Scenario birthday on a cruise ship animation. Entertainment on a cruise ship. Classical music concert

summing up the results of the city competition
professional skills of cultural workers
“Confession” - “Sea cruise or one day on vacation”

The stage is decorated in a marine style. Wall drapery should match the theme. For a festive mood, you can decorate the room with bouquets of blue and white helium balloons. The tables are covered with light, airy tablecloths (preferably in bed colors). Music is playing. Guests are gathering in the hall.

YUNGA comes on stage with a megaphone: “Attention, attention!!! There are a few minutes left before the departure of the cruise ship "CONFESSION", we kindly ask all passengers to take their seats in their wardrooms.

Music is playing. The presenter, aka Boatswain, and his assistant Junga come on stage.

BOATSWAIN: Good evening, ladies and gentlemen!

YUNGA: Admirals and admiral's wives! Swimmers and swimmers! Sailors and sailors! Cabin boys and ship's laundresses...

BOATSWAIN: Hello, dear cultural workers. We are pleased to welcome you on board our hospitable ship. First of all, let me introduce myself - I am the boatswain of this wonderful ship. One might say, his soul and will, his courage and salvation, his thought and his conscience! Everyone here respects me for my cheerful and kind disposition. (Applause and applause are heard in the recording. The boatswain, without being modest, begins to bow, and, apparently, he really likes to be the center of attention.) Thank you, thank you...

YUNGA: Here we go!!!

BOATSWAIN (noticing the cabin boy): Oh, yes, sorry, I didn’t introduce it. My assistant is Young! Not yet experienced, but a kind fellow! And today we invite you, dear cultural workers, to go with us on a trip around the world.

YUNGA: You know better than me that a cultural worker does not always manage to rest.

Your job is this:
Give smiles, mood,
Any calendar sheet
Brings inspiration to culture.
And on Women's Day and on New Year,
And even on the day navy,
When all the people rejoice,
Cultural workers have a job.

BOATSWAIN: So today, throw away all your worries for later and relax with us for at least one day!

YUNGA: So, friends, go ahead! On a cruise! Give up the mooring lines!

BOATSWAIN: Hey, sailor! Why are you giving orders! What were you told? Help me with the celebration, and not give orders.

YUNGA: I’m okay...I’m just...rehearsing...

BOATSWAIN: He's rehearsing! Do you know what is most important in the navy?

YUNGA: Pasta! In naval style.

BOATSWAIN: No, cabin boy. In the navy, the main thing is order. (gives him a mop in his hands). Hold it! Admiral's gift. Personalized mop of the third degree!

YUNGA: Yes, these degrees of yours got me in algebra back in school!

BOATSWAIN: Know, son, a mop will make a man out of you! (leave)

1. M.N. Quadro "Yoongi" (dance with mops)

Music. Boatswain and Young come on stage.

BOATSWAIN: Today is our sea ​​cruise We dedicate to you – cultural workers! You, like no one else, know how to give joy, beauty, poetry, fantasy, saturating everyday life with them. Therefore, you definitely deserve a holiday for yourself!

YUNGA: Not a single festive event is complete without awarding the best of the best. And very soon you will hear the names of those who, with their creativity and love for their chosen profession, ignite and warm the hearts of others!

Thunderclaps are heard.

BOATSWAIN (scared): A thousand devils! What is this? (takes the telescope from Yoongi) The sea waves rise like mountains, and a fierce storm rages! Was it really the ruler of the seas who came to us for a holiday? What an honor, gentlemen! The mighty Poseidon is rushing towards us across the sea in his chariot! Meet us! Head of the city N-sk – _______________________________

__________________ comes up onto the stage and they bring him a crown and trident.

BOATSWAIN: Ladies and gentlemen, our ceremony can now be considered open! Therefore, it’s time to give the signal to sail!

Protracted whistle of the liner

JUNGA (dreamy): Beautiful! Comrade Boatswain, does this horn remind you of anything by any chance?

BOATSWAIN: What are you talking about?

Fanfare. D.A. comes up to the stage. _______________ They place a turban on his head.
Rewarding. Background music.

YUNGA: In the “Our Hopes” nomination, a diploma of participation is awarded to the pilots of the book sea - library workers:…………………………

YUNGA: In the nomination “Our Hopes” the Winner’s diploma is awarded to:………………….

BOATSWAIN: In the “Our Hopes” category, the senior mates of their captains – first mates, namely creative workers of cultural and leisure institutions – are awarded.

BOATSWAIN: A special diploma is awarded to:……………………….

YUNGA: In the nomination “Our Hopes” the Winner’s diploma is awarded to:……………………….

BOATSWAIN: In the nomination “Our Hopes” the Winner’s diploma is awarded to:………………..

YUNGA: Yes, it’s nice to know that our cultural workers are not afraid of anything: neither the endless expanses of the seas, nor strong storms, nor the Ninth Wave.
We wish you to always remain on the crest of success and strive for the shores of creative heights!

BOATSWAIN: What is this? (looks through the telescope) A thousand devils! We're trapped! The pirates are very close! (blows the whistle) Whistle everyone up!

5.M.N. Quadro "Pirates"

BOATSWAIN: Ladies and gentlemen, don't panic! I have great news for you! The pirates are disarmed! But this time it is not the merit of Dmitry Anatolyevich... the pirates are disarmed by the smiles of our charming ladies!

YUNGA: Comrade Boatswain, maybe they just chickened out?

BOATSWAIN: In front of whom? Is it in front of you? Ha ha!

YUNGA: Before the next nominee, on whose shoulders lies the overwhelming burden of all creative worries, before the one who has been standing firmly on the captain’s bridge for many years now and rules with a confident hand. The time has come to welcome a real captain to our deck, in whose hands the helm is reliable.

