The most mysterious triangle. The Bermuda Triangle is the most mysterious place on earth. Paranormal Phenomena of the Bridgewater Triangle

The Bermuda Triangle is a mystical area of ​​the Atlantic Ocean located between Miami, Bermuda and Puerto Rico, where a huge number of ships and planes have disappeared. Many aircraft and watercraft simply disappeared from radar visibility, despite good weather and no reports of any breakdowns. Despite numerous rumors of shipwrecks in this area, the number of shipwrecks is little greater than in other parts of the world. In fact, most daily flights and trips end safely.

Reports of the crew's disappearances in the press did not attract public attention until the 20th century. A very sad incident occurred in March 1918, when the huge American freighter Cyclops, carrying 300 people and 10,000 tons of manganese ore, sank between Barbados and the Chesapeake Bay. Cyclops did not send signals about an emergency situation, although he had all the necessary technical equipment for this. In addition, the search for the ship did not even lead to the discovery of its wreckage.

American President Woodrow Wilson commented on what happened: “Only the sea and God know what happened to this heavy ship.” In 1941, two similar ships disappeared. They also left no traces and swam along the same route. Soon rumors arose about the negative energy of this place.

In December 1945, naval bomber exercises were planned. The group leader had problems with navigation and then disappeared without a trace. The remaining five bombers flew nearby aimlessly until they ran out of fuel and were forced to splash down. On the same day, a rescue plane with a crew of 13 people disappeared. After a lengthy search, in the hope of finding at least some debris, military representatives were forced to say: “It feels like they all flew to Mars!”

On top of that, by this time 3 more had disappeared passenger transport. Since then, many lovers of paranormal phenomena have begun to blame this zone, attributing to it an alien base, a time hole, a sunken Atlantis, sea ​​monsters, gravity distortion. Those who thought more logically stated about magnetic anomalies, tornadoes and the release of methane from the ocean basin.

Methane may well be the cause of the crashes. The least dense gas can cause control problems. Devices exposed to gas could fail. During night flights, pilots do not see the ground and are guided only by numbers with dashboard, which incorrectly record the gained altitude. In addition, the entry of this substance into the engine can also cause a disaster.

The area called the Devil's or Bermuda Triangle covers an area of ​​about 500,000 square miles. Christopher Columbus, on his first voyage to a new land, reported that a bright flash of fire (possibly a meteorite) illuminated the ocean at night and continued to glow for several weeks. He also described erratic, changing compass readings.

Extremely powerful hurricanes and storms forming in the Atlantic near the equator have caused the deaths of thousands of people and millions of losses. Some researchers blame the Gulf Stream, which originates in the Gulf of Mexico, for what happened. Any current is an internal river, which can affect the route and movement of transport, especially if it splashes down. A similar event happened to the cruiser Witchcraft in December 1967. Extraordinary big waves can appear even in calm seas. One of these was the Ocean Ranger, which capsized the world's largest offshore platform in 1982.

In all likelihood, it is stupid to put forward a specific factor that caused so many crashes and casualties. It's like trying to come up with a single cause of traffic accidents in a single city. Anyway, this is mystical place will continue to attract the attention of people around the world for a long time.

Probably everyone has heard about the Bermuda Triangle and the mysteries that surround it. Theories about this place range from the reasonable to the downright ridiculous, but whether you believe it's the site of time sinks, alien abductions, or just human paranoia, it certainly abounds in oddities. However, this is not the only place where creepy things happen; below are ten other places on Earth that hide their mysteries:

10. Superstition Mountains

The Superstition Mountains are mountain range, located east of Phoenix, Arizona. Just by their name alone you can understand that something unusual is happening in this place.

According to legend, sometime in the 1800s, a man named Jacob Waltz discovered a huge gold mine in these mountains, which has since been called the Lost Dutchman's Gold Mine (because Waltz was German , and this is apparently almost Dutch). He kept the location of this place a secret until his deathbed, at which time he may or may not have told (depending on the version of the story you read) about this place to one person. However, the mine still could not be found, despite numerous expeditions. Some say that the spirits of people who lost their lives searching for gold still wander in these mountains.

One supposed Indian legend states that the treasures of the mountain are guarded by creatures called "Tuar-Tums" (little people) who live under the mountains in caves and tunnels. Some Apaches believe that these mountains contain the entrance to hell. This is, of course, ironic, since we all know that the entrance to hell is in Sunnydale.

