Bermuda is what a country. School encyclopedia. Life of people in Bermuda

Bermuda is known to the average domestic lover of recreation and tourism for the presence the mysterious Triangle, actively absorbing ships. But experienced travelers claim that holidays in Bermuda are more than safe.

Panoramic view of Bermuda and the capital Hamilton

Moreover, this place, thanks to its magnificent pink beaches and warm ocean water, as well as its favorable location on the map, is considered a real tourist paradise. It is noteworthy that a special visa to Bermuda for citizens Russian Federation need not.

Officially, Bermuda is part of the British Empire, and visiting it is possible if you have any valid Canadian or Canadian residence permit in any of these countries.

Unfortunately, the locations of unexplained phenomena at sea in the Bermuda area are not yet indicated on the map. Experienced sailors experienced travelers, as well as those whom Bermuda Triangle interested solely as a phenomenon, it is believed that ships, sea and air, disappeared in the area between the Bahamas and Florida. The sea here is rough, and storms sometimes rage for up to eighty days a year.

Detailed map of Bermuda showing all cities

One of the secrets of these places is the huge waves called “killers”. The height of these giants is tens of meters, so it is not surprising that the ships that encountered them perished at sea.

The secrets of this amazing place from time immemorial have excited the imagination of science fiction writers and ufologists. Thus, it is believed that Bermuda sheltered not only primitive sea ​​monsters, dealing with ships, but also fantastic creatures that are characters in world folklore.

The abundance of secrets is continually replenished with new and new evidence, most of which, however, are not worth close attention. Today, scientists are convinced that all the many mysteries are explainable without hoaxes.

Resort Features

Luxurious on the world map natural corner, called Bermuda, is located in the northwestern part of the Atlantic Ocean.
The distance to the North American coast is nine hundred kilometers. Bermuda includes seven large and about one hundred and thirty small coral islands. Only twelve of them are inhabited.

On the map of the area, a mini-archipelago of eight is marked with a special point big islands, connected to each other by an overpass network. This is Main Island, which is of interest to most exotic-hungry Russians for its pristine bays and magnificent beaches with soft sand. Among the vegetation here you can see pretty shrubs and unusual plants that are not found anywhere else in the world.

Mystery Zone

The islands, named five hundred years ago in honor of the Spanish navigator Bermudez, are believed to be in anomalous zone. The legendary Bermuda Triangle includes not only the archipelago.

Diving in Bermuda

In the anomalous zone there are also such geographical features, like Florida.

What to see

If you look at this resort at tourist map, then you should forget about all the dark legends and myths. The main attraction of one of the most beautiful and mysterious corners of the world is not the Bermuda Triangle, but its stunning gardens and magnificent coral reefs. There are also many attractions here, among which are:

  1. Fort Hamilton.
  2. Crystal Cave Caves.
  3. Pa-la-Ville and Blue Hole parks.
  4. National Gallery.

Marine life enthusiasts might be interested in visiting Devil's Hole, a luxurious natural aquarium. Prices for excursions are quite affordable.

Where to have fun

Bermuda is not only one of the most... mysterious places world, but also a real paradise for lovers of a variety of entertainment.
Connoisseurs of extreme sports at sea will be able to appreciate all the delights:

  • spearfishing;
  • yachting;
  • surfing.

Bermuda has several extreme schools for both beginners and true aces. The prices are quite high, but the pleasure is worth it.

Those Russians who prefer peaceful entertainment will certainly enjoy the opportunity to play tennis, cricket or golf. Bermuda will also delight connoisseurs of living flora and fauna: ecotourism is very popular in this fabulous corner of the world.

Beach holiday

Most Russians go to Bermuda not so much for extreme tourism or the opportunity to see the most interesting sights, as much as to swim in the sea and sunbathe on luxurious beaches, the peculiarity of which is surprisingly soft, pale pink sand. All beaches are superbly equipped and amazingly clean. In addition to public beaches, there are also private beaches, the prices of which are quite high.

How much does a vacation cost?

Bermuda is famous for its fine cuisine. This is due to the amazing fusion of numerous cultures, as well as the proximity of the ocean. Lunch prices in most restaurants are reasonable.

It is important to remember that the price of lunch includes service (approximately ten to fifteen percent), which is always indicated on the bill.

The price of hotel accommodation includes a special tax of seven and a half percent. Taxi drivers' tips are ten to fifteen percent of the fare. It is noteworthy that depending on the character and thickness of the tourist’s wallet, the price may be rounded up.

The price of an air ticket for one person in economy class and in both directions is one thousand three hundred euros.
average price for a hotel room in 2019 is 320 - 350 thousand rubles.

