The most popular countries for tourism. The most visited countries in the world. Most Unique Country: Bolivia

Every two years the World Economic Forum publishes a competitiveness ranking tourism industry, which assesses the health of this part of the economy in 136 countries. Rating best countries for tourism is based on the following criteria: safety, reliability of infrastructure, availability natural resources, pricing policy, level of hygiene and healthcare. The rating is given in points from 1 to 7 (the highest). Who are the leaders?

1. Spain (5.43)

This country, located in southwestern Europe, has many picturesque coastlines, beautiful cities, historical and cultural centers. Spain is filled with architectural masterpieces, historical sites, excellent restaurants and shops. There is magnificent nature here, as well as flamenco and bullfighting - for lovers. Travelers from all over the world come here every year, and they all admire local nature, resorts and numerous attractions.
You can start your trip to Spain from Madrid - one of the most beautiful world capitals. But you can start with a real pearl and the very beautiful city country - Barcelona, ​​located in its northeast. It will take more than one day to get to know the sights of this ancient, but so young city - the capital of Catalonia. For beach holiday in Spain, almost the entire coastline (Costa Brava, Costa del Sol, Costa Dorada, Salou, Seville, Valencia) and entire archipelagos of islands (Balearic, Canary) are suitable.

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2. France (5.32)

This classic country Western Europe is rightfully considered a world center of art, philosophy and science. It holds the lead in the number of visiting tourists, and Paris is the fifth most visited city in the world. This country attracts many tourists with its special charm and charm. What awaits them here are ancient majestic cathedrals, magnificent palaces and castles, luxurious museums, the beauty of Provence, Cote d'Azur, French Alps. Gourmets flock here to enjoy the best wines and French cuisine.
Who among us does not dream of visiting Paris - one of the most beautiful and romantic cities peace? Attractions here are literally at every turn: the Gothic masterpiece - Notre Dame de Paris, the Louvre - the former Royal Palace, and now one of the most respected museums in the world, the Eiffel Tower has become a symbol of France. How nice it is to walk around Champs Elysees while viewing the Arc de Triomphe. Objects such as the Orsay Museum, the Georges Pompidou Center, the Chaillot Palace, the Pantheon, the Conciergerie, the Picasso Museum, the Grand Opera, the Tuileries Garden, as well as EuroDisneyland and Palace of Versailles. Traveling along the Loire River Valley, where there are many magnificent castles and beautiful vineyards, is very popular among tourists. And in other places of this big country there is a lot of interesting things even for the discerning traveler. A visit to Nice, Marseille, Avignon, Strasbourg, Lyon can leave an unforgettable impression.

3. Germany (5.28)

The seventh most visited country by tourists in the world is Germany, and Berlin holds third place among cities. The main attractions of the country: Reichstag, Heidelberg Castle, Bavarian Neuschwanstein Castle, Cologne Cathedral. This largest Western European country has a lot of ancient palaces and castles, picturesque ancient monasteries and cathedrals, and famous museums. Is here and beautiful nature: beautiful peaks of the Alps in southern Germany, the picturesque Rhine Valley with vineyards, the Baltic Sea coast with sandy beaches, beautiful lakes.
Berlin, which recently regained its status as the capital of Germany, remained for a long time cultural center countries. There are a lot of parks and squares in this beautiful and green city. When traveling around Germany, you cannot miss a visit to Bavaria - its largest and richest federal state. Other tourist routes pass through Dresden, Frankfurt am Main, Stuttgart, Bonn, Düsseldorf, Cologne and Baden-Baden.

4. Japan (5.26)

Every year everything more tourists arrives in the Land of the Rising Sun, as Japan is poetically called. Last year their number reached 24 million. There are 20 World Heritage Sites in this country, which include ancient capital the country of Kyoto and Himeji Castle. Extraordinarily advanced technologically, Japan is also a country with very ancient history, original traditions and culture.
Here you can still see the contrasts: the gigantic bustling metropolis of Tokyo and the patriarchal villages cultivating rice, teenagers imitating Western fashion and imperturbable Buddhist monks, noisy gambling establishments and solemn religious and secular rituals, faceless concrete boxes and exquisite oriental temples. The highest Japanese peak, Mount Fuji, has become the symbol of the country.

