Where is the best place to travel? How to start traveling around the world cheaply and independently: from Europe to the most distant corners. Senezhskoye Lake is a natural complex that amazes with its beauty

Today, more and more people choose to travel alone. According to statistics collected by Visa, one in five travelers travel without a travel companion. This kind of experience allows tourists to make new acquaintances, gain independence and expand their own horizons. New Year provides an opportunity for each of us to make such a journey and find out what new things the world can reveal to us. It doesn’t matter what the traveler’s goal is - new acquaintances or temporary loneliness. These places and countries are considered ideal for solo tours.

Solola, Guatemala

The southwestern region of Guatemala, especially the shores of Lake Atitlan, is extremely popular with travelers. The region's natural diversity is a paradise for outdoor enthusiasts. Here you can go scuba diving, rock climbing or kayaking. In addition, Solola is home to several small volcanoes, tours on which we are happy to conduct local residents. Solola is a place where the Mayans once lived, and local residents still perform ancient rituals in which tourists can participate.

Great Circle, USA

This is a chain national parks, which connects five states: Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado, Utah and Nevada. This epic loop will allow travelers to see some of the most iconic natural landmarks in the United States, such as the Grand Canyon, Colorado River and Lake Powell. In 2016, the US National Parks Coalition celebrates its centenary and offers visitors partial free use of its services.

Reykjavik, Iceland

The capital of Iceland is ideal for those who like to walk alone. Streets northern capital looks like it came straight out of a postcard, and a few kilometers from the city there is the famous Blue Lagoon- a natural geyser with warm, crystal clear water. Plus, Iceland is an ideal place to admire the Northern Lights.

Melbourne, Australia

Australia's second largest city is famous for its art scene, cuisine and cityscapes. From Melbourne you can easily sail to Tasmania or drive along the famous “ocean road”.

Cruise on the Ganges River, India and Bangladesh

G Adventures Varuna offers its passengers a new perspective on the great river and its lesser-known banks. Outside the crowded streets of big Indian cities, villages, palaces and temples look especially magnificent. If you get bored of quiet sailing, you can land in Bangladesh or in one of the megacities located on the banks of the Ganges.

UK and Ireland

The Royal Isles are an ideal destination for singles. They are not so big that they take up too much time and are home to a wonderful and famous culture. You can start from Dublin, Cork and Shannon, where Irish beer and flavor can conquer even the most fastidious. From there, a short flight to Glasgow takes you into the heart of Scotland, with Edinburgh, then Manchester, Leeds and London just a stone's throw away.

West Coast USA

The California coast is rich in famous cities such as Los Angeles, San Diego and San Francisco, but it is also dotted with small towns and beautiful deserted beaches, ideal for those who like to travel alone.

Greek Islands

Athens is a wonderful place where any traveler will feel closer to history and one of the oldest cultures in the world. From here you can go on a trip to the picturesque and colorful islands. Among them, Crete, Santorini and Zakynthos occupy a special place.

New Zealand

The South Island suits all types of travellers, regardless of their preferences. If you are a lover of quiet hikes, magnificent scenery, good cuisine and delicious wine, New Zealand is for you. If you prefer leisure, mountain climbing, rafting on raging rivers, sea kayaking and much more, then come to New Zealand too!

Start planning your trip from where you live. If you are going to live in, read in the reviews everything positive and negative that former guests say. Check the type of food (sometimes only breakfast is offered) and the type of accommodation provided by a specific hotel. In addition, if you have limited resources, you can live in a hostel. Sometimes it's a lot more fun there. Consider an option with a removable camera short term apartment or house.

Determine for yourself in advance what you would like to visit, what to try, etc. Find out where to do it better, better and more profitable. If you are going to go to a theater or other cultural and entertainment venue, remember that tickets are often required. To avoid long queues, there are usually alternative ways to obtain them.

Find out in advance all the difficulties that you may have with transport - where to get or rent a bike, whether there are a lot of traffic jams on the roads, what the metro schedule is. And, of course, don’t delay buying tickets to your destination and back.


  • Article "How to book tickets" in 2018

There are no problems with indoor flowers if you are away for a few days, or have a kind and responsible neighbor who is ready to water your plants in your absence. But what can be done if this is not possible, but flowers After your vacation, do you want to see him in bloom and healthy?


There are several methods for uniform watering that do not require humans. First of all, put everything in a place where they get enough light, but where they won't be too hot. The easiest way to prevent plants from drying out is to place the pots in a basin, tray or tray filled with water. This method is not suitable for very small plants, as well as those that rot with frequent watering.

If little water is required, then it is better to transplant the plants into pots, the bottom of which is covered with a sufficient layer of expanded clay or any drainage. It will allow water from the pan to rise to the roots of the plant, but will not allow excess moisture.

Another famous one old way: Place a container of water above the level of the plants. Take a woolen thread, lower one end of it and fix it in a container of water, bury the other a few centimeters. This way the plants will receive the necessary moisture. Experiment with this method in advance to make sure that the thread is sufficiently conductive, and also make sure that the thread does not drip water between the container and the pot. If you use such a "wick", consider the size of the pot: one wick is enough for a pot with a diameter of 10 cm, for larger pots it is required large quantity wick threads.

