What time will the parade of warships take place? From St. Petersburg to Vladivostok: how Navy Day is celebrated in Russia. Concert program of Navy Day on Palace Square

Navy Day Russian Federation- one of the favorite Russian holidays, and the center of celebration is traditionally St. Petersburg - the sea capital of Russia. In 2018, the holiday will take place on July 29, traditionally on the last Sunday of the month.

On this day, a naval parade and an air show will take place in St. Petersburg and Kronstadt, a grand concert will take place, and in the evening the sky will light up with colorful fireworks. In honor of the sailors' holiday, torches will burn on the famous Rostral columns - a symbol of Russia's naval victories.

Federal News Agency introduces the program of Navy Day 2018 in St. Petersburg and Kronstadt.

Navy Day 2018 program in St. Petersburg

Naval parade and air show

The main event of the holiday is the parade of the Russian Navy, in which warships of four Russian fleets - the Baltic, Northern, Black Sea and Pacific, as well as the Caspian Flotilla - will take part. In addition, naval aviation will take part in the parade.

In the first historical part of the parade, artillery boats of the Caspian Flotilla will pass along the Neva, carrying the flags of the formations that defended the maritime borders of our Motherland during the Great Patriotic War.

The favorite part of the holiday is the air show, in which naval aviation aircraft and helicopters will take part: modernized Il-38N anti-submarine aircraft, Tu-142 long-range anti-submarine aircraft, Su-30SM and Su-33 fighters, as well as Ka-27M helicopters.

The parade starts at 9.30, and from 11.00 a video broadcast of the marine part of the event will begin.

Concert on Dvortsovaya

Then the celebration will move to Palace Square, where at 14.00 a large concert will begin, which will last until the evening.

The concert will be attended by artists of the Mariinsky Theater accompanied by a symphony orchestra, as well as Alexander Rosenbaum And Evgeny Dyatlov.

Then there will be a show of military bands from Russia, India, Vietnam and China.

In performance Alexandra F. Sklyara and the group “Va-Bank” will perform front-line songs and famous compositions from domestic films.

At 18.00 he will perform in front of the audience with his famous “sea” hits. Oleg Gazmanov and the “Squadron” group, and the big concert will end with a performance at 20.00 by the Turetsky choir and the “Turetsky Soprano” ensemble, to which everyone will be able to sing along.

Visiting warships

Festive fireworks, what time does it start, where to watch

At 22.30 the fireworks display will begin, the traditional launch location of which is the beach Peter and Paul Fortress. The fireworks will look most impressive with Palace Embankment, from the Palace and Trinity bridges and from the Spit of Vasilyevsky Island.

Navy Day program in Kronstadt

Celebrations will also take place in Kronstadt, which is the historical base of the Baltic Fleet and the sea gate of St. Petersburg. There, ships that, due to their size, will not be able to enter the Neva, will take part in the naval parade; the air part of the show will involve fighters, attack aircraft, bombers and naval aviation helicopters.

The parade will include the Soobrazitelny and Boykiy corvettes, small missile ships, including Serpukhov, armed with Kalibr cruise missiles, the newest frigate Admiral Gorshkov, the diesel-electric submarine Vladikavkaz, and the missile cruiser Marshal Ustinov”, as well as representatives of the new generation of Russian large landing ships.

The parade will begin with a ceremonial formation at 12.30 on Anchor Square in front of the Naval Cathedral, and all the main “land” events of the Kronstadt part of the holiday will also take place there.

In Kronstadt, ships will also be open to the public at the Ust-Rogatka piers in the Srednyaya (Petrovskaya) harbor. Visiting hours are from 14.00 to 20.00.

The fireworks display in Kronstadt will take place on Anchor Square at 23.00.

How to get to Kronstadt and Fort Constantine on Navy Day

It will be possible to get to Kronstadt only by public transport, the number of which the city authorities will significantly increase. There will be more buses, with a 15-minute break, electric trains will follow from the Baltic Station to Oranienbaum, where guests will be received by special buses that will take them to Kronstadt and Fort Konstantin. There will be a platform for viewing the parade at the fort, and other festive events for adults and children will also be held there.

