Marche. Italy. ​The Marche region, or Unfamiliar Italy (map, cities, attractions) Scenic roads in Marche Italy

Useful information for tourists about Marche in Italy - geographical position, tourist infrastructure, map, architectural features and attractions.


Marche is one of the regions of Italy, located between the Apennine mountains and the coast Adriatic Sea. Here on an area of ​​almost 10 thousand sq. km. About one and a half million people live. The administrative center of the region is the city of Ancona, the only large port of the Marche. Other large cities are Pesaro, Fano, Ascoli Piceno, Macerata, Urbino.

The Marche region received its name from the Franks, who in the 10th century called these lands the word “Marke”, which translated from the ancient German language meant “region”. And the first inhabitants on these lands appeared in the Neolithic era - in the 3rd-2nd millennia BC. Balkan and Greek tribes lived here. In the 3rd century BC. Marche was captured by the Romans, who needed access to the Adriatic Sea. It was they who laid the first important drogues - Salaria, along which salt was transported to Rome, and Flaminia, which connected the Adriatic and Tyrrhenian Sea. At the same time, Ancona became one of the largest sea trading ports in the east of the country.

After the fall of the Western Roman Empire, Marche came under the control of the Lombards and then became part of the Byzantine Empire. In the 8th century the area nominally became an ecclesiastical fief, and the marquesates of Ancona, Fermo and Camerino were formed on its borders. In those years, the coastal territory of the Marche was subject to constant raids by Saracen pirates, and this provoked an outflow of population to mountainous areas. The demographic situation turned out to be critical. In the 15th and 16th centuries, the Montefeltro family ruled here, under which the city of Urbino began to play an important role in the economy, politics and culture of the region. Then the Marche again found itself in the hands of the Pope, and at the end of the 18th century it was occupied by French troops. Only in 1869 the region became part of a united Italy.

Due to the remoteness of the major roads connecting the Marche with the central part of the country, the region has long lagged behind in economic development. During the Middle Ages, paper began to be produced here, which is still in great demand in Italy and European countries. In the small town of Castelfidardo, modern electronic organs are made. And in Macerata and Ascoli Piceno there are fashionable shoes. In addition, the Marche has developed pharmaceutical, furniture, clothing and food industries. In terms of agriculture, the area produces cereals, sunflowers and sugar beets, and the cities of Pesaro, Fano, Civitanova and San Benedetto del Tronto are major fishing ports.

Tourism plays an equally important role in the economy of the Marche, because the region’s rich and varied nature is combined with numerous historical and architectural monuments - palaces, churches and cathedrals, in which the greatest masters of art have left their mark. And the coast of the Adriatic Sea, with its smooth sandy beaches and clear waters, is literally dotted with both world-famous and small resort towns.

Perhaps the most interesting city in Marche for tourists is Urbino, which was founded in the 4th century BC. This city has almost completely preserved its medieval appearance - primarily the Renaissance palace of the 15th century Palazzo Ducale and the ancient church of San Bernardino degli Zoccolanti attract attention. One of the greatest geniuses of painting, Rafael Santi, was born here, whose house has now been turned into a museum. Ancona has preserved numerous attractions from antiquity and the Middle Ages, and in Macerata you can visit one of the oldest universities not only in Italy, but throughout Europe. The ancient picturesque town of Pesaro is known as the birthplace of the great composer Gioachino Rossini.

In the vicinity of Ancona there are famous caves Frasassi, whose stalactites and stalagmites are recognized as a miracle of nature, and national park"Monti Sibillini" - a visit to it will appeal to lovers of walks in the fresh air and active rest.

The administrative center of Marche, the city of Ancona, is famous as a balneological resort. The port town of Fano is famous for its pebble beach, Spiaggia Sassogna, and sandy beach, Spiaggia Lido. And one of the best beaches in the entire Adriatic is considered to be the 13-kilometer Spiaggia di Veltuto - “Velvet Beach”, located off the coast of the town of Senigallia. Also popular among tourists are the resorts of Gabicce Mare with many hotels and large sandy beaches and San Benedetto del Tronto, which is famous for its palm alley of seven thousand trees planted along the coast. Between San Benedetto del Tronto and Fano there are a number of tiny and very cozy resort villages - Portonovo, Sirolo, Porto Recanati, Pedaso, etc. There are also secluded beaches in Marche - for example, Numana can only be reached by boat, and the beach in Porto Sant Elpidio is hidden from the curious by a lush pine forest.

Marche is an amazing region of Italy, although not the first on the list of tourists’ preferences, but definitely deserves to be at the top. A wonderful place with its own characteristics and attractions, where you can relax quietly without being distracted by large crowds of travelers. The beaches, climate and infrastructure are in no way inferior to more popular resorts.

General information about the Marche region (Italy)

The Marche region is located in the center of the Adriatic coast of Italy, it is washed from the east by the Adriatic Sea. The mild, warm climate characteristic of this country is also observed here. The area of ​​Marche is 9,366 square kilometers.

Marche (Italy)


The region consists of five provinces:

  • Ancona,
  • Ascoli Piceno,
  • Macerata,
  • Pesaro and Urbino,
  • Fermo.

Neighboring regions are:

  • Emilia-Romagna (in the north),
  • Tuscany (in the northwest),
  • Umbria (in the west),
  • Abruzzo (in the south).

Additional Information! The administrative center is the port city of Ancona, which often becomes the starting point for tourists.