Visa issue

Russians wishing to visit Bermuda will have a pleasant surprise regarding the visa issue. Thus, citizens of the Russian Federation do not need a visa to Bermuda. Of course, this bonus is relevant for those Russians who have money in England or the United States. Also, a tourist who wants to visit this resort can present representatives of local authorities with a residence permit in one of these powers.

So, during the passage passport control The Russian citizen undertakes to present:

  1. International passport.
  2. Visa.
  3. Tickets (return or to a third country).

The period of stay on the territory of the archipelago for Russians, as well as for tourists from other countries, is ninety days.

This is what a visa to Bermuda looks like

Depending on the purpose for which a person arrived in Bermuda, the length of stay is doubled.

Russians who do not have a visa to Canada or the UK need to obtain a special visa to Bermuda. This can be done at the consular section of the British Embassy.

Accompanying documents

A person who wants to visit the archipelago and see the Bermuda Triangle with his own eyes must take into account that:

  • accompanying documentation must be translated into English;
  • the translation must be attached to each of the accompanying documents;
  • The translation does not need to be notarized.

Useful information for tourists about Bermuda, cities and resorts in the country. As well as information about the population, currency of Bermuda, cuisine, features of visa and customs restrictions of Bermuda.

Geography of Bermuda

Bermuda is a British overseas territory located on a group of coral islands in the northwestern Atlantic Ocean, 900 km from North America.

Bermuda includes 150 islands and reefs, of which about 20 are inhabited and 10 are connected by bridges and overpasses and form main island- Maine Island.

The main island is characterized by hilly terrain ( highest point- 76 m), quite jagged line coasts with a large number of bays and areas sandy beaches.


State structure

The English monarch is represented on the islands by a governor who manages matters foreign policy, defense, police. The bicameral parliament regulates internal life. The head of the executive branch is the prime minister.


Official language: English

In everyday life, a peculiar jargon is most often used, formed from the English language base and a large number of Spanish and Portuguese words and idiomatic expressions.


The majority of believers are Anglicans, and there is a significant Catholic community.


International name: BMD

Popular attractions

Tourism in Bermuda

Popular hotels


In most restaurants, the cost of service (about 10-15% of the total) is usually included in the bill. In hotels, tips for service staff are not accepted, since they are also usually included in the bill. Hotels add a special tax of 7.5% (included in the room rate) and some additional fees to the bill.

Doormen and porters at airports and hotels are usually given a few dollars for their services; taxi drivers expect a tip of 10-15% of the fare, but it is acceptable to round up the amount.


Emergency numbers

Unified rescue service (fire, police and ambulance) - 911.
Emergency Service Coordination Center - 297-1010.
Central Police Department - 295-0011.
King Edward Memorial Hospital Dispatch Center - 236-2345.

In the Atlantic Ocean, southeast of the north. America; British colony. Opened at the beginning of the 16th century. Spanish by the navigator Juan Bermudez and was named the Devil by him due to difficult navigation conditions. In 1519 you were given the name of the discoverer... Geographical encyclopedia

Bermuda- (Bermuda), an archipelago consisting of approx. 150 about WWII in the west. parts of the Atlantic, possession of Great Britain. The islands, first settled by the Virginia Company, had the oldest parliament in the New World (since 1620). The economy of Britain, the colony, based on... ... The World History

Noun, number of synonyms: 1 country (281) ASIS Dictionary of Synonyms. V.N. Trishin. 2013… Synonym dictionary

Bermuda- (Bermuda) Information about Bermuda, geography, nature and climate Bahamas Information about Bermuda, geography, nature and climate of the Bahamas, political system Contents Contents 1. History 2. Geography 3.… … Investor Encyclopedia

Coordinates: 32°20′00″ N. w. 64°45′00″ W. d. / 32.333333° n. w. 64.75° ... Wikipedia

- (Bermuda), in the Atlantic Ocean, near North America. Possession of Great Britain. There are about 150 islands in total. 53.3 km2. Population 61 thousand people (1990). Height up to 79 m. Administrative center of Hamilton (Bermuda Island). * * * BERMUDA… … encyclopedic Dictionary

- (Bermuda) a group of coral islands (about 300) in the Atlantic Ocean, 900 km east of the North American mainland. Colony of Great Britain. Area 53.3 km2. Population 50 thousand people. (1966), Bermudians. The administrative center of Hamilton... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

BERMUDA- British possession in the northwestern part of the Atlantic Ocean, occupies more than 150 islands; of which no more than 20 are inhabited (10 islands are connected by bridges and overpasses and form the so-called main island (Main Island). total area… … Cities and countries

