Google 3d map of mars online. Map of Mars is an interactive application from Google. A collection of photographs captured by the HiRISE camera

> 3D map of the surface of Mars from Google

Study detailed 3D map of the surface of Mars from Google: moving map, high-quality photos with dimensions, history of the planet, temperature, Olympus, pyramids, face.

Application " Maps of Mars in 3D"offers an exciting journey through surfaces“red planet”, but first let’s take a closer look at this amazing piece of our solar system.

Surface structure of Mars

Mars is a member of the terrestrial group of planets, ruled by Mercury, Venus and Earth. Unlike the other planets, which appear to us as gas giants, this group has a metallic core and a rocky surface.

This planet, like the quartet it is part of, consists of a liquid core, mantle and crust, but the thickness of the layers is different for each. Mercury's density is on average 5.4 g/cm³ (Earth's is slightly higher - 5.5 g/cm³), and it has a liquid core consisting mostly of iron and nickel. The core of Venus has a similar composition, but with a slightly lower density of 5.2 g/cm³.

The average thickness of the crust of Mars is 30 km on land, and 5 km from the bottom surface on the sea. The planet's core consists of two parts: the outer one, which begins at a depth of 5100 km and consists of a molten iron + nickel alloy; and internal - having a similar chemical composition, but with a more solid structure. Surface density - 5.520 g/cm³. The Red Planet is half the size of Earth.

Dimensions of the planet Mars

The radius of Mars is 3.389 km, and its circumference is 21.3 thousand km. The volume is 1.63¹¹ km³, the mass is at around 6.41²⁴ kg. When compared to Earth, the Martian planet's diameter is 53% of Earth's and its surface area is 38%. 3D map surface of Mars confirms that total area of this planet is equal to the sum of the area of ​​all the earth's continents. Its mass is only 11% of that of the earth, and its volume is 15% compared to our earthly home. Mars is smaller than its relative Mercury, but it unique world attracts with its mystery, and magnifying 3D maps of Mars allow you to examine it in detail.

Surface of Mars

Although Mars cannot boast of its size, it is the most big mountain in the solar system - Olympus (21.2 km), located on its surface, preserves the splendor of the dignity of the planet.

Surface of Mars completely cratered, and the deepest is the Mariner Valley. Using the program, you can examine in detail all the planet’s basins and volcanoes, which are considered the largest in the solar system.

NASA interactive maps will tell you about the most prestigious region of Mars - Cydonia, where the most mysterious formations are concentrated: “Face on Mars” and “Sphinx”. Thanks to high-resolution photographs taken by orbiting reconnaissance missions, you will be able to get much closer to Mars. The surface formation "Sphinx" resembles a pyramid built by an extraterrestrial civilization. Although, in essence, this and other mysteries of the red planet are nothing more than a miracle of relief.

Surface temperature of Mars from Mars Global Surveyor

The daily surface temperature of the planet Mars ranges from -65° C to -120° C. The thermal emission spectrometer on board the Mars Global Surveyor probe has transmitted a detailed temperature map of Mars.

Nighttime surface temperatures are described on a t-scale, with white representing the warmest places on the planet, the coldest areas being colored red, yellow and green, and the coldest being rendered blue.

The data was taken as the vehicle passed over the night side of Mars. The map shows that it is winter in the southern part of Mars, while it is summer in the northern part of the Martian planet.

"Sphinx", "Face on Mars" and "Pyramids"

"Face" on Mars

Numerous mountains and pyramids located on the surface of Mars have smooth symmetry. Photographs taken in the 70s by the Viking spacecraft looked like a face, so many speculated about the existence extraterrestrial civilization. But, as it turned out later, the culprit was photos taken in poor quality.

One of the images had perfect symmetry, similar to a face, which became fodder for debate among many scientists. However, all the intrigue ended when photographs were received in higher quality.

The “face on Mars” turned out to be nothing more than a hill, similar outlines of which can be observed on Earth. Such formations are often created under the influence of ice or constant wind; striking examples of this are Mount Assiniboine in Canada, Thielsen in the USA and Matterhorn in Switzerland.