How to come to Ancona

You can get there in almost any way: by plane, by ship or by train. As a last resort, you can use the bus - the cheapest, although not very comfortable option. Unfortunately, there are practically no direct flights to Ancona: most likely, you will have to fly with transfers, stopping in cities: most likely in Rome or Munich. But finding transport from these cities to the Marche will not be difficult.

Economy of Marche

The region is primarily famous for its light industry, for example, the production of very good shoes; Marche is also one of the main centers of shipbuilding. Tourist infrastructure, of course, is sufficiently developed to receive tourists and travelers from all over the world: a large number of well-groomed beaches, many attractions, various hotels and other places for recreation, shopping tours and, of course, unsurpassed Italian flavor in everything.

Port city of Ancona

Sights of the region

There are countless architectural attractions in Marche. In the capital of Ancona, the following ancient buildings stand out:

  • A partially destroyed Roman amphitheater, which could present interesting spectacles to 10 thousand spectators at once. For some time it served as a defensive point, after which it began to be dismantled for building materials. Fortunately, part of this building has survived to this day.
  • Ancona Cathedral, dedicated to Judas Cyriaco – main church city ​​and at the same time an important religious monument. Built in the 10th century, it was expanded over three more centuries.
  • Ancona Citadel - Built in the 16th century on the Astagno hill, the citadel is an old historical defensive structure.

Interesting! The Palace of Elders is an interesting building in which the Council of City Fathers met. It is worth noting that during World War II the building suffered extreme damage.

This is only a small part of the capital's attractions. But other cities of the Marche can also boast interesting places:

  • The Frasassi Caves, discovered in 1948, are approximately 30 kilometers long. Anyone can look at the beautiful stalagmites and stalactites of this long network of caves - the excursion for tourists runs from 10 to 17 hours every day, the length of the route is one and a half kilometers.
  • The Castle of the Dukes of Urbino is a small castle built in the city of Urbino by Florentine architects, which, at the behest of Duke Federigo da Montefeltro, was turned into a real palace. Although the fortress was not completed before the Duke’s death, it became a popular cultural attraction in its unfinished form. Nowadays the Dukes' Castle is used as National Gallery Marche.
  • The Monte Conero Natural Park is located on the Adriatic coast, while it lies on the slopes of the mountain of the same name. Those who decide to take a walk here can see many species of wild plants, as well as animals and birds. Moreover, there are a number of extremely interesting places. For example, beautiful churches and unique systems of grottoes and caves.

On a note! One of the main tourist cities Marche - Ascoli Piceno.

The extraordinarily beautiful city, much of which is built of travertine, boasts well-kept streets, an interesting architectural style and many attractions. Also worth paying attention to are the cities of Fano and Pesaro. At the same time, it is not necessary to have a lot of money - first of all, vacationers can enjoy walking around the cities, etc.

Castle of the Dukes of Urbino


On the Internet you can easily find a Russian guide who will tell you in detail about the places of interest to tourists. The cheapest group excursions cost 40...50 euros* per hour.

Urbino, a medieval city with such iconic historical monuments as the Castle of the Dukes, Urbino Cathedral, and the Monastery of Santa Chiara, is very popular among lovers of excursions. It is precisely because of the richness of historical monuments that excursions are so popular here.

Important information! Payment is not always hourly! All details must be discussed with the guides in advance.

How to relax in Marche

Despite the large number of attractions, in this region you can not only drive around the cities, looking at the streets and nature. The beach is also well developed here. resort holiday and shopping, many restaurants, lovers of active recreation have the opportunity to visit local discos. There are both fairly cheap (very decent) hotels and five-star all-inclusive ones.

A large selection of beaches for family holidays will not leave indifferent those who like to swim or just want to lie in the sun. Given the mild, warm climate and beautiful pictures of nature, the Marche coast is in no way inferior to the beaches of other regions of Italy. The most famous of them are: Spiaggia di Velluto, Riviera del Conero, Porto Sant'Elpidio beach and others.

Important information! You need to pay in hotels and when shopping in the country’s currency – the euro.

Coast of Spiaggia di Velluto

Useful information for tourists

The climate in Italy is quite temperate. There is usually no point in taking warm clothes with you, especially in summer. You definitely need sunscreen, otherwise you can spoil your appearance in just a few hours.

Marche is far from the most popular region among tourists, but you can enjoy this place in the same way as in the most popular resorts. The map of the region is replete with interesting places: this is an excellent option for those who like to explore cities, look at their architectural wonders and want to lie on the spacious and clean beaches.

* Prices are current as of September 2018.

The Marche region is located in eastern Italy, on the Adriatic coast. Its capital is the city (Ancona). Over the course of its history, these lands successively passed from hand to hand: first it was owned by the ancient Greeks, then by the Romans, and after them the Goths invaded. After Byzantine rule, the lands passed to the ancient Germans, from whom they received their name (mark - region). There are many shipyards in the Marche, tourism, trade, and fishing are well developed. The region is famous for its developed light industry: fashionable Italian shoes, popular all over the world, are mostly made by Marche craftsmen, so at least it’s worth visiting for shopping.

The administrative center of one of the five provinces of the region, Ancona is the capital and largest city of Marche with a population of about 100 thousand people. This is a large port and a world-famous balneological resort. There are many ancient monuments in Ancona, preserved from ancient times. The city is very popular among tourists, but Italians themselves also come here, some to improve their health, others to take a walk in the surrounding hills. Not far from Ancona, in the late 1940s, speleologists discovered the Frasassi Caves (Grotte di Frasassi), which became one of the main attractions of the region. Total length underground labyrinth– about 30 kilometers; in one of the caves there was once a monastery of the Catholic order of the Sylvestrines.