BOATSWAIN: To present the award in the category “Head of a Cultural Institution,” the head of the city is invited to our deck. Nsk – ___________________________________

_________________ comes up on stage
Rewarding. Background music.

YUNGA: In the nomination “Head of a cultural institution” the Winner’s diploma is awarded to:………

Music. Applause. Everyone goes into the hall.

YUNGA: Dear cultural workers, please accept our most sincere congratulations. May our gifts bring you joy and warm your soul.

BOATSWAIN: A young but very brave sailor congratulates you on the holiday. Meet us! Maxim Praslov!

6.M.N. M. Praslov “Don’t be afraid, mom, I’m with you!”
7.M.N. M. Praslov “…………………………………………..”

Music. The boatswain comes onto the stage and looks through a telescope.

BOATSWAIN: Well, we’re going further... Not far from the Cape good hope, sheltered from all winds is the Bay of Success. Let's get there!
How many of them are floating in the stormy sea of ​​drifting ships with torn sails! They have neither a compass nor a map of where to sail. Well, if they are accidentally brought into the bay of success, then they cannot stop there. Because there is no anchor.

JUNGA: Fortunately, the following professionals, who will be discussed further, do not belong to this category in any way, because they managed to anchor themselves correctly. These are wonderful and passionate people, in love with their work, and deeply devoted to their profession.

BOATSWAIN: In order to continue the award ceremony, we ask the most purposeful, most determined navigator, who can only be compared to the great Odysseus, to come onto our deck. Meet us! Chairman of the Duma Mr. Nsk______________________
_____________________ comes on stage
Background music. Rewarding.

BOATSWAIN: A special prize is awarded to:

1. The most popular and popular newspaper - “City of N-sk”!

BOATSWAIN: Any big holiday that happens in our lives, we always want to remember and capture in a photo. Therefore, we invite all award recipients to our deck for a group photo!

Music. Everyone goes on stage. Photo for memory.

BOATSWAIN: Dear cultural workers! We wish you that the lighthouses of all coasts continue to illuminate your path across the vast seas and oceans. May they never cross your path Bermuda triangles. More new ones for you interesting discoveries and adventures!

8.M.N. Quadro "Extravaganza"

YUNGA: Dear cultural workers! We are once again pleased to congratulate everyone who received well-deserved awards today.

The sound of the bell.

BOATSWAIN: Well, the sound of the ship's bell means that our wonderful cruise is coming to an end. Bathing in the last rays of the setting sun, our liner “Recognition” sails to its pier. Today we tried to put together everything necessary to make our cruise happen.

YUNGA: There were musical gifts and congratulations, there were guests and the most pleasant surprises! And there was also a desire for a holiday! We had a desire to give you a holiday.

BOATSWAIN: Those who came onto our deck had a desire to make this holiday kind and memorable...

YUNGA: And, of course, today each of you had the opportunity to once again be convinced of the correctness of your chosen profession.

BOATSWAIN: This holiday became recognition of our work. And on this day, we want to wish you to move only forward. Do not stop there, continue to surf new expanses of the sea of ​​life. More creative finds to all of you...

TOGETHER: And fair wind to your sails!

Airliner horn

The song "Argo" is playing

year 2012

Form of organization of animation programs on cruise ships

with Russian tourists

Introduction _________________________________________________________________ 3

Captain's cocktail

with the ceremonial launch of balloons

(presentation of the tour team, crew) _____________________________________ 3

Welcome concert ______________________________________________ 4

Morning exercises _____________________________________________________ 5

Dance class _________________________________________________________________6

Children's room,

children's entertainment program _____________________________________7

Sweet holiday _________________________________________________7

Classical music concert ________________________________________________7

Board game tournaments, lotto club _________________________________8

Captain's dinner _____________________________________________________8

Evening entertainment ___________________________________8

Miss and Mister Cruise _____________________________________________9

Neptune Day _____________________________________________________9

Gala concert _____________________________________________________9

Additional programs _________________________________________________10

Beer show ________________________________________________________________10

Pancake show, Vodka pancake show _____________________________________________11

Pirate's dinner ___________________________________________________12

Fun starts on the shore _____________________________________________13

“Play, button accordion!” _______________________________________________________14

Evening of relaxation in bars _________________________________________________14

Music salon ______________________________________________14

Disco bar ________________________________________________________________14

Disco _________________________________________________________________15


Every day, a variety of animation programs are held on board the ships so that our tourists can spend their free time from excursions as actively as possible, and most importantly, to their liking. Taking into account all the conditions: route schedules, and based on the experience of previous years, you can make a list of mandatory events. Among them:

ü Captain's cocktail with the ceremonial launch of balloons (presentation of the tour team, crew)

ü Welcome concert

ü Morning exercises

ü Dance class

ü Children's room, children's entertainment program

ü Classical music concerts

ü Board game tournaments, lotto club…

ü Captain's dinner

ü Evening entertainment programs

ü Additional programs

ü “Play, button accordion!”

ü Relaxation evenings in bars

ü Disco

Below we will dwell on each of the points in more detail. But do not forget that these recommendations are a minimum of ideas, a given direction, and are designed for your professionalism and creativity!

Attention: the site for any event must be prepared in advance! After the end of the event, all props must be removed from the site to specially designated areas to avoid loss and damage.

Captain's cocktail with the ceremonial launch of balloons (presentation of the tour team and crew)

The program involves : the entire animation team, cruise director, captain, etc.


ü Preparing the concert venue for departure.

ü Departure of the ship and launch of balloons.

ü Passage under the “Bridge of Desires” (when departing from St. Petersburg)

ü Meeting the ship's crew on the sun deck.

ü Introducing the crew by the cruise director.

ü The captain's word.

ü Champagne.

ü Presentation of the tour. crew director of the cruise.

