Wishing you a good holiday in your own words. Quotes from great and successful people about vacation. Funny quotes about vacation and work.

« Idleness is not rest." Cooper F.

« Work without rest is not a virtue, but a punishment for poor planning of your time

« There should be a system where people can have fun without feeling guilty about it. Why should I feel guilty if I've worked hard all day and then want to dance the way I want?» Kapoor Sh.

« Rest is not peace, but impressions." Minchenkov A.

« Of all medicines, the best are rest and abstinence.» Franklin B.

« Rest, therefore, is an activity in which a person is freed from his heavy breathing. “From” is a prefix denoting removal, separation, separation, “breath” is breathing." Levi V.

« Idle rest causes mental and physical flabbiness." Chekhov A.

« The best employees work harder than others and rest more than others.." Hopkins T.

« I rest when I work and get tired when idle or receiving guests." Picasso P.

« Be able to rest properly- the highest level of civilization." Russell B.

« To have a good rest, you need to work hard at it." Kashcheev E.

« A person’s character is most evident in what kind of rest is easier and more enjoyable for him.." Chernyshevsky N.

« Work must be consistent with rest; Stupid is the one who turns leisure into activity." Ruckert F.

« Sometimes it happens that you are relaxing, spending all your time without worries, and then suddenly things that you had previously avoided fall on you at the same time! In fact, you were just storing up energy to deal with it all now! Everything will be fine, believe in yourself! Kritskaya K.

« One of the undoubted and pure joys is rest after work.." Kant I.

« If you have a fountain, shut it up; give the fountain a rest.» Kozma Prutkov

« Can rest be truly sweet without fatigue? Constant immobility is not even rest. This is nothingness, this is death." Sand J.

« Americans love to relax and have fun, they call it “have fun, to play,” and they do it with enthusiasm and with all their might. But they are just as enthusiastic and also work hard, I would even say, they work hard. Nowhere do they work like in America and, perhaps, nowhere do they “relax” like this - I put quotation marks, because rest still presupposes peace, which American “rest” does not at all provide." Posner V.

« Just as peace is the goal of war, so idleness is the ultimate goal of employment.." Johnson S.

« A person who is used to intense rhythm, it is very difficult to rest. You begin to realize that you are simply wasting time, but you could create something interesting and useful. And here you are, lying on a couch or a chaise longue..." Agalarov A.

« If you have absolutely no time to rest, then it’s time to rest." Harris S.

« Bed - the best place for reading, thinking and doing nothing." Lessing D.

« This happens to me often. It happens to everyone when a person begins to feel that he is losing control of himself. Then he says to himself: okay, now I'm a book lover - and goes to the library to get a couple of books so that he can hang around with them for a while. Or he says: okay, now I'm a hippie - and starts smoking marijuana. Or something else. And then you can feel like a different person. In my opinion, by borrowing clothing styles, hobbies, and language from others, you can take a little break from yourself." Hornby N.

“If time is on our side, why don’t we rest?” Simanovich G.

« Constant physical fatigue dulls a person's spirit. First of all to him

need rest." Viilma L.

« I am never so busy as during my leisure hours." Cicero

« For some, the ability to relax is a more difficult art than the ability to work.." Shevelev I.

« Rest and work are inseparable, like the eyelid and the eye.." Tagore R.


« Rest is what you do when no one tells you what to do." Prendergast D.

« Rest is a change in sources of fatigue

« Who will remember the times when he actually rested on Sundays and not on Mondays?? Hubbard F.

« If your reflection in the mirror begins to look like your passport photo, then it’s time to rest." Khamdamov A.

« The peasant, even if he decides to idle, gets up with the roosters to start this business early." Howe E.

« Extreme fatigue is when you don’t even have enough strength to rest

« No one died from work, and there is nothing to say about rest.» Show B.

« Rest is the best pastime... Now, if only they paid for it! Toyshibekov B.

« Probably in the summer, a secret “work-rest” switch goes off in every person’s head and turns off about eighty percent of their brains." Lukyanenko S.

« Rest is proper laziness." Avsharyan G.

« Only hellish work deserves heavenly holiday ." Toyshibekov B.

« Sunday is a pale, sick shadow of an energetic Saturday. Sunday - day forced rest for people who are not at all inclined to do so." Robbins T.

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Collection title: Wish have a nice rest in your own words. I wish you romantic sunsets and cheerful company this summer.

I want to live and enjoy all the gifts that summer gives us!

We wish you a sea breeze at your back, a chocolate tan on your body and a cool drink inside!