Monuments of Ancona that date back to the ancient Roman era - the Arch of Trajan (Arco di Traiano) and the dilapidated amphitheater (Anfiteatro romano).

It is to them that many tourists go first; It’s not every day that you see a work of human hands, created at the dawn of our era, in the year 115 (the amphitheater is even older). Traditional for everyone Italian city the cathedral, several churches of the 10th-11th centuries, ancient palazzos - Its convenient location makes the city attractive even for those who initially did not plan a trip here: it is difficult to resist the temptation to spend only 2-3 hours on the road and see unique buildings and architectural monuments. The nearest popular resort is located just 100 km away. The road from Rimini to Ancona along the coast will take you about 1.5 hours, and about an hour.

Big cities

In addition to the province of Ancona with the center of the same name, Marche includes four more. The city of Pesaro is the second largest in Marche (it has a population of just over 90 thousand people), it is the center of the province of Pesaro e Urbino (Provincia di Pesaro e Urbino). Next in descending order are Fano, Ascoli Piceno - the center of the province with the same name, Macerata and Fermo. The last two cities are the centers of the provinces of the same name.

Pesaro is primarily a resort town. It is not hot here in summer, quite warm in winter, and 8 km of beaches attract citizens and visitors.
It is easily accessible by train from and Ancona; Regular bus services connect the city with Rome and Ancona.

Gioachino Rossini was born in Pesaro, so the main “lure” for tourists is his house. Price entrance ticket– from 8 to 10 euros. It is not surprising that the city theater (Teatro Rossini) is named after the famous composer.

Among other interesting places in Pesaro, it is worth paying attention to the ancient Villa Imperiale (La Villa Imperiale). It is famous for having served for several decades as home to the Sforza Dukes, the main rivals of the Medici dynasty. A beautiful mansion located on the top of a hill overlooking beautiful view to the city.

When going to Pesaro, arrange your schedule so that your stay in the city coincides with the third Sunday of the month. On this day, the city festival La Stradomenica takes place here. You can not only have fun among the townspeople, but also take advantage of a number of profitable offers: during the holiday, sales are held, city markets open, and cafes and restaurants serve their customers at special prices.


The city of Fano was well known back in . In those days it was called the “Temple of Fortune” (Fanum Fortunae). Evidence of the city’s ancient past is the city wall, partially preserved to this day, as well as the Arch of Augustus (Arco d’Augusto). It was built by Emperor Augustus in the first years of our era. Today the arch represents the symbolic gateway of the city and is its main tourist attraction.

Another gate, Porta della Mandria, is less often mentioned in guidebooks and less known to tourists, but no less interesting. They are part of the old city walls with which the Romans surrounded the city, and were in ruins until 1925.

One of the obligatory points of the program when visiting Fano is the Malatesta Castle (Palazzo Malatesta). The palazzo was erected at the beginning of the 14th-15th centuries by order of Pandolfo Malatesta, a representative of a noble family who ruled the city for 200 years, known for his cruelty and rejection of church laws. Now the castle houses an archaeological museum with an extensive and interesting exhibition.

The ancient and beautiful Ascoli Piceno is not always given much attention in guidebooks around the country, although there are a large number of unique historical and architectural monuments here.

The city is rightfully considered perhaps the most beautiful in the region due to the fact that many buildings in its center are built from travertine, beige-colored limestone tuff.

To understand what we are talking about, imagine, also made of travertine. The entire center of Ascoli, including squares and sidewalks, is exactly like this - beige, with either a pink or pearl-gray tint.

The heart of the city is Piazza del Popolo, or People's Square. She is elegant and formally solemn, it is not for nothing that many consider her one of the most beautiful in Italy. Closed along the perimeter by the walls of monumental historical buildings, it looks like a state hall, above which there is no ceiling - only the bright blue sky. The effect is stunning, especially if you stand facing the hills that can be seen behind the buildings surrounding the square.

The city’s cathedral, named after Ascoli Piceno’s patron Saint Emigdius (Cattedrale di Sant’Emidio), is radically different from the main churches of other Italian cities. Religious buildings were located on the site of the cathedral in IV-V centuries, and its most ancient parts date back to the 8th-9th centuries. In the 11th century, a crypt was built for the relics of the saint. The cathedral acquired its current appearance in the 1530s, when its façade was dismantled and rebuilt.

There are many ancient monuments in the city. Entire streets built by the ancient Romans have been preserved here, and walking along them you understand very well how old this city is. One of the surviving buildings from that era is the bridge over the Tronto River. Its length is 62 meters, width - 6.5 m. Experts believe that the bridge was built during the reign of Emperor Augustus, that is, no later than the second decade of our era.

Among the most famous buildings in the city of Macerata, it is worth noting the university, founded in 1290 by Pope Nicholas IV. It is considered one of the oldest in Europe.

One of amazing places in the city, which has no analogues - Sferisterio (Arena Sferisterio). The arena, somewhat similar to ancient Roman circuses, was built in 1829. It was intended for a sports game that has been popular in Italy since ancient times. At the beginning of the 20th century, interest in this entertainment faded, and now the building is used for opera and ballet performances and music festivals.

Another unusual building in Macerata is the so-called Diamond Palace (Palazzo dei Diamanti). It was built in the 16th century and got its name thanks to its external cladding. The facade of the building is completely covered with stones, cut in a special way - as if faceted.

