How to spend summer days with pleasure. How to make the most of your summer holidays (tips for teenagers). Drop a nice message into your loved one's mailbox

I've compiled a list of hundreds of ideas for how to spend the summer with your kids. Active games, quiet gatherings in the evenings, natural crafts, activities for company, ice cream recipes, places to go, for any weather, for every day. Be inspired by my list, offer your own options and let our summer with children be like a flock of sunbeams.

1. Create a family dance

7. Join the library and pick up a bunch of cool books

8. Go camping (for a day or a weekend with an overnight stay in a tent)

9. Go to a water park

10. Give it to everyone and organize an art marathon

11. Have a picnic with friends in nature

12. Try everything

13. Look at the stars in the evenings and check them with a starry atlas

14. Do a science experiment at home

15. Set off fireworks or light sparklers in the evening

16. Set up a small vegetable garden on your windowsill

17. Make it homemade game dough (play do, play dough)

18. Spend the night on the living room floor.

19. Make it kite and launch it into the sky

20. Pick strawberries in the forest

21. Paint with watercolors, make a mosaic, master the decoupage technique (something you’ve never tried before)

22. Go to the zoo and sketch your favorite animals

23. Draw a family tree

24. Go to an unusual children's museum ( Living systems< , Experimentarium , Alice in Wonderland and others)

26. Go on a family bike ride

27. Go to the river to swim and fish

29. Organize a treasure hunt (with a drawn map, dressed as pirates and treasure hunters)

30. Take a ride on catamarans

31. Go pick some mushrooms

32. Go to a children's city festival

33. Make dolls and put them up

34. Go to Botanical Garden(Apothecary garden)

35. Have a water battle at your dacha (water gun, water balloons)

36. Prepare popsicles

37. Throw a themed party (Hawaiian, princess, watermelon, pirate, green party, or sing-along party)

38. Blow huge bubbles in the yard

39. Play badminton

40. Make a sandbox at home with kinetic sand

41. Have an evening of cherries (strawberries, apricots, plums, watermelon)

42. Ride the monorail

43. Create a home beauty salon and give your children the opportunity to be stylists (if you are brave enough parents, of course)

44. Set up a path with obstacles and ride roller scooters and bikes

45. Do exercises or yoga together

46. Go bowling

47. Wash your car together while listening to music

48. Make summer smoothies

49. Make jam at home

50. Bake cookies and fill your home with the aroma of baking

51. Paint each other's faces with special

52. Learn to fold animals using the origami technique

53. Observe beetles and butterflies with a magnifying glass

54. Make it for birds

55. Make a berry pie

56. Make a summer album of impressions (with photographs and drawings)

57. Go for a sleepover with friends

58. Go to a park you've never been to before

59. Invite your friends for an evening of filmstrips with a projector

60. Have a dance party

61. Set up a fun photo booth

62.Send parcels and letters to friends and family in other cities

63. Play charades

64. Make masquerade masks

65. Go to planetarium

66. Look at clouds that look like animals

67. Have a pajama party

68. Remember howjump into a rubber band

69. Take a pottery class

71. Make beads from berries or pasta

72. Play cowboys and Indians

73. Make boats from milk cartons

74. Keep a summer diary

75. Build a sand castle

76. Take part in a city quest

77. Bury a secret under a piece of glass

78. Make a hut in the yard or a house out of chairs and blankets at home (by the way, did you know?)

79. Take a tour of your favorite neighborhood

81. Clean out your closet to donate unwanted items to charity

82. Let in the sunbeams

83. Take part in a garage sale

84. Feed the ducks in the park

85. Print your favorite photos and hang them on the wall

86. Paint one wall with chalkboard paint and draw on it with crayons

87. Learn to play petanque

88. Make a home video for your favorite song

89. Have a Chinese Lantern Festival

90. Dry the herbarium

91. Bake potatoes in the fire

92. Arrange it in the evening

93. Replant the flowers

94. Meet the dawn

95. Paint with flowers and twigs instead of brushes

96. Hang a hammock in the garden or room

97. Run barefoot on the grass (preferably in the rain)

98. Collect a collection of unusual pebbles

99. Try woodburning with a magnifying glass.

100. Take a walk in the forest and learn to distinguish the sounds of birds

101. Make crafts from natural materials

102. Fly in a wind tunnel or hot air balloon

103. Weave a wreath of summer flowers and herbs

104. Throw burning candles down the river

105. Get together in a big group and dance in a circle

We wish you a warm, unique and fabulous summer!

