Where is the best place to stay in Marche Italy? Resorts of Italy: Marche (Adriatic Sea). Holidays in Marche

Marche is a region in eastern Italy, located on the coast Adriatic Sea. The region is famous for the fact that almost 10% of all its territories are considered protected areas and are protected by the state of Italy. Marche combines beach, mountain, and historical types of tourism, which is why it is so attractive to travelers. However, many of them bypass the area, going to more popular places: Florence, Rome or Venice. And completely in vain. Marche is in no way inferior to other regions in the number of beaches and architectural monuments.

History of Marche

The capital of the region, the city of Ancona, was founded in 387 BC. e. Greek colonists. Before this, the territory was inhabited by scattered tribes of Etruscans, who were later forced out by the Romans. Italy (including Marche) was the most developed part of the world in antiquity, and Ancona, being located not far from Rome, grew quite rapidly. At the same time, the city became the center of Italian trade, and the Romans called the settlement “the eastern gate of the country.”

After the fall of the Roman Empire, Marche was captured by the barbarian tribes of the Goths. For some time the territory was under the rule of the heir of Rome - Byzantium, but after the arrival of the Lombard tribe, it lost control over the region. The Lombards actively fought with the Pope until they were conquered by the Frankish state. Having seized the lands, the king of the Franks handed over Mark to the Pope, who was his vassal.

In the 11th century, the region gained independence, becoming a free trading republic. For many centuries it withstood the sieges of its powerful rival, Venice. The Republican government was subsequently replaced by hereditary rule. The territory was ruled by the Dukes of Urbino from the Montefeltro family. Only in the 16th century was the Pope able to restore his authority over the Marche region.

At the end of the 18th century, Ancona was captured by Napoleon's French army, and then became part of the united state of Italy. Marche is still its administrative unit.

Castle of the Dukes of Urbino

The castle was built by order of Frederico da Montefeltro at the end of the 15th century. He bought out Florentine architects and set out to build the ideal residence for the ruler of a small state. However, the Duke of Urbino died suddenly, and work on the construction of the castle was suspended.

Centuries later, work on the castle was resumed. Upon completion of construction, the Ducal Palace became a classic example of Italian Renaissance culture. Now the castle is actively visited by tourists. There are numerous excursions here, including to the castle's art gallery.

Holy hut

The Basilica of Santa Casa (translated as “holy hut”) is one of the most revered Christian shrines for which Italy is famous. Marche has many Catholic churches, but this one stands out among others for its unique story. Biblical legend says that once upon a time in the Holy Land, not far from Jerusalem, there was a house where Mary, the mother of Christ, grew up and was raised. A church was subsequently built on the site of the house, which was later destroyed by Muslims. Then the crusaders moved a miniature model of the temple, first to Dalmatia, and then to Ancona. By order of the Pope, a real church was erected based on a miniature model.

Pilgrims to this day strive to visit the shrine, and ordinary tourists are attracted by the original architecture of the building. The basilica is a cultural monument of the Renaissance; numerous ancient frescoes and outstanding sculptures are stored here. In addition, the church has its own treasury, which contains valuable jewelry.

Monte Conero Park

In addition to historical monuments, tourists are attracted by the beautiful landscapes for which Italy is famous. Marche, where holidays are designed for lovers virgin nature, may suggest visiting the Monte Conero park, located at the foot of the mountain of the same name. It is open to tourists. Moreover, excursions here are conducted by experienced guides who can create an individual itinerary if desired.

The park territory covers an area of ​​almost 6000 square meters. m. There are numerous walking and cycling paths, a walk along which allows you to walk through real forest thickets. All of them lead to the rocky coast of the Adriatic Sea. From here you have a magnificent view of the beaches and the capital of Marche - the city of Ancona. Along the way, tourists can meet many species of birds and animals: peregrine falcons, eagles, martens, badgers. Here you can also “stumble upon” park attractions: caves and white cliffs. Tastings of local wines and delicacies are often held on the territory of Monte Conero.

Ancona Cathedral

The main church of the city was built back in the 11th century, and, of course, it is one of the main attractions of Ancona. The building was built in and designed in the shape of a Greek cross. The remains of Catholic saints Jude Cyriacus and Marcelinus of Ancona are kept here. According to chronicles, a Roman temple dedicated to the goddess Aphrodite was once built on the site of the current cathedral.

The cathedral was rebuilt several times, although the facade retained its historical appearance. The first restoration work was carried out in late XIX century, and during the First World War the temple was partially destroyed by bombing. The building itself was restored, but the famous frescoes and paintings were irretrievably lost. The church was subsequently bombed again during World War II. It was also heavily damaged by an earthquake in 1972. However, now the Ancona Cathedral operates as usual, Catholic services are held here, as well as excursions for tourists who decide to visit the state of Italy. Marche, photos of the sights of which can be seen in this article, will amaze travelers with the grandeur and antiquity of its monuments.

  • Marche(Marche) (www.regione.marche.it http://www.turismo.marche.it/) Far from the noise of the Eternal City, the boutiques of Milan, the carnivals of Venice, the Marche region is located between the mountains and the sea. This is Italy, free from stereotypes.
  • The famous Italian writer Guido Piovene in his book “Travels in Italy” wrote: “If it were necessary to define a typical Italian landscape, then, without a doubt, this is the Marche region. The landscapes of Italy represent the whole world, Marche represents the whole of Italy.” And one more thing: “The Marche captivates and captivates, gives a feeling of life in another reality, where time again finds its correct rhythm, and you find yourself in a calming and captivating atmosphere straight out of the paintings of the Renaissance. This is the region blue sea and endless beaches, a region of a hundred cities, a hundred landscapes and a hundred dishes, there is no need to follow a given route - everything is beautiful here. It’s a pleasure sometimes to turn off the path and walk aimlessly along the paths that climb the hills to the very top, to the ancient gates of the cities. And as soon as you enter the city, you will inevitably be amazed by the cultural richness of the ancient centers, the collection of squares, historical churches, Renaissance architecture, eighteenth-century palaces of the nobility, beautiful theaters"
  • According to the latest data from IRPET (Regional Institute of Economic Planning), the Marche region ranks first in Italy in terms of level and quality of life. The region is favorably distinguished by high stability indicators and confident growth rates economic development, developed social and cultural infrastructure, favorable living and working conditions, as well as low level crime.
  • The Marche region is: 5 provinces, the capital and port of Ancona and 9 more tourist ports; 17 small towns marked with the Orange Flag for historical significance; about a hundred cities of art; thousands of churches, of which 200 are in the Romanesque style; almost 200 holidays - regional and international (not counting church and state); 180 kilometers of coastline with 25 beaches marked with the Blue Flag for environmental cleanliness; more than 500 historical squares; more than 1000 outstanding monuments; 163 sanctuaries; 34 archaeological zones; 71 historical theaters. Italy has the highest density of museums and art galleries: 246 in 246 communes. 315 libraries. 125 nature reserves.
  • The “highlight” of Marche is the Marchejan cities, the Marchejan cuisine, the Marchejan school of painting and, of course, the Marchejan people. Marche, home of geniuses and outstanding representatives of Italy, past years and our contemporaries, such as: Raphael, Gioachino Rossini, Giovanni Battista Pergolesi, Gaspare Spontini, Renata Tebaldi, Beniamino Gigli, Franco Corelli, Donato Bramante, Raphael Sabatini, Giacomo Leopardi, Maria Montessori , Guidobaldo del Monte, Vito Volterra, Piero della Francesca, Scipione Dal Ferro, Niccolo Tartaglia, Federico Commandino, Pietro Antonio Cataldi, Luca Pacioli, football players Luca Marchegiani and Roberto Mancini, swimmer Filippo Magnini, fencer Valentina Vezzali, motorcycle racer Valentino Rossi and many others .

Camerino(Camerino) (www.comune.camerino.mc.it) Camerino, an ancient university city, has been awarded the Orange Flag for the strengthening of historical and environmental resources, as well as for the high quality of hospitality. Camerino is conveniently located in the center of Marche and Italy. The airports of Rome and Rimini are 200 km away, and Ancona is 60 km away. Known since the 4th century. BC e., as Camerinum, the center of the Umbrian Camerti tribe. Camerino was the main city of the duchy of the same name and the residence of its rulers - the Dukes of Varano, whose portraits can be seen in the Palazzo Ducale. The city is famous for its 14th-century university, which is still active today. The University of Camerino (Università degli Studi di Camerino) is one of the most prestigious in Italy and one of the oldest in the world. The poet-playwright Ugo Betti and the popular singer Jimmy Fontana were born in Camerino. Residents of Camerino are proud of their beautiful old Teatro Filippo Marchetti and the Art Gallery with works by artists of the Marchegian school of the 15th century. The May medieval festival in honor of the patron saint of the city of San Venanzio attracts many guests from other countries. Popular local sweet treats are pannociato and torrone cookies and local anise liqueurs Mistra and Varnelli.

Nera(Italian il Nera) A river in Central Italy, the largest tributary of the Tiber. It flows into the Tiber on the left side. Length - 115 km. A waterfall forms at the mouth of the tributary of the Velino River on the Nera. Tributaries: Corno, Velino and Virgi.

Gradara(Gradara) (www.comune.gradara.pu.it) The walled city has been awarded the Orange Flag for the strengthening of historical and environmental resources, as well as for the high quality of hospitality. Medieval Gradara rises at an altitude of 142 m above sea level. Open from above panoramic views to olive and grape fields, to seascapes and to Mount Carpegna. The historical center has two Catholic churches, souvenir shops, restaurants, a historical museum and a local theater. At night, the walls of the fortress are illuminated with multi-colored rays, which gives it a romantic look! The Gradara Fortress has always attracted attention with its beauty and strategic location. It was here that battles between the ruling elites and the Papal State took place, legends described in world literature were born and the greatest works of art were created. Many come here to immerse themselves in that distant and fascinating period that we today call the Middle Ages. However, tourists are primarily attracted to Gradara by the fact that here, in Gradara Castle, the real events of the love story of Paolo and Francesca, which formed the basis of the “Divine Comedy” of the great Dante, once took place. Nowadays, on the territory of the Gradara Castle, which amazes with its grandeur, costume fights are played out, festive feasts and fireworks are held. The patron saint of the city is San Terenzio, his day is celebrated every year on September 24th.

Recanati(Recanati) (www.comune.recanati.mc.it) The patron saint of this medieval city is the saint of San Vito di Lucania. Recanati, a city that united three castles in the 12th century - Monte Volpino, Monte San Vito and Monte Morello and declared itself independent in 1290. Recanati was called the “city of justice”, since the city’s judges were respected even in other, larger cities in Italy, in particular Florence, where they were often invited to pass sentences. In the 15th century, Recanati became famous for the large fair held on its territory. Recanati is also called the “city of poetry”, because the famous Italian poet Giacomo Leopardi and the famous Italian tenor Beniamino Gigli were born there. The main square of Recanati, opened at the end of the 19th century for the 100th anniversary of the poet’s birth, is named after Giacomo Leopardi.