Raising bridges and traffic restrictions on Navy Day in St. Petersburg

On Sunday, July 29, travel along the central section of the Western High-Speed ​​Diameter (WHSD) (from Ekateringofka to Bogatyrsky Prospekt) will be free during the raising of bridges.

In St. Petersburg, on the day of the holiday from 6.00 to 12.00, Nevsky Prospect from Dvortsovy Proezd to Sadovaya Street, Dvortsovy Proezd, Admiralteysky Proezd, Admiralteyskaya and English Embankment to the Blagoveshchensky Bridge, as well as Senate Square.

On Sunday, July 29, from 10.00 to 11.30, traffic restrictions will be introduced for small-size, sport-sailing, pleasure and fishing vessels in the waters of the Neva and Gulf of Finland, as well as in the Fontanka River (from Prachechny to Panteleimonovsky Bridge) and in the Winter Canal (from the Hermitage Bridge to the 2nd Winter Bridge).

On July 29, from 11.00 to 13.00, the Blagoveshchensky, Dvortsovy, Liteiny and Troitsky bridges will be closed to traffic and opened.

On July 29, warships will pass along the Neva and St. Petersburg fairway (Kronstadt). After the naval parade ends, the celebration will continue for Palace Square, and the day will end with fireworks.

On July 29, our country will celebrate Russian Navy Day. On this day, the Main naval parade. Warships will pass along the Neva and the St. Petersburg fairway (Kronstadt). The parade will continue with a large concert program. In the evening, a festive celebration will be given from the walls of the Peter and Paul Fortress. firework.

Naval parade

IN Northern capital the holiday will begin July 29 at 11:00 in the Neva water area (in the area from Blagoveshchensky to Troitsky bridges).

Participants will be the frigate Admiral Makarov, the corvette Soobrazitelny, the large landing ships Ivan Gren and Korolev, the missile cruiser Marshal Ustinov, the nuclear submarine with the Orel cruise missile system and others. In total, more than 40 ships, about 40 aircraft and more than 4,000 sailors from all four Russian navies and the Caspian Division will be involved.

After the parade you will be able to board a real warship.

A video broadcast of the parade will be organized on Palace Square, which will begin at 11:00.

Concert program of Navy Day on Palace Square

Palace Square

On July 29, a festive concert and a large entertainment program will take place on Palace Square. AT 14:00

A video tour will begin on large screens installed on Palace Square, revealing the fascinating history of the Russian Navy. At 15:00 Alexander Rosenbaum, Oleg Gazmanov, The concert program will begin. A musical dedication to all those involved in the past and present glory of the Russian fleet will be presented by the soloists of the Mariinsky Theater, Alexander F. Sklyar , as well as an art group, which together with the audience will perform famous compositions of different generations.

The concert program will end at 22:00. Free admission.

Fireworks on July 29 in honor of Navy Day

The concert program, which will take place on Palace Square, will end at 22:00 festive salutes and fireworks from the beach Peter and Paul Fortress.

In Kronstadt colorful fireworks will be launched in 23:00 on Anchor Square.

Photo: peterburggaz.ru

Lighted torches on the Rostral columns will add solemnity to the naval parade. On this day, specialists from GRO PetersburgGaz will light the lights on the Rostral Columns twice, during the Main Naval Parade and in the evening, decorating the festive fireworks.

For the first time the torches will be lit July 29 at 10:40, after the festive shot, the cannons of the Peter and Paul Fortress will burn until 14:00.

WITH 22:00 to 23:30 St. Petersburg residents and guests of the city will once again be able to admire the flames of the columns. The lights on the Rostral Columns will go out at 23:30, after the ceremonial fireworks display.

The city gas service has been monitoring the reliable gas supply of the outstanding consumer for 61 years: the gas flame on the Rostral Columns was first lit on June 23, 1957.

Navy Day program in Kronstadt

On July 29, Kronstadt will celebrate Navy Day with its own festive program. It will take place here naval parade, after which it will begin concert, and will end the day festive fireworks.

