Types of fish baits that you can make yourself. Homemade fish baits. Differences between artificial and natural baits

Manufacturing fishing gear with your own hands, just like fishing itself, is an exciting process. Professional fishermen improve their skills by creating high-quality gear that increases the catch tenfold. In this case, a variety of techniques are used. All available fishing tools will always be individual and unique, since do-it-yourself fishing gear is a purely creative process.

Materials required for work

  • Wood (planks or bars). You can cut wobblers or poppers from it.
  • Metal plates - suitable for the petals of rotating spinners.
  • Various wires for creating fastenings and rings for our baits.

Frequently used tools

  • hammer;
  • saw;
  • sandpaper;
  • file;
  • primer;
  • paints;

Making wobblers

To make a wobbler with your own hands, use hardwood 5 cm long in the form of an oval, narrowed on one side.

  1. To begin with, we obtain a workpiece by sawing off a 1.5 cm block from the main board.
  2. On the block we draw the outline of the future wobbler fish with a pencil, after which all excess is gradually cut off with a knife.
  3. In the front part, as shown in the figure, we first mark it with a pencil, then cut out a cavity for the future blade.
  4. The belly is also sawn through the entire length of the wobbler, where we will insert a fastening made of wire, as shown in the figure.

    1. It is advisable to use stainless steel wire. 2. If you do not want to use rings to attach tees, take care of inserting them before twisting the wire into the rings.

  5. We insert the wire fastening, filling it with epoxy glue.
  6. The wobbler is coated with waterproof varnish, and after drying, tees are hung on it.
  7. To select the level of buoyancy, lead weights are used, attached to the holes of the abdomen between two loops: nasal and abdominal. Then the wobbler can be sanded and varnished so that its body does not absorb water.
  8. Using thin and soft aluminum from drink cans, a blade is created that is glued into the wobbler.

Manufacturing of oscillating spinners (oscillators)

Oscillating spoons or spinner spoons can also be made with your own hands.

For their manufacture use:

  • a cross-shaped hammer with balls at the ends and a metal handle;
  • wooden boards with a spoon-shaped recess;
  • rubberized steel shaft for “rolling” part of the product;
  • metal ball;
  • drill and drill bits;
  • hacksaw for metal;
  • steel stylus.

How to make a vibrator petal:

  1. Create the desired fixture template on cardboard.
  2. Draw a contour using a stylus on a sheet of metal with a given thickness of 1.5 mm.
  3. Then the sheet is clamped and the template is cut out with a hacksaw.
  4. The workpiece is fixed in the recess of the board, beaten with a hammer, and rolled to strengthen one of the sides of the spoon.
  5. Correct with a hammer.
  6. Uneven edges are removed and holes are created for factory-type rings.

Spinner spinners

Wire. You need a spinner frame based on rigid stainless steel wire with a length of at least 100 mm. Diameter – 0.8 mm. The bent shape of the wire is straightened using pliers, slings and clamps.

Petal. As a petal, you can use aluminum from 0.33 liter cans. You can even cut the petal with scissors; aluminum is very soft. Holes for inserting the petal onto the main wire are made with a thick needle and pliers.

Assembly of the structure

  1. A ring is created at one end of the wire by bending the end of the wire with pliers.
  2. Then the bead is put on.
  3. Then the petal.
  4. Then another bead.

If you want to make your spoon heavier for fishing at depth, use a longer wire and insert a sinker with a hole between steps 4 and 5.

5. A tee is inserted and a ring is created in which this same tee will be. Or you can use small rings, for example, to change a tee to a fly.

Homemade castmaster

Castmaster is made independently based on a metal hollow tube with a cross-section of 16 mm (for example, a spout from a faucet mixer) and lead. The available tools include a hacksaw, a drill, a drill (D 2.5 or 3 mm), a flat file, a vice and a caliper, including the original castmaster model.

The vice is clamped into the pipe, the workpiece is sawed off, the cut angle is made as in the original castmaster and measurements are taken. Holes are drilled exactly in the middle at the ends of the workpiece, and the inside is tinned so that the lead does not fly out during fishing. The holes are sealed with masking tape, after which the workpiece is placed on a flat surface to dry, the remaining cracks are covered with molten tin using an electric soldering iron. If necessary, sandpaper is used and lead is drilled through the holes on the metal tube.

