Lake Ladoga station beach. Cafes and restaurants of Staraya Ladoga. Lake Ladoga in winter

In the northeastern part of Karelia there is a reservoir that is striking in its scale and is the largest in all of Europe - Lake Ladoga, and, therefore, it can safely be called a sea: after all, standing on the shore, it is impossible to take in its edges with a glance.


Basin Lake Ladoga formed from a glacier. Within its boundaries there existed the Baltic periglacial reservoir, the drop in level of which caused the rise of the land. As the ice collapses and melts, the depression gradually fills with water. Lake Ladoga completely freed from ice about 12 thousand years ago.
There is still no consensus on the meaning of the name of the lake. There are different interpretations of them, including the original Old Russian one - the Great Nevo (translated from Finnish “neva” - “swamp”). This fully gives the right to believe that initially there was a quagmire on the site of the current reservoir. Among the Scandinavians, in ancient legends, it is called Aldoga (aalto - wave). According to other versions, this word means a vast field of water, a river in a low area, and an open lake.
Only in the 13th century did Ladoga begin to bear its current name.
The lake played an important role during the difficult years of the siege. Through it, cargo was delivered to Leningrad during the Great Patriotic War and people were evacuated. It was then that a port was built on its western shore. In winter, when water transportation stopped, an ice route called the Road of Life was born through Ladoga, along which flights were made from columns of three-ton vehicles.
In the place where the Neva begins from Lake Ladoga, Orekhovy Island extends. A fortress founded in the early 14th century by Yuri Dolgoruky, which was a kind of fortification and performed a fortification function on the border with Sweden, was named after him. In 1612, the fortress fell after a long siege by the Swedes and was recaptured by Russian troops only at the beginning of the 18th century during the Northern War, after which it was renamed Shlisselburg (“key city”).
Occupying the entire territory of the island, the shape is an irregular triangle; along the perimeter of the structure there are four round towers and one quadrangular one. Surprising but true! Around Orekhovoy Island, due to the strong current, the water does not freeze even in the coldest frosts.
Another example of a defensive structure from the Swedes is the single-tower, 8-meter, two-tier fortress Korela (13-14 centuries) with invisible fire fortifications on Kukushkin Island on the Vuokse River near the city of Priozersk. Some episodes for the film “Brother” were filmed near the powerful walls of the fortress, four meters thick in the lower tier.
Connects them with Nut general history conquest by the Swedes and liberation by Russian troops.

General information:
Coastline - 1000 km.
Area - more than 18 thousand sq. km.
Length - 200 km.
Width - 130 km.
Depth - 230 km.

Maximum depth Lake Ladoga observed in the north of the reservoir due to the structure of the bottom, which slopes from the south. As a result, the wave is not formed correctly, constantly breaking and going in different directions.
The Ladoga reservoir is quite cold-water. In summer, the water temperature in the northern part warms up to 14-17 degrees, while in the southern part it does not exceed 25.
About 40 rivers carry their waters into the lake, and only one flows out of it - the Neva, which flows into the Baltic Sea.

Where to stay near Lake Ladoga

In order to fully enjoy the beauty of northern nature, on the shore of the lake any tourist will choose a place to relax according to his taste and budget with all the amenities on their territory: canteens, cafes, baths, rental equipment for active recreation, picnic areas, excursion programs, parking.
For example, the cost of living (in rubles/per day), depending on the chosen option, will be:
- country club: 2-bed cottage - 3400-4850;
- park hotel: standard room - 3600-4100;
- guest complex: room for 2 people - 4000;
- camping: 1700-2500, transfer to the islands - 500-1500 one way, place for a tent - up to 3 people with flooring - 500;
- tent city: standard tent - 350-500, luxury tent - 500-750.


Ladoga simply replete with islands, of which there are over 600. They, like beads scattered throughout the lake, are concentrated in greatest numbers in the northern half of the lake - in the Skerny region, which is business card reservoir The Ladoga skerries seem to border a strongly rugged coastline a chain of rocky islands, rising 100 meters high, steep with centuries-old coniferous forests, separated from each other by bays and bays. The skerries originate from the second largest island on Ladoga - Kilpoly and extend all the way to the city of Pitkyaranta.
These places annually attract a huge number of vacationers with their virgin nature and make you admire her northern beauty.

Raven Gate Island and Mountain of Wishes

The island of Ladoga skerries with the amazing name Kaarnesaari (Raven Gate) became famous for the tragic legend about the unrequited love of the Karelian girl Aino, who committed suicide by throwing herself off a twenty-meter cliff (now named after the girl). After the unfortunate woman jumped, the cliff split. At the fracture site, a cave was formed, the arches of which are made up of multi-ton boulders. Tourists climb to the top of the cliff so that Aino will fulfill their deepest desire, in return bringing a stone from the shore. Thus, another hill was formed on the mountain from stones brought by the guests.