9. Brazilian Magnetic Anomaly (South Atlantic Anomaly)

Have you ever wondered if there is an analogue to the Bermuda Triangle in space? No? Well, now you’ve definitely thought about it, and you’re in luck! Because such an analogue actually exists and is called the Brazilian magnetic anomaly. The Brazilian Magnetic Anomaly is where a range of radiation known as the Earth's inner radiation belt is closest to the Earth's surface.

This is an area located off the coast of Brazil, and it is because of this that we have numerous problems with satellites and spacecraft, which range from failure of their programs to complete failure of the equipment. The Hubble telescope actually went out of observing mode when it passed through the anomaly, and the International space station never plans spacewalks when passing through this anomaly (which happens up to 5 times a day). And it's not just technical problems, some astronauts have reported seeing "shooting stars" as they passed over the anomaly.

The cause of all these problems is not fully understood. The main reason is considered high levels radiation that accumulates in the anomaly, but scientists are not sure exactly how or why these effects occur. Therefore, for now we will dwell on the fact that this is the work of aliens.

8. Lake Anjikuni

Not content with the disappearance of just a few people, Lake Angikuni decided to bring the disappearances to the surface. new level and be the exact place where an entire village disappeared. It all happened in November 1930, when a hunter named Joe Labelle was looking for shelter for the night. Labelle knew of an Eskimo village whose population ranged from 30 to 2,000 people, depending on who you believe. He got there and found a rather eerie scene: the villagers were nowhere to be found. Everything else, including food and rifles, was left behind.

Labelle wired the Royal Canadian Mounted Police and they began an investigation. In the village cemetery it was discovered that at least one (according to various sources) grave had been opened, obviously not by animals, and emptied. Moreover, about 90 meters from the village, about 7 sled dogs were found that had died of starvation, despite the fact that the food stores in the village were full of food and open. According to different versions of the story, there were even strange lights over the lake at the time of the disappearance.

So what really happened? The most incredible claims have been made regarding the disappearance, which included (of course) aliens, ghosts, and even vampires. On the website of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police itself, this story is presented as an urban legend, but there are so many stories about it and for so many years that it is impossible to say for sure that nothing happened. Well, we can confidently dismiss the vampire theory, since it definitely wasn’t them.

7. The Devil's Sea

The Devil's Sea (or the Dragon's Triangle, whichever sounds more sinister to you) is an area in Pacific Ocean, in which strange events occur as often as in the Bermuda Triangle. This place, located off the coast of Japan, was an area where, according to evidence, huge amount people were experiencing unexplained phenomena, including magnetic anomalies, unexplained lights and objects, and, of course, mysterious disappearances. The area is considered dangerous even by Japanese fisheries authorities.

One story goes that in 1952, the Japanese government sent the research vessel Kaio Maru No. 5 to investigate the mysteries of the Devil's Sea. And, of course, neither the Kaio Maru No. 5 itself nor the 31 people on its crew were ever seen again. Another story tells of Kublai Kublai's disastrous attempt to invade Japan by crossing the Devil's Sea, during which he lost at least 40,000 men.

The usual theories about what's really going on there actually range from aliens, to gateways to parallel universes, and even to Atlantis (because why not). Some suggest that high volcanic activity in the region responsible for some disappearances (possibly Kayo Maru No. 5 was passing near the volcano when the eruption began). Our advice is just to stay as far away from the ocean as possible.

6. Bigelow Ranch

Bigelow Ranch (formerly known as Skinwalker Ranch and Sherman Ranch) is a 194-acre private estate in northwestern Utah. It was here, according to eyewitnesses, that numerous encounters with UFOs, mutations in animals and other strange events were observed. Although mysterious events began to be recorded back in the 50s, some of the most strange stories happened to a rancher couple named Terry and Gwen Sherman after they bought the ranch in 1994.

The first day they arrived at the ranch, they saw a large wolf in the pasture. They even pet the wolf since it seemed tame (for curious readers, yes, that's always a great idea). He acted timid with the Shermans, but then grabbed the calf by the muzzle through the bars of its pen. When Terry shot the wolf with a pistol, the bullets had no effect. The wolf finally left, but only after Terry took out a shotgun, although even a shot from it did not cause any serious injury to the wolf. The Shermans tried to track the wolf, but its tracks ended abruptly, as if it had disappeared.

But the story doesn't end there. The Shermans' lives were constantly marred by such events as sightings of UFOs, sentient flying balls (which were rumored to have burned the Shermans' three dogs to ashes), unexplained cryptids, and horrific mutations of livestock. Things got so bad that in 1996, the Shermans actually sold their ranch to Robert Bigelow, founder of the National Institute for Discovery Science, who wanted to explore the mysteries surrounding the ranch. Bigelow is a rancher to this day, and the institute keeps its discoveries completely secret.

