The most interesting cities in Russia: rating, attractions. Rating of the most "tourist" cities in Russia Why go to Cheboksary

Interesting cities in Russia? Ratings issued search engines the Internet, are usually compiled based on statistics from queries such as “attractions...” or “what to see in...”. Based on this data, we decided to compile a list of interesting places in Russia, dividing the cities into categories.

The most interesting millionaire cities

According to 2016 data, in Russia there are 15 major cities, whose population exceeds 1 million people. Undoubtedly, the most interesting and beautiful among them are Moscow, St. Petersburg and Kazan.

Moscow - the main city of Russia, which has a long history. There are many interesting places here that attract both tourists from other cities and foreign guests. The main attraction that is visited daily great amount man, is Red Square. Here you can admire the Kremlin towers, see the changing of the guard at eternal flame and visit St. Basil's Cathedral.

In addition to Red Square, there are many more amazing and beautiful places in Moscow:

Well, and of course, we must not forget about such wonderful places, which are simply created for walking, like the old Arbat, Vorobyovy Gory, Victory Park, VDNKh.

city ​​of federal significance. Compared to Moscow, this is a rather young city, but, according to many tourists, it surpasses the capital in beauty.

it is the capital of the Republic of Tatarstan. The city is located at the confluence of the Kazanka River and the Volga. Kazan is ancient city, in 2005 it celebrated its millennium. But despite its venerable age, it can safely be called a youth city. There are many specialized secondary and higher educational institutions here, where students from all over Russia study. In Kazan there is a good place to relax and enrich yourself culturally. Here are a few must-see places for all visitors to this city.

The Golden Ring of Russia is a whole a tourist route, which runs through eight ancient cities. Among them, 4 cities are considered the most interesting and beautiful by tourists.

Suzdal – quite a small town with only about 10,000 people. It is called the capital of the Golden Ring. It was here that the classic Soviet cinema “The Marriage of Balzaminov” was filmed. Suzdal is a city-reserve, where at almost every step you can meet historical monument. The most visited place here is the Suzdal Kremlin, which is the most ancient part cities. You can wander around Suzdal for hours, admiring the churches, wooden huts with elaborate carvings, and simply the beauty of nature. Of course, this is the city where you want to return.

Kostroma. This city, where at one time the fate of the Russian state was decided, is located on the banks of the Volga. There are many temples, museums and monasteries here.

Vladimir. This ancient city was once the capital of the Vladimir Principality. It is famous for its unique architecture and picturesque landscapes.

This is an ancient city, it was founded by Yuri Dolgoruky in the 12th century. There are many interesting museums here that will undoubtedly appeal to both children and adults:

In addition, in Pereslavl-Zalessky it is worth visiting its main attraction - the Dormition Goritsky Monastery. This is a whole complex consisting of a chapel, churches, a cathedral, a bathhouse, a belfry and a school building.

The most interesting cities on the Black Sea coast

The Black Sea has many beautiful and interesting cities, but I would especially like to mention Sevastopol and Sochi.

Recently, this is another, third, city of federal significance. Probably not even a month is enough to visit everything. interesting places of this city. Everything here is steeped in the military history of our country. Here is just a small list of what is worth seeing in Sevastopol:

Not far from Sevastopol you can see most beautiful place– Cape Fiolent. There are picturesque cliffs, clear water and a jasper beach, to which there are about 800 steps.

Sochi. Recently, thanks to Winter Olympic Games 2014, this one resort town noticeably transformed. Now Sochi has become not only a popular Russian holiday destination. To ride on alpine skiing, European tourists also come here. The most famous sights of Sochi:

And, of course, one cannot help but recall a city like Kaliningrad. Its whole appearance suggests that this is a city built in accordance with European architectural traditions. Here you can see ancient fortresses, temples, stroll through parks and nature reserves, and visit museums.

Of course, these are not all the most interesting cities. The rating can be replenished, because our country is huge and there are a lot of interesting places in it.

Mother Russia is still great, not only in it big cities, but in some villages you can find something little-explored with great historical value, not to mention recognized attractions. Main threads foreign tourists sent to Moscow and St. Petersburg, because the infrastructure is better developed here than anywhere else, there are so many attractions that it can take weeks to get acquainted with them. In addition, in the capital's hotels, the service is close to European standards, and prices are even higher than them. But other places in Russia are also becoming increasingly popular.

