Cargo water. Inland water (river) transport. Features of cargo transportation by river transport

Often, when the task of transporting goods arises, it is followed by the task of choosing the type of transport for transportation and the delivery method. As you know, there are four main types of transport: road, rail, air, water. Each of them has its own characteristics, advantages and disadvantages, but this article will discuss in detail one of them - water transport.

Classification of types of transportation by water transport

Transportation of goods by water transport is a very popular type of service, since water transport has long established itself as a reliable and stable carrier. The fleet of cargo ships today both in Russia and throughout the World is quite large and continues to grow. Of all water transport, there are three large categories of vessels: river, sea, mixed type (river and sea at the same time).

  • River vessels operate domestic routes water lines- lakes, rivers and other bodies of water.
  • Sea vessels include all vessels capable of moving across maritime territories.
  • Mixed-type vessels are universal in relation to waterways.

There is also a detailed classification of groups of water transport; consider, for example, types of sea vessels.

  1. Bulk carrier. A vessel designed to transport bulk cargo.
  2. Tanker. A vessel similar to a bulk carrier, with the difference that a tanker carries liquid cargo.
  3. Roller (from the English Roll - roll). A sea cargo ship that carries cargo that can be rolled on board (cars and other wheeled equipment).
  4. Bulk carrier. This is the most common vessel; it is designed to transport a wide range of cargo, including containers, oversized equipment, etc.
  5. Container ship. As the name implies, such ships are specially equipped for transporting containers in the hold and on deck, but other cargo can also be transported on container ships.

Sea transportation of goods can be divided depending on the regularity of the flights.

  1. Trump ships (tram shipping). These vessels are needed in order to carry out irregular, random transportation, in the absence of a schedule. Typically, small, low-value cargo is transported by tramp shipping. When transporting by tramp vessels, a transportation agreement called a charter is concluded between the shipper and the carrier (charterer).
  2. Linear vessels (liner shipping). Linear shipping is carried out according to a set schedule and a set route. Linear transportation is the basis of any stable trade relationship. When carrying out liner transportation, an agreement called a bill of lading is concluded between the shipper and the carrier.

Carriage of goods by sea has the following advantages:

  • Low transportation costs. Indeed, due to the high capacity of sea cargo ships and their slow speed, the cost of transportation is quite low in relation to other modes of transport.
  • Large volumes of transportation. In terms of capacity (displacement for sea transport), sea vessels are not inferior to any other vehicle.
  • Almost complete absence of bandwidth restrictions.

Nowadays, a popular service is the transportation of cargo to certain regions of Russia by various modes of transport, including river transport. Let's figure out whether it is possible to deliver goods along the Volga, and with the help of which carriers. Let's find out how profitable such delivery is and how the calculation is made.

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River cargo transportation is a popular and cost-effective delivery service. And sea delivery of products cannot be organized by everyone.

But even with river transportation it is worth knowing certain standards. It is also necessary to have an appropriate base in the company.

If you need to transport goods along the Volga, then it is worth understanding what routes are possible, who carries out such transportation, etc.

Main routes

The main river route of the Central Economic Region is represented by such rivers as the Oka, Moscow and Volga.

Main waterworks:

  • in Moscow;
  • in Yaroslavl;
  • in Kostroma;
  • in Kaluga;
  • in Rybinsk.

The area has a developed transport terminal.

Main directions of cargo flow river boats have a connection with intra-district transportation and include:

  • delivery to Yaroslavl;
  • Kostroma, and then to other regions.

Often, river transport is used when necessary to transport cargo from Moscow to the periphery of the region. That is why intermodal transport is used, which uses both railways and roads.

The major port and transshipment point is:

  • Moscow;
  • Yaroslavl;
  • Kostroma;
  • Kaluga;
  • Kolomna;
  • Serpukhov.

The length of the waterway along which the transport of the Volga Shipping Company can carry out transportation is 6.8 thousand km.

Statistics of river cargo transportation along the Volga

A large number of goods are now imported and exported. This means that delivery must be organized with maximum quality.

River transportation is widely used, as it is inexpensive and environmentally friendly. Yes, and it is possible to deliver a large volume in one trip. The Russian Federation occupies a leading position in terms of the length of navigable river routes - more than 100 thousand km and 130 ports.

A lot of transportation is carried out along the Volga.

