Golden Gate brief description. Golden Gate in Vladimir. Golden Gate - a symbol of the greatness of Ancient Rus'

E that story deserves attention, because gold has not yet been found. Here's what I found out:

Grand Duke Andrei Bogolyubsky, having declared Vladimir the capital of the Vladimir-Suzdal principality, began to strengthen his capital city. In 1158 he surrounded the city with a rampart, and in 1164 he built five entrance gates.

Only the Golden Gate, which served as the main entrance to the richest princely-boyar part of the city, has survived to this day.

The oak gates, which do not exist now, were bound with sheets of gilded copper, which shone brightly in the sun, which is why the gates were called Golden. The gates were built by Vladimir architects. This is evidenced by two princely signs carved on one of the stones of the southern niche of the Golden Gate.

There is a legend that when the work was coming to an end and the scaffolding was dismantled, the arches of the gate suddenly collapsed and buried 12 people. None of the eyewitnesses doubted that the people were crushed to death under the weight of the stones, but Andrei Bogolyubsky ordered the miraculous icon of the Mother of God to be brought and turned to the heavenly patroness with a prayer for the unfortunate. The rubble was cleared and the people lying underneath were found alive and unharmed. In honor of the miracle that happened, Andrei Bogolyubsky ordered the construction of a tiny white stone chapel of the Deposition of the Robe of the Mother of God over the Golden Gate.


Firstly, they served as the main entrance to the city - through them the princely squads returning from the battlefield entered Vladimir. White stone Triumphal Arch, reaching a height of 14 meters, grandiose travel tower and the massive oak gates, hanging on wrought-iron hinges, gave the structure a majestic appearance consistent with its purpose.

Secondly, the Golden Gate, along with the unpreserved Copper, Irinin, Silver and Volga Gates, formed a single complex of defensive fortifications of the city of Vladimir. The gate wings were adjacent to an arched lintel, on top of which there was a wooden flooring serving as a combat platform. From this site, the city’s defenders fired at the enemy. All that remains of the flooring are large square nests intended for powerful wooden beams. The ascent to the site was carried out along a stone staircase built in the thickness of the southern wall.

Among other things, the Golden Gate served a decorative function, acting as a symbol of princely power and wealth. The elegant gate chapel that crowned the gate blessed all who came to Vladimir in peace. In 1810, the Gate Church of the Robe was completely rebuilt, and today within its walls there is an exposition of the military history museum.

In 1238, hordes of Mongol-Tatars, having devastated many Russian cities, approached Vladimir. The townspeople prepared for defense and hid everything valuable relics in case the enemy does break through.

The idea was a success: the gilded doors of the Golden Gate have not yet been found and are officially included in the UNESCO registers as masterpieces lost by mankind.


Cunning Japanese

In 1970, the Council of Ministers of the Soviet Union received an unexpected proposal from Tokyo. The Japanese corporation promised to clear the bottom of the Klyazma River and even expand its channel.

For their work, the Japanese did not demand either Sakhalin or Kurile Islands and didn't even ask for money. As payment, they wanted to take everything they found at the bottom of the Klyazma.

This proposal was never accepted by the Soviet authorities, but it made us think about the question: “What valuables did the Japanese want to find in the river in order to recoup their costs?”

Perhaps the Japanese were looking for gilded plates that once adorned the gates of the Golden Gate. Saving the precious doors from Batu Khan, the townspeople drowned them in Klyazma.

Some researchers believe that this hypothesis is implausible, since enemy spies kept a vigilant eye on the city and its environs, so the residents did not have time to take the gold out of Vladimir or drown it in the waters of the Klyazma. According to an alternative version, the relic is hidden in one of the city walls or rests in an underground cache under the foundation. One way or another, the location of the gilded plates still remains a mystery.

56.126667 , 40.396944

Golden Gate

Golden Gate from Kozlov Val

Golden Gate- an outstanding monument of ancient Russian architecture, located in the city of Vladimir. UNESCO World Heritage Site. Built in 1164 under the Vladimir prince Andrei Bogolyubsky. In addition to defensive purposes, the gate also had a triumphal character. They decorated the main entrance to the richest princely-boyar part of the city.