Kazan is one of the most beautiful and oldest cities on the Volga. The capital of the current multinational Tatarstan combines Western technologies...

1. Moscow

First of all, tourists go to the capital and are interested in the culture of the host country. The best way to get acquainted with it is in museums, and there are over 400 of them in the capital. Apartment museums of various celebrities or museum-reserves are also popular. Foreigners also strive to visit the famous Tretyakov Gallery. The most authentic photographs can be taken in the Kremlin and Red Square. You can often meet foreigners on Arbat, Tverskaya Street and Theater Square.

2. St. Petersburg

Second by size Russian city- one of the most beautiful in the world, so the flow of tourists here does not weaken. For example, in 2015, 2.8 million foreigners and 3.7 million Russian tourists. The city is located at the mouth of the deep Neva River, which flows into The Gulf of Finland. St. Petersburg has the status of an independent subject of the federation on a par with Moscow. It is not like other Russian cities, at least not its historical center. The heart of the city became a facade stretching 200 meters along the Neva Winter Palace. Catherine II built the Hermitage building next to it, where various works of art were brought. In our time, the Hermitage has absorbed the Winter Palace itself, and in total it includes 5 buildings, the exhibition area of ​​which is second only to the Louvre. In the historical part of the city there are many buildings in the neoclassical and baroque styles. There are also many different churches in St. Petersburg. More than 100 kg of gold leaf were used for the dome of the amazing St. Isaac's Cathedral, and the Kazan Cathedral located on Nevsky Prospect is somewhat reminiscent of the square with St. Peter's Basilica in Rome. Is there some more Peter and Paul Cathedral, in whose Imperial tomb all Russian emperors are buried, with the exception of Peter II and Ivan VI. In 1998, the remains of Nicholas II and members of his family were transported here. Drawbridges across the Neva have become the symbol of the city, and riding along the canals and rivers of the city has become good entertainment.

3. Krasnodar region

Krasnodar region has become perhaps the most popular holiday region in Russia. It contains many of the most popular resort cities: Sochi, Adler, Anapa, Gelendzhik. Not far from here is sunny Abkhazia with the magnificent Lake Ritsa and pristine nature. Sochi is the most popular, but that’s why expensive resort region, it was noticeably transformed for the Winter Olympics. The country's largest aquarium is also located here. Also at the disposal of vacationers is a huge (50 hectares) arboretum and Riviera amusement park. It’s also worth mentioning the many waterfalls and caves, dolmens and mountain rivers.

4. Golden Ring of Russia

This is the name of a whole route, invented back in Soviet times and connecting several ancient cities of Central Russia, rich in architectural and historical sights. Over the years, traveling along the Golden Ring has only become more popular. The route initially included 8 cities, but now their number has increased. It covers five regions: Moscow, Vladimir, Ivanovo, Kostroma and Yaroslavl. Trips are organized all year round.


This city is the largest of all those included in the Golden Ring route. It is included in the list of World Heritage Sites formed by UNESCO. Urban development took shape in the 17th-18th centuries and serves as an excellent example of the mutual influence of the culture and architecture of Russia and Western Europe.


This city is a famous Russian historical and cultural center, one of the pearls of the Golden Ring. Together with Murom, it is one of the oldest cities central Russia. This city-museum has preserved unique monuments dating back to the 12th century: Uspensky and Demetrius Cathedrals, as well as the Golden Gate - they are protected by UNESCO. There are even hospital bank buildings and shopping complex belong to ancient architectural monuments.

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Kostroma was included in the “Golden Ring” because of the ancient Ipatiev Monastery and unique urban development. The hero of the Russian-Polish War (1609 - 1618) Ivan Susanin was born in Kostroma. They decided to make it the birthplace of the Snow Maiden. Kostroma is an ancient jewelry city - a third of all domestic jewelry is made in its district.


This is the smallest of the cities included in the Golden Ring. But this small old Russian town also has a lot of architectural attractions (the Kremlin, monasteries, temples), as well as good hotels. Suzdal is like Russia in miniature - here priceless fragments of ancient Russian culture coexist with a provincial outback.