Kilpola Island

It is located literally three kilometers from the border with the Leningrad region and covers an area of ​​48 sq. km. Ancient Karelians lived on the island in the 8th-10th centuries, where the ruins of their settlements can still be found. Kilpol is dominated by rocks consisting of granite and covered pine forest, in which raspberries, blueberries, currants, and strawberries are most widely represented. In autumn, local residents even harvest cherries and apples here. The island is simply indented by numerous bays, the largest of which is Sukmylahti.
The East Coast is a favorite haven for divers. So, at the bottom of Death Bay - Lakilahti, during the siege of Leningrad, a barge sank in 1941, on which to this day lie the remains of a cargo of carts, boxes, cartridges, shells, mines. And on south coast islands, in the small bay of Lehmalahti, there is a steep cliff Rullalahdensuori, 20 meters high, from the top of which a picturesque view of Ladoga opens.
Surprisingly, the island surrounded by Ladoga has several of its own internal lakes, for example, Vitsalampi.
In every corner globe there are places where something mysterious happens. So Kilpola did not stay away from mystical secrets. Across the channel in the north of the island on the opposite bank there is a village around which there are legends about inexplicable phenomena that began here in the 19th century. One day the village was enveloped in fog, which thickened and then dissipated, and night did not come. Residents were gripped by a feeling of anxiety. After 3 days, life resumed again and went as usual. But since then, something strange began to happen here: the channel was overgrown with huge burdocks and grass, twice the height of a person, the reproductive function of local women stopped, sharp objects suddenly became dull, mirages appearing on a full moon in the form of an entire city with palaces were replaced by the appearance of a luminous red ball and strange creatures. If suddenly they touched a person who did not have time to hide from them, then the latter fell ill with an unknown disease and died in agony. The residents also avoided the thicket of the forest, in which some unknown force forced them to wander through the forest for days, after which they disappeared there without a trace. At the edge of the water, 3 boilers with a diameter of up to 9 meters appeared out of nowhere, which retained heat even in winter. They disappeared as suddenly in the shaky ground as they had appeared.
But in certain places, positive phenomena also occurred, when a person, after staying in them, was cured of illnesses. Now this village is abandoned. Exhausted by the “miracles” of these places, every one of the residents left it, moving from here as far as possible.

Valaam Islands

The archipelago with an area of ​​36 sq. km includes more than 50 islands, 2/3 of its area is occupied by Valaam - the most big island Ladoga, popular among tourists with the Spaso-Preobra ensemble convent(1407), including 13 temples, dozens of chapels and worship crosses. Everyone who comes here expects a miracle from these holy places.
Scientists do not have a consensus on the date of the monastery's foundation. Tradition says that Apostle Andrew the First-Called, preaching the Gospel, having reached Lake Nebo, installed a cross on Valaam, thereby blessing these places. In the 10th century, a monastic brotherhood headed by an abbot already existed on the island. The founders of monasticism are considered to be two saints, Sergius and Herman, who founded the monastery during the spread of Christianity in Rus'.
The monastery buildings are 2 quadrangles, one inside the other. Having passed through the outer gate, you will be greeted by the Church of Peter and Paul, on the left side of it there is a hotel, on the right there is a storage room. On the opposite side is the hospital, with the Church of the Holy Trinity on the top floor and the Life-Giving Spring on the bottom floor. From here, a 72-meter bell tower rises above the island. Then you will find yourself in the inner quadrangle, on the right side on the upper floor - the Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord, on the lower - those same Valaam venerable wonderworkers, whose relics rest right there. The cathedral then continues through a gallery with a sacristy in the Church of the Assumption of the Mother of God and St. Nicholas. On the opposite side of the listed temples there are cells.
It should be noted that there is not a single building on the island that is more than 100 years old, since Swedish raids and numerous fires destroyed all ancient manuscripts about monastic life and buildings of that time.
The lands of the archipelago began to be settled by Karelians in the 12th-13th centuries and soon became sacred to them. Here they built temples and worshiped the gods.
The most difficult stage of monastic life on Valaam is the monastic stage. There are about 10 monasteries here - monasteries, where monks live a solitary life. Some of them offer walking tours for guests of the island.
Unlike Kilpola, on the Valaam Islands there is a whole cascade of inland lakes. All the wealth that now exists on this land has been created over the past 150 years by the hands of local monks: they built a monastery here and populated the area with plants that are completely atypical for these harsh northern latitudes.
The second largest island after Valaam, Skete (Erakkosaari, translated from Finnish as the island of hermits), owes its name to the location of the Skete of All Saints, formed in the 18th century on the site of the cell of abbot Alexander Svirsky. It had the most severe regulations: no meat, fish or dairy products were eaten here.