Text: Maria Rozhkova
Illustrations: Lyalya Bulanova

Friends, a huge hello to everyone! How did your summer start? How's the weather? It's time to dream and make plans so you don't miss out on the best and brightest time of the year. Minutes, hours, days fly by at lightning speed. It seems as if there is a whole world ahead, a whole life full of impressions and new events. But in reality, every day can turn out to be similar to the previous one. Boredom is addictive. And only your sincere and frantic desire to decorate your life and take its course into your own hands can make the summer unforgettable.

I offer you a huge list of 100 ideas for the summer that will help you spend this time in a way that will be remembered for a long time. Here are also my plans and dreams. Something I'm actually going to make happen. And some points, alas, in our conditions on this moment absolutely unfeasible. But let’s not give up and despair right away. Dreams come true for those who sincerely believe in them!

Perhaps the ideas will seem too naive and childish to you. And for the better! What better time to pamper your inner child than in the summer? This is happiness - at least for a moment, but immersing yourself in childhood. Well, less words, more imagination. And, of course, more business. Let's go... What do I dream of doing in the summer and what can I offer you...

1. Breathe sea ​​air and hear the sea.

3. See the mountains.

4. Visit an unfamiliar city.

5. Learn to knit and stock up on things made with soul for the warm season.

6. Make your own ice cream.

7. Have fun in good company.

8. Get a tattoo.

9. Play badminton and Frisbee.

10. Go for morning or evening jogging.

11. Visit the forest.

12. Go to the cinema.

13. Look at the stars.

14. Drink fruit smoothies.

15. Eat fruit salads.

16. Close the jam or compotes for the winter.

17. Finally get rid of everything that is unnecessary.

18. Feel the morning coolness.

19. Take a walk in the rain.

20. And then have a cozy evening at home.

21. Sew a dress.

22. Create your own home greenhouse on the window.

23. Force yourself to be photographed. Well, at least in the summer!

24. Learn to take photographs not only in automatic mode.

25. Have a picnic.

26. It’s interesting to celebrate a birthday.

27. Receive something in the mail. (This point is especially difficult for me, but with a very strong desire, everything can work out).

28. Write and send paper letters to friends.

30. Walk a lot.

31. Work very hard. (It depends on whom, of course. But I don’t feel very good without it :)).

32. Watch family videos.

33. Meet with an old friend or girlfriend whom you haven’t seen for a very long time.

34. Remember happy moments.

35. Rollerblading and cycling.

36. Attend a cool event.

37. Organize a cool event.

38. Collect bouquets.

39. Weave wreaths.

40. Arrange a photo shoot. (To yourself or someone else).

41. Learn English.

42. Cross stitch.

43. Play with animals.

44. Write a lot of useful posts.

45. Learn new things.

46. ​​Write poetry.

47. Dance.

48. Hugging.

49. Smile.

50. Be sincerely happy.

51. Take a walk in the park and ride the Ferris wheel.

52. Have lunch in an outdoor cafe.

53. Walk barefoot.

54. Make a video clip with slices of life.

55. Take an overnight train ride.

56. Learn to go to bed early and get up with the first rays of the sun.

57. Live for a week in a village or country house.

58. Learn to swim.

59. Look at night city from the roof.

60. Make not only tasty and healthy, but also beautiful breakfasts.

61. Meet new people.

62. Attend an interesting master class.

63. Take part in a new project or marathon or come up with one yourself. (After I added this item to my bucket list, on the evening of the same day I miraculously ended up in two of the most amazing marathons at once: one is a writing marathon, the other is related to achieving goals. Both are awesome! And over time I will tell you about each of them) .

64. Go boating.

65. Buy new beautiful office supplies.

67. Live an imaginary life. ( You can read about the idea of ​​imaginary lives in Nastya Chuprina’s blog).

68. Help someone develop their own online or offline project (which ultimately led to the opening my own blogging school).

69. Organize a success team to support each other and move towards goals together.

70. Have a party for no reason.

71. Decide to finally do what you have planned for a long time, even if the result does not live up to expectations.

73. From time to time, or better yet, pamper your “inner child” as often as possible. Why is this necessary, I explained in the article " " .