Also, Somers Island is an isolated group of over 300 islets, reefs and rocks in the Atlantic Ocean, occupying a total surface of only 50 square meters. km and constitutes a special English governorship. The islands of B. are located at 32° 20 north. lat. And… … Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

- (Bermuda) about va in the north. zap. parts of the Atlantic Ocean, possession of Great Britain. The first stamps were prepared and issued. postmaster W. B. Perot in 1848. They are an impression of a round stamp with the inscription (English) “Hamilton. Bermuda", year... ... Large philatelic dictionary


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1. History

2. Geography

3. Population

4. Economy

6. Culture

8. Hamilton - capital of Bermuda

9. Best beaches

10. The main attractions of Bermuda

11. Bermuda Triangle

Bermuda is

Bermuda, or BermudaThis an overseas territory of England, located on a group of coral islands in the northwestern Atlantic Ocean, 900 km from North America.

This is possession Britain in the northwestern Atlantic Ocean - include about 157 islands, of which only 20 are inhabited. Bermuda- this is a magnificent bouquet of tropical aromas, bright colors of nature and the purest sea. Here you can swing in a large hammock and dream under the whisper of palm trees and the sea breeze. Even the houses on the island are blue, pink, lilac under a white roof


Bermuda was named after the Spanish captain Juan de Bermudez. It was he who discovered these pieces of land in the middle of the ocean and opened them to the rest of the world. In those distant times (approximately 1503-1515), they were not yet inhabited and were unexplored, uninhabited territories. But the Spaniards did not consider it necessary to claim their rights to Bermuda. Therefore, now the rights to them belong England.

A British subject, Admiral George Somers, accidentally discovered them on the way from his kingdom to one of the US states. Having damaged the ship on the reefs surrounding the islands, he had no choice but to go ashore in search of materials suitable for repair. Here the admiral's team discovered not only tree species valuable for shipbuilding, but also everything necessary for life. To claim these fertile lands, Somers left part of the team here, and he himself hastened to report his discovery in America. Soon, the admiral returned, but he had to meet death here on the islands. By the way, they were even named after him, but, as we see, the name did not stick, leaving this honor for the discoverer.

The first English settlement appeared in 1609 - it was founded by English colonists who were heading to Virginia, but were shipwrecked. They took up farming on the islands, and in 1684 Bermuda was officially declared a crown possession of Britain.

The economic development of the colony was accompanied by the import of black slaves from Africa. Slavery was abolished in 1838. In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, Bermuda's economy began to specialize in serving tourists.

From 1931 to 1948 there was a railway connecting the islands using bridges.

Under the 1941 treaty, the British government surrendered USA in Rentau for 99 years, a plot of about 6 km² is for the construction of naval and air force bases. In 1995 USA stopped using these databases ahead of schedule.

According to the Basic Law of the State of 1968, Bermuda has internal self-government.

The United States, in turn, was very interested in Somers' discovery. A settlement of 60 people was organized on the islands. But still, one should not discount the fact that these land areas are not full-fledged lands; for many centuries they are washed by ocean waters, which wash away the already meager fertilizers. This is why the top layers of soil are not fertile enough to support agriculture. The United States, represented by its settlers, tried to grow various agricultural crops here, including sugar cane, which was in demand at that time. As a result of futile attempts, the entire settlement became dependent on food supplies from the United States.

The United States maintained Bermuda for quite some time. But, in 1684, they became a colony of England. African and Indian slaves were brought here. At that time, the population of the islands already amounted to 9 thousand people, 5 of whom were black. The slaves were kept in terrible conditions, their treatment was humiliating - they mainly served white masters and did all the menial work. This situation of the slaves forced them to adapt to the conditions of the islands in order to simply survive. So, after the abolition of slavery, which, naturally, could not but affect the British possessions, former slaves could easily provide for themselves and their families. The same cannot be said about the “gentlemen”; many of them left the heavenly sushi without finding a “worthy” use for themselves.

But during the American War of Independence, Bermuda found itself in a rather difficult economic and political situation. On the one hand, the lion's share of supplies was provided by the states, and on the other, do not forget about this, they belonged to Britain. During military operations, Bermuda had to serve as a base for the British naval forces. In response, America blocked trade supplies from the islands. Naturally, this could not but affect the economy of Bermuda. Despite all these circumstances, war the class struggle in the USA brought good things to the islands.

The geographical location of Bermuda turned out to be strategically advantageous for reconnaissance operations and the transfer of military forces during the Second World War. It was she who united previously aggressive countries. England even transferred part of the islands to the USA rentau for a period of 99 years in order to strengthen military forces against a common aggressor. And now, on the spot international airport is located one of the American air force bases.