If the plants are not afraid of excess moisture, water them well before leaving or even leave them in water for several hours, then wrap the clay pots in polyethylene (or place them in other plastic pots), and cover the ground with a layer of moss on top so that the moisture does not evaporate quickly. soil surface.

Video on the topic


  • All about indoor plants
  • how to water flowers when you go on vacation

Starting to travel is a cherished dream for some, but why are many afraid to realize it? Traveling on your own requires preparation: you need to think through the route, get visas, purchase tickets, a backpack, clothes, shoes and other equipment. And, most importantly, you need to be bold and decide to go on your first journey!

You will need

  • - route plan;
  • - tickets;
  • - visas to countries of interest;
  • - guidebook;
  • - map of the country;
  • - backpack.


Tip 9: What will happen to a vacation spent in front of a computer?

Spending his vacation exclusively at home, a person relaxes, as a rule, watching TV or sitting near the computer. Relaxation of the body in this case is false, because in fact the person does not receive the benefits that real rest should bring.

Staying in an apartment during the holiday season, a person is exposed to negative effects on his body. Vacations can cause certain diseases.

There are a lot of allergens in the apartment that can provoke a reaction in the body. In addition, a home environment, rarely replaced by walks, can have a bad effect on the nervous system. Excessive irritability and neuroses are inevitable when you abuse the opportunity to be at home.

Vision deteriorates when working at a computer. Dry eyes, discomfort, and tension are inevitable if your gaze is concentrated only on the monitor. If you look at the screen without blinking for a long time, “syndrome” develops. To prevent dry eyes, you can look away for at least 20 seconds, close them, or look into the distance. Continuous work at a computer monitor can lead to a dangerous eye disease - cataracts.

Vacation is, first of all, a break from the stress of work, a time when you need to recuperate and relax. Therefore, it is necessary to take full advantage of this opportunity and not harm your health by sitting at the computer.


  • Doctors told us what a vacation spent in front of a computer will mean for Russians

Tip 10: How to determine the most best time for traveling

Travel to different countries It’s always interesting – you can see new places, meet amazing people and feel the real spirit of adventure. And so that the trip is not marred by any problems, you need to choose the right time for it.


Pay attention to the beginning and end tourist season in the country where you are going. Especially if you are planning. Even in the hottest countries, swimming is not always possible, since the rainy season begins and it is often stormy. IN sightseeing tours You can travel around Europe at any time, but it’s better, of course, in the warmer months. Then rain or snow will not interfere with your pleasure wandering the streets of the city, enjoying beautiful architecture and nature. Although it’s always nice to sit at a table in a street cafe, watching the locals.

Travel at the beginning or end of the tourist season. The weather at this time is still good, and the cost of the tour is much lower. In Turkey, for example, at the end of May you can already swim and, even more so, sunbathe, and hotel prices are 2 times cheaper than in the middle and end of summer.

Find out about festivals, holidays and other events in your chosen country so you can attend them. During the trip, they help you become better acquainted with the stories and traditions of a foreign country, and feel its spirit. In Germany, for example, the famous Oktoberfest beer festival takes place, and in Austria at the end of July many famous musicians from all over the world come to take part in the festival classical music. In addition, there are many smaller national holidays that are celebrated cheerfully and noisily by local residents.

If you are going to travel with a little one, it is better to choose a time when the weather in the countries is approximately similar. You should not move from winter to summer and vice versa. Especially when the trip only takes a week. This is harmful to health, because the body will have to acclimatize, which will take some time, taking a few more days out of proper rest.

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Rumors about terrible infections that you can catch on vacation are greatly exaggerated. Proper preparation for your vacation will help you avoid intestinal infection, getting sunburned. And if you spend time only on the beach and at the hotel, all risks are generally minimized.

It is advisable to do vaccinations recommended by doctors only if you prefer active or independent organized holiday. In other cases, you can completely get by with a supply of medications from the pharmacy. For example, when you get motion sickness, you can take special pills and focus your attention on a stationary object. The following exercise will help you cope with pressure changes: take air into your mouth, pinch your nose with your fingers and try to exhale the air through your ears.

Dry airplane air can cause dehydration. Drink plenty of water, avoid tea, coffee, and alcohol. If the flight is long, get up every 40 minutes and walk around the cabin.

Be careful on the beach. Sunburn can cause skin diseases, including dangerous ones. The optimal time for tanning is from 9 to 11 am and from 16 to 19 pm. If burns occur, apply a cold compress to the skin or take a cool shower. This will help eliminate pain and burning. Then lubricate the affected areas with cream or lotion. During treatment you need to drink more and reduce your time in the sun.

Be careful with food experiments. Unusual food and water can cause intestinal upset. Drink only bottled water. Avoid cocktails with ice because you don't know where the water came from to make them. Wash fruits and vegetables thoroughly, and do not eat raw fish or other seafood.

You also need to be vigilant in the water. For example, very bad consequences can occur after meeting certain types of jellyfish. When using their tentacles, a person feels pain and a strong burning sensation. In such cases, you need to wash the damaged area with lemon juice or vinegar. If the discomfort does not go away, call a doctor!

Video on the topic

In the modern world there are too many things to do, from which we sometimes just need a break in order to gain strength and impressions. Discovering new places on the planet is a very exciting activity that guarantees you an influx of positive emotions, new friends and new impressions. But how do you decide to travel? How to break away from our “office world” and plunge into the unknown? How not to get scared and give up all preparations halfway? And most importantly, how much money do you need for travel and how to find it?