Roof of Ladoga

Khonkasalo Island (literal translation - forest wilderness of spruce trees) belongs to the Ladoga Skerries region (Sortavala district). The island is famous among local residents like the Roof of Ladoga. “Why the roof?” you ask. Everything is very simple: on Khonkasalo there is a viewing mountain Vakhtimaki, the highest (80-meter) point of Ladoga. From here you can see a breathtaking panorama of the lake itself, the skerries and Valaam. In ancient times, the mountain was a guard post, from where Ladoga was monitored.

Konevets Island

60 km from the Valaam archipelago is another popular island among pilgrims with an area of ​​8 sq. km - Konevets, since on its territory there is a monastery of the same name. The highest points of the island are the Holy Mountains (34 meters high) and Zmeinaya Mountains (29 meters high). Despite the last name of the mountain, Konevets is considered the only one in all of Ladoga where there are no snakes. In the southwest of the island there is sandy beach. The island is striking in its desert beauty, creating a peaceful environment.


The village of Ruskeala is located in the Sortavala region, 250 km from the capital of Karelia on the Tokhmajoki River, which originates in Finland and flows into Lake Ladoga. Four low (about 3-4 m) flat waterfalls, which became famous thanks to the footage from the film “The Dawns Here Are Quiet,” originate from its flood. They can already be clearly seen from the highway. Extreme sports enthusiasts love to overcome their stormy waters on special boats - kayaks, with the help of two-bladed oars and even on catamarans. Near the waterfalls there are parking lots and gazebos for relaxation.
Ruskeala Mountain Park. In the 17th century, the Swedes mined marble in these places. The park consists of marble canyons, grottoes and adits - depressions in the ground in the form of corridors, then used to deliver marble from the mines. Later, the stone began to be used in the cladding of such famous buildings as: Winter Palace, Kazan Cathedral, objects of Tsarskoe Selo and others.
Any tourist can rent a boat and go from the boat station on a tour of a quarry with clear, emerald-colored water, surrounded by huge steep cliffs, swimming between which you will experience indescribable sensations. There are hiking trails along the quarry observation decks, from which a breathtaking landscape opens. Often in the quarry you can see divers who are allowed to conduct their training here, and the Finns sank a lot of equipment here and used it to extract stone.
I must say that there are still many miracles here, still hidden from prying eyes.


Lake Ladoga will also delight rock climbers. On the shore of the bay, 4 km from the village of Impilahti, there is mountain range with a vertical height of 70 meters. WITH highest point The hill offers an amazing view of the lake and Ladoga skerries. There are routes of varying degrees of difficulty here: the simpler ones attract just beginning athletes, the more complex and even not laid out somewhere will not let experienced climbers get bored and will help them hone their existing skills.

Trophy raid "Ladoga"

Do you like extreme sports? Then you should definitely take part in competitions to overcome off-road, difficult terrain over a thousand kilometers long on SUVs and ATVs, both specially prepared and ordinary cars, while also performing certain legendary tasks. And all this must be done in the allotted time. The adrenaline rush is huge, and the emotions are just off the charts, aren’t they?
The complexity of the route and tasks depends on the raid category. The Ladoga Trophy has 9 categories, the first 3 of which are tourism, the rest are sports.

Fishing on Lake Ladoga

Lake Ladoga will not leave connoisseurs of fishing without a catch. Fans of quiet hunting will not only be able to satisfy their sporting interests, but also take a break from everyday worries, sitting on the shore with a fishing rod, enjoying the songs of the wind and the sound of the waves. There are 50 species of fish in the reservoir: salmon, trout, smelt, whitefish, bream, asp, pike perch, catfish, pike, burbot and many others. When feeder fishing you come across quite large roach and silver bream, when fly fishing in the coastal reeds you catch perch and rudd.

The Mystery of Lake Ladoga

Not only the islands have secrets, but also Ladoga itself. The origin of the barrantids is the most important mystery Lake Ladoga, inexplicable to this day. Not only local residents talk about sounds reminiscent of iron hitting iron coming from under the water in the area between the islands of Valaam and Konevets and lasting about 1.5 minutes. Monks testify to the Barrantids in their writings Valaam Monastery, as well as Alexandre Dumas (19th-20th centuries).

Go ahead for unforgettable emotions and vivid impressions! Discover your Ladoga!

It’s funny to say, but before I had never reached the end of the Road of Life by railway. Yes, I’ve been by car and bus several times, although not as often as I would like (especially since at one time I even collaborated with one of the branches of the Road of Life Museum), but I never had a chance to travel by railway to those parts... This the annoying misunderstanding was corrected the day before, which I hasten to tell you about today!

Getting on the Road of Life from St. Petersburg is as easy as shelling pears, just take the Finlyandsky station on the train, final destination which is followed by the Ladoga Lake station, located a few hundred meters from the railway tracks. The travel time along this entire railway line will be almost an hour and a half, the fare will be 113 rubles. For students and schoolchildren - 54 rubles.