History of Mars

Mars was once warm and wet, but is now a dry and cold planet. NASA rovers report data that the climate on the ancient planet was quite warm, and the surface retained water. This conclusion is confirmed by the chemicals detected by the probe. substances that can only be created in the presence of moisture. Scientists also suggest that some reliefs could not have been created without the participation of the abyss.

It is interesting to look at the supposed map of Mars in the past, to look back several billion years. Kevin Gill, an astronomer who created visualizations of the real Mars in the past, used a laser rangefinder located on the Mars Global Surveyor spacecraft.

The oceans and seas recreated on Mars were created taking into account the flooding of deep valleys, so they only “predict” the water structure of the planet.

The displayed clouds are also free-form. The information for their “reconstruction” was taken from the NASA Blue Marble project. A more accurate name for this water card would be Mars after many years of asteroid formation and reception.

Gas - methane

For many, Mars is cold world, having a red surface color, but when methane was found on its surface, the opinion of many changed.

Why is methane present in the Martian atmosphere? There can only be two explanations for this: biological and geological. Quite a lot of people want to believe in the first reason, but the likelihood of life arising on Mars is negligible. The second is volcanism. Satellite maps show that there are not many volcanic clusters on the planet. The largest is the Tharsis plateau, which gave birth to four volcanoes, one of which is Olympus.

If you look closer at the Tharsis plateau, on the right you can see the “Labyrinth of the Night” and three mountains in the very center: Arsia, Pavlina, Askrian. The “3D maps of Mars” program allows you to get closer to these mountains and travel near their foothills, just by clicking once on the mouse button.

Methane gas tends to quickly break down when exposed to sunlight and wind, so it is logical to conclude that the sources of methane emissions must be constantly active. The created map of Mars does not allow us to accurately convey the location of all methane sources, but this problem will be solved by the Mangalyaan probe launched to the surface, the purpose of which is to collect accurate data.

Methane is under close study by astrobiologists, since it is common knowledge that most of this gas on Earth is produced by microscopic organisms. And besides, the red color of the planet is partly due to the release of methane.

Geological data of the surface of Mars

The absence of tectonic plates would allow volcanoes to erupt for hundreds or millions of years. The map of Mars reports a large number of constant eruptions, which contain a large percentage of iron. The "iron" surface was gradually oxidized by the Martian atmosphere, so this is a suitable explanation for why the planet's surface is covered with a red film.

The Red Planet's Past

Researchers believe that Mars used to be much larger, but the powerful impact that left the North Polar Basin suggests that the planet lost some of its mass. Upon closer examination of the surface, this conclusion seems justified.

It is worth noting that the studies conducted by the Hubble shuttle do not fully represent mysterious world Mars. But an interactive 3D map will allow for a more in-depth study. Thousands of photographs taken by space probes were taken into account when creating this map. A detailed map of the surface of Mars was made possible by studies of the Mars Odyssey, Mars Express and Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter probes. These space probes allowed us to see all the beauty of the surface and structure of the planet. An interactive 3D map from Google will captivate you with the landscapes of Mars without leaving your home. This is a fairly simple and intuitive application that allows you to zoom in and see corners of the red planet that were previously inaccessible to the human eye. Carata is available online, so its research and study is available to everyone: both amateurs and scientists located anywhere in the world.

Hypsometric map of the surface of Mars

The map was created based on studies of the laser altimeter, the Mars Global Surveyor space probe. Here, peaks up to 10 km high are marked in red, and all higher mountains are indicated in pink and white-pink. The colors indicating the depressions are green and blue. As you examine this map, you will notice that Northern part planets, slightly lower in altitude than the southern one. From the words of scientists, it becomes clear that the northern part was filled with water in the past, and these words are confirmed by the gravitational map of the red planet.