First, let's decide what you want:
1. First of all, if you want to travel, ask yourself how you would prefer to do it. People have very different preferences: some like to relax and travel with a tent and on a bicycle, some - or, some - on foot or hitchhiking.
2. Ask the second question: where do you want to go and? Moreover, this question can go on par with the first question, based on geographical circumstances (for example, everyone can go to Europe possible ways, but to the USA or Latin America - only or by sea.
3. Next point: identify a companion. You may not want to travel alone, although travelers say that it is precisely such trips that allow you to see the world in all its colors, and not limit yourself to communicating with a loved one in Russian.
4. Set a budget. Your budget should be determined taking into account planned stops and transportation costs, as well as visas. It is important to keep in mind that visas for some countries must be taken care of in advance, while there are great amount countries where entry is permitted without a visa. For Russian citizens, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs constantly updates and adds information on its official website. On it you can find all the data on countries, including the political and crime situation, communication with the local population, and receive recommendations on entry and exit.
5. Determine a specific route using maps. The Google.Maps service is very suitable for this. In addition, you can use it to find parking areas (campsites, hostels, hotels and other housing). When looking for housing, also use specialized sites. Today there are a very large number of them.
6. Don’t be afraid that you don’t know the language, because it’s impossible to know all the languages ​​of the world! Explain yourself with gestures, include facial expressions, be open to the world and people, and they will definitely help you!
7. Read travel blogs, they often share useful tips. Read magazines and books about the country or countries you have chosen. Get carried away by them and become infected by the atmosphere of the country and its traditions!
8. Many travelers make money on the road in different ways - through the Internet or by finding work locally, taking photographs and selling photographs or their impressions of the trip. The main thing is not to set limitations for yourself, and there will always be opportunities, including making money!
9. When traveling, don’t compare. different cities and countries. Each city is special, not like the others! So enjoy them regardless of the circumstances and good emotions are guaranteed to you!
Travel with joy! Good luck!

Video on the topic


  • Official website of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (information for those traveling abroad)

Tips on how to organize your first independent trip.

Gaining new experience is quite difficult, but very exciting. Especially when it comes to organizing independent travel. Most people who go on vacation abroad resort to the services of travel agencies. This is convenient, but always more expensive and less interesting. Therefore, many people want to travel on their own, but do not know where to start.

1. Take the purchase of a tour out of your mind.
Buying a tour from an agency is the most thankless task (although there are exceptions). They definitely put you in a limited framework, impose their services and the services of their friends/acquaintances, plan the route “at a gallop across Europe”, no freedom in choice. For all this you have to overpay, and sometimes a decent amount. So why all this? If you more or less have access to the Internet, can read and communicate, then it will not be difficult for you to organize your own trip and think through your own route, which will be of interest only to you. It may be difficult at first (no one is saying that this is an easy task), but we all learned to read and write. So here, the main thing is to start, and then the excitement of travel will captivate you for the rest of your life. When organizing travel, you will not only save money, but also get a lot of pleasure, impressions and positive emotions. And this type of leisure will become one of your favorites.

2. Set a budget.
The first step in planning any trip is determining the budget for the trip. Based on your capabilities, you plan for yourself exotic island or small resort town. A vacation for 1000 and 10,000 euros is absolutely two different holidays. But this does not mean that a vacation for 1000 euros will be less interesting and less eventful. It's just there expensive destinations, for example, the Bahamas or Seychelles, where one ticket will cost a tidy sum. But for a week's holiday in a European country - the Czech Republic or Spain (without shopping) it is quite enough. For 70-80 euros per day you can rent a small house/apartment (without meals) on the seashore somewhere in Croatia or Slovenia, and if you wish, go on excursions. How can such a vacation compare with a stay in a hotel? And you can eat either in the numerous resort cafes, or shop at the supermarket and have dinner on the balcony of your room, admiring the sunset. We add another 20-30 euros per day. To travel to Turkey or Bulgaria, 1000 euros will also be enough for you to fly on a helicopter and explore local beauties above. If you have the funds, then organizing a trip is much easier - there are no restrictions on funds, therefore, having arrived in one of the cities along the route, you can stay at the first hotel you come across (as a rule, everyone comes to the city center, and in the center, as a rule, too are mainly located expensive hotels). A completely different case, if there are not enough funds and you need to constantly squeeze in, the option is motels and campsites along the road. I find the golden mean - hotels located near the center, within walking distance to all the main attractions. It's a choice, in my opinion.

3. Select your country.
Surely many people dream of distant exotic countries. But, if you just want to unwind, you can choose a place close to home. For residents of Moscow, for example, this means Central Russia and Europe. European countries unique in their beauty and easy to reach - by plane, or. Depending on the time of year, you can find a table of the seasonality of countries and determine for yourself where you can go in February or, for example.

Well, then everything is even simpler. You need to obtain a visa and a hotel. All! You are almost on vacation, enjoying the warm, gentle sun on the ocean shore with a cocktail in hand, or descending from the mountains at crazy speed in the Alps.