The site must be ready an hour before the ship departs for its voyage. On the sunny deck there are tables for champagne, music is playing (port managers prohibit loud sound, coordinate this issue with the cruise director of the ship). Please do not allow yourself to set up sound equipment, tables or microphones prior to the start of the event. Guests of the ship should see the already prepared site.

10-15 minutes before the ship departs for a voyage, the methodologist invites guests via radio to the sun deck (in bad weather, to the conference room). At this time, river-themed musical accompaniment should be turned on, animators welcome guests, and a pop musician sings a welcome song.

Then, the animation group must take out and distribute the balloons to the guests. As the ship departs for its voyage, with loud shouts of “HURRAY,” everyone launches them into the air, wishing for good weather and have a good trip. All this, as interesting and lively as possible, must be explained and played out by the animators at the same time as the balls are distributed. For example, say that the balloons will make the sun happy and we will be provided with good weather etc. J

Please calculate the time of removal and distribution of balloons in advance, as this must happen BEFORE the ship departs for its voyage!!!

As soon as the ship departs, the methodologist (or radio operator) turns on the march “Farewell of the Slavyanka”, at this moment the musical accompaniment of the sun deck must be turned off. After waiting 10-15 seconds, the animators announce that they are ready to launch the balls. For example, on the count of three, we all shout “HURRAY!” as loudly and joyfully as possible. and release the balls!

The bridge under which the ship passes (when departing from St. Petersburg) also needs to be played out. Ask tourists to close their eyes before entering under the bridge, make a wish and open their eyes only when the bridge is passed, etc.

Please do not leave the site in silence until the ship's crew arrives. Rehearse the applause with which everyone will greet the captain, tell a little about what awaits the guests of the ship during the trip, recommend dressing warmly, hold a competition, sing a song, etc., etc. Don’t lower the emotional bar of the event, communicate with the guests constantly . Signal the exit of the crew as formally as possible.

The appearance of the captain, the restaurant director, the ship's doctor and the cruise. the director should be announced with a solemn fanfare or march (DJ).

After (or BEFORE) the crew's welcome speech, all guests will be offered champagne. Cruise during the buffet. the director will introduce the animation group to the guests.

ATTENTION! Sometimes a presentation tour. brigade takes place at a welcome concert or information meeting. Coordinate this point with the cruise. director!

After the end of the official part, do not leave the court in silence. A DJ puts on background music or a pop musician performs songs.

Welcome concert.

The program involves : the entire animation team.

The welcome concert is an event where our guests can get acquainted with the animation team of the ship. Each artist must introduce himself to the guests, sing, dance or tell what interesting things await the guests if they attend his program. Animators introduce each of the artists, giving a short talk (before or after the performance) about where and when you can attend their events. Coordinate this information with the cruise. director and artists.

Please do not reduce the welcome concert to just a concert program. A classic entertainer is not suitable for this event. Work interactively, that is, in direct communication with the viewer. Play out each performance, come up with original leads for each concert number! This recommendation applies to all subsequent concert events.

First of all, the animators must introduce and invite the cruise to the stage. director, who, in turn, invites the methodologist for a welcoming speech. This is the so-called official part.

The DJ and animation team of the ship need to select the appropriate musical accompaniment for the event in advance and work out the moments of its inclusion. This recommendation applies to all subsequent concert events.

Between the artists’ performances, hold short competitions and interactive games with the audience. After the first competition, identify the winner, hand him the “Chance” card, while explaining to the guests what it is, why it is given and what to do with it next.

“Chance” is a lottery ticket/card that is drawn at the final gala in the form of a lottery with subsequent prizes awarded. Please coordinate the drawing form with the cruise. director

The competitive program of the presentation concert should not be long and tedious, since it is a kind of interlude to what the guests will see during the cruise.

End the concert with the performance of a common song (all members of the tour team). For example, “We are traveling artists.” However, if there is a person in the creative team with a poetic/composing gift, compose your own. J

Morning work-out.

The program involves : sports instructor.

Exercise is a very important part of the day. It’s how you spend it that determines how our guests’ day will begin and continue. Your task is not so much to warm them up physically, but to charge them with vigor, optimism and good mood.

Dry, technical exercises will not wake anyone up, they will only tire you and make you want to rest. Add a little creativity and imagination to your work!

Example 1: Assign exercises that are relevant to our journey. Movements based on commands: left rudder, right rudder, bow, stern, scrub the deck, captain on board (at attention), all around, equalize, grow according to height... Movements of sea animals (animals in general). Movements of the captain, cabin boy, cook... Movements of the elements: Water, Earth, Fire (Sun), Air (wind), Metal (ship). Organize a competition between participants (and don’t forget about the “odds”)

Example 2: If there is a mixed audience at the exercise, introduce a program of pair exercises - after all, this is also an element of team building (team cohesion)

If suddenly only one person comes to exercise with you, reward him with a “chance” for his willpower, endurance and getting up early. Give your guest an exclusive activity (at least let him think so) that no one else does. For example, a course of breathing exercises. Let him leave you with his head held high from the consciousness of his exclusivity.

Remember, if no one came to exercise on time, you still must remain at your workplace until the end of the allotted time. Someone might have overslept a little. He shouldn't see an empty hall.

You need to be fundamentally different from the tourist group in your appearance during this program. BE BRIGHT!!! After all, the energy charge and mood of your guests for the whole day depends on you.

Remember the most active tourists, they can be attracted to participate in the gala concert (more on this later).

Dance class

The program involves : sports instructor.

Depending on the schedule and number of guests, the dance class can be divided into adults and children. But the essence remains the same. Taking into account the wishes of tourists, the sports instructor must choose a dance, or several, that will be learned during the flight. Please note that the sports instructor must provide all musical materials himself.