In 1963, issues related to the rights and interests of non-white citizens were publicly announced for the first time. At that time, the majority of government positions were occupied by white-skinned Bermudians. Progressive Labor has also taken up the issue of constitutionally securing the internal rights and freedoms of Bermudian citizens. As a result of activities political party constitutional norms were drawn up providing for internal self-government and coordination of all decisions with England at the diplomatic level.

After the almost complete abolition of racial discrimination in 1970, Bermudians can rightfully be proud of the internal harmony of interracial relations. In addition, judging by the elections for the post of prime minister, as a result of which Pamela Gordon won, the islanders are devoid of sexual prejudices. True, Gordon's reign ended in 1998, and Jennifer Smith was elected to her post. The issue of independence from England has been discussed for many years. And several years ago, many US military bases in Bermuda were closed. Perhaps soon Bermuda will finally gain independence. In any case, now there is peace and harmony inside the islands, between their inhabitants.


Bermuda is located in the northern part Atlantic Ocean, to the east North America. It is approximately 1770 km northeast of Miami (Florida) and 1350 km south of Halifax (Nova Scotia). The closest point of the continent is 1030 km - Cape Hatteras ( North Carolina). Bermuda is of volcanic origin, the volcanoes themselves were formed along the line of expansion of tectonic plates, on Bermuda "hot spots". Thus, an underwater volcanic ridge was formed, also known as the Mid-Atlantic, and Bermuda is located far to the west of this ridge.

To the southwest of Bermuda, there are two more seamounts that form the Argus and Challenger Banks. Both support coral reefs and are popular among hobbyists fishing. Although the base of Bermuda is formed on a volcanic base, its formation was completed by limestone caps, which appeared as a result of bacterial activity. During the Ice Age, when sea levels were lower, the limestone corroded into the . The archipelago also includes a line of underwater coral reefs, approximately 20 km north of the northern tip of the coast.

Bermuda's environment is under constant pressure due to small size islands, high population density and with a constant influx of millions of vacationers. For example, there is a decrease in the number of some species of marine life due to commercial fishing. But not everything is so bad this moment, the ecological consciousness of citizens and the local allows not only to maintain the ecology in a stable state, but also to reintroduce some species of living beings.

It was mild in Bermuda, in particular due to the influence of the warm Gulf Stream. Average annual temperature here it is 20 - 23 degrees Celsius. Humidity is high and evenly distributed. Soft climate makes the island beautiful when beautiful flowers bloom, such as hibiscus and oleander. Bermuda cedar and juniper are on the verge of extinction, mostly due to the import of two types of insects not native to this region- cicadas and moths.

Some species of mammals were also brought here, including various lizards, several species of tree frogs, and a giant toad, which often died on the roads, for which it was nicknamed the “road toad.” Bermuda's only native land mammal is the mountain lizard, which has lived here since before there were people here. And also, this the only place in the North Atlantic, where corals thrive.

The main island is characterized by hilly terrain (highest point - 76 m), a rather indented coastline with a large number of bays and sections of sandy beaches.

About 35% of the territory is occupied by shrubs, mainly at higher elevations. In the lowlands on fertile soils there are cultivated plants. There are no rivers, streams, or lakes on the islands.

Climate Bermuda is subtropical. It plays the role of the main factor that determined the specialization of the local economy in the tourism business.

Bermuda offers so many different, amazing and exciting adventures! These are calm hiking along the coast, and top-class golf courses, immersion in most interesting story famous shipwrecks, dancing the night away and dining under the stars in a bottomless black sky! Many people come to Bermuda to experience the magnificent undersea world With a huge amount tropical inhabitants, underwater caves and coral reefs or simply swim in the crystal clear waters of the ocean. And, of course, be sure to visit one of the colorful carnivals and festivals for which Bermuda is famous!

The climate is temperate maritime. The main weather-forming factor here is the Gulf Stream, passing between Bermuda and the coast North America. All year round, warm air masses formed over the surface of the Gulf Stream maintain warm and relatively smooth weather over the islands - average temperature in summer (May-September) it is about +26 C, in winter (mid-December - end of March) - about +17 C with minimum values ​​around +14 C. For winter period Characterized by strong winds from the northwest, bringing cold and rain.

Precipitation falls up to 1000 mm, and there is no pronounced rainy season - powerful but short-term tropical downpours are possible at any time of the year. IN period the passage of hurricanes (from June to November) windy and rainy weather is possible, however, in comparison with other island states region, danger destructive hurricanes is small - the main route of their movement passes significantly to the west of Bermuda territory.