Let every minute summer day will be special for you, light and airy, filled with bright colors.

Man is created in such a way that he takes a break from one job only by taking up another. A. France

We, like children, rejoice at the first day of summer. So let's not stop.

Happy summer! A backpack on your shoulders, a swimsuit and off to the beach! Relaxation for body and soul!

I would like to wish that everything you have planned will certainly happen, so that every day of your vacation will be eventful, interesting, unusual in its own way, fun and happy.

Sun, sea, beach, cocktails, ice cream, parties and dancing until the morning. This is summer and it will stay that way!

May these days give you a lot of impressions, may your body and soul rest, may every minute pass in a fun and interesting way.

We wish everyone a rainbow reflection in their eyes and a radiant mood!

I wish you a wonderful holiday, incredible feelings of happiness, unrealistically cool emotions, a huge charge of vital energy and brave strength.

I hasten to congratulate you on the opening of the summer season, on the beginning of the long-awaited holidays. Hooray!

To be able to manage your leisure time wisely is the highest level of civilization. Bertrand Russell

Long live summer! We wish everyone to spend the next three months of this sultry season surrounded by friends and loved ones.

Smile and have fun, summer is here!

Let big and small stupid things bring only positive things this summer. Warmth and comfort to you!

Rest is proper laziness. Gerasim Avsharyan

Pack your suitcase urgently, immediately put your urgent matters in a distant drawer, lock it, and live lightly for three months.

Let worries and responsibilities await us tomorrow, but today we rest on the first day of summer!

Retirement: rest forced upon you when all you can do is work. Georges Elgozy

Happy first day of summer. I wish you holidays, vacations and many days off.

May you spend this summer in intense emotions and on the best beaches.

Congratulations on the beginning of summer. Let all sorrows and anxieties go away, and let the summer sun warm you.

Eternal vacation is a good definition of hell. Bernard Show

Congratulations on the beginning of summer. I really want you to have only wonderful memories from your summer vacation.

We wish that summer will give every single person on this earth new romantic stories, a sea of ​​positivity and drive.

Congratulations on the first day of summer! It's time to enjoy ice cream, walk barefoot and look for saving shade

Let all your plans and plans for this time be sure to come true.

I wish you a lot of pleasure, an unforgettable time, plenty of fresh air, doing nothing, just relaxing, eating delicious food and sunbathing.

In the sun, in the water, in the country, in the forest, by the fire, on a walk, gain strength, summer has come!

We wish that not a single cloud spoils your mood, neither today, nor tomorrow, never!

Be an extremely lucky person this summer and smile more often!

I want to congratulate you on this event! Give you more rest. Forget about the routine of everyday life, the usual bustle and plunge into the world of bliss and tranquility that will envelop your vacation days. Do not deny yourself anything, enjoy every minute and recharge yourself with new strength and emotions for the upcoming labor battles.

Congratulations on the first day of summer! It's time to enjoy ice cream, walk barefoot and look for saving shade

Let your company be sincere, warm and cheerful! We wish you to make the most of everything that brings you pleasure this summer!

Just forward, towards the sun's rays, clean sand, blue sky, white clouds, warm water, azure shores.

Let the sun warm our world and let you shine because everything in your life is wonderful!

May sweet fruits, juicy berries, happy sunrises, romantic sunsets, gentle winds,

This time of year has come when life plays with all its rich colors! Happy first day of summer to you!

I wish you new meetings and great beautiful love this summer.

We wish you to restore your strength, gain energy for new achievements, and receive unforgettable bright emotions and impressions.

Let there not be a single extra call, not a single boring day, not a single reason for disappointment. Have a great holiday and lots of fun!

We wish you to relax more than to work, because the direct purpose of summer is to make your life as beautiful and carefree as possible!

The first day of summer has arrived. Now you can breathe a sigh of relief, the long-awaited rest begins.

We wish you that the planet revolves around you, that lucky stars rain down on you every night!

We wish you that from now on your life will spin on a happy carousel, and you will want to enjoy life twice as much.

I wish you to gain new impressions this summer so that you can write an entire adventure novel!

Shortest distance between two points: the distance between the start and end of the holiday. Yanina Ipohorskaya

May the beginning of summer bring you a lot of hope and luck, may luck open the door for you.

Happy first day of summer. An amazing time has come, which often dramatically changes our lives, decorates it with joy, laughter and tireless bright sun.

I wish you to get well and enjoy your vacation to the fullest.

We wish you good health, bright sunny days and pleasant surprises this summer, and then too.