In addition to the goal of teaching guests the basics of dance, you should offer them participation in the final gala concert. They can perform both with newly learned dances and with their own repertoire. You are required to help rehearse, edit, and provide costumes (your own or from the props available on board the ship).

If a tourist asks you to work with him individually, do not refuse him. Agree on the place and time of the lesson with the cruise director and inform the tourist.

Ballet dancers (ballroom couples)

On some ships of the Vodokhod company, ballet dancers/ballroom couples work instead of sports instructors. All job responsibilities Stortinstructors are assigned to ballroom pairs. Plus, the repertoire of ballroom couples must include at least 8 different dances of different characters and, preferably, different genres, which they show once during the cruise in the programs taking place on board.

Children's room,

Children's entertainment program.

The program includes: children's animator, teacher, (DJ - as needed).

If the layout of the ship allows, then our little tourists spend time during the day in the “Children's Room” with a teacher. Remember, the mood of their parents and more depends on the mood of children. Noisy kids running around the decks rarely make anyone happy. Therefore, the teacher must make every effort to interest them in themselves. Play outdoor games, teach them to sing, draw, and turn on cartoons. During the cruise, you can prepare and organize an original exhibition of children's drawings, always encouraged with prizes/"Chances". Please coordinate the drawing exhibition (location) and prize distribution with the cruise director.

Also, during the cruise, if time permits, children's entertainment programs may be assigned by the cruise director. Conduct “Fun Starts”, “Treasure Hunts”, come up with a program based on the plot of popular fairy tales and movies, etc.

Traditionally, on board our ships, together with the ship’s restaurant, "Sweet holiday for children", during which little guests are offered tea, cake and pastries from the restaurant’s chef.

You can come up with a scenario for this holiday yourself, but take into account the following proven scheme:

ü Interactive/competitive part

ü tea party with musical accompaniment

ü conduct part of the program in the form of a conversation (welcome). That is, the program should take place not only in an active game mode, but also simply in the form of a conversation at the table. Give the children riddles, conduct a short excursion survey about the rules of etiquette and good manners, etc.

For example, you can first conduct a treasure hunt, which will be tea and cake. While drinking tea, tell the children stories about pirates, tea, or Russian traditions. And after the meal, arrange a short quiz based on what you heard. Don't forget the prizes!

Please confirm with the cruise director the number of children on the program, the time when tea and sweets will be ready!

Classical music concerts.

The program includes: classical musicians.

2-3 times a week (on a seven-day cruise) classical music concerts are held in the ship’s music salon (Bar “Panorama”). Usually at this time the bar stops working and turns into a concert venue.

It is advisable to divide all concert performances thematically: “Opera arias”, “Romances”, “Songs from musicals”, “Music of Russian composers”, etc. It all depends on your creative potential.

Turn your performances into concert numbers rather than background music. The position of “classical musician” on cruise ships is different in that the public comes to the ship’s bar for concert program, so they perceive artists not as background music in a bar!!!

It will be interesting if you pre-perform each number a short excursion into the history of the work/composer being performed.

On the remaining days of the cruise, classical musicians play background music in the music salon.

Please respect general rules for every artist performing on stage: culture of communication, concert costume, concert makeup and, of course, a smile!

Board game tournaments, lotto club.

The program includes: animators (sports instructor - by agreement, based on a parallel program).

Most often, tournaments are held during the daytime (before or after lunch). Competitions in checkers, chess, backgammon, and Monopoly can take place either on the same day or throughout the entire cruise.

The lotto club is a separate event that is very popular and is a mandatory program of the cruise.

Your task is not to turn the game into an intellectual, dry, quiet competition. If it is checkers, chess, backgammon, accompany the progress of the game with interesting comments. If it's lotto, beat the numbers of the barrels.

Don't forget about prizes and "Chances".

Captain's dinner.

The program includes: DJ, pop musician, cruise director, accordion player, captain.

At the end of the voyage, the captain invites all guests to a farewell dinner. The restaurant's salons are festively decorated, wine is poured, and the dishes are especially refined. At the beginning of dinner, the captain, restaurant director, chef and cruise director come to the restaurant. They say farewell words, congratulate guests on the end of the cruise, and then personally approach each table with a glass of champagne.

The task of DJ and pop musician IN ADVANCE distribute, bring and connect sound equipment to the restaurant salons, check microphones. When the crew approaches the restaurant, turn on the ceremonial march, while making speeches, “remove” the sound, and then leave background music until the crew leaves the room.

Evening entertainment programs.

The program includes: animators, DJ, the rest of the animation team as needed.

After dinner, all tourists are invited to attend the evening entertainment program. This should be a concert and interactive event with the presentation of “Chances” and prizes.

Animators must have competent speech and active recitation.

Please follow the general rules for every artist performing on stage: culture of communication, concert costume, concert makeup and, of course, a smile! An animation group should be fundamentally different from a tourist group in its appearance during concert and interactive programs. BE BRIGHTER!!!

The traditional programs on board our ships are the following:

ü Miss and Mister cruise

ü Neptune Day

ü Gala concert (the entire animation team is involved!!!)

The rest of the programs are at your discretion. Please confirm with the cruise director. The script plan for each show is fully tailored to your creativity and professional qualities.

Show "Miss and Mister Cruise" can be divided into 2 days, that is, Miss Cruise is revealed on one day, and Mister on the next. The basis of the program is a variety of interactive games in which guests selected from the audience compete. The jury, also consisting of guests of the ship, evaluates the participants and at the end reveals the winner. The rest of the participants are also awarded titles, for example “Vice Miss”, “Princess of the Cruise”, “Knight of the Cruise”, “Boss of the Cruise” and so on. It is better to present personalized certificates (crowns) at the final “Gala Concert” before the “Chances” drawing

In addition to competitions between participants, hold 1-2 interactive games with the audience or include a musical number in the program.

