Why do people go to Istanbul to Emin Usta for the best fish sandwich - balik ekmekom


Everything is calm in Istanbul

Tested for myself: the city on the Bosphorus is still good for travel

Most of our compatriots are familiar with Türkiye from the resort of Antalya and the “all inclusive” format. However, it is never too late to discover the former Constantinople and the former capital of the Ottoman Empire - Istanbul, which is not inferior in attractiveness to Rome and Berlin. The city on the Bosphorus is convenient not only because of the numerous connections in all directions in a huge international airport named after Ataturk. It’s definitely worth staying longer to feel the amazing and unique mix of European traditions and oriental flavor.

What speaks in favor of Istanbul, first of all, is its geography: one of the shores of the Bosphorus Strait lies in Europe. But unlike Europe, you don’t need a visa to Turkey: the main thing is that when you arrive in this country, your passport is valid for at least another four months.

Istanbul is home to 14 million people, although the citizens themselves claim that there are at least 20 million. Constantly crowded with pedestrians, Istiklal Street, along which an ancient tram runs, is surrounded by small alleys full of quite European cafes, restaurants and clubs. Among the latter there are even strip clubs, and alcohol, including strong alcohol, is freely available at night.

You shouldn’t be surprised: Turkey remains a secular republic, where wearing Muslim clothing is not at all mandatory, and customs are not so strict. Therefore, local residents use cosmetics with all their might and paint themselves, perhaps even a little brighter than Russians.

An ordinary Istanbul family differs little in appearance from ours, although among visitors from the hinterland there are people in traditional Middle Eastern clothing.

The most important point is safety. The Turks themselves say that after recent well-known events, it is at an unprecedented high level.. Although anyone who has been to Turkey will confirm: traffic it can give the impression of complete chaos, and traffic jams in Istanbul are not inferior to, say, Yekaterinburg.

Located on the two banks of the Bosphorus Strait - in Europe and Asia, respectively - the city has an impressive historical part, in which not only ancient Byzantine buildings have been preserved, but also a large number of Ottoman monuments (on the right in the photo is the famous Galata Tower, from the observation deck of which great view of Istanbul).

The most visited monument is, of course, Hagia Sophia. The ancient Christian cathedral, which first became a mosque and now serves as a museum, is striking in its scale, where symbols of both world religions, inextricably linked with the history of the great city, coexist. Once inside, be sure to go up to the upper levels, where you can see perfectly preserved mosaic icons - evidence of the long historical journey both the temple and the city itself, of which this grandiose structure is a symbol, has traveled.

It is definitely worth seeing the Basilica Cistern, a medieval underground water storage facility with a capacity of about 80 thousand cubic meters. Its vaults support more than three hundred 8-meter columns taken from ancient temples.

However, one of the main pleasures of Istanbul is Turkish cuisine. Familiar to most of us only from kebabs (of which there are actually about 300 types), here it blossoms in all its diversity and splendor: from huge amount street food outlets to premium restaurants. The best option quickly get acquainted with at least a basic set of dishes - use the services of gastronomic guides. You are guaranteed not only a trip to catering establishments, but also an excellent excursion into the history and culture of Turkey.

Street chefs have their own legends. Emin-usta (Master Emin, aka Mario) is the author of a new version of the traditional Istanbul fast food “balyk ekmek” (literally - fish and bread). The competitors laughed at first when he suggested wrapping fish and vegetables in pita bread. Now they are repeating this recipe, and Emin is already the star of culinary films about Istanbul and a favorite of gastronomic tourists. Although you will have to wait 15-20 minutes for fish in lavash from master Emin, the variety of flavors in the “fish shawarma” will definitely amaze you. Just remember to say “not spicy” if you don’t like it spicy!

In traditional places, on these swinging boats near the bridge over the Golden Horn Bay, they will prepare the same dish for you in less than a minute. But the presentation is appropriate - a thick bun, a lot of raw onions, there are bones in the fish. Completely simple, but also delicious, especially if you sprinkle it with lemon juice, which is on each table.