You will drive through forests, small villages, and pass the regional center of one of the largest and most economically profitable areas of the Leningrad region - Vsevolozhsk. There will be outside the window beautiful scenery- picturesque swamps, birch and spruce forests, small rivers. I didn’t take pictures along the way, because sometimes trees grow very close to the paths, you can see behind them quite well, but at speed the camera’s focus would still only pick out these spreading branches. So go and see the Road of Life for yourself, it's worth it!

The station "Ladoga Lake" is located in the village of the same name and is the terminus on its Irinovsky branch in the Oktyabrskaya direction railway. The station is located near the Osinovetsky Cape, and therefore the village of Lake Ladoga has another, unofficial, name - Osinovets.

The village has a very unusual station building:

On the platform farthest from the frame is the same train that my friend and I arrived on:

Near the station there is a waypost for the Road of Life, which are installed along its entire length both along the railway and along highway A128 St. Petersburg - Morier. Near the pillar there is a rare steam locomotive, as far as I understand, these are the ones that ran along the Road of Life during the war:

And now the lake is visible. In the foreground is the same road St. Petersburg - Morye:

Do you see the cat?)

We approach the descent to the beach and see a very beautiful tree:

We walk around it and are speechless with delight!

Ladoga inspires, Ladoga delights, Ladoga impresses, Ladoga is real small world inside our planet! Once again I was convinced of this. Recently I visited Petrokrepost (a village named after Morozov, that is), Shlisselburg and the Oreshek fortress, and now I’ve visited Lake Ladoga again, and the impressions don’t seem to fade away!

Being on the shore of the lake on a sunny, warm day in early September, you simply cannot comprehend what happened here 70 years ago... It seems impossible all the horror that took place in places of this inhuman beauty, this self-confident harmony, this supreme silence ...

But let’s get back to the actual story; I’ll leave you the right to speculate on the above topic after reading the entire post.

Does anyone know what that thing is on the beach? Really for tents?

We went down to the water itself, the views there were excellent. I don’t think any comments are needed, see for yourself:

By the way, the water in the lake was warm, which made us happy. I think that with an insatiable desire and a knack for some, so to speak, coolness upon reaching the shore, some of you, dear readers, can even take a dip in Ladoga before it completely cools down)

But what saddened me... Yes, I think you saw everything yourself - a bunch of abandoned broken barbecues, garbage, broken bottles, dirt... Alas, our people do not take care of the treasure that they got for free, simply because they are here live...

Well, what’s also saddening is that a maximum of 100 meters of the coastline is open, the rest is blocked, so you won’t be able to take a thorough walk along the shore of the lake, alas:(

That’s why we left the beach and walked along the road, since it was impossible to walk along the water.

And we came to the Museum of the Road of Life. I did not collaborate with this department of his, so it was doubly interesting to get there. However, we stopped by the museum on the way back, but for now we continued along the highway:

Nobody knows why such holes are made on the road? It was always interesting...

The houses of local residents are almost all very good)

And over there, behind one of them, the goal of our journey is already visible - the Osinovetsky lighthouse, famous in certain circles!

We walk another 100 meters, and it becomes almost perfectly visible:

The condition of the lighthouse in some places is not quite marketable, but it is no longer in use, and as a tourist attraction it is still good and authentic:

We walk along the street towards the coast in the hope of reaching an open space from which the lighthouse will be completely visible. Along the way, pay attention to interesting location clouds - it feels like there are mountains on the horizon:

And then a bummer befalls us: (Apparently, the entire area around the lighthouse has already been built up and blocked off with fences, we never managed to get to it: (It’s very, very unfortunate... The fact that the access to the lake is blocked is still okay, although , as far as I know, it is prohibited by law to do this... But I wanted to get to the lighthouse. Well, no, no, and so we saw it at least a little with our own eyes:

The same Route 145, we go back to the museum:

Here he is, in fact. A full ticket costs only 60 rubles, a discounted one costs a ridiculous 30. You will have to pay an additional 50 rubles for photography, but if you consider where the museum is located and assume how much money it lives on, this penny amount is not at all a pity. What I mean is that in many museums, on principle, I do not buy filming rights, considering this a violation of the rules for visiting cultural institutions. But here, I repeat, the case is somewhat different.

Inside there is an impressive collection of weapons from the Great Patriotic War, models of equipment, maps, personal belongings and photographs of participants in the operation of the Road of Life. There will also be a minimum of comments here, especially since most of the objects in the frame come with museum plaques:

I saw him for the first time in my life!

And through these binoculars you can look at the lake and the military weapons standing in the yard.

