Canyons of Europe. The deepest canyon on earth. Cotahuasi Canyon, Peru

Canyons are one of the most amazing and attractive creations of nature. For millions of years, turbulent river streams flowed across the surface of the planet, neutralizing all obstacles in their path and gradually eroding deep valleys. Over time, the stormy streams of water dried up, and in their place only deep gorges remained. TravelAsk will tell you about the largest of these gorges.

Deepest in the solar system

There are canyons not only on our planet, but also on neighboring ones. Thus, scientists have discovered the largest canyon in the solar system on one of Pluto’s moons – Charon. Its length is about 700 kilometers and its depth reaches 9 kilometers.

The deepest on Earth

Well, now let's take a break from space. High in the Himalayas, in Northern India, near sacred mountain Kailash, is the deepest canyon on the planet - Yarlung Tsangpo. Its average depth is 4,876 meters, and its maximum is 6,009 meters. But it is not only the depth that is impressive here, but also the length: the length of the canyon is more than 500 kilometers. The landscapes are breathtaking.

The last time researchers visited these places was in 1994, it was then that the canyon was recognized as the deepest in the world.

The Brahmaputra River, which is also called the “Everest of rivers,” flows through the canyon. And it was not by chance that this name was given to it: river rafting is extreme, and there have been fatal cases (including among researchers). But the river still attracts daredevils on kayaks.

On southern slope the canyon is the most high peak Eastern Himalayas - Namchabarwa, its height is 7,782 meters.

And below, the Brahmaputra still runs, which from the height of the peak looks like a thin, barely perceptible thread, lost among the mighty mountains.

The canyon is surrounded by tall mountains (Tibet is Tibet), some of them with snow-capped peaks, so it is popular among climbers.

The Yarlung Tsangpo ecosystem is unique: depending on the altitude, the climate here varies from arctic to subtropical. There are many endemics here, both among plants and among the animal world: for example, the takin lives in these mountains.

Who else is in the top three?

In second place is the Kali Gandaki Gorge in Nepal, but its height is still debated. If the depth were measured from the highest peaks on either side and down to the river, it would be the deepest canyon in the world (approximately 6,800 meters). Therefore, while this fact is unclear, let Kali-Gandaki be in second place.

The third place is occupied, perhaps, by the most famous canyon- Grand Canyon . Its depth is about 1800 meters, and it stretches for 445 kilometers.

There are many places in the world that leave unforgettable impressions after visiting them. And some of the most amazing natural phenomena that have been created, day after day for a long time, are natural canyons. These are exactly what we will talk about in our article.

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The park is under guard, and when going deeper into the island, you should take care of a good map, provisions and a supply of equipment for all occasions.

No less grandiose a natural phenomenon is the Colca Canyon, which is located in Peru. It is rightfully considered the deepest in the world. Its depth in some places reaches 3400 meters. The formation of the canyon was preceded by many years of activity of two volcanoes at once - Hualca and Sabancaya. The latter is still active today.

If you consider yourself an avid rafting enthusiast, hiking and cycling in the mountains, you should definitely find the time and opportunity to spend at least a little time in the company of the magnificent Colca Canyon.

Besides dizzying heights, beautiful nature and the unique animal world there is something else awaiting all visitors to the canyon. Just imagine, right on the steep slopes there are entire villages with terraces for farming, which are still used today. Well, how can we ignore the king of modern birds of prey – the Andean condor? The wingspan of this giant bird sometimes reaches 3.3 meters!

Now let's go to southern part African continent. It is on the territory of modern South Africa that another striking representative of the world of canyons is located - the Blyde River Canyon. It is part of Drakensberg Mountains and is included in the list of objects of natural origin that are definitely worth seeing with your own eyes while traveling around the African continent.

In addition to its phenomenal size, the Blyde River Canyon boasts the densest vegetation, which has elevated it to first place in the ranking of “the greenest canyons in the world.” The red sandstone, which in some places shows through the dense thickets, only reminds of the origin of the grand canyon. And at this time, somewhere below the river of the same name flows, drawing the eyes of rare travelers along with it into unprecedented distances.

The approximate length of the canyon is 26 km, and the depth in some places exceeds 1400 meters. And this despite the fact that some of the mountain peaks that frame the canyon along the entire perimeter are located at an altitude of more than 2 km above sea level!

Well, so that all visitors can boast of unique photographs upon returning home, along the entire length of the canyon, in the most picturesque places Full-fledged observation decks are equipped.