5. Baikal

The deepest and most full-flowing lake on the planet - Baikal is located in Irkutsk region Eastern Siberia. Travelers from all over the world flock to it. Olkhon Island is especially popular here - it is the only inhabited island on Lake Baikal. A large flow of tourists who come to these regions strive to get to the famous medicinal properties thermal springs Melted. The part of Baikal separated by Olkhon is called the Small Sea and is especially lively. Even experienced tourists are impressed by the view of the luxurious Ukovsky waterfall, a powerful stream of which rushes into the gorge from a 50-meter height. The shores of Lake Baikal are replete with caves and picturesque bays.

6. Kaliningrad region

The former Königsberg, and now Kaliningrad, experienced a mixture of European and Russian culture and it is no coincidence that it is one of the most beautiful cities Russia. It has a huge number of monuments, museums and temples. IN Kaliningrad region especially famous is the Curonian Spit, which now has the status national park. This is a very long (almost 100 km) narrow sand spit, divided between Russia and Lithuania. Lithuanian and German tourists love to relax on the endless beaches of the Curonian Spit. There is a unique “dancing forest” here, in which the trees resemble snakes crawling out of the ground. Scientists have not yet found an explanation for this strange phenomenon.

Located in the center of the European part of Russia, the city of Voronezh is quite a remarkable Russian city, attracting travelers with its...

7. Karelia

This is a region with incredibly beautiful and diverse nature. There are over 60 thousand lakes in Karelia, the largest of which are Ladoga and Onega. Very popular routes among travelers amazing islands Kizhi and Valaam. The latter are laid walking routes, walking along which you can admire the amazing nature, see the life of the rare inhabitants of the island and the monks of the local monastery. In Kizhi there is a museum of Karelian architecture, its best examples are protected by UNESCO. The Kivach Nature Reserve is very interesting; water cruises to Karelia, starting from St. Petersburg, are popular.

8. Kazan

Relatively recently, the capital of Tatarstan became one of the popular tourist cities of Russia, this was facilitated by the actions of the city authorities aimed at its improvement. This was also helped by the holding of the Universiade in 2013, which was preceded by careful preparation of the city. Today's Kazan is in many ways similar to European cities. Its main attraction is the Kremlin. Historically, Orthodox and Islamic cultures are closely intertwined in the city, so here the mosque coexists peacefully next to the Orthodox church. Many Kazan families profess different religions, and spouses can be of different nationalities.

9. Nizhny Novgorod

This famous city on the banks of the Volga has long been an important economic and cultural center of Russia, also attracting the attention of foreign tourists. In the center of the city there is a stone Kremlin, built at the beginning of the 16th century; there are also many historical buildings of the 18th-20th centuries, monuments of Russian wooden architecture. From the upper city embankment you can clearly see the confluence of the majestic Volga with the faster Oka.

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10. Altai

Altai is one of the most beautiful corners not only of Russia, but also of the rest of the world. Its endless mountain landscapes, glaciers, lakes, caves and turbulent mountain streams amaze with their grandeur. There are excellent conditions for water and ski holiday or descents into mysterious caves. Among other attractions of Altai, Mount Belukha is especially popular among travelers - highest point Altai and Siberia, Denisova Cave. UNESCO has taken under protection an entire area - the “Golden Mountains of Altai”, which includes the Katunsky and Altaisky reserves, Sailyugemsky national park, the Ukok Plateau and Lake Teletskoye - one of the 15 deepest lakes on Earth. The city of Belokurikha has been repeatedly recognized as the best Russian resort.

11. Adygea, Karachay-Cherkessia, Kabardino-Balkaria

The three small North Caucasian republics seem destined for active tourism. They have mostly mountainous terrain, so centers of domestic mountaineering are located here. Thousands of climbers dream of conquering the two-headed majestic Elbrus alone. But Mount Cheget is considered more difficult in terms of climbing. There are many mountain lakes and caves. Particularly popular Blue Lakes, Lake Tambukan, Tsar's Crown waterfall, Honey Falls, Guam Gorge and Devil's Gate pass.

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The lion's share of foreigners does not consider Russia as a place to visit, but in vain. The country clearly leads in natural wonders and is not far behind the majority European countries in terms of architectural monuments, is the undisputed leader in the number of objects cultural heritage. We suggest you consider tourist rating cities of Russia and appreciate firsthand the wealth of one of the greatest empires.


This city can be placed both on the first and on last place in the ranking of the leading tourist cities in Russia, depending on everyone’s personal preferences. Barentsburg offers extreme tourism for people with high incomes. Groups are delivered by icebreakers, including the legendary Yamal, or by air through Norway (no visa required). This territory belongs to both Russia and Norway, as well as the rest of the world.