Balancer for winter fishing or vertical fishing

A homemade balancer is a three-dimensional bait in the shape of a real fish. It is created on the basis of alloys and low-melting metal. The hooks are placed in the head or tail of the fish, pointing the sharp end upward. The back and belly have two loops. One for attaching to a fishing line, the other for a tee.

Foam rubber in the shape of a fish

Homemade foam fish bait of domestic know-how. Household sponges of various colors are required. Before processing, moisten and squeeze. Using a blade, the required block of a certain shape is cut - in the form of a fish 3-8 cm in size. Then they are painted with waterproof markers, or not painted; now in stores you can buy sponges for every taste and color.

The jig head is attached without the intervention of glue. And if you want to fix a tee in the fish, you need to make a small cut, insert the tee and seal it with waterproof glue.

Making jigs with your own hands

Homemade jigs are made using casting (lead, lead-tin alloys), soldering (tin and lead alloys), and the instrumental method (tungsten). The latter method cannot be used at home.

You need a form that can be made from plaster poured into matchboxes, and put a jig in the center. After the plaster has dried, remove the jig, clean off any uneven surfaces and cut channels for supplying tin to the hollow area for the future jig.

It must be remembered that lead is a toxic alloy and it is better to smelt it outdoors, or in a special mask, so as not to inhale the fumes.

Homemade sinkers

Sinkers are cast in a similar way to a jig. A lead pouring mold is required.

It is made from a large sinker into which a ring with a small cut is soldered, as shown in the figure. This cut will allow you to insert the line of your tackle without breaking the tackle. And it is advisable to use a strong fishing line for unhooking, you can use a braided cord or nylon thread.

Electronic bite alarms

To create a homemade electronic bite alarm, you need an electronic and bite alarm (in the form of a bright plastic barrel with a latch) alarms, which have a mount on the rod and a bicycle spoke. A knitting needle is attached to the signaling roller, and a barrel is attached to it on the other side. This structure is attached to the rod stand.

Artificial baits (baits)

For fishing with a float rod, artificial baits simulating worms and maggots are sometimes used. These baits need to smell appropriate, so take care to wet the bait with a very small amount of scent. For example: garlic drops, anise, vanilla.

When there are no baits for fishing, professional fishermen use artificial baits:

  • wet and dry flies based on wool, feathers, colored threads;
  • bugs based on cork or foam;
  • "goat beard"

Let's sum it up

When making fishing tackle, you can use any available means. And there can be a great many variations of baits and equipment. It is not at all necessary to do as others do and as described in the manuals. The main thing is to understand what the final product is, and then come up with an alternative solution for making a similar bait.

Fishing... What do you associate this word with? An abundance of catch before a delicious dinner? Enjoying time outdoors with your favorite hobby? Or passionate excitement in anticipation of a bite?

No matter how different fishermen imagine this type of activity, they all agree on one thing: good preparation is extremely important for successful fishing. What does it include?

Of course, it is very important to have a first-class comfortable spinning rod. A properly selected place where a large number of bites would live is also of considerable importance. And, of course, it is extremely important to prepare your own bait for fish, the recipes for which will be described below.

What is this bait? How to cook it? Do its main components need to be modified depending on different types of fish? Let's find out.

Definition of the term

Bait is a one-time “feeding” of the water space to attract fish for the purpose of catching it. The purpose of the bait is not to saturate the fish, but to appetize it (to create an appetite and lure it to the fishing spot).

Universal do-it-yourself fish bait recipes contain:

  • base (or main part);
  • food supply (elements due to which the fish will remain in one place for a long time);
  • additives (ingredients, thanks to which fish from all over the reservoir will rush to the fishing spot).

Let's take a closer look at these components.

Bait composition. The basis

This component must have some nutritional, taste and aromatic value in order to arouse the fish’s appetite.

What exactly can the base be made from?

  1. Breadcrumbs (crushed to fine crumbs). You can prepare them yourself by lightly toasting wheat or rye bread. Here you can add some ground, inexpensive cookies (such as “Baked Milk”). However, it should be remembered that such sweetness glues the bait, so you can add it if you are going to fish in a fast river current.
  2. after pressed sunflower seeds). This component should make up twenty percent of the entire base. Very effective in fast currents.
  3. Roasted seeds, crushed. They should be stored for one to two weeks. Can be used instead of makukha.
  4. Corn grits. Can be used in any form (boiled, raw, fried). The main thing is that this component makes up no more than forty percent of the amount of crackers.
  5. Flour (oat or barley). Should be no more than one third of the main element.
  6. Rippers (if fishing is carried out in still water). It can be bran, waffles, coconut flakes. The ratio of rippers to the total volume of the base should not exceed twenty to thirty percent.