Loreto(Loreto) (www.comune.loreto.an.it) The small town is famous throughout the world for one of the greatest Christian shrines - the Holy House (www.santuarioloreto.it). According to ancient legend, confirmed later by historical and archaeological discoveries, the sanctuary of the Holy House (Santa Casa) in Loreto is the earthly House of the Virgin Mary, transferred from Nazareth. Millions of pilgrims visit every year Small town ok Loreto to touch the sacred relic. Most of Loreto's monuments are located around the city's main square. This is the Jesuit College and the City Palace (Palazzo Comunale), designed in the Renaissance style by Donato Bramante, a representative of High Renaissance architecture. Currently, the palace's galleries display works by Italian painters Lorenzo Lotto and Lodovico Caracci, and French painter Simon Vouet, as well as a collection of majolica. Among the architectural buildings, the Town Hall and the aqueduct (Acquedotto degli Archi), commissioned by Pope Paul V in the 17th century, are also notable. The museum will be of interest to aviation enthusiasts. Air Force Italy.

Numana(Numana) (www.comune.numana.an.it) The beaches of the city are awarded the Blue Flag for environmental cleanliness, service and comfort. Numana is located on top of a hill, offering picturesque views of the surrounding area. This is an international level resort, mainly preferred by tourists from Northern Europe, who are attracted here by beaches and bays protected by green hills, comfortable entertainment facilities, and a port. Historically, Numana is divided into two parts. Upper Numana is represented by an ancient part with white stone houses from Mount Conero, a historical center with medieval buildings, and a Roman arch in the square overlooking the bay with views of the cities of Loreto and Porto Recanati. Lower Numana consists of a port and a long promenade. There is a pedestrian area, many restaurants and souvenir shops. Well-groomed embankments are replete with various cafes, where discos are held in the evenings, live music. The port, the only one of its kind on the Riviera del Conero, is a natural berth for sailing ships and yachts. The beaches of Numana have been repeatedly awarded the “Blue European Flag” - an exclusive mark of environmental quality

Sirolo(Sirolo) (www.sirolo.pannet.it) The beaches of the city are marked with the Blue Flag for environmental cleanliness, service and comfort. The town of Sirolo is known as the “balcony” of the Adriatic. This is popular resort place with comfortable beaches, bays, cliffs and sea curves of the coast, as well as the majestic Regional National Nature Reserve Conero. The historical city center is always lively during the summer; tourists can plunge into the atmosphere of other eras. The city square is very beautiful and elegant, and is a favorite meeting place for both citizens and guests against the backdrop of a beautiful panorama and seascapes. According to archaeological excavations, Sirolo was founded more than 1000 years ago. One of the main attractions of Sirolo and the entire Riviera Conero is certainly the Theater in the Caves, which is considered one of the most unusual and attractive stages of the whole summer panorama Italy. The sea in Sirolo is rich in seafood, the cuisine is delicious and varied. A real delicacy is spaghetti “on the stone”, mussels a la “Tarantina” and fish soups. A typical ethno-gastronomic product of this area is Rosso Conero wine.

Schegino(Scheggino) The smallest city in Italy! They say about Skegino: a bud of a stone rose on the slope of a gorge. Here, trout and crayfish are grown in flowing ponds (for which local restaurants are famous). There is a wall and the remains of a castle from the 12th century, the church of St. Nicholas from the 13th century, medieval bridges and narrow streets. But the main attraction of these places is the truffle and the Italian company Urbani Tartufi, which supplies them to restaurants around the world. For more than 100 years, the basis of the business of the Urbani brothers (Bruno, Paolo Urbani) has been mushrooms, the price of which reaches $500 per kilogram. Today the company controls 70% of sales of Italian truffles and has about $50 million in net profit from this business alone. The specificity of the truffle trade is that businessmen deal not with reputable supply companies, but with individual mushroom harvesters. Processing companies like Urbani do not collect themselves, completely entrusting this part of the process to an army of seven thousand professional pickers, but on their property they cultivate the expensive capricious mushroom in every possible way - they monitor the composition of the forest, planting truffle-loving trees, and set quotas for collecting mushrooms in controlled areas.

Ashia(Cascia) (www.comune.cascia.pg.it) This city attracts not only tourists interested in history and architecture, but also pilgrims, because it is the city of St. Rita, who is considered a helper in the most hopeless situations. Here, in the basilica, her remains rest today. The basilica is located at the very top of Cascia, at an altitude of 560 meters above sea level. You can get there by escalator or on foot. The observation deck offers a beautiful view. Among other attractions of this town are: a Gothic-style church dedicated to St. Francis; the Church of St. Antonio, in which a cycle of paintings tells about the life of the saint; St. Mary's Church is one of the oldest buildings in the city, containing significant works of art and a wooden crucifix from 1400.

Norcia(Norcia) (www.comune.norcia.pg.it) The city has been awarded the Orange Flag for the strengthening of historical and environmental resources, as well as for the high quality of hospitality. Norcia is an ancient city; the first settlement dates back to the 2nd century BC. Saint Benedict, the first Christian monk and founder of the Benedictine order, was born here. The most famous building in Norcia is the Basilica of St. Benedict, built in the 14th century, but repeatedly restored after earthquakes, which were common in this area. Norcia is a foodie's paradise, producing some of the best cheese and ham in Italy. The city is the recognized “capital” of truffle mushrooms. Today it is a quiet but prosperous place, which every year attracts an increasing number of tourists, largely thanks to the Monti Sibillini National Park. In the Middle Ages, the Sibillini Mountains were considered the kingdom of sorcerers and fairies. Local sorcerers were mentioned in the works of Benvenuto Cellini, as well as Goethe in Faust. In this area, the magic of local nature, history and culture are mixed in the most bizarre way, creating a new, unique reality. Here you can find picturesque alpine valleys, fast rivers in abundance and there are even two magical lakes - Fiastra and Pilato.

Visso(Visso) (www.comune.visso.mc.it) The charming, quiet town of Visso is located in the heart of the Monti Sibillini mountains. The city was founded 10 centuries before the Roman Empire and is notable for its castles and observation towers. In little Visso there are several churches, the main one is the Church of St. Mary, there are museums and an art gallery. Visso is beautifully lit and at night lovers of nightly gatherings in the square and in cafes come here. Near Visso, on the top of a mountain, at an altitude of 1000m above sea level, is the Machereto Sanctuary. The church was erected in 1529 on the site of a former chapel, which was built back in 1359. Legend has it that a group of priests on mules were transporting a statue of the Holy Madonna from Ancona to Naples and it was at this point that the mules stopped and did not want to go further. The priests took this as a sign and decided to build a chapel.

Ussita(Ussita) (www.comune.ussita.mc.it) A small medieval town in the mountains. However, its size does not prevent it from having ancient temples and churches with frescoes from the school of Paolo da Visso, a museum, two theaters and libraries. The architecture and atmosphere are conducive to an exciting trek with a camera around the city and its environs, relaxing in cozy cafes, restaurants or on the grass by the Nera River. Little Ussita is a city of sports. The city has everything for winter and summer sports all year round. This is magnificent Ice Palace with Olympic tracks and an indoor swimming pool with mini golf.

Casteluccio di Norcia(Casteluccio di Norcia) A picturesque village, its population is only about 150 people. But it is from here, from an altitude of almost 1500 m above sea level, that a panorama of incredible beauty opens up in late spring and early summer. Daffodils, violets, poppies, buttercups, clovers, lentils... and many other flowers create the world-famous miraculous mosaic carpet. The flowering festival is held here on one Sunday in June, but you can wander around the plateau among the flowers without waiting for the official celebration. From here, from the heights of Castelluccio di Norcia, a panorama opens onto the silhouette of Italy, which is made up of trees planted in a certain order. Castelluccio di Norcia is part of the Monti Sibillini National Park and, of course, has its own centuries-old legends. So, one of the legends says that in deep cave on the slope of a mountain, at an altitude of more than two thousand meters, the prophetess Sibylla found her refuge, condemned by God to remain there until the Last Judgment because she wished to become the mother of Jesus Christ. Well, the local population considered Sibylla a good fairy, whose maids went out into the valley to people to teach girls the art of spinning and weaving... Another local legend is associated with Lake Pilate (Lago di Pilato) and says that the ruler of Palestine Pilate, guilty of crucifixion of Christ and condemned to death by the emperor Vespasian, was placed in a cart drawn by two buffaloes, which were released to their fate. The buffaloes fled from Rome itself to Monti Sibillini and, having reached the lake, threw themselves into its waters along with the body of Pilate...

Matelika(Matelica) (www.comune.matelica.mc.it) A city surrounded by fortified walls, with perfectly preserved medieval palaces and castles, ancient narrow streets and ancient temples. In the Middle Ages it was a major center of trade. From the 13th century The convent of St. Mary Magdalene is located here. In addition, in Matelik there is an open-air Dinosaur Park, with amazingly realistic figures of prehistoric animals, which will be very interesting for both children and adults. In the vicinity of the city, Verdicco grapes grow, from which the famous Verdicchio di Matelica wine is made. This wine was the favorite wine of Gioachino Rossini, a nineteenth century musician. Giuseppe Garibaldi, preparing for the campaign against Rome in 1849, stated that this wine gave courage and enthusiasm to his troops. It is made from Verdicco grapes with the possible addition of Malvasia Toscano and Trebbiano Toscano. It has a deep, bright, straw-yellow tone, an exquisite floral bouquet, a dry nutty taste with a bitter aftertaste. Pairs well with Vincigrassi di Matelica, a local version of lasagne, or spaghetti with black truffle sauce.

Fabriano(Fabriano) (www.piazzalta.it) Today, Fabriano ranks first in terms of living standards among Italian cities! An amazingly beautiful, lively and hospitable city is located in a picturesque valley at an altitude of 365 meters above sea level, surrounded on all sides by the Apennines. Fabriano is a city of ancient origin, its territory was inhabited at the end of the prehistoric era. The offices and production facilities of many Italian manufacturers of household appliances and furniture are located here. But the “calling card” of the city, of course, is paper production, which began here back in the 13th century. and is still thriving today. The city of Fabriano, successfully combining antiquity and modernity, is a typical city of central Italy. Due to its remoteness from the coast, it almost never suffered from wars, which is why it has preserved many unique architectural monuments The Middle Ages, especially monuments in the early Gothic style.