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5. UK (5.2)

Tourism makes a significant contribution to the British economy, bringing in 9% of its GDP and providing 10% of jobs, and London is considered the most visited city in the world. The United Kingdom is divided into 4 countries, each of which has its own culture and history. England is distinguished by numerous attractions, harsh northern Scotland- strong whiskey accompanied by the sounds of bagpipes, in the west there are the ancient fortresses of Wales, and Northern Ireland- its patriarchy.
The view of London is associated with the clock tower of Elizabeth II with Big Ben. In Scotland, tourists definitely want to visit the most deep lake Loch Ness, beautiful ancient Edinburgh and the picturesque Hebrides. People come to Wales to enjoy the views of nature in national park Snowdonia, the Gothic St David's Cathedral and Caernarfon Castle.

6. USA (5.12)

In terms of the number of tourists, the United States is second only to France. People are attracted here by natural beauty (Yellowstone national park, Grand Canyon), as well as noisy cities (New York, Chicago, San Francisco). The most visited in the USA, of course, is New York - the most Big city country and one of the world's most important financial, political and cultural centers.
In the US capital, Washington, there are no sparkling skyscrapers familiar to this country, since here too it copies the rules of Rome - buildings cannot be built in the city higher than the Capitol. The Golden Gate Bridge, located in San Francisco, has become a recognizable landmark of the country, and the giant rock bas-reliefs of four American presidents in Rushmore are no less recognizable. A visit to the capital of the American film industry, Los Angeles, will not leave anyone indifferent. Chicago, nicknamed the city of skyscrapers, is also the birthplace of Walt Disney. Also interesting historical cities USA - Philadelphia and Boston, picturesque Salt Lake City, American version Sochi - Miami and the “city of vices” - Las Vegas.

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7. Australia (5.1)

Tourists from all over the world flock to Green continent, captivated by its incredibly beautiful nature, temperate climate and well-developed civilization. Most often they go to the Bolshoi Barrier Reef, and are also keen to visit Kangaroo Island, Sydney, Perth and Melbourne. Tourism contributes significant income to the Australian economy (3.9% of GDP), with 4 million tourists visiting each year.
Once the prison of the British Empire, Australia has undergone an ugly duckling transformation and is now a huge draw for foreign travelers. The nature and ocean coasts here are unusually colorful and picturesque, and the local population is extremely friendly. Therefore, traveling around the Green Continent is pleasant and comfortable. There are many very interesting natural attractions here: the monolithic red rock Uluru, sacred to the aborigines, the harsh desert wilderness in which it is so easy to die, and much more.

8. Italy (4.99)

Every year, over 50 million tourists come to the Apennine Peninsula (the fifth most visited country in the world) and leave a lot of money here, replenishing Italy’s budget. The persistent interest in the country is due to the highest level art and culture, the country's rich history, magnificent nature and sea coast, as well as amazing Italian cuisine. Without exaggeration, Italy can be called a treasure trove of world art and culture. During educational tours here you can enjoy the view of the beautiful architecture of different historical eras, visits to countless museums, warm water Mediterranean Sea, snow-capped peaks of the Alps.
It’s best to start getting acquainted with Italy directly from its capital - Rome or Eternal City. Once upon a time, the city on seven hills was the center of the great Roman Empire and even then was one of the most luxurious capitals. You can explore it alone for weeks - the Capitol, the Forum, the Colosseum, the Pantheon, the Vatican and much more - all this is located in Rome.
Shopping lovers go to Milan - the world center of fashion, and at the same time they can look at the beautiful cathedral, lined with snow-white marble, Sforza Castle, La Scala Theater and Leonardo's fresco "The Last Supper". Important tourist destinations Italy are also Florence, Venice, Verona, Pisa, Naples, Palermo, Siena, Padua and Turin.

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9. Canada (4.97)

Canada ranks second in the world after Russia in terms of the size of its territory. It is not surprising that at the same time in it big variety climate, landscape and culture. The three most popular among tourists are: largest cities countries - Montreal, Toronto and Vancouver. Canada has only one neighbor - the USA, so it is American tourists who come here most of all, and many Americans come here to start a business here.
Canada boasts of pure diverse nature, it is much more safe country than the same USA. It is well developed here transport infrastructure, preference is given to air travel.

10. Switzerland (4.94)

In the Swiss economy travel business takes no last place, especially in less developed mountain regions. Tourism here is mainly associated with active pastime, for example, horse riding alpine skiing and hiking in the mountains. Such concepts as banks, watches, cheese and chocolate are inextricably linked with this country, but their delights alpine country are not limited.
There are many architectural, cultural and natural attractions here. Here you can get into both summer and winter during one trip. UNESCO has included 10 sites on its World Heritage List, including castles, vineyards and entire cities. About beauty mountain landscapes needless to say - snowy mountain peaks, green valleys and magnificent lakes are constantly depicted on calendars.

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Today, more and more people prefer to spend money on travel, because the emotions from traveling to new cities and areas are priceless and often stunningly unforgettable.