5. Point Pleasant

Point Pleasant probably once really lived up to its name (Point Pleasant with in English translated as “pleasant place”), but on this moment there are so many stories about mysterious and creepy phenomena around it that its name seems to be an ironic alliteration. The most famous of these phenomena is the creature known as the Mothman, who reputedly terrorized a small community living in West Virginia from November 1966 to December 1967. More than a hundred different citizens of Point Pleasant have witnessed this creature, which reached 2 meters tall, with a wide torso of a man with hypnotic, glowing red eyes, and wings that were at least 3 meters long and which trailed behind him along the ground.

There are many explanations for the Mothman, who became the hero of both the book and the film (he was even erected a statue in Point Pleasant). Some believe that he extraterrestrial origin, others think he is a mutant or a cryptid, and some believe that the people of Point Pleasant were actually afraid of owls or sandhill cranes. In any case, reports of the Mothman ceased after the Silver Bridge collapsed on December 15, 1967, killing 46 people. This led many to believe that the two events were somehow connected.

Besides the Mothman, there are many other paranormal stories about Point Pleasant. Among these stories one can find sightings of UFOs and reports of the so-called “Men in Black” - creatures similar to people who unnerved others with their abundance of peculiarities in their speech, their appearance and manners. These "people" supposedly appeared looking for information about paranormal events (or rather, looking for people who had this information).

4. Michigan Triangle

The Michigan Triangle is another geographic triangle located in the center of Lake Michigan. It is also the site of mysterious disappearances of ground and air vehicles. Below are some of the most famous stories related to this place:

Captain Donner: On April 28, 1937, Captain George R Donner of OM McFarland was en route from Erie, Pennsylvania to Port Washington, Wisconsin and had to cross this triangle. As the story goes, he was exhausted and retired to his cabin, asking the second mate to wake him when they approached their destination. About three hours later, when the second mate went to wake him, Donner was not in his cabin. He wasn't in the galley either. An extensive search was carried out for the ship, but it was never found.

Flight 2501: On June 23, 1950, Northwest Airlines Flight 2501 was en route from New York to Minneapolis. It was flown by experienced pilot Robert C. Lind and carried 58 passengers. Due to bad weather, as the plane flew past Chicago, it changed course and turned toward Lake Michigan. Around midnight, Lind asked permission to lower the altitude from 1066 meters to 762, without even stating the reason. His request was denied, and this was the last communication with Flight 2501. Its last known location was believed to be in the Michigan Triangle area.

While sources vary on how much debris from Flight 2501 was found (some say nothing was found), while others say there was an assortment of debris floating in the water, such as pillows, seats, etc. similar), the overall picture gives a clear idea that the plane crashed into the water. Mysterious, however, is the fact that at the time of its disappearance the plane was in excellent condition and in capable hands. Moreover, despite searches that are still carried out annually, neither the plane's frame nor human remains have ever been found.

3. San Luis Valley

The San Luis Valley, located in southern Colorado, is an area known for frequent unexplained sightings, including UFOs and hundreds of unexplained livestock mutilations. UFO sightings in the valley are so common that a woman named Judy Messoline even set up a UFO observation post on her property, which has recorded 50 UFO sightings since 2000 alone. Some of these appearances were observed by dozens of people simultaneously.

For the UFO skeptics reading this article, much more frightening are the stories of animal mutilation in this region. They started in 1967 with a horse named Snippy. One fine morning, Snippy was found dead, her brain was missing, and the bones of her neck were completely gnawed off. Since then, hundreds, if not thousands of unexplained animal mutilations have occurred in the region, with several common features: firstly, there are never traces of blood around the animals, and secondly, the cuts on the animals are very precise and neat, so that it is clearly visible that this is not the work of predators. Finally, all injuries occur during the night, and are received by absolutely healthy animals.

The investigation into the incidents did not yield any results, but it continues to this day. Some farmers have reported seeing strange lights in the night sky before finding the skinned carcasses of their animals, leading some people to believe that aliens are at it. While it's hard to imagine aliens being so eager to take on Colorado's farm animals, the far less appealing alternative is that it's humans, the so-called "Phantom Surgeons of the Plains," operating in the night. If you think like that, then it’s somehow safer to believe in the first option.