Small Urbino is a unique city that is a must-see. Its peculiarity is that, despite its more than modest size, it is a real cultural center of the region. About 15 and a half thousand people permanently live in Urbino. At the same time - attention! - About the same number of students are studying at the local university.

The University of Urbino (Università degli Studi di Urbino) was founded at the very beginning of the 16th century, first as a medical institution, and then expanding the list of disciplines.

Urbino itself was founded in the 4th century BC. Its main buildings, erected during the Renaissance, have been almost completely preserved to this day, so the historical appearance of the city has reached us unchanged. The main decoration of the city, the Ducal Palace (Palazzo Ducale) of the 15th century, is listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The residence of the Dukes of Urbino was not completed, but even in this form it is a unique monument of a bygone era.

Two more outstanding examples of architecture different years– the church of San Bernardino (la chiesa di San Bernardino degli Zoccolanti), built in 1491, and the city cathedral (Duomo di Urbino) in the neoclassical style of 1801.

One cannot ignore the house-museum of the great ( Raffaello Santi), native. The exhibition dedicated to one of the best painters in the world has been located in the house where he was born since the 19th century. The personal belongings of the artist and his family have not survived; the furniture and other interior items presented in the museum are typical of that time. The museum is open daily, the entrance ticket price is 3.5 euros.

The easiest way to get to Urbino is from Pesaro, which, in turn, can be reached by train from Bologna or Ancona. There is a bus from Pesaro to Urbino. The fare is 3 euros, travel time is from 45 minutes to a little over an hour. You can travel 35 kilometers between the two cities by taxi, average price 45 euros.

Resort Marche

Since Marche and the sea are inextricably linked, it is impossible not to mention the resorts of the region. Let us list the main ones, “moving” from the north of the coast to the south.

Gabicce Mare and Gabicce Monte are a single resort consisting of two levels, “beach” and “mountain”, located on the top of a hill. Below are hotels, beaches and promenades; upstairs there are restaurants, noisy bars and discos.

Pesaro: the total length of the beaches of this city is about 8 km, of which three belong to the municipal beach. The shore is mostly sandy, the entrance to the water is sloping, and the depth is shallow.

In the already mentioned Fano there are two beaches - the pebble Spiaggia Sassonia, along which townspeople love to stroll in the evenings, and the sandy Spiaggia Lido, more suitable for sunbathing and swimming, and therefore more popular. The further you are from the city center, the greater the chances of finding a free, quiet beach that is not crowded with vacationers.

A little further from Fano towards Ancona lies the city of Senigallia. Its long (more than 13 km) resort area, called Spiaggia Di Velluto, “velvet beach”, is known as perhaps the best beach on the Adriatic coast.

South of Fano and Ancona, all the way to San Benedetto del Tronto, along the sea coast there are many small towns and villages offering visitors resort services: Portonovo, Sirolo and others. One of them, Civitanova Marche, is also well known to tourists who come to the Marche not only to wander the historical streets, but also to relax in comfort at the seaside resorts.

San Benedetto del Tronto, located in the south of the Marche, is one of the main centers of resort life in the region.
Its main attraction is a long palm alley running parallel to the coastline. It has seven thousand trees. If you are more interested in a secluded holiday away from expensive hotels

and noisy restaurants, you can arrange a romantic trip to the beaches around the town of Numana (Numana) south of Sirolo - take a boat and sail along the coast in search of a small deserted bay.

Halfway between Sirolo and San Benedetto del Tronto, near Fermo, there is a place called Porto Sant’Elpidio: here a whole pine forest grows along the coast. Many seaside resorts where you can have a great vacation for a week or two al mare, located on
180 kilometers of the Adriatic coast in the Marche region. All resorts in Marche can be divided into two main types. The first includes large noisy centers with vibrant nightlife, many foreign tourists and embankments, densely built up with hotels. Examples of this type of resort are (from north to south), Gabicce Mare, Pesaro Senigallia And.
San Benedetto del Tronto The other type is represented by many small resort towns with picturesque beaches, where villas and apartments are preferred to hotels. Often such places are filled with Italian families in the summer, many of whom live in the Marche region and come to the sea every year. At the same time, adults love to sigh in public about the fact that they have to come here for the sake of bambini
, but in their hearts they all love these places. In addition, thanks to technological progress - laptops, iPads and smartphones - everyone can feel like they are in the office on vacation. A couple of places nestled under a rocky peninsula Monte Conero , do not fall into any category. There are rocky coves and white limestone cliffs that are not found anywhere else on the Adriatic coast from Trieste in the north to the “heel” Italian boot

at Gargano in the south.

When to go. The best time to visit the resorts of the Marche region

Features of the choice of beaches in the resorts of the Marche region Although all resorts have one or two free public beaches (), they are often located far away and very rarely are they as clean as the toll sections of the coast. In any case, if you want to experience a truly Italian beach, be sure to go to the paid one, where there are rows of sun loungers under beach umbrellas. Usually entrance to the beach is not too expensive ( from 2 to 4 euros), but it has all the amenities you could ever want and is the best place to see Italian life up close. If you are staying at one of the local hotels, then, as a rule, you can use the private beach that belongs to it for free.
The Marche region boasts the largest number of Blue Flag beaches in Italy. The prestigious Blue Flag certificate from the Foundation for Environmental Education is awarded only to the most environmentally friendly beaches in Europe. The certificate implies that the beach meets strict criteria, including water quality, environmental control, safety and some other services.