4. Apply for a visa.
To leave Russia, Russians only need to have a valid passport. To enter the territory of a European state, you must obtain a visa. You can see the list visa-free countries, which is increasing every year. Visas can be easily obtained at the embassy or consulate on your own. Well, if you still don’t have enough time, then entrust this matter to trusted specialists, or, as a last resort, contact a travel agency. But be careful, they may tempt you into buying a ready-made tour. package, which we don’t need at all. You and I have finally decided to travel on our own.

5. Buy air tickets and book a hotel.
These two actions can be done quite quickly and on one site. True, it will take a little time to choose a hotel and look at photographs. The main thing is not to be afraid and feel free to look for suitable tickets and hotels. There are a lot of offers on the Internet for purchasing air tickets, you need to make no mistake and do right choice, and will help you with this by booking air tickets and hotels.

6. Develop a route and identify the main attractions.
This is perhaps the most interesting of all points. After you've done your hard work (shopping and booking), you can now decide on your route. Have some maps in case you want to rent a car. Look at photos of attractions so that when you arrive on vacation you will be savvy in this matter. Read other tourists and much, much more.

Well, after your trip, don’t forget to sort through and sort the gigabytes of photos to show your friends and again plunge into those happy and unforgettable moments.


  • Tips for organizing independent travel

The desire to change places has always been characteristic of humanity. However, only in the middle of the last century did people have the opportunity to literally travel around the whole world in a short time. The main thing is to know exactly what you want to get when you go on a trip.

You will need

  • Valid passport, money


Don't try to embrace the immensity! Travel should be joy and pleasure. Select the country or countries you would like to visit, calculate the approximate financial costs, study the visa policy, choose the type of trip. By the way, at the moment there are more than a hundred countries with visa-free or simplified entry.

A fairly obvious option for an exciting trip is Europe. Firstly, there is no need to apply for several visas, secondly, you can buy a ready-made tour or make a travel plan yourself, thirdly, about European cities We all know palaces, cathedrals, parks and castles from childhood, so a tour like this is a great option to see them in person. In addition, Europe is home to many of the most famous museums in the world, which are a must-see for art lovers. Of course, such a trip will not be the cheapest.

A trip to Southeast Asia. Most countries in this zone allow Russian citizens to spend 15 or 30 days on their territory without a visa. In Southeast Asia you can visit the most famous Buddhist temples, try exotic food, and relax on the seashore. In other words, to plunge into a completely unfamiliar atmosphere, to literally explore new world. Majority ready-made tours, unfortunately, they only offer beach and hotel holidays, but you can independently plan an exciting trip to several countries (Cambodia, Laos, Thailand), and this trip will be quite cheap.

A trip to China will be very exciting. This ancient one is full of surprises. Even a simple study of Chinese cuisine can take a long time, but in China there are incredible architectural monuments- palaces and temples, skyscrapers... This country captivates any traveler with the contrast of the ancient and the ultra-modern. If you are on a spiritual quest, be sure to visit Tibet.

For those who are on a spiritual quest, India is a good place to travel. A huge number of ashrams in which you can find enlightenment, a sense of antiquity, mysterious traditions and beautiful temple complexes- all this awaits the traveler in India. But to understand and accept this country, you need to be prepared for contrasts.

Helpful advice

If you love comfort and don’t know exactly what you want, think about sea ​​cruise. A leisurely, respectable trip on a boat is a great way to celebrate an important date or simply to escape worries and worries.

Traveling can be a short-term vacation, or it can become a lifestyle. To choose the place where you will go, it is worth considering many factors - budget, experience, unpretentiousness, hobbies for specific countries and cultures, time of year, method of transportation, time resources. But with any initial data, you can plan an exciting adventure for yourself.


Explore your region. If you have a minimal budget and a limited amount of time, it would be advisable to explore the nearest available attractions. For example, if you live in one of the Ural cities, visit a local ski resort(Abzakovo, Belaya, Volchikha). If it's not the season, then go on walking tours, river rafting or visit a local cultural attraction (Arkaim, Nevyansk, Kungur cave).

Residents of central Russia can explore the cities of the Golden Ring; southerners can easily reach the sea coast or Caucasus Mountains, Siberians - to enjoy the nature of Altai or the Krasnoyarsk pillars. With a minimum budget, you can travel by bike or hitchhike.

Travel around Russia and neighboring countries. If you don’t have financial problems and strict time frames, go explore the far corners of your homeland. Depending on the time of year and your interests, you can go to the sea, to the mountains or to historical sites.

On the territory of Russia and neighboring countries there are many places that deserve attention - Lake Baikal, the mountains of the Northern Urals, ancient fortresses Dagestan, white stone churches of the Vladimir region. If you love warm climates, go to the Black Sea; if you want to enjoy nature, then the Sayans, the Caucasus, Crimea and Altai await you. For cultural attractions, head to St. Petersburg, Tobolsk, Samarkand or Kyiv.

Travel to distant lands. If you have the opportunity to travel outside the country, then almost all roads are open to you. If you love a winter fairy tale, go to Finland; if you want to enjoy the culture, Italy, Germany, Greece or France await you. For lovers beach holiday you should go to Croatia, Australia or the UAE.