Macerata(Macerata) (www.comune.macerata.it) A beautiful town located 20 minutes from the Adriatic coast. Macerata appeared on the ruins of the Romanesque settlement of Helvia Recina, located at the level of the current Villa Potenza. Today there are ruins of the theater, which at one time was one of the largest in the Marche region. There are also many architectural monuments of past centuries in the city. The city has the Diamond Palace, which is an interesting example of Renaissance architecture, as well as the magnificent churches of Madonna della Misericordia (Compassion), Santa Croce, Santa Maria della Porta and Santa Maria delle Virgini. The Renaissance Museum, one of the most important in Italy, houses Garibaldi's belongings and letters. But many residents consider the magnificent Lauro Rossi Theater and Arena Sferisterio to be the main attraction of the city. Since 1921, Macerata has hosted a prestigious opera festival, which attracts the most outstanding singers in the world. The "home" of the festival - Arena Sferisterio - is capable of giving no less strong emotions than the famous Roman amphitheater in Verona. Also at the Sferisterio Arena there are grand concerts and shows of various musical styles and trends. The patron saint of the city is St. Julian. City holiday on August 31st.

Machereto. The sanctuary is located high in the mountains at a distance of 1000 m above sea level. The church was erected in 1529 on the site of a former chapel, which was built back in 1359. Legend has it that a group of priests on mules were transporting a statue of the Holy Madonna from Ancona to Naples and it was at this point that the mules stopped and did not want to go further. The priests took this as a sign and decided to build a chapel. The sanctuary is surrounded by a cedar forest with magnificent flora. Now the Machereto complex - not only religious center, but a popular place for relaxation, celebrations and picnics.

Tolentino(Tolentino) (www.comune.tolentino.mc.it) An ancient city, a major religious and cultural center, famous for the Basilica of St. Nicholas of Tolentino, painted with frescoes from the school of Giotto. The Basilica houses the relics of the saint. Nearby is the Augustinian monastery with the Biblioteca Laurenziana (Laurentine Library). The city has preserved the ancient Clock Tower and the medieval Devil's Bridge. Tolentino is the center of leather production. Skilled artisans, observing ancient traditions of unique processing and artistic finishing, create accessories, clothing, sofas and armchairs from high quality leather. Modern Tolentino is also known for its Museum of Humor and Caricatures, which hosts the Biennale of Humor in Art, an international exhibition and festival that attracts artists and cartoonists from all over the world. Federico Fellini was the festival's patron for a long time. The city is surrounded by thermal springs and the Santa Lucia clinic, one of the oldest in Italy, was built on one of them. There is great shopping in and around the city!

Urbino(Urbino) (www.comune.urbino.ps.it) The name "Urbino" from the Latin "urbino" is translated as small town. But! It’s hard to imagine how in a town with a population of 15 thousand people the inspired past and the reckless present can coexist so harmoniously. The city of Urbino - the birthplace of the great Raphael, one of the cradles of European science and medicine - even five hundred years ago stunned with the names of its most influential inhabitants. This gives it a certain charm today: Urbino may be a small city, but it has had a huge impact on Western civilization. Urbino is called the “city of geniuses”. After all, it was here in 1483. The great Renaissance genius Raphael Santi was born. The houses of the Santi family are still preserved, now converted into Museums. These include the house of Raphael’s great-grandfather, who was one of the respected people of the city, and the house of Raphael himself, in which one can see his first works. On the Contrada del Monte street there is a stone palette on which the Santi father and son prepared paints. Urbino center included in the list World Heritage, was built during the Renaissance. World Heritage Sites include not only the Palace of the Dukes of Urbino with its art gallery, unique frescoes and a collection of sculptures, but also a cathedral with paintings by Timoteo Viti, Federego Barocchio and Piero della Francesca; Church of San Domenico, with bas-reliefs by Luca della Robbia; Church of San Spirito, with painting by Luca Signorelli. Now Urbino is considered a place where artists, writers, musicians from all over the world come in search of inspiration. Of course, you won’t be able to experience such a picturesque atmosphere in any other city!

Ancona(Ancona) (www.comune.ancona.it) The capital of the Marche region, as well as the largest and most important port of the entire Adriatic coast. Ancona is a city with an ancient history. This place was inhabited by the Piceni in the Bronze Age. But the city received its name in the 4th century BC, when it was inhabited by the Greeks, who formed their colony here from the Greek “ancon”, which means “elbow”. Indeed, the city is located on a natural ledge protruding into the sea, which in its shape resembles an elbow. As a city rich in history, Ancona has a huge amount architectural monuments, which allows you to combine a seaside holiday with sightseeing. Some of the most famous monuments are the Roman Arch of Trojan and the amphitheater. Of great interest is the central cathedral, located on the top of a hill, from which there is a stunning view of the harbor of Ancona, as well as the historical center of the city, with its ancient tiled palazzos, many churches and squares with fountains. The main street of Ancona is a promenade with various restaurants, boutiques of famous fashion designers, and souvenir shops. The city's beaches are awarded the Blue Flag for environmental cleanliness, service and comfort. The patron saint of the city is St. Jude Cyriacus. City holiday on May 4th.

Civitanova Marche(Civitanova Marche) (www.comune.civitanova.mc.it) The beaches of the city are awarded the Blue Flag for environmental cleanliness, service and comfort. Popular seaside resort. Beautiful sandy beaches. Developed tourism infrastructure. Along the coast there is a long promenade with many shops - from boutiques to souvenir shops, and restaurants - from pizzerias to haute cuisine. Civitanova Marche consists of two different centers: the city on the mountain, the historical part, the old medieval village, and new buildings along the coast. Civitanova is home to numerous factories and high fashion stores. And local restaurants amaze with the variety of fish dishes, including Brodetto fish soup, typical of the area. Saint San Marone is considered the patron saint of the village.

Assisi(Assisi) (www.comune.assisi.pg.it). The famous city is the spiritual capital! In Assisi in 1182, Saint Francis of Assisi was born, who became the patron saint of all of Europe. According to historians, the city today has been preserved in almost the same condition as it was during the life of the Saint. The Gothic monastery church is a World Heritage Site, a revered shrine and the main attraction of Assisi. The body of St. Francis rests in the shrine; today all believers are allowed there. From ancient Roman times, Assisi has preserved the magnificent portico of the Temple of Minerva, as well as the ruins and remains of an aqueduct and Etruscan city walls. In addition, there are many other churches in the city and its surroundings: Santa Chiara with the tomb of St. Clare of Assisi, the Romanesque Cathedral of St. Rufino, the majestic church of Santa Maria degli Angeli. Numerous tourists and pilgrims note the extraordinary atmosphere of calm and tranquility that reigns here

Jenga(Genga) (www.comune.genga.an.it) The town has been awarded the Orange Flag for the strengthening of historical and environmental resources, as well as for the high quality of hospitality. A small, charming, medieval and at the same time absolutely modern and “living” town in the mountains with a museum of works by Gentile da Fabriano. Next to the museum there is an observation deck on the magnificent Mountain landscape. The patron saint of the city is Saint Clement I. In close proximity to the city are the Frassasi Grottoes and the Abbey of Saint Victor.

Montecosaro(Montecosaro) (www.comune.montecosaro.mc.it) Small cute town. Of course, it is medieval, known since the 10th century. And of course, the city has everything necessary for modern life: it has its own carnival, theater, Cinema Museum, architectural monuments, sports facilities and much more. Saint San Lorenzo is considered the patron saint of the village.

Ascoli Piceno(Ascoli Piceno) (www.comune.ascolipiceno.it) The “city of towers”, amazing in color and energy, is located 25 km from the shore of the Adriatic Sea at the foot picturesque mountain Ascension. Traces of several eras are harmoniously intertwined here: the monuments of ancient Rome coexist with the heritage of the German tribes of the Lombards, buildings of the Renaissance are located not far from Baroque cathedrals, traces of the early Middle Ages coexist peacefully with architectural elements of neoclassicism. Twice a year the city becomes the site of an influx of tourists: the real knightly tournament of Quintata, known since the Middle Ages, takes place here. The obligatory program of the “Festival of Medieval Ascoli Piceno” includes a variety of opening days and theatrical performances, gala dinners and a historical parade. The most spectacular event is the archery competition and the banner juggling competition. You should definitely visit the famous historical cafe Anisetta Meletti. And the city has great shopping!

San Benedetto del Tronto(San Benedetto del Tronto) (www.comunesbt.it) The beaches of the city are awarded the Blue Flag for environmental cleanliness, service and comfort. A small ancient town stretched along the coast for 7 km. One of the most important resort towns of the Picen Riviera of the Adriatic, a famous fishing port. The unforgettable “Palm Embankment”, famous in Europe. The city of San Benedetto today represents the most important fish market. The fishing traditions in this city are so strong that they have given rise to many legends. Basically, these fishing stories tell of ghosts, mysterious storms and sea ​​monsters. Many stories express the fears of sailors; one of them is the sea devil Shio, who appears in the form of a storm, expressing the wrath of God. The patron saint of the city is San Benedetto martire. To fully enjoy the beauty of the embankment, there is nothing better than a ride on a bicycle or rollerblades; a 7-kilometer bike path allows you to move from one part of the city to another. There are wide sandy beaches, a shallow and safe entrance to the sea, which is always warm and quiet, and most importantly, it is stormy and fun. night life. Shopping in San Benedetto will surprise and delight even sophisticated shoppers. There are many boutiques and shops representing famous world brands, as well as brands of clothing, shoes, jewelry and accessories that are sold only in Italy.

San Severino Marche(San Severino Marche) (www.comune.sanseverinomarche.mc.it) The history of the territory in which the city is located began in the Paleolithic period. San Severino has an extraordinary wealth of architectural heritage left over from each century, presenting itself to us with Palaces, Towers and Churches. The layering of various architectural elements from different eras in all harmony is observed at the intersection of streets and alleys, converging on the square, which overlooks the Castle (Castello).

Gagliole(Gagliole) (www.comune.gagliole.mc.it) The medieval town of Gagliole is located at the very top of the ridge. A charming, small, cozy town with a museum of natural history, its own medieval carnival and wonderful residents.

Fuminata(Fiuminata) (www.comune.fiuminata.mc.it) Natural and untouchable nature of mountains, meadows, rivers with crystal clear water, delicious cuisine, impressive ruins, castle, walls, towers, various private buildings from the 12th - 15th centuries, the Church of San Giovanni Battista (chiesa di San Giovanni Battista) of the 15th century, as well as a holiday of sweets every day and beautiful, shining with lights night city– all this is the ancient Fuminata.

Castelraimondo(Castelraimondo) (www.comune.castelraimondo.mc.it) A modern and medieval, cozy, cheerful, hospitable, calm city, rich in magnificent architecture and beautiful landscapes. You are about to see the magnificent 800 summer castle Santa Maria with a rich art gallery, medieval villas, theaters, well-preserved streets and magnificent facades of buildings from different eras, visit cafes and restaurants and taste delicious Marchejan cuisine, feel the miraculous atmosphere of the city, as well as meet the city residents who love their city and taking an active part in bright holidays. The patron saint of the settlement is considered to be Saint Blaise of Sebaste, revered by Catholics and Orthodox Christians. Castelraimondo is home to the Italian language school EDULINGUA (www.edulingua.it).