Beautiful beaches line almost the entire coast of Bermuda. The largest number of first-class beach hotels focused on south coast islands, including in the areas of Horseshoe Bay, Warwick Long Bay and Jobson's Cove. The beaches of Elbow Beach near Hamilton, Clearwater Beach and Turtle Bay near St. David are well-deservedly famous, as well as the long coastline exotic John Smith Bay in Paget County. Great places for swimming and diving are located in Church Bay in Southampton County, in the bays of Mangrove Bay, Black Bay, Parsons Bay, Shelley Bay, Somerset Long Bay, Warwick Long Bay, Chaplin Bay, Church Bay, West Vale Bay, as well as in Tobacco Bay north of St. George and in the isolated Clarence Cove.

Best time to visit countries- from April to October, when the weather is warm and relatively dry. However, this is also the peak tourist season, when in country Many festivals are held, and prices for all goods and services rise almost significantly.


Population - 67.8 thousand (estimated as of July 2009).

Annual growth - 0.6%.

Birth rate - 11.6 per 1000;

Mortality - 7.3 per 1000;

Immigration - 2.2 per 1000.

Average life expectancy is 77.2 years for men, 83.7 years for women.

Infant mortality is 2.46 per 1000 (out of 224 countries and territories in the world - lower only in Singapore).

The fertility rate is 1.99 births per woman.

Literacy - 98% men, 99% women.

Immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection rate is 0.3% (2005 estimate).

Ethno-racial composition: blacks 54.8%, whites 34.1%, mulattoes 6.4%, other 4.7% (according to the 2000 census).

Religions: Anglican 23%, Catholic 15%, African Methodist Episcopalian 11%, other Protestant 18%, other cult 12%, undecided 7%, atheist 14% (2000 census).

A 2005 estimate put Bermuda's population at approximately 65,365. Of these, about 54 percent are black, 35 percent are white, and 6 percent percent- other nationalities. There is a developing Asian community on the islands, although it is not particularly large. About 10 percent The white population has Portuguese roots.

Native American ancestry can be traced back to some of the residents. Hundreds arrived here from Mexico. Some were exiled from the New Britain colonies or sold into slavery as early as the 17th century.

Residents from other countries live and work in Bermuda, most of them are employed in the financial sectors, insurance, and also employed in specialized professions; these are residents of England, Canada, the West Indies, and the USA. The total workforce in Bermuda is about 39 thousand people (data for 2005), of which approximately 11 thousand are visitors.

Lines run over Bermuda air traffic from the USA and Canada to Europe, Central and South America. Due to a series of unexplained plane and ship crashes in the area between Bermuda, the Antilles and the Bahamas, the term Bermuda Triangle was coined.

From 1941 to 1995 - throughout World War II and the Cold War - Bermuda was home to several US and British naval and air force bases, which occupied 11% of the islands' total area.


Basic profit brings foreign tourism (60% of foreign exchange earnings). About 600 thousand people visit the islands annually (90% from the USA).

Foreign companies have tax-exempt operations on the islands, making Bermuda an important financial center. More than six thousand foreign companies are registered on the islands, by tonnage sea ​​vessels(three million gross registered tons) Bermuda ranks 5th in the world.

Industry employs 17% of the active population. In Bermuda there are enterprises for ship repair, boat manufacturing, pharmaceutical products, and building materials.

IN agriculture and fishing employs 3% of the working population. Bananas, potatoes, tomatoes, cabbage are grown on the islands, fishing is developed (the catch is about 800 tons per year), and floriculture is focused on.

Bermuda has to import 80% of its food consumption from abroad. Fuel, industrial products are also imported goods, clothing, building materials.

Bermuda's main trading partners: South Korea 31.7%, 21.7%, USA 14.9%, UK 6.8%, 4.4%.

Currency Bermuda is pegged to the US dollar, banks The United States charges a small fee per purchase (exchange) American dollars in Bermudian dollars. On the banknotes themselves currencies Queen Elizabeth II is depicted.

Average per capita income in Bermuda is about 50 percent higher than that of the United States. And the GDP in 2005 amounted to 4.857 billion. Dollars, this is approximately 76 thousand dollars per capita, thereby occupying one of the highest places in the world.

Prices prices for housing are quite high and have long been the center of attention. Average price home in June 2003 was just under a million dollars, and according to real estate agencies, this figure exceeded one and a half million dollars by 2006 and a little less than two million at the beginning of 2007. Although so high prices may be controversial.

Bermuda is one of the offshore financial centers, this is facilitated by low direct personal and corporate income. And as an offshore center for many foreign companies, Bermuda has a developed economy and is an exporter of financial services (insurance, reinsurance, investment funds, etc.). Now the territory of Bermuda is one of largest centers for reinsurance, a large number of leading international insurance companies are concentrated here.

