Is there a sea in Spain? Resorts of Spain. Mallorca island. Spain, Mallorca. What is the sea like in the Balearic Islands?

Spain is quite interesting not only from the point of view of its cultural heritage, but for geographical reasons. This country is washed by the Mediterranean Sea, has an inland sea and has access to the Atlantic Ocean. So which sea in Spain is suitable for beach holiday the best thing?

Spain: seas and oceans

In the south and east of Spain are located famous resorts Alicante, Costa Brava and Salou. They have a coastline that opens to the Mediterranean Sea.

The Balearic Inland Sea is located next to Valencia and Barcelona. This division is quite arbitrary. Since the waters of the Mediterranean and Balearic seas are connected by straits.

Tarifa and Ceuta are geographically close to the Strait of Gibraltar, and therefore to the Atlantic Ocean. There, the water warms up a little worse during the beach season than in the south and east of Spain.

In the Atlantic itself are the Canary Islands, which are considered a resort for the rich and famous. They are also part of Spain.

How to choose a beach and sea for relaxation?

If you are interested in the warmest waters on Spanish beaches. Then it’s worth choosing a favorite place for divers near Hierro Island. There are not many tourists on the local beaches, and the water warms up more during the season than anywhere else in Spain.

The coastline of Tenerife is only slightly inferior to Hierro in terms of water temperature. The beaches of Tenerife and the surrounding area of ​​the resort resemble the Gardens of Eden, where eternal spring smoothly transitions into summer, bypassing the cold season.

In Barcelona, ​​where you can see the waters of the Balearic Sea, the water heats up to 25 degrees, which is considered quite low rate. Therefore, a holiday there is suitable for those who love coolness and beautiful sights.

At the end of summer, tourists come to a place called Sanlúcar de Barrameda not only for a beach holiday, but also to take part in horse racing. Since on the beach of this town a real hippodrome opens, where competitions of famous horses are held. By the way, the water at this resort is quite cold, the sea heats up to only 23 degrees Celsius.

Of course, the hottest sea is in the south of Spain, but what makes this country remarkable is that everyone can choose the place in it that suits him and his health the most. After all, not everyone has the opportunity to relax in the tropics; for some, moderate warmth is just what the doctor ordered.

Spain – tourist country, capable of surprising even extremely demanding tourists. The air temperature in the summer months in this country is around 30 degrees, which means it is comfortable for different types tourism. Sometimes it begins to seem that you can vacation in Spain literally in any area. This is almost true, you just have to familiarize yourself with the features of your vacation in advance in order to avoid unpleasant incidents and disappointments. Then a trip to Spain will turn into a little adventure, the atmosphere of which will be filled with gentle and warm waves, bright sun, and amazing beauties nature.

Spain occupies most of the Iberian Peninsula. The state also includes a number of islands located in the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean. France and Andorra approach Spain by land from the north; Portugal is located in the west of the peninsula. In the southern part of the country is the English colony of Gibraltar.

The Iberian Peninsula is separated from Africa by no more than fourteen kilometers.

The territory of Spain in the south and east has warm waters Mediterranean Sea. The western part of the country has open access to the Atlantic Ocean. The waters of the Bay of Biscay approach Spain from the north. The country's position is very convenient, since it makes Spain the crossing point of the most important Mediterranean and transatlantic routes through which Europe is connected with Africa and America.

It is also customary to highlight the Balearic Sea, which is located in the south of Europe near the eastern coast of Spain. It is separated from the Mediterranean Sea by the Balearic Islands. The most major ports Balearic Sea - Barcelona and Valencia. Shipping and fishing are especially developed in this region.

The Mediterranean coast of Spain stretches for more than one and a half thousand kilometers. The coastline washed by the Atlantic Ocean exceeds seven hundred kilometers. Such a significant length of coastline, together with mild natural conditions, allows Spain to actively develop its resort business.

On the shores of the Atlantic and Mediterranean there are many recreation areas that are deservedly popular among tourists all over the world.