Program scenario plan "Neptune's Day" could be anything. It is advisable to conduct this program on the “sun deck” of the ship. This program consists of two stages:
1. Preparatory (in the daytime you prepare the props and rehearse with tourists)
2. Main (final evening program). This program is most often carried out in the middle of the cruise. The animators' task is to identify the most active guests from the mass of guests in the first days of the cruise and invite them to participate.

The basis of the scenario plan for this event could be, for example, a war between Neptune and the Sea Devil or Pirates, if a “Pirate Dinner” is not planned on the cruise (see below). Here is an example of building a program.

In the underwater kingdom, the Witch meets with an old friend - the Sea Devil. They agree to disrupt Neptune's festival so that the witch becomes the mistress of the sea, and for this the Sea Devil can sink as many ships as he wants. The Devil and the Witch run off to gather a team, and the main Mermaid comes onto the stage, having accidentally overheard the conversation. He laments and runs to report to Neptune. Neptune comes out (most often this role is played by an accordion player) and begins to congratulate everyone, the main mermaid appears and talks about the conspiracy. Neptune calls for help to the “army” of Little Mermaids (a team of tourists), and immediately the Witch, the Devil of the Sea and a team of sea demons (a team of tourists) appear. When two teams meet in the underwater kingdom, a dispute begins over who will be the Lord of the Sea - the Devil or Neptune. There is only one way to solve this - to prove in trials who is stronger! The Witch, the Sea Devil and a team of sea demons win the first competition, and the mermaids win the next competition. The demons lose in an absurd way: they will either fall, or burst the balloon they were carrying, or push each other (agree in advance and rehearse with the guest performers). After losing, the Witch and the Devil are going to run away. The mermaids catch them, forcing them to repent. Neptune forgives everyone, and everyone and the audience dance the dance of friendship.

Examples of competitions:

ü Jumping with balls between the knees

ü Pairs running with pins between backs

ü Badminton on the go (pins and ball)

ü Crossing the swamp (rearrange rugs)

ü Growing snake (running along a serpentine, after each circle one participant is added)

One of the main and long-awaited events of the cruise is the final "Gala Concert". The program includes: the entire animation team and ship staff. The peculiarity of the event is that in addition to the farewell performances of the animation group, it also includes farewell performances for the guests of the ship. This is what they prepared during the cruise, attending dance class events, “Play Accordion” and others, or what they knew how to do and wanted to perform.

At the end of the Gala concert, awards are given to the most active tourists, as well as a drawing of prizes for “chance” cards with the presentation of the main prize – a trip to next year’s cruise. Please coordinate the presentation of prizes and vouchers with the cruise director!!!

In the Gala Concert program often the cruise director (ceremoniously presents the ticket) and some of the ship's talented staff, such as reception workers, etc., take part.

The gala concert is also held in 2 stages - a rehearsal of concert numbers with the guests of the ship and the final evening program.

Additional events

The program includes: the entire animation team

Additional events include a variety of master classes, evening animation events, different from traditional ones. Information and requests for additional activities depend on the cruise schedule and are agreed with the cruise director.

However, there are a number of additional events that are traditional, which are carried out, if possible, on every flight. These include:

ü Beer show

ü Pancake show (Vodka-pancake show)

ü Pirate dinner

ü Fun starts on the shore (green parking lots)

"Beer Show"- event for adult tourists. J Conducted in two versions: 1. All guests are offered a glass of beer and a plate of crackers and themed games/competitions are held. 2. Thematic interactive games/competitions are encouraged with beer. Please confirm options with the cruise director!

In the case of the first option, the nature of the program should be concert-interactive. Also, don’t forget to tell a little about the history of beer in a playful way.

In the second option, it is not necessary to include concert numbers in the program. The second version of the program is more interesting. Also, don’t forget to tell a little about the history of beer in a playful way.

The most important thing is that the “Beer Show” program should take place on a positive, informal wave. Here is an example of an introductory word:

Presenter: “Today we decided to remove some of the academic touch from our program; as you have already noticed, I am not wearing a tuxedo. And we have prepared for you a mischievous, entertaining and educational evening called “Beer Show”. Today we will try to figure out how to drink beer, where to drink beer, with whom to drink beer, how to drink beer in a place where this is strictly forbidden, while maintaining the face of a respectable citizen. And of course, we will taste beer with you, but first, let’s all try to remember together the brands of beer that you know (in the form of an auction, famous brands of beer are shouted from the hall; the last one to shout receives a prize - a bottle of beer).”

The following competitions can be included in the interactive part of the program:

ü Beer tasting – four participants are offered 4 glasses of beer of different brands (brands are announced). Their task is to guess which one is which.

ü Disguise - to drink beer on the playground, you need to dress up as a baby. Four male participants must be quickly dressed as babies by four female participants and given beer from bottles with nipples to drink.

ü Bombardier – there are three members in a team. 1st inflates the balloon and passes it to the second, 2nd runs to the third participant sitting on a chair and pops the balloon, sitting on his lap.

ü Passing the bottle around with your knees. The one who dropped is eliminated.

ü “Mom is coming!” - an analogue of the children's game "Potato" and running around chairs. While the music is playing, pass the bottle around. Whoever still has it in their hands at the end of the music is eliminated.

The list goes on... J

"Pancake Show" or "Vodka-Pancake-Show".

Joint event with the restaurant. Animators and all persons involved, preferably in Russian folk costumes. Please note that this event is held on entrance tickets on a paid basis, so it must pass at a good level.

This program must be completed in interactive lecture mode. During the program, tourists should not only taste Russian pancakes, caviar and vodka, take part in competitions, but also receive a short historical excursion about the appearance of these products and the culture of their consumption in Rus'. Please contact your cruise director for additional materials. This program has a folk theme, so if possible, support it not only in appearance, but also musically and competitively.