By the way, about lemons. Another legend of Istanbul streets is the seller of fresh lemonade. For just 2 Turkish lira (about 45 rubles at the exchange rate at the beginning of October) and to the accompaniment of loud melodic cries, a glass of lemonade is poured for you, with fresh mint thrown into it. After you drink half a glass, the seller, with a joke, refills your glass and completely free of charge. Sometimes even a couple of times.

A special treat is Turkish tea and coffee. Turks manage to brew tart and aromatic drinks from relatively inexpensive varieties. The secret of the taste of tea is in the duration of the procedure: 15-20 minutes in a special teapot, reminiscent of our samovar. During this time, the drink has time to “ripen” and reveal its taste.

Where there is tea, there are sweets. A good half of the establishments offer not kebab at all, but the famous Turkish baklava, Turkish delight and a couple of dozen other types of various confectionery products. To the story about culinary joys, let’s add information about prices: they are extremely affordable even after changes in the exchange rates of the Turkish currency to the ruble. You can eat a hot dish on the street for 5 liras (just over 100 rubles), drink a glass of freshly squeezed pomegranate juice - from 4 liras (just under 100 rubles, respectively). The mentioned “balyk ekmek” from master Emin costs 10 liras (about 230 rubles), and its simple fast food counterpart costs 8 liras (about 180 rubles).

Istanbul is one of the world's designated shopping capitals. You can visit not only the huge shopping centers and outlets with brands familiar to us (many brands, by the way, are made in Turkey), but also the famous Grand Bazaar. However, you will get no less, and perhaps even more pleasure, from visiting hundreds and thousands of shops and stalls on numerous shopping streets.

A separate conversation concerns specialized shopping: for example, a visit to the spice market will be a real adventure for any tourist who comes to Istanbul for the subtle flavor of oriental exoticism. Authentic atmosphere and entire blocks of stalls with mountains of spices, sweets, tea, coffee... This is a true pleasure for all the senses, so don’t forget to try everything. However, at the market and in the store, most likely, the sellers themselves will offer this to you.

Direct flights from Russian cities to Istanbul are provided by Turkish airline Airlines, repeatedly recognized as the best in Europe (sixth year in a row according to Skytrax rating). The flight from Yekaterinburg will take about five hours, the time difference with Yekaterinburg is two hours (that is, in Istanbul Moscow time). The weather in Istanbul even at New Year it can be warm (the author of these lines once walked around the city on December 27, and the thermometer showed +18 C). You can stay in hotels of well-known European chains, as well as in many private hotels, hostels and even apartments. It is better to settle closer to the historical center and on the European side. This is where all the main attractions are concentrated.

Affiliate material. The trip took place by invitation Turkish Airlines

Liked everything. Rita is just great. He talks very easily, without being boring, and answers questions right away. Sociable, with humor. The walk lasted two hours longer than stated. Rita, thank you very much.

The excursion is simply magical. The weather was not good at first, but the mood in anticipation of meeting the city was excellent. Rita met all our expectations. A lot of interesting information, getting to know those places in Istanbul that you definitely wouldn’t have found on your own. Treated me local dishes, which we ourselves would never even think of buying. She gave a lot of information and advice, which we have already used and will continue to use, since we are still in this amazing city. Rita is easy-going, relaxed, very friendly and attentive, erudite and excellent at presenting the material. It was interesting, easy, cozy for us. Thank you for the walk, for the excursion, for the tea, gastronomic surprises! We are waiting in Moscow!