Lanciano Castle(Rocca Lanciano) Castel Lanciano is a majestic 14th century castle, with a magnificent art gallery, surrounded by a park. Nearby is the church of Santa Maria Lanciano, founded in the 1500s, a fine example of Renaissance architecture.

Castle di Aiello(Rocca d’Ajello) (www.roccadajello.com) Medieval castle di Ajello of the Dukes of Varano, lords (rulers) of Camerino. Like all medieval castles in Italy, it is magnificent, modern and hospitable.

Monti Sibillini National Park(www.sibillini.net) The name of the park can be translated as the Park of the Mysterious Mountains or the Sibyl Mountains. Spread over an area of ​​71.5 thousand hectares in the Italian regions of Umbria and Marche. It was created to protect landscapes that combine magical nature, ancient history and rich culture. Main peak The Sibillini mountain range, located in the heart of Italy, is Monte Vettore (2476 m). In total, there are 10 peaks in the park, the height of which exceeds 2 thousand meters. In addition to several rivers, the park has Lake Fiastra and Lake Lago di Pilato. The park's flora is represented by 1,800 plant species. The park's diverse ecosystems are home to wolves, wild cats, porcupines, rare martens, snow voles and roe deer. And over 150 species of birds live here! In addition to wild nature, Monti Sibillini is rich in historical and architectural monuments - ancient abbeys and churches, medieval towns and fortresses lying on the slopes and at the foot of the mountains. In the northern part of the park there are the so-called Ragnolo meadows, covered in summer with amazingly beautiful orchids and lilies. There, in the Fiastrone Valley, is the Grotta dei Frati, an ancient hermitage. Along the Nera River to Lake Fiastra is the secluded Acquasanta Valley with picturesque waterfalls and the Bear Grotto. No less interesting is Lago di Pilato, located at the top of Monte Vettore - according to legend, Pontius Pilate himself is buried in the waters of this lake.

« Santa Lucia» (www.termesantalucia.it) One of the oldest clinics in Italy is located in the medieval town of Tolentino. Water is used for procedures and treatment own thermal springs. The clinic has a vast territory, highly qualified specialists, modern equipment and offers all types of SPA therapy.

Arena Spheristerio(www.sferisterio.it) The theater is located in the town of Macerata, a 20-minute drive from the shores of the Adriatic and the city of Camerino. Its building was designed in 1823 by the architect Ireneo Aleandri and can accommodate five thousand people. Since 1921, a prestigious open-air opera festival has been held here in the summer. The most outstanding singers in the world come to Macerata to sing. Concert program The Sferisterio Arena is rich in performances by the best musicians in the world and Italy, working in various musical directions and styles.

Marble Falls(www.marmorefalls.it) With its majesty and height of 165 m, the waterfall is not a miracle of nature, but a creation of human hands. This waterfall was created by the ancient Romans in the 2nd century. BC. The waterfall was created in order to destroy the swamp, which brought them great disasters, as it was a source of malaria. The ancient Romans, swamps and malaria are long gone, but Cascata delle Marmore is still in perfect condition! The waterfall operates according to a specific schedule - it is turned on and off at certain times. Before the waterfall turns on, a loud sound signal is given, after which special sluices open and a huge stream of water rushes down with a roar. A national park has been built around the water cascades and has everything you need for a wonderful holiday and picnics.

Frasassi Grottoes(La grotta Frasassi) (www.frasassi.com) Geological wonder of nature, formed about 180 million years ago. The beauty of this “underground kingdom” is simply mesmerizing, and its “age” is amazing. One of the “halls” could fit St. Isaac’s Cathedral in St. Petersburg or Milan Cathedral! Built for tourists observation decks and safe paths. Routes of increased complexity have been developed for experienced speleologists. The temperature in the grottoes is always constant: +14 degrees, which makes visiting them especially pleasant in the summer heat.

San Genesio(San Ginesio) (www.sanginesio.org) The city has been awarded the Orange Flag for the strengthening of historical and environmental resources, as well as for the high quality of hospitality. Aristocratic medieval city. The history of this city is told in several books, by different authors, in different centuries, starting from the 16th century. Two factors common to these stories are an exaltation of environmental features and an emphasis on the civic vitality of the citizens of San Genesio. The mountains around San Genesio were the last refuge of paganism and the first refuge of new Christians. San Genesio is a living testimony to devotion and theater, orthodoxy and heresy. It is probably no coincidence that the patron saint of San Ginesio is considered to be the saint of San Ginesio - the patron saint of actors. Every year in August, San Ginesio becomes the “capital” of Tango, as the city hosts the International Festival of Dance, Music and Poetry.

Urbisaglia(Urbisaglia) (www.comune.urbisaglia.mc.it) The city has been awarded the Orange Flag for the strengthening of historical and environmental resources, as well as for the high quality of hospitality. The ancient city of Urbs Salvia was founded as a Roman colony in the 2nd century BC. It was here that some of the most important figures of the Ancient Roman Empire were born - for example, the consul Fufius Geminus and the general Lucius Flavius ​​Bassus. Today the ruins of this ancient city, protected within the archaeological park, are of exceptional scientific interest and are also a major tourist attraction in the Marche. Saint San Giorgio is considered the patron saint of the village.

Pievebovigliana(Pievebovigliana) (www.comune.pievebovigliana.mc.it) The city has been awarded the Orange Flag for the strengthening of historical and environmental resources, as well as for the high quality of hospitality. Pievebovigliana has ancient origins. The first settlements date back to prehistoric times. Between 1371 and 1381 Duke da Varano, Lord of Camerino, built a luxurious castle here and summer residence for his large family. In 1419 the castle was conquered by Charles Malatesta, Lord of Rimini, fighting Duke da Varano... That was a long time ago. Today, Pievebovigliana surprises guests with its perfectly preserved architectural and cultural heritage, delights with a rich modern life and is proud of the achievements of its citizens in various fields of science and technology.

Sarnano(Sarnano) (www.comune.sarnano.mc.it) The city has been awarded the Orange Flag for the strengthening of historical and environmental resources, as well as for the high quality of hospitality. Sarnano is a resort town. Known for 3 types of medicinal mineral water. Situated in a beautiful valley at the foot of Monti Sibillini. Surrounded by green mountains and surrounding forests, its territory is crossed by numerous trails for hiking, horseback riding and cycling. Sornano's medieval origins remain intact in its urban structure with city walls, ancient streets, staircases and breathtaking views. The square is the center of an ancient settlement. Sarnano is the center of antiques and crafts of the Marche. Here, especially delicious almonds, nuts and spices are cooked in a wood-burning oven. The patron saint of the locality is Santa Maria Assunta.

Amandola(Amandola) (www.comune.amandola.ap.it) The city has been awarded the Orange Flag for the strengthening of historical and environmental resources, as well as for the high quality of hospitality. The patron saint of the village is considered to be Saint Beato Antonio da Amandola. Amandola is one of the smallest and oldest towns in Italy and Marche. Many buildings here have been preserved since the 15th century. Today, most of them house museums and restaurants. At the same time, the facades of the houses are designed in medieval style, but the interior decoration meets the requirements of the 21st century. The town itself is located in the Monti Sibillini National Park. There are no crowds of tourists here and an atmosphere of peace and quiet reigns almost all the time, with the exception of days of festivals and holidays, including the famous jazz festival, which takes place every year in May. If horse riding is not your thing, you can rent a bicycle and take a short walk around the area. And the admirers beach holiday They can enjoy spending time on the shores of Lake San Rufino.

Castle VARANO(www.roccavarano.it) The 13th century castle, which belonged to the rulers of Camerino - the Dukes of Varano, is located in walking distance from the hotel VARANO. The castle has been partially preserved. Situated on the top of one of the hills of the Apennine Mountains on several levels with a forest and a spring. Currently, on the territory of the castle there is a museum of the family of the Dukes of Varano and an exhibition hall with changing exhibitions; various events and celebrations are held.

Parco del Conero(Parco del Conero - www.parcodelconero.com) On the rocky peninsula of Monte Conero on the shores of the Adriatic is located the regional park of the same name nature reserve. Mysterious caves and the white limestone cliffs are completely different from the traditional Adriatic landscapes, stretching from Trieste to Gargano. Monte Conero is beautiful beaches, white rocks and mysterious caves, gentle sun, fresh greenery and clean healing air, as well as magnificent cities- great historical significance and high culture of serving tourists.

Marchedzhan cuisine the coastline is rich in seafood. Brodetto is a thick fish soup made from at least 13 types of fish. In the interior of the region, tagliatelle and other homemade egg pastas are eaten. Wild boar dishes are especially popular. The region also produces meat delicacies: Salame di Fabriano, Prosciutto di Montefeltro. In Marche they grow olives that are stuffed with meat, eggs and Parmesan and deep-fried. Marche produces various types of pecorino and ricotta cheeses. The region is famous for the white wine Verdicchio del Castelli di Jesi, which is produced in amphora-shaped bottles, the fine white wine Bianchello del Metauro and Verdicchio di Matelika. Of the red wines, Rosso Piceno and Rosso Conero DOC are especially famous.