Gabicce Mare

This one is colorful and lively city on the border of the Marche and Emilia regions, Romagna is the northern extension of the Riviera of Rimini. Therefore, it is not surprising that this resort, uniting more than 100 hotels, has become one of the most popular places holidays in Marche. Despite this, the sandy beaches and vibrant nightlife on the coast and in the town of Gabicce Monte higher in the mountains remain attractive.
From here it's a stone's throw to the impressive Gradara Castle and, if you're really interested in exotic postage stamps and cheap alcohol, to the tiny republic San Marino.
To the south, towards the city of Pesaro, from Gabicce leads strada panoramic. Driving along the road winding above the coast, you can fully enjoy the breathtaking marine species, many charming coves and inexpensive fish restaurants; one of the most romantic places- a tiny port in a village Baia Vallugola.

Hotels in Gabicci Mare: compare prices on different sites - save up to 50%


Pesaro, capital of the province of Pesaro e Urbino in the Marche region, is not only a charming city, but also an attractive one seaside resort, a prosperous fishing port and important industrial centre. The elegant, wide streets are picturesque enough for a fun stroll, and dinner at a seafood restaurant by the sea after a day spent on a relatively empty beach is difficult to compare in its appeal to anything else. Like most Italian beaches, the city's three kilometers of coastline are lined with dense rows of umbrellas and sun loungers that are rarely occupied. To be alone by the sea, go to the area Baia Flaminia, which lies north of the city center. Here, in addition to equipped beaches, for which you have to pay to enter, there are also areas for free recreation. Also, free and not crowded beaches lie to the south of the city, if you take the SS16 highway in the direction of Fano.

Choose a hotel in Pesaro


Name of the Roman colony Fanum Fortunae associated with the large temple of the goddess Fortuna located in it. Fortune patronizes the city to this day, but in the person of one of the four Christian patron saints, San Fortunato.
During Roman times, this place, where the important Via Flaminia road from Rome adjoined the main coastal route, was a major port. Today it is a small seaside resort with a busy fishing port and a charming old town centre.
The entrance to the city lies through a magnificent triumphal arch Roman era Arco di Augusto. It was built in the 2nd century AD by order of the Roman Emperor Augustus as part of his ambitious project to improve the empire's road network, and marks the point where the Via Flaminia reached the shores of the Adriatic; The bas-relief of the wall of the 16th-century church on the right shows the arch in its original form.
From here the main street Via Arco di Augusto leads to the historical center of the city (if you continue driving along it to the end, then, after crossing the railway tracks, the road will lead to the beach Sassonia).
At the main intersection in the city center, turn right onto Corso Matteotti which will take you to the central square Piazza XX Settembre, which is decorated with a fancy 16th-century fountain topped with a sculpture of the goddess Fortune. Among the beautiful buildings approaching the square, the palace stands out Palazzo Malatesta with a large courtyard and spacious loggia, known as Corte Malatestiana. The palace houses the city museum Museo Civico Senigallia Pinacoteca Museum, which presents a disparate collection of Renaissance images and paintings by Guercino, Guido Reni and Michele Giambono.
Church Santa Maria Nuovo standing next to the central city square on the street Via de Pili, houses two precious works by Perugino, “Madonna and Saints” and “Good News” - it is likely that young Raphael helped the master in creating the first of the paintings.
The city has a particularly elegant passeggiata– a pedestrian zone running along the main streets, along which townspeople stroll along rows of shops, alluring with the lights of their shop windows.
The railway clearly separates Old city from a modern resort that has grown up along two strips of beautiful beach. To the south of the city extends Spiaggia Sassonia, wide pebble beach with a spacious walking area. In the northwest there is a shorter but more popular beach Spiaggia Lido, covered with sand and lined with rows of beach umbrellas.
Between the beaches there is a small bay where fishermen gather, from whom you can buy some of the fresh catch - vongole, small edible shellfish, are especially good here.
To the north and south of Fano there are quite pleasant free public beaches, many of which are relatively deserted.

Choose a hotel in Fano


Since 1853, 13 kilometers of gold sandy beaches Senigallia, famous "Velvet Beach", are considered one of the most popular seaside resorts on the Adriatic coast. Thanks to the quality of service and clean water, the city received the prestigious Blue Flag certificate issued by the Foundation for Environmental Education in Europe. But the sea is not all that is worth going to Senigallia for. Main city resort with a breathtaking historical center, can serve as an ideal base for exploring ancient cities Marche region. The name of the city refers to the very first inhabitants of these places - the Galli Senoni, a Celtic tribe that settled here around the 4th century BC. In the 15th century, the city was famous for the Maddalena fair that took place here. To this day, the historical center of the city retains a certain merchant austerity, especially clearly expressed in the tall buildings standing along the city canal. While walking along the alleys of the central part, pay attention to the architecture of squat, thick-walled houses, which developed many centuries ago as a result of the threat of earthquakes. The most beautiful historical monument of the city is the old fortress, Rocca Roveresca, built in 1480. In the summer, the sounds of concerts can be heard in her courtyard. classical music. Another source of pride for Senigallia is lots of great restaurants, where you can truly taste the best Adriatic cuisine. The city is home to two of the most famous restaurants in Italy: La Madonnina Del Pescatore Senigallia Uliassi, regularly included in the top ten best establishments according to eminent restaurant critics from around the world.