Images transmitted from the unmanned Mars Global Surveyor research station also made it possible to see the outline closer. coastline. This detailed map allows you to see the Hellas Basin, as well as four active volcano, located on the Tharsis plateau. These pictures are quite detailed, but the best thing to see here is the Valles Marineris - it is a tectonic fault, the total length of which is 5 thousand km. It is worth emphasizing with particular pride that this map was created by our fellow countrymen, who took as a basis the data obtained from American space probes. Special efforts were made by Zh. F. Rodinova.

Topographic designations of the surface of Mars

The modern map, compiled by the efforts of the latest spacecraft, contains new names for landforms, along with old geographical and mythological names. This one new map Mars allows us to see that the largest elevation is Tharsis, and the ring depression in the south is Hellas. Many valleys bear the names of planets in different languages ​​of the peoples of the Earth. For example, the Valley of Hrath - which means “Mars” in Armenian, as well as the Valley of Maadim - in Hebrew.

However, there is one exception to the names - this is the Valles Marineris, which is called spacecraft Mariner 9, which photographed this surface in detail. Small valleys were named after the rivers of the Earth. Arsia is a classic albedo formation. Pearl Bay is the name of the Hindustan Peninsula, where pearls were searched for in ancient times.

Craters on the surface of the Red Planet

Any detailed map of Mars shows that the craters of this planet are different from the craters located on the Moon and Mercury. Even small craters indicate the presence of erosion on their surface caused by water and wind.

The Moon and Mercury do not have liquid or atmosphere, but Mars had all this millions of years ago. The largest craters: Huygens - 470 km, with a depth of 4 km; Schiaparelli - 465 km in size, with a depth of 2 km; Cassini - with a diameter of 411 km. Satellite map Mars 2014 shows that in places where ice breaks up from the surface, radial ejections of soil are observed. What is typical is that such soil emissions are found in craters located in the north of the planet.


Large Red Planet Map - provides a good physical map of Mars. This map was compiled by the staff of the popular science magazine National Geographic, whose authority is recognized throughout the world, so these works are of particular interest to people who cannot imagine life without knowledge of space.

Advice. To open a map created by National Geographic in high resolution, download it to your computer. This operation is quite simple to perform: after the map is fully opened in the browser, click on the left mouse button and select “save as” and specify a convenient folder for saving.

Curiosity rover

The translation of the name of the comic rover, Curiosity, literally means “opportunity.” The device is equipped with all the tools for collecting geochemical, geological and other information. It also has a nuclear radioisotope thermogenerator, so the Curiosity rover is capable of collecting and transmitting a lot of photographs, which are then stitched together and studied by scientists. Thanks to images from this equipment, we have the opportunity to take a closer look at Hale Crater, located in a very interesting area of ​​the planet. Curiosity images essentially deliver amazing and most mysterious photographs that we can look at with pleasure, everyone at home.

Even the most recent spacecraft launched by NASA's exploration agency cannot provide perfect detail of the surface of Mars. The map of the red planet is constantly updated, and new/more powerful spacecraft are launched into orbit. Interesting: The MRO probe - used by NASA has a 30 cm telescope capable of taking images with a resolution of 30 cm per pixel, despite the fact that the images are taken from an altitude of 250 km above the surface of Mars.

The detailed map of Mars was created with the active participation of the MRO and Mars Odyssey spacecraft, as well as the Mars Express probe from the European Space Agency.

By and large, a map of Mars is a combination of numerous images from different spacecraft, so even a standard size wall map will be quite accurate. At the same time, using computer technology, you, sitting at home, can view online the entire surface of Mars, without making much effort in managing the program.

Thanks to the efforts of the giant Google, it was possible to combine all the data to create an interactive 3D program. It is worth mentioning that the MRO probe took on the largest part research work. This map is the result of a joint collaboration between Google and NASA. A regular browser, such as Google Chrome or Ethernet Explorer, allows you to open a map of Mars online, so an overview of the surface of the red planet is available to anyone today. To view maps of Mars in online mode, You just need to go to the global network and find the appropriate service. The maps will be especially interesting to people interested in astronomy, but a detailed examination of the maps is surprising interesting places, will attract even amateur beginners. It is worth noting that humanity has never seen such a detailed study of Mars, so viewing and studying the red planet, using interactive 3D maps from Google, will allow a person of the twenty-first century to have the most advanced information.