Most likely, the Golden Gate was built by princely craftsmen. This, in particular, is evidenced by the princely sign left by the builder on one of the white stone blocks. The building was built using the semi-ruble masonry technique, which was widely used in Vladimir-Suzdal architecture. The strict proportions of the passage arch, covered with a powerful semi-circular vault, and the special grace of the small church at the top gave the building a majestic character, well suited to its purpose.

During the reign of Andrei Bogolyubsky, the city was surrounded by an extended rampart and had seven entrance gates (besides the Golden ones, these are Copper, Irininy or Orininy, Serebryanye, Ivanovo, Trade and Volzhsky). Only the Golden Gate has survived to this day.

This was the most ceremonial gate of the city in the 12th-13th centuries. The Ipatiev Chronicle reports that the prince “made” them with gold, meaning that they were covered with sheets of gilded copper, which shone brightly in the sun and captured the imagination of contemporaries. Close to the gate from the north and south there were embankments with deep ditches on the outside. A bridge passed through the ditches from the gate, leading out of the city. The height of the arch reached 14 meters. The massive oak gates, hanging on wrought-iron hinges, adjoined the arched lintel, which still remains today. A wooden flooring was built along the top of this lintel, which served as an additional combat platform. All that remains of the flooring are the nests for the beams in the masonry of the walls. The entrance to the site was through a doorway in the southern wall, through which ran a stone staircase with a creeping box vault. At the same level, on the opposite side of the stairs, there was an exit to the southern line of the earthen ramparts. From the north there was a passage to the ramparts directly from the platform through a door in the wall. The staircase in the southern wall led further to the upper battle platform, which had battlements in the form of loopholes. In the center of this site, the gate white stone Church of the Placement of the Robes of Our Lady was erected. Most likely, it was a rather slender temple of the type already familiar from the buildings of Yuri Dolgoruky: a square four-pillar plan with three altar apses with internal and external blades on the walls, three arched portals, a cylindrical drum and modest decoration in the form of a decorative belt running in the middle of the height facade.

The gate has been preserved with significant modifications. The ancient parts of this structure include a wide passage arch with powerful side pylons and a battle platform above them, which has survived in fragments.

Frequent devastating fires and enemy invasions significantly distorted the appearance of the Golden Gate. According to written sources, the renovation of the gate church was carried out in 1469 under the leadership of the architect and sculptor V. D. Ermolin. In 1641, by decree of Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich, the Moscow architect Antipa Konstantinov drew up an estimate for repairing the gates, but restoration work began only at the end of the 17th century.

Golden Gate Museum

Golden Gate at the end of the 19th century

For the last half century, the Golden Gate has been under the jurisdiction of the Vladimir-Suzdal Museum-Reserve. In the gate church there is a military-historical exhibition. Central location The exhibition features a diorama depicting the dramatic events of February: the defense of Vladimir during the assault by the troops of Khan Batu (city, author - People's Artist of the RSFSR E. I. Deshalyt).

The exhibition displays weapons and military equipment from different times: combat bolts of a throwing machine, arrow and spear tips of the 13th century, berdysh chain mail, a captured Polish crossbow of the early 17th century, flintlock guns of the Catherine era, a steel cuirass and blunderbuss from the period of the Patriotic War, a rifle , uniform, banners and awards of the late 19th century, captured Turkish weapons.

The exhibition continues on the former battle site, converted at the beginning of the 19th century. into a closed gallery-porch. Here is the “Gallery of Vladimir Heroes”: portraits, memorial items, documents, photographs of 160 Heroes of the Soviet Union - participants in the Great Patriotic War and peacetime heroes. The exhibition presents samples of the best small arms created by outstanding gunsmith designers from the city of Kovrov: V. A. Degtyarev, S. G. Simonov, G. S. Shpagin and others. The unusual display case included the belongings of cosmonaut V. N. Kubasov.