74. Print your own business cards.

75. Wear bright colors.

76. Get a new haircut and acquire an arsenal of simple, interesting hairstyles.

77. Come up with several options for bright summer makeup.

78. Weave a bauble or choker from floss. (I just love this activity).

79. Play your favorite music loudly.

80. Do a good deed.

81. Add bright colors to the interior.

82. Print photos.

83. Make a summer inspirational collage.

85. Organize a meeting of bloggers.

86. Feel unity with nature.

87. Don't give up!

88. Play board games.

90. Learn to make lemonade.

91. Walk while eating ice cream.

92. Look for inspiration in everything.

93. Don't be afraid to be yourself.

94. Develop an ideal plan for organizing your time.

95. Write “morning pages” every day.

96. Fix everything that is broken.

97. Find new interesting blogs.

98. Find even more understanding and wise readers.

99. Make some amazing dessert.

100. Launch and successfully develop a group with training materials on blogging. (I’m revealing my secret plans to those who read to the end :)

I wish you all, friends, a fun and most unforgettable summer! Remember that everything is in your hands. Write a list of your ideal summer, imagine it in all details, visualize it, make a collage or save a folder with pleasant summer associations. And take action! Everything will work out!

P. P. S. Friends, thank you for reading! I invite you to get a little closer and subscribe:

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Every vacationer wants to spend summer days generous with adventures as fruitfully, fun and on a grand scale as possible. In order for your vacation or weekend to go according to the most favorable scenario, you need to prepare for it in advance. The first thing every vacationer needs to know is how to spend an unforgettable summer without destroying your material well-being. Otherwise, rest will bring a lot of negative things.

Spending your entire vacation having fun and in constant motion is a true art, supported by the ability to organize not only your life, but also those around you. How to spend an unforgettable summer? Of course, you need to work on your own emotional mood every day, because by taking a good mood hostage for the entire vacation, you can easily squeeze the necessary maximum out of any trip.

How to spend the brightest and most unforgettable summer? Having embarked on the mission to “have a blast in the summer”, it is worth sketching out a rough plan where you can clearly define all your desires and equate them with your own capabilities. If foreign travel, dynamic safaris and everyone’s favorite islands do not fit into the budget allocated for vacation, you can organize a memorable vacation in your native and colorful lands.

Unforgettable summer

Lovers of rich and colorful active rest they can safely rally a small team and go on a hike. Don’t underestimate hiking or cycling, because during such a vacation you can learn a lot of new and interesting things not only about the area, but also about your friends and acquaintances. Everyone, even the most small town has a lot of unsaid and unknown things, and enriching memories and emotions is a must for any vacation (weekend).

Hike and music fest

A hike is a great opportunity to organize a music fest with friends in an open area (the main thing is to think about the energy side - after all, speakers and other similar devices will require constant power). An interesting solution would be to celebrate Ivan Kupala near the river with Slavic songs in a modern interpretation. Each of the participants is required to prepare a themed outfit so that the evening is filled with a special mood. And so that the moments don’t disappear without a trace, you can invite a professional and creatively-minded photographer to take part in the party with the company.

Boat swim

How to spend an unforgettable summer? An equally beneficial solution to the problem can be a boat swim with friends. Hire water transport Nowadays it won’t be too difficult, the main problem will be collecting a suitable company. A boat, even the largest one, always remains a closed space, and when gathering a group for relaxation, it is worth taking into account interests and preferences, otherwise the time spent together will remain in the memory as a terrible embarrassment. To prevent the swim from turning into a monotonous party, you need to take care of the cultural program.

Entertaining game

The twister game will give you an inimitable experience. Due to the waves and the movement of the boat, familiar sensations will be favorably transformed, and such fun will receive a share of novelty. You can complicate the rules of the game with bets; each player can bet (money or coupons) on one of the players. As a result, the losers will be obliged to fulfill the wishes of the winners.

Bungee jumping

Those hungry for adrenaline will enjoy bungee jumping, which is now rapidly gaining popularity. Lately, lovers of extreme adventures have been organizing entire fan meetings where they exchange their own experiences, advise newcomers and organize evening gatherings or whole weekends together. In order for the jump to be remembered only by a surge of a colossal dose of delight, it is necessary to check all documents and permits with the organizers of the meeting in advance. A photographer and support team are also a must for those making the jump.