2. Bennington Triangle

Here's another triangle. This triangle is located in southwestern Vermont and is the site of a chain of 5 mysterious disappearances between 1945-1950, connected only by geographical location. The victims of these kidnappings include:

Middie Rivers, 75, led a group of hunters on November 12, 1945. On the way back, he went ahead of his group and was never seen again. The only evidence found in a nearby creek was a bullet casing.

Paula Welden was an 18-year-old Bennington College sophomore who went to college walking December 1, 1946. She never returned and no trace of her was ever found.

Exactly 3 years later, on December 1, 1949, a veteran named James E. Thetford was riding a bus back to his home at the Bennington Soldier’s Home after returning from visiting relatives. Witnesses had seen him on the bus the previous stop, but when the bus arrived at its destination, he was nowhere to be seen. His luggage was still on the bus.

Eight-year-old Paul Jepson disappeared on October 12, 1950, while his mother was busy feeding pigs. Despite the fact that he was wearing a bright red jacket, none of the formed search parties were able to find the boy.

The last victim The disappearance was a woman named Frieda Langer. On October 28, 1950, she was walking with her cousin on Glastenbury Mountain when she slipped in a stream. She decided to quickly go back and change clothes, and if you've been reading carefully until now, you've already guessed that she was never seen again. Well, not exactly, she was the only victim whose body was discovered, although it was not until May 12, 1951 (about 6 months later), and in an area that had been extensively searched after her disappearance. Her body was in such poor condition that the cause of death could not be determined.
While theories abound about the disappearances, including aliens, yeti-like monsters, or an unknown serial killer, one thing is for sure: staying away from triangles is not a bad idea.

1. Bridgewater Triangle

Seriously - stay away from triangles. Especially from this. The Bridgewater Triangle is a 518 square kilometer area in southeastern Massachusetts just south of Boston, and it's a feast for all things supernatural.

Among other things, the area has been the subject of numerous cryptozoological sightings. As far back as the 1970s, there have been reports of tall, hairy, ape-like creatures living in swamps. There have also been numerous reports from people who have seen Thunderbirds and giant pterodactyl-like creatures fighting in the air. In 1976, a man reported seeing a giant, ghostly dog ​​with red eyes tear out the throats of two of his ponies.
In addition to these cryptids, there have been numerous reports of mutilated animals (mostly cows and calves) in the region. Some people attribute these mutilations to members of satanic cults, but no one has admitted to these atrocities, and no one even knows where the mutilated animals came from.

If that didn't seem like a big deal, the Bridgewater Triangle is also a very common place for UFO sightings, with the first reports of such sightings dating back to the 1760s when a "fireball" hovered over the New England region. Since then, there have been numerous reports of sightings of unexplained objects in the sky, including mysterious black helicopters. One report from 1976 describes two UFOs landing on Highway 44 near Taunton, and another from 1994 tells of a strange triangular object with red and white lights seen by a Bridgewater police officer. On Halloween night in 1908, two businessmen who were driving to Bridgewater noticed what looked like a "giant lantern" in the sky. They watched him for almost 40 minutes before he disappeared.

So now the Bermuda Triangle probably doesn't seem so scary anymore.