  • According to some researchers, in particular N.N. Voronin, the Vladimir Golden Gate had no analogues in medieval Europe; The architecture of the European Middle Ages knew only purely fortress tower structures, while the Golden Gate in Vladimir, in addition to its defensive functions, served as the main entrance to the city and served a direct religious purpose - it housed the functioning Church of the Deposition of the Robe.
  • According to one legend, in June 1767, the carriage of Catherine II, upon entering Vladimir, got stuck in the arch of the gate, and by her order, passages were dug into the rampart on both sides of the Golden Gate.
  • In the middle of the 19th century. In connection with the construction of a water pipeline in Vladimir, the Golden Gate, which was inactive at that time, was supposed to be adapted into a reservoir, but the project was not destined to come true. For these needs, a special building, the Water Tower, was built near the gate.

see also


  • View of the Golden Gate in Vladimir on the Yandex.Panorama service.


  • Zagraevsky S.V. To clarify the reconstruction of the Golden Gate in Vladimir. Chapter from the book: Zagraevsky S.V. New studies of architectural monuments of the Vladimir-Suzdal Museum-Reserve. M., 2008.
  • Timofeeva T. P. Golden Gate in the XVIII-XX centuries. In the book: Materials of VSMZ research. Vladimir, 2002. pp. 86-93.
  • Golden Gate in Vladimir on the Yandex.Panorama service.


  • World Heritage alphabetically
  • World Heritage in Russia
  • Buildings and structures of Vladimir
  • Gate of Russia
  • Culture of Vladimir
  • Architectural monuments of Ancient Rus'

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    See what “Golden Gate (Vladimir)” is in other dictionaries:

    Golden Gate Golden Gate from the side of Kozlov Val Golden Gate is an outstanding monument of ancient Russian architecture, located in the city of Vladimir. Built in 1164 under the Vladimir prince Andrei Bogolyubsky. In addition to defensive purposes, the gate... ... Wikipedia

Golden Gate: Golden Gate (Jerusalem) Golden Gate (Constantinople) the main gate of Constantinople. Golden Gate (Kyiv) reconstruction of the ancient city gates of Kyiv. Golden Gate (metro station) metro station in Kyiv ... Wikipedia

The historical monument amazes with its grandeur, despite the fact that it has not completely survived to this day. The oak gate leaves were covered with gilded plates, for this reason the gates got their name - Golden.

The monument is interesting for its history, architecture and is definitely worth a visit. At the top of the building there is a museum with an exhibition displaying weapons and military equipment of past centuries - spear and arrowheads, weapons from the times of Catherine and the Patriotic War with Napoleon, as well as captured weapons of the 17th-19th centuries.

Your attention will undoubtedly be attracted by a small diorama with musical and narrated accompaniment, telling about the assault on Vladimir by Batu Khan in 1238. The entrance fee to the museum is quite low, but the performance at the diorama exhibition, lasting only 15 minutes, will be interesting for both adults and children.

Golden Gate in Vladimir - address

Vladimir, Dvoryanskaya street, 1A.

How to get to the Golden Gate in Vladimir

The Golden Gate is located in the very center of the city. From the train and bus stations you can walk in 20-25 minutes: walk two blocks along Communal Descent, to Bolshaya Moskovskaya Street. Turn left and follow Bolshaya Moskovskaya Street.

The main attractions of Vladimir, for example, the observation deck, the Assumption and Demetrius Cathedrals, are within walking distance.

Golden Gate - operating hours in 2019

  • Opening hours of the military-historical exhibition at the Golden Gate
  • Every day from 10:00 to 18:00

The last Thursday of every month is sanitary day

  • Golden Gate - ticket prices in 2019
  • For adults - 150 rubles
  • For children under 16 years old - free

For children over 16 years old and students - 100 rubles

In 1157, Prince Andrei Bogolyubov, the son of Yuri Dolgoruky, moved the capital of his principality from Suzdal to Vladimir and began to fortify the city. Shafts 5 km long were built around Vladimir, and a wooden fortress wall with towers and seven gates was built. Some of them were called Golden, they were built for 6 years - from 1158 to 1164 on the western side of the wall and served as the main entrance to Vladimir.

In addition, the Silver Gate leading to Suzdal, the Ivanovo Gate to Ivanovo, the Trade and Volzhsky Gate, the Copper Gate and the Irinin Gate were built.

According to legend, Prince Andrei, who sincerely loved the city, wanted to please the townspeople and open the Golden Gate on the Feast of the Assumption Holy Mother of God. The builders did not wait for the building to shrink and immediately after the completion of the masonry they hung the gate. As a result, the doors fell and crushed 12 citizens.