BOSTRENGO - Sweet rice cake. For 10-12 servings: 500 g long grain rice, 1 liter milk, 300 g sugar or honey, 3 eggs, zest of 1 lemon and 1 orange, 300 g ground white bread crumbs, 200 g raisins, 100 ml rum, 6 cups espresso (about 400 ml), 150 g chopped dried figs, 150 g corn flour, 80 g cocoa powder, 2 tbsp. l. olive oil, 1 kg of peeled apples and pears, diced, powdered sugar for sprinkling. Cooking time: 1 hour 40 minutes. Preparation:

  • Bring the milk to a boil, cook the rice in the milk until half cooked. Drain the rice in a colander.
  • Place all other ingredients, except powdered sugar, in another pan and simmer over low heat for several minutes, stirring. Add rice, mix well. If the mixture is too dry, add warm milk. Preheat the oven to 175°C.
  • Place the mixture in a greased pan and bake in the oven for about 1 hour. Sprinkle with powdered sugar before serving.
  1. din gutted rabbit without skin (1.2 kg), 1 rabbit liver (if available), 50 g ham, 50 g salami, 50 g bacon, 2 fennel (500 g), 1/2 lemon, 4 cloves garlic, 1 tsp .l. fresh rosemary leaves (or 1/2 tsp dried), 1 stale bun without crusts, 250 ml dry white wine, 125 g cream, 6 tbsp. l. olive oil, 6 black peppercorns, 2 liters of vegetable broth, salt, freshly ground black pepper. Cooking time: 1.5 hours. Preparation:
  • Wash the rabbit, dry it, add salt everywhere. Soak the bun in 125 ml of wine.
  • Peel the fennel, cut off the stems, set aside the fennel greens. Boil 750 ml of salted water. Cut half a lemon into slices and place in boiling water along with two cloves of garlic and peppercorns. Boil the fennel and stems for about 15 minutes, then remove from the water. Pass the broth through a sieve. Set the fennel heads aside.
  • Finely chop half the fennel greens and stems.
  • Cut the ham and salami into cubes. Chop the liver. Finely chop 2 cloves of garlic and rosemary. Squeeze the bun slightly. Mix everything together with chopped fennel, salt and pepper.
  • Preheat the oven to 175°C. Place the stuffing into the rabbit and sew it up.
  • Pour oil into a frying pan, fry the rabbit on all sides. Pour the juice released during frying over the rabbit. Bake the rabbit in the oven for 1 hour, periodically basting with fennel broth.
  • In 10 min. Before the rabbit is ready, cut the fennel heads into rings 5 ​​mm thick. Cut the bacon into cubes, melt in a frying pan and fry the fennel. Add a little broth and simmer the fennel. Salt and pepper.
  • Remove the rabbit from the roasting pan. Add the remaining wine and cream to the roasting pan, mix well with the juice released during frying. Cut the rabbit into 3 cm thick pieces, place in a roasting pan with the sauce, place the fennel next to it and garnish with the remaining fennel greens. Serve in a Dutch oven.

We recommend trying other dishes from the Marche region, for example: Cavolfiore fritto- Deep-fried cauliflower, Quaglie al risotto- Quail with risotto, Triglie al forno- Perch with ham in the oven, Vincigrassi- Lasagna with meat sauce, Zucchine ripiene- Stuffed zucchini, Tacchino ripieno di castagni - Turkey stuffed with chestnuts and many others.

Porto San Giorgio(Porto San Giorgio) (http://www.portosangiorgio.it/) - the commune is subordinate to the administrative center of Fermo. Saint San Giorgio is considered the patron saint of the village. The first mention of the city dates back to the 1st century BC. The city's beaches are awarded the Blue Flag for environmental cleanliness, service and comfort. Popular seaside resort. Beautiful sandy beaches. Developed tourist infrastructure. Along the coast there is a long promenade with many shops - from boutiques to souvenir shops, and restaurants - from pizzerias to haute cuisine. And local restaurants amaze with the variety of fish dishes, including Brodetto fish soup, typical of the area.

Ozimo(Osimo) (http://www.comune.osimo.an.it/comune) Many professional and amateur photographs try to convey the stunning beauty of Osimo! But... not a single photograph can convey what will open to your eyes in Osimo! The panoramic landscapes are simply breathtaking! And if you add to them the unusually favorable climate - with mild winters and not too hot summers, then you will understand that you have found another paradise in the Marche! During times Ancient Rome the city was called Vetus Auximum. It was founded by the same Greek colonists as Ancona. Romans in 174 BC e. raised fortress walls of large rectangular stones, making the city the main fortress for their northern settlements in Picenum. There are places in the city that are shrouded in mystery and where you will immediately feel a special atmosphere... This underground caves Ozimo... References to these caves are very rare in documents and written sources. This silence is due to the secrecy associated with the magical and esoteric rituals performed there in ancient times. Some facts indicate that the caves were used by the Templars, for whom Osimo played an important role. Of course, caves evoke fantasy and influence the imagination. Those who visit them experience strong feelings and emotions . Saint Joseph of Copertina is considered the patron saint of the locality.

Montecassiano(Montecassiano) (http://www.comune.montecassiano.mc.it) The city was awarded the National Orange Flag Award for the strengthening of historical and environmental resources, as well as for the high quality of hospitality. In the Middle Ages, the city, part of the Papal States, stood in opposition to the papal throne on the side of the Ghibellines. Subsequently, Montecassiano, a participant in numerous military actions, passes from hand to hand: from the Malatesta family to the Da Varano family, and then to the Sforzas. In the 18th century, Montecassiano first experienced an Austrian invasion, then French troops passed through it. But, despite such a turbulent history, the city miraculously escaped destruction and retained its main attractions. Concentric streets lead to the central square, where the Palazzo dei Priori and the Augustinian Monastery are located. The staircase leads to the parish church of Santa Maria Assunta. In the church of San Giovanni Battista, the Museum of Sacred Art has recently been opened. Behind the walls of Ceretto Park open beautiful views to the surrounding landscape. The city is famous for its excellent preservation of historical and cultural monuments, hospitality local residents, as well as the richness and variety of events throughout the year: festivals, holidays. You should definitely try the local delicacy - the sweet pie sughitti, prepared according to ancient recipes from corn flour, nuts and fruit juice, which is baked during the harvest season. There is even a festival dedicated to him in October. Saint San Giuseppe is considered the patron saint of the village.

Montelupone(Montelupone) (http://www.comune.montelupone.mc.it) The town has been awarded the Orange Flag for the strengthening of historical and environmental resources, as well as for the high quality of hospitality. Information about the origin of Montelupone is hidden between historical truth and legend. Excavations of the necropolis in this place, which took place in 1926, confirmed that life existed on the hill where the city is located already in the 6th century AD. during the Picenae civilization. Among the many mountain villages of the Marche, Montelupone is a town where history, art and tradition perfectly and harmoniously combine with the natural environment. The old city is located on the top of a rounded hill and has preserved picturesque ancient walls, towers of various shapes, and traces of defensive systems. There are many famous historical monuments on the streets and squares of the city, including the Podesta Palace, which houses art Gallery; the Nicola dei Angeli Theater of the 19th century; the monumental Church of St. Francis and the Museum of Arts and Crafts in the basement of the city hall. In the surrounding area is the Romanesque church of San Firmano, a former Benedictine abbey whose founding dates back to the 10th century and which for a period controlled Montelupone. The rule of the Benedictines contributed to the flourishing of agriculture and crafts. Among the typical products of the area is the artichoke, the protagonist of the festival on the second Sunday of May, with food tastings, costume parades, dancing and outdoor banquets. The area is also famous for its mountain flower honey, in honor of which a fair is held on the last weekend of August. The patron saint of the village is considered to be the saint of San Firmano.

Caldarola(Caldarola) (http://www.comune.caldarola.mc.it) The name Caldarola probably comes from the Latin word Caldarium, which meant a room containing a "bath of hot water from a spring." Local historical traditions say that the settlement appeared here in the 4th century AD, when a group of Christians, hiding from persecution, reached the “colle del cuculo” (“cuckoo hill”) and established a settlement there. It is more likely that the center of Caldarola arose on the site of a village at the foot of a defensive tower, around the 9th-10th century. At the end of the 12th century, the city took part in the struggle between the Papacy and the Empire, and for many years became a vassal of the Vatican. Only in the 15th century the city managed to gain independence by decree of Eugene IV (1434). Caldarola reached its maximum prosperity a century later thanks to the efforts of the noble Pallotta family, which turned the city into one of the centers of the Renaissance. The patron saint of the village is considered to be Saint Martino di Tours.

Falerone(Falerone) (http://www.comunefalerone.it) The city arose on the site of the ancient settlement of Falerio, about which not too much is known. Historical records and the remains of some buildings indicate, however, that it was quite important city V historical region Picenum. In the era of late Antiquity, the importance of the city gradually weakened and in the Middle Ages its name was mentioned in the archives of local princes. The ruins of the theater, with foundation stonework that dates back to 43 BC, were excavated in 1838 and still remain today. There is also an amphitheater, less well preserved. Between them is an ancient reservoir called Bagno della Regina. The Archaeological Museum of Falerone is interesting. The patron saint of the locality is the saint of San Fortunato di Spoleto.

Fermo(Fermo) (http://comune.fermo.it) The ancient city is located on the top of Mount Sabulo. A short walk from the central Piazza del Poppolo, you will reach the top of the Girifalco hill, from which you can enjoy a magnificent panoramic view: from the Sibillini Mountains, smooth lines of green hills covered with vineyards, olive groves and orchards, to the sea coast. At the bottom of the park you can admire the majestic Cathedral of the Assumption. One of the main attractions of the city are, of course, the Roman cisterns - water reservoirs, the construction of which dates back to the 1st century. AD You will be impressed by the colossal ancient engineering structure with walls made of waterproof cement and treatment wells. City theater Teatro dell'Aquilla, built at the end of the 18th - beginning of the 19th centuries. Also makes Fermo proud. The splendor of the interior, a stage of about 350 square meters and excellent acoustics make the theater one of the most prestigious halls in Italy. A famous native of Murree, Augusto (1841-1932) was an Italian scientist, physician, and one of the most prominent clinicians and innovators of his time. Rector of the University of Bologna. The city has great shopping!

Monterubbiano(Monterubbiano) The city was awarded the National Orange Flag Award for the strengthening of historical and environmental resources, as well as for the high quality of hospitality. A very beautiful town, which is located at an altitude of 463 m above sea level, and captivates with its picturesque landscapes. The main occupation of local residents is Agriculture. The origins of the city date back to the prehistoric period, in 268 BC. it became a Roman city, and in the 5th century AD. was destroyed by the Goths. Mention of it appears again already in 1000. And later, from the 12th century, the city became the subject of a struggle against conquerors, which resulted in the construction of defensive walls and structures, some of which have survived to this day. An interesting palace is the Palazzo comunale, which houses an archaeological collection and an art gallery; Church of S. Maria dei Letterati with works by Vincenzo Pagani, an artist of the first half of the 16th century, born in Monterubbiano. Monterubbiano hosts many events in summer period, where visitors can taste traditional dishes such as polenta (last Sunday in July), cannelloni (16 August), fried noodles prepared according to a secret local recipe, the rumor of which has spread beyond Monterubbiano and which has become the subject of the “Sagra della tagliatella” festival fritta" (August 10-12). Saint San Nicola da Tolentino is considered the patron saint of the locality.

Offida(Offida) (http://www.comune.offida.ap.it) The city is famous for its central triangular square, Piazza del Poppolo. The City Palace located on it is considered one of the most beautiful in the Marche region, thanks to its portico and loggia with marble columns. The majestic Cathedral of Santa Maria della Rocco is beautiful. Among the city's museums, the Lace Museum is of particular interest, because lace weaving and embroidery are a kind of “calling card” of the city. In numerous shops and shops you can buy magnificent works of local craftswomen. Offida is also famous for its fun carnival, Quichiripieno pizza and Offida wine.

