raster and vector animation” - Flash - animator. Raster graphics. The bird moves in a straight line. Raster. The computer animation system takes on a significant part of the routine work. Vector. Now we can complicate the movement - let's introduce a trajectory. Now our bird flies back and forth along the line. Computer animation.“Animation Effects” - Be able to properly save a presentation. 5 rectangles with rounded edges are drawn

different heights

and with different curves. Crossbar No. 1 – “Exit – Disappearance”. Required skills and abilities. The animation speed is very slow. Crossbar No. 2 is initially not visible. Using the animation effects “PATHS OF MOVEMENT” and “EXIT – FLIGHT OVER THE EDGE OF THE SHEET”.

“Gif animation in Photoshop” - 7) Apply the required number of “stars”: 16) For each frame, set the duration: 8) Create a new layer: Gif animation in photoshop CS5. 14) Go to another frame and make the other layer invisible: 6) Set the shape and size of the brush – Star 42 pixels: 1) On the Student disk, in the folder of your class, create your own folder; 2) Open Potoshop CS5.

“Powerpoint Animation” - Launch PowerPoint program; Place previously prepared drawings on the slide; Customize the animation of individual objects; View animation; Save the work result; Quit working with PowerPoint. Multimedia – devices that allow you to present information in audio and video form. Determine how the three numbers in the first two diagrams are related to each other.

“Text Animation” - Application of various types of text animation. Different types of slide appearances. PowerPoint. Overhang Rectangle Rotation of text. Vertical Merging type. Type "Vertical checkers". Inserting pictures using animation. Design of text with font and color. Comic Sans Microsoft Bodoni MT Black. Type "News".