Then the prince turned to the Queen of Heaven with a prayer, asking her to save the victims: “If You do not save these people, I, a sinner, will be guilty of their death.” Andrei's prayer was heard and a miracle happened: when the gates were raised, it turned out that all the people crushed by them remained alive and unharmed.

After the murder of Andrei Bogolyubsky in 1174, the grand-ducal table was taken by his younger brother Vsevolod the Big Nest, who was also called Vsevolod III.

The historical and architectural monument has reached us in a highly distorted form. The first passage arch was probably destroyed in 1238 during the storming of the city by the Tatar-Mongol army. The gates also suffered from frequent fires, after which their restoration was carried out. The last global reconstruction was carried out at the end of the 18th century.

According to legend, the reason for this reconstruction could be a large puddle in which Catherine II's carriage got stuck. The Empress was unable to pass through the arch and ordered the ramparts on the side of the span to be torn down and a passage made for her carriage.

One way or another, in 1795, the ramparts to the north and south of the arch were torn down, and to strengthen the Golden Gate, counterforts (vertical structures to support the walls), disguised with round towers, were placed on both sides. In addition, the vault, which had dilapidated by this time, was strengthened and a new brick Church of the Deposition of the Robe was built above it. In this form the structure has survived to this day.

In 1991, the Golden Gate welcomed the relics of Seraphim of Sarov, which were transported from St. Petersburg to Diveevo (Diveevo Monastery located in the Nizhny Novgorod region).


The structure is distinguished by its height and slender proportions. The huge oak doors were covered with gilded sheets of copper. The wooden walls of the New City fortress adjoined the gate.

The height of the building is 14 meters. The Golden Gate of Vladimir is the main, front gate, it led to the richest part of the city, where the Vladimir prince and boyars lived. Accordingly, this structure performed the most important functions:

  • The Golden Gate served as the entrance to Vladimir on the most solemn occasions - they were opened for important guests even after successful military campaigns
  • The structure also played a defensive role; above it there was a combat platform to protect the city from an attacking enemy.
  • The Golden Gate, shimmering in the sun, served as a decoration for the main entrance to Vladimir, emphasizing the power and might of the prince, that is, it also served a decorative function. There is an assumption that the gate doors were decorated not with ordinary gold sheets, but with gold markings based on an engraved design (similar to the doors of the Nativity of the Virgin Cathedral in Suzdal)
  • Considering that at the top, on the battle platform, there was a gate church, the structure also had religious significance.

The Golden Gate is made in the form of a passage arch with a hemispherical arch, around which graceful towers are arranged. A deep ditch was dug in front of the rampart, and a wooden bridge was thrown across it, which was burned in case of danger.

Most ancient part The Golden Gate is a passage arch with massive pilasters (fortifications supporting the arch on both sides). The white stone walls are made of rubble stone on a strong lime base. By our time, the walls have sunk about 1.5 meters into the ground, which means that at the beginning of the 12th century they were even higher. The vault was constructed from lighter, porous tuff.

This height of the passage arch created difficulties in defending the western entrance to the city. Therefore, a lintel was installed approximately in the middle of the arch, and loops were attached to the side for hanging panels. These loops and the groove for the bolt have survived to this day.

Although the oak gates were originally covered with gilded copper, now we will not see gold on them, since the gold plates from the gates were removed and hidden by the city residents when there was a threat of Vladimir being captured by the army of Batu Khan. UNESCO included this relic on its list of lost objects.

There is another version of the loss of the Golden Gate, according to which Batu Khan removed the gold and loaded it into the wagon train. However, he could not take the valuable cargo far. The thin ice of Klyazma cracked and the convoy went under water.

The Japanese offered to clear the river bottom, and instead of payment, take everything they found at the bottom. But our archaeologists did not agree with such conditions.

The architectural monument was created by princely craftsmen; this is confirmed by two princely signs of the Rurikovichs, preserved on the stones of the building. Currently, the Church of the Deposition of the Robe is not active.