Barentsburg is a mining town, the fruit of the ambitions of the Communist Party. Here is the northernmost bust of V.I. Lenin in the world. Many buildings are decorated with socialist mosaics. What is noteworthy: there is a school, a clinic, a store, a post office, and the Internet. People never get sick from ARVI - viruses and microbes do not survive here due to low temperatures.

Prices are expensive. Barentsburg Hotel - a Soviet-style hotel with a decent renovation inside, offers double rooms from $130/day. The price for a week-long tour (hotel, snowmobiles, meals, excursions) starts from 1.5 thousand US dollars per person, this price does not include flights to/from Norway.


Here you can meet shamans with iPhones, rocks, Baikal omul, local history museum them. N. M. Revyakina. The main thing is the unique landscape and nature. Special energy. Tourists disembark both on foot and by personal transport from ferries, which arrive here with enviable regularity. Olkhon is the place where a person best separates himself from the fast flow of city life, stopping to comprehend and contemplate life. There are no scatterings of Michelin-starred restaurants, almost no roads, no noise, little illumination. There are a lot of sincere people, nature, air and, most importantly, freedom.

In the vicinity of Khuzhir there are three hotels: the branded Baikal View with a swimming pool - from 5 thousand rubles, the Daryan Estate with a bathhouse - from 1.5 thousand, and the Olkhon camping hotel with a shower, which is open until 22:00 - from 3 thousand. Quad bike rental – 1 thousand rubles/hour. Shaman services - from 500 rubles to infinity. Khuzhir is the most expensive city, popular among foreign tourists.


Vladivostok does not have a large number of attractions, there are no World Heritage sites. But. This is the final and/or starting station of the Trans-Siberian Railway - a particularly popular tourist destination in Russia among foreigners.

Separately, the city deserves to be in the ranking of the most popular tourist destinations in Russia. Here it is worth visiting: Popov Island - a unique untouched corner of nature with a marvelous landscape, the Golden Horn Bridge, the seaside safari park - a place where you can meet the rarest Amur tigers. Special attention should be focused on the developed restaurant culture and Far Eastern cuisine, which has no analogues. Vladivostok is easy to recognize by the abundance of Japanese cars on the streets. This is the place where divers should visit. A large amount of underwater fauna and marine attractions are concentrated here.

Hostels – from 400rub/night. Hotels – from 2.5 thousand. Not the most cheap city Russia.


One of the most important cultural and economic cities in Russia, where tourists from all over the world flock, it deserves seventh place in the ranking. Nizhny Novgorod founded by the Grand Duke of Vladimir, Yuri Vsevolodovich, in 1221. And three hundred years later a stone Kremlin was built, which no one took for 500 years. Nizhny Novgorod is recognized largest city river tourism Russia in the federal ranking.

In the evenings, tourists flock to Bolshaya Pokrovskaya Street, where attractions and musicians meet. The area is filled with lights and fun, with bars and restaurants buzzing until the early hours. During the day, guests see the historical architecture of the streets, fortifications, and monasteries, rich in eight hundred years of history.

Prices are affordable. Behind Double Room in a decent hotel you will have to shell out 2 thousand rubles. The hostel will cost 250 – 700 rubles/bed. The price for entering the Kremlin is 150 rubles.


The capital of the Republic of Tatarstan attracts tourists with the original Russian architecture of fortifications and merchant buildings, and Orthodox churches. The city was ranked third in Europe and eighth in the world according to Tripadvisor's ranking of the fastest growing tourist cities. The Kazan white stone Kremlin is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. Here you can taste many types of fish from the Volga basin, which are prepared in any local restaurant.

You can stay overnight in a hostel for less than 300 rubles, in a hotel for 1500 or more. An excursion to the Hermitage-Kazan, which is located on the territory of the Kremlin, will cost 250 rubles.

5. Belokurikha

Mountains, forest, clean air, natural water, thermal springs are Altai. All the beauty of this region, unique on the planet, is concentrated in Belokurikha. This is a resort city of federal significance, where the Chinese, Kazakhs, people from Far East Russian Federation, Europeans. This is the place where people come either to be treated with mineral waters, or to create nature, taking a break from the hustle and bustle.