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Staraya Ladoga has existed since the 8th century, it is called the “first capital of Rus'” - it was here that Rurik came to reign in 862. It was not by chance that the Varangians chose this place as their residence - many centuries ago, the now small village was prosperous and developed city: a crossroads of trade routes, a craft center and an international trade port, providing connections between the Slavs and European countries. Nowadays, Staraya Ladoga is a unique complex historical monuments, united under the auspices of the Staraya Ladoga Historical, Architectural and Archaeological Reserve.

It is believed that the Scandinavians initially lived here, and a little later - the ancient Germans and Baltic-Finnish peoples. It was they who built the first houses and fortifications in the image and likeness of those that were characteristic of early medieval Europe. Such guesses are confirmed by artifacts from the Merovingian era found during excavations in the 2000s. Slavic tribes came to this land after the 8th century, conquering living space from earlier settlers.

How to get to Staraya Ladoga

From major cities closest to Staraya Ladoga is St. Petersburg. From Northern capital the village can be reached by buses No. 847, 860, 863, 877, departing from Bus Station No. 2 on the Obvodny Canal and metro stations "Volkovskaya", "Parnas" (with a change in the village of Yushkovo or Volkhov to bus No. 23 ). Travel time is from 2.5 to 4 hours. Transport runs from 7:00 to 22:00, the cost of the entire trip is 470-600 RUB. Prices on the page are indicated for October 2018.

To get from Pulkovo to Bus Station No. 2, you first need to get to the station. metro station "Moskovskaya" by buses No. 13, 13A, 39 or minibuses No. K39, K13, 113, 213, then follow to the station. metro station "Obvodny Canal".

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By train from St. Petersburg

From Moskovsky and Ladozhsky railway stations to the Volkhovstroy-I platform, located in Volkhov, departures commuter trains(office website of Russian Railways). Next to it on the square there is a city bus station, where you can take a bus to the village. The total travel time is 2.5-3 hours; for just 2 tickets you will have to pay 398-460 RUB.

Trains run from Moscow to Volkhov (Volkhovstroy-I station) from Leningradsky Station. The journey will take 7-11 hours, the minimum fare for a reserved seat is from 1500 RUB.

By car

Distance from the capital to Staraya Ladoga along the shortest highway M-10 - 720 km. If you can avoid traffic jams, you can get to the village in 10 hours. From St. Petersburg you need to follow the R-21 highway.


The village is small, so tourists travel on foot. Public transport not in Staraya Ladoga. The only bus passing along Volkhovsky Prospekt is No. 23. It takes you to Olegov Kurgan, located 8 km from the Staraya Ladoga Fortress.

You can park your car for free in large parking lots near the monasteries, as well as on the side of the road in front of the fortress.

A taxi ride around the city costs from 70-90 RUB, plus you will have to pay for the car to travel from Novaya Ladoga, where the nearest agency is located. Transport can be ordered by phone or caught on the street. There are no meters, the cost is negotiated with the dispatcher or the taxi driver himself.

Hotels in Staraya Ladoga

Because of small size There are not so many accommodation options in the village: only 4-5 are available in Staraya Ladoga and the surrounding area. The most famous place, represented in all booking systems, is the Staraya Ladoga Hotel on the street. Sovetskaya, offering prices from 2000 RUB per day for double room. As an alternative, you can consider the Barsky holiday home, designed for 6 people, for 2500-3000 RUB per night. True, it is located on the outskirts, 2 km from the Volkhov embankment and attractions.

What to bring: souvenirs

The best souvenirs from Staraya Ladoga will be products of local craftsmen: original pendants and brooches with ancient runic designs, animals, fairy-tale and religious characters, embossed jewelry with Celtic and Scandinavian ornaments, birch bark handbags and baskets with images of local beauties printed on them. All these things are present in the souvenir kiosk in the fortress. During ethnographic festivals there are fairs where there is a much larger selection of crafts. Shops at churches and monasteries sell good baked goods, tea and lenten products.

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Cafes and restaurants in Staraya Ladoga

There are no more restaurants and cafes in Staraya Ladoga than hotels. Main establishments: “Prince Rurik” with interiors in the style knight's castle, wooden tables and pottery and the budget “Ancient Ladoga”, decorated like a Russian hut, there is even a real oven inside. The price for a standard lunch is from 500 RUB per person.

“Prince Rurik” serves a signature beef chop with “Varyag” mushrooms, baked whitefish “Gift of Ladoga,” delicious sbiten and mead.

There is also a small cafe-dining room “Lyubava”, which serves home-cooked dishes: pancakes, dumplings, fish and fried meat with vegetables, buckwheat and potatoes. A set lunch of three courses plus a drink costs 200-250 RUB.

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History of Staraya Ladoga

Old Ladoga has seen many bright events in its lifetime: the arrival of Rurik and his retinue, an unprecedented rise and prosperity, periods of bloody wars and, finally, decline. In 753, the first wooden fortress already stood in the settlement, reliably protecting the homes of artisans and traders. Under the Prophetic Oleg, at the end of the 9th century, a powerful stone stronghold was erected, which was later destroyed by the Norwegian Vikings. The bastion was built for the second time only 3 centuries later, after which temples and monasteries “grew up” one after another in the city.

