Which country has more than 15,000 islands. Island state is. What is an island state

Many countries, for example Spain, are not only the mainland, but also islands - in this case, famous Ibiza, Tenerife, Mallorca, etc. However, there are countries that are entirely located exclusively on islands. Currently, among the 194 independent states of the world, 47 are island states. In principle, Australia can also be counted among them. Although this country is located on a continent, it has no land borders, and this is typical for island states. Many of these countries can offer luxurious holiday conditions and magnificent views. 13 of the most beautiful island states in the world are presented to you.


Singapore is one of the richest island countries in the world. The city-state is located on an island near the southern end of the Malay Peninsula, which is only about 720 sq. km in area, making Singapore one of the smallest countries in the world. South-East Asia. The beauty of this country lies not so much in natural formations, but in amazing buildings, unusual designs and Asian charm.


The name of this country and island comes from a corruption of the Indian word “haimaka”, which literally means “island of springs”. Indeed, the island has many small but very picturesque rivers and streams. And the island in the Caribbean Sea has wonderful hills, coral sand beaches, high mountains and dense forests occupying a fifth of the island.


Seychelles is a beautiful archipelago of 115 islands in Indian Ocean with the most beautiful beaches and gorgeous exotic nature. It's no wonder that the Seychelles is so popular among tourists all over the world!


The state of Mauritius is located in the Indian Ocean, in East Africa. The republic includes two large islands, Mauritius and Rodrigues, as well as the Cargados-Carajos archipelago, the Agalega Islands and many small islands. The nature of Mauritius is good: the shores are fringed with coral reefs, sugar cane plantations sway in picturesque valleys, plateaus and mountains are cut by hundreds of small rivers, waterfalls thunder in the jungle, and craters extinct volcanoes exude a thin smoke.


Let's move from warm islands to the northern Atlantic islands. Iceland is an intriguing and fascinating country, and it is located on a large island of the same name and small islands around it. By the way, Iceland is the most big Island of volcanic origin, and some volcanoes periodically erupt lava, breaking through ice crusts.


The fourth largest island state by area is one of the most distinctive countries in the world. Here the West meets the East, giving birth to an amazing culture. Japanese cities are entire multi-layered anthills, and Japanese nature, especially cherry blossoms, has inspired many poets and writers. Japan is covered with a dense network of short, deep rivers, there are many quiet lakes, and probably everyone has heard about Mount Fuji.


Amazing country in the southern part Pacific Ocean It is very popular among surfers all over the world for its gorgeous waves and luxurious beaches. Fiji is made up of 332 volcanic and coral islets covered with mangroves, wet tropical forests and savannas.

Saint Lucia

This state is one of the smallest among the islands: its area is only 620 km². The island in the Caribbean was discovered by Columbus in 1502 on St. Lucia's Day - hence the name. True, the picturesque island was inhabited by warlike Carib Indians, so at first it was not possible to resettle Europeans there. Today official language states - English, although Patois is widespread among a significant part of the population.


Palau is even smaller than Saint Lucia. This state is located in the east of the Philippines, in the waters of the Pacific Ocean, on a scattering of small atolls formed on the tops of underwater volcanoes. The underwater world off the coast of Palau is so good that it has even been declared an underwater wonder of the world; the gardens and forests of the islands are thickets of orchids and exotic flowers, and the lakes are home to millions of jellyfish.


Let's jump from one of the smallest island states to the second largest - Madagascar. The island in the Indian Ocean, south of the African continent, is home to 5% of all animal and plant species on this planet, of which more than 80% are endemic.


A charming island with a storied history, it boasts white sandy beaches, blue waters and the best coral reefs in the world, and Cuban culture is amazingly interesting and colorful. Viva la Cuba!


Most likely, you have never heard of this state. But in vain, because this is one of the most beautiful island countries in the world. The state located in the Pacific Ocean is located on 33 atolls, twenty of which are uninhabited. There are only 100 thousand people living in the entire country - Tungar and Banaba aborigines who speak their own language, Kiribati.


The area of ​​this state is only 298 sq.m., but it is known throughout the world for its expensive exclusive resorts with a high level of service. Islands in the heart of the Indian Ocean are often chosen by newlyweds for honeymoon– it’s so romantic there!

A country whose territory is entirely within an archipelago and is in no way connected to the mainland is called an “island state.” Of the 194 officially recognized countries in the world, 47 are considered such. They should be distinguished from coastal territories and political entities that generally do not have access to the sea. Most often, the island states of the world are located near the edges of the continents, but some, such as the archipelagos of Oceania, may be located at a sufficient distance from coastline. For ease of classification, countries are divided into groups. The main criterion for division is belonging to one or another part of the world or continent. Let's take a closer look at each of them.


2. Japan

The oldest East Asian state. Located on (the largest of them is Honshu, followed by Hokkaido, Shikoku and Kyushu) and the Ryukyu archipelagos (the largest object is Okinawa) and Nampo. A dangerous seismic zone passes through the country. The capital Tokyo is located in the center of the island of Honshu.