Choose a hotel in Senigallia


South of Ancona stands the lonely limestone peak of Monte Conero, whose slopes fall steeply to the most beautiful sea beaches on the entire northern Adriatic coast. The beauty of these places is responsible for the fact that in July and August three local resorts have only standing places available; You should come here in May, early September or, best of all, in June.
If you're coming from Ancona, your first stop on your route should be Portonovo, a tiny village on the Conero River. Making your way along a dead-end road to this cluster of hotels, restaurants, campsites and summer beach houses nestled on a narrow coastal strip, you can fully enjoy postcard views of the sea. The resort coast is divided into two parts by the squat fortress Fortino Napoleonico, built in 1808 by the Viceroy of Italy Eugene Beauharnais to protect against attacks by the English fleet. Today the fortress is located Hotel Fortino Napoleonico.
At the end of the road, where the evergreen oaks cling to mountain slope, descending to the sea, stands the ancient Romanesque church of Santa Maria. Built between 1034 and 1048, the building has a shape unique to Italy, more typical of the churches of Normandy.
Let's return to the main road, which goes around the foot of the mountain, from where breathtaking landscapes open up. About 8 km south of the Portonovo junction, follow the signs for Monte Conero to visit the 12th-century Badia di San Pietro, once a Benedictine monastery, and today - Hotel Monteconero. It is located in the very high point mountains that can be reached by car, and the panorama from here is worth your time.
The entire area adjacent to the mountain was declared a regional nature park in 1987, in which a whole network of marked paths was later laid - the map can be purchased at Consorzio del Parco del Conero in the town of Sirolo. At the top of the mountain (572 m) traces of a Paleolithic site about 100,000 years old were discovered - the oldest evidence of human presence in the region.

Sirolo and Numana

In the most southern point Conero houses the two main resorts of the Riviera. The most interesting of them is Sirolo, with amazing medieval center and a tree-lined square hanging high above the sea. On best beaches can be reached by bus, departing every half hour and stopping at each bay. Campsites and coastal hotels in the lower historical part of the city smoothly flow into the Numana resort. In the southern part of the resort there is a long pleasant beach, and in the city archaeological museum you can get acquainted with the history of the tribes that lived on the territory of Piceni long before its conquest by Rome ( Via La Fenice, 4).
You can escape the beach crowds in one of the many tiny sheltered bays, which can only be reached by boat: during the season there are regular flights from Numana, Sirolo and Portonovo.
In addition, Sirolo boasts best fields for golf in the region, owned by the golf club Conero Golf Club.


Porto Recanti

When traveling in the Loreto or Recanti area, you will probably want to spend a day or two on the beach.
Porto Recanti is small modern resort gives a feeling of freedom with the breadth of its streets and magnificent views of the top of Monte Conero in the north. Despite the fact that the sand and pebble beach here is quite narrow, it is rarely crowded. It is best to relax in the northern part of the beach.

Civitanova Marche

This charming seaside resort is both a picturesque fishing port and a center for the shoe industry. At the same time, its long and wide pebble beach looks more stylish than any of the neighboring resorts, given that there is no shortage of hotels here at all.
The most interesting part of the promenade and beach is located in the quiet southern part of the city, decorated with lush vegetation. In a city centered around a wide square Piazza XX Settembre, there are plenty of shops with stylish storefronts and green public gardens.
On a hilltop about 4 kilometers from the coast stands a medieval fortified town Civitanova Marche Alta, which is still protected by partially preserved fortress walls. This is a must-visit - among the beautiful ancient palaces and churches there is an amazing collection of modern Italian visual arts, presented in the art gallery Galleria d'Arte Moderna.
One of the oldest and most charming churches in Marche, Santa Maria a Pie di Chienti, is located 6 kilometers away along the SS 485 highway inland. The beautifully preserved Romanesque building was built in the 9th century. The church is divided into two floors, the upper of which opens onto a central nave. Frescoes XIV the centuries on the apse above the altar, in sharp contrast to the plain brickwork of the rest of the walls, make a lasting impression.

Choose a hotel in Civitanova Marche

Porto Potenza Picena

To the north of Civitanova Marche lies Porto Potenza Picena - another variation on the theme of the small resorts of the south of Marche. A great place to relax for the day on the sandy beach if you find yourself nearby. A few kilometers from the coast, in a place Giardino Bonaccorsi lies one of the few remaining 18th-century gardens in Italy with a beautiful red brick villa. The villa itself is closed to the public, but it’s still worth visiting if you’re in the area to admire the local beauty.

Porto San Giorgio

The streets of the resort, sandwiched between the SS16 highway and the sea, are decorated with many beautiful shops, and in the summer season the atmosphere is enlivened by frequent music concerts. Much of the beauty of the city is due to several buildings in the "Liberty" style, which was common in the best Italian resorts in late XIX century. From the towers of the city fortress of the 13th century, standing near the central square, built by Lorenzo Tiepolo, the future Doge of Venice, good view to the city. But the main attractions of the city remain fish and beautiful beaches. The city has many inexpensive restaurants serving a variety of brodetto, a traditional fish dish of the Marche region.


South of Porto San Giorgio is the “mussel beach” of Marche - Pedaso, where delicious shellfish are grown on concrete pillars lying in the water just behind the short pebble city beach. Except great places for snorkeling, the town is conveniently located relative to the main routes of the region. In summer it takes place Sagradelle Cozze or mussel festival.

Porto Sant'Elpidio

North of Porto San Giorgio lies the narrow strip of Porto Sant'Elpidio beach, the heart of Marche's shoe industry. The main attraction of the resort is pine forests in the north and many huge shoe stores on the main road SS16. Once a port serving the inland town of Fermo, today the town of Porto Sant'Elpidio has turned into a wonderful seaside resort with a small port.