Ripatransone(Ripatransone) (http://www.comune.ripatransone.ap.it) Situated high on a hill between the Menocchia and Tesino river valleys, the town of Ripatransone has earned the title “belvedere del Piceno” for its incredibly picturesque surroundings. Its historical center showcases historical buildings and monuments from the Middle Ages to the Renaissance and Baroque. Curious is the narrowest street in Italy, included in the Guinness Book of Records - only 43 cm. The most important places to visit: the Cathedral, the church of the Sanctuary of the Madonna of St. John, the patron saint of the city; The Podesta Palace, containing some of the best exhibitions in the Marche, including an archaeological museum, and Art Museum with a rich collection of works. The most important event is the Fire Horse Festival, held on the first Sunday after Easter, accompanied by colorful fireworks. In addition, the city hosts numerous fairs and festivals with tastings and the opportunity to purchase products from local farmers and winemakers. The city's signature dish is Ciavarro, made from cereals, legumes and spring vegetables with a hot, spicy sauce, as well as a typical local dessert, ricotta cheese pie.

Yesi(Jesi)( http://www.comune.jesi.an.it/) Jesi, a small town with 2000 years of history on the Adriatic Sea, founded by the ancient Umbra people. The city has grown and developed economically, demographically and culturally throughout its history. The Venetian artist Lorenzo Lotto worked in the city and created real masterpieces of art and spirituality for the city’s churches. Federico de Conti from Verona prints in Jesi in 1472 one of the very first editions of the Divine Comedy. The fine engraver and sculptor Benvenuto Cellini develops and improves the art of jewelry here. The 18th century was marked by two particularly significant historical phenomena: the change in urban architecture and the emergence of Giovanni Battista Pergolesi and Gaspare Spontini, two great composers.

Sassoferrato(Sassoferrato) (http://www.comune.sassoferrato.an.it/) The city of Sassoferrato is located on the site of the destroyed ancient settlement of Sentinum, which disappeared in the VIII-X centuries. Residents of the ancient settlement, survivors of enemy invasions, famine, and epidemics, left the destroyed city and found refuge in the mountains. Around 1150, on a hill not far from the destroyed Sentinuma, Count Atto built a fortress, which he gave the name Sassoferrato. Soon a town formed around the castle, as the descendants of the old sentinati descended from their mountain refuges and began to build houses from materials taken from the ruins of the old city. The castle thus represents the oldest part of the city. The medieval building has been perfectly preserved to this day and is the main pride of the city. In addition, Sassoferrato has a number of magnificent historical and architectural monuments: the palaces Palazzo dei Priori, Palazzo Oliva, Palazzo Montanari, Palazzo Vescovile, several museums - art, archaeological, craft museum; Sentino Theater Religious monuments are also very interesting: the Church of San Francesco, the Church of San Pietro, monasteries. The patron saint of the village is considered to be the saint Beato Ugo degli Atti. To the south of the city are the ruins of the ancient Sentinum, which stood on Flaminian road.

Arcevia(Arcevia) ( http://www.arceviaweb.it/) The city of Arcevia is of great interest for its rich history, archaeology. The ancient name of Archevia is Rocca Contrada, probably due to the fact that there are as many as nine castle-fortresses located around it. The city is located on a hill between the Apennine mountain range in the west and the Adriatic Sea in the east. Thanks to this, the climate in Archevia is mild and very comfortable for living and relaxing. In this area there are several medium and small shoe and textile factories, as well as branches of the famous manufacturer of household appliances - Merloni. But the main thing for local residents is agriculture. There are very strong family farms here, many of which operate without the use of chemicals, and offer a wide selection of organic (environmentally friendly) products. Local restaurants proudly offer their signature dishes made from impeccable quality ingredients. The cuisine here is based on natural, locally produced products and the rich gastronomic heritage of the Marche region. The most delicious sausages, mazzafegati sausages, are produced here. Among the first courses, vincisgrassi deserves special attention - a type of lasagna with the addition of dessert wine and cinnamon. You should definitely try the local sweets, which are still prepared according to ancient recipes. In spring and summer, Archevia hosts many interesting gastronomic events. San Medardo is considered the patron saint of the city. The city holiday is celebrated annually on June 8th. Famous inhabitants of Ludovico Bertonio - missionary, Jesuit, creator of grammar and language of Aymara.

  1. DUCHI (http://www.hoteliduchi.com/) The 3 star hotel is conveniently located in the historic center of Camerino with magnificent views of the hills of the Apennine Mountains.
  2. CALVIE (http://www.lecalvie.it/) The hotel-villa is located near Camerino in a building from the 17th century. The owners of the villa carried out a major reconstruction of the building, rooms and grounds in 2008. Being true Marchegians, and also in order to maintain harmony with the nature that surrounds the villa, we equipped the villa with solar panels and other equipment developed using modern technologies to preserve the environment. All rooms of the villa are individually designed. The surrounding landscapes are conducive to hiking, cycling and horseback riding, relaxation and relaxation on the lawn near the hotel while tasting Marchejan dishes, wines and sweets. Bicycles are available for guests' use.

RELAIS VILLA FORNARI (http://www.villafornari.it/) Magnificent hotel, located in a historical complex of buildings from the 17th century, next to Camerino and very close to the Hotel Le Calvie. The hotel has a magnificent restaurant and a summer veranda where musical evenings are held. All rooms of the villa are individually designed. The surrounding landscapes are conducive to hiking, cycling and horseback riding, relaxation and relaxation on the lawn near the hotel while tasting Marchegian dishes, wines and sweets. Bicycles are available for guests' use.

COLLE RIDENTE (http://www.colleridente.it/) Hotel-villa. The name translates as Laughing Hills. The hotel is housed in a 17th century building and is located on a hilltop, within the city limits of Camerino. The hotel is located on an established territory of 24 hectares, with a magnificent pine alley, olive grove, vineyard, ancient fountain, with stunning views from all points and from all windows. A territory where every corner is unique and can become a place for a unique photo session. The interior layout is impeccable and shows how the thought of the 17th century Architect worked. The interior of each room is individual and offers to explore the antique furniture, mirrors and paintings that decorate the rooms and the villa.

BORGO LANCIANO (http://www.borgolanciano.it/) Magnificent 4 star hotel, located in a unique area, in close proximity to Camerino and surrounded by 6 castles. Each room is a work of design art. It offers a restaurant, cafe, shops, walking areas, wellness and SPA and much more.

MILAN (www.hotelmilanotolentino.it) Hotel Milan, 3 stars, is conveniently located in the historical center of the medieval town of Tolentino.

PANORAMA (www.hotelpanorama2006.it). The hotel is 5 km from Camerino, surrounded by a network of roads for cycling routes. The hotel building was built over 150 years ago for an art school on top of a hill. The building has been a hotel for the last 50 years. The hotel is currently owned by the Marinelli family. The hotel has 20 comfortable rooms, a restaurant and a cafe with a veranda with views of the hills. Major renovations were completed in 2010. The hotel cuisine is natural, the reception is homely. The hotel's location is ideal for relaxing after the bustle of the city and the intense load of tourist programs. It's quiet and uncrowded here. But once you get down from the hills, you find yourself in familiar everyday Italian life. The hotel is located at an altitude of 650m above sea level. The windows offer magnificent views of the hills of the Apennine Mountains. The ideal combination of altitude, temperature and humidity allows maximum benefit It is healthy to spend time in the vicinity of the hotel. Guests often note that complete rest here is possible in 4-5 hours, as after 8-9 hours of sleep

  1. (http://www.rivieradellepalme.com/) 3 star hotels are conveniently located on the first or second line from the sea in the center of the famous Palm Riviera promenade. Hotels are equipped with everything you need. Clients also have at their disposal a beach with umbrellas, sun loungers and chairs, bicycle rental, WiFi, a bar, a veranda overlooking the sea, a restaurant with a large selection of fish and meat dishes, wines, fruits and desserts. Also for guests of San Benedetto del Tronto:
  • a bicycle path along the entire coast, 7 km long.
  • aquapark OndaBlu (http://www.acquaparkondablu.it/) 10 km from San Benedetto, great variety water slides for both little ones and adults.
  • numerous discos along the entire coast.
  • a large number of boutiques with leading brands on the central pedestrian street of San Benedetto.
  • boat excursions from the port of San Benedetto.

Torre di Palme(Torre di Palme) The town has ancient roots and was founded in the 6th century BC. It has always had important strategic significance - military, administrative, cultural and industrial. It was an independent municipality until 1877 and subsequently annexed to the city of Fermo. Located at an altitude of 104 meters above sea level, it offers stunning panoramic views of the Adriatic coast.

  1. LATTANZI (www.villalattanzi.it)- 5* hotel. Guests have at their disposal a historical building and grounds, rooms with sea views, magnificent interiors, a SPA area, walking bicycles, best cuisine and staff. You can visit the “pearls” of the Adriatic on your own or with an organized tour. medieval cities: Ascoli Piceno, Fermo, Offida, San Benedetto del Tronto, as well as various celebrations and tastings of local products and dishes.

Senigallia(Senigallia) (www.comune.senigallia.an.it) Senigallia, founded in the 4th century. BC e. Senones, the first Roman colony on the Adriatic coast. After its destruction by Pompey in 82, it was rarely mentioned by ancient authors. The Visigoths, led by Alaric, the Lombards and the Saracens attacked Senigallia. In the Middle Ages, the city was revived due to a large fair, but quickly fell victim to the aggressive aspirations of Montefeltro, who were trying to gain a foothold on the sea coast. In the 1450s, the city was fortified by Sigismondo Pandolfo Malatesta. Pius II unsuccessfully tried to secure Senigallia for his nephew Giacomo Piccolomini. Sixtus IV transferred ownership of the city to his relatives della Rovere, for whom the engineer Baccio Pontelli built the citadel of Rocca Roveresca. In 1516, the city went to the Medici, then to the Dukes of Urbino from the della Rovere family, and in 1624 (officially from 1632) it became part of the Papal State. Today Senigalia is a modern and cozy city, carefully preserving the memory of past centuries, with beautiful beaches and embankments, hotels, theaters.

l'Oasi Carpineto- hotel (http://oasicarpineto.it) well located in amazing picturesque place, in a forested area 600m above sea level, offering magnificent panoramic views - from the Sibylline Mountains to the Adriatic Sea. The spacious rooms are equipped with everything you need. The hotel restaurant, which seats 400 people, specializes in Marchegian cuisine. The hotel has 4 conference rooms for meetings, meetings, games, and evening events. On the territory of the complex there is open pool, sports grounds, walking trails. The luxurious park with an area of ​​more than 5000 sq.m has everything for recreation: benches and picnic tables, an “adventure park” with sports and play facilities designed for all ages. The complex was reconstructed at the beginning of 2013.