3. Philippines

Often island states are located on archipelagos of the same name. The Republic of the Philippines is a clear confirmation of this. The capital of this country in Southeast Asia is the city of Manila on the island of Luzon. This state is considered one of the poorest in Asia.

4. Sri Lanka

Small South Asian state. The area is located directly on island of the same name, south of Hindustan. The capital is Sri Jayawardenepura Kotte. It is best known for its historical name - Ceylon, and has also been famous since ancient times for its unique varieties of mountain tea.

5. Republic of China

A partially recognized state located in Southeast Asia. Located on the island of Taiwan and several adjacent archipelagos, the capital is Taipei. A major commercial and economic district on the Asian coast.

6. East Timor

The state in the southern part of the Malay Archipelago occupies eastern part Timor and small islands Ataura and Jacques. Capital and The largest city- Dili.

7. Brunei

The state belongs to Southeast Asia. Located on which is part of the Greater Sunda Archipelago. One of the smallest states in the Asian region and the whole world. The capital is a large and picturesque city With exotic name Bandar Seri Begawan, which is translated from the local language as “The City of His Lordship.”

8. Bahrain

A small island state, geographically located in South-West Asia, on the island of the same name in Persian Gulf. It is very rich in oil and is one of the active members of OPEC. The capital and main economic center of the country is the city of Manama.

9. Singapore

This country belongs to the Southeast Asia region. It lies on the territory of 63 islands, the largest of which are Singapore, Ubin, and Sentosa. It is a free trade and economic zone in Asia. The capital is the city of the same name on the main island with an identical name.

10. Maldives

A state located on a group of atolls of the same name in South Asia. It is no secret to many that this is the most picturesque and attractive country for tourism in the world. The only city of Male is the capital and a major tourist center. Approximately 97% of the territory is occupied by water surface.


Almost all of the island states of America are located in the Atlantic Ocean and are washed by the waters of the warm Gulf of Mexico and the restless Caribbean Sea. This part of the world is sometimes called the West Indies. In the past, these territories were under the rule of large European colonialists, but currently they have the status of independent countries.

Island states This region is located on the territory of the Large (the largest is Cuba, followed by Haiti and Puerto Rico) and Small (Leeward and Windward) Antilles, Bahamas and other small archipelagos. The countries are distinguished by a special warm Caribbean climate and picturesque nature with lush reed thickets.

Island states of America: Cuba, Dominican Republic, Haiti, Bahamas, also Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago, Dominica, St. Lucia, along with Barbados, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, and countries such as Grenada, St. Kitts and Nevis.

Other island states

In addition to the listed countries, it is worth highlighting the islands and Oceania as a separate group. Independent African territories in the east include Madagascar, Comoros, Mauritius and Seychelles, and in the west - Sao Tome and Principe, Cape Verde. Basically, the territories of these countries are located on the archipelagos of the same name.

The islands are divided into Melanesia, Polynesia and Micronesia. But many of them are uninhabited or dependent territories. Independent island countries Pacific: Papua New Guinea, Tuvalu, Nauru, also New Zealand, Solomon islands, Fiji, Vanuatu, Kiribati, Tonga, Federated States Micronesia, Palau and, of course, the Marshall Islands.


When the conversation turns to travel, the first things that come to mind are: popular countries like France, England, Italy or Greece. However, unfortunately, few people are less familiar with the history and culture recognizable countries. Below is a ranking of the most unpopular destinations in tourism.

Tuvalu (1000 tourists)

It is surprising that the South Pacific paradise of Tuvalu, which is located in Polynesia, is completely unpopular among tourists. The turquoise waters with perfect beaches and pristine shores are amazing.

IN the state is very low level crime and crime there are no permanent armed forces, which is why the country’s budget does not include expenses for maintaining the army.

Kiribati (5,000 tourists per year)

The state of Kiribati, formerly known as the Gilbert Islands, is located in the center of the Pacific Ocean. It is isolated from the outside world: from almost all types of transport and communications.

Sao Tome and Principe (8000)

If you are in the mood for a calm and measured holiday, a trip to one of the smallest countries in Africa, Sao Tome and Principe, will be an excellent solution. Tourists can admire whales and dolphins with their own eyes, as well as explore with scuba diving undersea world.

Comoros (15,000)

The islands in the Indian Ocean are located near Madagascar and are an ideal place to relax from problems and bustle. Tourists can visit places where lemurs live, explore the rich underwater world, and also admire volcanic landscapes.

Sierra Leone (24000)

The state is on the shore Atlantic Ocean and borders Liberia. The Ebola virus outbreak contributed significantly to the decline in tourism in 2015. Fortunately, after two years, tourists are gradually starting to return to the country. This is due to the fact that WHO declared the end of the epidemic.

Timor-Leste (60,000)

Holidays on the island of Timor-Leste are perfect for tourists who want privacy. Locals They organize excursions into the jungle, and in the eastern part of the island you can explore the village markets in the mountains. However, you should be careful because high level crime is the main problem of the state.

Liechtenstein (61000)

The sixth largest country in the world is also one of the least visited. The state borders Austria in the east and Switzerland in the west. , moreover, it is considered the only country in the world that is entirely located in the Alps.