Bait composition. Feed elements

Good bait for fish, made with your own hands, should have a pleasant, attractive taste. What can be included in the food supply in order to win the favor of the fish?

First of all, it can be well-cooked peas, boiled barley, oatmeal, canned corn, freshly chopped worms, maggots, boiled millet, bloodworms.

What is the optimal ratio of the food supply to the total volume? Usually no more than forty percent.

What else can you consider when preparing it?

If fishing takes place in small bodies of water or in cold water in the fall, recipes for bait for fish (prepared with your own hands) may not contain nutritious food at all or it is recommended to reduce it.

Bait composition. Supplements

Recipes for universal bait for fish prepared with your own hands must necessarily include additives, which are divided into:

  • nutritious (roasted crushed peanuts, milk powder);
  • flavoring (instant or natural crushed coffee, salt, fish meal, chopped squid);
  • adhesives (finely ground corn, oat and wheat flour, starch).

Optional Add-ons

Recipes for the best bait for fish, prepared with your own hands, will necessarily include additional elements that are not immutable, but affect the quality and properties of the bait itself. What are these voluntary supplements?

First of all, these include flavorings, which should be introduced into the feeding little by little and gradually, as they can reduce the bite to nothing. In cold water it is best not to use aromatic components, but in warm water you can safely experiment with various fragrant fragrances. Therefore, do not be afraid to add various types of flavorings to your homemade fish bait recipe in the summer. Thanks to such experiments, you will definitely find the optimal and most effective aromatic additives for yourself.

Interestingly, each fish reacts differently to odors. We will discuss below how this feature is taken into account in bait recipes for fish prepared by hand.

Another optional additive is coloring. It is very effective to use bait of different colors or the color of the bottom of the reservoir. How to achieve the desired coloring?

The easiest way is to choose the desired color of food coloring in the store. However, it can also be created at home.

For example, brown bait can be achieved by adding cocoa, and black by adding soil.

And now about the main thing - what kind of bait should you prepare in order to please yourself with an abundant, first-class catch?

Cereal baits

As we have seen, the base of the bait most often consists of breadcrumbs, flour and seeds. What can you say about different types of cereals?

For example, how to make your own recipes for bait for fish from semolina? There are at least a dozen effective ways. Let's get to know some of them.

Semolina with sweet syrup. Combine two chicken eggs and eighty grams of syrup of any flavor, add semolina and flour in equal parts so that viscous balls are obtained.

Semolina with sunflower oil. Boil the semolina, mash until smooth and mix with three tablespoons of butter.

You can also mix semolina and corn grits in equal quantities and boil. Other effective recipes consist of boiled semolina with the addition of various ingredients: breadcrumbs (about forty grams), cinnamon (two teaspoons) or honey (fifty grams).

Another important bait ingredient can be pearl barley. Recipes for bait for fish prepared with your own hands with the addition of this component are below.

Perlovka with millet. Take cereals in equal quantities (three hundred grams each) and cook in two liters of water for about an hour, adding salt and sugar to taste. After preparing the porridge, you need to put vegetable oil (about one hundred grams) in it. In the same way, you can prepare a mixture of pearl barley with peas and corn porridge.

Also very effective are recipes for boiled pearl barley (three hundred grams) with the addition of honey (sixty grams), cinnamon (one teaspoon), garlic (one head), berries (one hundred grams) or food coloring (one pack).

Lures for various types of fish

Below are recipes for homemade bait for carp fish.

The first recipe: take two kilograms of breadcrumbs, four hundred grams of fried and crushed hemp seeds and wheat bran, two hundred grams of oat bran, uncooked millet, barley, oat flakes, corn and one hundred grams of milk powder.

The second method of preparing bait includes a mixture of the following components: two kilograms of corn grits, two hundred grams of ground peanuts, a kilogram of semolina, half a kilogram of pet food, flour and any cereal, four hundred grams of milk powder and three hundred grams of sugar.

In the form of flavoring (no more than twenty grams), it is best to add anise oil, chopped dill, vanilla, and caramel.

And here are easy recipes for homemade bait for bream fish.

First option. Take three kilograms of millet, half a kilogram of breadcrumbs and crushed sunflower seeds, four hundred grams of small bloodworms, one hundred fifty grams of milk powder, one hundred grams of steamed hemp seeds, fifty grams of gammarus, twenty vanillin, fifteen anise oil, ten caramel.