Curpa Marittima

Old fashioned coastal resort, not crowded with hotels and imbued with the spirit of a fun family holiday. It is possible that Curpa Marittima owes such a relaxed atmosphere to the lush vegetation around it - pine trees, palm trees and oleanders. A short sandy beach (only 2.5 km long), dotted with old concrete groins, starts right behind the beautiful little port. There are rarely too many vacationers on the beach. There's an interesting person working in the city shell museum. If you are interested in camping, the best tent sites are in the north, between Curpa Marittima and Pedaso in the north.


This small resort in the south of the Palm Riviera Marche boasts a 5-kilometer strip of sandy beaches. On the beautiful pedestrian promenade there are several superb buildings that exemplify the seaside Liberty style of architecture, mostly luxury villas from the turn of the last century. Rows of palm trees along the seashore, colorful flower beds and well-groomed lawns give the city an indescribable charm. The historic centre, a medieval town overlooking the sea, contains beautiful old buildings with magnificent views of the sea. Beautiful church Santa Lucia was built in 1957 in memory of the most famous son of the city, Pope Sixtus V. The ruins of an ancient Castle rise above the city.

San Benedetto del Tronto

One of the main resorts of the south of Marche, whose embankment is decorated with seven thousand palm trees, stands out for its unique tropical atmosphere. It is also a beautiful city, known as the second most important fishing port on the Adriatic coast of Italy. The resort is hugely popular, but with 8km of wide sandy beaches fringed by palm trees, there's plenty of room for everyone. However, the old-fashioned elegance of the city does not interfere with the vibrant nightlife, which does not leave younger tourists indifferent. The most beautiful part of the beach is also where the most good hotels– stretches south of the city center. The beach north of the extensive port is not as well-maintained, but there are many half-empty and free areas. The old part of the city is located above the main resort, at the far end Corso Mazzini, and is marked by a castle surrounded by narrow streets of brick houses. Residents of the resort take catching fish and eating it equally seriously; There are many restaurants in the city where every taste will be satisfied for a reasonable price. This is one of best places to try brodetto, a dish for the preparation of which 13 types of fish are used - no more, no less.

Select and book a hotel in San Benedetto del Tronto

It is about this, about the central part of Italy, about the province of Marche, that I would like to tell the world today... The beauty of this province is that the attractions are scattered throughout its territory, and not concentrated in a few big cities. And in almost every, even the smallest locality, you can come across such cultural value that will take your breath away...

I invite you to go with me to a place where there are not many tourists, but there are more than enough historical and cultural values...Where people have not lost their friendliness. To a place where culinary traditions are still preserved. Where prices are still affordable. And a hotel room or rented apartments can take you on vacation without exceeding the cost beyond what is reasonable...

And where, you ask, is this paradise?

I invite you to the province of Marche. And first, I suggest you look at the map... See? Let's try the “by contradiction” method, i.e. from the "opposite". The Marche border strip on its northern side is only 40 km away. from the popular “Russian” resort of Rimini. Arriving in Rimini, you will receive maximum care for yourself practically from the plane - starting with restaurants, sun loungers and umbrellas on the beach... you will instantly be asked to part with your money... Unpretentious beach hotels on the principle of “bed-bed”, “shop tours” or “gastronomic” according to your taste and wallet size, excursions to distant lands and to the distant kingdom at fabulous prices, of course, because Rome, Venice and Florence are 3-4 hours away from Rimini. And most importantly! Everywhere they are waiting for you and everywhere they speak Russian warmly... Even in the state of San Marino (where you will certainly be asked to go from Rimini), store sellers of a tiny but self-sufficient state will offer you bags, wines and brands in the language native to our hearts... That's where I'll I don't invite you. You can go there on your own and without any fear of getting lost, but for fear of losing “everything that you have acquired through backbreaking labor.”

We continue to study the map... Such a green part of Italy... in the middle part... Exactly! Located between the Apennines and the Adriatic Sea. Here... In the north it borders with Emilia Romagna (the famous Rimini is also here, about which I have already given a little information), with the Republic of San Marino (also already mentioned), we look to the east - Tuscany and Umbria. We look further south - from Lazio and Abruzzi...

One of Marche's advantages lies in its proximity. The region has absorbed all the best from its numerous neighbors without losing its traditions. The successful neighborhood has affected literally all areas: culture, art, employment, and, of course, cuisine... Exactly! Diversity- distinguishes the Marche region from other provinces of Italy.

Second advantage - sea! You can object to me, especially if you splashed around in the coastal waters of Rimini, they say, the Adriatic Sea is shallow, not picturesque, not interesting... That’s right, off the coast of Rimini and a little to the south, it looks exactly like that. This is the region of Emilia-Romagna. However! The beaches near Ancona (the capital of Marche) are impressive with their beauty and are among the 10 most beautiful beaches in Italy... The mountainous terrain gave the province the freshest air and mountain rivers: Metauro, Cesano, Tronto, Potenza, Esino. Are you looking at the map? Or am I the only one admiring these natural gifts of the province? All these rivers flow into the Adriatic Sea. "So what?" - you ask.

And the fact is that thanks to the desalination of sea water by mountain rivers, the inhabitants of the bottom feel excellent in such water... And here you have numerous fishing ports, bazaars, shops and fish restaurants. And it is no coincidence that Brodetto, a soup made from freshly caught fish and seafood, is considered a traditional Marche dish. Whatever was caught in the morning ended up in the soup. But even Brodetto is prepared in its own way in each city. This soup cannot be called a soup in the usual sense... It is a “huge seafood platter” with a little broth and croutons for dipping. Why am I describing this? Here's a photo.