Dachas of Joseph Stalin

How to spend an unforgettable summer? Fans of Soviet times may not even think about it. Fabulous Abkhazia decided everything for them. Great place You can visit any of Joseph Stalin's five dachas during your vacation. The dacha on Cold River, its walls did not lend themselves to cosmetics or major repairs, even though the building was erected in the distant and mysterious 30s of the last century. The chic and at the same time laconic structure, at Stalin’s request, was located on a strong and sloping rock, so that it was not visible from the sea and the adjacent land.

The engineers laid out the entire territory of the dacha in the middle of the famous forest - its main asset). The building itself is three floors, but only the ground floor and the first floor are open to tourists; on the upper floors there is the leader’s personal cinema and a spacious billiard room. Inside, each room is decorated with wood; the rooms have their own purpose, which is why special wood was selected.

unforgettable for a teenager: a list of interesting ideas

If there are children in the family, you should also think about how to spend the holidays for them. If a child shows remarkable independence and efficiency, you can calmly allow him to manage the summer himself, but at the same time regularly take an interest in his successes in the field of recreation. If he asks for advice, you can offer to do it with friends active look sports. Summer days, deprived of the obligatory early rise and the same early bedtime, are the ideal time to comprehend new things. Scooters, rollerblades, skateboards, horse riding and swimming will give a teenager a lot of impressions, and will also perfectly sharpen his sociability and tolerance.

A trip with an artistic twist

If the child is interested in art, crafts or design, you can organize a trip for the esthete to one of the camps with an artistic bias. The program of such camps is full of excursions, creative evenings and master classes. Spending time among positively minded like-minded people and savvy opponents will give the child the necessary foundation and allow him to decide on his future.

Now it’s clear how interesting and unforgettable it is to spend the summer. When thinking about such a question, it is worth approaching the search for a solution with creativity and enthusiasm. You shouldn’t follow fashion trends; memories will never become warmer and brighter from the understanding that the event was organized only because “that was the custom at that time.”


Now you know how to spend an unforgettable summer. We have provided you with a list of interesting options.

The more eventful and diverse the program is, the brighter and more valuable the time spent on vacation will be. You don’t have to strive to see sweet Paris or the ever-bubbling New York; you can have a great rest in noble Peterhof or visit Essentuki, see the wonderful Carpathians in Ukraine, walk all over Minsk or mysterious Prague. The main task of summer vacation is not to remain insipid and colorless, devoid of emotions and pleasure.

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How long many of us have been waiting for summer. And finally it has come, and with it the time has come to realize all your most cherished plans and dreams.

To make your summer memorable for a long time, website I've put together a list of ideas to help you make the most of this wonderful time of year.

  • Douse yourself with water on Ivan Kupala and, if you're lucky, jump over the fire.
  • Arrange a summer photo shoot. Then it will be nice to look back at the pictures on long winter evenings.
  • Do not go online at least two days a week. In the summer it's worth blocking a couple of yours social networks: There is no more dangerous mistake than surfing the Internet even for 3 hours a day. We need to communicate, we need to have fun!
  • Organize a tournament with friends in badminton, tennis, jumping rope, or whatever!
  • Research nearby town, even if small, you can find many places and discover something new for yourself.
  • Learn to ride a bike. If you can’t buy it, then rent it a couple of times.
  • On a particularly hot day, arrange a “shootout” using water pistols (or bottles with a hole in the lid).
  • Go to an open-air concert. In the summer there is a crowd of enthusiasts who happily play songs with a guitar and give concerts on the occasion of this or that event.
  • Eat a kilo of ice cream. There is no room for comments here, because even frost does not stop true fans of this delicacy. You can even try it.
  • Film your summer adventures and edit a mini-film (at the same time, learn how to use a video processing program).
  • Collect a bouquet of wild flowers. Give it to your mother, girlfriend, friend, put it in the room, in the end.
  • Learn to swim. Try jumping into the water from a small height.
  • Get a tan. This is a mandatory part of the program. No opportunity to go to the sea? Then there are various bodies of water, or you can go to the solarium, and an uneven striped tan due to shorts and T-shirts is bad manners.
  • Have breakfast on the balcony or rooftop. A fragrant and cool morning breeze, a cup of coffee or tea - and you are ready for new achievements.
  • Go on a hike. Despite the fact that for city dwellers the word “hike”, unfortunately, evokes rather contradictory emotions, in the summer you just need to take your friends, grab a tent and a guitar and spend the night by the fire in the forest.
  • Visit a cinema under open air. An unforgettable movie experience under the stars is guaranteed.
  • Take part in a flash mob. Such events definitely bring you closer together, and you will receive a huge dose of positive emotions.
  • Pick raspberries/strawberries in the forest. You shouldn’t always buy berries from grandmothers standing near the metro or in markets; you can go into the forest and try to find this yummy there yourself.
  • Eat cotton candy. This delicious tradition also never goes out of style. This pleasure is inexpensive, but there will be plenty of emotions.
  • Change your image. Change your hairstyle, dye your hair a different color, and why not?
  • Swim naked in a pool or lake. “Freedom and looseness, looseness and freedom” - repeat this mantra more often.
  • Fall in love. Everyone simply must find love this summer, because without it, summer wouldn’t be summer.
  • Get rid of unnecessary things and people. If there is unnecessary junk in your closets and life, get rid of it.
  • Eat cherries, cherries, watermelon, melon. So that later in the cold winter you won’t regret the missed opportunity.
  • Read in the park. Choose a warm, clear day, a secluded bench at a good distance from playgrounds, attractions and speakers with music. Enjoy.
  • Go on rides. Yes, it's scary. Yes, it creaks. Yes, the tenth layer of paint does not make them more beautiful. But you can scream, get adrenaline, and look at the city from above. If you don't have time now, you'll have to wait until next summer.
  • Walk barefoot on the grass. Remember the last time you did this? So we don’t remember, although the sensations are indescribable. It's best to do this somewhere outside the city.
  • Hitchhiking. Drive with the breeze, vying with each other to tell the driver their crazy stories.
  • Start playing sports outdoors. Many people have a subscription to a fitness club, but it’s still worth freezing it for the summer and going for a run in the park or forest in the morning with summer music hits in your player.
  • Look at the stars and make a wish that this summer never ends!