The second option involves a mixture of components from one kilogram of breadcrumbs, three hundred grams of fried crushed seeds, four hundred grams of bran and boiled millet.

You can add ten to fifteen grams of garlic, coriander, and cinnamon as an attractive flavoring.

Let's look at homemade bait recipes for river fish (for crucian carp, for example).

For one kilogram of breadcrumbs and half a kilogram of boiled crumbly millet, it is recommended to take three hundred grams of crushed fried seeds and two hundred and fifty grams of Hercules porridge.

Or you can add half a kilogram of ground fried seeds and wheat bran to one kilogram of breadcrumbs.

All this should be seasoned with ten to twenty grams of aromatic additives: grated garlic, sugar or vanilla.

Now let's find out if there are separate bait recipes for the feeder.

Lures and bottom tackle

A feeder is a special method of fishing with a fishing rod. What is he?

In short, a feeder is a tackle with a feeder, thanks to which you can fish out fish from the bottom of a reservoir. As you can see, the main factor in catching a catch is attracting fish to the location of the fishing rod. To do this, it is important to use the most effective and efficient, home-made fish bait (for the feeder). What should you consider during the preparation process?

First of all, you should pay attention to the amount of bait. If you are going to fish in warm water for four to five hours, then it is best to take bait weighing from four to six kilograms. If fishing is planned in the cold season, then two or three kilograms should be enough.

Another important factor in quality feeder fishing is the color of the bait. Here, too, it is best to focus on the time of year.

In winter, the color of the ingredients should be harmoniously combined with the bottom of the reservoir, and in summer a completely different principle applies - the more color contrasts, the better. How can this be achieved?

Pastoncino can be added to the base of the bait - specially crushed biscuit crumbs, painted in all the colors of the rainbow. This element has positive properties - it does not saturate the fish and does not absorb moisture for a long time.

An important condition for fishing with a bottom fishing rod is the adhesive substances added to the bait. They make it viscous, so it does not immediately fall apart.

The most effective astringent is the plant protein PV-1, which must be added at a rate of no more than ten percent by weight of the mixture. Cheaper adhesives are steamed oatmeal and pearl barley.

If fishing is carried out at a depth of more than eight meters, then it is recommended to add weighting substances, for example, gravel, to the feeder.

What exactly will the bait consist of?

You can use not only breadcrumbs as a basis, but also crushed cookies, waffles, and seeds. Their ratio to the total weight of the mixture should not exceed sixty percent.

Feed components may include boiled corn, cereals (barley, millet), peas, worms, chopped potatoes.

To connect the components you can take baby food. If you are going to fish in still water, be sure to add pop or regular aspirin.

Regarding the combination of bait, you can take the following rule: if the current is weak, the depth does not exceed ten meters, then the mixture should be crumbly, but if the current is quite strong and the depth exceeds eleven meters, then the bait should be viscous.

So, we have learned what components homemade fish bait should consist of (recipes for fish bait are given above). Now let's talk about the best way to knead the main components.

Cooking instructions

An important nuance of homemade bait recipes for fish is that the mixture should mold well into a single ball, which would break up into small particles not when it gets into the water, but when it sinks to the bottom. What does that require?

First of all, you should remember that mixing the bait must be done in the evening so that each component can be well saturated with water and become more mobile.

Here's the step-by-step plan:

  1. Pour all ingredients into a large bucket with hard walls and mix thoroughly. You can use a screwdriver or a construction mixer.
  2. Add water to the mixture at the rate of 250-300 milliliters of liquid per kilogram of composition. It should be added a little at a time, stirring regularly.
  3. Let the mixture sit for about 10-15 minutes.
  4. Carry out a test - form a ball from the bait. If it turns out dense and solid, then leave the composition until the morning. If the lump crumbles and crumbles, then move on to the fifth point.
  5. Add another 100-150 ml of water, this must be done by spraying.
  6. Fifteen minutes later the test is carried out again.
  7. Before throwing in the bait (if necessary), you can moisten it a little again.


As you can see, fish bait is a very serious and important detail of every fishing trip. It attracts fish, awakens its appetite, and contributes to its long-term retention in the fishing area. Without feeding, your fishing will become ineffective and uninteresting.

However, in this matter it is important not to overdo it. Moreover, the components for the bait should be selected correctly so that they match weather conditions, flow and taste preferences of each type of fish.