To observe the Earth's surface for free and view satellite images online, you can use several applications. In Russia, two of them are most popular: Google Maps and Yandex Maps. Both services boast good quality high-resolution satellite images from most countries.

Yandex maps is an online application from Russian developers, so Russian cities are more accurately detailed in it. It has built-in functionality for viewing traffic load data (large settlements), demographic and geodata. Google maps contain no less high-quality satellite images of the territory of the Russian Federation, but data on land plots and traffic are available only for the USA.

View a map of Planet Earth from a satellite online

Below you can see the Google map built into the site. For more stable operation of the plugin, we recommend using the Google Chrome browser. If you see an error message, please update the specified plugin and then reload the page.

Watch Google Earth from satellite, in real time online:

Another advantage of Google Maps is the presence of a client application for working with satellite images. This means that the service can be accessed not only through a browser, but also through a pre-downloaded program. There's a lot in it more possibilities for viewing and studying satellite images, working with a three-dimensional virtual globe.

A 3D satellite map from Google (a downloadable application, not an online version) allows you to:

  • use quick search desired objects by name or coordinates;
  • take screenshots and record high quality videos;
  • work offline (preliminary synchronization via the Internet is required);
  • use a flight simulator for more convenient movement between objects;
  • save “favorite places” to quickly move between them;
  • view not only the Earth's surface, but also images of other celestial bodies (Mars, Moon, etc.).

You can work with Google satellite maps through a client application or browser. A plugin is available on the official page of the program that allows you to use an interactive map on any web resource. It is enough to embed its address in the site’s program code. For display, you can select either the entire surface or a specific area (you will have to enter the coordinates). Control - using a computer mouse and keyboard (ctrl+mouse wheel for zooming, cursor for moving) or using the icons indicated on the map (“plus” - zoom in, “minus” - zoom out, move with the cursor).

The Google Earth service in real time allows you to work with several types of maps, each of which reflects certain data on satellite images. It’s convenient to switch between them “without losing progress” (the program remembers where you “were”). Available viewing modes:

  • landscape map from satellite ( geographical features, features of the Earth's surface);
  • physical map(detailed satellite images of the surface, cities, streets, their names);
  • schematic geographic map for a more accurate study of surface images.

The satellite image is automatically loaded at the point of approach, so a stable Internet connection is required for operation. For work Google Planet Earth in offline mode you need to download the application for Windows or another operating system. Its operation also requires the Internet, but only for the first launch, after which the program synchronizes all the necessary data (satellite images of the surface, 3D models of buildings, names of geographical and other objects) after which it will be possible to work with the received data without direct access to the Internet.

Map Dominican Republic from satellite. Explore the satellite map of the Dominican Republic online in real time. Detailed map The Dominican Republic was created on the basis of satellite images high resolution. As close as possible, the satellite map of the Dominican Republic allows you to study the streets in detail, separate houses and sights of the Dominican Republic. The map of the Dominican Republic from a satellite can easily be switched to regular map mode (diagram).

Dominican Republic - Island state, occupying two-thirds of the island of Haiti. The Dominican Republic is deservedly called one of the best beach destinations. The first European to set foot on these incomparable beaches was Christopher Columbus. Back in 1492, he named this island Hispaniola. Later, reporting to the king about his journey, he noted the extraordinary beauty of the island, which cannot be described in words.

Capital of the Dominican Republic, the city of Santo Domingo, became the first city of the New World. And the state itself, populated by almost 8 million good-natured residents, has the most advanced tourism and hotel infrastructure among any other resorts Caribbean Islands. Santo Domingo has absorbed an unprecedented number of attractions, exploring which will give you unprecedented pleasure.