Schedule of events:

8:00 - 10:00 - Festive prayer service at the Kronstadt Naval Cathedral.

11:00 - 13:20 - Main naval parade.

13:30 - 16:00 - concert program “For those at sea!” in Petrovsky Park.

14:00 - 14:40 - performance by a musical group "Choir Turkish" on Anchor Square.

20:00 - 23:00 - Festive concert on Anchor Square with participation Russian army choir, Alice Vox, Tatiana Bulanova. Special guest of the holiday - Sergey Trofimov.

23:00 - Festive fireworks (Anchor Square).

Changes in traffic on Navy Day in the center of St. Petersburg

In connection with the rehearsal and holding of the Main Parade in honor of Navy Day in St. Petersburg, traffic will be limited. For the second year in a row, the Blagoveshchensky, Dvortsovy, Troitsky and Liteiny bridges will be opened during the day.

During parade rehearsals on July 22 and 26 and on the day of the parade on July 29, traffic restrictions are planned in the city.

During the daytime from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., the Blagoveshchensky, Dvortsovy, Troitsky and Liteyny bridges will be opened simultaneously.

For the convenience of motorists, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on the indicated days, travel along the Central section of the Western High-Speed ​​Diameter will be free.

About work public transport can be found by phone hotline 8-800-234-98-80.

St. Petersburg residents are expected at Rybatskoye for “Nevskaya Ukha - 2018”

In the park on the banks of the Neva, opposite houses 27-37 on Rybatsky Avenue

In the Nevsky district, for the eleventh time on Navy Day, the festival “Nevskaya Ukha - 2018” will be held. This was reported by the press service of the district administration.

You can compete for the main prize of the holiday - an inflatable boat - at the Fishing and Cheating Championship (inflating rubber boats for a time).

In addition, fish soup will be prepared for all guests at the holiday according to the author’s recipe.

Guests will also be treated to a big concert with Sergei Rogozhin, Alexandra Pakhmutova and other artists, a master class on water rescue and first aid, a domino “Fish” championship, games, competitions, attractions, gifts and prizes.

Festival Day of Russian Glory in Pushkin

July 29, from 12:00

G. Pushkin
Feodorovsky town
Academichesky pr., 20

You will find historical reconstructions of different times, a crafts fair, master classes, air battles, round dances, games, and fun. And also a big concert on three stages with the participation of the group Kalinov Most, Otava Yo, Belozerye and many others.

Free admission.

On the last Sunday of July in Russia, according to tradition, a big day is celebrated. Public Holiday- Navy Day. The professional holiday does not bring residents of the country additional days off, but it gives a lot of unforgettable emotions, because only on this solemn day do we have a unique opportunity to admire the power of the Russian army, and especially its fleet.

The naval parade is the main attribute of the holiday. They take place in all cities where the domestic fleet is based, but the largest, of course, will take place in the northern capital - St. Petersburg and Kronstadt will host a parade, which will bring together the main new products and “oldies” of the domestic fleet, distinguished by their equipment, strength, endurance and others advantages.

Parade on WWII Day - where and what time it will take place, how to watch

The parade, according to the preliminary program, will begin at 11.00 local time. As in the case of the Victory Day parade on Red Square, only a few will be able to see the action with their own eyes, and therefore it is better to occupy comfortable places for broadcast.

The broadcast can be seen on TV - all federal channels in the country will show the naval parade.

For those who are already going to celebrate the holiday at this time, the screen will be installed on the main square of St. Petersburg - after that, a large-scale cultural and entertainment program dedicated to Navy Day will take place on Dvortsovaya.

About 40 ships, the same number of aircraft and more than 4 thousand “souls” will take part in the parade this year. ground forces- will be presented on land, in the air and on water the latest equipment and the capabilities of the domestic army. Unique boats and reconnaissance ships, submarines, missile launchers. The organizers promise viewers a lot of surprises and unexpected discoveries.

Kronstadt will also host the parade - part of the parade was moved to the city due to the considerable size of some representatives of the domestic fleet, because of which they simply cannot enter St. Petersburg.