Second by size industry Bermuda is tourism. The island receives about half a million visitors each year, 80% of whom are US citizens, followed by Canada and England. Available means of arrival to the island for tourists are a sea cruise or air route. There is only one airport in Bermuda - Bermuda International Airport.

Welcome to mysterious Bermuda! This place is still shrouded in a haze of mysteries and secrets, and history preserves the memory of many sunken ships in that same Bermuda Triangle, extreme points which are located in Florida, Puerto Rico and Bermuda. Some researchers are skeptical about the mystical past of the Bermuda Triangle, however, there is some truth in it, as they say “a fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it.” The fact is that Bermuda is completely surrounded by a chain of coral reefs, where numerous ships have been wrecked. In addition, weather forecasters note that the Bermuda Triangle is a place where cyclones and storms often originate. That is, the mysterious disappearances of ships in the “devil’s triangle” are not of an otherworldly nature, but rather of a scientific nature, since the captains of the missing ships could simply not be able to control the ship in such difficult weather conditions.

Today, Bermuda is a favorite holiday destination for diving enthusiasts and others. aquatic species sports Snow-white beaches, amazing exotic nature and animal world Bermuda, as well as the colorful corals under water, attract tourists from all over the world every year.

Geographically, Bermuda is located in the northwest Atlantic, 900 km from North America. Bermuda is a British territory. The capital is Hamilton. The most surprising thing is that researchers still do not know exactly how many islands and reefs are exactly part of Bermuda. Some call the number 138, others - 157, the next - 181. It is known for sure that only 20 Bermuda islands are inhabited. The total area of ​​Bermuda is only 53.2 km²: all the islands are so small that each of them can be crossed in 15 minutes to an hour. Bermuda has a population of approximately 64,237 (2010 census data). The vast majority of the population is mulatto and dark-skinned (approximately 50/50).

The official language of Bermudians is English, but in everyday life many speak Portuguese. The population of Bermuda professes a considerable number of different religions and cults, among them: Anglicans - 23%, Catholics - 15%, African Methodist Episcopalians - 11%, other Protestants - 18%, other cults - 12%, undecided - 7%, atheists - 14%.

Regions and resorts

Bermuda is divided into nine districts and two municipalities.


  • Sandis;
  • Southampton;
  • Warwick;
  • Paget;
  • Pembroke;
  • Devonshire;
  • Smiths;
  • Hamilton;
  • St. George's.


  • Hamilton;
  • St. George.

Bermuda resorts:

  • Hamilton;
  • Hamilton District;
  • Devonshire District;
  • Paget County;
  • Pembroke County;
  • Southampton County;
  • St. George;
  • St. George's County;
  • Smith County;
  • Sandys County;
  • Tuckers Town;
  • Warwick County;
  • Flatts Village.

Difference in time


The climate in Bermuda is predominantly subtropical. Most forecasters believe that the main influence on weather Bermuda exerts the Gulf Stream, which flows between the Bermuda archipelago and North America. The natural water cycle ensures the evaporation of water from a warm current, which has a significant impact on the formation of a warm and stable climate in Bermuda.

The water temperature in summer ranges from +26...+29 °C, and in winter it is about +18...+21 °C.

Throughout the year, Bermuda receives approximately equal amounts of precipitation; there are no rainy seasons as such, but sometimes there are heavy tropical downpours.

From June to November, the so-called “hurricane season” is possible; at this time, strong gusts of wind are observed in Bermuda, however, their destructive power is small. Strong hurricanes are possible every few years. The most catastrophic hurricane for Bermuda in terms of its destructiveness was the hurricane of September 5, 2003.

Visa and customs

Citizens of the Russian Federation will need a visa to travel to Bermuda, which can be obtained from the British Embassy or Consulate.

What you need to apply for a visa:

  • International passport.
  • Photocopy of the first page of the passport.
  • Application form (filled out in English).
  • Photo (3.5x4.5 cm).
  • Documents that confirm the financial well-being of the tourist for the trip.
  • A certificate from the place of work indicating the amount of the tourist’s salary.
  • Owners of private enterprises need to prepare a certificate of payment of taxes and a copy of the certificate of registration of the private enterprise.
  • For pensioners, you may need a copy of your pension card or bank account statement, which confirms sufficient funds for the trip.
  • Students must present a student ID and have a statement from a person who agrees to pay all travel expenses.
  • Students at the school also require an application and a certificate from the place of work of one of the guardians, who covers the costs of the trip, and a certificate from the place of study.

Bermuda customs regulations do not prohibit the import and export of any amount of either foreign or local currency. However, if you have more than 10 thousand dollars, it must be declared. Any amount of gold is subject to mandatory declaration.

Persons over 18 years of age can import:

  • 200 cigarettes;
  • 50 cigars;
  • 450 grams of tobacco;
  • up to 0.94 strong alcohol;
  • 0.94 wines.