To Do- sheet for everyone who is in love with summer. I want to not miss anything, remember everything, experience as many emotions as possible, so that I have something to remember with the onset of the first cold weather. I previously wrote a list with , but this year I decided to give myself free rein.

What to do this summer?

1. Make a list/moodboard of the coolest things to do for the next 90 days.

2. Lie in a hammock.

3. Sit until dark on the bar terrace with a glass and cool friends.

4. Buy a bright summer dress (shorts, sandals, espadrilles, swimsuit). Get inspired for summer with a little shopping.

5. Going on a trip: out of town or to Paris – it’s not that important.

6. Go for a run early in the morning.

7. Try a detox.

8. Visit a music festival.

9. Shoot a video about your summer or take pictures with a summer hashtag, or maybe shoot on film and print the footage in September.

10. Please your skin with a minimum of cosmetics.

11. Prepare a new salad.

12. Sit on the balcony with a book, food or company.

13. Dance the night away.

14. Ride a bike.

15. Eat a plate of fresh berries for lunch instead of your usual lunch.

16. Have dinner with friends, a picnic or a small party.

17. Transform into a boho princess: sundress, tousled braids, temporary tattoos, sea salt spray for a post-beach hair effect.

18. Walk through an empty and romantic city at night.

19. Start the day with the Sun Salutation complex.

20. Read one light book for the mood and one useful one, from which you can get a couple of interesting thoughts and practical ideas.

21. Sleep with the window open.

22. Go in search of the best lemonade in town.

23. Go to the cinema with friends.

24. Eat as much watermelon as you can fit.

25. Change perfume to light eau de toilette.

26. Go to a field or forest.

27. Arrange a photo shoot for yourself.

28. Spend a day of doing nothing.

87. Spend the day alone.

88. Start learning something new, such as a language.

89. Pick raspberries, rose hips or even cucumbers from the garden and apples from the country trees.

90. Go outside with wet hair.

91. Change your hairstyle.

92. Get yourself a transfer tattoo (or a real one, if you’ve been planning it for a long time).

93. Fall in love until you're dizzy.

94. Enjoy the smell of blossoms.

95. Drink iced coffee.

96. Buy that same ice cream with a waffle cup from childhood.

97. Write down the highlights of your summer. Perhaps this will turn out to be a whole story.

98. Spend time with family.

99. Try out new sunglasses frames.

100. August 31st tell yourself what it was best summer in your life. And start expecting the next one.

If you liked the post, please let me know. I always appreciate your feedback in any form: from like and repost on social networks to comment.

Kisses, your summer Dasha


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