Every year, the Dominican Republic hotel chain welcomes millions of travelers from all over the world. Looking at just the photographs from the resorts of the Dominican Republic, it becomes clear that there is such a big stir in relation to this tourist destination.

Prices for tours to the Dominican Republic are very reasonable and will not shock travelers. According to annual statistics, everything large quantity Russian tourists decide to take a long flight (11 hours) to this truly heavenly place. According to reviews from vacationers, the quality of service at the resorts of the Dominican Republic is very high, and the prices for tours to the Dominican Republic are completely justified. At the same time, a huge part of hotels operate on an all-inclusive system, providing tourists with additional services that make their vacation even more enjoyable.

If you are going to the Dominican Republic for the first time and want to get by with minimal costs, then feel free to choose the most economical vacation options with a minimum list of services. Even with this approach unforgettable vacation You will be provided with the full program.

Seasonality. Located in the tropical-trade wind climate zone, the Dominican Republic delights vacationers with eternal summer all year round. Therefore, the tourist season here lasts all year round. The air temperature is almost always constant. In the coolest time, directly from January to March, the air temperature stays at + 28-30 degrees Celsius, and in the hottest time (in August) the temperature reaches + 31 degrees Celsius.

During the periods from May to June, as well as from August to September, the Dominican Republic experiences rainy seasons, but they do not cause inconvenience to vacationers. Firstly, it usually rains on the country’s server, and secondly, it falls 1-2 times a day, most often at night. During the day during the rainy season, as a rule, there is clear sunny weather, for which most vacationers come here.

Google Virtual Map of Mars is an Internet application that is very similar to Google Earth, the map of Mars is also made on this engine. This color map of Mars is nothing more than topographic map Mars 3d. This gives us an idea of ​​the heights of the area. This Google map of Mars also lets you switch between visible and infrared views in real time. The switch buttons are in the upper right corner.


In Google Maps of Mars, you can move up, down, left, or right using the arrow buttons in the top left corner of the screen. To zoom in and out of the Google Mars map, simply move the tool's slider. It is also on the left side.

This map of Mars, based on images from the Mars Odyssey probe, is a mosaic of images obtained from orbit.

If you're wondering why Google Mars maps are clearer in infrared, it's because the planet's clouds and dust are transparent to infrared light.

Additional features

In the search bar, you can look for objects that interest you, for example Mount Olympus - Olympus mons and read its description and detailed photographs. To return to the map, press "Backspace". There is also a search for pre-selected groups: spacecraft, mountains, volcanoes, craters, canyons, etc. To do this, click on the corresponding link to the right of the Google icon.

Topographic map of Mars

Pyramids and Face on Mars

If you don't know how to Google Mars pyramids, it's pretty easy. The Google Mars program allows you to quickly search. You can view the coordinates on Google Mars, but searching for them does not work.

Region Cydonia

Cydonia, some translate as Cydonia, is a plateau located in the northern hemisphere of the planet and famous for the fact that the numerous hills of this region, according to the first images of the Viking 1 orbiter, resembled the Face (by the way, Google Mars, allows you to see in one click), the Sphinx and pyramids.

Subsequently, more detailed images of the Mars Odyssey and Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter spacecraft (the Google Mars service also uses their images) showed that these hills have nothing to do with the activities of supposedly intelligent representatives of the planet, and what previously seemed quite meaningful figures appeared in the form normal Martian landscape. However, interest in these formations does not fade and therefore pyramids on Mars are quite easy to find on Google Mars. Just type Cydonia in the search bar and switch to infrared mode. The Google satellite map of Mars shows the Face and just below the pyramid. We hope that with Google Mars you will constantly discover new finds for yourself.

The Google coordinates of the Mars pyramid are as follows - 40.75N, 9.46W. By the way, the Google planet Mars pyramid coordinates allow you to calculate the coordinates quite easily, just select the object you are interested in and the necessary information of interest will appear in the drop-down menu.