It is prohibited to transport:

  • drugs;
  • explosives;
  • items that are of historical value;
  • harpoons for spearfishing;
  • animals;
  • plants;
  • corals;
  • marine finds.

How to get there

Tourists get to Bermuda mainly through flights. Unfortunately, direct flight from Russia to Bermuda does not exist: you will have to fly with transfers (mainly in London or the USA). It is worth noting that about 90 percent of all flights to Bermuda are carried out through the United States of America. There are also several flights to Bermuda from Toronto, Canada.

Some romance lovers prefer to exercise sea ​​cruises to Bermuda.


  • Bermuda Aquarium, Museum, Zoo.
  • Botanical gardens.
  • Royal Bermuda Naval Dockyard.
  • Bermuda Maritime Museum.
  • Crystal Caves.
  • Sightseeing tour of Hamilton.
  • Sightseeing tour of St. George.
  • Hog Bay Park.
  • Adventure with Dolphins.
  • Fort St. Catherine.


Driving in Bermuda is on the left, which means that the steering wheel is not on the left, as we are used to, but on the right. For this reason, in order to rent a car in Bermuda, you must have a local driver's license. This means that our tourists are prohibited from driving here. The speed limit on the roads is quite impressive - 35 km/h. However, the locals practically never observe it.

Among public transport Buses have gained the most popularity. They run on 11 routes. The color of the buses is pink or blue, and they run regularly from 7 am to 11 pm. Most of them are equipped with air conditioning. By bus you can get to almost anywhere in Bermuda.

Taxis are very popular among tourists. Firstly, because by taxi you can get to anywhere on the island, and secondly, for the ease of ordering: almost everything large hotels Bermuda has its own taxis. If you have local taxi numbers, you can order a car by phone. In addition, taxi drivers can arrange excursions for tourists and thus earn extra money.

To get to any island in the Bermuda archipelago, you can buy a ferry ticket, which regularly runs between the islands and also organize sightseeing tours.

Communications and Wi-Fi

Internet connection in Bermuda is very good quality. In the capital and large cities there are a large number of Internet cafes that provide almost all types of network services.

You can call home from almost all the islands of the archipelago: mobile connection is located high level. If there is no mobile connection, you can use a pay phone, which is common in all major cities. All landline telephones can connect to a long-distance line.


The official currency of Bermuda is the Bermuda dollar (BMD), which is equal to approximately 100 cents. However, US dollars are also widely used in the archipelago.

Almost all restaurants and catering establishments in Bermuda include a tip (about 10-15% of the total amount), so it is not necessary to leave them separately. The situation is exactly the same in hotels, so it is not advisable to give money to the service staff (this may be interpreted incorrectly). Hotel accommodation already includes tax - about 7.5% (included in the cost of accommodation). However, it is customary to tip airport staff a few dollars, and taxi drivers should tip 10-15% of the fare.

Food prices:

  • Lunch at a restaurant - 30 USD.
  • Lunch at a catering restaurant (McDonalds) - 11 USD.
  • Bottle of local beer - 9 USD.
  • A bottle of imported beer - 8 USD.
  • Coca Cola\Pepsi (0.33 l) - 3 USD.
  • Water (0.33 l) - 2.3 USD.
  • Cappuccino - 4.6 USD.
  • Milk (1 l) - 3.8 USD.
  • Bread - 6.1 USD.
  • Eggs (12 pcs.) - 5.1 USD.
  • Locally produced cheese (1 kg) - 16 USD.
  • Bottle of wine - 18 USD.
  • A pack of cigarettes - 12 USD.
  • Chicken breast (1 kg) – 23 USD.
  • Apples (1 kg) – 10 USD.
  • Oranges (1 kg) – 6.9 USD.
  • Potatoes (1 kg) – 3.5 USD.
  • Tomato (1 kg) – 7.6 USD.
  • Banana (1 kg) – 4.9 USD.
  • Onion (1 kg) – 3.6 USD.
  • Beef (1 kg) – 14 USD.

How to avoid problems

Bermuda is one of the most safe places for relax. Robberies are rare here, and any kind of violence is unheard of. Therefore, in order to have a good rest, you don’t have to stay out on the street after dark, you just shouldn’t wear too much gold jewelry and “shine” expensive equipment, and it’s better to keep your money on a card rather than carry large sums of cash everywhere. Originals important documents It is better to store it in the hotel safe.

When going fishing, do not even think about using a harpoon weapon (if you somehow managed to hide it from customs officers) - on the islands this is considered a criminal offense.

Because Bermuda has high levels of solar radiation, you should regularly apply sunscreen and wear a hat to prevent heat stroke.