There are also many attractions in India that are considered objects World Heritage UNESCO: cave temples Ajanta, Ellora cave temples, Taj Mahal, numerous unique churches in the city of Goa, Hampi monuments, Qutub Minar, etc.

Most Unique Country: Indonesia

Indonesia is the biggest Island state in the world: about 18,000, of which only about 7,000 have their own names. The largest of the islands are New Guinea, Kalimantan, Sumatra, Sulawesi and Java, and all the other islands are much smaller.

For large islands characteristic combination mountainous terrain with plains covered with thick wet tropical forests. On many islands mountain slopes they rise steeply almost from the very shore and end in peaks.

One of natural features Indonesia is that many islands are covered with snow, despite being close to the equator. Indonesia can also be considered a country of volcanoes: there are more than 500 of them, and 129 are active. The island of Java is especially famous for its numerous volcanoes.

And the most famous volcano Indonesia - Krakatoa, which is located between the islands of Java and Sumatra. The largest are Rinjani in Lombok and Agun in Bali.

Most Unique Country: Bolivia

The uniqueness of Bolivia is that it can be called the highest mountainous country, and in its isolation from the world. It’s not for nothing that Bolivia is called the “Tibet of America.” Unfortunately, the exit to Pacific Ocean the country lost as a result of the war with Chile, so now it is in the middle of the continent. Here is the highest de facto capital - La Paz.

Bolivia is home to the highest navigable lake in the world, Titicaca. Unlike other Latin American countries, most of its population is indigenous; Indians are one of the main Indian tribes of Bolivia.

Its population is more than 2 million people. Tourists have a unique opportunity when visiting Bolivia to meet representatives of this people, who still follow their traditions and customs.

Photo: open sources on the Internet, collage: Svetlana Karmadonova

According to the World Tourism Organization for International Travel, more than one billion people around the world travel to another country every year. Where are these people going, where are they, you ask? So, let's see the rating that determines most popular countries in the world in terms of tourism. When compiling the rating, the number of arrivals was taken into account foreign citizens in each individual country. Moreover, when compiling this list, we did not take into account transit passengers, only people who arrived in the country and stayed in it for some time (who spent at least one night in the country) were taken into account.

As a rule, it is generally accepted that European countries are the most attractive for tourists. Maybe for Russians this statement is true, but in the world as a whole, a slightly different picture is emerging. The TOP 10 ranking of the most attractive countries for tourism includes not only European states, but also Asian countries, as well as the USA.

So let's get started. The top three, along with the United States, included two European countries, France and Spain.

Next come two Asian countries(China, Türkiye) and Italy. Everyone knows that China is famous not only big amount attractions left as a legacy from famous Chinese dynasties, but also cheap. Türkiye also attracts with its low level prices For this very reason, many tourists give preference to Turkey and China when choosing a tourist destination.

Rounding out the ranking of the ten most popular countries among tourists are very interesting in terms of available attractions, but very dear countries Europe. First of all, this concerns England, since for many it is very desirable, but is not accessible to visit due to high prices for accommodation and food, and due to the need for a British visa. Germany also cannot be called a cheap European country. About Russia, which is one of the most expensive European countries, everything is also clear. In addition to high Russian prices Foreigners are deterred from visiting Russia by the need to obtain a tourist visa, which is mandatory for both US citizens and EU citizens.

Thailand is in last, tenth place in the ranking. The tourist advantage of this country, as in the case of the other Asian countries mentioned above, is its low cost. In addition, tourists go to Thailand to admire Buddhist temples and natural beauty.

Rating of “the most popular countries in the world” 2013:

1.France was visited by 83.0 million people in 2013

2. USA – 69.8 million

3. Spain – 60.7 million people

4. China – 55.7 million

5. Italy – 47.7 million people

6.Turkey – 37.8

7. Germany – 31.5 million people

8. Great Britain - 31.2

9.Russian Federation – 28.4

10. Thailand – 26.5 million people

Which countries have you visited and where did you like best?

In the morning: drink a cup of coffee at Harrods department store. In the afternoon: visit the Sherlock Holmes Museum at the fictitious address Baker Street, 221-b. In the evening: go to the opera at the Royal Theatre.

3. Marrakech, Morocco

In the morning: explore the cramped courtyards of the historical part of the city - the Medina. In the afternoon: ride a bicycle along its ramparts. In the evening: find peace in the serene Majorelle Gardens.

5. Siem Reap, Cambodia

In the morning: take a photo at dawn temple complex Angkor Wat. Afternoon: Get a feel for the local flavor in an ordinary Cambodian village. In the evening: learn to bargain at the Angkor night market with many Khmer stalls.