Arizona's Glen Canyon looks no less impressive. It is here that Americans come from all over the country, emphasizing how popular this place is. The red-orange sandstone that underlies the canyon gives this grandiose place a special charm. There is everything here: rocky ledges, and deep caves, and hills, some of which are hidden under water.

More than 4 thousand square kilometers were allocated for recreation areas alone. That is why every visitor to the canyon will be able to fill every minute of their vacation with active activities and other entertainment. Vacationers can enjoy water skiing, jet skis, and excellent fishing, the catch of which will delight even those who are far from using fishing rods and spinning rods. Particularly popular among holidaymakers hiking and various excursions. And for those who want to leisurely appreciate all the beauty of the canyon, a comfortable ferry is ready to offer its services, which makes daily boat trips.

Another prominent representative of the “family” of canyons is, which is also located in Arizona. This canyon has the right to claim the title of the most unusual and colorful on the planet. Crevices fancy shapes, the unusual color scheme of the rocky ledges, which somewhat resembles the skin of a noble antelope - all this made the canyon unique and a unique place, interesting for every tourist.

When you enter this grandiose place, you get the impression that you are in some kind of fairy tale, the author of which is Nature itself. Despite this, Antelope Canyon is not classified as a national park, although you cannot visit it for free. It turns out that representatives of the Indian tribe who own the rights to this land will have to pay the fee.

Note that light does not penetrate well into the canyon, so you will have to use all your photography skills to get really good photos. Best time for photographing - the middle of the day.

The Grand Canyon is a full-fledged national park. This is one of the most perfect creations of nature, which neither words nor time are enough to tell about. The first mentions of the canyon as a tourist Mecca date back to the reign of T. Roosevelt, who loved to hunt in these parts and simply relax.

You can often hear that everything interesting is so far away. And speaking of canyons, these people are absolutely right. The deepest canyons on planet Earth are in Latin America and in East Asia.

1. Copper Canyon, Mexico. Depth 1500 meters

Mexico's Copper Canyon National Park is often compared to the Grand Canyon in the United States. And this is not surprising: deep dangerous gorges, located in the middle of a hot desert and connected to each other by six picturesque rivers, make a truly strong impression on everyone who finds themselves here.

It is noteworthy that at the tops of the canyon and at its bottom there is always different temperatures air. This is due to the large elevation difference, reaching 1.5 kilometers. In winter, for example, the slopes are always covered with snow, and subtropical forests grow at the bottom. It is thanks to its climate that the area near the canyon is considered the most biologically active in Mexico. A third of the country's mammals live here: puma, black bear, Mexican wolf. Copper Canyon - habitat huge amount birds and a habitat for more than three thousand plant species.

2. Cotahuashi Canyon, Peru. Depth 3535 meters

The canyon was carved by the Cotahuashi River between two mountain destinations - Coropuna and Solimana.

The scenery surrounding Cotahuashi Canyon is breathtaking. But to get to the canyon, you will have to spend up to 12 hours on a bus.

3. Colca Canyon, Peru. Depth 4160 meters

The Colca Canyon is more than twice as deep as the world famous Grand Canyon, its depth reaches 4160 meters. However, it has one significant difference - the walls of the Colca Canyon are not located as vertically down as their North American counterpart. However, this circumstance does not in any way detract from the merits of this miracle of nature.

The breathtaking views of the picturesque natural scene with the giant terraces of the Andes, ledges descending to the river carrying its waters at the base of the cliffs, do not leave indifferent anyone who has the pleasure of admiring the beauty of the canyon. No less pleasurable is the sight of a soaring condor, the national pride of the people of Peru. Here, among the gloomy rocks of the canyon, this handsome man feels at home. It is no coincidence that another ancient name for lost mountain spaces is the Territory of the Condor.

4. Yarlung Tsangpo Canyon, Tibet. Depth 6009 meters
High in the Himalayas, near the sacred Mount Kailash, a mighty canyon resists the Brahmaputra River in Northern India. With an average depth of 4,876 meters and a maximum of 6,009 meters, Yarlung Tsangpo is often considered the deepest canyon on Earth.

And not only is the depth of the canyon impressive, but also the length of 240 km through the breathtaking Tibetan landscape. The river is popular with kayakers, who give it the name “Everest of rivers” due to its extreme conditions.

5. Kali Gendeki Gorge, Nepal. Depth 6800 meters

The Kali Gandaki River makes its way through the gorge of the same name in Nepal. It is even older than the high Himalayan mountain range that surrounds the canyon. The river is named after the Hindu goddess Kali and its waters are colored black due to the presence of glacial silt.