The Greater Volga is represented by the most important economic regions. The Volga basin carries out 2/3 of all transportation by rivers. On this moment The Volga is a transport superhighway.

Even before the Great Patriotic War, more cargo was transported than on other rivers Russian Federation. After the war (over the next 5 years), cargo turnover increased 2.4 times and is increasing every year.

And this despite the fact that in the post-war period only 5 of the water transport and 3 of the barges remained operational.

Nowadays, tens of millions of tons of goods are transported along the river.

The following is transported along the Volga:

  • 8/10 of the wood needed by riverine regions;
  • petroleum products that are extracted in the Caucasus and the Second Baku field;
  • Volga region grain crops;
  • 8/10 of the salt that is mined at Baskunchak;
  • cement produced by the plant in Volsk;
  • metal;
  • coal for heavy industry.

According to the 5th Five-Year Plan, it was necessary to increase cargo turnover river transport by 80%, and port capacity - twice.

The timber of the Urals and Siberia is transported from the Kama to the Volga, and the forests of Karelia, Astrakhan and Vologda for the Volga region and the Caucasus are transported through the Volga-Baltic route. The Moscow Canal carries the forest to Moscow and the Moscow region.

Through the ports of the Kama and Volga, Kuznetsk coal enters the basin, which is then transported along the waterway to power stations.

Several varieties of melons and melons are delivered up the river from Astrakhan and Volgograd, fish from the Caspian Sea, etc.

Transportation of bulk goods has been increased in the Volgodonsk Canal. Coal, grain, building materials, and industrial products are transported from the Don regions, and forests, cement, ore, and chemical products are transported from the Volga-Kama basin.

Shipping is carried out:

What companies are engaged

Cargo owners often face the following question: where to turn to ensure that the goods are transported efficiently and on time. We bring to your attention several companies that promise to provide goods delivery services along the Volga.

Integric A company that has been operating for a long time and already has reliable partners. They promise to fulfill any wishes of customers. The company's employees will select the optimal set of services and calculate the cost of delivery.
VIADUK company Transportation is also carried out by other modes of transport, which means multimodal transportation is possible. We are ready to deliver goods to any remote region of the country. Guarantee the safety and accessibility of transportation. Employees of the organization control transportation from loading points until the moment when the products are unloaded. We are ready to take on the transportation of any cargo.
Trust FEC This is a company that is also ready to offer cargo transportation by river transport.
FC "Group" Transportation is carried out by self-propelled fleet, barge-tug trains and mixed navigation vessels (river - sea), which are owned by the enterprise and taken on time charter. Goods are transported by inland waters, basins, sea, Volga River, etc. Provides services for transportation, customs clearance, and ship agency services;
Forwarding, cargo delivery to ports of departure, insurance.
LLC "Kron" Organizes transportation of cargo throughout the regions of all Russia, including along the Volga
LLC "Volgo-Baltic Transport Company" Transports goods by river modes of transport, which operates under the Russian River Register, uses mixed navigation vessels according to river-sea, organizes transportation using non-self-propelled vehicles. It is possible to carry out transshipments from sea vessels to river vessels and in the opposite direction.
Povolzhskaya Transport Company Transports grain crops, wood, metal, bulk and construction materials, and other materials within Russia by river vessels
So-Logistics They offer delivery by river and sea for organizations located near the exporter. If the company is located close to river port, mixed transportation is possible. Goods of different categories are transported, including fragile and heavy ones.
GlavTransAuto They offer transportation by sea and river transport. Also engaged passenger transportation. They guarantee the use of transport for delivery, which is characterized by high load capacity, speed, and resistance to climate conditions.

Here are a few more companies whose services you can use:

  • Ace Moving;
  • AKFA West;
  • CMA CGM;
  • Loyal Logistics;
  • Greenline-Region;
  • Eurasia;
  • Sibtransservice;
  • KrasTransService;
  • Marship, etc.

What is needed to calculate the cost

When using river transport to deliver cargo, you can save more than 50%. This is explained by the fact that a ship can transport more goods than wheeled transport.

There are many transport points used on the Volga, from where ships with cargo depart every day, and accordingly there are many offers from transport companies.

Due to high competition, various tariffs for cargo transportation are offered. So you can call several organizations and find out the price, and choose the best offer.