Big cities

Most Big City- Hamilton.


Bermuda's most visited shops are along Front Street in Hamilton. Here many goods are imported from Great Britain and Ireland, including fine china, crystal, cashmere sweaters High Quality, classic tweed jackets. Among the abundance of imports, local goods are practically lost.

Due to the fact that Bermuda is part of the UK, prices for British-made goods are quite low here, lower than in the USA. Tourists love porcelain, silver, watches, perfumes, elite alcohol, and Cuban cigars.

Often young couples buy wedding gifts here, since Bermuda has a large number of shops that offer wide choose the best crystal and porcelain in the USA and Great Britain.


Recipes for national dishes of Bermuda are mostly based on American and European (British) cuisine. Recipes for indigenous dishes are quite rare here.

The basis of Bermuda cuisine is seafood. They like to eat the rhizomes of the local cassava plant and the authentic vegetables and fruits that grow here in abundance. However, most products that use local restaurants, imported because the island cannot produce enough food to feed the local population and the many tourists.

The most popular dishes in Bermuda are:

  • Bermuda lobster. A delicious delicacy that is prepared in best restaurants peace. In Bermuda, this food is seasonal: from autumn to mid-spring.
  • Sea bass soup - National dish in Bermuda. Black rum is used as a seasoning.
  • Shark soup. The exotic dish itself is seasoned with sherry and marinated in a large number of spices.
  • The fried cod is marinated in sherry and plenty of hot spices to give this simple dish amazing flavor.
  • In Bermuda it is customary to cook various types of shellfish. Traditionally, their meat is stewed with vegetables, seasoned with various sauces.

Entertainment and attractions

  • Blue Grotto;
  • Devil's Hole Natural Aquarium;
  • Bermuda Botanical Gardens;
  • Pembroke Marsh Park;
  • Spanish Point Park;
  • Admiralty House Park (Pembroke County);
  • Robinson Bay Park;
  • Devonshire Marsh Park;
  • Penhurst Park;
  • Devonshire Bay Park (Devonshire Parish);
  • Palmetto Park (Devonshire Parish);
  • Paget Marsh Park (Paget County);
  • White Island Park (Paget County);
  • Shelly Bay Park;
  • Abbots Cliff Park;
  • Coney Island Park;
  • Wilkinson Memorial Park (Hamilton Parish);
  • Crowl Waterfront Park (Hamilton Parish);
  • Spittal Pound Park;
  • Watch Hill Park (Smiths Parish);
  • Winter Haven Park (Smiths Parish);
  • Ferry Point Park;
  • Rocky Hill Park;
  • Mallet Bay Park;
  • Great Head Park;
  • Kindley Field Park;
  • Horseshoe Bay Beach;
  • Jobson's Cove Beach;
  • Tobacco Bay Beach;
  • Warwick Long Bay Beach;
  • West Vale Bay Beach.

Holidays and Events

National holidays:

  • January 1-2 - New Year.
  • March-April - Easter.
  • May 24 is Bermuda Day.
  • June 11-12 is the Queen's birthday.
  • August 3 is Liberation Day.
  • August 4 is Somers Day.
  • September 4 is Labor Day.
  • November 11-13 - Memorial Day.
  • December 25—Christmas.
  • December 26th is Boxing Day.

Historical facts

  • 1503 - Bermuda is discovered by the Spanish navigator Juan Bermudez.
  • 1609 - British colonists began to explore the islands.
  • 1838 - Slavery abolished. Slave colonists began to actively populate the island.
  • 1931-1948 - existence railway, which connected the islands of the Bermuda archipelago.
  • 1941 - The British handed over part of the territory of Bermuda for temporary use to the Americans for a military base.
  • 1968 - Bermuda received autonomy: the right to self-government.
  • You cannot use a harpoon in Bermuda.
  • The system of measures in Bermuda is British.
  • You can order sightseeing tour taxi drivers with blue flags on their cars.
  • Foreigners cannot rent a car under Bermuda law.
  • It is better to drink bottled water on the islands.
  • Bermuda was originally called the Somers Islands.
  • Bermuda juniper is endemic. This means that a similar plant cannot be seen anywhere else in the world.
  • Until 1948, it was impossible to buy a car in Bermuda. Instead of a car local residents actively used bicycles.
  • Bermuda has the highest number of golf courses per capita.
  • There are no rivers or streams in Bermuda. The only way to get usable water here is to collect rainwater.
  • Due to the displacement of magnetic fields, the compass needle here shows not magnetic, but geographic north, although many believe that the laws of physics do not apply here and find something mystical in this phenomenon. Moreover, Bermuda is not the only place like this in the world.


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