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Until 1702, Staraya Ladoga played a key strategic role and was an important military outpost. That is why the rulers of the Russian state paid so much attention to it. After the end of the Northern War under Peter I, a long period of decline began, as a result of which the city turned into a village, and the number of its inhabitants decreased significantly. Nowadays Staraya Ladoga is a large tourist center Northwestern region.

Entertainment and attractions

The architecture of Staraya Ladoga is a living embodiment ancient history Rus'. The fortress walls and cathedrals are examples of Russian northern architecture of the Middle Ages, merchant houses and estates with museum exhibitions tell about the development of the settlement in the 18th and 19th centuries. But the village is famous not only for its man-made attractions. It’s worth coming here to visit the burial mounds in the Sopki tract, explore the artificial caves on the territory of the Staroladozhsky natural monument, or take a walk to the Gorchakovshchinsky waterfall.

Museum-Reserve "Old Ladoga"

Guests of the museum-reserve are offered two tourist routes: “Ancient Russian city of Ladoga” and “Monasteries of Old Ladoga”. Tourists get acquainted with Russian history and culture in the interiors of fortress towers of the 15-16th centuries and residential buildings of the 19th century, in the monastery complexes of the former Assumption Convent and the currently operating Nikolsky Monastery. Masterpieces of world art can be seen in the 12th century Church of St. George, and from Malysheva Mountain a uniquely beautiful panorama of Ladoga opens.

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Central tourist site- Staraya Ladoga Fortress, founded by Rurik in the 9th century and rebuilt from stone under Oleg the Prophet. Researchers cannot say exactly how many sieges the fortification survived - it was stormed more than once by Norwegian earls and Swedish kings. Starting from the 18th century, after the bastion lost its military significance, the buildings began to fall into disrepair; at the end of the 19th century, the first archaeological excavations were carried out on the territory.

The reconstruction of the fortress began in Soviet era and continues to this day. Today the ensemble is part of the Staraya Ladoga Historical, Architectural and Archaeological Reserve.

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Nikolsky Monastery is one of the oldest in the territory Leningrad region, founded by Saint Alexander Nevsky after a victorious battle with the Swedes in the Battle of Neva at the mouth of the Izhora River. Dedicated to the name of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, Archbishop of Myra in Lycia.

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Uspenskoye Estate and Staraya Ladoga Museum

The Uspenskoye estate, whose name is associated with the nearby Assumption Monastery, was built in the 80s. Lieutenant General Roman Nikiforovich Tomilov. His son Alexey in 1816-1817. remodeled it according to his own design, adding a stone outbuilding to the wooden house (Schwartz House). In the outbuilding, Tomilov kept a rich collection of paintings and graphics, including the largest collection of drawings and etchings by Rembrandt in Russia. In 1918, after the confiscation of the estate from its last owners, the Schwartzes, more than 6,000 drawings and paintings were transferred to the Russian Museum, and the house began to belong to the Staraya Ladoga Museum. It contains historical and everyday life, archaeological funds, as well as a fund of frescoes and a fund of paintings and graphics.

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A women's monastery from the mid-12th century, adorning the left bank of the Volkhov River. After the Russian-Swedish War of 1610-1617. Almost the entire complex was rebuilt. Main temple monastery - Cathedral of the Assumption Holy Mother of God- rare architectural monument pre-Mongol period, created by Novgorod architects.

On one of the arches the heraldic sign of Rurik has been preserved, and fragments of frescoes from the 12th century have survived inside.

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The Church of St. Basil of Caesarea is located opposite the fortress, on the right bank of the Volkhov (previously Vasilievsky stood here monastery, most of whose buildings were wooden). In 1666, the temple fell to the ground, and 20 years later, a new one was erected in its place at the expense of governor T.I. Bestuzhev.

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There are several caves in the village and its surroundings. The most explored and visited are Staroladozhskaya and Tanechkina, which were formed in the 19th century as a result of sandstone mining. After the closure of the deposits, the grottoes were “overgrown” with stalactites and stalagmites (albeit still very small), streams appeared here and small lakes- in a word, nature, with its own strength, transforms the artificial into the natural.

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Varyazhskaya street

A village street with a characteristic landscape, lined with wooden huts and merchant houses, became famous after archaeologists discovered artifacts from the 9th and 10th centuries here. It begins at the statue of a bronze falcon and ends at the walls of the Assumption Monastery. From worth attention objects - Museums of merchant life and archeology, located in mansions of the 19th century.