The exact depth of the giant gorge is still under debate because there is no agreement yet on the height of its rim. However, if the depth were measured from the highest peaks on either side to the river below, it would be the deepest canyon in the world with a depth of approximately 6,800 meters.

10. Canyon of the Tara River

The Tara River Canyon in Montenegro is one of the most majestic creations of nature. Its depth is 1300 meters. The gorge stretching along the Tara River is one of the main attractions of the country. Part of the canyon is part of the national park of the Durmitor National Park. The canyon attracts many tourists with its beauty. In the vicinity of the deepest gorge in Europe there is the Djurdjevic Tara Bridge - another interesting attraction of Montenegro. The canyon is a favorite place for rafters. By the way, the Tara is one of the cleanest rivers in Europe. In winter, the gorge attracts skiers with many slopes and good snow cover.

9. Blyde River Canyon

Blyde River Canyon, located in South Africa, ranks 9th on the list of the deepest canyons in the world. Its special feature is that the banks of the River Blyde are covered with lush vegetation. This makes the canyon the largest green gorges existing on Earth. The maximum depth of the canyon is 1372 meters. The majestic gorge is one of the most amazing attractions in South Africa. Tourists enjoy visiting the canyon, where you can admire fantastic African landscapes.

8. Grand Canyon

The Grand Canyon is one of the most famous and largest canyons. Its depth is 1600 meters. It is located in the state of Colorado, USA, on the territory of the national park of the same name. There are also reservations of three Indian tribes here. The canyon is formed by the Colorado River. The Grand Canyon is one of the most unusual and amazingly beautiful places. Due to its unusual nature, the Grand Canyon has been thoroughly studied. It is one of the most visited places by tourists - about 4 million people come to see the Grand Canyon every year.

7. Copper Canyon

Among the deepest canyons in the world is a complex of 6 gorges called the Copper Canyon. It is located in Mexico, in the same name national park. The maximum depth of the canyon is 1879 meters. The canyon got its name from the Spaniards, who mistook the rocks covered with moss and lichen for copper ore. The gorges complex represents a unique ecosystem. It is home to many rare species of animals and more than 290 species of birds.

6. Sulak Canyon

The Sulak Canyon ranks 6th on the list of the deepest canyons in the world. Its depth is 1920 meters. It is located in Dagestan, between mountain ranges Salatau and Gimrinsky. Sulak Canyon is one of the most beautiful places in Dagestan, which is visited by many tourists every year. From the plateau there is a fantastic panorama of the Sulak River with a cascade of hydroelectric power stations located on it. The Sulak Canyon is not only one of the most beautiful sights of Dagestan. Due to lack observation deck, barriers and railings are located at the very top of the canyon and are extremely dangerous.

5. Tiger Leaping Gorge

Tiger Leaping Gorge in China is one of the deepest canyons on Earth. to his unusual name The canyon owes its name to a local legend, according to which a tiger fleeing from hunters jumped over a stormy river at its narrowest point. The depth of the canyon is 3000 meters. Obtaining more accurate data about the canyon is hampered by its inaccessibility.

4. Kolka

The fourth deepest canyon in the world is Kolka. It, like the Cotausi Canyon, is located in Peru. Its depth is 3400 meters. It is believed that the name of the canyon translates as “grain barn.” In ancient times, the Inca tribe grew crops in this area - this is evidenced by the terraces that exist here to this day. The canyon was formed as a result of the activity of two volcanoes: Sabancaya and Hualca. The canyon attracts not only tourists, but also rafters and lovers of cycling in the mountains. Colca Canyon is interesting not only for the beauty of the environment, but also because you can watch condors here.

3. Kotausi

One of the deepest canyons on Earth is the Kotausi Canyon. Its depth reaches 3535 meters. It is located in Peru between two mountain ranges: Solimana and Coropuna, and is formed by the Kotausi River. Seeing the canyon is not so easy - it is located in places remote from civilization. Despite its inaccessibility, the canyon is very popular among tourists. In the vicinity of Kotausi there are underground hot springs and waterfalls. One of the largest waterfalls, Sipia, is 250 meters high. In the vicinity of the canyon there are several mountain villages, whose residents are engaged in traditional crafts, such as making carpets and clothing from alpaca wool. Having visited the Kotausi Canyon, you can not only admire the wonderful view opening from the observation deck, but also do active species recreation: kayaking, paragliding, mountaineering.