Thanks to Rita for the tour.
This walk left a pleasant aftertaste!
We took this excursion on the second day. And on the third and fourth days we constantly remembered Rita and the facts that she told us. And they saw parrots in the Topkani Palace and ended up in free museum"Tanks of Feodosia". And they even surprised today’s guide with their knowledge of some issues.
And there are still a few days ahead, and we will certainly be able to use Rita’s other advice.
Well, first things first.
I take the description of the excursion and confirm it line by line.
Istanbul residents plunged into everyday life. We climbed onto the roof and saw the city. We explored the labyrinths of streets built by the Ottomans and Italians, and saw alleys that preserve the stories of Russian emigration. We rode the ferry. Moreover, Rita suggested how to use the signs. We saw a bunch of shops on the Asian side. We plan to return for jeans. And they returned for sweets immediately after the end of the excursion.
We learned about the life of the city, about the culture and traditions of Istanbul, about the architectural eclecticism of residential areas, about the life, education, work, weddings and cuisine of the townspeople, about the difference between the residents of the European and Asian parts.
And even, as stated in the name of the excursion, we got lost as soon as the guide left us)))
But this was interesting to us. We appreciated that Rita really took us through the most colorful and confusing streets. If we had not walked through them with her, we would never have gotten out. And we got out!
We are happy with the excursion! Well done Rita!
A little about her: Punctual. Doesn't rush, but keeps track of time. Attentive. I am ready to quickly answer any questions before and after the meeting. Knows a lot about the topic of the excursion. She is very comfortable. Is not boring. Can support a joke. Recommends delicious food. We put marks on the map and move strictly along them. Almost)))

Many thanks to Rita for the tour.
Very beautiful, interesting, educational, exciting, informative, tasty.
She answered a million of our questions, showed us not only the sights, but also shops, restaurants, and pastry shops that suited our tastes, talked about the life of Turks of different generations, and directed us along several necessary routes.
Overall, it was great, we recommend it!

Friends, if you are going to Istanbul, I definitely recommend this excursion “Istanbul without a blanket or how to get lost in the city,” especially at the beginning of your vacation. Rita knows the city very well and loves her profession, see the European and Asian parts, she is responsive, will advise what to see and how to get there, and will make marks on the map. The city will be like the palm of your hand. After the excursion, we really didn’t want to part with her and instead of 3.5 hours, we walked for 5.
Rita, thank you.
R.S/ Galina, Tatyana, Alexander

Many thanks to Rita for an unusual walk around the city! It was my first time in Istanbul, and it was incredibly interesting to go not to the standard tourist places, but to explore the city from the inside. Rita took us through streets and places that we would never have found on our own. We went to a cafe, climbed to the roofs, fed seagulls, tried Turkish delicacies while listening to stories about the history of the city, traditions and life of the residents. I wholeheartedly recommend Rita as a tour guide in Istanbul! :smiling_face_with_smiling_eyes:

A wonderful walk around Istanbul with Rita - rich, bright, informative, unconventional and memorable! Rita, thank you very much for the positive emotions, a lot useful information and additional links!

I really enjoyed the excursion. The guide Rita is beyond praise. Unusual places, streets, nooks and crannies. The Karakoy and Kadikoy districts, tasting at the Asian market and all this with interesting comments. Everything is easy and not stressful. And real help, and advice on where else to go and how to do it. As well as answers to any questions and good language and erudition.

A tour with Rita is a wonderful walk both for those who are in Istanbul for the first time and for those who are already familiar with the city. The route passes through tourist places, without crowds of people. You really feel the rhythm of the city. At the end you are immersed in the crowd of the market, but this is also the life of the city - which makes you feel the spirit of the Asian side of Istanbul.
I recommend both Rita and this particular excursion to everyone!

I recommend Rita and her tour to everyone!
It was incredibly interesting to plunge into the history of Istanbul and the life of Istanbul residents. The excursion was a breeze and we didn’t notice how 4 hours had passed!
Rita taught us how to navigate the city, suggested what else interesting to see, where to eat deliciously and where/what to buy something tasty)))
I DEFINITELY recommend!!! Rita, thank you: smiling_face_with_smiling_eyes:

I am writing a review after some time. Our excursion took place on January 27. Rita is wonderful! Good girl! A lot of good words it is said about the walk itself in other reviews, everything is so, we confirm. We walked, tasted, photographed, listened, all for fun, without stress. She helped a lot when planning the trip, because... I bombarded her with questions long before the trip began. She always answered quickly and clearly. In Istanbul, throughout our vacation, we felt her support, she always found time to answer our questions. Rita, thank you! We wish you curious tourists, as well as finding new corners in Istanbul and creating new topics for excursions.