The thirst for travel is in the blood of many people who dream of seeing the beauty and diversity of the planet, meeting other peoples, national traditions, clothes, cuisine, history. Thanks to the widespread development of air travel, traveling today is much easier than, for example, a hundred years ago, and you can get almost anywhere. But the world is big, and there is always not enough time, so you need to travel in such a way as not to regret the time spent.


Regardless of how much free time you have, you can choose where to travel from a limited number of options, having previously decided what exactly you want from the trip. Almost everyone is suitable for a beach holiday with warm sand, gentle sea and comfortable service. popular resorts Europe and Asia. Turkey, Spain, Portugal, Greece, Egypt, Thailand, Indonesia, Vietnam, India - in all these countries you will be provided with the desired sea, a cozy hotel room, an excursion program and entertainment.

If you are interested not so much in the opportunity to warm up, but in getting to know the traditions, history, culture, art, and architecture of other countries, then there are many more options here. Almost every one of them European countries has its own set of attractions, and, despite the globalization of Europe, retains its cultural identity and charm.

You can visit the Vienna Opera, see Paris, Naples, Rome, London, Venice, and many other European cities that will amaze your imagination. Or you can choose the Asian region, with its thousand-year-old traditions, Buddhist temples and monasteries, unique architecture and many different culinary traditions. The main thing here is to stay away from traditional resort places on the coasts, turning instead to ancient cities inland.

Traveling to Latin America is a separate set of experiences, since here you can not only relax on legendary beaches, such as the Brazilian Copacabana, but also plunge into the incredible culture of the South American continent, seeing everything with your own eyes. In order to see ancient cities and the Aztecs, hold in your hands artifacts preserved from time immemorial, get acquainted with unique animals and flora Latin America, it's worth spending a little more time on the flight.

Finally, do not forget about the diversity of your country, spread over one sixth of the landmass. On the territory of Russia you can visit the cities of the Golden Ring, which have preserved many monuments of Russian architecture, or you can go to Altai, Baikal or Kamchatka - natural areas, the likes of which are not found anywhere in the world.

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In a series of working days, vacation is a long-awaited event. When leaving for a long time, do not forget about indoor plants, because they require constant watering. This is especially important in summer time when more moisture is needed and the soil dries out faster. Don't be upset if you don't have the opportunity to give green residents to relatives or neighbors. There are several ways to solve this problem.

Before leaving

The room in which the plants are located should be shaded to keep the soil moist for as long as possible. Be sure to water the flowers thoroughly and remove any yellowed leaves.

Test your chosen “automatic watering” method in advance to check its reliability and the required amount of water.

Option 1

Place the flower pots in one large plastic container, which must first be filled with damp moss, peat and expanded clay. Moisten the soil in the pots well. This method will allow you not to worry about the plants for 7-9 days.

Option 2

For large plants in large containers, the option of using a plastic bottle is suitable. Use a thick needle or awl to make several holes in the lid, fill the bottle with water and close it. Dig the prepared container into the pot so that the neck is at the bottom. To prevent the bottle from accidentally falling in your absence, ensure it is stable.

The method is considered very reliable, so you can safely go on vacation without worrying about your green pets.

Option 3

For this method you will need a container of water. It needs to be installed just above the flower pot. Make a tourniquet from a bandage, thick woolen thread or fabric and moisten it with water. Bury one end of it in the ground, and immerse the other in a container of water. If the pot is small, the tourniquet can be replaced with a plastic tube.

Option 4

If you have a lot of small plants, use the cellophane method. Spray the flowers, moisten the soil generously and wrap the plant in a plastic bag, in which you need to make several small holes.

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Tip 18: How to properly prepare for a long-awaited vacation

When you go on vacation, you dream about luxury vacation. While looking forward to a long-awaited vacation, it is very important to take into account all the nuances of the trip so that the vacation leaves a pleasant impression.

You will need

  • - travel suitcase;
  • - first aid kit;
  • - cloth;
  • - international passport;
  • - visa (if needed);
  • - money.


Carefully inspect the tomato plants and, if necessary, perform: pinching, removing lower leaves, tying to strong supports;

Trim the vines of zucchini, pumpkins and cucumbers (shaping);

Pinch coriander and basil to prevent them from blooming;

If necessary, improvise a shading system to protect your vegetables from the hot sun.

4. Harvest all the harvest before leaving:

Eggplants, zucchini, green beans, watermelons, tomatoes, for example, you can freeze;

Cucumbers and salads should be eaten immediately or given to neighbors;

Beets and turnips keep for a long time, you can keep them in the refrigerator until you get back;

Dill, tarragon, chervil and parsley, can be frozen or dried;

Some vegetables can safely wait for your arrival: garlic, carrots, celery, pumpkin, cabbage, onions, hot peppers and potatoes

5. The most important thing is to provide a system for watering the beds.

If you are going on a short vacation, up to 7 days, then it will be enough to heavily water the plants on the eve of departure and dig a perforated plastic bottle of water near each plant. If the vacation is long, then an automatic watering system or help from neighbors is needed.

Just think that there is a huge, unexplored world around you, where around every turn something new and surprising is hidden, and any road can lead to the most unexpected places. We bet you don't even really know your area. However, this is not surprising - you also think that if you go on a trip, then away from the boring gray streets and dull brick boxes.