Pesaro(Pesaro - www.comune.pesaro.pu.it) - a medium-sized city, with aristocratic traditions, ancient history and glorious traditions, moderately elegant and democratic. There is not only the sea, beaches and hotels. While relaxing here, you can easily combine fun resort life with walks through historical sights, elegant shops and excellent restaurants.
Pesaro is the birthplace and small shrine of the opera composer Rossini (he was born in 1792). Here, on via Rossini, is the famous Opera theatre his name and memorial museum, where a grand opera festival is held in August.
In the historical center of the city, on the wide main square of Popolo (del Popolo), there is a sparkling fountain made of sculptures of sea horses and newts. Here you can also see the military fortress (XV century) of the Duke of Rocca Costanza - the Sforza family, in the construction of which Leonardo da Vinci took part. And further down via Rossini is the Cathedral (Duomo) with ancient mosaic floors, which can be visited after a recent restoration (2000). The Ceramics Museum displays interesting works by ancient ceramic masters: intricate pottery and brightly colored majolica ceramics.
If you are not interested in tableware, then Giovanni Bellini’s masterpiece “The Coronation of the Virgin” and other Renaissance paintings in the Pinakothek will definitely not leave you indifferent.
In a newly built ultra-modern sports complex Interesting sports tournaments and competitions take place, and in the vicinity of the city there are medieval monument towns and monasteries.

Rome- the legendary “Eternal City” is located on seven hills, on both sides of the Tiber. It's hard to say what impresses most about this breathtaking city - the arrogant luxury of the Vatican, the immortal Forum, the insane speed of Italian cars, the huge number of cats in the Colosseum trying to cross the intersection or the bill brought to you for espresso. The eternal magic of Rome lies in the ability to combine the ancient and the modern. Empires rose and fell, old gods were replaced by new ones, but Rome remains Rome.
Rome is a city of living and unforgettable images: the view of the city's outline at dawn from the highest hill of the city - the Janiculum, the columns and ruins of the temples of the Roman Forum, the dome of St. Peter's Cathedral against the backdrop of the bright crimson colors of the sunset - all this leaves a deep imprint in the memory.
Kinds Italian capital- not her only charm. Rome is also a city of sounds, starting early in the morning with the ringing of church bells, calling the faithful to mass, and merging into the diversity of the city's symphony throughout the day. The streets are filled with cars, taxis and scooters, whose horns are constantly heard here and there. Servants rush to work along the sidewalks; and the shops on the sides of the streets raise their protective roller shutters and grilles with incredible noise, contributing to the music of the awakening city...

Florence- the capital of Tuscany, one of the most beautiful cities in Italy and the “cultural capital of Europe”. Botticelli's "Venus", Michelangelo's "David" and countless Renaissance palaces - here business card Florence. By visiting it, you will be immersed in a whirlpool of arts and artifacts. This city looks like a huge theatrical set that was built many centuries ago, but never got around to dismantling. In the small space of this city there are so many unique works of art like nowhere else in the world. You can’t take a single step here without staring at another monument of hoary antiquity.
Currently, Florence, along with Milan and Rome, is one of the main centers of world fashion: it is here that the “headquarters” of such famous companies as Gucci and Ferragamo are located. The most elegant fashion stores, located between Ponte Vecchio and Palazzo Pitti, on Via Guicciardini, Via de'Tuornabuoni and Via Strozzi, will captivate you with the wealth and variety of goods. Florence has always been considered a city of collectors and lovers of antiquities. There are many antique and bookstores here, where you will certainly find something interesting for yourself, be it an antique piece of furniture or an impressive tome, yellowed with time. Antique lovers will find furniture and luxury accessories in Borgo Ognissanti and in the neighborhoods around Via della Vina Nuova. Florence is also famous for its jewelers: the most expensive and exquisite jewelry stores are located on the famous “Old Bridge” - Ponte Vecchio.
Look for chic leather goods and shoes in the shops located between Ponte Vecchio and Via Por'Santa Maria, on Via de' Calzaioli and at the end of Via Roma.
On Sundays, there are small markets here, where it’s nice to wander around in search of some interesting little thing to add to your collection.
Evening Florence is beautiful: street musicians, cathedral organs, violins in small chapels and luxurious restaurants with Florentine cuisine.

When thinking about where to go in Italy, take note of Marche. The region has all the attractive components. Clean beaches of the Adriatic, picturesque Konero nature reserve, lovely historical cities with sights and what we love most about Italy is the delicious cuisine.

In the photo: the square of the Italian town of Ascoli

Before the numerous vacationers who fill neighboring Emilia-Romagna in the summer have discovered Marche, hurry up to see and feel it. We have already been there and selected the main points that we need to pay attention to.


180 kilometers of coastline, 9 bays and 16 blue flag beaches. In Marche you will find places to sunbathe and swim. There are several places that you can choose for a beach holiday: Senigallia, San Benedetto del Tronto, Gabbice Mare.

In the photo: San Benedetto del Tronto beach

Italians love Senigallia for its sandy beaches. In San Benedetto, palm trees are planted along the embankment, and on the shore - White sand, which is why they decided to call the town the Italian Miami.

In the photo: the promenade of San Benedetto del Tronto


There are 12 natural parks in Marche, protected by the state. We liked the coast of Portonovo most of all, surrounded by the picturesque Conero Park. There is vegetation here (connoisseurs of coniferous trees, like those in Istria, will be glad to see their abundance here), mountains, and the sea.

For an original place to stay, we recommend the Fortino Napoleonico di Portonovo, a former Napoleon's fort located right in Conero Park, with views of the Adriatic and an excellent restaurant for dinner.

But in general, the landscapes of Marche sometimes resemble the tranquil Tuscan ones - the same green hills and ancient houses, and in the distance you can also see the white peaks of the Apennines.


In the photo: the basilica in the town of Loreto

We move from nature to cultural values. The town of Loreto, closest to the capital Ancona, is famous for its basilica, where pilgrims come every year. Inside the church is Santa Casa, the house where the Virgin Mary was born.

In the photo: Santa Casa, the house where according to legend the Virgin Mary was born

According to legend, the house was moved by angels in 1291 from Nazareth; according to documents, it was transported in parts in the thirteenth century on a ship with the participation of a noble Italian family. By the end of the fifteenth century, a basilica was built for the relic. Now Santa Casa is located in a separate chapel along with an unusual statue of the “Black Madonna”.


The Ascoli were founded by Italian tribes even before Rome; a road and bridge have been preserved from ancient times. In the Middle Ages the city became known as the “city of a hundred towers”, which were visible even at the entrance to Ascoli.

In the photo: the central square of Ascoli, Piazza del Poppolo

Nowadays there are significantly fewer Romanesque and Gothic towers left; you can try to count them while walking. The central square, Piazza del Poppolo, paved with gray marble, is considered one of the most beautiful in Italy.

The latter is arguable, but don't miss the historic Café Meletti located here. The Meletti brand has been producing Anisetta anise liqueur for 140 years. In 1903, the Meletti family bought the former post office building and transformed it into an elegant Art Deco coffee house.

The vaults in the cafe are painted with frescoes, the chandeliers are made in the shape of anise leaves, the marble tables and Viennese chairs look like they were 100 years ago.

You need to drink anise liqueur, snacking on a coffee bean, or just coffee with the same liqueur. Meletti is so beautiful that it is impossible to leave quickly.

In the photo: anise liqueur at the Meletti cafe, anise liqueur should be drunk with coffee beans from glasses with a thick stem.


In terms of attractions, Urbino is considered the most attractive city. Firstly, this is the birthplace of Raphael; the house of the artist’s parents has been preserved here, which functions as a museum.

Secondly, the city boasts its own Palazzo Ducale, a Renaissance ducal palace. It is included in the UNESCO heritage and is one of the most remarkable palaces in Italy. Palazzo Ducale was built under the supervision of Duke Federico da Montefeltro, who ruled Urbino from the mid-fifteenth century.

A portrait of Federico by Pietro della Francesca hangs in the Uffizi, and behind the Duke there is a view of the city from the windows of the palace. The palace is designed as a fortress, with round towers on the façade inspired by the architecture of minarets. The Duke was a great admirer of antiquity, ordered the construction of a pagan “Temple of the Muses” in the palace, and hung portraits of Ptolemy, Plato and Aristotle in his office.

The walls in the cabin are covered with inlaid wooden panels with an optical effect, it seems as if there are astronomical instruments and books on the shelves. The palace has an impressive spiral staircase seemingly endless, and balconies with an impressive panorama. Get ready, they often drive around the palace school excursions, so it will be noisy.


There are many factories of large Italian brands in the region, as well as shops and outlets. It’s easy to buy Tod’s, Hogan and Santoni shoes at a significant discount. To get to the shops, you will have to take a car; the factories are located far from tourist areas.


We will pay special attention to gastronomic pleasures, there are many of them here. The proximity of the Adriatic provides seafood.

In the photo: lobster in Fortino Napoleonico

In Portonovo they catch wild mussels, which are served with butter and bread. The main pastas are those with langoustines, shells and shrimp.

Try local variations of prosciutto, such as Prosciutto di Carpegna. Marche has wonderful village cheeses - pecorino, stracciatella (stretchy cheese in cream), ricotta, buffala, as well as formaggio di fossa (hard cheese like pecorino, which is eaten with apple marmalade).

Particular attention to the wonderful white wine Verdicchio. In Italy, friulano from Friuli is traditionally considered the king of white wines, but, as we see it, if Marche winemakers take up the promotion of verdicchio, the position can be reconsidered.

Verdicchio is a fine, aromatic wine that has been made in the region since the 14th century, and its modern variations go well with seafood cuisine.

In the photo: seafood pasta and Verdicchio wine

And finally, to everyone who, at the word “truffles,” begins to wiggle their nose dreamily. They are found here! Black and precious white truffles are harvested in the mountains of the northern Marche. People in the region love to tell stories of how cyclopean-sized mushrooms were sent to John Paul II and, more recently, to Barack Obama. So Piedmont also has a competitor.

In the photo: pasta with truffle crumbs

We had a chance to taste black truffles at the excellent Osteria Dalla Peppa in the city of Fano. The mushroom, cut into pencil shavings, is placed on toasted white bread as an appetizer for “spumante”, and then the same shavings are added to tagliatelle in butter sauce. We know that truffles are not for everyone, but for our tastes they are mind-blowing.

Pictured: classic antipasti (snacks) from the Marche region

By the way, if you are in Fano (and then you definitely need to find this osteria), order the traditional La Moretta Fanese as a digestif - hot coffee with rum, anise liqueur and brandy. The ingredients are poured in layers, when mixed, it turns out great.

We thank the Marche region and the tour operator for organizing the trip ICS Travel Group . Charter flights to the regional capital Ancona are carried out by ICS from June 1st to early September.

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Lyudmila Egorshina- Lyudmila Egorshina is a former columnist for Afisha magazine and host of columns about travel, culture and fashion on the website elle.ru. She has traveled half of the world, but has a special penchant for Asian culture and Italian cuisine.