7. Rome, Italy

In the morning: throw a coin into the Trevi Fountain for luck. During the day: marvel at the majesty of the Colosseum and Pantheon. In the evening: refuel with espresso for the rest of the day in the shops of Campo de' Fiori or Via Veneto.

9. Ubud, Indonesia

In the morning: try Bally massage and spa treatments: acupressure, reflexology, aromatherapy and others. In the afternoon: visit the monkey park, where hundreds of playful macaques live. In the evening: Don't miss the Gunung Kawi Tombs.

11. Tokyo, Japan

In the morning: go to the live fish auction at the Zucchini market. Afternoon: Stroll under the cherry blossoms along the Sumida River or in the Imperial Palace Gardens. In the evening: turn up the heat at the karaoke bar.

13. Dubai, UAE

In the morning: wake up in a seven-star hotel. In the afternoon: lose a couple of hundred at the Nad Al Sheba racecourse, where the camel races take place. Evening: Dine at one of Dubai's 400 restaurants.

15. Amsterdam, Netherlands

In the morning: start the day with a bike ride. Afternoon: visit the Vincent Van Gogh Museum. In the evening: find out if the red light district actually has lanterns of this color.

17. Hong Kong, China

Morning: Enjoy traditional Chinese architecture in Ngong Ping village. In the afternoon: take a tram to the top of Victoria Peak, from where you can see the city. In the evening: find unity with the world at the Chi Lin Buddhist Monastery.

19. Playa del Carmen, Mexico

In the morning: go diving. Afternoon: Explore the ruins of Coba (an ancient Mayan village). In the evening: watch local residents while shopping on Fifth Avenue.

21. Sydney, Australia

In the morning: wander the cobbled streets of the Ross district. Afternoon: Watch street performances at the Sekula Que tourist center. In the evening: get a bird's eye view of observation deck Sydney TV Tower.

23. Kathmandu, Nepal

In the morning: wander among the monuments of Durbar Square. Afternoon: Chat with climbers in the vibrant Thamel area. In the evening: have dinner at one of the Nepalese restaurants.

25. St. Petersburg, Russia

In the morning: wake up to the noise of Nevsky Prospekt. In the afternoon: stand in line at the Hermitage and walk along it for a couple of kilometers. In the evening: book a tour of the St. Petersburg rooftops.


The World Tourism Organization (UWNTO) provided statistics showing which regions and countries were especially popular among tourists. Over the past year tourist trips committed by 1.4 billion people. Traditionally, Europe remains the most attractive region. The ranking is based on the number of tourists in the country per year.

1. France (93.2 million people per year) Where to stay

In the 90s of the last century, France took the first position as the most visited country by tourists, and since then it has held it. A very small proportion are transit travelers who cross France in passing, such as, for example, holidaymakers from northern Europe heading to the resorts of Spain. The majority purposefully travel to France. Tourists are attracted to this country by many famous attractions of various kinds, beautiful nature, powerful artistic and historical heritage, favorable climate, developed transport infrastructure, magnificent hotels, entertainment venues and excellent European service. In fact, every French department has become touristic, since everywhere there are their own attractions.
In France, tourists most often visit Paris, Versailles, Mont Saint-Michel, Loire castles, the historical centers of Lyon and Bordeaux, Chartres and Reims cathedrals, the French Riviera, the Strasbourg Christmas market, Mont Blanc and Chamonix, architectural structures (Eiffel Tower, Millau Viaduct) , amusement parks (Asterix, Disneyland, Futuroscope, Vulcania).

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2. Spain (82.8 million people per year) Where to stay

The first peak of the tourist boom in Spain began in the 60s, when tourists from Western European countries began to flock here, and the second - in the 90s, when guests from Eastern Europe began to visit here. First of all, Spain is famous for its beach holidays. It all began with him, and today he is the most profitable item in the country’s tourism industry. Excellent climate the Iberian Peninsula and two archipelagos (the Balearic Islands in the Mediterranean and the Canary Islands in Atlantic Ocean) has become an excellent bait for travelers from Northern Europe. Places associated with beach holidays include the Costa Brava, Costa del Maresme, Costa Dorada (all in Catalonia), the largest lagoon in Europe, the Mar Menor, and the Costa Cálida (Murcia), Balearic Islands(Mallorca, Ibiza, Menorca), Canary Islands.
Spain boasts a rich culture and history. On its territory there are remains of settlements of different peoples who lived in the Pyrenees in prehistoric times. Main tourist centers the countries of Barcelona and Madrid can offer cultural, historical routes, all kinds of entertainment, educational programs and a souvenir sector. A dozen historical cities of Spain are included in the UNESCO list. The once “most Catholic country in the world” has many Catholic shrines, for example, Santiago de Compostela is compared to Mecca, since the relics of the Apostle James are located there, second in importance only to the relics of Jerusalem and the Vatican.