The islands are a little piece of paradise. Which country can claim to have the most islands? Which country has the most islands? Islands can be very large or very small and are mainly composed of rocks.

It is estimated that approximately 700 million people on earth live on islands. Due to their isolation, islands typically offer a unique environment as they tend to be biodiversity hotspots with rare flora and fauna. It is assumed that Sweden has more islands than any other country in the world. The following are other countries that have the largest number of islands:

Estonia - 2355

A 2015 study found that Estonia has 800 more islands than previously thought, bringing the total number of islands in the country to 2,355. The largest island in Estonia is Saaremaa. total area which is 2,671 sq. km. Many of Estonia's islands are uninhabited.

Greece - 6000

Various sources indicate that the number of islands in Greece ranges from 1,600 to 6,000 depending on the minimum size defined as an island. Of the total, more than 166 have permanent settlements. Crete is the largest greek island in terms of area, followed by Euboea, Lesbos and Rhodes. All islands are located in different clusters, namely: the North Islands Aegean Sea at west coast Turkey, the Argo-Saronica islands near Athens, the Cyclades in the central Aegean Sea, the Dodecanese near Turkey, the Sporades off the coast of Euboea and the Ionian Islands in the Ionian Sea. The Ionian Islands have the best sandy beaches, while the Delos Islands are replete with historical and cultural monuments because it is the birthplace of Apollo.

UK - 6289

Great Britain is an island itself, separated from mainland Europe by the North Sea and the English Channel. Including all overseas territories, the UK has 6,289 islands, most of which are in Scotland.

Japan - 6,853

Japan is a 2,990-kilometer-long archipelago consisting of 6,853 islands, of which more than 430 are inhabited. The four main islands are Honshu (which is the largest), Hokkaido, Shikoku and Kyushu. While most of them are natural, there are a few in Japan artificial islands. Each of Japan's inhabited islands has unique cultural and biological diversity. Japanese islands are a rich base for research and expeditions, as well as for fishing. Every year, about 1,500 earthquakes occur throughout the country. Four-fifths of Japan's territory is covered with forests and mountain ranges, about 200 active volcanoes make it difficult to expand settlements, farms or industry.

Philippines - 7107

The Philippines is a tropical country located in Southeast Asia. Many of the country's 7,107 islands are popular among tourists for their beautiful beaches and turquoise waters. The largest island in the Philippines is Luzon, which is also the most populated island. Most Big city on the island of Luzon - Quezon.

Australia - 8222

According to the latest data, there are more than 8,000 islands in Australia. The actual number is estimated at 8222. Of these, 3747 islands are in Western Australia, 1955 in Queensland, 1000 in Tasmania, 88 in the Northern Territory and 346 in South Australia. Melvin Island is the largest of the total number of islands. Australia boasts a variety of wildlife, including kangaroos and platypuses. Other attractions include a large barrier reef, lakes, forests and vast desert.

Indonesia – 17,508

The Republic of Indonesia is an archipelago of mostly volcanic islands located in Southeast Asia and Oceania. Indonesia is the 14th largest country in the world by area. The main islands in Indonesia include the Malaku and Sunda groups. On the Sunda Islands is the island of Java, on which the capital of the state is located - the city of Jakarta. The Indonesian islands are popular among tourists for their unique beaches, volcanoes, prehistoric relics, limestone cliffs and rich wildlife including forests, elephants, tigers, etc. wild nature and the culture of Indonesia make this country one of the best tourist destinations on the planet.

Canada - 52,455

According to Statistics Canada, the state has 52,455 islands. The largest of them is Baffin Island, which has an area of ​​507,451 square kilometers. About 30,000 islands lie within Hudson Bay, making it one of the largest freshwater archipelagos. A total of 1,864 islands are found on the St. Lawrence River. To the north of mainland Canada is the Canadian Archipelago, which contains Queen Elizabeth and Manitoulin Islands. Manitoulin Island is the largest freshwater island in the world and is home to 17 other lakes, which in turn contain even smaller islands.

Norway - 55000

The Northern European country of Norway has more than 55,000 islands. In fact, there are so many islands that it is difficult to count them accurately. Norway's coastline is estimated to range from 25,000 km to 83,000 km. The largest island in Norway is Spitsbergen.

Finland - 188,000

The Finnish Tourism Board recognizes that the country has 179,584 islands, 98,050 of which are located within the country's 188,000 lakes. Only 455 of these islands have permanent settlements and use water communication with the mainland, and have no roads. More than 700 of the islands are relatively large and have road connections to the mainland. Other tens of thousands serve recreational, expeditionary, research or other purposes. Tourists here can go horseback riding, kayaking, fishing and other types of active recreation.

Sweden – 221,800

Experts estimate that Sweden has 221,800 islands, most of which are uninhabited. This number means that Sweden likely has more islands than any other country in the world. Even the country's capital, Stockholm, is an archipelago of fourteen islands connected by more than 50 bridges, as well as medieval city Gamla Stan, museums and royal palaces. The island of Öland has well-maintained beaches, a castle and buildings whose history goes back 5,000 years, making the island a World Heritage UNESCO. On other islands you can go swimming, fishing and other aquatic species sports

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