The most romantic New Year of my life happened four years ago. 2008 brought me a date with my loved one, and not just anywhere, but in Istanbul! It just so happened in my life that at a fairly mature age I met my late and very complex love in the person of the Chilean Mario. Everything turned out very, very difficult for us; after three years spent in Moscow, Mario returned to Chile, while at that time I continued to work in an international organization, where we met and where, in fact, our office romance began. At that time, he was still officially married and when his wife found out about our relationship, I had such a hard time - like a true Latin American woman, she began to fight for her husband, literally bombarding my bosses with menacing letters with accusations against me, demanding to fire me from work for immorality. I managed to stay at work by some miracle, but from then on I had to hide my relationship with Mario, so I could only meet with him in the strictest secrecy. All this took a lot of nerves, but on the other hand it was the most romantic period in my life - after all, since Mario returned to Chile for two years, we secretly met with him in different countries world and these meetings were bright, like flashes, illuminating our everyday life. It was decided to celebrate New Year 2008 in Istanbul - it’s close to me, and I don’t need a visa, and it’s convenient for Mario to fly from Israel, where he was visiting his relatives at that time. And now the tickets have already been purchased and on December 30 I fly from Moscow to Istanbul, where Mario, who had flown in from Israel the day before, is eagerly waiting for me at the hotel. What could be better than a long-awaited meeting with a loved one, and even on New Year’s Day! A real New Year's gift! I remember that New Year forever - how happy we were then, the whole world seemed to lie at our feet, and the meeting in such colorful city, how Istanbul only added brightness to our date!

And how I prepared for this trip - at the cost of incredible efforts, I lost five kilograms, bought a new dress in which I celebrated the New Year, and got a new hairstyle!

She looked her best, how love stimulates and transforms us!

We spent the first two nights at the Sultanahmed Palace Hotel in historical district Sultanahmed, in close proximity to the city's main attractions - Hagia Sophia, Blue Mosque and Topkapi Palace.

The hotel was very average and in the end we changed it to another one. But the first two days were spent in the very heart of Istanbul, which gave us the opportunity to calmly and leisurely explore this amazing city where West and East, Asia and Europe, Islam and Christianity intersect. Having reviewed many hotels in the Sultanahmed area, we came to the conclusion that there are no truly good, high-quality hotels in this area - everything is designed for the unpretentious tourist, content with a convenient location and a view of Hagia Sophia from the room window. Both Hagia Sophia and Blue Mosque, both Topkapi Palace and Basilica Cistern were very close to our hotel and this justified our stay there for the first two days!

The best thing about it was the amazing view from the restaurant terrace, from where we could admire the view of Hagia Sophia, the Blue Mosque and the Bosphorus during breakfast. Although in fairness I can say that in general the hotel was quite cozy, located in old mansion, but he was clearly not up to the task of a romantic date.

How nice it is to leisurely wander around Istanbul in anticipation of the New Year, discover this wonderful city and share your discoveries and feelings with your loved one!

Everything was painted in bright colors - Istanbul belonged to us for a whole week, and we could, forgetting about everything in the world, enjoy it and each other, away from the bustle of our lives on different continents! It was in Istanbul that the fateful decision was made to move to Chile. And nine months after our meeting, that’s exactly what happened - I moved to Santiago. So Istanbul has become a very special place for us, with which happy moments and most important life decisions are associated! Now, almost four years later, I’m reviewing the photographs of our trip and I’m amazed at how little I took pictures then, apparently my state of mind was not conducive to active tourism, because it was a romantic trip, so we didn’t have much time for photos. But I still captured something - here is the majestic Hagia Sophia,

here is the six-minaret Blue Mosque,

here is the view of the Bosphorus from the terrace Sultan's palace Topkapi.