Valles Marineris

Valles Marineris is the longest and deep canyon in the Solar System. She is her companion high mountain in the solar system - Olympus volcano, which is also located on the red planet. This couple demonstrates what extremes can be found using Google Mars online. To search for a valley, just type “Valles Marineris” in the map command line.

Valley dimensions

The Valles Marineris is about 4,000 km long and 200 km wide, in some places the depth reaches 7 km. It runs along the equator and covers almost a quarter of the planet's circumference, or 59% of its diameter. The Google map of Mars shows that the Valles Marineris system is a network of interconnected depressions that start in the west and Google shows this well. Noctis Labyrinthus or “Labyrinth of Night” is considered the beginning of the Valles Marineris. The canyon passes through various areas of chaotic terrain (ridges, crevasses, and plains mixed together) before ending at the Chryse Planitia basin.

The most common theory for the formation of such a huge canyon is that it was formed by stretching of the surface layer. The theory is confirmed by erosion and destruction of the rift wall. Rift valleys usually form between two mountain ranges and during their formation.

History of discovery

The mighty canyon is named after NASA's Mariner 9 spacecraft, which first photographed it. close range in 1971-1972 Mariner 9 was the first spacecraft to orbit another planet, beating the Mars 2 and Mars 3 missions.

Valles Marineris on Mars has been the focus of many scientists' attention due to its geological past. It indicates that Mars used to be much wetter and warmer. If you are looking for interesting places on Google Mars, then this valley is rightfully in the TOP5.

Software updates

In 2012, the Google Mars program was significantly updated. The reason for this was that by that time there were as many as three orbiters circling the red planet in orbit, continuously imaging the surface in different ranges and with different resolutions.

Much of Google Mars' content is now captured by the Context Camera (CTX) on the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO). The Google map of Mars has a pretty good resolution - 6 meters per pixel - this is significantly better than most of the images of our Earth in Google Maps (about 15 meters per pixel) and significantly exceeds previous photographs of the planet.

Telescope in orbit

The latest Google Mars map shows individual areas of the surface with a resolution of 25-30 cm per pixel! This is thanks to the HiRISE camera, which is installed on the MRO satellite. The HiRISE camera is actually a telescope with a main mirror diameter of 30 cm! Despite the monstrous detail, it will take many years to completely map the planet with such resolution, so scientists are interested in the most relevant regions of the planet and the work sites of the Mars rovers, of which there are now two (Curiosity and Opportunity).

A collection of photographs captured by the HiRISE camera

To view in full screen mode, use the button at the top right.

Do not forget that such bright colors of the planet are due to the fact that the camera captures part of the infrared range. Images obtained using different filters and wavelengths are necessary to identify various surface features and mineral deposits.

Google Mars has paid a lot of attention to Gale Crater. The new version of Google Mars shows fresh satellite images in a gray scale, so they are easy to distinguish from old ones and remember that these are not artifacts of Google Mars, despite the fact that quite a lot of interesting objects were discovered on the Google Mars map.

Lava tubes on the surface

Quite interesting formations are collapsed lava tubes - channels that are formed during the uneven cooling of lava that flows from the slopes of the volcano. So virtual card Mars allows not only everyone to watch famous objects, but also quite rare geological formations. However, the Google Mars map is just high-detail images, so we recommend Google Mars 3D maps, which quite well convey the feeling of being on an alien planet. I’m especially pleased that recently it has become possible to watch Google Mars in Russian. So the Mars Google Mars application is not only a good visualization and technology demonstration tool, but also an entire multimedia entertainment center that allows you to make exciting trips around the red planet.

3D view

The Google Mars 3D map allows you not only to explore the planet, but also to virtual trip, because the relief map of Mars conveys the surface of the distant planet much more realistically. In 3D mode, users can enjoy a bird's eye view of the surface of the planet, and Google's 3D map of Mars makes it possible to virtually move to the most popular objects, consider the “Face on Mars” and Olympus Volcano.

This view from the Google Mars satellite was obtained using NASA's modern Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter and Mars Express, as well as from the Mars Odyssey spacecraft.