Climate on the coast of Spain

Surrounded by water on almost all sides, the Iberian Peninsula is protected from the influence of the Mediterranean Sea and Atlantic Ocean mountain ranges. They are actually all over coastline Spain, defending the interior of the peninsula. Almost throughout the entire country positive temperatures are observed throughout the year.

The southeastern and southern coasts of Spain are dominated by a subtropical Mediterranean climate. It is characterized by short and very mild winters, hot and dry in summer. Rain falls relatively abundantly only in autumn. The water warms up at its maximum in August. At this time, its temperature reaches 25°C.

The climate on the northern and northeastern coasts is marine. It is formed by the Atlantic. Winters here are damp and mild, summers are moderately warm. Maximum precipitation falls between December and

Travelers going on holiday to this country often have the question: “What is the sea like in Spain?” Let's try to figure this out. Firstly, Spain is located on the north, west by the Atlantic Ocean, and to the south and east by the Mediterranean Sea. We already know the first answer to the question posed.

What a crystal clear sea, no wonder the majority local beaches has a European rating for livability and cleanliness. And they are deservedly considered the best on the continent.

The Spanish authorities have to try hard to ensure that holidaymakers fill out local hotels and beaches. After all, holidays here are quite expensive, but high quality and worth the money spent. When considering what the sea is like in Spain, you need to know that the local climate largely depends on it. In Mediterranean resorts it is subtropical. Thanks to warm sea the air temperature here in winter is +12 - 17 degrees Celsius, and in summer +25 - 30. Sometimes in summer the air warms up to +40. Despite such high numbers, the heat is tolerated relatively well, as there is little rainfall and it is dry. On Atlantic coast with warm summers and wet winters.

For beach holiday lovers, an important issue is the duration swimming season. What is the sea like in Spain in this sense? What can tourists expect? On the warm sea from May until at least mid-October.

And to this we should add luxury hotels, a large number of restaurants, cafes, bars with excellent local cuisine. And also holidays, festivals, concerts, museums, flamenco, bullfighting, excursions, regular and water sports. If you combine all of the above with wonderful weather, then what else is needed for a wonderful, long-remembered vacation.

Now let's take a little look at the regions. For family vacation, classes water sports Costa Dorada is great. This coast is called golden. And for good reason. The sand here is really bright golden in color and really soft. All beaches have yacht clubs, in some places even two.

The beaches of Andalusia, the Canaries and the islands of Formentara are sand dunes, warm and shallow sea, boat trips and many quiet nooks.

If you are interested as much as possible wild nature, head to the wild coast of the Costa Brava. Here the rugged coastline, mountains, and coves stretch for 130 kilometers. Excellent place for diving. Be sure to visit the marine reserve on Medes.

Near the town of Guardamar de Segur, Costa Blanca, is located small beach, which is a paradise for nudists. You can bring your pet dogs there and sunbathe naked.

The Costa del Sol resort is famous for its artificial beaches. The sand here is made from granite, which is mined in the mountains and then finely crushed. Such beaches are considered healing.

When learning what kind of country Spain is, what kind of sea there is, you need to pay attention to unique place- La Manga resort. Its location is a 20-kilometer narrow sand spit, bordered on one side by the Mediterranean Sea, on the other by the Little Sea, called the Mar Menor lagoon. The water in the lagoon is similar in salt and iodine content and has healing characteristics

In principle, the question “what is the sea like in Spain” can be answered with one word: magnificent!

Spain- one of the most amazing countries, beach rest in which will become unique and amazing. Important A unique feature of Spain is that its coastline is washed by the waters of different seas, oceans, straits and bays. Therefore, unambiguous answer to the question "in Spain" which sea?" No. At the same time, the size of the country is relatively small, and this adds zest Spanish resorts

East Coast

If you look at the map, it will become it is seen, What on the right, Spain is washed by the Mediterranean Sea. To the resorts Mediterranean include Costa Brava, Costa Dorada, Costa Blanca, the cities of Barcelona, ​​Tarragona, Valencia, Castello de la Plana, Alicante. Some experts classify this part of the Mediterranean Sea as the Balearic Sea, but this division is very conditionally And contradictory, so it did not become generally accepted.