Rome, Byzantium, Ottoman Empire- everything is mixed in this amazing city with rich history! This is its special charm and extraordinary flavor!

We celebrated New Year in one of the restaurants near the hotel. Everything was already packed with tourists, and we found a table with difficulty. A belly dance was promised for the New Year, but as it turned out, it was just another scam - when at two o’clock in the morning we asked where the promised belly dance was, we were told that the dancers had already left, having danced on the first floor. And we weren’t particularly upset - we were so immersed in each other and danced beautifully the whole evening! How happy we were that New Year’s Eve, I don’t even remember when else I experienced such a complete feeling of happiness!

We drank champagne on the restaurant terrace, danced until we dropped, made plans for the future, walked around the beautifully decorated center, admired the illuminated mosques - I have never experienced such a New Year in my life! One hundred percent romance!

On the first day of the New Year we simply wandered around the city, getting lost in the labyrinth of its alleys, took a boat ride along the Bosphorus,

had lunch at a cozy restaurant in the Taksim area,

because Mario is an amateur beautiful life and comfort, under his influence I reconsidered many of my habits and reevaluated some life priorities. For his lordly habits and love of convenience, I call him master. And he has a lordly appearance, so this nickname suits him very well. Beggars and beggars adore him; they always and everywhere attack him, apparently mistaking him for a very rich man who can make them happy. In Istanbul, Mario was constantly pursued by shoe shiners, using the same trick - when they overtook him, they dropped the brush and moved on. He naturally raised the brush and shouted after the cleaner. He returned, thanked him warmly and immediately, as a sign of gratitude, invited him to clean his shoes, after which he demanded money. Such an attraction for tourists! When they tried to do this to him for the third time, he was indignant and did not fall for such tricks again.

And how romantic it is to ride between Asia and Europe along the Bosphorus,

admiring the shores of the Golden Horn Bay and the airy Bosphorus Bridge!

And the fragrant smells of spices in the Egyptian market,

and the exquisite Suleymaniye Mosque, which we searched for a long time and persistently, and finally found! And the fishermen at the pier, unloading their catch and selling fresh fish straight from the boats! And the smells of fried meat, shawarma, kebabs that follow everywhere - street food- my passion! But Mario is an amateur good restaurants, so this time I just inhaled these delicious smells!

One day was completely devoted to the Grand Bazaar - this is also one of the main attractions of Istanbul!

What's not there! And what color! Traders speak almost every language in the world - and quite well! I enthusiastically indulged in shopping, as a result of which I bought a sheepskin coat and a couple of bags. Like the heroine Julia Roberts in “Pretty Woman,” I tried on an endless pile of sheepskin coats of all colors and styles, parading in front of Mario, and he condescendingly commented on each model! And there was some romance here! There are also many interesting alleys and shops around the Grand Bazaar, among which it is easy to get lost,

and the very name of this area - Laleli - simply caresses the ear and evokes thoughts of the eastern sweet life!

One day we climbed the Galata Tower, another symbol of Istanbul.

From the top there is a magnificent view of the Bosphorus and the round dance of mosques.

Inside the tower you can sit in a cozy cafe and drink aromatic Turkish coffee with a view of the city. I love to climb everywhere observation decks, the higher the better! I find such places anywhere, and Istanbul was no exception!

... To fall in love with Istanbul, you just need to come there! History, sights, entertainment, shopping and of course food!!! Turkish cuisine- one of the most “delicious” and varied: here you can find meat, flour dishes, sweets, fruit desserts, and drinks... Today we decided to tell you about the legend of Istanbul street food - Emin Usta (Mario) - Emin-usta, a master of his craft, whom we recently visited.

And this is us - Sevara and - with Emin Usta!

This handsome and good-natured guy, mustachioed and moderately well-fed, makes the most delicious fish sandwiches in the world - balyk ekmek.

It is not difficult to find it in Istanbul. His " workplace» - on the embankment near the Galata Bridge. Walk along this bridge past the boats on the Eminönü pier, past the fishermen, pleasure boats and you find yourself on the other side of the bay. On the left side of the bridge you will see the Karakoy fish market, where you can always find the freshest seafood. Continue along the embankment until you notice the grills of the fish sandwich makers. That's where you look for this cute chef Emin Usta.