The resort has several ski lifts, about four slopes, excluding children's slopes, there is a small water park at the sanatorium, the number of hotels will satisfy any demand. Security forums are held here regularly wildlife, including UNESCO - “Siberian Davos”. You should definitely visit the maral farms, where red deer are bred.

Prices are at a very affordable level. An apartment for 3 – 5 beds will cost 0.8–2 thousand per day, a hotel room – from 1 to 3 thousand rubles. Renting cottages is in particular demand - from 2 thousand rubles for a house with a sauna, small swimming pool, Internet and other benefits.

4. Derbent

It is considered the most ancient city in Russia, if you do not take into account the Crimean Kerch. Derbent is located in the Republic of Dagestan on the shores of the Caspian Sea. This place is located between three cultures: Islam, Christianity and Judaism, which is reflected in the smallest details of the old city, a part of which and some individual buildings are recognized by UNESCO World Heritage humanity.

There are many hotels and mini-hotels here to suit every taste and budget. You should definitely get acquainted with the local cuisine. There are several museums of different types. Derbent is one of the few monuments of Persian culture and military glory. Still, the main attraction is the way of life of the local population and their hospitality.

Price tags are at a very affordable level, you can stay in a hostel for 200 rubles per night, in a mini-hotel for 3 thousand and more.


Moscow is always mentioned when listing the leading cities on the planet: New York, London, Tokyo, Dubai and so on. But only in Moscow there lives such a number that cannot be found in most countries of the world, the most record-breaking according to Forbes. The city is drowning in expensive cars, hotels, boutiques, showrooms. Life here does not stop for a minute; all restaurants, nightclubs and bars are open until the last visitor. Foreign tourists give priority to St. Petersburg and Moscow, leaving out other cities in their ranking of Russian cities.

What to see in Moscow: foreign tourists walk along Red Square, where in winter a huge ice rink, in May the largest military parade in the post-Soviet space takes place, but the most attractive place for foreigners is the mausoleum where Lenin was embalmed. The Tretyakov Gallery and the State Museum are always crowded visual arts. The sights of Moscow do not end there, but are just beginning.


Among the advantages: a huge number of world museums, architectural monuments, a huge number of recreational areas around the city. St. Petersburg can also safely be called the tourist capital of the Russian Federation. Every year up to 3 million foreign tourists and the same number of compatriots arrive here.

What to see in St. Petersburg? - all: the Hermitage - one of the richest museums on the planet, Peterhof - the royal court with gilded fountains, St. Isaac's Cathedral, Peter and Paul Fortress, Nevsky Prospekt and so many other things, there’s not enough ink to list. This city is unique and compares favorably with other Russian cities in its pronounced architectural ensemble literally every street, drawbridges, river canals, white nights.

Pricing in St. Petersburg is affordable; there is a huge number of hostels, where a bed costs from 200 rubles per night. A hotel room will cost 3–50 thousand rubles/night. The high, stable flow of foreign tourists and the greed of businessmen have made St. Petersburg one of the most expensive cities for tourism in Russia in the ranking.

1. Sochi

Among the advantages: ski slopes, mineral water, beaches, bars and restaurants, modern architecture, many sports facilities, Olympic village.

A subtropical climate prevails here. The city is located on the Black Sea coast. The backdrop for the wealth of hotels, restaurants and residential developments became Caucasus Mountains. WITH late autumn open the doors ski resorts Krasnaya Polyana. Some local residents They grow tangerines, which have a unique and pleasant taste.

Pricing in Sochi is at a high level. The cost of living starts from 1000 rubles per day and ends at infinity. A four-room apartment with a decent renovation will cost 4 – 6 thousand per day, a “Standard” double room in a hotel on the first line will cost at least 4 thousand.

Sochi is a Russian city, leading in terms of the influx of tourists from neighboring countries and the CIS, first in the ranking thanks to developed infrastructure and service. Sochi won the championship only thanks to demand among compatriots; foreigners rarely come here.

Carcassonne, namely the Carcassonne Fortress- France, Occitanie region. A medieval fortified city surrounded by a 3-kilometer double wall with 53 towers. The walls were built by the Romans in the 3rd century AD and fortified by the French in the Romanesque style in subsequent centuries.

2. Prague (Historic Center of Prague)

Prague, namely the historical center of Prague - Czech Republic. Prague has one of the most impressive medieval cityscapes in the world. The city has a huge number of outstanding architectural monuments in a picturesque natural environment. The historical center is large and consists of several parts, including the Old Town (Prague Old Town), New town(Prague New Town), Mala Strana and Hradcan, Charles Bridge, as well as Josefov.