The program represents a Russian folk holiday with the history of vodka and pancakes. You can come up with a fairy tale and act it out with interactive elements, you can hold a concert and interactive program on the topic. We can start with the auction we are already familiar with, only this time we can come up with synonyms for the word “drink.” Whoever wins will receive a decanter of vodka as a gift. J

The “Pour, Drink, Snack” competitions for adults and “Pour, Eat, Pour and Drink” for children are well suited. The essence of the competitions is simple. A team of 4 people (in the adult version, more is possible, the main thing is not a multiple of 3) performs the commands according to the name. The first one pours, the second drinks, the third has a snack. And so on in a circle until the decanter runs out of vodka. In the children's version there is one circle. The first one spreads jam on the pancake, the second one eats it, the third one pours juice, the fourth one drinks it. The task is whose team is faster.

The program must include performing Russian folk songs or ditties. You can start the program in a buffoon form, for example:

“Hello to all honest people.

Open your mouth wider

now close it

So that the hippopotamus does not jump.

Herring in the river

And we have vodka in our glasses.

Got up early today

I ate dried lamb.

Then I went out into the garden

Maybe someone will pour it for me too?

Toha is a guy anywhere

It does no harm

I came to make everyone happy

I haven't found a better person than you

Well, my name is Tokha

It's not bad to clap here

Where is my sister Yarokha?!”

"Pirate Dinner" can be held as a separate event of the restaurant together with the animation group, and with a continuation of the evening program in the disco bar or conference room, or in conjunction with Neptune Day.

The “Pirate Dinner” event is not announced in the daily program or radio broadcast.

If the number of artistic crew on the ship does not allow holding the “Pirate Dinner” in two restaurants simultaneously, start dinner in each restaurant with a difference of 30 minutes.

Props and uniform:

The animation group is dressed in pirate costumes. There are bandages on the eyes, bruises under the eyes, pistols in the hands, etc.

The restaurant waiters (or some of the waiters) are also dressed in pirate costumes or vests, with bruises and scars painted on their faces.

Restaurant decoration. (Designed by the animation group): fishing nets hang from the ceiling of the restaurant, artificial fish etc.

All the table settings are mixed up, many chairs are placed chaotically, there is no food on the tables.

In the center of the restaurant hall, a tied up cook (or passenger assistant) is sitting on a chair, with a gag in his mouth, “crying.”

The pirate waiters sit around the tied up (real!!!) cook, some on chairs, some on the floor, playing cards, not paying much attention to the tourists, and later help the animators dance and make the tourists sing.

The main pirate (animator or director of the entertainment/restaurant) invites guests to the restaurant.

As soon as all the guests are seated, the Chief Pirate announces to the guests that the ship has been captured, the cook is tied up and no one will eat today, because the pirates have already eaten everything.

The Chief Pirate proposes to find a common compromise.

The further course of the program depends entirely on the creative potential of the animation team. You can make the guests dance a dance or sing a sea song..... Or you can do both.

When everything is over and the waiters start serving dinner, you can announce a comic menu, for example:

ü Assorted meats “Sapper’s mistake”

ü Cool egg, in a leather jacket

ü Ostankino sausage (525 m)

ü IronBacon

ü Ministerial chicken brains

ü Melted marmot

ü Salami “Aleikum”

ü Horseradish (in the good sense of the word)

ü Radish “I’ll tear my mouth”

ü Chop “By the kidneys”

ü Ancient buckwheat porridge

ü Oatmeal “Sir”

ü Stigma in its own cannon

ü Pork heat. with horseradish. zn. how.

ü Medical duck with apples

ü Lamb saddle with stirrups

ü Homemade bun (in tights and slippers)

ü Cupcake “Capital” (40 degrees)

Please follow the general rules for every artist performing on stage: culture of communication, concert costume, concert makeup and, of course, a smile!

The speech program must include a variety of musical works. When constructing the repertoire plan for the program, try to take into account the age and wishes of the audience present.

If according to weather conditions The disco moves from the sun deck to the bar, better mix your act with a disco or ask the DJ to start his work after your act. Please coordinate this form of work with the DJ and cruise director.

P.S. The layout of some ships does not allow a disco to be held separately from the performances of a pop musician. In this case, the pop musician works in a duet with the ship's DJ. Please coordinate this form of work with the DJ and cruise director.


The program includes: DJ (pop musician if necessary)

On all ships (except for Project 92-016 ships), a disco is held on the sun deck in good weather. Please diversify the repertoire plan, taking into account the age and wishes of the audience present. Don’t forget to work in dialogue with guests; don’t reduce your work to technical switching of musical compositions.

The layout of motor ships 92-016 does not allow holding a disco separately from the performances of a pop musician. In this case, the pop musician works in a duet with the ship's DJ in the bar. Please coordinate this form of work with the pop musician and the cruise director.
DJ's responsibilities also include dubbing programs on board the ship and switching sound equipment.

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If you're worried about being bored at cruise ship, throw these thoughts out of your head. Cruises offer so many activities that a day at sea can be just as fun (and exhausting) as sightseeing in the ports. There's something for everyone, including a climbing wall, cooking class, wine tasting, video games and more.

Do you want to lie in the sun or take a dip in the pool? No problem. Do you want to shop, go for a massage or play in a casino? No one will bother you. Ride a surfboard, drive a race car or visit ice rink? Yes, even such exotic activities are available on board. And on Royal Caribbean's Quantum of the Seas and Anthem of the Seas you'll find the first skydiving wind tunnels at sea.

Regardless of your preferences or activity level, you will find a way to have fun at cruise ship. We've categorized programs and activities by type so you can find something that will keep you busy and enjoyable while on board.