But this is what we want to offer you. Think about it: do you want to go on a trip alone? Just completely, without friends, without a girlfriend, when your only allies are a backpack and a substance in your skull? There are several good examples on YouTube of people traveling alternative ways for years, without money in your pocket (Google “freight train travel”), but with enthusiasm in your soul and real freedom in decisions. True survival, after which you will no longer be who you were.

But if such a radical option scares you, then you can try to do the opposite. To do this, you will need good savings, and even better, a constant source of income. The point is to have a blast without denying yourself anything at all. Really forget about any savings, settle in best hotels, ride in cool cars, indulge in substances and spend time as if you have nothing left to live. And if the issue is about money, then it can be solved, at least partially. For example, if you have an apartment, then simply rent it out and spend the proceeds on entertainment and pleasure. This is probably the ideal option, because otherwise the apartment will be idle. And you will have a place to return to. But we have already said a lot of words, it’s time to recommend suitable countries to which to travel alone - that’s it.

1. America

Just as vast and diverse, by the way. You can get stuck in New York alone for a long time, if, of course, funds allow. A huge number of museums, theaters, music, restaurants, pubs and cafes. And millions of people from all over the world. You will 100% find like-minded people there and simply interesting characters with whom it will be cool and fun. But beyond New York there are 50 states, which wouldn’t take a lifetime to explore, because each one is remarkable in some way.

You can take a vacation on picturesque Hawaiian Islands, visit beautiful park Yellowstone in Wyoming, see the majestic Grand Canyon and Niagara Falls. And when you’ve had enough of the beauty, settle down for a couple of weeks in some quiet rural town, where the local cafe makes the best burgers in the world, a mustachioed sheriff drives around the city, and local youth hang out around beautiful lake. By the way, no matter how the Americans may seem to you, they help travelers with much more pleasure than we do. So even without money you won’t be lost there.

2. Japan

Ask anyone where to find the strangest people on Earth and they will send you to Japan. Perhaps even watching their advertisements or TV shows is enough for you to be impressed for a couple of weeks, but it’s still better to visit Japan in person. In the end, at least for the sake of attention from beautiful students who will not miss the opportunity to chat with you and take selfies (especially if you are tall, blond).

If we talk about attractions, then you will find: the second largest aquarium in the world, Churaumi, Japanese Disneyland, the bamboo forest in Kyoto, Hitachi Seaside Park, the Nakasendo Path, which will take you about 10 days and introduce you to Japanese history And countryside, the Blue Pond of Hokkaido and hundreds of temples, each of which is unique in its own way. If we talk about Japan, then everything in it will be unique and unusual for a European person.

3. Vietnam

In general, if you go on a long trip to the east, it is worth visiting all the countries that are located in those parts. China, Thailand, India, Malaysia. But recently Vietnam has been gaining popularity. The guys are actively developing the tourism market, which benefits the country, albeit slowly. You can find there both quiet villages with pleasant and friendly residents, and pleasant tourist areas rich in flora, entertainment and recreation. Of course, there are some drawbacks: ordinary streets may not be very clean, and locals may be impudent with prices. However, the latter occurs often, but will this confuse a real traveler? But more often you will meet sociable and kind people who will be happy to help you, give you a gift or invite you to dinner.

4. New Zealand

It’s worth going to New Zealand for stunning nature, beautiful and interesting, for inspiration and just a mental break from the world. No, we do not want to say that in this country nature prevails over civilization, it is simply protected here and is a treasure. Particularly popular New Zealand received it after filming “The Lord of the Rings” - fans of the Tolkien universe still actively come here. In addition, active and extreme holiday, so you will have something to do in between your holidays: diving, bungy jumping, tobogganing, boating mountain rivers, zorbing, kiting and many other activities.

And you will certainly be pleased by the leisurely locals, a good standard of living and low corruption. And in general this perfect place to find yourself - in the calm flow of life, in sports or, for example, in business. There are many startups here and they say it is not difficult to start a business.

5. Ireland

A country where many legends and stories were born about trolls, leprechauns and sorcerers living in abandoned castles and monasteries, of which there are simply a huge number. There really is a reason to explore a culture that is rich and fascinating and will not leave you indifferent: the Vikings, the Celts, the abbeys and so on. So all history and architecture lovers should definitely visit Ireland. Locals here, by the way, have a positive attitude towards Russians, but most likely because this is not the most popular country for tourism in our country. But what else Ireland can boast of is nature. It feels more severe here, but no less attractive than in New Zealand. And the climate contributes to this - the weather changes very sharply, which gives a special contrast to the journey.

But you know, traveling still has one significant drawback - you need to organize everything, think it through, resolve issues with hotels, visas, airports and the like. And if you like all this fuss the first time, then from the second you start to get bored. But I just want to teleport where I need to and not bother.

This is roughly the kind of service a company can offer - a company that will organize your trip so that you don’t have to do almost anything. Firstly, they provide at airports - both for scheduled flights and for private jets. This means that you will not only be greeted with a sign, but also all formalities such as passing passport control, security points and even urgently will help you go through visa procedures right at the airport. You don’t even have to carry your suitcases yourself - everything will be done for you, including transfers. Since the company operates in more than 800 airports, you can be sure of exactly the same level of service and approach in almost any country.