South coast

Such resort like Almeria too relate to the Mediterranean Sea.

Regions, located even further south, wash themselves already by the Alboran sea. These include Malaga, Marbella and Estepona.

Coast Ceuta, Tarifa and Algeciras borders with the waters of the Strait of Gibraltar, which divides Mediterranean sea ​​and Atlantic Ocean.

Regarding any recommendations regarding best place beach holiday in Spain, then it all depends on the budget. The most economical option is offered by the resorts of Catalonia, and the more expensive option is offered by the island resorts. Only those who love the cool sea should go to the Costa del Sol; small children are unlikely to like swimming in it, in which case it would be wiser to arrange a family holiday with children in Mallorca. In general, it’s worth saying that although a seaside holiday in Spain is certainly not bad, it’s still better to try to combine it with a rich cultural and excursion program, after all, this country has something to offer in this regard.

West Coast

Resorts located in western parts of the island, wash themselves waters of the Atlantic Ocean. These provinces include in the south San Fernando, Cadiz, Huelva, and to the north of Portugal - Vigo and Pontevedra.

Atlantic Ocean washes and northern regions Spain: La Coruña and El Ferrol. In its turn Ribadeo and Gijon, Also located in the north countries, washed by the Bay of Biscay.

Since Spain is located in the southern part of the mainland, summers are long and warm, and you can relax at sea most of the time of the year. The eastern coast of the country, washed by the Mediterranean Sea, where popular beach destinations(Costa Brava, Costa Dorada, Costa Blanca, Costa del Sol, etc.), lies in a zone of mild subtropical climate. The temperature in the hot summer months rises to +36-38, but more often stays within +27, the water warms up to +23-27, and the season lasts from May-June until October.

In the Balearic Islands, which in particular includes Mallorca and Ibiza, the climate is also subtropical Mediterranean, but due to the isolated island status there is slightly more precipitation, and daytime summer temperatures are slightly lower (+26-28). Beach holidays in Spain begin at the end of May-beginning of June, when the sea becomes warm, and last until the end of September.

Islands of Spain

IN compound Spain included two archipelago - Canary And Balearic islands. First surrounds Atlantic the ocean, the second - the Mediterranean Sea. Alboran Island located in the sea of ​​the same name, which, in turn, belongs to the Mediterranean.

So way, the coast of Spain and islands included in its composition, wash themselves different water areas: Atlantic ocean, Mediterranean by sea and sea Alboran, Gibraltar strait and Biscay bay.

What seas are there in Spain and resorts on their coasts?

What is the sea like in Spain? Many tourists who go on holiday to this country ask. And this is not surprising, since people go to Spain mainly for a beach holiday. This European country occupies most of the Iberian Peninsula, where it neighbors Portugal. Total length The coastline of Spain is about 5 thousand kilometers. To briefly answer the question, we can say that Spain is washed by the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean. But there are a number of bays and smaller seas. We will look at them in this article, and also talk about the resorts in Spain that are washed by these seas.

Atlantic Ocean

First, let's look at the resorts on the Spanish mainland, which are washed by the Atlantic Ocean. Typically, these resorts are visited by people who are interested in surfing. The Atlantic coastline is great for surfing. Among the most famous resort areas of Spain on the Atlantic coast are the following:

  • Costa de la Luz;
  • Rias Altas;
  • Rias Bahas.

IN resort area Rias Bahas is pretty Big City region called Galicia. Here is the largest fishing port and a popular tourist area. Many tourists come here to see the Islas Cies islands. They are home to gray herons, cormorants and other rare bird species. In addition, there are stunning beaches and clear seas.

On the coast of Rias Bajas You can also name another popular resort. This is old seaport Pontevedra. All travelers who love excursions can admire the Romanesque architecture here. In the region of Pontevedra is located National Park Atlantic islands, which may be of interest to tourists. The Cies Islands offer best beaches in Galicia with a beautiful sea and clean beaches. People most often come to the city of Pontevedra for sea ​​travel, walking and beach holidays.