Golden Gate in Vladimir - official website

The exhibition is part of the Vladimir-Suzdal Museum-Reserve:

According to historians, in the 12th century the Golden Gate was a unique structure not only in Rus', but throughout Europe. IN Western countries the fortress towers played only a defensive role, and in Vladimir the Golden Gate, in addition to this function, served as a main entrance and an important decorative element.

The Golden Gate in Vladimir can be called almost the main attraction of the city. The Golden Gate is unique monument Russian architecture, a symbol of the greatness and power of North-Eastern Rus'. The Golden Gate in Vladimir was built in 1164; unfortunately, it has not been completely preserved to this day.

The Golden Gate in Vladimir was built during the reign of Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky. The gate was part of the city's defensive fortifications. They also served as a triumphal arch. It was through these gates that honored guests came to the city of Vladimir, and it was through the Golden Gate that Andrei Bogolyubsky solemnly returned after military successes.

Inside, the arch of the Golden Gate was closed by heavy oak doors, lined with gilded copper (hence the name of the gate - Golden). The Golden Gate was the main entrance to the noble part of the city, where mainly princes and boyars lived. The Golden Gate was built by local craftsmen. This assumption is based on the fact that a princely sign was left on one of the stone blocks of the gate. The Golden Gate was built by builders in semi-domestic masonry. This technique for constructing stone products was widespread in the cities of North-Eastern Rus'. This fact is another reason to assume that they were built by Russian masters. The Golden Gate was not the only gate of the city. The Copper, Irinin, Silver and Volzhsky gates were “cut down” in the massive walls. Unfortunately, these buildings have not survived to this day.

In 1238, during the Tatar raid on Vladimir, the Golden Gate was seriously damaged. In the 17th century, during the Time of Troubles, the gates again had a hard time. In 1778, there was a big fire in Vladimir, during which the Golden Gate was also damaged.

In 1785, the Golden Gate in Vladimir underwent major restoration. These were the years of the reign of Catherine II. The Empress, together with her officials, developed plans for the development of cities. So, in the plan for the development of Vladimir, there was an instruction to tear down the ramparts that adjoin the Golden Gate and build a road in their place. The support structures of the Golden Gate were weakened during the tearing down of the shafts. The question arose about another reconstruction. So, in 1795, the architect Chistyakov developed a project for the reconstruction of the Golden Gate. Now, buttresses were added to the corners of the pylons, which were “driven” into round towers. The vaults of the Golden Gate also underwent reconstruction, and a new brick church was built on the vaults themselves.
Since then, the appearance of the Golden Gate in Vladimir has not changed. Back in the early 19th century, officials and architects tried to develop a project for restoring the Golden Gate to its original form. However, this came to nothing.

What else is so unique and famous about the Golden Gate? Similar buildings existed in different years in large Orthodox cities - Jerusalem, Kyiv and Constantinople. And to this day only the Vladimir Golden Gate has survived.


Golden Gate- a monument of ancient Russian architecture located in the city of Vladimir. UNESCO World Heritage Site. Built in 1164 under the Vladimir prince Andrei Bogolyubsky. The Golden Gate was used as a defensive structure and as a triumphal arch. They decorated the main entrance to the richest princely-boyar part of the city.

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    Most likely, the Golden Gate was built by princely craftsmen. This, in particular, is evidenced by the princely sign left by the builder on one of the white stone blocks. The building was built using the semi-ruble masonry technique, which was widely used in Vladimir-Suzdal architecture. The strict proportions of the passage arch, covered with a powerful semi-circular vault, and the special grace of the small church at the top gave the building a majestic character, well suited to its purpose. The date of foundation of the gate dates back to 1158, the end of construction was April 26, 1164, when the gate church of the Robe was consecrated.

    During the reign of Andrei Bogolyubsky, the city was surrounded by an extended rampart and had seven entrance gates (besides the Golden ones, these are Copper, Irininy or Orininy, Serebryanye, Ivanovo, Trade and Volzhsky). Only the Golden Gate has survived to this day.