By the way, everything just begins with airports. Almost any question or task, no matter how complex, can be solved with the help of the Concierge service - from ordering a theater ticket to purchasing a yacht anywhere globe. For example, only the basic capabilities of the company include:

  • Rent villas and castles
  • Holidays for the whole family
  • Yacht and aircraft charter
  • Golf tours
  • Exclusive Resorts and Private Islands
  • SPA resorts
  • River and sea cruises

In short, this is what you need when you have the means to provide yourself with comfort and simply enjoy visiting other countries. This is especially true for busy and business people. If you consider yourself one of those, then just try it - you won’t regret it.

Moscow is a bustling metropolis. There are, of course, many places where you can go and have a great rest. Only sometimes you want to get out of the capital and visit other interesting places and cities in the Moscow region. And when the work week finally ends, the question arises about where you can go for the weekend by car from Moscow. This is what our article will tell you about.

Art park "Nikola-Lenivets"

Where to go for a weekend by car not far from Moscow? You can visit the Nikola-Lenivets art park. It is located on an area of ​​600 hectares. In the middle of the park there is a stream. The highlight of this place is gigantic size art objects and compositions. The park is located in the Dzerzhinsky district Kaluga region. By car from Moscow you can get to it along the Kaluga Highway, turning onto Medyn. Then follow the signs.

"Husky Land"

Where can you go for a weekend by car in search of new experiences? In “Husky Land” it will be interesting to learn about the traditions and life of peoples Far North. The guardian will tell you about legends, shamanic rituals, crafts and folklore. Then everyone can ride a dog sled. There is also a beaver farm, which will be interesting to see not only for adults, but also for children. For those who are not afraid of heights, flights to hot-air balloon. There is also an alternative to hotel accommodation - renting a yaranga or chum. “Husky Land” is located in the village of Sosny, Moscow region. When visiting on weekdays, advance registration is required.

Retro style

Where can lovers of retro technology go for the weekend by car from Moscow? Such people can be advised to visit the Vadim Zadorozhny Museum. It presents one of the largest collections (over a thousand exhibits) of weapons, air transport, motorcycles, cars and military equipment. The museum is located in the Moscow region, in the village of Arkhangelskoye.

Pyramid of Hunger

The Pyramid of Hunger, 44 meters high, is built of fiberglass structures with night lighting. It is believed that this place has healing properties. The pyramid is located next to the Novorizhskoe highway.

Bird Park "Sparrows"

The unusual bird park "Sparrows", located near Moscow, has collected more than 2,000 species of birds from all over the world. In addition to them, you can see the rarest species of reptiles, mammals and animals. Despite the name of the park, the basis of the exhibition is not sparrows, but parrots and exotic bird species collected from all over the planet. Sparrows Park is located in the Kaluga region, in the Zhukovsky district.

Ball near Dubna

Finally, everyday work is over, and I really want to relax. So by car from Moscow with children? The ball near Dubna is an art object the size of a five-story building. It has a diameter of 18 meters and is located in the Tver region near the village of Ignatovo, next to Dubna. It is famous for its acoustics. This is a stable large sphere made of fiberglass. Any sound made inside the ball is reflected from the walls, generating multiple echoes. There is a hypothesis that the sphere has mystical and magical properties. This ball is very popular among tourists.

Farm "Russian Ostrich"

At the Russian Ostrich farm you can see these huge birds. They not only enjoy interacting with visitors, but also love to pose for photographs. There are special excursions in which the guide talks about these birds and their care. Next to the farm there is a cafe where you can enjoy shish kebab and ostrich meat, omelet and exotic dishes. “Russian Ostrich” is located in the Serpukhov region, in the village of Starye Kuzmenki.

Physical cabinet of curiosities

Where to go for a weekend by car from Moscow with adult children? In the “Physical Kunstkamera”, in addition to the demonstration and explanation by specialists of many interesting and unusual scientific tricks, visitors are offered to carry out some experiments on their own:

  • launch an anti-gravity top;
  • sit on a chair covered with nails;
  • walk over ordinary light bulbs without crushing them.

But not all experiments are listed; there are many more similar ones, in which visitors are participants. “Physical Kunstkamera” is located in the city of Troitsk, on Oktyabrsky Prospekt, 9b. From the Moscow Ring Road along the Kaluga Highway it is only 20 kilometers.

Cave temple

If you have your own personal transport, then to the question of where to go for a weekend by car, you can answer that there are a lot of such places. For example, in the Belgorod region there are many caves. They have been partially restored, but there are also abandoned ones.

Where can you go for a weekend by car if you are interested in monasteries? There is an active one monastery. It is located 15 kilometers from Novy Oskol, near the village of Kholki. For a long time, the caves in which it is located were closed to visitors. They were opened only in 1990. Most of the monastery is occupied by numerous corridors and cells, in which there are only beds carved from the walls of caves. Inside there is a small church, around which a large tunnel has been dug for the religious procession. The monastery is located just 620 kilometers from Moscow.

You are attracted to travel, study mysterious countries, interesting cities? Are you bored lying on a sun lounger on the beach, your soul craving adventure?

Go on a trip with a change of accommodation every 2 - 3 days, or even every day. Nowadays it is easy to book hotels along your entire route. So where are you going to go?


One of the main directions individual tourism– European. You don’t have to depend on the whims of a guide; you can travel around European cities on your own. By the way, this is a great opportunity to see not only the largest and famous cities, but also many small, charming, amazing towns!