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Region Marche is the administrative region of east coast and has a number of popular seaside resorts that are part of the Adriatic Riviera. Unique natural landscapes, cultural and historical monuments beautiful cities, as well as a pleasant mild climate and excellent sand and pebble beaches, have long been the main motives that attract hundreds of thousands of tourists here who want to enjoy their stay on the picturesque shores of this colorful region.


Historically, the Marche region played a huge role in the formation of the cultural and educational image of Italy. Over the years, such outstanding personalities of past years as Donato Bramante, Gioachino Rossini, Giacomo Leopardi, Rafael Sabatini, Maria Montessori, Rafael Santi, Franco Corelli were born here, created and died here. The famous cities of Ancona, Urbino, and Loreto preserve the rich heritage of bygone eras. Today, the Marche is considered a fairly stable region, with an efficient organization, a successful economy and developed infrastructure. One of the main areas of activity is tourism, which has been receiving increased attention for many years. However, the region gained world fame not only thanks to its resorts, but also to its cuisine, with an abundance of all kinds of gastronomic delicacies and wine products.

general information

The territory of the Marche region covers just under 10,000 square meters. km, and the population is about 1.5 million people. The region includes 5 provinces and 246 communes. Each province has its own administrative center. Local time lags behind Moscow by 1 hour in summer and 2 in winter. Time zone UTC+1 and UTC+2 in the summer. Official website www.regione.marche.it.

A brief excursion into history

In ancient times, the Marche region was famous for its ports that received ships from all over the world. In the 17th century, when seafood production increased noticeably here, an economic and urban boom followed, resulting in a massive migration of residents from the interior of the mainland to the sea coast. Since then, fish and seafood have become the region's main export item. A significant breakthrough in music, painting, architecture and art occurred in the cities of Marche during the Renaissance, which gave the region a whole scattering of talented people who enriched this region with their creations.


Today, this area is considered perhaps the most picturesque and vibrant in Italy, which is largely due to not such a massive tourist dominance in relation to other areas of the country, as well as a mild and even climate, which favorably influences the natural resources of the region. The total number of sunny days here exceeds 200, and average temperature air in the summer months is about +27 degrees, in winter dropping to +7 - +10. You can visit these places at any time of the year, depending on your preferences, since in both winter and summer, the local nature abounds in bright colors.

How to get there

The main airports serving the region are in and.


Throughout the region there are modern highways And railways. There are excellent bus, train and ferry connections between the cities, and minibuses and taxis run regularly. In almost all populated areas There are car and bicycle rentals.

Main cities

Marche acts as the capital, being an international trade and tourist center area, besides this largest port on the east coast of Italy. The city was founded long before our era and for centuries served as an important strategic and industrial link in this region. In the Middle Ages, the Ancona Republic was founded here, which later became part of the Italian Kingdom. Ancona has many unique historical and cultural monuments, as well as museums and religious buildings. Others major cities regions that have the status of provincial capitals are Ascoli Piceno, Fermo, Macerata, Pesaro and Urbino, which also has the unofficial title of the cultural center of the Marche. According to historical data, it was here that one of the greatest artists in the world, Rafael Santi, was born.

Major resorts

The city, located on the Adriatic coast, is considered one of the leading resorts in the region and has amazingly beautiful landscapes. A tiny town located on a hill, with a population of no more than three hundred people, belongs to the city of Gabicce Mare. Another one is located 50 km away most popular resort region – Fano. It is famous for its historical sights and excellent conditions for a beach holiday, which in combination with each other creates an attractive explosive mixture for most travel lovers. The luxurious Spiaggia di Veltuto beach stretches along the shores of Seniggallia, and a little further lies the San Benedetto del Tronto district, famous for its numerous nightclubs and many kilometers of palm alley.

Between Fano and San Benedetto there are several more remarkable places for beach holidays including Portonovo, Siroglio, Pedaso and Porto Recanati. The resort, intended for those seeking peace and solitude, also receives special attention from tourists. In addition to the beach program, vacationers have the opportunity to go from here to excursion bus to ancient Urbino, which invariably attracts lovers of antiquities and artifacts. In the central part of the Adriatic coast there is a coastal town - Numana, which has been awarded the Blue Flag several times for the cleanliness of its beaches and high ecology. Here lies the picturesque Conero Natural Park, with the mountain of the same name and a harsh rocky coast, images of which are repeatedly found on advertising brochures dedicated to this resort.

Attractions and entertainment

The main architectural sites of the region are located in Loreto, Fano and Urbino, although there are also quite a few in other cities in the region interesting places. Trajan's Arc de Triomphe, Marche National Museum, Guasco Cathedral, Pinacoteca Comunale (Ancona), Palace of the Dukes of Urbino, the majestic Porta Valbona Gate, Raphael Sansi Monument (Urbino), Basilica of Santa Casa, Palazzo Comunale (Loreto), Church of San -Paterniano and the Palazzo Montevecchio (Fano) are only a small part of the historical and cultural heritage that Marche has. Pesaro is famous for its numerous festivals and exhibitions held annually in this ancient city. The main natural attractions of the region are famous caves Frasassi. In general, the flora and fauna of these lands are extremely rich, and traveling through the local national parks and nature reserves is accompanied by a lot of pleasant emotions and positive impressions.


The region's culinary delights are mainly represented by seafood and vegetables. In almost any restaurant in each of the many cities, the menu contains fresh fruit and classic National dishes. Particular attention is paid to the preparation of wines, the basis of which is grapes of different varieties collected from regional plantations.


In shops and souvenir shops in Fano, Urbino, Macerata and others major cities, sells a wide range of all kinds of goods and souvenirs to suit every taste.

Traveling through the expanses of the Marche region provides a unique opportunity not only to appreciate all the delights resort holiday on the eastern coast of the Adriatic Riviera of Italy, but also to get to know the natural beauty of the central part of the country, learn a lot of interesting things about its history, traditions and culture.

Italy has long been faced with the following problem: crowds of tourists stubbornly flock to the same places, driving prices through the roof in Rome, creating traffic jams in Florence and even gradually trampling Venice.

While on the “boot” there is enough space, endless beaches, and cultural sites that you don’t need to sign up for in advance on the Internet or crowd in queues of the same sufferers. And all this is almost in the heart of Italy.

One of the areas that is geographically in no way related to the Italian “bear corner”, but undeservedly (relative to its potential) ignored by tourists, can be called Marche region. It is located in central Italy, overlooking the Adriatic coast. So as not to immediately look at Google maps and imagine its location, I will say that it borders Emilia-Romagna, San Marino, Tuscany, Umbria, Abruzzo and Lazio.

The Marche region consists of five provinces: the capital Ancona, Pesaro, Macerata, Fermo and Ascoli Piceno. All names of the regions of Italy exist in the singular, and only Marche - in the plural. The Italians say that this expresses its essence - the diversity and variety of cultural, natural, historical and gastronomic attractions.

Traditionally, in the summer season, Russians consider it primarily as a beach holiday destination, with bases on the coast and short (due to the rather hot climate) trips to the surrounding area. In Marche, everything is in order with this component: sand and pebble beaches, 16 of which have blue flags, stretch for 180 kilometers, in total there are 26 towns in the region on the coast.

Beaches of Marche

Among the seaside resorts of the Marche, I would especially highlight San Benedetto del Tronto, located in the southern part of the region, which is also called the Riviera of Palms. A long, neat promenade with palm alleys stretches along the sea; other features include wide beaches with fine golden sand, which makes it very popular place family vacation. What’s important is that in Marche you can always find free public sections of the beach (in some other regions of Italy, as you know, businessmen are greedy and force paid sunbeds on the entire possible territory). Joggers and cyclists are also partial to the long promenade here; in Europe in general and in Italy in particular, there is always a green light and a mandatory path to boot. Other seaside resorts in Marche are Porto Recanati, Porto San Giorgio, Lido di Fermo, Grottammare, Cupra Marittima.

As for cultural recreation, here, too, Marche is ready to compete with much more famous regions. It is known that in Italy there is greatest number attractions included in the UNESCO World Heritage List, namely 49. Moreover, 80% of them are located away from the most popular cities and mass tourist routes. Marche, one might say, carefully preserves real treasures on its territory. Tourist offices in the region have counted and documented how many cultural and historical heritage sites there are: 500 squares, more than 1,000 monuments, 106 castles, 15 fortresses and 170 towers, thousands of ancient churches and temples, 96 abbeys and 73 theaters. Marche is also distinguished by a huge number of museums (about 400), art galleries and libraries, some of which are repositories of ancient unique tomes, for example, the library of the aristocratic Leopardi family.

The names of many prominent Italians are associated with these lands: composers Gioachino Rossini, Giovan Battista Pergolesi and Gaspare Spontini, poet Giacomo Leopardi, the great artist Raphael, born in Urbino, and others.

Ancona, the capital of the Marche region, takes its name from the Greek word ankon (“elbow”), due to its similar shape. The city, located on a hill near the Adriatic Sea, is the main sea ​​port region (and in total there are 9 ports in Marche, from where you can go to boat trips or cruises). Ancona is literally “stuffed” with attractions, churches, museums and galleries, storing evidence of history from the times of the Roman Empire to the present day.

Ascoli Piceno called the “city of a hundred towers”, it is interesting for its heritage of the ancient Roman period; the city has an art gallery with works by Carlo Crivelli, Titian, Guido Reni, as well as an interesting Gallery of Modern Art, the Roman Theater.

City Macerata rises on a hill, from where you can enjoy an excellent view of the surrounding area and from where you can admire the traditional Italian landscape, captured so many times on the canvases of painters. Macerata is surrounded by bastions from the 15th century, its center is Piazza della Libertà, several palaces housing the administrative structures of the city, the city theater of the 18th century and several ancient churches.

Fermo also features a majestic panorama from the sea to the mountains. On its territory there remains evidence of the life of ancient people in the Iron Age, as well as large underground caves from the Roman period. Of particular note is the elegant Piazza del Popolo, as well as the entire museum complex, which includes the Palazzo dei Priori, the Cisterns I have already mentioned, the Teatro del Aquila, Villa Vitali and the Diocesan Museum.

Pesaro gained wide fame thanks to the annual Rossini Opera Festival. In this city, it is worth seeing the Ducal Palace, Piazza della Libertà (with a monument of modern art in the center - the work of 1998 by sculptor Arnaldo Pomodoro), Rossini's house.

Urbino, another significant city of Marche, is called the capital of the Renaissance, the famous painter Raphael was born here. The museums of Urbino, perhaps, contain the largest number of masterpieces of painting - works by Raphael, Titian, Piero della Francesca, Federico Barocci and others.

Also associated with Marche are the names of Francis of Assisi, a Catholic saint, founder of the medieval monastic order of the Franciscans, and Saint Benedetto di Norcia. A network of routes has been created in the region, including abbeys, monasteries and other sites of Franciscan culture.


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