3. New York (Manhattan)

New York, namely Manhattan - USA, New York. The most famous historic district the most famous and popular city world, is Manhattan, the historical center of skyscrapers. The world's first high-rise buildings were built here at the end of the 19th century. Currently, the most famous skyscrapers are the Empire State Building (381 m high, built in 1931), the Chrysler Building (282 m, built in 1930) and many others.

4. Sana (Old City of Sana "a)

Sana, namely Old city Sanaa - Yemen. An impressive display of unique Yemeni town planning and architecture. Sana'a was founded in 500 BC. and many of the city's buildings date from 500-600 AD. .The 9th century city walls are 14m high, the old city contains more than 100 mosques. Unfortunately, Sanaa is closed to tourists due to the ongoing war in Yemen.

5. Venice

Venice - Italy, Veneto. One of the most unusual and most beautiful cities on Earth, which contains incredible amount artistic and architectural values.

6. Hong Kong

Hong Kong, a former British colony and now a separate administrative region of China, is one of the most impressive cities in the world. Hong Kong is one of the most significant in the worldfinancial centers, with the highestfinancial development indexand is invariably included in the numberthe most competitive economies in the world.

7. Istanbul

Istanbul - Turkey, the city where the border between Europe and Asia passes, where European and Muslim cultures come into contact. One of the oldest cities in the world, former center Christian world, namely Constantinople. Istanbul is one of the most populous cities in the world and the largest European city. Istanbul is the fifth most popular tourist destination in the world.

8. Vienna

Vienna - Austria, is a gem in Austria's jewelry box. An ideal place to meet classical music, Austrian pastries, the best apple strudel in a Weimar cafe, magnificent architecture that recalls Vienna's imperial past, especially masterpieces such as the exquisite Baroque the Austrian National Library and the magnificent opera.

9. Jerusalem

Jerusalem - Israel, the most controversial city in the Middle East, although it is perhapsone of the few places in the worldwhere churches stand peacefully next to mosques and synagogues. Everything here seems covered in 4,000 years of Judean dust, but it is a surprisingly modern and young city.

Import substitution is on the march. The analytical agency Turstat managed to compile statistics for 2017. Domestic tourism grew by about 5%, both in terms of the number of travelers and the amount of money they spent. And what cities are considered the best in our country now? And most importantly - how deserved?

You can accurately name the first three yourself: Moscow, St. Petersburg, Sochi. Two capitals are two huge magnets for those who want to see Red Square and Nevsky Prospekt at least once.

Tatarstan continues to make candy out of its capital, and their efforts are paying off. The gingerbread Kremlin, the magnificent ensemble of the embankment, moderate oriental exoticism - everything is stable in Kazan from year to year.

The top five is rounded out by another city starting with the letter K. Remnants of medieval German charm, Kant’s grave, seaside and herring. - a distant outpost inside the European Union, the air there seems to be different. Merchant, leisurely, affordable, cozy and very Russian Nizhny Novgorod - sixth place. Again the Kremlin and entire areas of 19th-century buildings.

If there is a paradise in the world, this is the Krasnodar region, and in addition to Sochi, the capital of the region also made its mark in the ranking. It’s not entirely clear why hang out in , if the sea and mountains are nearby, but as a transshipment base, Krasnodar is very important.

If we look closely at the rating, we will see that there are capitals, a couple of resorts and cities that the residents of Moscow and St. Petersburg themselves can easily reach, in a day at most. In other words, there are tourists, but they still don’t really know their country. Where, Khabarovsk, Tobolsk?

In my personal ranking the highest places are Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky. Where are they? Not even close. Few people travel there, therefore, there are not many hotels there, therefore, not many bookings have been made, which is what analysts count when they compile ratings of tourist attractiveness. And tourists also go where it’s advertised. They said it on TV a thousand times - Sochi-Sochi-Sochi, that’s where they’ll go, and they won’t even look at neighboring Gelendzhik.

So I will take part as much as I can in the PR of my favorite places in the Motherland. Here is my personal rating for 2017: several points on the map where I managed to visit last year.

As a rule, they never get on any lists, their PR is rudimentary, but they are as cool as it can be.

And plans for 2018 include Vladivostok. I’ll definitely get there, wait for posts and photos!


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