“Why exactlyEmin Usta- you ask. Yes, indeed, a fish sandwich can be bought for pennies both on the bridge, and under the bridge, and from any merchant within a radius of hundreds of meters. But none of them will have such a sandwich. They say that Emin puts something secret in the sauce, fries fish differently, cuts tomatoes and bakes peppers in his own way. And voila! An ordinary sandwich becomes a balyk ekmek with a divine taste!

Rumor has it that the reason for this miraculous transformation is ordinary licorice.

Emin Usta neither confirms nor denies this version. Smiles silently. Because no one knows its secret, and all guesses are just guesses!

When Emin-usta first appeared, competitors laughed: why is he wrapping fish and vegetables in pita bread? But for 15 years now they have been trying to repeat his recipe, but in vain. No one else can do this. And Emin-usta is now the star of culinary films about Istanbul and the favorite of those who prefer gastronomic tourism, and most importantly, the Istanbul residents themselves. He was also shown in “Heads and Tails. Reboot. Istanbul” and in many other programs that are watched by people from all over the world.

Usually there is a long line to Emin-Usta. But this doesn't scare anyone. Fortunately, when we arrived there were not many people there. But by the way, we still stood there for about 20 minutes.

One fish costs 12 liras, which is almost $4.

Oh yes!!! Don't forget to say "Not spicy" if you don't like it spicy!

Emin Usta's job is not easy. “But,” he says, “in the air and with people.” In some ways he looks like a sailor who, in his apron and cap, navigates the culinary expanses. He jokes, interacts with people, loves what he does. Loves life. This is him, Emin Usta, the face and soul of Istanbul, the “luminary of street food”, once you meet and communicate with him, you will definitely return to Turkey!

To meet again with this good-natured man, a master of his craft, to recharge with positive energy from him and, of course, to eat the best balyk ekmek in the world!

The best Balik Ekmek from Emin Usta in Istanbul - We have found the creator of the best Balik Ekmek recipe in the world!!!. Subscribe/Subscribe https://www.youtube.com/greenjek GreenJek channel (https://www.facebook.com/GreenJek/) found the best master in Istanbul (according to the Time Out award), who prepares Balik Ekmek. His name is Emin Usta, also known as "Mario" due to his resemblance to the famous character computer game. Emin Usta cooks fish in olive oil and lemon juice. Fried onions, chopped chili, a mix of herbs, spices and tomatoes, and also uses a secret sauce. Mario is truly the best. There may be a queue and you will wait a long time for your Balik Ekmek, although the neighboring merchants may not have anyone. They say Mario has a lot of Korean clients. He is known in South Korea as the best master of Balık Ekmek, and this is written about on popular Korean websites dedicated to street food. Balık Ekmek - Fish in bread. One of the most popular street food dishes in Istanbul. One of the most popular dishes of street food in Istanbul. Galata Bridge, fish market area. Walking through the streets here you can find the most delicious street sandwiches with fish called Balik Ekmek. Galata Bridge, the area of ​​the fish market. Coming here on the streets you can find the street delicious fish sandwiches called Balik Ekmek. Vlog GreenJeka tried several variations of Balik Ekmek. Come to our channel, subscribe, and we will show you more than one option :) Subscribe to news and announcements! https://www.facebook.com/greenjek http://vk.com/greenjekvideo Our playlists: Humor from GreenJek.com - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list... Traveling with GreenJek.com - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list... "All about Fishing" from GreenJek.com - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list... Cooking with GreenJek.com - https http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list... Odessa from GreenJek.com - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=edmnE... Video created with the support of: http://greenjek. com/ http://music.kas.od.ua/ Music in video https://audiojungle.net/item/loop-for-fun/19778558 more music here https://audiojungle.net/user/fhr/portfolio #Istanbul #Istanbul #Travel


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