We wish you a great time with friends, walks by the sea, a great mood and gentle sun!

Great weather, warm sun, beautiful tan and unforgettable emotions. Well, we are waiting for an impressive photo report!

You should even have fun with commercial benefit for yourself Aristotle Onassis

Vacation: two weeks on the beach and fifty broke. Leonard Levinson

Have a great time both night and day! This is what I wish for you on the first day of summer.

I want to live and enjoy all the gifts that summer gives us! — Wishing you a good holiday in your own words.

To rest from something, you must first get tired of something. Well, at least get tired and rest. Stas Yankovsky

I wish you to turn on complete relaxation mode, forget about alarm clocks and get maximum pleasure!

Quotes and statuses about vacation, no matter how beautiful they are, still cannot replace the vacation itself. But they will give you a reason to dream and, perhaps, plan your upcoming vacation.

The best antidepressant is a suitcase packed for vacation.

Vacation is when every next day you can rest from the previous one.

Planning a vacation is very easy: the boss says when, the wife where...

Stop for a moment, you're on vacation!!!

Blessed is he who believes. But truly blessed is the one who lies on the seashore and is in no hurry.

The best way to relax is to escape from the people in the city to the jellyfish in the sea.

Take me away from here on vacation.

Only vacation pay ends faster than vacations.

Nothing tires you more than someone else's rest.

Vacation, sea, sun, beach - I miss it so much now...

The frantic pace of life, the rapid flow of information, work, family - it’s natural that you want to take a break from all this. It was for such cases that they came up with temporary release from work or, to put it more simply, vacation. Officially, this is the time provided by the employer for rest. It is calculated in calendar days. But this definition is boring. In order to understand what it really is, we offer you funny quotes, short aphorisms and beautiful quotes about vacation.

Funny quotes about vacation and work

For some people, the only difference between vacation and work is that they sit at a different computer.

Vacations come and go, but you never want to work.

Labor turned a monkey into a man, but vacation shows how easily a person returns to his original state.

There are two types of leave: one for your own, and the second for your boss. Moreover, the second may be no worse than the first.

What you do at work will be decided by your boss, but you will have to plan your vacation yourself.

No matter how long the vacation, you still realize at the end of the first working day that you didn’t get enough rest.

Eternity is the last two working hours before vacation.

How nice it is to do nothing and then relax!

No one needs a vacation more than a person who has just returned from vacation.

Work ennobles a person, but vacation makes him happy.

Short statuses about vacation without rest

It's great to be on vacation! I want to clean, I want to wash, I want to iron. If I want to, I’ll freak out and leave. To the dacha. I will water, weed, dig...

Stability is when during vacation a person exchanges his work computer for a home one.

Summer smells like vacation for those who have been on vacation. For everyone else, summer smells of envy and longing.

As always, the dream of a vacation turned out to be better than the vacation itself.

I was tired, but became exhausted - this is a vacation spent at the dacha.

The mother-in-law decided that best vacation- this is a renovation.

Find time to relax, as there is always work, but life tends to end.

For some, it turns out that vacation is designed to dream about vacation.

The sun shines for everyone, but only the lucky ones sunbathe.

Rest is a very rare opportunity to think about business.

Summer is considered the most suitable time of year for relaxation. The sun, the heat - it's time to relax. True, many of us don’t have very long vacations, so we don’t want to waste time. And, only having managed to slam the office door behind us with a satisfied smile, most of us immediately pack our bags and rush to the airport, train station, bus station. Everything in order to fully enjoy the days allotted for rest. But, of course, it is advisable to think carefully about your entire vacation and prepare for it in advance. Well, so that it doesn’t turn out like in this quote: you’re just starting to feel yourself a free man, as for you - there is still vacation, but there is no money.

Aphorisms about vacation with meaning

There is nothing more hopeless than having fun according to plan.

I am never so busy as during my leisure hours.

You have to pay for a vacation, but you have to overpay for a good one.

Some work to relax, others relax to work.

It is more difficult to rest your head than your body.

Vacation: two weeks on the beach and fifty broke.

Rest is proper laziness.

The main thing on vacation is to relax without rest!

Tourism - best vacation, but rest is better than tourism.

You can't spend your vacation - it always ends on time.

Vacations are such a popular topic that people very often talk about them, who will go where, where is better, what are the prices, what should you see and have time to do. To show off your intellect in such a conversation, these quotes and statuses about vacation will be quite useful. After all, vacation is meant to take a break, even from one’s own personality. Therefore, you can safely show off other people’s witticisms and aphorisms.


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