When calculating the cost of transportation, the following points are taken into account:

  • where the cargo is sent from;
  • where it is delivered (destination);
  • what is the weight and volume of the goods;
  • what type of delivery;
  • is there a need to produce packaging;
  • is it necessary to insure the cargo;
  • Are additional services provided?

How to order

To order cargo transportation by river transport, you can contact the manager of the enterprise.

The scheme is like this:

  1. You call or contact via the Internet a representative of the transport organization. The specialist will name the cost of transportation, specify the shipping address and delivery of the goods.
  2. The application is processed by the company’s employees - the necessary documentation is prepared and the necessary transport is selected.
  3. Transportation is carried out according to the application. Transport and accounting documentation is returned.

Be sure to include contact information so that a representative of the carrier can contact you to clarify certain points, as well as notify you about the status of transportation.

The order is considered completed when vehicle will be released from the load and the customer will pay in full to the company that provided the services.

Payment can be made in cash or by bank transfer.

The advantage of river transportation is that natural routes are used, which are developed using less money. And the price freight transport along the Volga is less than, for example, delivery by rail, and labor productivity is higher.

One of the most economical and environmentally friendly methods of inter-district and intra-district cargo transportation on the territory of Russia is river transport. Transportation of goods using river vessels in terms of labor productivity is 35% higher than the same indicator for cargo trains. At the same time, the cost of transportation is lower than by rail. In addition, the release of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere in the case of cargo transportation by water will be 10 times less.

Transportation is carried out in the following systems:

  • - VOLGA
  • - DON
  • - OB
  • - LENA
  • as well as a popular route

Transportation of goods along the river routes of Russia is carried out both with the help of barges moving in tow and on self-propelled vessels of the following types: Dry cargo carriers, bulk carriers, tankers. River transport is seasonal, because in winter time transportation of goods along rivers becomes impossible.

Cargo transportation using river vessels requires taking into account many factors. It is necessary to calculate the time of receipt of the cargo, take into account the possibility of the vessel being in the waters of the port, the timing of navigation and weather. Companies operating in this area provide a range of services that will make the transportation of goods as fast, inexpensive and safe as possible. Our company’s specialists find the best option for cargo transportation by river transport, ensure the preparation of the necessary documentation and take care of safety precautions.

Our company transports the following types of cargo: liquid, bulk, bulk, general cargo.

General cargo - piece goods transported in packages. A distinctive feature of this type of cargo is the variety of their sizes, shapes, volumes and weights. The main types of general cargo are:

  • - roll-barrel loads;
  • - piece cargo;
  • - containers;
  • - goods contained in transport or block packages;
  • - metal products;
  • - mobile equipment;
  • - timber cargo;
  • - reinforced concrete products.

Transportation of goods by river

Transporting cargo of this type is a responsible task that requires caution. Each category requires its own individual conditions. General cargo is subject to self-heating, release of hazardous volatiles and spontaneous combustion. In addition, under the influence of pitching or vibration, they shift. Some are vulnerable to pollution, dust, moisture, heat, corrosion, fumes and bacteria. Others, on the contrary, emit moisture, dust, heat and various odors. Therefore, their cargo transportation by river transport requires provision of a certain temperature, humidity and ventilation conditions. Perishable products such as fruits, fish or meat are transported in specially selected refrigerators to maintain the appropriate temperature conditions.

Cargo transportation by river transport

If you decide to use river transport for cargo transportation, the first thing you need to do is contact our company, a company with experience in this direction. We offer a range of services that can greatly facilitate the delivery of goods. We provide enterprises with transport, organize export-import and cabotage transportation, and provide agency services for river transport in various ports. In addition, our list of tasks includes providing tallyman and surveyor services. Counting services are called counting of loaded and unloaded goods. In the case of survey services, in addition to this, a detailed inspection of the goods for damage is also carried out.

Transportation of goods by river transport today is a popular service that allows large quantities of cargo to be delivered over long distances.

You can order a cargo transportation service by water transport on our website using the feedback form, by calling or ordering a call back from the website.

Our company Fleet Nerud LLC carries out both water and road transportation of goods, and also offers removal of soil and construction waste with recycling. Many years of experience and established partnerships allow us to provide services for the delivery of general and large-sized cargo, including non-standard ones. The presence of our own freight trains equipped with platform barges and bunker barges of various carrying capacity allows us to deliver cargo to various regions countries. Transportation by road is carried out in Moscow and the Moscow region.