    This was the most ceremonial gate of the city in the 12th-13th centuries. The Ipatiev Chronicle reports that the prince “made them with gold,” meaning that they were covered with sheets of gilded copper, which shone brightly in the sun and amazed the imagination of contemporaries. Close to the gate from the north and south there were embankments with deep ditches on the outside. A bridge passed through the ditches from the gate, leading out of the city. The height of the arch reached 14 meters. The massive oak gates, hanging on wrought-iron hinges, adjoined the arched lintel, which still remains today. A wooden flooring was built along the top of this lintel, which served as an additional combat platform. All that remains of the flooring are the nests for the beams in the masonry of the walls. The entrance to the site was through a doorway in the southern wall, through which ran a stone staircase with a creeping box vault. At the same level, on the opposite side of the stairs, there was an exit to the southern line of the earthen ramparts. From the north there was a passage to the ramparts directly from the platform through a door in the wall. The staircase in the southern wall led further to the upper battle platform, which had battlements in the form of loopholes. In the center of this site, the gate white stone Church of the Placement of the Robes of Our Lady was erected. Most likely, it was a rather slender temple of the type already familiar from the buildings of Yuri Dolgoruky: a square four-pillar plan with three altar apses with internal and external blades on the walls, three arched portals, a cylindrical drum and modest decoration in the form of a decorative belt running in the middle of the height facade.

    The gate has been preserved with significant modifications. The ancient parts of this structure include a wide passage arch with powerful side pylons and a battle platform above them, which has survived in fragments.

    Frequent devastating fires and enemy invasions significantly distorted the appearance of the Golden Gate. According to written sources, the renovation of the gate church was carried out in 1469 under the leadership of the architect and sculptor V. D. Ermolin. In 1641, by decree of Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich, the Moscow architect Antipa Konstantinov drew up an estimate for repairing the gates, but restoration work began only at the end of the 17th century.

    Golden Gate Museum

    The Golden Gate is under the jurisdiction of the Vladimir-Suzdal Museum-Reserve. In the gate church there is a military-historical exhibition. The central place in the exhibition is occupied by a diorama depicting the dramatic events of February 1238: the defense of Vladimir during the assault by the troops of Batu Khan (author - People's Artist of the RSFSR Efim Deshalyt, 1972).

    The exhibition presents weapons and military equipment from different times: combat bolts of a throwing machine, arrow and spear tips of the 13th century, chain mail, a berdysh, a captured Polish crossbow of the early 17th century, flintlock guns of the Catherine era, a steel cuirass and blunderbuss from the period of the Patriotic War of 1812, a rifle, uniform, banners and awards late XIX century, captured Turkish weapons.

    The exhibition continues on the former battle site, converted at the beginning of the 19th century into a closed gallery-porch. Here is the “Gallery of Vladimir Heroes”: portraits, memorial items, documents, photographs of 160 Heroes of the Soviet Union - participants in the Great Patriotic War and peacetime heroes. The exhibition presents samples of small arms created by gunsmith designers from the city of Kovrov: Vasily Degtyarev, Sergei Simonov, Georgy Shpagin and others. The unusual display case included the belongings of cosmonaut Valery Kubasov.

    Other information

    • According to some researchers, in particular Nikolai Voronin, the Vladimir Golden Gate had no analogues in medieval Europe; The architecture of the European Middle Ages knew only purely fortress tower structures, while the Golden Gate in Vladimir, in addition to defensive functions, served as the main entrance to the city and served a direct religious purpose - it housed the functioning Church of the Deposition of the Robe.
    • According to one legend, in June 1767, the carriage of Empress Catherine II, when she was passing through Vladimir in Nizhny Novgorod, upon entering Vladimir, I got stuck in a gate arch in a large puddle. By order of the Empress, the ramparts were partially demolished (dismantled) on both sides of the Golden Gate, and passages were built to bypass the gate. The left shaft was subsequently razed completely. Its remains can be seen behind the building of the Pedagogical Institute near the Golden Gate.
    • In the middle of the 19th century, in connection with the laying of a water pipeline in Vladimir, the Golden Gate, which was inactive at that time, was supposed to be adapted into a water collector-distributor, but the project was not destined to come true. For these needs, a special water tower building was built near the gate, which now houses a museum and observation deck.
    • During the construction of the Golden Gate, a partial collapse of the vault occurred; fortunately, there were no casualties. Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky ordered a thanksgiving service on this occasion and replaced the construction team. According to legend, they were Italian masters who arrived from the Holy Roman Emperor


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