2. Kali Gandaki

In 2nd place among the deepest canyons on Earth is the Kali Gandaki Canyon. It is located in Nepal. In ancient times, the Kali Gandak River, flowing through a grand gorge, was a route for transporting goods between Tibet and India. Nowadays, the canyon is one of the attractions of Tibet. The exact depth of the canyon remains a matter of debate. If we count its depth from the highest mountain peaks, it will be at least 6 kilometers.

1. Yarlung Tsangpo

The deepest canyon on Earth is in Tibet, high in the Himalayas. The greatest depth of the Yarlung Tsangpo Canyon is 6009 meters. The Tsangpo River, flowing in a grandiose gorge, looks like a small stream from the height of the canyon. The river is popular among rafters, although rafting on it is considered extreme. The ecosystem of the canyon is unique - lush vegetation here coexists with snow-capped mountain peaks. These places are difficult to access, so the flora and fauna have been preserved in their original form.

"An American tightrope walker crossed the Grand Canyon without a safety net."
Let him try to cross South Butovo without a safety net, rope or pole.

Majestic, alluring, mysterious Grand Canyon. To your possible surprise, despite such a strong name, it is far from the first in size in a series of the largest canyons in the world. so great that over the millennia of its existence, the Earth has been able to store sensations and pleasant surprises even for the most experienced lovers of its natural beauty.
Today Dekatop will gallop through the canyons, providing you with clear and compelling evidence that we still know how to excite your spoiled imagination. Still, we are talking about majestic height and depth created by Mother Nature herself. So, the 10 largest canyons, in ascending order.


This canyon impresses observers with its scope, namely: almost 2 kilometers deep and 82 kilometers long. This is the most grand canyon in Europe, it is famous amazing nature, unique monuments and educational sightseeing tours including on rafts. I’m familiar with this canyon firsthand, so I’ll tell you something. There is a road running through the canyon that connects the north and south of Montenegro; this 80 km section of the road is considered the most dangerous place in the Balkans, as my friend says, “Jedna greska i ti si gotov” (One mistake and you’re “ready”). The road goes from one side to the other of the canyon, sometimes so narrow that oncoming buses and trucks pass them in turn.
In the narrowest places, the mountains come so close on both sides that there is a feeling of being squeezed, given their height, little sunlight reaches the bottom of the canyon. When it rains, picturesque waterfalls flow down from the mountains, introducing another danger: rockfalls onto the road.
Once I had to spend the night in a canyon. In the middle of the night, the tunnels are closed for repairs, a detour is simply impractical in terms of time and distance, then cars line up and people go to bed. Pine trees miraculously grow on the walls of the canyon, complementing the unreal picture.


Unlike the Grand Canyon, the banks of the Blyde River, which formed it, are absolutely covered with greenery, just like in the song. And this canyon is also incredibly beautiful: rising to a height of 1000 meters, its walls drop steeply to the bottom of the river, opening up views of a 450-meter waterfall and the “Window of God” plateau.


His National Park is a chain of separate and connected canyons and gorges formed by six rivers. Many tourists have the opportunity to watch the canyon while traveling by train along railway"El Chepe", rising to a height of more than 2,400 meters.


The peculiarity of the Peruvian canyon is its “sharpness” - just like that, unexpectedly, it collapses more than three thousand meters down. This is the dictate of the whimsical fantasy of the Cotahuasi River, running between two majestic mountain ranges.


The depth of this canyon is 3,400 meters. It is located 180 kilometers from Arequipa, a Peruvian city, and was formed during the high seismic activity of the Sabancaya and Hualca volcanoes. Colca Canyon is considered an ideal place for rafting and mountain biking enthusiasts.


The unusual name of this canon is reinforced by its unique beauty: it is incredibly impressive to visualize, since it is 161 kilometers long. True, it is not as deep as its relatives, since it “dives” only 550 meters down.


This canyon was formed by the Colorado River, which over millions of years eroded the plateau of the same name. The length of the Great Miracle is 446 kilometers, the width, taking into account the level of the plateau, reaches 29 kilometers, and the depth is an impressive 1,800 meters.


The Kali River was named after the great Hindu goddess, as dark and mysterious as its waters. The exact depth of the Gorge is not yet known, since researchers of the canyon cannot come to a consensus on where its edge is located. But if you measure the canyon from the very peak, it could well become the deepest at an altitude of 6,800 meters.


This canyon differs from its peers not only in its stunning scale, but also in its considerable age. Its valley was formed millions of years ago. The length of the canyon is almost 450 kilometers, and the width is about 30.


A scientific expedition, which was organized by the Chinese Academy of Sciences, called this canyon the first in length and the greatest among the deep gorges of the world. Its length is 504,600 kilometers, and its greatest depth is 6,009 meters.


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