In addition to organizing transportation by water, you may need cargo transshipment at the port, we also provide this service, please contact us!

Transportation of goods by inland water transport - advantages

Water transport plays an important role in the functioning transport system the whole country. Water transportation of goods provides high profitability and has a number of advantages:

  • the ability to transport goods over long distances;
  • high level of carrying capacity of vessels, which allows delivering large quantities;
  • mobility, i.e. if necessary, you can easily change the route;
  • delivery of oversized cargo;
  • low cost compared to other types of transport.

You can order a river transport service on our website using the feedback form SEND A REQUEST.

Important information: Water and road transportation of goods is carried out with departure from a point in Moscow or with a point of arrival in Moscow.

Transportation by inland water transport

Inland water transport carries out seasonal transportation of goods over medium and long distances along rivers, lakes and canals. Transportation by inland water transport is carried out within one shipping company over short distances or within several shipping companies.

The main advantage of such transportation is low tariffs. Delivery of goods by inland water transport is cheaper than by road or rail. In addition, when organizing ship transportation, less investment is required, since the creation of inland waterways occurs naturally.

Transportation by inland water transport implies strict adherence to deadlines, because loading is carried out in accordance with the time frame specified in the contract. Equally important is the timely meeting of cargo at the destination, otherwise the customer will pay for downtime and storage of the supplied products.

Features of cargo transportation by river transport

River transport occupies one of the leading places in the field of cargo transportation, especially in areas with low density railways and highways. Transporting goods by river transport is much cheaper than other methods, but the cost of the service can be influenced by a number of factors:

  • types of cargo;
  • type of shipment (container, ship, small, groupage);
  • types of rivers (small rivers cost more to transport);
  • shipping company (climate features and water route, working conditions).

One of the activities of which is the transportation of goods by river transport, organizes the delivery of your cargo in accordance with the requirements for the safety of transported goods. We will develop a route in accordance with the wishes and capabilities of the customer and ensure delivery of cargo within the agreed time frame.

A type of transport that transports goods and passengers both along natural (rivers, lakes, seas, oceans) and artificial (canals, reservoirs) waterways. Water transport is divided into sea and river. EdwART. Explanatory... ...Marine Dictionary

Cm. Sea transport, River transport… Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

The general name for modes of transport that use waterways (sea, oceans, rivers, lakes, reservoirs, canals). See also Maritime transport, River transport Concise geographical dictionary. EdwART. 2008 ... Geographical encyclopedia

- “Water Transport”, the central newspaper of water workers, organ of the ministry navy USSR, the Ministry of River Fleet of the RSFSR and the Central Committee of the Trade Union of Sea and River Fleet Workers. Founded in 1932. Published in Moscow 3 times a week. From July 1940 to January... ...

water transport- — EN water transportation Transportation of goods or persons by means of ships traveling on the sea or on inland waterways. (Source: CEDa)… … Technical Translator's Guide

water transport- A type of transport engaged in the transportation of passengers and goods along natural (rivers, lakes, seas and oceans) and artificial (canals, reservoirs) waterways... Dictionary of Geography

See Maritime transport, River transport. * * * WATER TRANSPORT WATER TRANSPORT, see Sea transport (see MARINE TRANSPORT), River transport (see RIVER TRANSPORT) ... encyclopedic Dictionary

I Water transport is a type of transport that transports goods and passengers along waterways, both natural (rivers, lakes, seas, oceans, straits) and artificial (canals, reservoirs, etc.) Water transport is divided into sea and... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

Water transport … Moscow (encyclopedia)

A type of transport that transports passengers and cargo along rivers, lakes, canals, along sea coasts, as well as on transoceanic flights. Waterways. Paths along rivers and lakes greatly facilitated the exploration and development of almost all... ... Collier's Encyclopedia


  • Water transport Visual and didactic aid, Minisheva T.. Visual and didactic aid “Water transport” of the “World in Pictures” series, intended for group and individual lessons with children 3–7 years old in kindergarten and at home, will introduce children to…
  • Water transport. Visual and didactic aid. For children 3-7 years old (set of cards), T. Minisheva. A series of visual and didactic aids "The World in Pictures" is intended for group and individual lessons with children aged 3-7 years in kindergarten and at home. Each issue contains material on...


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