Daily newsletter

How do you find out what is happening on the ship? A daily newsletter is delivered to your cabin every evening. One copy will also be waiting for you after you check-in. Here you will find schedules of events and invitations, as well as opening hours for spas, restaurants, shops and bars. You can also find a list of movies on your TV, information about ports of call along the route, boarding and disembarking passengers, sunrise and sunset times. Children registered on board children's club(see below) often receive their own age-appropriate daily newsletters.

How to have fun during the day?

Dozens of organized activities will be offered to you daily, especially on sea days. If you prefer leisure, then you can take part in basketball or volleyball competitions, try playing golf or take dance lessons.

Indoor activities include workshops, card games or bingo, origami or ikebana instruction, supervised cooking, or wine tasting (usually for an additional fee). Entertainment shows during the day include performances in public areas of the ship (for example, improv comedy on Norwegian Cruise Line, small plays on Princess Piazza, or an ice show on Royal Caribbean) or movie screenings (indoor cinema or poolside).

You can, of course, skip all the organized events and just relax in the pool with a cold cocktail. In addition, the ship's Internet centers, boutiques, casinos and libraries are open all day at sea, not to mention many food places operating around the clock.

Gyms and spas on cruise ships

It's hard to find a modern cruise ship without a fitness center and spa on board. While some ships only offer basic equipment, newest liners often have multi-tiered, spacious rooms with ocean views and state-of-the-art equipment.

Onboard fitness centers provide a wide range of strength and cardio training equipment, and many have private classes for instructor-led workouts. You will find a list of halls in the daily bulletin, but each hall also has its own list of opening times for different classes. Most classes are free, but some companies charge an additional $10-$15 for special instructor-led classes such as yoga, TRX and spinning, which you'll have to sign up for in advance. Some are super modern huge liners offer amenities such as boxing rings and bags, Pilates equipment and TRX training loops. Please note that sports shoes are required. gym, they won’t let you in without it.

Fitness center on a cruise ship

The spa is a place where you can enjoy massages, facials and other wellness treatments. Most ships have salons where you can get haircuts, manicures and pedicures - all for an additional fee. You can also find a steam bath and sauna, or a thalassotherapy pool - a combination of Jacuzzi and mineral bath. Cruise ships have spas for men with special services (including old-fashioned straight razor shaving) and teenagers. Here you will find offers such as acupuncture, teeth whitening and thermal body cleansing. Check the daily newsletter or Special offers from spas, and to save money, book treatments on port days rather than sea days.

Celebrity Spa Relaxation Room

Entertainment for children on a cruise ship

Many cruise ships have separate seats on board for children under 18 years of age. Modern ships are more focused on family holiday, so you can find it here great amount places of entertainment for the youngest travelers, such as playgrounds, discos, swimming pools, waterslides, galleries and just deck space for children.

Parents can enroll their children in children's clubs, where teachers and animators organize various games, competitions, arts and crafts training, dance parties and much more. Some ships partner with third-party companies to offer unique programs such as acting classes, magic tricks, science experiments and experiences, and DJ training. Children can spend as much time as they want in the clubs; they can participate in activities or just hang out wherever they want (the level of freedom provided varies depending on the age group). Please note that children's clubs are generally closed during meal times and late at night. Families with young children can also participate in parent-child games.

Entertainment for the little ones on a cruise ship

Evening entertainment

After dark, most boats have a Vegas atmosphere. The casino is usually closed during the day, but at night it is packed with people trying their luck at slot machines, blackjack or poker. The bars and lounges host bands and singers for you to enjoy music or dance; Piano bars are becoming increasingly popular establishments on modern ships. And, especially late in the evening, dance floors are popular.

Every evening, the ship's theater will host grand shows with high-tech laser and video effects, as well as elaborately costumed dancers and singers performing popular hits and tunes from Broadway shows. There you can also see singers, comedians, magicians, and sometimes even those performers you saw on TV. For talented passengers there is karaoke, and sometimes there are talent shows. Even on small ships There will be some entertainment shows: dance groups, musicians with synthesizers or guitars.

Cinemas under open air near the pool - another favorite evening event for passengers on ships such as Princess, Carnival, Disney. You can cuddle while lying on the sun loungers, eat popcorn and watch new movies on giant LED screens. It's like a drive-in movie theater, but on a cruise ship in the middle of the ocean.

Life on a cruise ship doesn't calm down until late at night

Scenario High school prom“Cruise on the ship “Dream” around the school continent”

year 2014

(an airplane signal sounds at the airport, the presenter comes out and announces)

Leading: Registration of tickets for flight No. 9a9b 2014 on the “Dream” liner is announced.

Flight control is assumed by the crew consisting of:

First pilot (full name)________________________________________

Co-pilot (full name)________________________________________

Flight attendants (full name)_____________________________________________

Stewardess: Attention! Graduates of 2014, graduation No. 9a and 9b are invited to the first salon

(The presenters - the crew, take turns reading out the names of the graduates, who, to the accompaniment of music, come out in pairs and take their places)

Stewardess: We are pleased to welcome on board the ship the birthday people of today’s celebration, our graduates,

1 in: dear guests, dear teachers

2 in: and beloved parents of our graduates.

Stewardess: Dear passengers! We ask you to loosen your belts and belts and sit more comfortably.

1 in: Our liner "Dream" is setting off on a cruise around the school continent.

2 in: Today we will make our flight, the duration of which is 9 years school life.

Stewardess: During the flight it is forbidden to: get bored, eject from the plane before landing,

1c: refuse the opportunity to spin in a whirlwind of dance.

2c: Tell others anything other than compliments and praise.