Which bait to choose - from a store or prepared with your own hands - is up to you to decide. However, it is worth considering that in most cases, a homemade bait will be more expensive than a purchased one. Moreover, it may not work out the first time.

However, do not be afraid of difficulties and waste! Feel free to experiment, and you will definitely choose the recipe that suits you personally! In addition, the cost of bait depends on its components and additives. Choose those components that you can afford, and then your fishing will certainly delight you with a rich and tasty catch!

Fishing foam bait appeared in our country relatively recently and quickly became widespread. This is not an accident - river predators readily bite on it: pike perch, pike and large perch. Some masters say that they caught catfish, ide and asp.

She has a serious list of advantages, the main ones:

  1. Even an inexperienced user can make foam rubber baits with his own hands. They are cheap, unlike plumb lines, wobblers, spinners and other baits, which are more difficult to make at home.
  2. Elasticity allows the bait to play in the water, attracting the attention of predators. It guarantees that even with a lazy bite it will crumple and the fish will be hooked.
  3. The porous sponge is easily saturated with mixtures, which means you can paint it the desired color or sprinkle it with a flavor that will last a long time.
  4. Range. An experienced fisherman can easily cast the bait at a distance, further than a wobbler or spinner. Therefore, the probability successful fishing increases significantly.
  5. Efficiency. Fish take a properly made bait equally willingly in spring and winter, in November and May, so it is not surprising that fishing with foam rubber is becoming common.

Should I buy a foam fish or make it myself?

This problem faces beginners, while masters prefer to make the bait themselves. This option has its advantages: you can give the product any shape, color and aroma. This is important - standard ones will not always be catchy on a particular body of water, and knowing the habits and preferences of the fish on the nearest lake, the expert will return with a catch.

There have been moments in the life of every angler when he found himself while fishing absolutely without any bait - he forgot it at home, his favorite fishing spot was closed, and the like. And you want to not just look at a frozen float and hope that a randomly passing fish will swallow the bait, but to know for sure that there is a fish in the place where you are fishing, and it did not swim by chance, but was coveted by your bait.

What to do in this case and is it possible to make more or less effective bait from scrap materials? You already have everything you need for successful fishing.

Bait underfoot

Bait from what is in the backpack and lying under your feet on the shore.

No matter what body of water you find yourself on, there is always earth, sand, clay, etc. on its shore. Use them as one of the components of your future bait.

They can be mixed with provisions taken for fishing - bread, pasta, porridge, canned corn, etc.

Also look for worms, caterpillars, grasshoppers and other insects. Shells removed from the water will also not be superfluous. In tufts of algae, you can often come across all sorts of living creatures that local fish love.

All this is mixed - and now a simple but quite effective bait is ready to please you with excellent fishing.

Mud attracts fish

Is it possible to interest fish in clean soil?

First of all, the bait should create a cloud of turbidity, to which curious and hungry fish come running from all over the area. For a short time, a cloudy cloud will be able to attract the attention of underwater inhabitants, but it will be more difficult to keep them in one place.

To achieve this, throw a piece of turf, torn out along with the grass, into the fishing area. The fish are accustomed to the fact that the water constantly washes away the shores and larvae, seeds, gaping insects and other “goodies” fall into it along with the earth.

But this method is only effective on a river with a current that washes away the turf thrown into the water, creating the “earth” trail necessary for successful fishing.

How to properly prepare the soil

To begin with, you can separate it from the grass, discard the hard lumps, grind it, preferably pass it through a sieve, and stick it into balls. They must be strong so as not to break on the surface, and at the same time be easily washed away with water. Otherwise, you will not be able to create a cloud of turbidity in the water.

The best soil for bait is the so-called “mole hills”, mounds of earth in places where the mole has decided to crawl to the surface. The earth collected here is almost ideal - it is already sifted, crushed and has the necessary moisture.

Food components that are added to the soil

Soil is, of course, good, but with edible ingredients your bait will be even better.

Pieces of bread are soaked and thoroughly ground with dry soil. In principle, the banal bait is ready. However, it won’t hurt to add other ingredients to your mixture - rice, buckwheat, pearl barley, rolled oats, corn, peas, seeds, etc.

You should not discount instant noodles, finely chopped into bait, all kinds of already flavored and crushed crackers, chips, and milk powder.