Bermuda Triangle - area in Atlantic Ocean, in which mysterious disappearances of marine and aircraft. The area is bounded by lines from Florida to Bermuda, then to Puerto Rico and back to Florida via the Bahamas.
Supporters of the Bermuda Triangle mystery have put forward several dozen different theories to explain the mysterious phenomena that, in their opinion, occur there. These theories include assumptions about the abduction of ships by aliens from outer space or residents of the legendary Atlantis, movement through “holes” in time, rifts in space, etc.
Recently, the topic of the Bermuda Triangle has returned to the pages of the world media. The mystery of this anomaly again began to excite researchers.
We asked the Azerbaijani esoteric researcher Vagif Alekperov to contribute to these discussions.
According to him, although the Bermuda Triangle is not directly related to Azerbaijan, nevertheless, all processes occurring on the planet are interconnected and therefore are problems of all humanity.
"The cause of the anomalies in the Bermuda area is unknown, but there are many interesting hypotheses. One of them was put forward by the American hydrobiologist Sanderson, who noticed that zones with similar properties are located at the same latitude and are spaced at an equal distance from each other, forming the so-called Devil’s Belt: the Bermuda Triangle, the Gibraltar Wedge, the Afghan Anomalous Zone, the Devil’s Sea, the Hawaiian Anomaly.
It is noteworthy, by the way, that in the middle of the last century, after a series of mysterious disasters in the Devil's Sea, Japanese authorities declared this territory dangerous place. General signs anomalous zones- disturbances in the perception of time, poor health, feelings of fear and panic, etc.,” said our interlocutor.
Scientists, according to researcher Alekperov, are skeptical about the secrets of the Bermuda Triangle, explaining everything by random coincidences, weather conditions, magnetic storms, the influence of infrasound waves on the human psyche, etc. However, this ignores the obvious symmetry in the location of the Devil's Belt zones, which form a regular pentagon on the map. The connection of its diagonals gives a five-pointed star, a pentacle, that is, a figure that ancient magicians used in their practice.
“Therefore, the essence of anomalous phenomena is probably associated with mysticism, and, in my opinion, there are also its mathematical foundations. The point here is in the proportions of the golden section - 0.618 - which, as has been known since the time of Pythagoras, enclose the pentacle. The following chain of the strangest coincidences in history is also connected with these proportions. In 1664, a frigate sank near England. Only one survived - a certain Hugh Williams. In 1785, a corvette crashed near England. Of the entire crew, again only one survived, and again it was a man named Hugh Williams. In 1860, another shipwreck occurred near England. And again, of all the crew members of the sunken ship, only Hugh Williams managed to escape.
It’s easy to calculate that the total period of time (in years) is 196, and the intervals are 75 and 121. Guided by the rules of school arithmetic on calculating proportions, we get 75/121 = 121/196 = 0.618 - with an error of only one thousandth,” said V .Alekperov.
This small error is more than compensated for by amazing fact that all three shipwrecks occurred on the same day - December 5 - the same day when five Avenger aircraft disappeared without a trace in the Bermuda Triangle, our interlocutor emphasized.
“And about one more significant circumstance. All these coincidences clearly look non-random, but from the point of view of science, the facts presented are nothing more than an interesting curiosity that should not be paid serious attention to. That is, scientists studying the Bermuda Triangle will still stubbornly continue to look for some natural causes there - magnetic fields, underwater currents, gas accumulations, etc.
But familiarity with the history of such searches leads to the idea that this is a taboo topic for academic science,” said the Azerbaijani researcher.

Independent researchers prove that there are many mysterious zones on Earth in which, like in the famous Bermuda Triangle, people and equipment, say, airplanes, disappear without a trace.

And one of these places can be called the Alaskan Triangle near the city of Anchorage - an area of ​​the 49th US state, famous not only for its harsh climate, but also for the mysterious disappearances of people, both tourists and local residents.

The first recorded case of such a plan is considered to be the disappearance of an Alaska-Texas flight with 44 passengers on board in 1950. The airplane simply disappeared - no traces of it have been found to this day. A little later, a private plane with four passengers disappeared into oblivion...

All this could be attributed to chance, the harsh climate and desolation of this region, which is why finding crashed equipment here is very problematic. But here’s what’s amazing and even terrifying: since then, more than 16 thousand people have disappeared without a trace in the Alaska Triangle. And not a single person has been found yet...

Representatives of the local Tlingit Indian tribe claim that this place is a collection of evil spirits that kidnap people and equipment that disturb their peace.

Conspiracy theorists have their own theory about this. They believe that an ancient huge pyramid, which they call black, is “hidden” in Alaska, capable of harnessing the power of the entire Earth. Former military man Bruce L. Pearson claims that the American authorities have long been trying to master the secret of the black pyramid and that he himself, as an expert, participated in this project and therefore can say with confidence that the structure is not of our civilization and was created many thousands of years ago.

There were other witnesses to this secret military zone, the goal of which remains to unravel the secret of the dark pyramid and take advantage of it. It is quite possible that people and equipment disappear here because, willingly or unwillingly, they interfere with the military. But this is only a version, and the official US authorities in every possible way deny it; it is all the more difficult to assume that the study of that ancient pyramid started by the American military in the middle of the last century and, in general, there is so little information about it...

There is also an official explanation by scientists for the strange disappearance of people in the Alaska Triangle. Naturally, academics reduce everything to geopathogenic zones, extreme electromagnetic currents, and so on, with which the Bermuda Triangle and a number of other mysterious places on our planet have long been “awarded.” However, such theories are too far-fetched, since they cannot explain the fantastic disappearances of people, planes and other equipment, which simply do not fit into the framework of our physical laws.

Based on materials

  • Bermuda Triangle
  • Bermuda Triangle
  • Christopher Columbus, Sargasso Sea and Bermuda Triangle


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