A little about the planet itself

After Earth, it is practically the only place in the solar system that could shelter people. But there are many things we must overcome on the red planet.


The orbit of the planet of the “god of war” ranks second in eccentricity in the solar system. Only Mercury's orbit has a greater eccentricity. At perihelion it is located at a distance of 206.6 million km from the Sun, and at aphelion 249.2 million km. The average distance from it to the Sun (the so-called semi-major axis) is 228 million km. One revolution of Mars takes 687 Earth days. The distance to the Sun changes depending on the gravitational influence of other planets, and the eccentricity can change over time. As recently as about 1,350 million years ago, it had a nearly circular orbit.

At its closest point, it is located approximately 55.7 million km from Earth. The planets come closest to each other every 26 months. Due to the vast distance, a trip to Mars will take 10 months to a year, depending on how much fuel we use.


Mars is very small and the global topographic map of Mars shows that its area is very small. Mars is only 6,792 km across, about half the diameter, and only 10% of the mass of Earth. Google's satellite map of Mars allows you to view the planet as if you could stand on its surface. Mars, but unfortunately does not convey to us that we would experience only 30% of the gravity on the surface of the Earth.


Mars, like all the planets in the solar system, has an axial tilt of about 25.19 degrees. This tilt is similar to Earth's, so it has seasons. Martian seasons are longer than Earth's because the year on Mars is almost twice as long as the Earth's year. The dramatically varying distance between Mars at aphelion and perihelion means its seasons are out of balance.


One day on Mars is only a few minutes longer than on Earth. You can adapt quickly. Another advantage is that the tilt of the Martian axis is very similar to the Earth's; it is a pity that the online map of Mars from the satellite does not show this.


But Mars has a very inhospitable environment. It is only 1% of the thickness of the Earth's atmosphere. It consists mainly of carbon dioxide. You won't be able to breathe in such an atmosphere. Night temperatures can drop to -100°C, even in the height of summer at the equator. Interactive map High-resolution images of Mars show the huge polar ice caps at the planet's poles.

One of the most important problems is the planet’s lack of a magnetosphere. Here on Earth, radioactive particles from space are deflected away from the surface, but on Mars there is no protection.

Finally, I recommend watching the popular science film The Mars Underground.

Aerospace engineer and President of the Mars Society, Robert Zubrin dreams of sending humans to the red planet in the next 10 years.

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Mars It is considered a planet with unusual landscapes consisting of craters, once-flowing river beds, volcanoes and solidified lava that was once scattered by volcanoes on Mars. Not so long ago, the surface of Mars was unknown to us and it was difficult to study it from our planet due to a number of reasons, but with the help of the Mars Odyssey apparatus this became possible. Mars has always been the object of special attention of scientists, since it was once similar to Earth and in order to avoid the same future on Earth, it is necessary to find out what happened to Mars and prevent it on Earth.

The map of Mars was created using several thousand images that were taken using the THEMIS camera. This camera creates images based on analysis of the planet's thermal radiation. After creation huge amount images, experts were busy creating a general picture of the Martian surface. Experts used various methods of combining images into one and removed distortions associated with the special camera optics.

Now the “Mars-Expers” apparatus is also operating in orbit of Mars, which also takes pictures of the planet’s surface. The card obtained with its help will be unique. The surface of Mars is imaged using laser technology. The device sends a laser pulse to the surface of the planet, the laser pulse itself is reflected from the planet and sent back to the spacecraft. Based on the time spent covering the distance from the spacecraft to the planet, a conclusion is drawn about the distance to the surface. This device can detect slopes too small to be seen from the Earth's surface. Thus, photographing the surface is more accurate than using simple photography. may interfere with this photography method, but after receiving conflicting data, scientists understand that they hit the satellite, after some time the signal is sent again.

Mars on Google Maps

A map of the planet Mars also exists in google maps. In order to view the surface of Mars using google maps, you need to install the project from google - google maps and there in the menu you need to select the item “planet Mars” (see how to do this


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