3. Italy (62.1 million people per year) Where to stay

About one and a half thousand years after the defeat Ancient Rome arose on its ruins new country Italy. She became a guide for tourists seeking entry into the ancient world. Hellas and Rome were the cradle of European civilization. Modern Italy spares no expense in preserving and restoring ancient historical monuments, striving to preserve them for humanity. One restoration project Leaning Tower of Pisa cost about 25 million euros. Covering the Roman Altar of Peace with a glass dome cost 20 million. The main centers of tourism in Italy are Rome, Venice, Florence and Milan. But the details of the assessments differ: Sardinia was ranked first in terms of safety and hospitality, Rome is in the lead in the number of historical values, Valle d'Aosta - in ecology, Trentino - in supplies tourist information, Campania, Calabria and Abruzzo lead in the variety of local cuisine.

4. Germany (38.9 million people per year) Where to stay

Until now, Germany is considered one of the safest places for a holiday in peace. Health tourism is especially developed here, since the activities of many German resorts associated with the presence of hot springs, prevention and treatment mineral waters and the use of spa treatment techniques. Since the 30s, local Nazi authorities began to develop a variety of thematic routes introducing travelers to the region, its natural and cultural attractions.
In Germany, the most visited cities are Munich, Berlin, Frankfurt am Main, Hamburg, Dresden, Dusseldorf, Cologne. The cheerful Oktoberfest, where beer flows like a river, is very popular. The most popular attractions are the Cologne Cathedral, the Reichstag and the Munich Hofbrauhaus.

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5. Great Britain (31.5 million people per year) Where to stay

As you know, the United Kingdom unites 4 different countries, between which the difference is not only geographical location And climatic features, but also especially historical development. Therefore, tourism British Isles is particularly diverse. Here tourist season starts in April and ends in October. It is very profitable for the treasury, annually contributing 10% to the general treasury.
Main tourist site Great Britain is London, which attracts both foreign and domestic tourists. London has a lot to offer tourists. In his central regions several spacious squares (the most famous are Trafalgar and Piccadilly), wide streets with expensive shops and modern office centers (Strand, Oxford Street, Regent Street), the medieval austere Tower, large parks (Green Park, Hyde Park, St. James Park) and small church squares, the Queen's residence - Buckingham Palace, St. Paul's Cathedral and various museums.
Foreigners are especially interested in Scotland. Many of them come to Edinburgh to see Mary Stuart's castle, the royal Botanical Garden, an art museum and admire ancient Scottish architecture. In England there are a number of popular balneological resorts in Bath, Cheltenham, Leamington, Harrogate and Buxton.

6. Austria (30.8 million people per year) Where to stay

Tourism accounts for a significant share of Austria's GDP. This is a traditionally popular destination.
First place, as always, goes to the inimitable Vienna with its luxurious palaces and parks. Tourists also visit Salzburg with its fortress, Innsbruck. And, of course, it is worth mentioning separately ski resorts, of which there are quite a lot in the country.

7. Greece (30.1 million people per year) Where to stay

This country successfully combines a fertile climate and rich history. Tourists flock to Greece not only for a beach holiday, but also to get to know its historical heritage better. Despite the fact that Greece is currently experiencing a crisis, the flow of tourists to the country does not dry out. Along with the mainland of the country, tourists are also attracted by numerous picturesque islands.

8. Russia (24.6 million people per year) Where to stay

Behind last years The tourist flow to Russia has increased significantly and continues to grow. The state has invested a lot in renovation and development tourism infrastructure. The main focus is getting to know the architectural and historical heritage. But ecotourism is gaining more and more popularity.

9. Portugal (21.2 million people per year) Where to stay

Tourism in Portugal plays an important role in the country's economy. Tourists are attracted by amazing landscapes, beautiful nature, local original cuisine and amazing architecture. Separately, it is worth mentioning Madeira, whose subtropical-Mediterranean climate is considered one of the most fertile in the world.

10. Netherlands (19 million people per year) Where to stay

When you think of the Netherlands, the first thing that comes to mind is colorful tulips. But this is not all that this country is famous for. The capital of the country attracts tourists with its numerous canals, bicycles, and museums. Everyone definitely wants to check out the red light district. The Hague and Rotterdam, Volendam and Marken - everywhere there is something to see.

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