In Italy alone there are at least three dozen places that are worth visiting: Milan, Rome, Florence, Pisa, Genoa, Sorrento, Pesaro, Venice, Verona and many other cities, each of which is a treasure trove of art. What about the romantic castles of France? And the landscapes of Switzerland?

A ticket to Venice will cost around 5970 rubles is the cheapest one way. To France from 6009 before 19534 ruble You can travel to Geneva in June by plane for 9859 rubles

Even in tiny Belgium or the Netherlands, you can create a route visiting a dozen interesting cities.

And all this will cost relatively inexpensively if you book hostels (by 10 – 15 euros per night) or inexpensive hotels ( $25 – 30 euros), or even stop at campsites. You can travel by your own car, as well as by buses and trains. Europe is quite compact; traveling from city to city usually takes 1 – 3 hours.

Asia and North Africa

Asia and North Africa are somewhat less suitable for independent travel, more precisely, individual countries are suitable. For many reasons, it is better to go on excursions accompanied by professional guides, as part of tour groups.

For example, when you fly to Turkey or Morocco, you don’t have to hang out on the beach all the time! In Morocco, you should at least see Marrakesh, Agadir and Casablanca (or better yet, add five more cities to your route), but just to list interesting cities Turkey, you will need several lines.

But many of our compatriots have already had enough experienced travelers, and prefer to fly to the country of interest on their own, book hotels in the cities they are going to visit, and use local transport to get around.

This option allows you not to be dependent on the group program, but to stay in the city as much as you want.

For example, the sights of cities such as Marrakesh or Istanbul cannot be explored in a week. Therefore, we rent a hotel room (for $50 it will be a very comfortable home), and calmly explore the sights. A flight from Moscow to Istanbul costs from 5856 RUR. there, to Marrakech – from 10445 rub.. (you can go to Casablanca – from 9968 rub., one way, and from there – through the cities of Morocco).

Or, say, the Pink City - Petra in Jordan. You can come for a day or two as part of an organized group, or you can fly from Moscow to Amman (round trip from RUB 21,668. per person), take a local airline or other transport to Aqaba, from there go to the village of Wadi Moussa, neighboring Petra, and rent a hotel room there (there are no hotels in Petra itself). And explore kilometers of streets of the Pink City for several days in a row.

Unfortunately, it’s not worth traveling around Egypt now, especially on your own. But when the political situation stabilizes, travelers will again begin to discover Cairo, Alexandria, Luxor and Karnak, and, of course, go on cruises along the Nile, to the sacred island of Philae, the Aswan Reservoir and Abu Simbel.

These are just a few examples of the trips you can take in Asia and North Africa. Here are other countries and regions of Asia, which are often undertaking independent travel: states and cities of multi-colored India (this is a country that you can study for years, visiting here every vacation and discovering something new), China (similarly - only the most famous, ancient, large and famous cities with a lot of attractions here are about three dozen), Tibet (essentially a separate country within China's borders), Northern Thailand(about two dozen most interesting cities, full of ancient temples and palaces), Vietnam (about a dozen interesting places). This is when you truly begin to appreciate the achievements of the third millennium - in particular, online hotel booking!

Conditions for travel to Vietnam up to 90 and up to 15 days:

  • international passport, validity period;
  • from 3 months at the end of the trip;
  • return ticket or to a third country.

This service will be useful to a traveler going to self-guided tour in the USA or Canada. Taking a ticket, say, to New York (from RUB 27,647. there and back), you can either rent a car or use local airlines, or bus routes, and see a motley picture of the states, each of which is unique, like a separate country.

Mexico provides enormous opportunities for the traveler. There are so many cultural monuments of the Aztecs, Mayans and the colonial period here that you can “hang” for a long time. We fly to Mexico City (from RUB 37,000. in both directions), and from there we go to Teotihuacan, Cholula, Oaxaca, Chichen Itza, Taxco... You can take a break from your trip at one of the resorts - for example, in Acapulco, Veracruz or Cancun. Popular countries Travelers to this part of the world include Chile and Brazil.

You can also fly to Sydney (from RUB 37,505. only there) and take a trip across the entire continent - Australia. Exceptionally exciting experiences await you in some African countries, for example, Madagascar, Kenya, Tanzania, South Africa, but you need to travel here with a guide, which, however, does not negate the possibility of independently booking hotels according to your taste.

Russia in last years concentrated a lot of energy on the development of tourism. And who, if not Moscow and St. Petersburg, should become the standards of Russian life, history and architecture. And if too much is known about the first capital, many people underestimate St. Petersburg. Firstly, the location does this city credit - a lot of canals, rivulets, tributaries and rivers themselves! That is, this city...

The meaning of transport This definition is suitable not only for skateboards, but also for bicycles, the design of which is designed for active use during sightseeing. But skateboards are justifiably considered a particularly popular option among cruisers. If you take one with you on a trip, you can even refuse excursion buses. The trip in them is too fast and to consider everything that...

Holidays in Sochi are popular among people who prefer to go to the sea in summer period, but do not want to deal with the hassle of obtaining a visa to visit foreign resort. The city is located in southern region The Russian Federation, subtropical climate and clean air attract thousands of tourists from all over the country. Most people prefer to relax by renting a hotel room: despite the higher…


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