Every year in mid-late June, the Staraya Ladoga military-historical festival takes place in the Staraya Ladoga Fortress. Every second Sunday of July, the traditional historical and folklore festival “Wreath of Glory” is held in the Ladoga Fortress, and at the end of the school year - the holiday “People of the Posad” is held for primary and secondary school students.

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Traditionally, the warm summer months are the best time to visit the cities and attractions of the North-West region. During this period, nature is most picturesque and favorable to travelers, bestowing them with long sunny days. In the summer, the most interesting events take place in Staraya Ladoga: holidays, festivals and fairs. The banks of the Volkhov are no less picturesque in winter, when everything around is covered with an even white cover. The most unfortunate time is the end of October-November with annoying drizzling rains and frosts.

September 8th, 2014 , 05:49 pm

It’s funny to say, but before I had never reached the end of the Road of Life by railway. Yes, I’ve been by car and bus several times, although not as often as I would like (especially since at one time I even collaborated with one of the branches of the Road of Life Museum), but I never had a chance to travel by railway to those parts... This the annoying misunderstanding was corrected the day before, which I hasten to tell you about today!

From St. Petersburg, getting to the Road of Life is as easy as shelling pears; just take the train at the Finlyandsky Station, the final destination of which is the Ladoga Lake station, located a few hundred meters from the railway tracks. The travel time along this entire railway line will be almost an hour and a half, the fare will be 113 rubles. For students and schoolchildren - 54 rubles.

You will drive through forests, small villages, and pass the regional center of one of the largest and most economically profitable areas of the Leningrad region - Vsevolozhsk. Outside the window there will be beautiful landscapes - picturesque swamps, birch and spruce forests, small rivers. I didn’t take pictures along the way, because sometimes trees grow very close to the paths, you can see behind them quite well, but at speed the camera’s focus would still only pick out these spreading branches. So go and see the Road of Life for yourself, it's worth it!

The Ladoga Lake station is located in the village of the same name and is the terminus on its branch of the Irinovsky direction of the Oktyabrskaya Railway. The station is located near the Osinovetsky Cape, and therefore the village of Lake Ladoga has another, unofficial, name - Osinovets.

The village has a very unusual station building:

On the platform farthest from the frame is the same train that my friend and I arrived on:

Near the station there is a waypost for the Road of Life, which are installed along its entire length both along the railway and along the A128 St. Petersburg - Morye highway. Near the pillar there is a rare steam locomotive, as far as I understand, these are the ones that ran along the Road of Life during the war:

And now the lake is visible. In the foreground is the same road St. Petersburg - Morye:

Do you see the cat?)

We approach the descent to the beach and see a very beautiful tree:

We walk around it and are speechless with delight!

Ladoga inspires, Ladoga delights, Ladoga impresses, Ladoga is a real small world inside our planet! Once again I was convinced of this. Recently I was in Petrokrepost (a village named after Morozov, that is), Shlisselburg and the Oreshek fortress, now I’ve visited Lake Ladoga again, and the impressions don’t seem to fade!

Being on the shore of the lake on a sunny, warm day in early September, you simply cannot comprehend what happened here 70 years ago... It seems impossible all the horror that took place in places of this inhuman beauty, this self-confident harmony, this supreme silence ...

But let’s get back to the actual story; I’ll leave you the right to speculate on the above topic after reading the entire post.

Does anyone know what that thing is on the beach? Really for tents?

We went down to the water itself, the views there were excellent. I don’t think any comments are needed, see for yourself:

By the way, the water in the lake was warm, which made us happy. I think that with an insatiable desire and a knack for some, so to speak, coolness upon reaching the shore, some of you, dear readers, can even take a dip in Ladoga before it completely cools down)

But what saddened me... Yes, I think you saw everything yourself - a bunch of abandoned broken barbecues, garbage, broken bottles, dirt... Alas, our people do not take care of the treasure that they got for free, simply because they are here live...

Well, what’s also saddening is that a maximum of 100 meters of the coastline is open, the rest is blocked, so you won’t be able to take a thorough walk along the shore of the lake, alas:(

That’s why we left the beach and walked along the road, since it was impossible to walk along the water.

And we came to the Museum of the Road of Life. I did not collaborate with this department of his, so it was doubly interesting to get there. However, we stopped by the museum on the way back, but for now we continued along the highway:

Nobody knows why such holes are made on the road? It was always interesting...

The houses of local residents are almost all very good)

And over there, behind one of them, the goal of our journey is already visible - the Osinovetsky lighthouse, famous in certain circles!