"Live" additive

If you take a sufficient number of worms with you on a fishing trip and are willing to sacrifice a small part of them, then we can say that you have hit the real jackpot. After all, chopped worms are the best additive for your bait, created by nature itself.

The bait balls, saturated with the smell of worms, will attract the attention of even the most fastidious and well-fed fish.

Eating bloodworms is even better! Not only is it an excellent bait, but it also destroys the balls from the inside, wriggling and trying to crawl out.

A good “animal” component would be a variety of shells and mussels, the finely chopped meat of which is thoroughly mixed with the prepared soil.

However, any natural food can be safely used as a supplement - grasshoppers, maggots, jigs, all kinds of larvae and other crawling and flying creatures.

How to make bait balls correctly

If your fishing spot is a river with a fast current, then the balls need to be weighted. This can be done with the help of small pebbles or clay, which will also prevent your bait from washing out too quickly.

If the current is slow or absent at all, add sand to the soil. This will make your balls looser and speed up their disintegration.


It is almost impossible to feed fish with clean sand. Perhaps the ubiquitous bleak, which reacts to any object that lands in the water. But if you add soaked bread to the sand, it will immediately turn into good bait.

However, it will only work in the upper layers of water, and the “sand + bread” mixture is not suitable for bottom feeding.

To bring the bread to the bottom, binders must be added to the sand. The role of a binding component can be played by ordinary clay, taken here on the shore.

Natural bait

In addition, pay attention to permanent watering places for cattle. Where a herd of cows passed, raising mud in the reservoir, you can expect the appearance of fish. Some fishermen even manage to catch between animals taking water baths, between whose hooves emboldened crucian carp and carp swim.

To catch good fish in large quantities, you need to have patience, skill, good, well-tuned tackle and... the right bait. Now it’s becoming more and more difficult to deceive seasoned fish; you have to adapt to its “whims.” One of these “whims” was the need for feeding. Moreover, the fisherman cannot always get flavors or base. Her Majesty flour comes to the rescue, and some other “goodies” at hand. They are, that is, everywhere, and the baits obtained from it are quite good. They are easy and quick to prepare and are tempting for fish. Below I will only talk about those baits that performed well in previous tests. Before cooking, you must thoroughly wash your hands and the boxes in which the bait will be stored. The dough should not smell like mosquito repellent ointments, tobacco or other foreign odors, and you should also not make top dressing from expired products. All this can even scare away the fish. If everything is done “cleanly”, the fish will certainly thank you with a playful and perky bite.

Food “for all occasions”

Wet any food waste, knead it thoroughly and put it on low heat. After the mixture boils, remove it and let cool. After that, stir it. The result will be something like a thick paste. This food is suitable for many fish and for all seasons. When cooking, you can also add a couple of drops of sunflower oil and sprinkle with a little vanilla powder.

Bread and potatoes

Take a piece of crustless bread (the size of a fist) and boiled potatoes. Combine all this in a 5:1 ratio and stir until the mixture reaches the consistency of. Then add fat or margarine to give viscosity to this mass. Also add a little (about a pinch) sugar, honey, saffron and soft cheese. Professionals claim that fish from the carp family, including the fish itself, bite well on such a bait.

Bread with honey

For bait, use a loaf or white bread. Mix bread with honey in a ratio of 10:1. Make sure the honey is evenly mixed into the bread. This bait will also perfectly attract whites.

Bread and blood mixture

Soak white bread (without crust) in fresh animal blood. White bread is used to add viscosity to the bait. The bait should be red and smell accordingly. Not only carp will want to enjoy this bait, but also in winter and summer.

Old bread dough

Soak stale bread, removing the crust. Wrap in a cloth and squeeze out. After this, add a teaspoon of sugar and stir to the desired consistency. After this, wrap it in a wet cloth. This is best stored in the bottom of the refrigerator in a plastic cup. Attracts almost any white fish well.

Carp bait

Roasted hemp or sunflower seeds, ground to powder, mix with crushed cookies. Proportion 1:1. Then mix the resulting mass with the bread crumb of white bread to form a dough. It turns out to be a wonderful bait for an adult who is “fed up” - fussy.

Such baits are used mainly for catching white fish of the carp family. The baits have proven themselves very well in numerous places, in different time years since different fish. For greater effectiveness, you can use flavors with different scents. As my practice shows, with a properly made bait you won’t leave without fish. Since even the most careful and wise individuals swim out to a pleasant smell, and without such a scent you cannot pull them out of hiding.

Video about plant attachments


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