Does it look like soup? And, of course, you should eat soup where the fish are caught, therefore, on the coast. For example, look at the map from north to south: Pesaro, Fano, Civitanova, San Benedetto del Tronto. All these cities have a fishing port, which means there is plenty of fish to cook a delicious Brodetto!

So, the Adriatic Sea on one side and the mountains on the other. Such geographical limitation and inaccessibility have forced the region to develop independently since ancient times. So Marche grew into a powerful and self-sufficient... The forest provided paper and furniture! Forest... “And in the forest there are flowers, berries, mushrooms,” as the children’s cartoon song says. This is true. Famous Tartuffo mushrooms! Mmm... About food again?!

You see, they’ve already forgotten about the sea... That’s right, why lie on the beach when the best fashionable shoes are produced in Marche... Let’s jump into the car and go to the factories! To the city of Macerata or Ascoli - Pecheno. What about clothes? Personally, I like Italian brands without a big name. You can do without factories, and just stroll through the shops of the cities of Fano and Pesaro, and here you will find something to please yourself with...

Of course, I would really not like you to have the impression of me as a person with eternally hungry eyes. But I can’t help but write that the region is rich in its own olive oil, its own excellent wine, and cheese for every taste. The Pecorino cheese made from sheep's milk, which I adore, is also produced here. And if it’s still from the pit... After all, they make delicious ravioli with cheese from the pit in Marche. They resemble our dumplings with cottage cheese, but again, as in the case of fish soup, they have nothing in common with our dumplings.

My God! I’ve already written so much, but not a single word about the sights. Incredible! When I was getting ready to write an article, I was thinking about what to write there, quickly about this and that. But it turns out that it’s no longer an article at all... It looks like Marche is laying claim to a whole book...

Well... Let's talk about the sights then. Back to geography again. The name of the province itself, Marche, translated in Old German means “mark” or “border”. In the 11th century, the Marche territory became the border of the Holy Roman Empire. And so it stuck: the border of the Roman Empire is Marche.

If you turn to historical facts, the Marche region has been inhabited since Neolithic times. There is evidence that Balkan and Greek tribes lived in this territory back in the 2-3 millennium BC. They lived and did not bother until the Romans became interested in the strategic lands of the region. Ancona (the capital of Marche) was already the most important trading port! Ancona! Isn't this city worth visiting?! Don't you want to be in the square where trade relations were built and history was made even before our era? But many people go to Ancona just to plunge into the beautiful sea... Oh, although... To be honest, I really want to go to the beautiful sea too!

Once, I read in one of the sources that pirates often hunted in these parts and the population was forced to flee from them into the mountains, so here’s migration... This story with pirates brought back memories of sea adventures on the pages of the book “The Odyssey of Captain Blood » Rafael Sabatini. And imagine my surprise that the writer Sabatini was a native of these places. It’s clear how not to write about the sea while being near the sea... in the thick of things, so to speak...

It should be noted that the province of Marche gave Italy and the world famous composers, opera singers, architects and artists, writers, mathematicians and teachers. And even one famous motorcycle racer - Valentino Rossi. I will not make a list of the names of all these figures, because each of them is part of the history of his city... Which means it would be more correct to talk about each of them according to his place of birth. Unfortunately, this article will no longer contain the stories of all famous natives. Somehow we dived so smoothly into the area of ​​culture and art... It was the pirates who knocked us off course, but we were talking about the “desired” territory.

In a word, someone always laid claim to a well-located region... There was a period when it was captured by the French... And only in 1869 the Marche region found peace when the Italian state finally united.

Well, that’s probably all that can be said by looking at the map... In a word, they said “Hello, Marche!”

But as a starter, so to speak, I want, due to my writing abilities, to lift the curtain on the natural beauties of the province.

Traveling by car is extremely pleasant because the road winds between
picturesque green hills, you can always stop and enjoy the views... And along the way, stop by a winery or small farm where olive oil is pressed. Or maybe... for wine or cheese from the pit...

The historical heritage of the Marche fits very harmoniously into the hilly landscape: from small villages on the peaks to castles and palaces. The lonely churches, cathedrals, and ancient villas of the local nobility are also delightful; as a rule, these views have already been captured on the canvases of famous artists and may well become your successful photograph.

If you choose to travel along the Adriatic Sea, then you will find a flat sandy coast, periodically separated by low hills, and in some places by steep cliffs. So there is a choice beach holiday depends only on your desire and mood... Today it can be kilometers of sand and a wide, busy beach, and tomorrow it can be a secluded cove or a rock, which for the moment will belong only to you and the open Adriatic Sea.

Nature... Or maybe you want to go to snow-capped peaks, mountain rivers and waterfalls? Then it’s towards Umbria, towards the Apennines. There you will find thermal springs both drinking and bathing... And all this - Marche!

Don't want to go to the mountains and forest? Do you want city parties and narrow European streets? Everything is for you!

Each of the Marche towns resembles the scenery for a medieval play: gray or orange tiled roofs, paved promenade streets, large and small squares, in the summer season, where, as a rule, in the evenings, some kind of action certainly takes place. They sing, dance, recite poems, sell local products or relax in cafes... And all these miracles are concentrated on an area of ​​9.7 thousand square kilometers (3.2% of the entire territory of Italy). A small area with incredible diversity within its territory... Well, that's it! I hope this information is enough for you to say to yourself: “I want to go to March!” I hope that you will not regret your choice for a minute... I, in turn, promise that I will write more articles about each of the towns and their amazing stories...


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