We walk another 100 meters, and it becomes almost perfectly visible:

The condition of the lighthouse in some places is not quite marketable, but it is no longer in use, and as a tourist attraction it is still good and authentic:

We walk along the street towards the coast in the hope of reaching an open space from which the lighthouse will be completely visible. Along the way, we pay attention to the interesting arrangement of clouds - it feels like there are mountains on the horizon:

And then a bummer befalls us: (Apparently, the entire area around the lighthouse has already been built up and blocked off with fences, we never managed to get to it: (It’s very, very unfortunate... The fact that the access to the lake is blocked is still okay, although , as far as I know, it is prohibited by law to do this... But I wanted to get to the lighthouse. Well, no, no, and so we saw it at least a little with our own eyes:

The same Route 145, we go back to the museum:

Here he is, in fact. A full ticket costs only 60 rubles, a discounted one costs a ridiculous 30. You will have to pay an additional 50 rubles for photography, but if you consider where the museum is located and assume how much money it lives on, this penny amount is not at all a pity. What I mean is that in many museums, on principle, I do not buy filming rights, considering this a violation of the rules for visiting cultural institutions. But here, I repeat, the case is somewhat different.

Inside there is an impressive collection of weapons from the Great Patriotic War, models of equipment, maps, personal belongings and photographs of participants in the operation of the Road of Life. There will also be a minimum of comments here, especially since most of the objects in the frame come with museum plaques:

I saw him for the first time in my life!

And through these binoculars you can look at the lake and the military weapons standing in the yard:

Apparently, the Krauts were quite surprised by the breakthrough of the Blockade and scurried as fast as they could if they were found in huge quantities their belongings, in particular their untouched new uniforms.

Car trip around Lake Ladoga with a visit to a unique marble quarry, three ancient fortresses, the first capital Ancient Rus' and the monastery complex on the island of Valaam.

Russia. Sights of the Leningrad region and the Republic of Karelia.

Type of transport: road, water, pedestrian.

The main points of the route: St. Petersburg - Losevo - Priozersk - Sortavala - Ruskeala - Valaam - Olonets - Staraya Ladoga - Shlisselburg - St. Petersburg.

1 day. St. Petersburg - (86 km) - Losevo - (50 km) - Priozersk - (120 km) - Sortavala. Mileage - 256 km

Day 2. Sortavala - (32 km) - Ruskeala (32 km) - Sortavala. Mileage - 64 km

Day 3. Sortaala - Valaam - Sortavala. Mileage - 0 km

Day 4 Sortavala - (190 km) - Olonets - (20 km) - Megrega - (160 km) - Staraya Ladoga. Mileage - 370 km

Day 5 Staraya Ladoga - (83 km) - Shlisselburg - (61 km) - St. Petersburg. Mileage - 144 km

Total duration of the route: 5 days. Mileage - 834 km.

Difficulty: easy.

Expected costs from 10,000 rubles. per person (excluding gasoline, museums and water transport).

Comfort level: tent, hostel, hotel.

Objects on the route: 10.

Route style: combined, romantic, economical, automobile.

1. Description of the route………………………………….1

1.1 Photos best places route……….2

1.2 Description…………………………………………………….31

2. Preparation for the route…………………………….32

2.1 Search and booking hotels………………32

3. Passage of the route…………………………….33

3.1 St. Petersburg - Losevo…………………….34

3.2 Losevo - Priozersk…………………………….35

3.3 Priozersk - Sortavala………………………….37

3.4 Sortavala - Ruskeala……………………………37

3.5 Sortavala - Valaam…………………………….39

3.6 Sortavala - Olonets…………………………….41

3.7 Olonets - Staraya Ladoga……………………….42

3.8 Staraya Ladoga - Shlisselburg……………….43

3.9 Shlisselburg - St. Petersburg…………44

The route is designed for the warm season of spring-summer-autumn.

1. Description of the route.

1.1 Description.

The car route runs around Lake Ladoga along picturesque historical places Leningrad region and the Republic of Karelia. If you follow the proposed scheme, then completing the route will not be difficult. Moving is not big but good highway. The suggested time is sufficient for sightseeing and beautiful places. You can adjust the duration of the route yourself, excluding recommended places to visit based on your interests and capabilities.

Most of the route takes place in a car, but there are also short ones hiking. Those wishing to visit the monastery on the island of Valaam will have a boat ride on the waters of Lake Ladoga. Fans of camping can extend their trip by stopping on the picturesque shore of the lake.

It is better to travel around Karelia and the north of the Leningrad region in June - September. You can go in May, but you need to dress warmly, it’s still cool. It is most beautiful in September, when golden autumn colors the forests in yellow-orange colors. You can travel in October, but, as in May, you need to dress according to the weather.

From November to May the trees are bare and the views are not so beautiful. And the weather is not conducive to walking.

2. Preparation for the route.

2.1 Search and book hotels.

If you are planning a trip in the summer, during the hot season, then you need to book hotels online in advance. These destinations are very popular among residents of St. Petersburg and Moscow. When choosing a hotel, pay attention to its location relative to local attractions. It would be a good idea to look at the photos and reviews. In most cases, payment is made on the spot in cash.

3. Passing the route.

3.1 St. Petersburg - Losevo.


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