In the resort area of ​​Rias Altas on the Atlantic coast of Spain there is the city of La Coruña. It is located in the north-west of the country. The resort attracts tourists who come here to engage in various sea sports. Here are the perfect ones for this natural conditions And developed infrastructure. Most often, fans of diving, surfing and fishing relax in these places. Travelers will also be interested in exploring the city itself, which combines modern and ancient architecture.

The southernmost resort area on the Atlantic coast of Spain is the Costa de la Luz region. It is famous for its wide, well-maintained beaches with fine white sand. If we compare resorts in this area and on the Mediterranean coast, the coastal sea temperature here is lower. And the beach season itself starts later and ends earlier here than on the Mediterranean Sea. Among the most popular resorts are the following:

  • Chiclana de la Frontera;
  • Tariff;
  • El Puerto de Santa Maria;
  • Cadiz;
  • Huelva.

A resort like Tarifa has a unique geographical location, thanks to which the weather here is windy almost every day. Therefore, lovers of surfing and other water sports gather here. And also in the resort area of ​​Costa de la Luz there is ancient city Cadiz. This is a port city that is more than a thousand years old. Despite the fact that this is a port city, it is clean and security is at a premium. high level. On central beach The city called Victoria is home to families with children, pensioners and noisy groups. There are also old beach called Playa de la Caleta with calm and warm coastal waters.

Cantabrian Sea

The Cantabrian Sea is the Spanish name for the Bay of Biscay. The waters of the Bay of Biscay wash north coast Spain and western France. This region has a mild climate. There is no extreme heat here like in southern Spain. Beach season here opens in May and lasts until September. Popular resort areas in this region are:

  • Costa Basca;
  • Costa Berde.

On the Cantabrian Sea coast in the Costa Berde region there is a large port city of Gijon. Here tourists highlight beaches such as

  • Arbeyal (family holiday);
  • Poniente (relaxation in a noisy company);
  • San Lorenzo (a vacation spot for extreme sports enthusiasts) aquatic species sports).

On the Costa Berde there is a resort called Santander. It is known for its clean beaches. The coastal water in the sea here is transparent, which allows you to see the bottom even in deep places. Therefore, the beaches of the Santander resort have become a place where divers from all over Europe gather. Popular beaches here include the following:

  • Pedren;
  • Sardinero;
  • Magdalena;
  • Puntal.

There are also excellent beaches in the town of Ribadeo. It is also called the “northern gate” of Galicia. This city has the following beaches on the Cantabrian Sea coast:

  • Os Castros. A habitat for surfers who are attracted by high waves;
  • Playa Cabalar. Suitable for a relaxing holiday with children. There is snow-white fine sand and clear water;
  • Playa del Fuerte de San Damian. There is a calm sea and a safe shallow entrance. Suitable for families with children.

On the coast of the Cantabrian Sea you can also note the city of Aviles. He is large industrial center and popular seaside resort. In addition, there are a lot of monuments of medieval architecture, which attracts lovers of excursions. There are no beaches within the city limits of Aviles, but there are plenty of them in the suburbs of Cago, Arnao, Aguilera, and Salinas.

In the Costa Basque resort area, washed by the waters of the Cantabrian Sea, there is the popular resort of San Sebastian. This is one of the most beautiful cities in Spain. Cultural events take place here regularly. For example, jazz festival, concerts classical music, a theater festival and regular sailing regattas. San Sebastian has wonderful beaches with fine, clean sand. Among the most popular beaches are the following:

  • Playa de Ondaretta. Family friendly;
  • Playa de la Concha. Located within the city limits. There is lush vegetation and beautiful scenery all around;
  • Playa de Ondaretta. Beautiful place by the sea, where surfers and youth groups often meet.

Canary Islands

The Canary Islands are located in the Atlantic Ocean off the coast of North Africa and are an archipelago of seven islands. The sea water near the Canary Islands is cool because they are washed by the Gulf Stream. Among the most popular islands for beach holidays are Gran Canaria, Tenerife, and Fuerteventura. They have clean, well-kept beaches with fine white sand. Almost all of them are created artificially. The sand was brought from the Sahara Desert. In Tenerife you can find beaches with black volcanic sand

. For example, Playa de Taganana beach. Among the most popular holiday destinations on Canary Islands

  • the following can be mentioned:
  • Playa de la Americas;
  • Maspalomas;
  • Playa del Igle;

Puerto Lajas and others.