Navy Day in St. Petersburg - program of events

The city authorities have already presented full program celebration of Navy Day in 2018. The celebration starts with a parade at 11.00, after which residents and guests of the northern capital will be treated to a concert program with historical context.

Of the stars, Alexander Rosembaum, Oleg Gazmanov, and the “Turkish Choir” will appear on stage on this day. Spectators will be treated to performances by military bands from abroad and songs of the war years performed by talented local and visiting performers.

The holiday will end with bright fireworks.

Changes in traffic flow in St. Petersburg in honor of Navy Day celebrations

Due to festive events in St. Petersburg, the traffic pattern will change ground transport, as well as skip mode water transport along the Neva:

— Traffic will be closed on the Admiralteyskaya Embankment from the Blagoveshchensky Bridge to the Palace Embankment, the Palace Embankment, the Kutuzov Embankment from the Palace Embankment to the Liteiny Bridge, Birzhevaya Square, Dvortsovy Proezd, as well as on Admiralteysky Prospekt;

— Traffic will be closed on Makarovskaya Street, Komsomol Street, Karl Marx Street and Yakornaya Square;

— The entrance to the Liteiny Bridge from the Pirogovskaya and Arsenalnaya embankments will be closed;

— From 11:00 to 13:00 – unscheduled opening of the Blagoveshchensky, Dvortsovy, Troitsky and Liteyny bridges;


On July 29, 2018, Navy Day 2018 will be celebrated in the Northern capital. Residents and guests of the city will enjoy a lot of entertainment, the main one of which will be the Navy Parade. The grandiose review of equipment will begin at 11:00 Moscow time in the Neva waters and at the Kronstadt roadstead.

The main naval parade, which will be held simultaneously in St. Petersburg and Kronstadt, will be attended by 41 warships and more than 4 thousand military personnel from all Russian fleets.

Fighters, bombers, attack aircraft and helicopters will fly through the sky in parade formation. At this time, the unique Ka-31R reconnaissance helicopter will appear over the northern capital for the first time.

A video broadcast of the festive event will be organized on Palace Square, which will begin at 11.00. The parade in Kronstadt starts an hour and a half later, at 12.30.

The historical part of the parade will be opened by artillery boats of the Caspian Flotilla with the battle banners of the famous marine formations that heroically defended and liberated Leningrad, Sevastopol and Novorossiysk during the Great Patriotic War.

Later, viewers will see new military naval equipment: large landing ship"Ivan Gren", the reconnaissance ship "Ivan Khurs" and the frigate "Admiral Gorshkov" of Project 22350. Also in front of the guests of the holiday will be the newest small missile ship "Uragan" of Project 22800 "Karakurt".

The beginning of the parade in St. Petersburg on July 29: main events

At 10.00 the parade of warships will begin in the waters of the Neva, near the Blagoveshchensky Bridge.

At 11.00 there will be a march of military personnel along the city embankments, aviation will appear in the sky, and the movement of ships will continue. The best places Universitetskaya and Dvortsovaya embankments, as well as Lieutenant Schmidt embankment, will be available for viewing the parade.

At 11.00 a video broadcast of the parade will be organized on Palace Embankment.

At 14.00 on Palace Square there will be a video tour about the history of the Russian Navy.

The start will be given at 15.00 festive concert with the participation of soloists of the Mariinsky Theater and musical military bands from eastern countries, as well as the Orchestra named after. ON THE. Rimsky-Korsakov of the Russian Navy, Russian pop artists. The event will take place on Palace Square.

At 18.00 Oleg Gazmanov and the group “Squadron” will perform on Palace Square.

At 20.00 on Palace Square there will be a performance by “Turetsky Choir” and “Turetsky SOPRANO”.

The celebration of Navy Day in the Northern capital will end with a festive fireworks display, which will be given at 22-00 at the walls of the Peter and Paul Fortress.

Navy Day is celebrated in Russia on the last Sunday of July on the basis of the decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated May 31, 2006 “On the establishment of professional holidays and memorable days in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation." In 2018 it falls on July 29.

