"It's definitely a Kraken." A giant sea monster was found on Google Maps. A giant crab appeared off the coast of Great Britain A huge spider on the island was found from satellite

On Google maps Earth, off the coast of Deception Island near Antarctica, they spotted something that resembled either a giant squid, a pliosaur, or even a UFO. Experts are at a loss as to what it really is.

The discovery was made by Scott Waring on April 9, 2016, when he was studying the area with coordinates 63° 2"56.73"S60°57"32.38"W in Google Earth. It is unclear where he got the coordinates from, but it was in this area that he noticed an object around which there was seething ocean water, reports The Daily Mail.
“Very similar to a kraken,” the discoverer noted, adding that the creature could be up to 120 meters long from head to tentacle tips. “I measured it. The length of what appears on the surface is approximately 30 m, but what is hidden under water can exceed 60 m with tentacles,” he explained. Waring also did not rule out that he had found a pliosaur, an extinct prehistoric animal.

Another conspiracy theorist on Hotspot theorized that the creature found appears to be a man-made object, such as an underwater UFO emerging from the depths of the ocean.
According to Scandinavian folklore, krakens lived in the seas from Norway to Iceland and all the way to Greenland. The mythical squid, hiding in the depths, sank entire ships, enveloping them with its tentacles, and that is why the facts about its real existence were not preserved. The story of the kraken dates back to 1180 - to King Sverrir Sigurdsson of Norway, and the first detailed summary of maritime folklore about the sea monster was compiled by the Danish naturalist Erik Pontoppidan, Bishop of Bergen (1698-1774). He wrote that the kraken is an animal “about the size of a floating island.”
It's a Kraken, or a pliosaur, or a UFO, or maybe even a giant whale - whatever lurks in the dark Arctic waters makes them boil and foam.
Another mysterious inhabitant of the depths was spotted last week and brought some fresh rumors and theories for supporters of the existence of the Loch Ness monster. Tourist Tony Bligh filmed the video at the popular A82 Wellington Lay-By Allt Cumhang Wall tourist site, overlooking Loch Ness. The video showed mysterious humps rising from the water. Locals deny their belonging to Nessie, claiming that this is just an optical illusion caused by the waves left by a boat passing there.

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What can you not find on satellite maps. Especially when you have a rich imagination and a real detective sense.

website has collected a collection of amazing discoveries on Google Maps made by ordinary users. Some of them have been explained, but some still remain a mystery.

Coca-Cola in the mountains of Chile

Modern designs, visible only from a bird's eye view, create brands. The most famous is the giant logo of the Coca-Cola company in Chile. Created in 1986, it consists of 70 thousand branded bottles of the drink.

Strange pyramid in the middle of Antarctica

This hill raises many questions: hidden in the snows of Antarctica, with a strange topography, could it be the legacy of another ancient civilization? Supporters of this theory believe that it was she who once attracted the attention of the Third Reich. Others are sure: mysterious pyramid may be the legacy of the legendary Atlantis.

Cruise ship among skyscrapers

Giant's Footprint

Giant alien cat

Huge collection of aircraft from different eras

Military and civilian, old and new - all these aircraft are located near Belgrade's small airport in open museum aeronautics. Fans can stroll around, viewing the exhibits in detail with more close range: there are more than 200 aircraft, including the wreckage of American Stealth and F-16 Fighting Falcon combat aircraft.

This is a small village in Niger, where no more than 50 families live. And everyone is busy with only one thing - extracting salt from these ponds with mud. Each pond is filled with produced water, into which special clay containing salt is placed. After settling salt water drain and filter, and after evaporation, salt crystals are obtained.

Giant Turkish flag in Cyprus

You can see the flag of the Turkish Republic in the north of Cyprus. Its length is a good half kilometer. Next to it, the inscription is a phrase uttered by the first president of Turkey during the celebration of the 10th anniversary of the Republic Day of Turkey: “How happy is he who can call himself a Turk!”

Alien ship

It looks like a real spaceship has landed in Texas. But it's actually a local landmark: the Futuro house, designed by Finnish architect Matti Suuronen in the 1960s. Such houses were once popular, and

Incredible facts

However, as stated Paul Clark(Paul Clark), expert from Natural History Museum in London, this the photograph is nothing more than a hoax.

The largest crabs

He makes the following arguments:

1. The largest crab in the world counts Japanese spider crab (Macrocheira kaempferi), which can grow to the size of a small car.

With a leg span it can reach 4 meters. However, these crabs live in the deep, cold waters near Japan and have a completely different shape.

2. Another crab whose shape is similar to the one in the picture is giant Tasmanian crab (Pseudocarcinus gigas). These are the heaviest crabs in the world and live in the southern waters of Australia at depths of 20-820 meters.

3. Also, this crab does not belong to the species pocket crab (Cancer pagurus), which has a slightly different shape and grows up to 30 cm.

4. The crab is most similar to the representative grass crab (Carcinus maenas), which was placed on the satellite image. These crabs grow to only 5 cm.

5. Also, several users pointed out that the image of the harbor was taken from Bing Maps, where there is no crab.


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