Spain's resorts on the Mediterranean coast are much more popular among Europeans than on the Atlantic coast. For most of the year, the Mediterranean Sea is calm and warm. Therefore, many different resorts have been built on its coast. Among the most popular Mediterranean resort areas in Spain are the following:

  • Costa Dorada;
  • Costa Brava;
  • Costa del Maresme;
  • Costa de Garraf;
  • Costa Azaar;
  • Costa Valencia;
  • Costa Blanca;
  • Costa Calida;
  • Costa Tropical;
  • Costa de Almeria;
  • Costa del Sol.

Plus to mainland resorts you can add the Balearic Islands, which are located in the Balearic Sea. Many wealthy Europeans even purchase property in these resorts in Spain so that they can come there whenever they want to relax.

The climate in the Costa Brava area is mild, but the sea water is somewhat cool. Among the most popular resorts in this region are Tossa de Mar, Playa de Aro, Blanes, Palamos, Lloret de Mar. On the Costa del Maresme there are resorts such as Santa Susanna, Malgrat de Mar, Pineda de Mar, Sant Pol de Mar, Calella.

As for the Costa Dorada, this is the coast of the Balearic Sea, which is part of the Mediterranean. The Costa Dorada resorts have many long sandy beaches with a gentle slope into the sea. On the Costa del Garraf, you can note the resort town of Sitges, where sandy beaches give way to a rocky coastline.

In the resort area of ​​the Costa de Valencia there are such popular resorts as Sagunto, Gandia, Oliva, Cullera. Travelers are attracted here beautiful nature and convenient beaches. They are sandy here and have a gentle slope into the sea. All these resorts are washed by the waters of the Balearic Sea. Many tourists are drawn here by Cape Cullera, where a beautiful picture is created by mountains that come close to the sea.

Most popular places For holidays on the Costa del Azahar there are Oropesa and Peniscola. It has an excellent mild climate, the resorts are far from major airports, which hinders mass tourism. But if you got here, you won't regret it. Prices here are on average lower than in Spain, and in hotels you can almost always find free places. And the beaches are not packed to capacity high season. As a rule, the Spaniards themselves vacation here. In addition, citizens of other countries love to buy real estate here.

In the Costa de Almeria, tourists usually go to the resort of Mojacar, Almeria and Roquetas de Mar. Many modern buildings have been built here hotel complexes and developed infrastructure. IN summer time On the Costa de Almeria it is warm and there is practically no rain. But thanks to the fresh breeze from the sea, it doesn’t feel stuffy here.

The Costa Blanca is famous for the unusual white color of its rocks. It is these rocks that protect local resorts from cold winds from the north. Therefore, there is no sudden drop or increase in temperature. There are two main tourist areas in this region: Marina Baixa and Marina Alta. Between them are cities such as Calpe, Altea, Benissa. The main resort is the city of Benidorm. Moraira, Alicante, Altea, Torrevieja, Javea, Calpe, Villajoyosa, Denia are also considered popular.

Continuing south is the Costa Tropical. The weather here is sunny almost every day, and average annual temperature about 20 degrees Celsius. Costa del Sol is South coast Spain, washed by the Alboran Sea, part of the Mediterranean Sea. The class of hotels here is higher than in other parts of Spain. In addition, prices are noticeably higher. In these places, villas of famous aristocrats, politicians, millionaires, and Hollywood stars are not uncommon. The Costa del Sol has many kilometers of clean sandy beaches. The most popular resort in this place is the city of Malaga, around which many small resorts are concentrated. The resort of Marbella is distinguished by its fashionability, where there are beautiful well-groomed parks and gardens. Places near this resort are called " golden mile " Many expensive private residences have been built here. It is also worth noting more quiet resorts Estepona, Benalmadena, Fuengirola, suitable for family holidays. The town of Torremolinos is suitable for active rest