Events will be held at all naval bases. The largest ones are planned for Pacific Fleet. In Vladivostok, four dozen warships, boats, submarines and support vessels are in parade formation.

In Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky there are more than 20 more. Demonstration performances were held in the waters of the Amur Bay. The viewer was shown how an enemy submarine was destroyed and troops were landed, reports the Rossiya 24 TV channel.

On the occasion of Navy Day, naval parades will also be held in Sevastopol, Novorossiysk, Astrakhan, Severomorsk and Baltiysk.

Full information about how they will take place can be found on the website of the Russian Ministry of Defense. On the eve of the holiday, an interactive section was opened. Here are the ship construction diagrams available, their specifications, a review of airplanes and helicopters that participate in shows.

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Navy Day, despite the fact that it is considered a professional holiday for sailors, is celebrated with pleasure by all residents of Russia. And 2018 will be no exception. Already on July 29, large-scale parades and concerts dedicated to Navy Day will be held in all port cities of the country, to which everyone is invited. The main celebration, according to custom, will take place in the main port of the Russian Federation - St. Petersburg.

It is worth noting that there are a lot of professional holidays in Russia and almost every day the residents of the country celebrate something. But among all the residents there is unlikely to be at least a thousand who can immediately say when the Day of the Border Guard or Nuclear Physicist is celebrated, because these are ordinary days in the calendar, which are intended to express respect for this or that profession. But everyone undoubtedly knows about Navy Day, because it is not just a holiday for a certain circle of people, in Russia it is an occasion to organize mass celebrations in which all residents gladly take part.

Navy Day is far from being a purely Russian holiday and its history goes back to the distant times of the USSR, namely in the year the Second World War began. In 1939, the government had certain problems with recruiting employees into the naval forces. Nobody wanted to get involved in such a difficult and dangerous profession.

In order to present the sailors in the best light and add honor to this service in the eyes of the population, Soviet naval commander Nikolai Kuznetsov proposed that the authorities introduce another holiday that would help raise the level of naval service in the eyes of the people. This idea was immediately accepted, and they decided to celebrate the holiday on July 24.

Later, it was decided to move the holiday to the last weekend in July, because the fixed date meant that the celebration would fall on a weekday too often and this would interfere with the celebration too much. And already in 2006, after the collapse of the USSR, the holiday was officially approved in Russia. It is worth noting that despite the fact that 79 years have passed since the founding of the holiday, the traditions have remained virtually unchanged and now, like many years ago, magnificent parades and concerts are held, which attract the best representatives of the Russian stage.

Where to watch the parade dedicated to Navy Day?

Navy Day is a holiday that is held in full view of everyone, and in order not to lose face, mass rehearsals are now taking place in all the cities where festive parades will later be held. Channel One will broadcast live directly from St. Petersburg. The parade will take place on July 29 at 11:00, so put off all your business at this time and hurry to the TV, or directly to the place of the parade, which will take place in the waters of the Neva.

Program of events in honor of Navy Day in St. Petersburg

The main parade in honor of the Navy will take place according to tradition in St. Petersburg, where the most important concert will take place on Palace Square. This year, like previous years, the organizers of the holiday decided not to skimp on funds and prepared an incredible program for everyone who came.

Although Navy Day is a holiday for those military personnel who have connected their lives with the sea, no one is prohibited from participating in city events. Moreover, city administrations will only be happy if their residents decide to join in the congratulations of our valiant water protectors.

At 11:00 the main parade will begin, at which the best ships from the Russian assortment will be presented, as well as latest developments in the warship industry. It will not be possible without raising the traditional St. Andrew's flag, which has long become a symbol of the entire Russian fleet.

Afterwards, there will be an excursion for everyone who wants to learn more about the Russian Navy, during which they will be able to personally visit the warships.

And starting from 15:00 a mass concert will begin, which will last until late at night. On the stage of Palace Square you will be able to see such famous performers: Rosembaum, Trofimov, Pavlov, Kravets, Gazmanov, as well as the Turetsky Choir.

At the end of the concert, fireworks will be launched on the beach of the Peter and Paul Fortress.


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