Stewardess: During the flight you are allowed to: congratulate each other on successfully graduating from school;

1c: take an active part during the entire flight, charge everyone with a good mood;

2 in: give gifts, confess your love to the school, teachers, parents and each other! (sound of an airplane)

1c: Have a nice flight! And to brighten up our flight, we offer you to watch a video, memories of school accumulated over 9 years.

2c: Our flight takes place on dizzying heights. The temperature outside is 25 degrees above zero, on board 35-37 degrees above zero. What kind of weather do senior weather forecasters predict?

1 led. The head teacher for educational work Olga Ivanovna Shatalova will tell us about this. (music, word by O.I. Shatalova)

Presents certificates_______________________________________________________________


1c: Dear passengers! Our liner is approaching Children's Bay.

We begin to descend (sound signal)

2c: Let's see what our graduates were like in their distant childhood. And our graduates will be reminded of this by dance.

(9th graders and elementary school students) (song + video)(2.36)

(sound of an airplane)

Stewardess: Our liner is heading upward again. From the height of our flight, it is very clearly visible that during 9 years of school life, our graduates have mastered a huge school continent that is impossible to forget.

1c: Look out the porthole window! Ahead is the “Unknown Island”, where our first graders first set foot on this earth.

2c: And they were immediately surrounded with attention, care and love by the first inhabitants of the island - the first teacher: Tuzhilina Vera Stepanovna and Nechaeva Galina Evgenievna

1c: We are landing.

The graduates want to say words of gratitude and deep gratitude to their first teacher.

(graduates read poetry)

1. “Thank you!” for what you taught us
2. “Thank you!” for putting up with our class,
3. “Thank you!” over the years that you were with us,
4. “Thank you!” for loving us!
5. “Thank you!” for putting up with mischief,
6. “Thank you!” for being able to deal with us.
7. “Thank you!” for justice, sorry for the nerves
8. “Thank you!” for everything, our first teacher!

V.S. and G.E. present certificates ______________________________________________



(airplane sound again)

2c: And again we are on the road. In front of you is a mountain range, behind which our graduates always felt protected from stormy winds, snowfalls, storms, and blizzards. These are your class teachers! Medvedeva Natalia Yurievna and Shulepova Valentina Konstantinovna.

1c: We land right at the foot of this mountain range.

Words from class teachers

Certificates are presented ____________________________________________________________



(sound of an airplane)

2c: Our plane is flying rapidly forward. From the height of our flight, we can see all corners of our vast, beloved school continent.

1c: Let's try to look into every corner of it, which left its indelible mark on the souls of our graduates, taught us a lot, and most importantly, taught us to believe in ourselves, choose a goal in life and strive for it.

2c: An important role in choosing the right route Our respected teachers occupy positions throughout our continent. And the students want to say THANK YOU to all their teachers with this song.

Song for teachers(music sounds, teacher on screen)

(sound of an airplane)

1c: Attention! We are approaching a huge, most beautiful corner of our continent, which is called “Paradise”.

2c: Where our graduates are always welcome, always understood and forgiven, set on the right path, beautifully dressed and fed deliciously.

1c: Because for the residents of this corner, their children are the most beautiful, the smartest, the most talented and desirable.

2c: If the son is first everywhere,

There are easily enough stars from the sky -

It's all parental nerves

The heavens are moving toward him.

1c: If a daughter grows up for the joy of others,

Smart girl, athlete and artist,

So it was my mother who tried -

She was also a mentor and close friend.

2c: How many sleepless nights and days

Given for daughters and sons!

How many difficult and long years

Given for daughters and sons!

Stewardess: And now, dear parents, listen, your children want to tell you the same thing.

(graduates read poetry.)

We love you, we appreciate you, we adore you.
You are our everything! We adore you heartily...
And we say all this from the heart.

Now we will shout loudly for the whole world to hear
Such kind and gentle words!!!
We love you, parents!!!
-Can not hear…
We love you! According to the script: “YOUR BABY!”

Parents' words.

Presentation of certificates to parents.

1 led. The crew chief just reported that we were caught in a vortex flow. There is an emergency on board. What do we do?

2 led. Don't panic! We urgently need to come up with a distracting maneuver. The passengers will be distracted, and in the meantime we will fix the problem.

1 led. I understand that our broadcast continues.

2 led. Our alumni are in touch.

(Song about love")

2 led. Then now is the time to offer the “Hits of the Season” video program.

1 led. There is a video clip on your screens.

(Song “Suddenly, like in a fairy tale, the door creaked”) (2.45)

1 led. We have all the artists on board. Not a flight, but a concert.

2 led. Do you know that the emotional overload of artists is comparable only to the overload of pilots?

1 led. Our flight is going well. This is all thanks to the company's sponsors.

2 led. Attention! Passengers, can you hear me?

Passengers: Great!

1 led. Great!!! Excellent as always!!! Familiar voices!!! We invite to the stage graduates who are not afraid of any overload, who for 9 years have been persistently, step by step, approaching their today's victory.

    Venevitina Anastasia

    Dyachenko Oksana

    Malyutina Olga

    Margoshvili Milana

    Sotnikova Margarita

    Stoyanova Elena

    Paporova Yana

    Ishkova Christina

1 led. The director of school No. 20 and concurrently the director of our company “Twentieth Airline” is invited to present certificates with honors - Krugov Sergey Nikolaevich.

2nd Our cruise around the school continent has come to an end. We invite all passengers to the stage.

1 led.

Here they believe in magic, here they are friends with miracles,
All fairy tales in reality come to visit themselves.

2 led.

The clouds are not visible here, It’s crowded here with smiles.
The planet “Childhood” is flying on the “Dream” liner!

Final song (2.50)

Voice behind the scene:(call signs) The plane “9A-9B”, flying flight 2014 along the route “Childhood-Youth,” landed. Passengers, representatives of the school airline, sponsors and guests are asked to go to the waiting area to continue along the “Luck and Victories” route.


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